Treatment and Imaging Schedule for the ACRIN 6678 Clinical Trial Patient Name: Date of Birth: IF ANY OF THE DATES LISTED BELOW CHANGE PLEASE CALL [ NAME(S)] AND LET [ HER/HIM/THEM] KNOW SO YOUR PET SCANS CAN BE RESCHEDULED TO MEET THE STUDY REQUIREMENTS PHONE: [Imaging and chemotherapy scheduling example.] Type of Appointment Date Time / Instructions GROUPS A, B, & C 1st PRETREAMENT FDG-PET/CT SCAN GROUPS A AND C 2nd PRETREAMENT FDG-PET SCAN CHEMOTHEARPY CYCLE 1 GROUPS A & B POST 1ST CYCLE FDG-PET/CT SCAN Confirm with [oncologist] [time] nothing to eat & only water to drink CHEMOTHERAPY CYCLE 2 Confirm with [oncologist] GROUP B (OPTIONAL) FDG-PET/CT SCAN [time] nothing to eat & only water to drink STANDARD OF CARE CT SCAN [time] We can schedule your CT scan to be done on the same day as your PET scan so the same I.V can be used for both scans.