Library The Library's mission is to support the college's mission by ~initiating and supporting efforts to insure that every student becomes information literate ~providing an environment that supports collaborative learning ~providing access to print, online and multimedia resources that support the curriculum and faculty research ~organizing and preserving materials related to the college's history ~maintaining professional standards for an academic library in a highly respected public institution] ~working collaboratively with other academic departments Core Activities and Performance Core Activity Key PI Indicators Information literacy instruction Number of classes 35% increase (314 classes this year; 232 last year) Professional reference service Increase in number of reference questions Increase in number of reference questions and introduction of Desk Tracker for more effective data collection Online reference and instructional support Availability of reference and instruction online Availability of LibGuides and online tutorials Environment that supports collaborative learning Gate counts Increased gate counts Access to print resources that support the curriculum and faculty research circulation statistics General circulation steady; increase in circulation of reserve books Access to online resources that support the curriculum and faculty research Database usage statistics and access to online products that support a variety of disciplines Increase in database usage Databases added to support the sciences Facilitating easier interlibrary loan for greater Enhancements to interlibrary loan access to print and online resources 1. Use of Iliad system streamlines Interlibrary loan 2. ILL service offered to students Collaboration with other departments 1. Liaison work maintained or increased use of library resources and services 2. Participation in Elearning institutes Number and variety of collaborative activities Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total CETL Library Resources 9/30/2010 5 CETL - E-reserve 10/5/2010 3 Faculty Presentations of Pedagogical Research Projects - Information Literacy 10/6/2010 and Critical Thinking 35 January Institute on E-learning, presentations on library resources, finding multimedia content, and copyright 1/13/2011 12 Elearning - Jan Institute 1/27/2011 12 CETL - Academic Integrity and 21st Century Students 2/17/2011 7 CETL Workshop - Library Resources 3/3/2011 5 CETL Workshop - Library resources 5/17/2011 5 Elearning - June Institute 6/16/2011 12 E-learning June Institute 6/30/2011 12 Friends of the Library - Program on graphic novels 12/12/2010 50 gave presentations organized Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Changes in Department within Last Year Change Type Change Reason Semester Obtained a book scanner Students can scan a book chapter and save it on a flash drive. Students do not have do deal with costly photocopying and staff members have fewer problems with photocopiers Spring 2011 Equipment Changes in Department within Last Year Change Type Change Reason Semester Deployment of iPads for roving reference Students sometimes do not come to Fall 2010 the reference desk because they think that they know how to find information. If a librarian with an iPad approaches them, they are more inclined to ask questions. L209 repurposed from open study space to group study space available for two hour periods by groups Students requested more group study rooms Facilities/Space Spring 2011 Personnel Retirement of Senior CLT Thomas Shemanski retirement Fall 2010 Retirement of Marcia Kovler, CUNY Office Assistant retirement Fall 2010 Resignation of Deeba Aslam, CUNY Office Assistant resignation for personal reasons Spring 2011 Appointment of Kimberley Bugg, Assistant Prof., Emerging Technologies Librarian new faculty line Fall 2010 Added Mr. Jesse Pena, Adjunct CLT Workload in Media Services Spring 2011 Mr. Danny Li appointed Substitute CLT Workload in Library Spring 2011 Chat reference service (using Meebo) added Library users may need services from a Spring 2011 reference librarian when they are not on campus Services Online multimedia subject guides (LibGuides) Students and faculty use library implemented resources more effectively when they are grouped by subject Spring 2011 Assessment and Evaluation KPI Target Outcome Actual Outcome Action Plan Status Increase in number of information literacy classes 10% increase 35% increase Continue to promote information literacy instruction Continuing Assessment conducted Continue and expand 1. Pre ahd post tests were assessment administered 2. A rubric created by the Cuny Information Literacy Advisory Committee was used to evaluate papers written by students in four Art History classes. Complete write up of this project is available. Continuing Effective assessment More rigorous assessment of information of information literacy literacy instruction instruction program Assessment and Evaluation KPI Target Outcome Actual Outcome Action Plan Status Library services for students in distance and hybrid courses Use by 75% of students in 1. Embedded librarians assigned such courses to hybrid classes 2. Creation of LibGuides (online multimedia subject guides) to make library resources more accessible 3. Acquisition of more ebooks and other resources that can be used off campus 4. Initiation of virtual reference service 1. Continuous Continuing improvement of library website and Libguides to make library use easy for off campus students 2. Assessment of virtual reference to decide on change of hours of availability or need to join a virtual reference consortium Implementation of new technologies and equipment At least 3 new technologies 1. Multimedia learning objects will become routine embedded in LibGuides 2. Virtual reference initiated 3. Ipads used for roving reference Continue to implement use of new technologies Completed Assessment Plan Core Activity KPI Target Outcome Plan Promotion of information literacy across the curriculum Wider participation in information literacy instruction 1.Increase in number of classes 2. Recognition of information literacy as part of general education by one of the following a- mandatory credit or non-credit bearing course b- lengthening of ST100 to include an information literacy component c-adoption by each of the academies of an information literacy component, e.g. information literacy class mandated in cornerstone courses 1. Meet with key personnel for ST100 2. Meet with key personnel from Academise to discuss mandated information literacy component in cornerstone courses Implementation of at least 3 technological innovations 1. Encourage use of technology by the department 2. Installation of a smart podium in L302, the classroom used for most library instruction 3. Integration and cross training of media and library technicians Effective use of technology Implementation of new technologies in library instruction or other departmental activity