Library The Library's mission is to support the college's mission by ~initiating and supporting efforts to insure that every student becomes information literate ~providing an environment that supports collaborative learning ~providing access to print, online and multimedia resources that support the curriculum and faculty research ~organizing and preserving materials related to the college's history ~maintaining professional standards for an academic library in a highly respected public institution] ~working collaboratively with other academic departments Core Activities and Performance Core Activity Key PI Indicators Information literacy instruction Number of classes 10% increase (342 classes) Professional reference service Increase in number of reference questions Desk Tracker in use for more accurate count of questions and data regarding nature of question Online reference service Availability of online reference service Chat reference via Meebo available for limited number of hours per week; patrons can ask questions when Meebo is not staffed and they will be answered the next time Meebo is staffed Online instructional support Multimedia tutorials embedded in LibGuides; Faculty LibGuide offers assistance for faculty who wish to use online resources Need to track usage of LibGudes more accurately Environment that supports collaborative Gate counts Gate counts higher Access to print resources that support the Circulation statistics General circulation steady; circulation of reserve books increased Access to online resources that support the Database and LibGuide statistics No substantial increase in database usage; need accurate LibGuide usage statistics Facilitating easier interlibrary loan for greater Interlibrary loan statistics and availability Statistics remain steady; additional staff trained so ILL service is not interrupted due to vacation and sick leave Collaboration with other departments Collaboration remains steady; library faculty involved in elearning and swig initiatives Number and variety of collaborative activities Media dept. offers service across the college Activities covered Media services covered 5 to 10 college events per week; No turndowns for service; Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total CETL Workshop - Ereserve 11/7/2011 4 Friends of the Library event- The Work of Harold Arlen - Lecture and Concert 9/25/2011 80 Grant funded 5 session program on the Civil War 1/8/2012 50 CETL - Library Workshop on Academic Publishing 3/13/2012 15 Using the QCC/CUNY Libraries for Teaching & Research 11/16/2011 5 CETL Workshop - Ereserve 2/7/2012 3 CETL - Using the QCC/CUNY Libraries for Teaching & Research 2/16/2012 5 Swig Faculty development workshop 4/23/2012 20 Dedication of Frank Padavan Archives 6/18/2012 50 both gave presentations Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total Various workshops for library faculty and staff on new technologies in the library 1/1/2012 organized Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Changes in Department within Last Year Change Type Change Reason Semester Cordless chargers deployed Students created tripping hazards by draping power cords from personal devices (laptops, netbooks, cell phones)across the floor Spring 2012 Equipment Smart podium installed in L302 and librarians Updated equipment needed for trained to use it information literacy classes Fall 2011 deployment of 2 Macs to the public service area to offer up to date technology to students Spring 2012 Acquired clickers To increase the interactive nature of our information literacy classes Spring 2012 Prof. Kimberley Bugg left Resigned for personal reasons Fall 2011 Replacement of Prof. Kimberly Bugg with a substitute and replacement hired Importance of the position for the department Spring 2012 College Office Assistant Rosita Salvidar hired Long time vacancy created by resignation of Deeba Aslam Fall 2011 Danny Li appointed as CLT Change in job description for position left vacant due to retirement of Tom Shemanski Fall 2011 Library hours extended Requests by students for Sunday hours Spring 2012 and later closing on Friday. Awareness that no campus space is available for students who are on campus before Friday 6 pm classes Personnel Services Automated schedule and attendance tracking Number and variety of schedules for for work study students (program created by work study students made scheduling CLT Danny Li) difficult Spring 2012 "Mapping" feature embedded in library catalog Spring 2012 Students frequently confused and unable to find books in the stacks 20 Assessment and Evaluation KPI Target Outcome Actual Outcome Action Plan Status Implementation of Implementation of at least new technologies 3 and new equipment technological innovations (e.g. podcasts, ipads, federated searching) New technologies 1. Smart podium and faculty trained to use it 2. Acquired and trained faculty to use clickers 3. Created and implemented scheduling and timekeeping system for work study employees 4. Embedded library maps in the online catalog 5. Created and deployed touch screen library directions station 6. Deployed Macintosh workstations 7. Deployed cordless chargers 8. In process of changing chat reference system 9. Integration of Library and media technicians not complete due to unforeseen expectations of media services users 1.Continue to implement Continuing new technologies, including print management system 2. Work to remove factors preventing integration of media and library technicians Wider participation in 1.Increase in number of information literacy classes instruction 2. Recognition of information literacy as part of general education by one of the following a- mandatory credit or non-credit bearing course b- lengthening of ST100 to include an information literacy component c-adoption by each of the academies of an information literacy component, e.g. information literacy class mandated in cornerstone courses 1. Increase in number of classes 2. Lack of interest on part of Student Affairs in lengthening ST100 to include information literacy 3. Academy personnel contacted did not want to pursue mandatory information literacy component in cornerstone courses 1. Submit credit bearing Continuing course to meet one Pathways requirement 2. Devise ways to assist Pathways course faculty in meeting information literacy requirements Assessment Plan Core Activity KPI Collection of data regarding 90% of student evaluations quality of teaching by satisfactory or above library faculty members Target Outcome Plan 90% of student evaluations satisfactory or above 1.Acceptance of evaluation form by appropriate college and university authorities Assessment Plan Core Activity KPI Target Outcome Documenting value of library in student success Implement measures of services and their impact on student success Obtain data on at least 2 measures of 1. Study ACRL Valuation library services and their impact on project and select services to student success be measured in terms of impact on student success 2. Establish plans for measuring activity and impact on student success Collection development Exploration of "just in time" model Acquisition of data to assist in decisions regarding workability of "just in time" model instead of "just in case" Participation in patron driven acquisition of ebooks in program supported by OLS Collection development Successful use of centrally supplied textbook funds 80% of textbook funded purchases circulate at least twice 1. Review data from previous textbook initiative to determine what did and did not circulate 2. Review reserve collection and general collection usage to determine which subject areas account for most book circulation Chat reference Increase in usage To increase use of chat reference by 10% 1. Implement replacement of Meebo which is being shut down by owner Google 2. Continue to find ways to inform students and faculty of the service 3. Study transcripts of chat sessions available from new vendor to determine patterns regarding chat inquiries Use of academic resources Increase in use of databases 10% increase in database usage by students and ebooks Plan 1. Refresher training for adjunct library faculty 2. Changes in library liaison program so that appropriate faculty members are informed about library resources 3. Encouraging all library faculty to use LibGuides at reference desk to support self-sufficiency for students