December, 1979 LIDS-R-959 MULTIOBJECT TRACKING BY ADAPTIVE HYPOTHESIS TESTING* by Kenneth M. Keverian Nils R. Sandell, Jr. ABSTRACT This report is concerned with a multiobject tracking problem in which noise-corrupted position measurements are made on a number of moving targets. The number of targets, the association between measurements and targets, and the track of each target must be deduced from the data. The approach adopted is that of adaptive testing of data association hypotheses. Thus a decision tree of hypotheses is formed, and hypotheses are accepted or deleted according to the nature of subsequent measurements. A Kalman filtering approach is used to determine the target tracks according to the various hypotheses, and to determine their likelihood functions. The algorithm is implemented in the artificial intelligence language LISP, to permit flexible, dynamic data structure manipulation. *The research supported herein was supported by the Office of Naval Research under Contract ONR/N00014-77-C-0532. Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Mass. 02139 -2TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT 1 1. INTRODUCTION 3 2. TECHNICAL DISCUSSION 9 2.1 Data Structure and Hypothesis Formation 9 2.2 Algorithm Overview 24 2.3 Tracking Equations 32 2.4 Results 44 3. SUGGESTED FUTURE RESEARCH APPENDIX - ALGORITHM DETAILS REFERENCES 61 63 114 -31. INTRODUCTION In the past twenty years a considerable literature has developed on recursive tracking algorithms. These algorithms are generally based on Kalman filtering theory with various extensions to handle such difficulties as nonlinear relationships between sensor signals and track parameters, missing and false measurements, and maneuvering targets. The algorithms have generally been rather successful for the class of applications for which they were developed, namely a single sensor such as a radar or sonar tracking a single object. However, there are many applications, often in the area of military surveillance systems, which require the tracking of multiple objects using signals obtained from a variety of sensors servers). (including human ob- Of course, if the sensors are accurately registered and their resolution is very high compared to object spacing, the problem can be effectively handled by the techniques developed for single-sensor, single-object problems, with perhaps some ad hoc modifications for such difficulties as those caused by crossing objects. But there remain many situations in which data association, i.e., determining which object gave rise to a given sensor signal, is a fundamental issue. issue can arise in two closely related ways. This First, it is necessary to associate the signals from a given sensor with those obtained from the same sensor at an earlier time. Second, it is necessary to associate the signals from different sensors to determine which of them came- 1 See, e.g., [1] for a textbook treatment. -4from the same object. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the multiobject tracking problem [2] - [91 . The algorithms proposed for this problem can be categorized in various ways. Some provide a probabilistic data association, in which the same sensor signal may be associated with more than one track according to some probabilistic weighting, while others make a hard decision associating each sensor signal with a unique track. Some algorithms are based on a Bayesian framework in which a priori probability distributions for such quantities as target density must be specified while others do not require this information. Finally, some algorithms immediately make a data association decision for each sensor signal, while others defer the decision until subsequent are received. scan signals Algorithms in this latter category are termed multiple or track splitting algorithms. The algorithm described in this report is most closely related to that of Reid 14]. Reid's algorithm is a nonprobabilistic data associ- ation, Bayesian, multiple scan algorithm. Our algorithm is nonBayesian, and differs in the details of its hypothesis deletion strategies. But perhaps the most interesting difference is that we have chosen to implement our algorithm in the artificial intelligence language LISP instead of FORTRAN as in Reid's implementation. This choice permits a natural, 1 Some of these references treat the single object problem with false measurements, which might in fact come from other objects. 2 The terminology is from radar-based tracking systems, but the idea clearly applies to systems incorporating other types of sensors. -5transparent, and flexible implementation. Moreover, it suggests the possibility of developing more sophisticated versions of the algorithm that utilize information of a discrete character (e.g., "the ship carries radar X") together with continuous, position-related sensor information. From a technical point of view, the data association problem can be formulated as a statistical hypothesis testing problem. In addition to the previous work in multiobject tracking, the development of the algorithm reported herein has been influenced by work in hypothesis testing for dynamic systems colleagues at M.I.T. [8], , especially that of ourselves and our [10] - [22]. This work has largely centered on the so-called multiple-model adaptive estimation (MMAE) algorithm, (Fig. 1-1) first derived by McGill in 1965 [23]. The MMAE algorithm provides an optimal nonlinear filter for an estimation problem with observations coming from one of a finite set of possible linear systems. In Bayesian form, the algorithm recursively computes the probabilities of the hypotheses that the actual system is one of the possible linear systems, and produces the optimal (conditional expectation) estimate of the system state. It can be shown under reason- able assumptions that the MMAE algorithm asymptotically identifies which of the possible linear systems is the actual system , and converges to the optimal (Kalman) filter for that system. See Chapter 10 of l1]. 2 More generally, it can be shown that the MMAE algorithm identifies the linear model' closest to the true system, which may be nonlinear and high order, where the measure of closeness is provided by a certain information distance 1i9]. -6- 4J 0k .,-- U) 0 ., ,-o .,10 :E: i 1-- r4 __ __I_ -7As applied to the multi-object tracking problem, the set of possible linear systems generating the measurements corresponds to the set of objects being tracked. However, the number of objects is not known in advance, and since measurements come from all of the objects rather than just one, the number of hypotheses is not fixed but grows rapidly with time. Although the MMAE algorithm can be formally extended to this case, as a practical matter it is necessary to have an algorithm with enough intelligence to create and delete hypotheses as required by the evolving situation. Such a data-driven algorithm is adaptive in a higher sense and will be termed an adaptive hypothesis testing algorithm. The present report describes the development of such an algorithm and its application to the multiobject tracking problem. Since our objective is to explore the feasibility of the adaptive hypothesis testing approach, we have considered the simplest meaningful multiobject tracking problem in order to focus on the issue of hypothesis creation and deletion. Thus planar, straight-line, non maneuvering target motion in Cartesian coordinates is assumed, with periodic position measurements of each target. 1 believed to be critical. None of the these assumptions is Consideration of maneuvering targets and nonlinear measurements of target state is common in single object tracking problems, and the extension to multiobject tracking is conceptually straightforward. More interesting would be the consideration of the issues associated with random intervals between measurements, and non-position related, discrete valued measurements. Although we will not However, false and missing measurements are considered. -8- investigate these issues in the sequal, we feel firmly that the adaptive hypothesis testing framework is the appropriate one for such an investigation. In the remainder of this report, we will develop the ideas summarized in this introductory section in detail. Section 2 contains the main technical discussion. We begin by discussing our hypothesis generation procedure and the data structure that represents the hypotheses. We then give an overview of the algorithm that creates and deletes the hypotheses, and discuss the reasons why LISP is a natural language to implement the algorithm. The details of the computation of likelihood functions for the various hypotheses are then elaborated upon. Finally, we present some simulation results that show how the algorithm performed in various test cases. Section 3 contains the summary and suggestions for future research. Finally, in the Appendix a more detailed description of the algori- thm including a listing is provided. -9- 2. 2.1 TECHNICAL DISCUSSION Data Structure and Hypothesis Formation As discussed in the introduction, we are considering straight line target motion with noise corrupted position measurements. We assume that a set of measurements, said to be in a given scan, is periodically supplied to the tracking algorithm. The tracking algorithm must determine the number of objects present, and maintain a track on each object detected. We will assume that a measurement has three possible origins: it is a false alarm, a previously hypothesized target, or a newly detected target. As the number of previously hypothesized targets can be quite large, so The question that confronts us is can the measurement's possible origins. how to represent each hypothetical association of measurement to target in an efficient data structure. A method that comes immediately to mind is to update target tracks for each hypothesis. We define a track as a set of measurements from successive scans which hypothesize the motion of a single target. A hypothesis is then a collection of possible tracks which explain the origins of all the measurements taken. scans are shown with three measurements in each. target tracks over the three scan period. In Fig. 2.1-1, three The dotted lines represent Hypotheses A,B, and C represent three possible associations of the measurements to targets. We assume that any measurement can come from at most one target in a scan. Thus, a meas- urement can be associated with one and only one track per scan. The total number of hypotheses is in this case surprisingly large (in fact greater than 40,000), and grows quite rapidly as the number of scans increases. There are at least two distinct approaches to representing different hypotheses in a data structure. _____ Under a tanget oriented approach -10- -- ,Y Y I , . o' I I I # 1 . .1 0 HYPOTHESIS A : Y l II x! II ,' j I I % % 0 I I I - 0 HYPOTHESIS B % , V ! -- " Al I %0O HYPOTHESIS C Filg. ~~ III--1911-111---- 1 _IL..--___C- 21-1 Three Possible Data Associations -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----TI II 31P~~~~~~~P--- -- ------- --~~~~~~-1-1 - -11- we construct a tree where each level represents a target and each node a different measurement. Each path through the tree from the initial to a terminal node then represents a complete data association hypothesis, and each node corresponds to a measurement originating from the target at that level. This is shown in Fig. 2.1-2. Note that a hypothesis indicating that a target did not show up during a given scan is indicated by putting an "x" at the appropriate node. scan For the initial (top figure) we are expanding from an initially empty tree, so the possible tracks are all new targets or false alarms (denoted by "0"). the second scan, the possible tracks are the old targets new targets) as well as newtargets On (last scan's Thus, the number and false alarms. of levels added after each scan equals the number of old tracks plus the number of new tracks plus 1. The track oriented approach to hypothesis representation is in- efficient compared to the measurement oriented scheme. In this approach we assign each different measurement in a scan to a different level, and place targets at nodes to imply that the target gave rise to the measurement at that level. Consider Fig. 2.1-2. Measurement "ml" occupies level 1, and is hypothesized to have given rise to either target 1 or 0 (false alarm). The number of levels of our hypothesis tree is identical to the total number of measurements taken so far. Notice as well that there is no redundant information in our measurement oriented tree. In the target oriented tree "x"'s must be inserted to denote the non-appearance of a target, and the last level contains all those measurements hypothesized to be false alarms. oriented The measurement tree has no such redundant nodes, and is much smaller than the target oriented tree, especially after a few scans are processed. The terminology is due to Reid [4]. -12- TARGET ORIENTED TARGET 1 MEASUREMENT ORIENTED LEVELS 2 3 MEASUREMENT LEVELS 0 m3 1 m2 I m3-X ml1. X 7 ( NX/m3-- (m3) m2) X (m2,m3) jm3- (ml) m2 x. m3- (ml,m3) (ml,m2) X-- (ml,m2,m3) After first scan After first scan Variables in nodes represent measurements. "X" indicates that no measurement is associated with the target, "0" is a false alarm Numbers in nodes represent targets. "0" is a false alarm Tree structure after second scan Tree structure after second scan . . Hypothesis Generation Fig. 2.1-2 (a) -·P··----·-··--·IIF-··CI------- (b) measurement oriented hypotheses target oriented hypotheses ------- · · · ICI··-· ---- ----- I· ---- · --- Il-·C--- b - - -·-Llb·- --- - - I -13On the other hand, the measurement oriented tree suffers from the defect that many of its hypotheses may contain identical or nearly identical tracks, but there is no convenient way to detect this situation. However, the measurement oriented tree will be used in the sequel because of its compactness. Now that we have discussed the general structure of hypothesis generation, we consider the measurement oriented approach in more detail. Two definitions will be helpful: Def. 1. A confirmed target is a target which has at some time occupied all nodes in at least one level of the tree. Def. 2. A tentative target is a target which is not confirmed. Nodes on a given level in the tree represent the possible targets giving rise to the measurement assigned to that level. If all possible targets are the same, then we can deduce that the given measurement originated from that target. In a sense we have proven the target's existence, and thus it is called a confirmed target. If on the other hand, a target has never been confirmed, then it's existence is uncertain and it is called a "tentative target". For an existing hypothesis, the possible targets giving rise to a measurement are: 1) all the confirmed targets, 2) tentative targets assumed by the hypothesis, 3) a new target, and 4) a false alarm For each measurement and each xisting hypothesis we form branches in our hypothesis tree corresponding to the above cases. Since a tree of -14branching order equal to the number of above possibilities would explode quickly, much of our work will be in pruning out unlikely branches. The first pruning rule that we follow is that a target can be associated with at most one measurement per scan for each hypothesis. This simply says that any target could not have produced more than one measurement in a scan. Figure 2.1-3 illustrates the' tree formation for two scans, each with two measurements. On the first scan there are no prior confirmed or tentative targets, so each measurement (denoted by a subscripted "m") could have come from either a new target or a false alarm. Note that new target numbers mirror the subscript of the measure- ment's name. Thus, the degree of branching in our initial scan is 2, i.e. we have a binary tree. In processing our next scan, each branch has tentative targets from the past scan, which possibly account for the new measurements. Thus our degree of branching in scan 2 will in general be greater than or equal to 2. Upon each branching we branch to a new target, a false alarm, and all tentatives on that hypothesis which have not yet been assigned on the present scan. If confirmed targets existed at this time, we would branch to them as well. As we expand further in a given scan, each branch uses up more and more possible targets, and thus our branching degree may only decrease, not increase. This assumption is appropriate in the case of a single radar, but not in most others. The assumption is of course inessential for the adaptive hypothesis testing approach, but illustrates one type of constraint on hypothesis formation that is readily incorporated. -15- MEASUREMENTS FROM SCAN 1 0 MEASUREMENTS FROM VSCAN 2 ,, tn,.. . (a) Two measurement scans I 2 . . . ' first scan m4 1 ".' (b) Hypothesis ree after ............... ,~/S',~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/,',,,-,'j,.ji,, v . ' .'.'-i '" --at.,, 1 / 2 H; 4~~ ~~O . I 3 : o a o ,.- -: --7 4-4 ; .. · 1~~~ '3 -~' "--~- 0I4~~ .' O i : 4 ' O .,· 22 4·~--0 3 IiI I (cHy4poheis Hypothesis tree'a eW I,,; seccnd scan iii; -1i: i '' ', : . ...... '''' ;"'"" '''2 ................. -;· : · . ii :: . . ;:: ( A 0 ............................... (c ~; I·· ' ··. · .. I . -;;:i;.:·-~.,1, . o · -. ,:I,':, ..... 4 fe..."..... -- - 0 ~Igld J - - , ig9,,,r.S, -x-, -. , ;- ,-ft =- .1 ;;..,,,,,..~,;..,,,. ~ ·· · i··Car At 19 , N ~ii'"" 4R ........- . ~rr'----~"--~~- -i~w3~i~~.~- , i;· -:~l Fig. ....-- -.-- u1lr - 2.1-3. - =;4 1-1 -- - Tree Formation - -- ~ ,- -W~ ;..a. i~-A:Iljlii: l · W>.Ewmn1aI t-1- a-r- 1-1 - ;.. - . ............. vx, - I-` r .ii rr..-lnt;.; 1 i·: i NI 11i, l, i!1-111iT-,,,,, i. vA ilkiLP 11r,, i,]PI i!";ld IV41":! I ii 11,11,k 1f4", j1j11,04 I I1R, 1 I,Intrinsic M. t,I 1:1 ., I,I, " L, :,.··,. !)_ ,1;1 6·.,ni- -16- As mentioned in the introduction, we take a multiple scan approach to the multiobject tracking problem. what we mean by this statement. Let us now discuss in more detail In most cases, considering all the possible data associations of one scan gives us many likely hypotheses. Often there are many hypotheses which seem just as likely as the next, and deciding among them would be arbitrary at best. An N-scan algorithm attempts to solve this problem as follows; before it decides on the association for the present scan, it will wait N more scans and then chose the association which is most likely in light of the subsequent measurements. This principle is illustrated in Fig. 2.1-4. Suppose that at scan 2 the existence of a target whose track consists of measurements (ml, m2) has been determined. Now, on scan 3 we have two very likely possibilities; namely that the target is at m3 or m4. With an N-scan algorithm we postpone this decision until collecting data for N more scans. In Fig. 2.1-4.b we see that by the fifth or sixth scan the assumed straight line motion of a target better fits the choice of m3 than m4. Thus, by using subsequent data we may be able to decide on the best association for any scan. While N-scan algorithms are useful in helping to chose past data associations, we are not guaranteed that an obvious decision will result after waiting N scans. Consider Fig. 2.1-5 for example. Assume that by scan 3 we have 2 targets consisting of (ml, m3, m5) and (m2, m4, m6). cross. Now on scan 4 the measurements are very close since the tracks It is virtually impossible to tell which track the measurements belong to. Even after waiting N scans, the conflict is not resolved. While the tracks become once again distinguishable after they pass each -17- &I SC %SC 1% Nu N N N Three scans of measurements, ambiguous tracking decision (a) I I I II I I I II I II SCA. N. N% N1 4h %qb. (b) Six scans of measurements, clear tracking decision Fig. 2.1-4 ~- ------- " -~I- I -~---------- N-Scan Approach -18- - m12 0 ml SCAN 6 mlO SCAN 5 \om9 SCAN 4 m7 om8 SCAN 3 /m5 SCAN 2 SCAN \om6 m4 /oml * \om2 ~~~~~I Fig. 2.1-5 III IIIII IIII Crossing Tracks I a II II 25 .7 1 *- -2 ~ o - II I 0o < e- An identified scan Fig. 2.1-6 I °-22 1 II (a) I 2 (b) An unidentified scan Scan IdentificatIon -19- other, we are never able to confidently assign the measurements of scan 4. However, the important thing is to maintain the track, not to neces- sarily identify each and every measurement; so the fact that scan 4 remains ambiguous is not harmful to our final solution. The important point in the above discussion is that waiting N scans to identify a scan can be quite powerful. Some scans are identified almost immediately and thus require little waiting while others remain unidentified regardless of the amount of waiting. The N-scan approach most commonly used in track splitting algorithms is to wait a constant number of scans before identifying a scan. Recog- nizing, however, that some scans identify faster than others it seems that we should wait only long enough to identify the scan, with of course some maximum waiting period. 1 We begin our discussion of our variable N-scan algorithm by defining an identified scan: Def. 3. An identified measurement is a measurement containing identical hypothesized targets. Def. 4. An identified scan is one which contains only identified measurements. Fig. 2.1-6 contrasts tree structures for identified and non-identified scans. By definition of an identified measurement, an identified scan contains confirmed targets only, for each measurement is uniquely assigned to a target. Now our implementation of the variable N-scan algorithm will store scans in a FIFO (first in, first-out) buffer. The oldest scan stays in the FIFO either until it identifies (after a finite number of subsequent scans) or until the FIFO becomes full. 1 If the oldest scan identifies, In the parlance of Artificial Intelligence theory, a variable depth decision tree search strategy is desired. -20- we drop it off the FIFO and update a target state list of the most recently identified scans. If the oldest scan never identifies and the FIFO becomes full, we pick the best association for the oldest scan, update the target state list with this association, and drop the scan off the FIFO. Notice that we must store a particular scan only as long as it remains in the FIFO. Once we update the target state list and drop the scan off the FIFO we never refer to it again. the FIFO with our hypothesis tree is now simple. Implementing We limit the size of the FIFO by allowing the tree to contain some maximum number of nodes, and we bump a scan off the tree by collapsing all nodes of that scan into the root node of the tree. Fig. 2.1-7 steps through the expansion and shrinking of our FIFO tree structure. nodes signify a hypothesis being pruned likelihood. Note that "x"'s at terminal out due to a relatively low This and other methods of pruning will be discussed next. As mentioned, without strong pruning the size of the hypothesis tree quickly explodes. In determining the amount of pruning there is a tradeoff between computational demands and optimal hypothesis selection. With more pruning, fewer hypotheses will be explored, and the probability that we may drop the correct hypothesis is higher. On the other hand, with less pruning, many different hypotheses will be explored at the expense of loading the computer. pruning techniques are used. In the present work two main direct The first represents a modification to the list of possible targets to branch to "in incorporating a new measurement. Remember that these possible targets are: confirmed targets, tentative tar- gets on the hypothesis branch, a new target, and a false target. We change this -21. - I SCAN 1 OAKI I H I - FIFO: FIFO: (b) Scan 2 enters the FIFO (a ) Scan 1 enters the FIFO Q"An M IAE FIFO: C N m d (c) Scan 1 becomes identified; and is bumped off the FIFO SCAN 5 I I X l I I k Nc FIFC SI c I C AIAI N INI 4 3 FIFO: A N 2 6 SCAN I I - (f) I I tf I, I I I mA Scan 2 remains unidentified; FIFO can not accept another scan without bumping scan 2 off (e) (d) Assume that after pruning,all measurements but one become identified; scans 3 and 4 are identified but can not bump off FIFO till scan 2 does A I ~I I! ~ ! ! / I I S A N 6 - After bumping scan 2 off the FIFO,scans 3,4, and 5 bump off because they are identified; the remaining tree consists only of scan 6 O= identified measurement X = pruned hypothesis Fig. 2.1-7 1 --r - ---- -- ------ - ---- FIFO Tree Structure -L1*--·II--·---b ----- q·-gilll·ii_1·--^-·--·-1·sl·1 ------· FI___·----__· --- -22- slightly by only including those confirmed and tentative targets for which the measurement is sufficiently close to its predicted past measurements on the target (Fig. 2.1-8a). value given the This pruning constraint im- mediately eliminates very unlikely hypotheses, and thus greatly reduces the average branching degree of the tree. pruning. It can be regarded as a first pass The second pruning constraint involves simply pruning hypotheses with low likelihood values. As is discussed subsequently, the likelihood function of each hypothesis is calculated after each branching. At any scan, we keep only the M most likely hypotheses, simply dropping the others from further consideration. Now the choice of the breadth para- meter M is critical, with a similar complexity vs. optimality tradeoff as discussed for the N-scan FIFO setup. A consequence of dropping past scans off the tree is that many hypotheses become identical. This may result when two hypotheses are exactly alike except for a minor difference occurring a few scans back. Once that old scan is bumped off the tree the two hypothesis branches have identical entries (although the corresponding tracks estimates will differ slightly) and thus it would be wasteful to carry them both along. In this case we say that the two hypotheses are "fully identical" and drop one of the redundant branches. We say that two hypotheses are "1-1 identical" when they are "fully identical" except for a one to one renaming of tentative targets. The 1-1 renaming of tentative targets may occur if two hypotheses start to track an object one scan out of phase. The hypotheses will assign the object different names, and this difference will be propagated throughout both hypotheses. If they are -23- - o o m8 c % X~~~ \ 0 CAN \ SCA%N2 SCAN3 SCAN3 SCAN I SCAI (a) SCAN4 SCAN 4 SCAN5 SCAN5 First pass pruning by assigning to measurements only those targets which contain the measurement in an " N-sigma" probability region; only m5 and m7 Nould branch to target 1 x x x x (b) Pruning out all but the five most likely hypotheses ( c) Resulting tree after pruning _ Fig. 2.1-8 -------- _ Pruning Techniques -24- otherwise identical, than they will become "1-1 identical" as soon as the scan with the original difference is bumped off the tree. hypotheses can be merged as in the fully identical case. Thus the The merging technique cuts down redundant expansion of the tree, (Fig. 2.1-9). The goal of the tree oriented data structure we have described has been to efficiently represent hypotheses. Forming unlikely or re- dundant hypotheses can cause tremendous growth of the tree and thus must be minimized. Techniques discussed to minimize tree growth have been 1) the "measurement oriented" tree structure, 2) the variable N-scan FIFO approach 3) hypothesis pruning, and 4) hypothesis merging. As we will see in the sequel, these techniques succeed in limiting both the depth and breadth of an otherwise exponentially growing hypothesis tree. 2.2 Algorithm Overview In this section we present an algorithm which implements the pre- viously described data structure. Throughout the discussion here, we will refer to manipulations on an arbitrary tree of hypotheses. The association between tree properties and the tracking problem should be kept in mind. The overall algorithm is presented in the flow chart of Fig. 2.2-1. Very roughly, the algorithm involves: 1) tree expansion and pruning, 2) FIFO maintenance, and 3) hypothesis merging. -25- - _ - __ __ <,G<3 (a) Hi H2 H3 H4 H5 He H7 H8 H9 H,, H11 Hypothesis tree after dropping scan 1. Notice the fully identified hypotheses: (H 3 =H 8 ),(H-H ),(H H IO)-HH 1 1 ) (b) Hypothesis tree after two scans have been processed and the 1-1 identical hypotheses: (H 1 1 H 3 ,H 8, H4 ) and (H 2 H, s , H9 ) 3 H1 3 HH3,HsH o H2 33HH3,H8 I H4 .o H2 ,H5sH O H,Hq *3 H6, H10 3 H6HtO Hypothesis tree after arbitrarily choosing one of the 1-1 identical branches to represent the hypothesis, and pruning the others (d) Hypothesis tree after dropping redundant,fully identical branches i 2.1-9 Fig. I _ 9 HH11 o H.H.. (c) 4 Hypothesis Merging _ C C 11 q -26- TREE ) EXPANSION I Il CSF: IEXPANSIO N I I I I I IIFIFO II MAINTENANCE Ii I ) Fig. 2.2-1 Algorithm Flow Chart III II I I -27- Refer to Fig. 2.2-1. After completing an initialization routine we enter the main control loop of the algorithm. The first thing done is to incorporate the pending measurement scan by assigning each measurement a variable name. Next the tree is expanded in the FINDNOD routine. Each node can branch to a set of possible new nodes as outlined previously. For each such branching we update the state vector estimates and error covariance matrices (see Section 2.4) of our targets as well as the likelihood function of the-new hypotheses. In implementing the pruning techniques a branch-and-bound type method is used. Since we keep only the M most likely hypotheses, we keep a list of the current M most likely hypotheses in the tree. Initially, we let the list fill up by including the first M new hypotheses formed. Henceforth, we compare the smallest likelihood function of the M with the likelihood function at the present node of expansion. Since likelihood functions can only decrease, (see Section 2.4) if the present node is already less than the minimum of the M, we know that its successor nodes will be even worse, and thus we prune it out immediately. However, if its likelihood function is greater than the minimum of the M and we have finished branching, then we replace the minimum likelihood node of the previous M with the new node, pruning out the one we replaced. tinue branching. If neither conditions are satisfied, we just con- The branch and bound method corresponds to a depth first expansion of the tree, meaning we expand the tree roughly one hypothesis at a time. Hypotheses with low likelihood functions will be discovered quickly and be discarded. This saves us from having to explore down paths found at any point to be worse than the M best so far. -28- After expanding the hypothesis tree we check to see whether our pruning has caused any targets to become confirmed, and if so we update a confirmed targets list. from the tree. Then we determine whether to drop any scans This is our FIFO maintenance section. In BOTCHECK we check whether our bottom scan is identified, i.e. if all hypotheses give the same data association for the bottom scan. If so, we update a confirmed states file which contains the estimated state of all confirmed targets at the time of the last bottom scan identification. We then bump the scan off the tree and check to see whether the new bottom scan is identified. As soon as we find one that is not, we proceed to check whether the FIFO is full; that is, if the number of nodes in the tree exceeds some upper bound. If so, we update the confirmed states file for the bottom scan using the most likely hypothesis and bump the bottom scan off the tree. In the last part of the algorithm, we list any hypotheses which are either 1-1 or fully identical. This is done in MATCH. Once we find these, we prune out all redundant hypotheses, keeping only the most likely one for each group. Finally, we again check to see whether con- firmed targets have manifested due to MATCH prunings and we update our list if necessary. Having thus finished processing a data scan, we go back, wait for the next scan to arrive, and repeat the process. While only the major blocks of the algorithm have been presented here, more detailed descriptions and the actual program listings can be found in the Appendix. LISP Implementation As mentioned in the introduction, one of the novel aspects of our approach to the multiobject tracking problem is the use of LISP for -29- implementing our algorithm. At first thought it might seem that -the choice of a computer language has little to do with the underlying algorithm. While this is true in an abstract sense, the syntactical power of a language determines in a very real sense the computational complexity and expandability of any algorithm. In the target tracking case, LISP turns out to be an extremely natural and powerful environment in which to construct and evaluate hypothesis trees; it is much more powerful than more conventional languages like FORTRAN. The final choice of LISP was treated as an important design decision when considering the computational and programming tradeoffs in the development of our algorithm. In what follows, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of LISP in light of the needs of the multiobject tracking problem. Historically, LISP has developed as the primary computer language for writing programs implementing artificial intelligence theoretic concepts. Artificial intelligence theory [24] is concerned with deter- mining the knowledge necessary to deal with a given problem domain, and with efficiently representing and drawing inferences from that knowledge so that problems apparently requiring human intelligence for their solution can be solved by a computer. Many of these problems involve tree- like data structures, and since LISP has been developed--with the specific purpose of dealing with such problems, it is a very natural language for them. Recognizing the similarities of the multiobject tracking problem to tree searching problems in artificial intelligence theory is a step in its solution. The desired algorithm must make decisions based on past and future data. If a clear decision is not evident, it must wait a few scans, hoping that the situation will clarify. In addition, it must evaluate the quality of different hypotheses and only consider the best. -30- The decision analysis used throughout is based on statistical models. Of course, the quality of decision making can not be better than our statistical formulation. Here, however, we can rely on a considerable body of statistical theory and research to guide our development . However, the way in which we use our model to make decisions is where artificial intelligence technology becomes useful. Let us now discuss some of the features of LISP which make it a suitable vehicle for multiobject tracking. Specifically, two features of LISP make it suitable for the multiobject tracking problem. These are LISP's recursive nature and its natural tree structure. Recursive solutions to problems can often be written in relatively few lines of code, since they allow procedures to be written that call themselves while automatically handling the nested storage of variables needed. In the hypothesis generation portion of the algorithm we have developed, the recursive approach permitted the development of very general, flexible, and succinct code. An iterative approach would in general weight the program down with subscripts, do loops, and bookkeeping, thus discouraging experimentation with the data structure and program logic. In contrast recursion allows an almost effortless kind of solution. This greatly enhances the case of develop- ment and use of the program. The second advantage of LISP, its inherent tree structure, is important in our tree oriented tracking problem. constructed in a variety of ways. Trees in LISP can be One way is to use LISP's natural Other languages, for example PL/1, have similar features. -31structure of lists. A list is an ordered collection of elements, each of which may be a single variable or a list itself. f (g h)) is a list of four elements. For example: (a (c d) If we consider each element to be a descendant of the root of the tree, the above list represents the following tree: c g d k LISP is make up largely of powerful functions on lists such as sorts, searches, mapping, etc. This creates a very high level environment in which to scan and operate on trees and lists. Another way of creating trees in LISP is to use a construct known as a property list. To each variable, the user can assign different attributes and corresponding values. For instance, the variable ANODE may have a property called LIKELIHOOD, whose value we set to be (0.75). Using properties, trees can be constructed by assigning to each node a SONS property whose value is a list of immediate descendants on the tree. Likewise, values of likelihood and state estimates can be carried on each hypothesis as values of properties. By carrying attributes of each hypo- thesis on property lists, we have an efficient means of characterizing each hypothesis. In fact, this was the method used for implementing our -32- hypothesis tree structure. While we have mentioned some advantages of using LISP in our multiobject tracking problem, there are a few disadvantages. uncompiled LISP tends to run very slowly. First of all, LISP is an interpretive language, which in effect means that the LISP operating system evaluates commands as soon as they are typed on the terminal. LISP's control loop for supplying input and recognizing commands makes it very slow. To get around this problem, however, one could compile a LISP program and then run directly in machine language. Another strong disadvantage of LISP for numerical problems is that LISP has almost no high level numerical operators. example, For defining iiatrices is somewhat awkward and functions such as matrix multiplication or addition do not exist and must be written by the programmer. A final disadvantage or inconvenience of LISP stems from its unique nature. Because of its strong recursive basis and unusual list functions, the language seems obscure to the uninitiated user. Becoming accustomed to LISP's unorthodox nature and learning to think in LISP's recursive style can be a substantial hurdle for the prospective user. The benefits, however, can be far reaching. In our opinion, LISP's natural advantages relative to the multiobject tracking problem outweigh the disadvantages mentioned. In choosing LISP we obtain more than just a convenient language for programming; we obtain increased expressive power for constructing our algorithm. 2.3 Tracking Equations As briefly mentioned in the preceeding sections, the decisions made in our multiobject tracking algorithm concerning which hypotheses to -33to accept and which to reject are based on statistical principles. Thus we postulate stochastic models for target motion and the resulting sensor signals so that a joint probability distribution function of all the 6b-: servations obtained can be derived for each hypothesis, and the maximum likelihood hypothesis testing procedure invoked. approach are developed in this section. The details of this We reiterate that the goals of this research were to investigate the feasibility of the adaptive hypothesis testing approach and not to develop an algorithm for any specific application area. Consequently, we restrict attention to the simplest interesting models of target motion and sensor observations. The assumption we make concerning target motion is that all targets move in straight lines in 2-dimensional space. Incorporating maneuvering models is an extension in principle easily handled within our present framework. Now given a hypothetical association between sensor measure- ments and targets, we must estimate the state of each target from the present and past measurements. One approach is to perform a least squares re- gression after each scan, and thus determine the desired target state estimates and error covariance matrices. This however is time consuming and requires that we save all previous measurements. What is preferable is a sequential form of least squares regression which requires only last state estimate, error covariance matrix, and the present measurement to perform the update. The appropriate algorithm is the Kalman filter Since we consider only two dimensional motion, the state of each target is given by its x position, x velocity, y position, and y velocity. 1 Depending on the application, maneuvering targets can be handled by adding process noise to the target model or, alternatively, by various adaptive filtering techniques. -34- Further, if we assume that motion in the x and y directions is independent, we can decouple each target's motion in the two directions. measurement equations for each target are of the form systems theory x(t+l) = The state and found in linear systems 1theory (2.3-1) (t)x(t) + G(t)w(t) (2.3-2) y(t) = H(t)x(t) + v(t) where x(t) and y(t) are our state and measurement vectors at time t, and further: E(x(O)) =m (0) (2.3-3) E(w(t)) = 0 (2.3-4) T E(w(t)w (t)) El(x(0) - m (2.3-5) = Q(t) (0)) (x(0) - m (0 ))T] = PO (2.3-6) E(v(t)) = 0 (2.3-7) E(v(t)vT(t)) = R(t) (2.3-8) and x(O), v(O), w(O), v(l), w(l).... are all zero mean gaussian random variables. From this model, the Bayes linear least squares regression can be written in Kalman form: (O I -l ) = m- (0) 1The various matrices and vectors in sequently in this section. (2.3-9) (2.3-1) - (2.3-9) are specified sub- -35- P(01-1) (2.3-10) = P _(tjt) = x(t+llt) = (tlt-1) + K(t)fy(t) (t) (2.3-11) - H(t)x(tjt-l)] (2.3-12) (tlt) (2.3-13) P(tjt) = [I - K(t)H(t)]P(tlt-l) K(t) = P(tt-1)HT (t) [H(t)P(t t-l)T (2.3-14) t) + R(t)] P(t+ljt) = (t)P(tlt)T (t) + G(t)Q(t)G T (t) where (2.3-15) (t+llt) denotes the estimate of x(t+l) given the observations y(O), y(1),..., y(t). The above recursive algorithm produces an estimate of the target state, and moreover allows a likelihood function to be evaluated for each hypothesized data association. Under the maximum likelihood approach we adopt, no "a priori" information about such quantities as the expected number of targets is assumed. Instead, the likelihood of each hypothesized data association is determined by how well it fits the observations. A Bayesian approach, on the other hand, would require assumptions to be made concerning the distribution of targets. Although the algorithm described herein-could certainly be adapted to a Bayesian approach, we have preferred to avoid the problem of specifying a priori -distributions and have instead taken a maximum likelihood approach. We now proceed to derive an expression for the likelihood function of each hypothesis under our stated linear model. First, note that each hypothesis involves the motion of a number of targets. Thus, when we -36- assign a target to a certain measurement, we must update that individual target's state estimate and error covariance matrix, as well as the likelihood of the hypothesis. We can view each hypothesis as a collection of tracks, and thus a collection of individual Kalman Filters. One composite likelihood value is updated for each hypothesis, which represents the "goodness of fit" of all tracks on that hypothesis. In our present scheme where many different hypotheses can exist, the total number of Kalman filters equals the sum of tracks in each hypothesis over the number of hypotheses (see Fig. 2.3-1). Now the probability density give hypothesis H. is defined as: 1 Density of data association under H i = P{y(T), y(T-l),...,y(0)jH.} (2.3-16a) where y(t) is the vector of (x,y) measurement pairs collected on the scan at time t. Breaking this down to reflect the measurement to target assignments, we get: Density of data association under Hi = P[ yL(T) y(T),...,y (2.3-16b) (T)),{y (T-l),y(T-l),...,y(T-1)1,... {y (), (°0),...,y (0)}Hi.] (2.3-16c) = P[{ 1 (T), y1 (T-l),...y--l(0), *..*.,{ T) {y (T), y 2 (T-l),...y , (¢T-), ... , (O)}|Hi] where yj (t) represents the measurement pair assigned to target j at time t. Note that going from (2.3.16a) to (2.3.-16c) we have merely grouped the measurements into individual tracks. Now, assuming that the motion of any target is independent of all other targets, we can write equation (2.3.16c) as: 2 (0)},... -37KALMAN FILTER HYPOTHESIS 1 LIKLIHOOD VALVE; H 1 KALMAN FILTER HYPOTHESIS 2 LIKLIHOOD VALVE; H2 KALMAN FILTER HYPOTHESIS N LIKLIHOOD VALVE; HN Fig. 2.3-1 Filtering Scheme -38- Density of ) J data association1= P under Hi F (T), Yj(T-)...,y(O)lHi) j for J the highest numbered target on the hypothesis. (2.3-16d) By use of Bayes' rule we can simplify the density expression for any target j: P( y(T), y(T-l),...,j PP(y. (O), HH) (T-l)y.(T-2),..., y (O), *- i H) - T = t=l where y (t) P(Yj (t)IY(t), H.) P (OHi) (2.3-17) represents all measurements assigned to target j up to and including time t. Recognizing P(yj (t) y t- , H ) as the innovations density of the Kalman Filter for target j at time t, we obtain, T [ T P(y.( y(t) t 1)' Hi) =T P(V (t)Hi) (2.3-18) t=l t=l where V. (t) is the innovations and: -3 v. (t) = .(t) (t) - (tIt-l) (2.3-19a) N(0, S (t)) (2.3-19b) S.(t) = E(V. (t)VT(t)) = R(t) + Hj(t)Pj(tlt-1)H J -j J 3 where Rj(t), Hj(t) and P (tlt-l) filtering equations. (t) (2.3-19c) are the matrices defined in our Kalman Since V (t) is a gaussian random vector, we can write -39- its distribution function: P(v. (t)) 3 T -1 expt-V (t)S (t)vj (t)/2]) -J 21S j (t) I 27TI where we have dropped the H ) (Density of )track j under = (2.3-20) Now from (2.3-17) we have for brevity. T TTP(V.(t)) P(y(0)IHi) (2.3-21) the expression for the likelihood function of track j, which is just the probability density function of all under hypothesis i. measurements assigned to target j It is convenient to consider the negative log likelihood function, which will serve as our measure of fit. Lower values of this new function correspond to hypotheses that fit the measurements better. Using equations (2.3-17), (2.3-18), and (2.3-21) as: we define the negative log likelihood of hypothesis H -log likelih°ood = -An P(yj ff(t=;T - -Rn;j=1 En{ -= E l j=l j=l /n (T), y(T-l),... y (O H.) p(v .(t)t P P Y (0),Hi I P(v (t)) P+Rn[P(Yj0) nP(V ( (2.3-21a) (2 3-21b) i]} Yn[P(y (0) IHiJ (2.3-21d) ) t)) + t=l J jEl |El (t) pa(t) 2 +knP( (0) J + i) n 2 I Sj (t)1/2 + (2.3-21e) -40- Notice that (2.3-21.e) can be calculated sequentially. The increment to the negative log likelihood function for target j at time T is just: nI Sj (t)I + n 2 + , t > o0 2 A(-log likelihood) I target j time t ; t= 0 (2 qv So far we have established the state estimate equations and likelihood functions for a general dynamic :hypothesis testing problem. We must now, however, make a few modifications to fit the multiobject tracking problem. We consider two distinct cases of track update: initiation and track maintenance. track Track initiation occurs for the first two measurements of a proposed target, and beyond that we have track maintenance. In developing state estimate and likelihood function up- dates for initializing a target, we resort to special forms as opposed to the equations previously given. Immediately after the first two scans in which any newly detected target appears, its estimated track is simply the straight line joining the associated measurements, for we need at least two measurements to determine a track. Consequently, we add no increment to the likelihood function value because we have no basis to penalize a track before more than two measurements are obtained. Thus, we modify (2.3-22a) to read: V (T)S '2 (T)V(T) + -1 + A(-log likelihood) target j time T n 2 + + S(t)L 2; T>2 ) 0 ; T<2 (2.3-22b) -41- However, we immediately delete a hypothesis if the two measurements associated with the hypothesized new target imply a velocity above some maximum value; j .(t+l) i.e. for yj(t) = (xj(t), yj(t)), if we have - x.(t))2 + (y (t+l) AT-AT y.(t))2 -- > V (2.3-23) max then we delete any hypotheses that attempt to associate y (t) and yj (t+l) with the track of a new target. Finally, if on the scan after its hypothesized detection a new target fails to appear, we delete any hypotheses associated with that target. This approach helps to prevent the algorithm from continually assuming new targets. If in fact a real new target is dropped, the target will be detected again on subsequent scans. Two additional issues must be addressed, namely, the problems of false targets and targets that fail to appear on a given scan. When a measurement is hypothesized to be false alarm, we obviously have no state estimate to update, and thus cannot update the likelihood function as usual. A false alarm, like any other association, should increment the negative log likelihood function in some fashion, or else declaring all measurements to be false alarms would always be the most likely hypothesis. The How then should we increment the likelihood function? approach taken is to assume that a given measurement is a false alarm This allows us to calculate our increment with some probability Pf. to the likelihood function as: A(-log likelihood)! = -n false alarm Pf f (2.3-24) (2.3-24) -42Similarly, when a target does not appear in a given scan, how should we update its state estimate and its likelhood function? that no measurement is observed contains incorporated into our calculations. The fact information which should be For example, if a hypothesis as- sociates no measurements to a target for many scans we would probably want to delete that hypothesis from consideration. Similar to our assumption for false alarms, we assume the probability of a target being missed on a scan is P , so that we have m A(-log likelihood)I = -knP missed target . (2.3-25) We update the state estimate of a missed target by running our Kalman filter open loop, i.e., by not incorporating any measurement. Now we can write our final likelihood function increment equation to incorporate the above modifications ; T>2 false alarm ; T>2 missed target A(-log likelihood)I target j time T ` tn S(T) 2 T>2 ' neither of above ; T<2 -- (2.3-26) We now specify the matrices in our general state space model (2.3-1) and (2.3-2). Target motion is specified by xl1 (t+l) = x l( 1 t) + vxl(t)AT Xl ((2.3-27a) -43- x2 (t+l) = x2 (t) + vx2(t)AT (2.3-27b) for a two dimensional position vector xl(t) and v v (t). (x , x2 ) and corresponding velocities Our state, then, is comprised of four components, namely (x1 , x2 ) and(vxl, v 2). Writing (2.3-1) and (2.3-2) to reflect this, we have: 1 AT 0 0 0 1 0 0 O 0 1 AT 0 0 0 1 x (t+l) = (2.3-28a) and our measurement equation is y(t) = ElY(tX 1 y2(t) (2.3-28b) xl(t) ° 1 Vxl(t +(t) x2(t) 2 Vx2(t where (v1, v 2 ) is the measurement noise of our filter. For our Kalman filtering equations we set: E(v(t)vT (t)) = R(t) = 1 which represents the covariance matrix of the measurement noise. (2.3-29) As noted earlier, target motion along the two coordinate axes is decoupled, and thus we can implement the above equations for each coordinate separately. Finally, in Section 2.1 we mentioned that one of our hypothesis formation constraints was that the measurement lie within a certain region -44- of an already hypothesized target associated with that target. (see Fig. 2.3-8a) in order to be This is implemented by requiring that the measurement residual have a maximum allowed size; i.e., we require that we require that V T -1 (t)S(t)- V(t) < 20) (2.3-30) where V(t) is given by (2.3-19a). 2,4 Results In this section we describe our algorithm's behavior on four separate tracking examples. The first two examples highlight ' track initiation, and involve a single target with noise corrupted measurements and false-alarms. The third example illustrates FIFO expansion for two crossing targets. The final example shows the algorithm tracking three targets in a densely cluttered environment. Before presenting the results a word is in order concerning the examples, First of all, the measurement covariance matrix R, was taken as a 2x2 identity matrix. Further, the data was generated by adding fairly uniform noise over -.5, +.5] to each (x,y) position. A maximum initial velocity of 100.0 was assumed and probabilities of false alarms and missed targets were set at .01. Finally, only the five most likely hypotheses were kept after each expansion, i.e., the breadth of the hypothesis tree was at most five. Note that the theory requires a Gaussian noise distribution. Thus the examples illustrate the lack of sensitivity to this assumption. -45- Example 1: The first example illustrates FIFO maintenance with track initiation. In Fig. 2.4-1 we have plotted both the measurements and the position estimates of the filter. The solid line represents the actual linear motion of the target, while the dashed lines connect the noise corrupted measurements. Further, each scan consists of only one measurement, starting from ml at scan 1, to m8 at scan 8. Notice that on our second scan m2 does not fall near the track, but is at (12.0 12.0). from the subsequent data, m2 is clearly a false alarm. As seen In addition, there is a good chance that on scan 2 we failed to detect a measurement between ml and m3. The results of the algorithm are exactly as expected. The algorithm names measurements ml and m2 false alarms, and then picks up the track at m3. ml is named a false alarm because the filter re- quires that a new target be followed immediately by another measurement. The only measurement following ml is m2 at (12.0 12.0), but after a few scans we drop the possibility of this track. tracking our target from m3 on. Thus, the filter begins The hypothesis tree and the cor- responding FIFO are presented in Fig. 2.4-2. The maximum scan depth of our tree is seven, and the maximum breadth is 5. For the first five scans we fail to identify the first scan, and thus the FIFO grows. At scan 6 we finally identify ml as a false alarm and bump it out of the FIFO. By scan 7, we have received four sequential measure- ments approximately lying on a straight line, and thus we identify the four bottom scans in the FIFO, including m2 as the false alarm. At scan 8 we identify m6 and thus reduce to a FIFO size of two scans. -46- -I m8 I 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 Fig. 2.4-1 ^'----------------- 4 Example 1 5 6 7 8 -47- f SCAN 2 SCAN SCAN 3 m2 mU ml, 1 ml1, t I I I I1 , m< I I F C 3 FI A N F - - _ F 0 I A ~Cc A F MNW 21 0 m3 i m45 m4 Ir 3 In' , 'I Z/iA I M I /I "-h: I, .k~ F F 0 S CICIC .S S 0h . SCAN 7 -- ~ ~ ~ SCAN 8 I mS ~ 6 3 IA I e i I i - 0 b& ~ II I aA 'A F - 3 nn L 41 ! I a A N 3 A N 2 O = identified meas m2 is a false alarm 'm ,m8 ;m7: m2im3 m4 10 , 7 N No I ' 7 t, I ' 11 --- C C ~ =1U'IN " S" ---- --- - - Fig. 2.4-2 --·- I ,.,,-, l~ ' - m6 'm4 m5 3 !13 F LLLLW1 I 351415 cl NA I A IAI INI NI IN 21 l I N INININI _ - F AIAIAA __ - m24-- I 0 - : A 2 SCAN 6 im1 3 t 3 I m , AA ~3 n SCAN 5 SCAN 4 ' ,, I 0 I 1I 21 t ' IK 3 I1 Example 1 _ -48- Assuming no more false alarms or missed measurements, the FIFO size will most likely remain at two from here on. In general, Fig. 2.4-2 illustrates a basic concept of the algorithm, i.e. tracking conflicts can often be resolved by waiting N scans in the future. The FIFO grows until either the conflict is resolved, or the FIFO fills, at which time the most likely association is chosen In the example above, FIFO decisions were never forced by the FIFO filling, rather scans were identified on their own accord. Example 2: In our second example, a few more spurious measurements are included to illustrate some other points. Fig. 2.4-3 gives the-measurements and the estimated trajectory of our target. Once again, the solid line represents the target's actual motion, the dashed lines connect the noise corrupted measurements, and the x's are the position estimates. scans except for scan 2 have a single measurement. measurements, m2 and m3. All Scan 2 has two Further, m7 and m8 do not fall on the track, but are positioned as indicated. Using a depth three FIFO, the algorithm manages to track the single object present in spite of the somewhat ambiguous second scan, and the missing measurements at scans 6 and 7. Fig. 2.4-4 illustrates the FIFO maintenance. Note that a depth of three means that after growing to a maximum of three scans, the FIFO will immediately bump off the bottom scan. The third scans then enters into the hypothesis expansion before the oldest scan is bumped. scans 1 and 2 enter the FIFO. Initially, At scan 2, we hypothesize, among other things, that ml has moved to either m2 or m3. At this point in time, -49- 12 measurement - track =position estimate _- - 10 ml , I j m9 10 8 ,. m8 at(l.O 1.0) le se 6 m7 at(40.0 40.0) 4 .......... *0- e- ®® 0 · rem6 4 %m5 m4 2 0 2 4 Fig. --- ----- -- 6 2.4-3 -----·^---·---·--i-·1 Example 2 8 10 12 -50____ - - - : :- l SCAN SCAN 2 ml ' 1: SCAN 3 SCAN 4 m3 I ml m2 I I I m4 mlm2 m3 m2 m3 m4, m5, m2 -g 4 i I 1 -- 2 I0 I l~z1 ! ! ! I I I 2 II I I i I I II S F 0 F A N 2 F 0 i 0 j A N 1 I SCAN 5 Im 5' m4 It I I N IC F F A N 0II 'C A N F S S F N N 6 5 I SCAN 9 II I < 81 I 10--10-t0-- m9 1I I 6 F O A A N N 9 8 F I'1S1sq F __ __ SCAN 1 iniOt intIl I 0 I 12-I-- 12 I I I F S C S C F S | F O N N F N 10 9 0 ! Fig. 2.4-4 I I I I I Example 2 1 N F [a t I I I ! S sA .NN T ] I O = identified moeas. m12 I i [ I I .I I '0 I 12' I0 I 10 I I 0 7 _ I I sS i ImlO --iaI I 13, I I I mI I 10 I '-6 I F S F! SCAN 10 mlO, ,1O im9 Im8I I $7 I I SCAN 8 I m I N 3 N 4 I am7 i m8 m6, °l IIcA,,,I IcI C A 4 F SCAN 7 01 7 F E c - II I I 1 F c O a I ,m6m6, m7II mSI I I I I I io Fo 0 III I 1 s SCAN 6 m6 15 F S C s C I ' I N io $ ,I ! = forced decision when FIFO is full m8 m3, m7 are false alarms -51- there is not enough information to decide which track is the correct one. On scan 3, the FIFO fills up, but we manage to identify the bottom scan, i.e., the three scans of data have determined the existence of a target at ml, and we bump scan 1 off the FIFO. At scan 4, the FIFO fils up, and since the bottom scan is not identified, the filter is forced to decide the association of scan 2. Choosing the most likely hypothesis, the filter assigns m2 to our target ml and calls m3 a false alarm. Scan 2 is then bumped off the FIFO. At scan 5, another valid measurement m6, is obtained and thus the filter identifies scan 3 with our target. and m8 respectively. Scans 6 and 7 include two false measurements m7 Notice that as long as m7 and m8 remain on the tree, the FIFO is force to chose the bottom association. As soon as m8 is bumped off the FIFO at scan 10, the bottom scan once again identifies on its own occord. An important point is brought out by comparing the present case with our previous example. In example 1 we were never forced to decide on the bottom scan's association because the FIFO was large enough accord. to identify the association on its own In this example, the FIFO size has been identification decisions must at times be forced. halved, and thus In many cases such as the present one, the forced decision is identical to that obtained by waiting. Example 3: The third example involves two crossing tracks. Fig. 2.4-5 depicts the actual track, the observations and the estimated track. The in- teresting aspect of this example is the method in which the algorithm -52- - - m19 10.0 5.0 5.0 Fig. 2.4-5 L___ il _ICI Example 3 10.0 -53- resolves the ambiguity of the measurements at the crossing point. The algorithm has no problem tracking the two targets for the first four scans, however at the fifth scan the tracks cross, and either measurement association seems as likely as the-other. As a result of the ambiguous association, the FIFO fills up and we are forced to make a decision about As soon as that decision is made, the subsequent scans, the fifth scan. which have already become identified, are permitted to bump off the FIFO. Notice in Fig. 2.4-5 that the algorithm resolves the fifth scan's ambiguity nicely by picking the associations which fall closest to the actual target motion. A detailed description of the FIFO maintenance is presented in Fig. 2.4-6. In this example, we use a FIFO of depth five. The first three scans fill up the FIFO, and on the forth scan we identify the two tracks comprised of scans 1-3. scan is can 5. Refering back to Fig. 2.4-5, the ambiguous Notice that scan 5 enters the FIFO and remains there until a forced decision is made at scan 9 when the FIFO fills up. Further, at scan 8 we have already identified three measurements subsequent to scan 5. What has happened is that the algorithm has easily identified the measurements for scans before and after the crossing point. The ambiguous scan 5 is kept in the FIFO with the hope of clearing up its ambiguity. As the FIFO fills up before the conflict is resolved, a decision is forced, after which the subsequent clear associations enable the tree to be quickly reduced in size. Finally, at scan 10 all the past scans have identified, and we are left with only the present scan in the FIFQ, -54- | ~~~~~~~~~~~ I qD-NN I 0 In o o U I z E O- tl oII 00 I I I II III III II I I --- -- w- - qlP NN £ nE a, 0 9 N t- E V m) ed_'~--· .. ) o It \/ )9 CqJ . * 0u I I I -- U o o- 0LLo z c O -- -J 2. (/) : "' °-E1 0 U. L L. - EI Ill 0 - o SeeI-1 0E m z -~~~ CU N - ---- r I Na .. I Ea iL~* CU). N 0 C) U. 1 V LL I -H Iu .H z E V < u> o 0 C/) I -N 00El F14 ll II_ I I 1U) E 2V - - Cm - 0- £ E C,,--I - (a, TI n n 0 z L. I: Ll. 0 IL z i o r, 2 0 -N - IL L. cli ,) (7 vn l U) ui ,~~~ t O ___S9_ -N In -----EE) I--- 0 N _r E cC I III III I I I I I _ I _ ____ _I E ___I I I_ _ -55- Example 4; The past three examples have illustrated the problems of track initiation, false alarms, and ambiguous decisions. In the final example we illustrate multiple issues by considering a dense, three target tracking problem. In Fig. 2.4-7 we present the raw measurement data as might be presented to a human observer. moving upwards with time. Each scan has three measurements which are It is clear that a visual solution of the tracking problem in time is difficult. is at scans 4 and 5. One of the biggest problem areas The measurements are clustered so closely together that the incoming targets could take any of the outgoing paths, which are themselves unclear. Fig. 2.4-8 gives the actual track and and the observations of the three targets. Two targets are moving at an angle to the right, while the third travels directly upward. The observations have been obtained by corrupting the actual tracks with noise, which clutters the picture. Of course, the actual solution of the tracking problem in 2.4-8 would not in practice be known to any observer or tracking algorithm. Fig. 2.4-9 presents the tracking results obtained from a depth three and breadth five tree search. As can be seen, the algorithm correctly associates each reasurement without getting lost in the crowded area around scans 4 and 5, algorithm, Because of the smoothing effects of the Kalman filtering the estimated tracks are closer to the actual tracks than the new observations. In Fig. 2.4-10, a similar run is shown with the same data as before but with a FIFO of length one (i.e., a depth 1 search). Because of -56- Scan 13 27 26 Scan 12 24 Scan 22 Scan 20 10 10 18 Scan 9 16 Scan - * · 0 Scan 7 Scan 6 14 12 Scan 5 10 Scan 8 6 4 2 n . Scan · 4 0 e 2- Scan ~ I * I 2 3 Fig. I_ _________ __ __111_____1_·ls______·P___Y l-I1IS 2.4-7 4 5 Example 4 II -- - 6 -57- 2 2 2 2 * 2 1 1 1 I 11 II I ¢ 1 2 3 4 Fig. 2.4-8 Example 4 _RI_(_I______________1 5 6 -58- 27 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 De pth 6 0 4 0 = Breadth = 5 2 0 4 Fig. 2.4-9 ____________________________ __ Example 4 v -59- 27 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 Depth = 3 Breadth =5 6 4 2 0 1 2 Fig. 2.4-10 I 4 Example 4 5 6 -60the constraint on hypothesis tree depth, a decision on each scan is forced immediately after it is obtained, and thus the FIFO always shrinks back to empty after each scan. in initializing the tracks. rectly assumed. were forced. The problem in this case was On the first scan three targets were cor- However on scan 2 decisions on the targets' whereabouts Any decision without at least a third measurement is com- pletely arbitrary, for there is no velocity estimate at this time. a result, the algorithm in fact crossed two of the tracks. As From this point on, the track estimates had to reverse direction to pick up the measurements again. It happened in this case that by the time the esti- mates reversed direction, their original targets were close by, and thus the initially erring estimates ended up on their original tracks. The single scan run is included to point out the necessity of an N-scan approach. It is of course impossible to portray every different kind of situation in a small set of tracking examples. What we have attempted to do here is highlight some of the basic properties of the algorithm. Clearly, more extensive testing and development would be desirable.. -613. SUGGESTED FUTURE RESEARCH Clearly, the adaptive hypothesis testing technology used to construct the multiobject tracking algorithm described herein is only in its initial stages of development, and it has an extremely broad range of potential applications. Consequently, there are a number of extremely interesting directions for future research, some of which are briefly mentioned. The most direct extension of the work conducted herein would be a more extensive testing of the algorithm. only on a handful of test cases; The algorithm has been tried more experiments should be carried out to collect statistics, observe the effect of changing various parameters, and determine the computational limitations of the approach. A priori statistical characterization of the performance of the algorithm would be desirable, but is quite difficult in view of its complexity. However, it should be possible to analyze certain simple test cases; if these are well-chosen then the various thresholds in the algorithm could be more systematically specified. An important issue is the track versus measurement oriented approach to hypothesis generation. It isn't completely clear at this point exactly what the tradeoffs between the two approaches are. the More generally, use of efficient hypothesis representation in adaptive hypothesis algorithms is basic. These algorithms have memory, and thus have an associated state set, but the structure of this set seems to dynamically change in a data-dependent fashion. Perhaps the most interesting direction of extension would be to generalized the algorithm to accept addition to continuous-valued position discrete-valued information in information. LISP is well- -62suited to such a task. Such an development would greatly extend the range of problems to which automated tracking algorithms could be applied. -63APPENDIX - ALGORITHM DETAILS We present here a much more detailed account of the algorithm described in general in this report. Our aim is not to comment on each line of code of the program, but rather to discuss the input/output characteristics of functions which make up the major blocks. As mentioned previously, the algorithm naturally divides into four main blocks: initialization, hypothesis generation, FIFO maintenance, and hypothesis merging. We discuss the makeup of each block separately: INITIALIZATION IN IT: Before calling the tracking program certain variables must be defined and initialized. The "init" function handles this. The following is a list of the variables defined, their descriptions, and the default values set by "init". 1. prunefactor=2.0 . this is used in a second pass pruning after FINDNOD. surviving FINDNOD whose (-) likelihood values are greater than "prunefactor" times the minimum (-) likelihood hypotheses are pruned 2. All hypotheses out. markX=t these are flags which determine whether certain variables or trees are to be printed out during a "track" run; if set to "nil", printing is inhibited; 3. if set to anything but "nil", printout occurs. mez=O the total number of measurements input since the last "init" call. -64- 4. nnumb=0 the current node subscript for the nodes in the hypothesis tree. 5. fifoscans=(0) a list whose elements are the last measurement subscripts for each scan (e.g. (4,2,0) implies that the FIFO contains 2 scans with scan 1 = meas's 1 & 2 and scan 2 = meas's 3 & 4. 6. terminals=(nO) a list of the terminal nodes of our tree. Initially we include only the root node nO. 7. n0=nil the root of our hypothesis tree. It is initially given a likelihood value of 0.0, and assigned to measurement number ('meznum) 0, a placebo measurement. 8. conf=nil a list of confirmed targets 9. scanmax = 3 the maximum number of scans allows in the FIFO. 10. R=2x2 identity matrix the covariance matrix of our observations. 11. Vmax = 100.0 a maximum velocity allowed for initializing targets. 12. gate=5000.0 the n of equation (2.3-30) -65- 13. keepnum=5 the numberaf the most likely hypotheses to be kept by FINDNOD. This value sets the maximum bredth of the tree. 14. Pf=.Ol probability of a false alarm 15. Pm=.Ol probability of missing a target 16. keepnodz=nil the terminal nodes kept after FINDNOD 17. nodzprune=nil the nodes to be pruned out after FINDNOD. Note that variables 1,2,9-15 can be set to the user's desires. In addition to setting up the above variables, "init" calls two functions: (initree 64) and (initcsf). The former erases the property lists of the first 64 nodes of the tree (if more than 64 nodes were used on the last run, (initree n) should be called manually). "initcsf" initalizes the confirmed states file. ASSIGN: After calling "init" manually, the processing of measurements is performed by (track). "track" serves as our main control loop. The very first thing we do in track is assign each measurement a measurement name of the form m.. The measurements are (x,y) pairs and are stored in the variable "data" before calling track (see the section on Usage). -66- If no measurements have been set up, we abort, else (x,y) pair the name mi ASSIGN assigns each where i is the running count stored in "mez". The final value of "mez" is then the total number of measurements input since the last "init". HYPOTHESIS GENERATION FINDNOD: "findnod" is a recursive program which expands the hypothesis tree using branch and bound techniques. "nil" The variable "terminals" is set to before calling "findnod", and is updated to include the new terminal nodes after expansion. "findnod" is called with the past terminals as its argument, for we expand our tree from the old terminals onward. Before further discussion of "findnod" we must discuss the implementation of our hypothesis tree. As previously mentioned, a LISP vari- able can be assigned properties, which in turn can be given values. Each node of the tree is a variable called "ni" which has a "branches" and a "parent" property. The value of its "branches" property is a list of nodes which are its direct descendants, i.e. a list of pointers to children nodes. of the node. Conversely, the "parent" value is the direct ancestor With these two properties, each node has forward and back- wards pointers which allow easy bi-directional traversal of the tree. A representation of a general property list is given in Fig. A.1. We now describe the various properties and their values: 1. branches: a list of direct descendant nodes. 2. parent: the variable name of the direct anscestor 3. target: a number representing the hypothesized target of the node. -674. meznum: the measurement number of the node (each lvel is assigned to one and only one measurement) 5. likelihood: the negative log likelihood of the hypothesis This value is propagated along the hypothesis branch during expansion, and is finally left only on the terminal node of the hypothesis. 6. states: a list giving the hypothesis' state and covariance estimate for each target on the hypothesis. ((targeti (estimate)) (targetj The form is: (estimate))...) or ((1((XlvxlYlVyl)(PxOOPx01oPx10Pxll) (Py00Py01PyloPyll)) )(2(...))) Which says that target 1 has position and velocity estimates (xl,Vxl,yl,vyl), and covariance matricies for the x position is: xO10 and likewise for y. Pxll Like "liklihood", the "states" property is propagated along during the "findnod" expansion and is left only on terminal nodes. 7. tentatives: branch. a list of the tentative targets on the hypothesis Again this is a propagated property which ends up only on terminal nodes. In addition to those properties which are always present on the tree, some properties are created and erased while implementing various functions. Because of their transient nature they are not discussed here. We are now in a better position to describe the expansion of the hypothesis tree. To expand from any node we must decide how many -68- _W I, *cn clJ o 0 I,- to -. ° Z W, F- C, om pi IJ a) -0 cn E-4 o *0 0 0 I '. I. .. -- W r a) wu o 0O -O 0 ow r:.a 0O .-if, z I----1----I-- C C t-IHX Q 4 Nu N x w C W w r I4 (A (4- 0 0 0 C tm r_ 0 C 0 -6 c C 0E m z w o_ C C 0Z cr z II C 0 I t z __ Cm C mo mL I __ ·rH 44 U, w -69- nodes to branch to. We decide this by creating a list called "possible" which contains all the confirmed targets, the tentative targets of that a new target, and 0 (a false alarm). hypothesis, Those confirmed and tentative targets which have already been used on the branch in the present scan are then deleted. The resulting list then represents the possible targets which occupy the next level of the tree. For each target, we create and branch to a separate new node, while listing these nodes on our "branches" property. For each one-level expansion we call the routine "kalman" which updates the targets' state estimates to account for the new target-measurement association. We store these updated estimates in the "states" property of our new node. If the (-) likelihood value of any of the new nodes exceeds the maximum (-) likelihood value of the present "keepnum" most likely hypotheses, then we stop any further expansion from that node; the hypothesis' (-) likelihood value can only increase and thus decrease the likelihood of the hypothesis. the tree. In this manner we inhibit senseless expansions within The halted node is added to a list of nodes to be pruned (nodzprune). When we are done with the expansion, the "keepnum" most likely hypotheses are left on the tree, a list of which can be found in both "keepnodz" and "terminals". Having now expanded our tree to account for the new measurements, we erase the nodes to be pruned by calling "pruneout". "pruneout" deletes all "dead-end" nodes from the "branches" property of live nodes and de-allocates the storage created for them. then performed in "threshprune". A second pass pruning is "threshprune" prunes out all of the -70remaining hypotheses whose (-) likelihood values are greater than that of the best hypothesis by a factor greater than "threshold". Finally, we must recognize any newly confirmed targets which may have resulted from the above pruning. A routine called "confind" checks for confirmed targets by at each level of the tree seeing if all hypothesized targets are identical. If so, that target is a confirmed target, and is added to the "conf" list if not already there. After finding the newly confirmed targets, we must then go back and delete them from all "tentatives" properties on the terminal nodes. Thus ends the expansion block of our algorithm. In summary we have expanded the tree, pruned out "unlikely" hypotheses and propagated up-to-date state estimates. F IFO MAINTENANCE In this next block we maintain the dynamic size of the hypothesis tree. In maintaining the tree as a FIFO of scans we must bump the oldest scan off the FIFO in two specific instances: when the FIFO is full, and when the oldest scan is identified. FIFO FULL The FIFO (tree) is allowed to expand such that it contains "scanmax" number of scans, but as soon as it does so, it bumps the bottom scan off the FIFO. We check for the FIFO being full by checking the length of the list "fifoscans". As mentioned, "fifoscans" contains the ending measurement numbers of each scan, and from this we easily infer the number of scans in the FIFO. three functions: If the FIFO is full we call the following -71- 1. CSF. This routine updates our "confirmed states file". Remember, the confirmed states file stores the state estimates of all confirmed targets at each time the FIFO bumps off a scan. If the FIFO has filled up, then the bottom scan is probably not identified and we must somehow decide which confirmed targetmeasurement associations to update the CSF with. This decision is made simply by using the association of the most likely hypothesis. Using these associations, we call "kalman" and update the CSF in a similar manner to updating a node of the tree. CSF is itself a tree of breadth one. where i corresponds to the scan. CSF tree - (tree). C3 C2 C! )'-) SCAN BUMP. Scan i has the node in the The CSF thus looks like: (( )( 2. The -nodes are names "Ci" (at level i), and each node has its scans' total state estimate. Co The (( )( ) ...) - - - SCAN 2 This function bumps the bottom scan off the FIFQ It does this by changing the "branches" property of the root node "nO" to include those nodes beginning the second scan in the tree. It then de-allocates the memory assigned to the first scan. 3. CLEANUP. Bumping a scan off the tree may delete the occurances of tentative targets on a hypothesis branch.' "cleanup" -72- traverses through each branch of the tree, creates a new "tentative" list for each branch, and stores that list on the "tenatives" property of the associated terminal node. In sumimary, upon detecting a full FIFO, we have completely bumped the oldest scan off the tree, and updated the CSF. BOTTOM IDENTIF IED After checking whether the FIFO is full, we can now see if the new bottom scan is identified. and then bump 1, it off the FIFO as well. BOTCHECK. or not. If so, we want to update the CSF for this scan This function checks if the bottom scan is identified As defined in chapter 2, an "identified scan" is a scan with all "identified measurements". Further, an is a measurement with one and only one its level in the tree. "identified measurement" target assigned to it on BOTCHECK then checks each level in the bottom scan; if each level is an "identified measurement"then the bottom scan is identified and BOTCHECK returns true (t); then it returns false (nil). if not, If BTCHECK return nil, we continue on to the hypothesis merging block. If it returns t, we bump the bottom scan and update the CSF by calling "CSF", "BUMP", and "CLEANUP", exactly as we did when the FIFO was full. We then loop back and check for the new bottom scan to be identified. This way, we bump off as many bottom identified scans as the tree has. -73HYPOTHESIS MERGING MATCH Our final block's purpose is to trim redundant hypotheses off the tree. As discussed in chapter 2, some live hypothesis branches may be identical due to past differences being dropped off the tree. hypotheses can be either "exact" or "1-1' identical. Identical "exact" identical hypotheses have the exact same targets along their branches. "1-1" identical hypotheses differ only in a 1-1 renaming of tentative targets. In the present block we first identify the groups of exact identical branches, trim all but one of each group, and then do the same for 1-1 identical branches. The main control function for these processes is the function "match". "match" and its subfunctions represent a substantial amount of the algorithm's code. EXACT Identifying identical hypotheses is done in a multi-pass method. With each pass we reduce or subdivide lists of possible identical hypothesis using some criteria for "identicalness". To find exactly identical branches, a two pass method is used: PASS 1: TENTAMATCH For branches to be identical, they must have the same number of tentative targets. "tentamatch" creatsa list "matchlist" whose entries are lists of terminal nodes which have identical numbers of tentatives on their branches, PASS 2: EXACTMATCH Our final pass, "exactmatch", starts from the terminal nodes, and by traversing the tree one level at a time, reduces "matchlist" down -74to include identical branches at each stage. When the root node is reached, the final list, "nextsame" contains lists of exactly identical branches. EXACTPRUNE Having grouped our identical branches, we trim out all but one hypothesis from each group. Since the hypotheses were spawned from different origins, their likelihood values will be close, but not exact. smallest We keep that branch of each group with the (-) likelihood value. This determination and the pruning operation is performed by "exactprune". 1-1 IDENTICAL Finding and eliminating 1-1 identical hypotheses is similar to the method used for exact hypotheses. Our goal here is much more difficult howerver, for we must find hypotheses which are exactly identical except for a one-to-one mapping of tentative targets from brench to branch. To avoid an exhaustive brute force approach, a four pass method was used for determining our 1-1 branches. PASS1: TENTAMATCH As described above, "tentamatch" creates a list "matchlist" of groups of branches with identical numbers of different tentative targets. PASS 2: ELSAME This routine subdivides "matchlist" into a list "nextsame" containing groups of branches which are identical except for their tentative targets (i.e., identical confirmed targets and false -75alarms are in the same levels). PASS 3: SUBFILTER "subfilter" subdivides "nextsame" into a list "nextsame3" containing groups of branches which have the same number of occurances of individual tentative targets (e.g. if hypothesis n7 has tenative targets 18, 19, 20 with frequencies on its branch of 1,1,3 respectively, and hypothesis n8 has tentative targets 21,22,23 with frequencies of 1,3,1, then n7 and n8 would still be grouped together after subfilter). PASS 4: FINMATCH This subdivides "nextsame3" into a list "finsame" containing the 1-1 identical groups of hypotheses. EXACTPRUNE As described above, "exactprune" prunes out all but the most likely branch of the 1-1 identical groups. Finally, after trimming the tree of redundant hypotheses, we call "confind" to find any newly created confirmed targets. We then loop back to the beginning of our "track" control loop and check if there is another measurement scan to process. PROGRAM USAGE Running the tracking program requires minimum set-up from the user. Here we outline the procedures for processing data: -76- STEP 1: type "(init)" this initializes the environment and sets all parameters to the default values listed above. At this time, any change of parameters can be keyed in by the user. As described above, if intermediate print-out is not desired then typing "(unmark)" after If more than 64 nodes must be erased from pre- init is necessary. vious runs, "(initree n)" must be typed, for n equal the number of nodes to be erased. STEP 2: type "(setq data(?))" We must set-up our measurements in the list "data". "data" is structured as follows: Each measurement scan is a separate list in "data". A scan's measure- ment list in turn is comprised of the (x,y) measurement pairs; e.g. if we wanted to process only one data scan we would type: '(((1.3 4.7)))). '(((1.3 4.7))(7.4 Processing two scans would require: 12.3)))). (setq data (setq data To generate data following linear motin with superimposed noise we use the "line" function: (line 'x 'y xslope yslope) which would increment x and y by xslope and yslope respectively. The output is then an (x,y) pair containing the new (x,y) with noise uniformly distributed over -.5,+.5] added on. Thus, for (x,y) initially (5.0 7.0), (line 'x 'y 1 2) would give us ((6 + noise) (9 + noise)). -77- STEP 4: TYPE "(track)" "track" processes the measurements in "data". A list of control messages and the targets for each branch of the tree are printed out. GO TO STEP TO CONTINUE ENTERING DATA GO TO STEP 1 IF A NEW EXAMPLE IS TO BE RUN 4 ti -78- :; t'1::, :, d.i;.?:. ii ' (:, ,:i i.:.~ I:.! . :-- : ' i .i i. eiZ(:.- :' :" A. )(,AMPLE R/v' :i . . i -- S:·r',c ~,.e !:1sl 'be i:;",', .- , l[; i i e II,. ' . 't' '".I-. ii((10 o. w~r'~y '6.:, ::·i' msv[-: .:1 c, :{........... i ':C,... :in a, f b1]. 'i:, t-:-,l A , :. .t;; i> :r'§ dr':'il; . ' j.. ':. b -It'i, l. Pvri;·r'b----ou o',' ', l T 1''§ l uo', i'fi 'I:,, l , -,lot,:. '' tt.';'..:..I" i ie ' . i i-. :.. t --- '' 0 '- ... ' - -. 0 e'i 0i ;:.... 1, ( .v el ! ttrj.--,>""' w0 I,';!X-r. u, " ' .i 'i~~~, At.*$c.Aj j 'o '' ].i l I '. e '' r-: Lhe4 i ,i n,si i i f' s' t --- di ....> "i Irl;.. "i:.:,f' u!"~ u. :r :i.:l e r.u'\\ t..:(Ii- 3.:i.¢.> ( Ii :i.J s. LL t:!. r'~,:: ". J 'L (., ,:...',t', J . % _ 0i 3 0 ' 't'~ee.:.:~' 466666 1. 6 0.6 F oi i ? 'the i.:0).)S) , :.':: c.r' s .-I ' jj 'ir'''i;¢fl i a'..!'.! J fs,,,:. (' - 0 ,:-'z,.. : i ,? }¢7 "'D.;; ' /':. ! J J. ))'., ))' d C -79- ((( ..! 0 ,-.0.98" 7:S3 )' )) te v'K..:.c. i.>c set.u "e t= !now 'e.d'.i :.c:,r"o~ess ( :. r E' i. o i i; re l i (n 0 · · + 4 ' i r : t.. J. d: trt :i. ei j d i e 'rU.... ((4 0:B.3'.4.':;,; T0) (().5:4:~:-::3 ()o9E4· (4 3 + 4 4 7 0;. 70 - ile 5! . t ,.ck t 4:'re 7.t the '- ;,,ee. te te s ;.'.:i l iind . . vale: ;,' "o1 ode'e ec c be-.tween ; IeJ f.>renitl , ' ,e iF b h : '- . (e< eC iv o reent. . the i. 't "-..." " t-.:, "ee . -80- ..:..!................. .................. "- .*~c! __ _*.+,, ,+_.... .,,* ~ ............. ...."...i,,, , e _ :,........ '. !.......~.,.... _t~ . " ..· t i i ', : i t. at ' Fi ilii; i. Cj, I ' '; ' i cTCCii ii .3 j 1 i . i ): i ; ,) 1vi .I, i . i - J. f':, i,':. 1; .S6 { 1 J (' 5 1 '3:i.'.. i li d 0o0 r(. .: t t: .' r .i ..i ' 1 e4 -9j (: 3 .(:-.,' im~~i.... ._...._ ....... ....... .............. .._......._.. .-_. _ :..o-.: .. _...................... .... L7 ., 0 (i C:1.66667) T +- 1 ++ + .i + . +.. r '.i. s.0 i ,r.n .. n 00 ' .{:i4.n 'CF -..n + ++ + +(2o:L5 + -, + +..+. + + rA L .j, .. r i + :. , ++++I ,-jo8:L66I67) +.' 3.." 2, ........ , C,0) + : +-t+++++++. .. +++ n 1i ) e . ':.;.)s j; ; .? si ;ryO , " ! :. 2 ;i ? .:.i iJT :. ,': T it 9 i . . -81- Y~~;I \ ..... :tl "- rO r;· ) (se s:;fr; -. '4- ii s r . 1 3, ) Pset , I 0E tLI0 ir'.. t7 $,, ,1 Nr., 4 -(s-tci - .C' ? (',,ta".:: r. :. . .'ti 7r_ S (str,,t t % S ( t . 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I e . ,.n~:,-7:- ~ 411Z' 1 ?7-_ - i_.L,.' :i ;;t; . + ;; 1 f '. rF5t- t· i ¶ .F . rrSW_\;- .-· -- , i '! ¢_1 .. -: . Ii 1 :ci15r4'' . .t .(t: ";-t.: .F.. ii "-"'.' ': .' ' <n,'.; ,;'---i ., I,. ,[_:tfc.-+ " ',,-' ''-:..=r ,r'. i .:,s; :,,_ _,t _ ,-;'; tF:F r,,i.,-,,,u (.,, .r: i . r .'Frit rrn st . ' , ) I'1in intiri : ,t ,i .'oi-~il.tI- '! ..':).' 1 ii': r .. '-rir~f. : t;i· ?;.:: i ~;- l_s_s -·lllrC ----- __I-- '-,C- I .l4) i, , i .'): : :I I' ; ' ;x --;: i (~-'~qt 5 r(tii.-'t i ;:'r:5 - ' ... "-.. ; --- -- 4 ; I 1l / i . P 7." '7 I -I i- -i ,;. -85- ' ,:. E Ix p,.Z- SA ('.Ad:,.] ["..-.F;Cd (i: q X _ f.- 2 ,' , L__ L'd·- T ( ?. nt D'i t.- ._ _ t ~ P. 55 bu i--- r tt ':-. X,'.:: 'i. ":..ra'* C]_ '-l -, -t -----~ I.~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---- -86- t: 4 J (furI~~{.. ·C oin1.d (t I - r. ~L i tv3. -er ,; in-,r (i n X9;rr:-o 'tI= r't J d trtex ,"e ciKt .fr. "C¢'-V~ U(c (f ,ff:f! rf CI iCI , Ii : I ar. ·{- , '...t.~' -i-.'.; .' - (ist : r (tri ;V.- ) -4 -s drs . (<i~$<r;;li tr U':- ' ) ' er "' , n't .,a r,~- .1.9 I_ '; d - i;-;j, ) 3 -Al, a I- -87- · ~i· -- ~.q~ ,,.f~ rnF . I" r : ,,' .: ( ,t.c::. - K r t'Sr, ,t'f 1 1 i, ::l __ t ! ,; ! .r ' .- . !ri F= i .:t r¢.- - Czi u-i : ',: ; .4re' , ,' s - 1 ft d (' d(,fr..Uttrj7 f. ;-.rru¢' , _ig']7i . '-----ar-----r--3 l ll.l i,. i- '7. III----·-----· i ?-*-r + i1i ,-r **, ?.I ; r,,; i'e l_.X¢l i•e( d(8( . . I i 'eir. ,C(c;:..__ F \u,_ c.t .,,r ,('j~r,:e ,' ,:!i;-l (C07;S t~'rt -, ! ? ' f> f.. ^ ) Tor tt ,z ) r. i 4, '. .. * ri' ,,i i. x ./~ -- --- .. · -88- 17 '((:.::, _t, t i s. e ( :rr':=: ", .,;en iti (:at lnil)))) rr~, -¢~:t-i t:.r ! it; F (,.:: ;: et frf,isea.O - vfC i)T , 4 . ~--c>' e ) rure ' f: : '7 .-.4:P;r ,(x:e I,.I u ". ist u!a P -t ' cr _.).) 2... . Ice ( . . .,) E 'U<.s. , _ * t_ ,n>j{',,. 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E, _ '4eC nil 'sties))) )) 'rew))) corn; ((e¢.l (cedr l)isti (t rrs.uP .. :is't (Iist. (f+(X 0) (X 1)) (X 1t) i+$ (X2.,) ' 3,1 (X 3,))) (set.a Xnr: (set. Pnew 0. 01t (list (+ (PIt (71I. I ,) (?' I 0) (Pi 1. r'* ,1 (P, ( 1ti n t Li 1,') (r * , 11 (PI1I: )) (set.a P2iew 0. 0) 0, I,) 1. 0i) 1, 1.1)) 0. 1.' (P2 I. I,)) 1, 0.) (P2 1. 1,)) 1.)) (list (+$ (P2 (P2 (P2 (P2 (+$ (P2 ($s(P2 (P2 1 t (c; (st3tco:s list) (subst nil (list. Xnew Flnew P2,,,-,)))))) Xrw p-ta list '.r Y) 0.0 (c=dr Y) 0,0)) 'r:ews})' t F....,'iAt f! I z ('-tQ S: . 1li ( --. E t'liStC-Y (list 'lt (et. source 't ret) slist)) Et (>t s Urcs) S e ,- (to ,=.ic tost liston-) (F'Ut;'~ sou.rce (Ubskt ·I_ __= nil ril C· slistc.o.)) (listt slltC¢~-) 'tmte5)) setistcics a (s, L _rll -·-----··-·9------·-------- 111 11- -94:,e;. i ,I I (- (c r (X C',)) ') f, c.;..d rY) 3-~ (,:.-d~ Y) (Y 2.)))) 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(.",:- ~ i) -pll-r·----r--nr··II(···IC-"··-·IP ; - '~:. ;c.- _:st.: ,;,=, (~-' 't Ve i i;~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -... ___. i-r .5 .'; =,-*-e.)r --a---- i- -99- G3/ 2'-3.?¢ LSF (dI r2r; r,.l . 7 ? t7' _ici r ' _ i:; 1 -,r,;gl (defurn CSF rni (,~utr _ t;.r, n. ,' - ri:,e (~.,'i.- ;j .C ff 'bOuc ¢'.,.. b.: ' .ts)i, -, ,r z -C 5f._!T! '~8;'er:.) (sorr. o r),. (uer:d .rc (Futc r. 1 .. t. feer-rF:od' ); ' .o?. "' ... i k'1i ( e. sb ri, t s t I: lf!:0; 'stte)) I. , 1 11 , . -i..... , ,I - - Op1P~rr:lF~ -100,3" ·.1-i.-.T . t:..?.- i' a :'!. F '' .:i,) '. : *, U.1: t i .. · i'1 (i !i . t. ; i i.t, . ).;.F ,- a: ni lo.::.; ( t) ir. i. (ut r rc,-.r Ic-, i.liet00 '1 (klImmr ne csf , ( a I -------------·I----r·-- i .U d): ) ... r) -. (set,.list (sust 'buffcsfnil t(uF-erd s ) ':.: .. ,'~;rJ +. ;,+ 1 PA o(F Ma, .9 ma. i il (!istecsf) (et Ct .('Jeeftc-nde 'F'i i,. .rrt..)) ;-iu~c ~-,t._+.!!;,C¢, ,' t-rt JFIij( -ICiBQlsPa*Priri*1I·l--··slli ` -101- ;''vsi.>.'-}Xt ii ,I7',Z I~7 :.,i ' .--- t'-- " Ii, , `7r ',=f'?.,a'2§ 1>r ,/; 9 I'72 ri' 4 J FE! ...... ' '' ... IIa Jt ,a-e : '. i;~R', 1-,,r-c.. ':ii. rli. *-" ': .s.c..t.': ~:.w: : ', l ,u U:.i.. tE ,(:'.::'.t ril ' ';,: (Crr, (, rr .,r.. ' !: tiltt· 1--3·--·-------·1·--·--11111111111 --· llr - , 'r;.'' i:.'.':.;.¢,> -i *);) ..-u:t~6--irt - .. .J.i t).Z 1s p '"' ; · . - ----- E. :, .- --··lul^--"IIIPii- - -- .-·------ --· _ _ I. · __ -102- I ... ,g -% 1:Q i,, _, . t E4.: I ..I 11 I-,II IIm-., x.- I.,. ,-iI., 0I .I o";; .;; ;6 .I - . .- - , I I , I.- ·. -103- ~~* E*,-' ' ., W:t.~i:.~' ('ft± i I.f.. .S.: -^i-'-. .' .~ ," : r . ' .I /"" S.0 t,) T f r '".,;.* +-rn'"I; I ( .,i ii? _.J;s,' :;-:!:. IC.~,'J. I's','7i P.t' ( e Ii ' 4 ~! 7t t . * Z ,i -i r .t, - ff t ( s<<vwiS i~s~~ d (f~t 11 t0 ,st _irw't iA )r t/ 'rX (sFet u (IVbd~ -. l.-;n2eizS "~) t'.qci, (*tXf:f t-t'lf f r_- ;M i ~~~~~~~~~v~~~~~~~ . i i;-s!, ii f "- ~~~.^.... -.- .~~~~~L-- · P~~~~~~~~- -104- -: ki ~ :.J1t _ re_, J T' 1,; .J , ' _.t I''r;i, (...... F·!; r ix i s. t N.,,lu/ . l -?i i o-, .I J- -- 'l.:·"' --i; F i s!. 'i t ! frIiifr f i; zi<tSf _ii ' n2~ 'fJ .- j ' . ,a- ,:;.;.t(o ,'1c: / . r t r, C(cr In pi.i = :.' -ri list') t - r- , t; ,) :'!,-_ fS ' ^ i St . i Ji-i, -'t:., ri--\ s ,i L! · / 4; s.. ;< ,- e' (~,~F'c-:r :=.:.-, ofj s '' '.~.ctl) --.. f2: ti. <s, 1"93il I - i'e-:s\ _t.1.t~r.:ne r - : (cdr t {,it~fdefu `:,,l"l I " .I;, · s f~:,~E:+li~t) ,~"-n * _ . !...- '.ful . - r,7-r $ - C; .-_2 _ p iBW*~ 4.I.. c s * t" ' ; C.A .. . - V ICT~ -ez;·7r. Q,17, l",-, .- . 1>.i".' . ;~i t 2 7r i z- Z+ N L' r''ef,) c 'r s-c~,_~ -i. a .- e .nr-,~=, E-2i-' s-t)~- ; st - r .,3, ' b r~.n-2es..)C , 3 , ; ;:W-i; ,, - - r ._. -1 ' ; ....... c! -, "hes i i i 1 .: .~-f IS. D tLf"fi - ,1 _ r CI :IC. t 3 ,I _ _ _a I _ I - t,. .' eC-I·--· -· ---I · i~~~DII--------a~~~~~~~~~~lLI~~~~IIII*I--·~~~~~~~~C-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- -105- C . i_; .'. ; /*- * @ ri . . 1.-.J. . .-.... '~l , : -: ' _ j,t (e:t, :'.- --+ , A L ,, , ' L. te - t r-.. L% se q I , > i ~- iI ', . ; i. ' 'r Sr. _.., . : :'C'6 O',i'. J ) *^ Cj '; _ _8- t 4-I . !- ._-zj, - r.5:^t /. - o. ;t --- X8*-¢ : t CS r % -. *. *, *: t i ! )_: i ., , _ _ _· __ -106- * _r - j' I!.. _7 rr------·-------·I-··,-L- - _ X, . . ,-C--' , " Jt.; tJ .,, ,, x'. · - ,-!1 ,.- . ,_ I., -.. , 1 "" --C--- 'e --;--LILL-- '_L r 1 -107- f;' t t' i'e C- ..1r t ( i ,, .S. . /i-Wf ---,. E - . ?.-. _ . i; 3 "--' - ' } 1 I ,-v. ': LT!, .... , ,u (t . ., . Z. .. :'~ f en .e 'Ee, (;?n'i ) ), , s.) (fi-i'.t t ,'r r:)C Et -.t i t)r tr) E J " : t£ .; t s e,,u,~ -r.' - -rso!,llt J '"J (' I I-T iC·'JJi~ .'))--- 11111- :,,,;, .'~'r - i-.4 r . FrE-zI . , .; r u I A . t (~t '~e-' cr-r'- :-- (tr t, E ;. i .4eta ( ,,:T.. '... (t-;.t te. is (cori:Jd,; ( * lis i t J,'(7 . ', t-': E .r ''i" ' 4..-4 ; '-- k' t . e-;i ts s t i l ., . c:-,t .E.: E"'U , ... :- * i - ... '-- ) ; - --, - -- .. 1--- -lil·-""---*`-..'-"-Z-L-----.. . -108- (_f rr : $S" t_ i; - r-I.:' t ,. *: r t- - : ,-r- . ^ i. t : .1 vr. t.:f-:. ' t i M icit ;,, ' f? JZ L i4 ti 0// _ 1 :.J -i., ,t ':r r, pt. .' n(i lst F r;i (c-iI 3 ' V'_'- o nrr ,; , ~~~-~~--~~9·r~~i-~~---:-- I1 I s ? i*;t) -, .-;:iL'. r, '~~i - .t-V . f.:5j. ,. 8 cuul,. .T-T. ii' ,rr rt te . .t, (j~tO .'. t, :-., t .t ?; E. ,; ..- i-. :.. S ;, 't (c.,.:~/it - , ',sE - f-.fSt r , r- - I ,..,, -- ·- ' - - - ·- -- . -109- '.efu!-4tl f -.. r t.:. t c.09 i", ... "; *" -(t..' n t' ;s t~, ....i . . ' i 4 i ... . .J r r ; .L ; \ijj ,.5 ' ; r: E S -r Z ; i Ii ±... , r .4,C , tlz - s i r, .rt. 1I1 * 2 t8 L;' ,riiF .) ,r;-z3j' W C: '~j '~ -. ^ .. . I +: ... . t ' v.,. 9 t jE t - <^1t 1Stri 1_.' ,;aj, r- . e : ... ~ 4.,ii· - ,r 1, i _ .; _'46!f;> -t;t;;L ,, C;~r J _l, ; ~ t *-,'i' _, - t . t. .. ; ... t i' 4I vkt Z t it' 'ei ;.T t ,l.! "-- t ur,_. J .. _I_ r ` 'd:'i .... (tr- "t !' i : ' ' E ;_ _ 4 eI ..-e . ~"'""'-d -' ,|il)(j;,-t 'n(OS / . Cs P .!/d it:v j ) .\ / ) -110' . L. i _ Jr < <,-- .c; e_ I:tt (t ri R--C----------"------I----Di·IIBslllR i l _ ':.4irI .-' s 's ' k7-ilPl,,) C' f _ i r '- .;; i blOL l! ~.¢~., .;,^,·. t r-s.:, i*d; -ii·· ;,d ~ T* - Zt r :.- d .;C . ,; : r ) _ r lC-E _ a ,r 'i '. n. -e , t*"'-... .. :. d . .; .t . ... .) ),. ---I --. -----------*--·1----·------------ I--al·-r-rsncsas.aa-r;l----i-----· _I_ -111- . (P C'., SS?;'(:' i..b iP >'j e(t')),r t (in eiit (dFfUr fr'"'i t . r t (:~]8 . ,r , 71>7 '(OP5 , r' >: .i r,';:,'~,,;.~r)r . . I . ii , 3 ij{ , '"* ....'*' l (-'t o: . :.. _i.; , t'~ " ; r 2.^t. (defu ri i i r e,- ,rf, (.;,Pi l'- it I~i::itu},inii. 3ir. - i P~C'; ... V: . z-, · it x:del srIdel) line ('n it -iri (alur (stef- . >dr i .''evl .u .t xir, t :.:'d./ sii t).:.e). . (s + .t (s~. (t-. ( ,_;ir·i -, ;.,... ,~: .... (·~':1 xi.rit) -~.. (.'o,3s 'iout (sitO (;t1 i ..t. },;ji , ,. i- e1 irit) ¢ (Pr ci-_ oa)l ,t i. \,,o - 1------ ·I·--· -- -- --- - · -112- r irt -Z u,itrt ;ir . C(d C c; F. . P t 3 i .- 0. '·e'GOrn (,ut~rc~ 'hoo . ;)). ;riPr,: f (:_0 1.iklie t ti ( -trir, ) i ~,:C..; r- _i ?t sPee (in , _ r_i r,-,d~ '__:..r. n.~ tf ' r'~ )l i., ____ t. (t. .u.". ('rin"Ft 'Chir, (Pe _ _ _ __ _ i it :;~-ll li'"-rl .C~~~ c.,~~ f~~i ' ( . tle fe 'iel : i -!i's tiCt C r::'~' ....... t(~e 5;Pr tit P te iC} (>') . (-'Pr, l-i St ,,-'.:·~·r 'tre' 0t -~ S,) ) 'u, (;'s ] ·1111111111111111111111111111111111111 r )i ' - - ... I- -113- I (b a 1r."L iE e D Ji- F I''"f u .'i . '.,:i'.... t r-.,:i+. ' L. 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Greene, An Analysis of the Multiple Model Adaptive Control Algorithm, Report ESL-TH-843, Electronic Systems Laboratory, M.I.T., Aug. 1978. 17. M. Athans, Investigation of the Multiple Model Adaptive Control (MMAC) Method for Flight Control _Systems, NASA Contractor Report 3089, May 1979. 18. Y. Baram, Information, Consistent Estimation and Dynamic System Identification, Report ESL-R-718, Electronic Systems Laboratory, M.I.T., Nov. 1976. 19. Y. Baram and N.R. Sandell, Jr., "An Information Theoretic Approach to Dynamic System Modeling and Identification," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-23, pp. 61-66, Feb. 1968. 20. N.R. Sandell, Jr. and K. Yared, Maximum Likelihood Identification of State Space Models for Linear Dynamic Systems, Report ESL-R-814, Electronic Systems Laboratory, M.I.T., April 1978. 21. K.I. Yared, On Maximum Likelihood Identification of Linear State Space Models, Report LIDS-TH-920, Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, MIT,, July 1979. 22. A.S. Willsky, "A Survey of Design Methods for Failure Detection in Dynamic Systems," Automatica, Vol. 12, pp. 601-611, Nov. 1976, 'p 23. D.T. Magill, "Optimal Adaptive Estimation of Sampled Processes," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-10, pp. 434-439, Oct. 1965. 24. P.H. Winston, Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA., 1977. -- ---