Vassar College Resource Conservation Fund Project Application- Draft

Vassar College Resource Conservation Fund
Project Application- Draft
Section 1: Lead Organizer Contact Information
Name: ________________________
Email: ________________________
ID#: ______________________
Class: _______________________
Box #: _______
Section 2: Sponsoring Organization Information (optional)
Organization Name: ______________________
Organization Type:
VSA Organization □
College Administrative Committee □
Residential Team □
Academic Department □
Administrative Office □
Section 3: Project Proposal
Project Title: _____________________________
Project Realm:
Energy Efficiency □
Renewable Energy □
Water Conservation □
Waste Reduction and/or Diversion □
Other _______________
Describe the desired outcomes of the proposed project. What needs/issues does it address?
Implementation Plan:
Elaborate on the project details. What steps will be taken to ensure the objectives are met?
Resource Conservation Assessment:
Describe the projects’ impacts from an ecological/resource perspective. What are the short/medium/long term
environmental impacts of the project? What are the yearly energy/waste/water savings associated with the project?
Section 4: Budget and Financial Impact
Project Budget
Please list all expenses associated with the design, implementation, and maintenance of the project
Expense Title
Upfront Cost (if any)
Annual Cost (if any)
Total Project Cost: ___________________
Projected Project Savings
Please detail any and all savings associated with this project
Source of Savings
Total Project Savings:
Annual Net Savings
$__________ per year
__________ years X
Total Cost
= $__________total project savings