West Virginia Department of Education Office of Institutional Education Programs Operational Procedures STUDENT ASSISTANCE TEAMS (SAT) FOR JUVENILE FACILITIES AND FOR JUVENILES AT ANTHONY CORRECTIONAL CENTER Section Programs and Services 4.33 Number Effective Date September 1, 2008 Revision Date Revision No. 1 of 2 Page No. Approval: 1.0. PURPOSE: The purpose of this procedure is to outline the process for Student Assistance Teams (SAT) in the juvenile facilities and the Anthony Correctional Center. 2.0 APPLICABILITY: Procedures apply to all Institutional Education Programs located in state juvenile facilities and to all students under the age of twenty-one (21) years old working toward a high school diploma or GED at the Anthony Correctional Center. 3.0 POLICY STATEMENT: The application of this procedure ensures the careful study of students’ needs and provides an avenue to plan for and document appropriate interventions and/or modifications to enhance students’ success. 4.0 DEFINITIONS: 4.1 “Student Assistance Team,” or SAT, refers to staff who meets for the sole purpose of discussing records, assessment and other pertinent information regarding students. 5.0 PROCEDURES: 5.1 The principal/lead teacher shall be responsible for the implementation of this procedure. 5.2 The SAT at each school shall consist of at least three people: the school administrator, or designee, who shall serve as the SAT Coordinator; the school counselor; the teacher(s) currently serving the student; other appropriate staff, when appropriate, as designated on the Student Assistance Team Flowchart (Addendum 1). 5.3 The SAT Coordinator shall be notified within forty-eight (48) hours when a new student is enrolled in the education program. 5.4 The SAT Coordinator shall then collect data (educational records, assessment results, prior placements, etc) and schedule a SAT Meeting to occur within twenty (20) school days of the student enrollment and/or intake date, as documented on the standardized Educational Intake Form (Addendum 2). 5.5 The initial SAT Meeting shall provide an opportunity for full discussion of the student’s strengths, along with any academic or behavioral difficulties, assessment results and STUDENT ASSISTANCE TEAMS (SAT) FOR JUVENILE FACILITIES AND FOR JUVENILES AT ANTHONY CORRECTIONAL CENTER 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 6.0 Section Programs and Services 4.33 Number Effective Date September 1, 2008 Revision Date Revision No. 2 of 2 Page No. educational history for the purpose of ensuring adequate support to enhance the student’s success in the education program. The SAT shall target specific problematic areas of the student and come to consensus on interventions and/or modifications to implement. All interventions/modifications shall be documented on the SAT Form (Addendum 3) and shall be implemented in every class. Interventions shall remain in place until the SAT Review, which shall be scheduled monthly. The SAT Review shall provide an opportunity for full discussion of the progress of the designated student on the areas targeted for improvement at the initial SAT Meeting. Documentation of progress is essential at each SAT Review. SAT cases may be closed given the following circumstances: 1) the student’s academic and behavior enable him/her to be successful in the classroom without interventions and/or modifications, 2) implementation of documented interventions and/or modifications show evidence of sufficient progress and success given the provision of ample support, 3) it is determined at the initial SAT Meeting or a SAT Review that the student has an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Should SAT make a referral for consideration of a special education evaluation, parents shall be notified of the referral and of the interventions and/or modifications that have been utilized to provide the student with support prior to the referral. All SAT documentation shall be forwarded to the next school or placement along with other educational records. AUTHORITY: 6.1 State Board of Education Policy 2510: Assuring the Quality of Education: Regulations for Education Programs; State Board of Education Policy 2419: Regulations for the Education of Students with Exceptionalities and The West Virginia Procedures Manual for the Education of Students with Exceptionalities.