HD28 .M414 ^1 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT are Semistructured Objects? Semiformal Structure to Hypertext What Good Adding Thomas W. Malone* Keh-ChiangYu** Jintae Lee* SSM WP#3064-89-MS June, 1989 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 What Good Adding are Semistructured Objects? Semiformal Structure to Hypertext Thomas W. Malone* Keh-ChiangYu** Jintae Lee* SSM WP#3064-89-MS June, 1989 •Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management **University of Kansas OCT A 10^9 What Good Are Semistructured Objects? Adding Semiformal Structure to Hypertext Thomas W. Malone, Keh-Chiang Yu, Jintae Lee Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology Conventional hypertext consists primarily of nodes containing unstructured text or graphics and links between these nodes (see reviews by Halasz, 1988; and Conklin, 1987). these systems is represented informally (e.g., Thus most information in as unstructured text or graphics) for processing by humans. The links provide only a small amount of formal structure for automatic processing, but the current interest in hypertext suggests how powerful even this small amount of structure can be. At the other end of the spectrum are conventional knowledge-based systems where is all the knowledge represented formally (using structures such as frame inheritance networks and production rules) for These systems provide quite powerful automatic processing by the systems. reasoning, but encoding many & Yu, 1988; Conklin & Begeman, It is only very recently that a few 1988, Fikes, 1988, Harp, 1988) systems (e.g., begun experiment with the semiformal middle ground between these two extremes. to In this paper, Lai, automatic kinds of knowledge using their rigid formal representations requires significant- -and often completely infeasible-amounts of effort. Malone tools for we are concerned with two questions: structure provide for hypertext users? and complexity for users'' Our answer.-, to these (2) (1) What benefits (if have any) can additional semantic Are these benefits worth their cost in additional question are derived primarily from our early experience with the Object Lens system, a general tool for cooperative work and information management (Lai, Malone &Yu, 1988). to the first question, we will provide significant benefits for (a) summarizing the contents of objects and In answer conclude that adding semantic structure to hj'pertext nodes can their relationships, and (b) automatically searching and manipulating collections of objects. In particular, the Object Lens system illustrates the surprising usefulness of customizable folders for rule-based agents for manipulating them. summarizing collections of objects and We conclude that the additional complexity required will also is "soft" the structure in the objects are incremental (i e , users who e the objects are semi-structured), , don't use them don't need to (b) reduced when (a) the additional features know about them), and (c) the primitives an appropriate level of abstraction for these additional features are at We (i for these benefits is believe these properties characterize many the paper briefiy defines such systems and successful semiformal systems, and the final section of summarizes principles for their design OVERVIEW OF OBJECT LENS Object Lens Goldstein & intended to be a general tool for cooperative work and information is Bobrow, 1987; diSessa, 1985). One of its key goals create and modify their own is, unsophisticated computer users problem defining a set of primitives at the "right" level, is not so low-level that they require significant effort to do anything useful, nor so high-level that they require significant modification whenever the users' needs change (see diSessa, 1986). case of Object Lens, folders, (Lai, (cf, applications without requiring the intervention of a skilled programmer. In designing such a general tool, a critical that is to let managment and the following key primitives: (1) semistructured objects, (2) customizable semiautonomous agents. Much more (3) Malone, we chose & Yu, 1988) Semistructured objects. In the detail about the Object Lens system is given by Here we provide only a brief summary By defining and modifying templates for various semistructured objects, Object Lens users can represent mfdimalion about people, tasks, products, messages, meetings, companies and many other kinds people and their computers. sense that ( 1 ) of information in a form that can be processed intelligently by both The system provides an interface to an object-oriented database in the each object includes a collection of fields and actions that can be performed upon it, and (3) field values, (2) the objects are arranged in a hierarchy of increasingly specialized types with each object type "inheriting" fields, actions, "parents" fill in as (e.g., much see Stefik & each object type has a set of and other properties from Bobrow, 1986). The objects are semistructured or as little information in different fields as they desire not necessarily of any specific type (c g . it may in the its sense that users can and the information in a field is be free text, a link to another object, or a combination of text and links). Users can see and change individual objects, object type definitions, and object display formats through a particularly natural form of template-based user interface. These templates can also contain editable embedded objects. Customizable folders. By collecting objects displays that summarize in customizable folders, users can easily create their own selected information from the objects in table or tree formats. For instance, they can select certain fields to be displayed in a table with each row representing an object in the folder and each column representing a field. They can also select fields from which the links between objects will be used to create a tree (or graph) display with each object represented as a node in the tree and each link in the selected field represented as a line Semiautonomous agents. between nodes. By creating semiautonomous agents, users can specify rules for automatically processing the information in objects in different ways at difi"erent times. Agents can be triggered by events such as the arrival of new mail, the appearance of a the arrival of a pre-specified time, or an explicit selection by the user. applies a set of rules to a specified collection of objects. A new object When in a specified folder, an agent is triggered it rule contains a description of objects to which the rule will apply and an action to be performed on objects which satisfy the description. Descriptions are partially filled in templates specifying the values required in particular fields descriptions can be used to specify prop>erties of objects to which the original object is Embedded linked. Actions can be general actions such as retrieving, classifying, mailing, and deleting objects or object-specific actions such as loading files or adding events to a calendar. We call a these agents "semiautonomous" because they can take actions without the explicit attention of human easily see user, but they do not try to solve entire problems by themselves and change their processing Status of the system. demonstration system; implemented rules. The current version it is in Interlisp-D and human users and can of Object Lens is intended as a "proof of concept" not engineered for regular use by large groups of people. This version on Xerox 1100 series workstations connected by an Ethernet. It is makes heavy use of the object-oriented programming environment provided by Loops and the built-in te.xt As editor, Tedil group for of this writing, the almost one year, and several other people have used An example: Representing the To system has been used regularly by three people illustrate it in our research regularly for shorter periods structure of arguments the benefits of adding semistructured objects to hypertext, we will describe an increasingly powerful series of sample applications in Objects Lens, each adding a class of benefits not present in the ones before. sample applications are designed All these manipulate the structure of arguments. and against each one, and the rationale help make program is help people represent and For instance, a team of programmers designing a new computer system might use such applications for to to represent alternative design choices, the arguments for the choices finally made. The application could thus the decision originally and store the decision rationale for later reference, such as when the being modified A number of systems & Begeman, have been built or proposed to provide this general kind of functionality [Conklin 1988, Stefik, Foster, Bobrow, Kahn, Lanning, et al, 1987; Lee, 1989). Our examples will be & Suchman, 1987; Lowe, 1986. Smolensky modeled primarily on the gIBIS system, since it is a recent and appealingly simple example of this class of systems. Our primary purpose here how easily many is not to extend the state of the art in argumentation systems, but to of these capabilities can be includes semistructured oiijeci^ implemented special in In all implemented but the very in a general last framework show like ours that examples, these capabilities can be Object Lens b\ knowledgeable end users in a matter of minutes or hours, with no programming required F'or example, our first implementation of most of these capabilities required less than two hours and used only the features of our system that are exposed to non-programming users. Stepl: "Simple "hypertext Figure 1 shows an example of how a "simple" hypertext system might support our argumentation application. This example links between nodes is from the Object Lens system, but Note that is it uses only unstructured text nodes and entirely up to you, the user of this system, to structure the information in the node and to put in the proper links will use it (In this example, and throughout the paper, we "you" to refer to users when that simplifies the explanation of system features.) Step 2: Creating individual nodes The next step our series is to create semistructured object types that are appropriate for our For instance, the gIBIS system has three types of nodes: application. issue), in and Arguments (which support or object to positions). supports one position and objects to another one. positions to which to", respectively). for that field. and if it Issues, Positions (about Figure 2 shows an argument node that The relationships between this node and the refers are represented by links in the appropriate fields ("Supports" When users click on a field it is and "Objects name, a menu pops up containing suggested alternatives For instance, when you click on the Keyword they select one, an field a list of suggested keywords appears automatically inserted in the field To define the new node types (Issue, Position, instance, you can create the new node types as and Argument), you specialize existing object types. For specializations of Thing To do this, you select the "Create Subtype" action on the type derinition for Thing and then use the "Add Field" action on the new type to add the not in Thing. field (that new fields (eg, Supports, Objects to, and Author) that are present In this case, the user also used the "Edit Field was inherited from Thing) to be "Subject". Names" action to list of alternatives for a field, or to specify a folder be displayed as the alternatives. rename the "Name" To change the alternatives that are suggested by the pop-up alternatives menu, you can use the "Edit Alternatives" action. either directly edit a in this type, but This action allows you whose contents to at run-time will At this point, the system helps you create nodes with appropriate fields and alternatives, but doesn't it help you view the structure of the argument as a whole. Step 3: Summarizing the contents and relationships in groups of objects The next step The folders. is to add ways of displaying the overall structure of the argument using customizable original gIBIS system has a graphical browser that shows a tree format display of the nodes in the argument, and Figure 3(a) shows a similar display from Object Lens To create such a display in Object Lens, you can simply put into a folder, select the "tree" display format for the folder, shown Objects For instance, in the tree to, shown with and Responds in Figure As the to fields. if you specializations are Issue, Position, and children It is also to be to display the in the table (see to select objects Figure 4 selects At and select which links you want to have figure shows, links from each of these different fields first (Note: It is more convenient all to specify the say "gIBIS Node," whose create an abstract type, Argument, and which contains is the fields contained in any of ) easy shown the nodes you wish to have displayed the user chose to display links from the Supports, a different kind of line (eg., solid, dashed, etc.) display format for this folder its 3(a), all same nodes Figure 3(b)). from another folder ail in a table to format display, selecting whichever fields you wish Figure 4 shows an additional feature of folders: the ability be inserted into this one. For instance, the selection rule in the coiinlfrargunicnls to a specific position. this point in the example, the system has most of the basic user interface functionality of the original gIBIS system. (Unlike the original glBlS system, however, connections to a remote database server, nor have used reliably by a large group of people.) we hardened the system we have not implemented to the point where it can be Step 4: Automatically selecting and manipulating objects The last step in our example is to add intelligent agents to help search and modify the network of For instance, Figure 5 shows an agent like one you might use nodes. add arguments that support positions you have entered. This agent new objects are agent uses added to the folder to select the group people (i.e., selects to specify structural queries that arguments that object who have a information from throughout a triggered automatically when specific person's positions. This rule illustrates to positions specific supervisor). user's how depend on the link structure in Figure 7 shows another (multiply the network as well as on the contents of intividual nodes. embedded) rule that you whenever people containing the discussion of interest. Figure 6 shows the rule this arguments that support a embedded descriptions can be used is to notify authored by people in a particular This rule illustrates how queries can use knowledge base (such as knowledge about people and their supervisors). Other applications In addition to the argumentation example, number of other sample applications (e.g., see Lai, applications (e.g., we have used we implemented Malone the Object Lens system to & Yu, 1988) For instance, one of the a first did local mail sorting like that done by the Information Lens system see Malone, Grant, Turbak, Brobst, & Cohen, 1987). To do this, we simply defined various kinds of messages as object types, created agents that were triggered by the arrival of We specified rules to move new messages applications to support bug tracking in our research group, (a) implement into folders research center track sponsors and projects, and (c) new mail, and have also recently developed demonstration (b) help the administrative director of a serve as a personal to-do list. BENEFITS OF SEMISTRUCTURED OBJECTS Now that we have seen examples of how end users can create powerful applications using semistructured objects and the other primitives provided by Object Lens, this section will analyze more detail the benefits this additional structure provides. in More powerful The tools for creating and acting upon individual objects When the system can suggest appropriate actions for different types of objects at different benefits of structure for manipulating individual objects are mostly obvious: knows the type of an object, times. it For instance, message objects that have just been composed can be Sent, and message objects received from elsewhere can be Answered or Forwarded. Semistructured objects can also help you create consistently structured nodes without having to retype or explicitly copy information from previous nodes. All format, and Argument nodes in Object Lens, for example, contain the same fields in the when you create them you can sense in each get consistent guidance about same what alternatives make field. Powerful tools for summarizing the contents of objects and their relationships The fact that the system "understands" something about the structure of nodes and the meaning of text or links in different fields allows the system to create much more useful summaries of the nodes in a folder than would otherwise be possible. General display formats: Table and Two tree display formats for folders, tables and tree, are useful for a wide range of object types and relationships objects. The For instance, Figures 8(a) and 8(b) show two examples of folders containing task first folder summarizes the due table format, the second folder resembles a important PERT shows a tree dates, status, and responsible person for each task in a format display of the same objects chart that summarizes the prerequisite relationships to realize that users can create displays like this only need to define the task object with and tree formats, and its for shown in the folders. create and place in the folders will be displayed appropriately among the tasks. It is themselves. In this case, they would appropriate fields (as in Figure select the fields to be In this case, the display 9), create folders with table Then any task instances the users Specialized display formats: Calendar Most of our work so far has used two display formats for tables and trees. These formats are folders: applicable to a very wide range of object types and relationships. more specialized It is folder display formats for special kinds of objects. specialized display format called "Calendar." also possible, however, to create For instance. Figure 10 shows a The calendar format used to diplay objects of type is "Event." All Events (including specializations such as Meeting and Seminar), contain fields called "Date," "Start time," and "End time event to locate the (Figure 10(b)). in the " When events are displayed in a calendar, these fields are used proper day of a month (Figure 10(a)) and at the proper time within a day Users can select a month display like that in Figure 10(a); they can click on one day within the month display to bring up a day folder like that in Figure 10(b); and if they display an event within the day folder, the event itself is shown as in Figure 10(c). Automatic agents for searching and manipulating networks In addition to to summarizing the contents of semistructured objects, the system can use their structure perform even more powerful automatic actions such as searching and restructuring Lens system uses rule-based agents to perform these automatic actions shows an agent that maintains a folder of "Overdue Tasks." The Object For example. Figure 11 Every night at midnight, this agent is automatically triggered and searches the "*A11 Tasks" folder, a system-maintained folder that contains passed, it all move? them into the Overdue Tasks specified criteria. and to automatically maintain folders according to But other kinds of actions can be defined as implementing several new types of actions argumentation networks that the agent finds tasks whose due date has folder. In general, agents can be used to retrieve objects in When task objects in the local workstation we created new types like the one in of nodes called to help well. For example we are currently provide facilities for automatic truth maintenance our example above (see Lee, 1989). Imagine, for instance, "Assumptions" with links to the arguments that depend on them. Then, agents could look for assumptions whose truth value had changed, and ujxlate the truth values of the arguments and positions that depend on these assumptions. 10 LESSONS In designing and using the Object Lens system we have been struck with two kinds of lessons about The semistructured objects. involves how first involves the nature of semiformal systems in general, the second "soft" the object type definitions should be. Semiformal systems Elsewhere it (Lai, Malone, & Yu, 1988), we defined a semiformal system as having three properties: represents and automatically processes certain information in formally specified ways, make represents and it easy for formally specified; and (3) it humans to process the or other information in understand enough about a situation to Semiformal systems are most useful when we We believe that this characterizes a of the situations in which computers are likely to be used, both this definition, hypertext to hypertext overwhelming it ways that are not formalize in a computer system some, but not to acting in that situation. By (2) allows the boundary between formal processing by computers and informal procesing by people to be easily changed. knowledge relevant same (1) now and in either the losing of the very large number the future. systems are clearly semiformal systems. In order systems without all, advantages of their to add more structure semiformal their users with excessive complexity, our experience with the Object nature or Lens system (and our observation of other systems as well) has led us to believe that the following principles are useful: (1) The knowledge represented in the system is exposed to users in a way that is both visible and changeable (cf Turbak, 1986). For example, users of the Object Lens system are able to easily see and , change the object types and processing rules included in the system. There are successive layers of exposure of features in the system, and people can use features at one (2) level without needing to know about deeper (and more complex) levels For instance, some Object Lens users can create and edit instances of predefined object types and display them in predefined folders without ever knowing how to define new object types, folders, or agents. 11 (3) The primitives know what system are at an appropriate of the the "right" level of abstraction really As we saw desirable properties in this regard level of abstraction. It would use anyway of course, difTicult to but the primitives in Object Lens appear to have is, in the examples, created without excessive effort, and the customizations that users of abstraction they is, many useful applications can be make seem close to the same level thinking about their task domain. in How "soft" should the structured objects be? We anticipated in our original design of the Object Lens system that the structure in objects should be any combination of text or links "soft" in the sense that fields could contain softness allows the advantages of semiformal accomodated informally without trying however, by a need to systems: to "defeat" the to other objects. This unexpected situations can be easily system's restrictions. We were surprised, have objects that were--paradoxically-both "harder" and "softer" than we had originally intended "Softer" types. Our initial the type of an object after type to be made by implementation of the Object Lens system did not allow people it had been created, and editing the type definition "Change type" action on all it bottom of the pop-up alternatives menu Add itself. to all We now changes in the properties of We an object believe the system should include a change their minds after originally creating an For instance, there should probably be an option at the change the alternatives. It should also probably be possible Fields to an instance of a type and to save modified instances as definitions of "Harder" types. change should be easier to change object type definitions without leaving the context of editing an instance. to required objects to allow users to More importantly, we believe object. it to we also believe that object types should be "harder" than new types. originally intended, in the sense that they should specify (but not rigidly enforce) expectations about the type of objects to be inserted in specific fields. Having the system know what allows the system to do useful things such as; you try to put an unexpected type in a field), (1) and t.vpes of objects "soft" type (2) checking are expected in each field (i.e., give you a warning when suggesting the type of object to be inserted in a 12 *l field (for example, the type of embedded description to be inserted in a rule like that shown in Figure 6). Conclusions We have seen in this paper how traditional hypertext and traditional knowledge-based systems lie near opposite ends of a continuum that measures the amount of formal structure and automatic processing embedded in the system. We have also seen how moving toward the structured end of this continuum can provide significant additional benefits to hypertext users. In particular, adding customizable folders provides powerful ways of summarizing collections of objects and adding rule-based agents provides j>owerful automatic tools for searching and manipulating collections of objects. Much of the usefulness of these nature allows users when to systems appears have the best of both worlds: to come from the fact that their semiformal formal representation for automatic processing appropriate, and informal representations for processing by people otherwise. 13 REFERENCES Conklin, J. (1987). Conklin, J. Hypertext: diSessa, A. (1985). Computer Interaction, A & L. 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Position paper: Facilitating intelligent handling by imposing AAAI 1988 Workshop on Aland Hypertext, Lai, K. Y., Malone, T. work 23). W. & Yu, K C. St. some Paul, Minnesota (1988, October). Object Lens: ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems, 6, 332-353. A 'spreadsheet' for cooperative 14 DLL (1989) Lee, J (Decision Representation Language) and support environment. its Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Working Paper #325 Lowe, D (1984, February). Co-operative structuring of information: The representation of reasoning and debate. InternationalJouranl of Man-Machine Studies, 23(1), 112-125. Malone, T. W., Grant, K Turbak, R., F. A., Brobst, information sharing systems. Communications of the Smolensky, Computer Science and Stefik, M & Magazine, Stefik, M., (1987). P., et. al. S ACM, 30, Cohen, M D (1987). (1986). Intelligent 390-402. Constraint-based hypertext for argumentation. Linguistics, University of Colorado Bobrow, D. A & Department of Working Paper #CU-CS-358-87. Object-oriented programming: Themes and variations. AI 6(A), 40-62. Foster, G., Bobrow, D. G., Khan, K., Lanning, S. & Suchman, L (1987) Beyond the chalkboard: Computer support for collaboration and problem solving in meetings. Communications of the ACM. 30. Turbak, 32-47. F. A. Unpublished (1986). M S. Grasp; thesis, a visible Department Massachusetts Institute of Technology. and manipulable model of Electrical for procedural programs. Engineering and Computer Science, 1 Move Add Link Choice Programming Language FOLDER: Selection Close Delete Selection ^Others Supports Responds To Objects Tc fpTj SITIOri' lL*t' JtJJeC \\ ISSUE' —OSITIOri———^—^—Ll Which ianqu3q< LiiFr u:re lijQOO int^rfjice with »| * y 1 F Let'.- / JJiiF,C-Uf..ierjT' irJu mheritaiMi. \ I j \' I -F,C.Mf,,iErjT' TTTTTTyi I I I M ITTTTrPTTTTTrm I I I I II I I J Pro V 1.3 1:-- Oyngmic classej rTTTrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTm M II rPTTTTTTTTTTTTT (a) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ij Ij 1 ec (b) I I I I I I M I I rrrTTTTTfTTTT' l^ri^^MiUyb^U.iiA.U> Others* Add Link tff.^ Author Date t Which lariguage? Let's use LISP Provides dynamic class Let's use C Good interface with X No inheritance I ' FOLDER: Programming LanguagffCholce • I 1 Delete Selection Display Close I Tree format display ' 1 I 1-May-S9 1-May-S9 3-May-39 2-May-39 2-May-59 1-May-S9 2 5 24:02 M 23 23 23 23 23 24 32 24; 02 J ij : 24:02 24 02 24 02 : : 1 r t"i f"i r^i ae 1 Mc Meeker nes 15 1 ri David Rosenfield &eth Ritchie Susan Klein John McGinnes Table format display Figure 3. Customizable folders can summarize the contents of objects easilv tailorable bv users in a variety of formats )7 ' ' *---"-' iii.iiiii.il I • I ,. I ...... .•.,•.•,,,•,•,,,'. •.'. Plesie lelect obiect (or its link) Delete Selection Display Close Add Link Others* FOLDER: Counter Arguments Date Sub.iect Author Provides dynaimc cla 3-May-89 23:24:02 l-May-89 23:24:02 No inheritance Add Link Cancel Close David Rosenfield John McGinnes Apply Rule Selection Rule JEFl' IFOLDE AddIV to; iProgramminq Select Languaq'? Chon: If: ARGUMENT DGS-cnpUon Dale: Author. Supports: Ot3)€<:t3 To; POSITION' Uie C L-it'f Key wards: Comments: l| I I I I I I I I I I I M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rrrrm-FmiTTT"iim-r!-i-rm I Figure I I I I I I ITTTTTT"! M 4. Folders can use selection rules to select from another folder the objects they will include. I I I I I I I I M I I I I \6 ^\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^.\\\\\\\.\\\\\\^//t\'ll^'^A^'x\\\\]^\\\..\\\ ^^^|J^J^J^^ Close Tnqqer Add Link *Others' Cancel AGENT: Notify if further argument Name: M^ ify if furth-er arqurrient. FOLDEF, Apply Alternatives for Automatic Ne vv Link3 Update Tnaaera to: Pru'qri.nimin;q Ljri'qujiqe Choi:-; Automatic T riggers: r J e v Linl- s FOLDER' Rule Folder: 1 notify Fuiej Daily at midnight Keywords: hour On the TTTTTTIIIT rTTTTITTTTTIII IfTTIII ^^^ Comments: I I I Figures. Agents can either be triggered manually or automatically under various conditions. When triggered, they apply a set of rules to the objects in a folder 19 Close Cancel Add Link Hardcopy Others* If: ARGUMENT D€s<:ription Author; Supports, POSiJiON DGs-crptton SubjG<:t; DatG: Author; Beth Ritchie SubjG<:t; FiGsponds Jo; Keywords; CommGnts; Ob)G<:ls Jo; Keywords; CommGnts; Then: COPY FOLDEF,' To: Figure 6. Rules in agents describe the objects to which they will apply and the actions they will take For example, this rule selects all arguments that support positions authored by a certain person zo Cancel Close Add Link RULE: If: ARGUf^ENl DGs-cnplion SubjG<:t. DalG. Author: Supports: ObjG-cts To; POSITION Desc Hardcopy Others* 11 Display Close Delete Selection Add Lin k *Gthers FOLDER: Tasks Sraru: Due Dare Name Select sue Select architect Select contractor Preliminary design Order materials Final design Begin construction 10-Jan-9y Done 20-Jan-9ei Overdue* 15-Jan-90 01-Mar-90 30-Mar-90 15-Jun-90 15-Jul-90 Done Richard Berenson Elesse Brown Richard Berenson Mr c h 1 r ec t Maya Bernitein Architect Maya Bernstein (a) Close Person Responsible Table display format Move Add Link Selection Delete Selection *Others' FOLDER: PERT chart Pr erequis T A : y- iTTTFirijl Oenq (b) i tes I } 1 Vrrr ] Tree display format Figures. These folders display task objects in a table format, highlighting due-dates and responsibilities, a tree format, highlighting the kind of task dependencies shown in a PERT chart and in 2T March 19o9 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Delete Selection Display Close Add Link ^Others* FOLDER: 3/24/1989 D.ate Njfilr Meet wuh Tom CS Forum Lunch wnh Dave Lens project meeting 3/24 3/24 3/24 3/24 otar folder T 1 e fii 30 WM 11 00 AM 12 15 PM 2:00 PM f A day T Figure 10(b) shows the events from one day of a calendar W l f f f f M f I f > TTT^T^FI I I M I > rTTT^TTT^FT' IS k******itafe**ri Cancel Close GENT: Overdue Trigger Add Link *Others* Add Link Others* tasks" Name: Ov erdue ta sks IFOLOER: J to: ^Aii TasKJ Apply Automatic T riggers: Daily at midnight Rule Folder: '""'" ' Comments: Close Display Delete Selection FOLDER: Rules Then If Due Date: < Today Copy To; Overdue tasksj ; Figure 11. This agent automatically moves overdue tasks to a special folder e) r 6Q \ Date Due JUL 19 mi) m 22 ^«« 1995? Lib-26-67 MfT LIRRflRiEs 3 lOfiO 00577702 1