Inside this issue: FALL 2013 United States Naval Academy STEM STEM OFFICE Rickover Hall Room 367 Family Day Teacher Workshop Candidate STEM visits Summer STEM Reunion Mini-STEM Girls Day USS Intrepid ds i M ir M e E ST re Th ! s a Sh sight In Follow us : 590 Holloway Road Annapolis, MD 21402 p: 410-293-6534 f: 410-293-3041 Meet MIDN 1/C Matthew Lafleur “Th with e Nava l are regard Acade a MIDN 1/C Matthew Lafleur is an sho mong s to ST my has u Oceanography major, who has inte ld be e the be EM.Th a lot t o s participated in many STEM events, age rested. xperie t in th e labor offer e nce including STEM Family Day. STEM can Spa d by count atories r p k a i y di n events provide a great opportunity vide g inte anyon ry and rest ew for midshipmen to fine-tune their MID nds h N1 a i n t o the an e o is /C M leadership and communication n th futu a e im a skills. “Midshipmen were re.” rly pac tthew to La constantly engaged with faculty and their kids,” said Lafleur. “We ensured things were running smoothly between stations and everything was being provided. Preparation was phenomenal.” fl EM eur, Fam ily f ST Day STEM Family Day Sept 14, 2013 72 adults 71 children 9 midshipmen 3 faculty Held in Rickover Hall, the event allowed families of Naval Academy faculty and staff to experience interactive STEM activities and explore the engineering lab spaces. 2 SET SAIL Teacher Workshop Meet MIDN 3/C Luke Riewestahl MIDN 3/C Luke Riewestahl and MIDN 4/C Tiffany Brown provided support for STEM N 4/C D I M t e educator training in September, one of Me many trainings given on-site at USNA and remotely across the country. rown B y n Tiffa “Growing up, I always knew I wanted to become an engineer. The ability to cause others to be excited about something ly p p a you’re excited about is exciting for me. To see people grow, to ith how w d g e n n ki and that light bulb moment is one of the most satisfying things I get ar Wor e ve le . n a s l o h l i I e “ sk I from STEM. elp m ship r h then leade l actually e s u a I definitely believe STEM is helping me become a better officer, ec wil et, b e w kids l f o h e w because I’m getting better at articulating what I am thinking, n th o kno with t day i e l especially in technical aspects. Before I came to the Academy, I e ab act will b will inter .” really wasn’t that great at talking about anything, especially le tions a u peop t i communicating technical ideas... , ent s rown ng in B differ y ati ffan i p STEM has definitely made me more sure that I want to go into 4/C T of partici N D I s t i f -M e the nuclear power field, because I’ve been able to work e ben ach. e on th r closely with the professors here in the Engineering Department.” Out STEM - MIDN 3/C Luke Riewestahl Teacher STEM Workshop: Sept 14, 2013 Educator Workshops included a Sea Perch ROV build, an exchange of cross-curricula development for STEM subjects, and project based learning workshops in robotics, alternative energy, electricity, engineering design and applied math. 60 K-12 teachers from 49 schools attended the training, provided by 7 faculty and 22 midshipmen. 3 Meet MIDN 1/C Stanley Hollins MIDN 1/C Stanley Hollins leads tours for prospective USNA candidates. His experience has “W involved, “standing up in front of of t ith STE i people and giving a speech at to l me in t M [tou e bac arn a l he lab rs], we some of the tours. Talk to the kg spa ot ge parents and talk to some of the major rounds of diffe ces, so t a lot from ren I ge lear s. By t t kids about what the Academy na d d o iffer ing dep littl ent STE artm e bi has to offer...” M t ent .” about e , I get t -M o ver I y on h DN 1/C Candidate Visit Weekends Visi is part Hollin i t To s urs cipatio , n in Can dida te and 250 high school students prospective USNA candidates plus their parents Friday afternoon tour of the lab project spaces, personalized by a STEM major Panel discussion on the “Life of a STEM Mid” featuring majors from Division 1 and 2 4 USNA Summer STEM Camp Inspires Youth to Study STEM In the summer of 2010, Alexandria Segovia was finishing sophomore year of high school in Florida when a friend sent her an application to the Naval Academy Summer STEM Program. She didn’t know anything about the Naval Academy, but she decided to apply because she knew she liked science. Alexandria had a great experience at STEM Camp, meeting kids from all over the country who shared the same I E M, T S interests. For a whole week, the students became scientists, r y me m e m d u a engineers and technologists, collecting weather data, to S l Ac o g a d n v i a o t m building and launching rockets, riding hovercraft, and lots the N wanted er co t h f t i A I more. Not only that, but Alexandria had the chance to w “ hat ove l w s n ’ i M talk to midshipmen and faculty who told her about so hat fell STE g ew t n i n h k many different STEM fields, that she left the program ool eryt c and v f ife. l e o f y m t certain she wanted to be an engineer, determined to lot eo ’t ge t’s a with dvantag i n o e s d a au EM go to the Naval Academy, and excited about her ally r T e S Take offer bec n future. e er o ple g mm t o u s e S a p h t Today, Alexandria is a systems engineering major in nd s tha of, a g e n c i n h t !” ie her second year at the Naval Academy. The USNA xper perience e e th STEM program has influenced the lives of so many ex a, reat govi g e S a is students who, like Alexandria, were inspired by dria exan na l A C that experience to pursue their dream of becoming a N 3/ EM alum D I M T S scientist or an engineer. mer Sum Summer STEM Reunion: Oct 1, 2013 Since 2008, over 2200 middle and high school students have attended USNA Summer STEM Camps. 52 alumni of the Summer STEM camp are now midshipmen at the Naval Academy. A reunion luncheon was held for all current midshipmen who are alumni of the Summer STEM camp. 5 Meet MIDN 1/C Grant Page “My bigg my exp est adv e ice eng t inee rience as a o kids i r. I t Wh n en sIt ry t at y g o o b i u ca nee ry to g stre ene MIDN 1/C Grant Page has participated r n le s i f bec it not arn s the i , a mec ve the in many STEM events, including the o m m au h and n wha portan anical October Mini-STEM. Participating in thro se how ly you rsel u we f bu t you c ce of it STEM helped him choose his major. new gh ne g o an . ta tt w i “By participating in STEM Sta nventio innova o wher lso you do can te e ti r n Outreach, “ said Page, “I got to maj s need s. I per ons, ne we are count r sm ors. see a lot of different lab facilities ore sonally w tech today y... ” n is eng and different options that we - M inee think t ologie s, he U IDN rs, d have that I didn’t know about on 1/C n o i c ted tors the imp Grant , otherwise. I got a feel for S T Pag orta EM e, n what each different engineering major specialized in, so that helped me choose mechanical engineering as my major.” ce o faS TE M edu cati on Mini-STEM Oct 11 2013 45 high school students from New Orleans and Alabama 14 midshipmen 4 faculty 4 STEM modules 6 Meet MIDN 1/C Lindsey Peters “I t hi the nk the st mo st r and udent ewa s ge scie rdin ttin nce mo g as g r a e ab exc n MIDN 1/C Lindsey Peters was the lead pec d i futu real ted out ly m re. I abo t is to it an midshipman for the Girls-Only STEM see ut m ’ otiv skil ls. I’ ve deve d get i a a Day held at the Naval Academy. She is t t e h nv ve dt lo lear n ab also b ped a olved w o lear an Aerospace Engineering (Astronautics) n lo ec o my i major, and has participated in many clas ut scie ome m t of le th it in ade ses nce ore rshi the her STEM events, including the October a m n e at p o d it - MI ’s he tivate the DN 2013 Remote STEM trip to the USS d lp Nav 1 on t he b /C Lind al A ed me to Intrepid in New York City. cad Out e sey emy with Pet rea nefits ch of p ers, .” a rtic ip Girls-Only STEM Day atin g in S TEM Oct 19, 2013 225 girls 30 midshipmen 20 female faculty 15 hands-on activities Career lunch Parent Workshop 7 Meet MIDN 1/C Jasmine Sarjeant MIDN 1/C Jasmine Sarjeant, a “I t hi Chemistry major, has participated goin nk that g to sc for 3 years in many STEM events, the be c ience i you including Sea Perch training, th r omplet s a field in c igh e... ar tha summer STEM camps, and remote it is t is carr rying o t now imp n are nw ying events such as Operation orta ever gett hat on w nt t ing we Slumber onboard the USS hat i a n - MI re d tere hat our D oing sted N1 Intrepid. From her experience o teac . /C J n th . . h w ers as e im in the STEM programs, MIDN are e are pac mine S doin t of a Sarjeant has gained many skills. “I g.” STE rjeant , Mo think I have gotten a lot better at utre ach public speaking and just explaining what I do to other people and I think that is a big part of leadership, just knowing how to talk to people.” Overnight on the USS INTREPID Oct 26, 2013 150 children from 8 NYC Charter schools 6 midshipmen & 2 faculty On board the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum An overnight event featuring USNA and STEM activities such as robotics, hydraulics, mechanics, and fluid dynamics 8