Stem Cells _______________________________________________________________________________

Stem Cells
1. Look at fig. 2.22 on pg. 39. Summarize, in your own words, what the figure is demonstrating.
2. Define the following terms in your own words.
a. Totipotent- __________________________________________________________________
b. Pluripotent-__________________________________________________________________
c. Progenitor cells-_______________________________________________________________
3. Explain the controversy around stem cells and why some stem cells are less controversial.
(Hint: Read/Skim pp. 38-40)
DNA Makes History Reading ?’s
pg 182
Answer the following questions using short answers. You do not need to write complete sentences.
4. How long had the family been dead before their remains were found?
5. Where did researchers recover DNA from the bodies?
6. Why are mitochondria inherited from the mother only?
7. How did Nicholas’s brother die?
8. What is heteroplasmy in your own words?
9. How did they use this to help prove that one of the bodies was Tsar Nicholas II.