ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT TRADING VOLUME THEORY and with EVIDENCE PRIVATE VALUATIONS: from the EX-DIVIDEND Roni Michaely* and Jean-Luc Vila** WP#3634-93 November 1993 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 DAY TRADING VOLUME THEORY and with EVIDENCE PRIVATE VALUATIONS: from the EX-DIVIDEND Roni Michaely* and Jean-Luc Vila** WP#3634-93 November 1993 Johnson School of Management, Cornell University Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology , First Version DAY Abstract We develop and costs test a theory of the interaction between investors' heterogeneity, and trading volume. To test our model we risk, transactions take advantage of the specific nature of trading motives around the distribution of cash dividends namely the costly trading of tax shields. Consistent with the theory, we show that when trades occur because of differential valuation of cash flows an increase in risk or transactions costs reduces volume. plays a significant role in determining the volume to is engage volume of It is trading. shown trade. Finally, positively related to the degree of heterogeneity is also that the non-systematic risk we demonstrate that trading and the incentives of the various groups I. INTRODUCTION Price and trading Financial volume are the two most important statistics describing financial markets activity. economists have developed models to understand information are aggregated into a single market price. as a theory of aggregation. By contrast, a theory of Hence how different preferences and asset pricing theory can market volume must be thought of explicitly take agents' heterogeneity into account. While differential liquidity needs or information have been proposed as a source of trading volume, there is no consensus as to their relative importance. Moreover, a theory of volume based on these motives must explain not only the level of volume, but also the timing of the trades. Constructing a model of trading volume multiple agents, no trade takes place is a non-trivial task. Indeed, in complete markets with after the initial trading Hence heterogenous preferences alone cannot volume based on differential preferences Dumas for instance day (see for instance Arrow (1953)). explain trading volume. As a have assumed some degree of market incompleteness (see (1989) and Campbell et. al. (1991)). Similarly, heterogenous information alone does not explain market volume as shown by the rational expectations assumed, agents have common priors, consequence, models of i.e. literature. If, as usually they agree on the prior distribution of uncertainty and disagree only after observing different signals, then unobservable liquidity shocks are needed to generate trading (see for instance Grossman (1981), Tirole (1982), (1993)). By contrast if Wang (1993) and Blume et al. agents have different priors, they will trade even in the absence of liquidity shocks (see Harris and Raviv (1992) or Biais and Bossaert (1993)). In this work, we develop and test a theory of the interaction betweeen investors' heterogeneity, transactions costs and trading volume. For tractability, risk, we consider the case of heterogenous valuation 4 as opposed to heterogenous information.' To test our theory, we take advantage of the specific nature of trading motives around the distribution of cash dividends. Trading around this event results neither from differences in information sets nor from differences in opinions but from tax induced While the present work focuses on dividend differential valuations of dividends. distributions, we believe that the insights and the methodology can be applied in other contexts as well.^ We analyze trading in the stock market around the ex-dividend day.' Because of the differential tax treatment of dividends and capital gains investors do not value $1 of dividends as equal to $1 of capital gains (see Elton capital gain income.'*' income By and Gruber (1970)). For example, if dividend income is taxed at 50% while taxed at 20%, the investor values $1 of dividend income at $.625 of capital gain is contrast, corporate investors who have a higher tax rate on capital gain income (46%) than on dividend income (6.9%) value dividend income more than capital gain income: with these rates, tax they are indifferent between $1 of dividend income and $1.72 of capital gain income.* Finally exempt investors value $1 of dividend income at $1 of capital gain income. Since the tax code create differences in asset valuation as opposed to differences in opinion or information, teix related trading will occur around the ex-day in a fairly predictable manner. For now, Models of trading volume based on market incompleteness or heterogenous information generate important insights into the time between price and volume. However they become untractable in the presence of transactions costs. series relationship ^See the discussion in the ^The ex-dividend date is concluding section. defmed as a the first trading date in which the stock trades without the dividend. ^Prior to the 1986 Tax Reform Act (TRA), individual investors who held a stock for at least six months paid lower lax on capital gain (20%) than on ordinary dividends (50%). The TRA eliminated all distinction between capital gains and ordinary income. However, it is still possible to defer taxes '(l--5)/(l-.2) = on capital gains by not realizing the gains. .625. *Before the 1986 TRA a corporation who holds the stock of another corporation paid taxes on only the effective tax rate for dividend income was .15x.46 the fraction of the dividend exempted from taxes = .069. After the was also reduced to TRA 70%. The the corporation income 85% of the dividend. Therefore tax rate effective tax rate for dividend was reduced income is now to 34% and = .102. .3x.34 5 consider the following stylized example $100' and (iii) $1 dollar in dividends is paid; (ii) the cum-day price is known and equal to the price drop subsequent to the payment of the dividend was $.8. In this case, investors dividend and (i) sell it who value the dividend for later at a $.8 loss. By $.8 follows the opposite trading strategy. more than contrast an investor With the who $.8 will buy the stock, cash the values the dividend for less than tax rates as described in the previous paragraph (and ignoring transactions costs and risk for the time being), the after-tax per share proGts of the individual investors, tax From our exempt investors and corporate investors are discussion above, to a higher it is $.14, $.2 First, $.5, respectively. clear that a greater degree of tax heterogeneity in the volume around the ex-day. By contrast, risk economy leads and transactions costs reduce volume by making the transfer of dividend paying stocks from investors who do not do more and like dividends to those who costly. a tax 'arbitrage' strategy entails a (temporary) deviation from optimal risk sharing since around the ex-day, investors do not hold the market portfolio.* For example, a corporate investor buying a stock going ex for tax purposes will be overly exposed to will be large even if if the minimum movements of the stock's price. This risk holding period necessary to claim the dividend exclusion the stock must only be held overnight, the risk about $1 on a $100 stock, which is is not trivial. is large. Assuming an overnight But risk of not unreasonable, one can see that tax related trading should be treated not as a pure arbitrage, but as a risky investment. Second, transaction costs must be taken into consideration, given that the potential gains are only a fraction of the dividend The cum-day In this is the last and are therefore relatively small compared to the stock price. Indeed, the date thai the stock trades with the dividend. paper we refer to a lax-induced trading strategy as a tax 'arbitrage'. Academics usually defme as an arbitrage strategy a trading no initial funds and yet provide positive profits. However, a more recent literature recognizes that, in the presence strategy which requires of frictions, 'arbitrage' strategies are often risky investment strategies (see Tuckman and Vila (1992, 1993)). 6 typical (retail) brokerage costs for common stocks averages 2% on the dollar amount of the trade while the bid-ask spread for actively traded stocks averages around .5% (see Ayiagari and Gertler (1991)). This implies that dividend capture and that only large transactions costs amount of Finally, tax related trading is probably not profitable for small investors liquid stocks with a high dividend yield will our model indicates that as the other hand, its if market risk and transactions costs interact To summarize i) risk volume but the the discussion so reduces volume. At volume since market effect of the later will this stage, only point (see for instance Gallant, Rossi and risk can be hedged. is as important market risk and the be smaller. the main theoretical and empirical points of the paper are that far, iii) Tauchen ii) transactions costs reduce deserves comment. empirical evidence shows that on regular trading days, On a significant very interesting way. If too costly to hedge, then the stock's market risk is investor's heterogeneity in valuation creates volume, risk in a idiosyncratic risk in restricting volume. In the intermediate case, both the idiosyncratic risk will affect face around the ex-day. transactions costs are negligible, market risk does not affect On show who (1991)). volume and There is volume and To our knowledge, iii) the existing volatility are positively correlated no theoretical contradiction however. regular trading days, investors trade for risk sharing purposes, but because of transactions costs they do not achieve a Pareto optimal risk sharing (see Heaton and Lucas (1992) for instance). risk increases, the cost increases. By When of deviating from the Pareto optimal holdings also increases. Therefore volume on the contrast, ex-day, investors trade away from their optimal holdings and hence risk reduces volume. In our empirical study we excess of regular volume. and across stocks. In consider the abnormal volume around the ex day, that We find that the particular, the abnormal volume abnormal volume is is much significant is, the volume in and varies both over time larger for high yield stocks. This is 7 consistent with our theory since tax induced trading in high yield stocks low yield stock for the same and transactions level of risk costs. It is is more profitable than in a also consistent with previous evidence by Lakonishok and Vermaelen (1986). Next, we document volume but hedge that both the market that the impact of the risk market their transactions but only partially and the idiosyncratic risk is lower. risk negatively affect the level of These findings indicate that investors do because of transactions costs. We then turn to the direct relationship between transactions costs and trading volume. Using the bidask spread as a measure of transactions costs and dividing stocks in three groups according to their bid-ask spread, we find that abnormal volume is about five times higher for low transactions costs stocks than for high transactions costs stocks. This simple unconditional result extends to a multivariate cross-sectional regression analysis. Using the abnormal volume as the left variable with dividend yield, beta, idiosyncratic risk, and bid ask spread as right the latter To is found to have interpret these results, relationship proportionally So far remember Stoll that costs we are talking about abnormal volume. While the negative (1989)), our results indicate that transactions costs inhibit trading in 'arbitrage' transactions than on normal trading days. that tax 'arbitrage' strategies subject investors to both risk Derivative securities, such as options and futures, allow investors to hedge, relatively small cost. We side variables, and volume has been documented elsewhere (see for instance more when agents engage we have seen side a significant negative coefficient.' between transactions Demsetz (1968) and hand hand and transactions i.e. reduce costs. risk, at a provide both time series and cross-sectional evidence that the presence of 9 This negative relationship between transactions costs and abnormal volume can also be detected from time series evidence. In may 1975 brokerage commission schedules were changed from fixed to negotiated, thereby substantially reducing the cost of transacting, especially for large traders. Consistent with after that date. Lakonishok and Vermaelen (1986), we find that abnormal volume around the ex day goes up 8 We options increases abnormal volume. abnormal ex-day volume on exhibit this particular stock more abnormal volume than Another implication of our model stock going ex is lower find that after when many an option on a particular stock goes up. is listed, the We also find that stocks with listed options similar stocks without listed options. is that, because of transactions stocks are going ex. This is costs, the abnormal volume on a because each transaction subjects the investor to additional risk while the risk bearing capacity of investors is finite. Our empirical findings are consistent with this implication. we Finally, provide time series evidence that a greater degree of heterogeneity creates abnormal volume. Our results indicate that heterogeneity has a significant effect on trading volume, especially in stocks of trade where is corf>orate and significantly higher institutional traders are when more dominant. We also show that the volume corporations have capital gains to offset the tax arbitrage capital losses. The paper and its section is organized as follows. Section II is devoted to the presentation of the theoretical model empirical implications. Section III presents the data IV while section set. V contains some concluding remarks. The empirical results are detailed in 9 n. A THEORY OF THE EX-DIVIDEND DAY TRADING VOLUME We describe the determination of trading volume around the ex-dividend date in an equilibrium model along the trading in on two K+1 lines of Michaely and Vila (1991).'" Agents bond and assets, a risk free dates: the cum-day which is the last K risky dividend in this economy are assumed to be paying stocks. These assets are traded date where stocks are traded before the dividends are paid and the ex-day which occurs after the dividends are paid. After the ex-day all assets are liquidated." The stock prices at liquidation are represented by an exogenous random vector </. This random vector can be written as V' where and u, assume that u, u, = V -I- Uj -I- U| denote the information realized and Q, are mean ex-day and liquidation respectively. at the zero, independent normally distributed variance -covariance matrices o^ and o),, respectively. The random We variables with variables p^ and p^ denote the stock price vector at the cum-day and at the ex-day, respectively. In addition, the stocks pay a known dividend d at the ex-day. Finally, the risk-free bond pays a constant interest rate which for the sake of the exposition is There are N set equal to zero. agents in the economy, n=l..N. Each agent n stocks and b" bonds. The shares would take place initial where it share allocation (x\..3c'^) is is initially endowed with ? shares of Pareto optimal so that no trading of not for the payment of dividends and the differential tax treatment of dividends and capital gains described below. All agents are subject to proportional taxes on both T4owever, unlike Michaely and Vila (1993), agents may trade "As we shall sec, our simple model could be embedded in more than one in a infinite risky asset horizon model. and face transactions costs. 10 dividends and capital gains at rate at rates tS and when agent n In addition, cost of Ck per share. The trades at the cum-day in asset k, he not as restrictive as transaction, for income, i.e. it sounds. Indeed We subject to a proportional transactions is denoted by c". We make the not subject to transactions costs. This assumption to assuming that, cum-day and selling when doing taxes capital gains net of transactions costs. Finally, agent k maximize his expected utility of after-tax constant absolute risk aversion with coefficient 2.1. Equilibrium prices and volume We first final a b" -I- where x^ Agent n's taxes are and 1" where p " x^ denote agent = tH is wealth and that his we assume utility - c"' n's Ix^-x"! -I- function exhibits p°. + d'x^ p.'Cx^-xJ) -I- + is given by ^K (1) holding at the ex-day and the cum-day respectively. (P'-P^yx" + (Pc-PcVx^ + (v-p7x: investor n's tax basis for asset k {b" that each given by Combining equations W^T = p/Cx-'-x^) trip capital gain describe agent n's intertemporal budget constraint. Agent n's before-tax wealth W"^ = round at the ex-day, transactions costs it assume that transactions costs can be deducted from taxable IRS that the is amounts it at the example buying a share are paid upfront. is vector of transactions costs faced by agent n simplifying assumption that trading at the ex-day is respectively. All taxes are paid at liquidation. t], (1) and (2 ), [p,-T,(p,-p")]'?} Equation (3) says that after-tax we + final (i.e. - c"' Ix^-^l the price + tS d'x: initially (2) paid for the xj shares). write agent n's final wealth after taxes, W^-r as: (l-T^{(p.-p,yX^ + (v-p.yx^ wealth equals after tax net of transactions costs plus after tax dividend income. and by o" the tax induced preference ] - initial C"' |X.-?|} + (1-T,)d'x^. (3) wealth plus after tax capital gains We denote by W^ the for dividends vs. capital gains, that is, after tax initial wealth 11 1 -t"d 1 -t" (4) i With these notations, agent W^T = WS + The next step is (1-t",) wealth after taxes can be written as {(p.-p,+a"d)'x^ - c"' |x^-?| + (v-pjx:} to describe the equilibrium prices and quantities risk aversion assumptions, and constant absolute =V+U (5) . on the ex-day. Given the normality standard derivations yield that - 1 - p n's final -_<i),X and x^ = _x = x with the following notations: 1 0" = is the tax-adjusted risk tolerance of agent n, N = is 0" 53 the aggregate risk tolerance and N X = is £ X" the aggregate supply of stocks. optimal risk sharing. framework where Finally, we denote by p, the p = ^' - Hence our ex-day risk sharing derive the As expected, on demand is trading equilibrium can be reverts to the initial Pareto embedded in an infinite horizon for stocks on the cum-day and the equilibrium prices and volume. We i.e. - 1 _ economy always optimal except around taxable distributions. expected ex-day price V - the ex-day the G),X . ' Given the assumptions of normality and constant absolute risk aversion, and equation (5), agent n's 12 problem consists of maximizing (p^-pjv The first * «"dv order condition - (c-y €° is ' defined as Kt>T^t €l = -1 if Kt<^t -1 s if Kt = the first 6" is = 1 ?k as order condition, the equilibrium price [P. (6) = if ^ 2^«y<oX- ^ \ Pe where /»n = and the vector c°*€" From _ o)X el €", - is - p + a"d - c"®€" p re re where the vector |<-?| satisfies -Sd -lojx] -Y^b^C^e" (7) the share of agent n in the economy, as measured by his risk tolerance, that «" = is !" e and a is the average preference for dividends vs. capital gains i.e. N S = 5^ 6" o" . Equation (7) decomposes the cum-day price into two components. The brackets) is the cum-day price in the absence of transactions costs. It is first component equal to the expected (risk adjusted) ex-day price plus the after-tax market value of the dividend vector, od. component measures the impact of transactions costs buyers face larger (lower) transactions costs than (higher) than in the absence of transactions costs. on the ex-day sellers, (within price. Its sign is then the cum-day price The second ambiguous: will If be lower 13 Plugging (7) into the first order condition yields the equilibrium holdings D>1 The term first equation (8) represents the investor's optimal trading strategy in transactions costs. The interpretation and capital gain income of agent n is very simple. If in the absence of the tax differential between dividend income greater than the market average, he will hold is more of the dividend paying assets than he usually would have held during non-dividend paying periods. second term represents the adjustment of his strategy due to the be different because other traders face transactions costs and The difficulty upon the with equations (7) and (8) sign of individual trades. In what follows we will The zero transactions We first volume vectors on the cum + he himself faces transactions that the variables el are in general it is the equilibrium price will costs. endogenous since they depend impossible to solve for el. costs case consider the case where p ii) i) analyze the properties of the equilibrium in a simple one factor model. 2.2. p' = Hence is fact that The all day, p^ transactions costs are zero, i.e. c^sO. In this case, the price and and V^ are given by od -_ o)X (9) and V- = ^[E |8"(«"-S)i] |o;>d| (10) . Given the normality assumption, the tax-adjusted market risks and not upon idiosyncratic not affected by the stock's market a symmetric one risk. factor case where: risks. To CAPM holds so that stock prices depend only upon By contrast, the trading volume on any given stock see this point in the simplest possible manner, we is consider 14 (i) on the ex day u^ can be written the information shock u.k = 6 + nt with 8 independent of the with variance o^ (ii) with variance a^, and the fjk's the supply of portfolio comprises the same pays the same dividend d, In this case the matrices dollar all the to one), so that the same (normalized and o), o).' (iii) a fraction s=S/K of all market the stocks T 1+T T T 1+T T T 1+T T . T 1+T can be written T . and independently distributed while the other stocks do not pay any dividend. T T is identically amount of each stock and, 1+T b) stocks fj^'s and "' -4) 1-4) -4) -4) 1-4) -4) -4) 1-4) -4) -4) 1-4) . -4) =P -4) . -4) i-4>j with T = -^ and = (|) From equation (8) with c^^O, — e"(a" - a) (1 - —L1+Kt a" _ 6"( a" - a) and -s)d s d K large (i.e. K4> = 1), investor n's net trade on each stock which pays a dividend on the cum day equals and (H-a) on stocks which do not pay dividend. (ll.b) Investor n's trading strategy can be easily described. If investor n likes dividends average investor, i.e. if o">o, then the investor will more than the buy dividend paying stocks and hedge by non- dividend paying stock. As can be seen from equation (11), the selling volume does not depend upon the market risk a^- In addition, if s is small compared to one, i.e. when the f)ortfolio of stocks going ex of the market, the volume on each individual stock going ex does not depend upon are going ex. is a small fraction how many stocks 15 To summarize, when Implication 1: transactions costs are zero our The trading volume model yields the following testable implications: an increasing function of the degree of tax heterogeneity is in the economy. The intuition behind this proposition is tax heterogeneity increases, the gains The trading volume quite clear. As the differences in valuations widens, i.e. as the from trade increase. Hence trading volume goes up. an increasing function of the dividend Implication 2: Keeping other variable constant, as the dividend yield increases the gains from transfering the all is yield. dividend from high tax investors to low tax investors also increases. Implication 3: The trading volume is a decreasing function of the idiosyncratic risk o^ Investors buying (selling) dividend paying stocks find themselves over- (under-) invested in these stocks. As a result they are exposed to the idiosyncratic risk of these stocks. Implication 4: The trading volume does not depend on the market risk component of the stock risk oi.. In the absence of transactions costs, the market risk can be costlessly inhibit trading. Implications 3 volume differently. trading volume and not Implication 5: If Market and 4 combined with equation risk affects prices (9) show hedged and hence does not that risk affects prices and and not trading volume while idiosyncratic risk affects prices. only a small fraction of stocks are going ex, the trading volume on any stock going ex does not depend upon the number of stocks going ex. 16 Since hedging the market risk across stocks. Hence costless, the additional risk in the ex-day 'arbitrage' is the trading activity on one stock is is indep)endent not affected by the trading activity on another stock. 23. The role of transactions costs To Transactions costs limit investors' tax related trading. likely to be significant, consider a see that the effect of transactions costs is $100 stock which pays a $1 quarterly dividend and assume that o=.8." With these numbers, a corporate investor («"=1.72) makes $.92 per share. Hence the return on this strategy is about .92% which makes .2% which remarks above, is we With transactions is comparable to transactions costs. A tax exempt investor (o"= 1) well below the range of transactions costs for most investoi-s. Given the casual expect transactions costs to be a significant factor in the ex-day trading costs, the equilibrium prices and quantities are Transactions costs limit the trading activity of those number of who do investors participate. The who much harder to activity. calculate. participate in the ex-day trading as well as the effect on volume is clear: volume is reduced. On the other hand, since transactions costs limit the trading of both buyers (o">o) and sellers (o"<a) the resulting effect To see that, we on prices is somewhat ambiguous." construct a symmetric example along the lines of the one presented in section 2.2. In addition to the assumptions in section 2.2., preference parameter a" (with probability 8") This value is consistent with Elton and "See Vayanos and Vila (1993) is we assume that the distribution of investors' tax symmetric around a and that Gruber (1970), Michaely (1991) and our for a discussion of the relationship all results in section (3). between transactions costs and prices. investors face the 17 same on every transactions costs c^^c The symmetry assumption makes asset. the model tractable which is unusual for multi-assets models with transactions costs." In particular, prices are not affected by transactions costs and the tax-adjusted CAPM holds. This allows for a simple description of trading strategies and therefore market volume (the details of the derivation can be found in apjsendix A). Agents can be divided in five endogenous groups characterized by two constants 0<t<h which depend among other things on the level of transactions costs and in the dividend amount: (i) \a"-a\ ^ The t: investor's valuation of a dollar of dividend price of a dollar of dividend. Trading (iia) t < o"-o ^ h: hedging risk this case, (iiia) h < «"-«: -t: The too costly compared to the benefits, dividend arbitrage subjects the investor to the total of the portfolio of stocks going -h i a"-o close to the market investor buys dividend paying stocks but does not hedge because too costly. In is (iib) < The is is ex.^' Similarly, the investor sells dividend paying stocks investor's private valuation of dividends is and does not hedge, quite different from the market's. Therefore he takes a large position in dividend paying stocks and hedges a portion of the market risk that he undertakes. The optimal hedging strategy (derived equates the marginal cost of hedging, marginal cost of the market risk. i.e. in appendix A) the transactions cost, to the marginal benefit i.e. the In addition, the optimal arbitrage decision equates the marginal profit net of transactions costs to the marginal cost of the additional risk. Since the marginal cost of the additional risk equals the marginal cost of the idiosyncratic risk plus the 14 See also Fremault (1992) for another example. Since transaction costs are proportional diversification is not costly: The investor prefers to buy all dividend paying assets than just a subset. In the presence of fixed transactions costs, the investor will trade only a subset of the dividend paying stocks (see Fremault (1992) for a similar result). 18 marginal cost of the market we risk, obtain the order condition: marginal profit of first arbitrage equals marginal cost of the idiosyncratic risk plus marginal cost of hedging. that the investor's trade independent of the is function of the idiosyncratic o°-o (iiib) Given this < -h: investor sells dividend paying stocks risk and a decreasing of investors, we can and hedges the market risk. derive the following testable A for details): The trading volume 6: market follows risk, relatively simple classification implications (see appendix Implication The level of the It is lowered by the presence of transactions costs. In the presence of transactions costs such as brokerage commissions and bid-ask spreads, investors trade less and hedge also more As a result, transactions costs make tax 'arbitrage' not only more costly but risky. Implication 4': The trading volume and the idiosyncratic the stock risk The less. is risk. intuition for implication 4' follows different groups. The trading of all a decreasing function of both the market risk The 5': effect of idiosyncratic risk is stronger. from our previous discussion of the trading strategies of the active agents risk affects only the trading described in (iia) Implication component of is and affected by the idiosyncratic risk while the market (iib). The trading volume on each individual stock is a decreasing function of the number of stocks going ex. when a large portfolio contains less idiosyncratic risk. Hence This may look counterintuitive since number of stocks are going there will be more ex, the dividend paying aggregate dividend arbitrage 19 trading. But the trading volume per stock optimal amount of market risk limited.'* presence of transactions costs agents take smaller positions. This Finally, in the for agents is be lower since agents' willingness to assume a non- will who do not hedge. As a result, the idiosyncratic risk is is less a factor in true in particular the determination of the trading volume. Implication 7: In the presence of transactions costs, the trading volume is less sensitive to the idiosyncratic risk. The model presented in this section relies necessary for analytical tractability. First, is we have assumed Two all assumptions that the initial allocation We the only source of abnormal volume. that on several also specific assumptions that in particular if not deserve comment. was Pareto optimal. As a assumed were useful result, tax heterogeneity that transactions costs are paid up front so investors revert to their initial position at the ex-day. For example, long term investors sell dividend paying stocks at the cum-day and buy them back at the ex-day. In the traditional literature on the ex-day (Elton and Gruber (1970)), long term investors trade around the dividend precisely liquidity reasons. Sellers trade at the priori reason to believe that there are term investors behave as in cum while buyers trade at the ex. Since there more long term our model. sellers we have An asseu If analogous situation occurs in a a- '^ portfolio theory: each of them than he would in the presence of transactions if A constant absolute risk aversion investor having access to two positively correlated he had access to only one of them. However the total amount invested will be higher. non Pareto-optimal initial allocations (which allows for long term traders as minor modification (see Michaely and Vila (1991)). transactions costs are zero, assuming is no considered a simple symmetric model. While a more general model with a non- will invest less in Gruber (1970)) is for than long term buyers, as a group, long Second, in order to obtain a closed form solution for trading volume costs payment in Elton and 20 symmetrical distribution of tax rates, cross sectional variation of factor loading and transactions cost might yield new In appendix B, insights, we we show transactions costs. believe that our empirical implications are robust to these specifications. that our results hold in a model with non unit beta and differential 21 in. DATA Data on dividend CRSP distributions, ex-dividend dates, and volume are compiled from the daily trading 1991 daily master tapes. Stocks are included in the sample they are listed on the if NYSE or AMEX between January 1%3 and December 1991 and pay a taxable cash dividend (distribution types 1212 through 1292 on the 6, and days -1-6 Ex-dividend day events are included in the sample to -1-45), to estimate the expected daily trading the trading volume (2) final tapes). if: there are at least 40 daily volume observations in the estimation period (days -45 to (1) The CRSP is positive in at least one of the sample consists of 155,302 taxable cash dividend calculated as the dividend amount over the cum-dividend day 1 1 volume and, days around the ex-day. distributions.^* price. - We Dividend yields are use the average of market value of equity in the 80 day estimation period as a proxy for the firm's market capitalization around the event. 1990 Our ISSM we invsetigation also requires estimates of bid-ask spreads. transaction files We use data from the 1988- to calculate the average bid-ask spread. have repealed the entire experiment for only ordinary quarterly dividends. The results are practically the same as reported the paper. This is not surprising given that over 91% in of the dividends in our sample are quarterly dividends (2.30% are monthly, 2.38% are categorized as unspecified, 1.2% are semi-annual, 1.68% are special, and no other category has more than 0.3% of the observations.) Also the inclusion of events with zero trading volume on the ex-day, does not affect any of our conclusions. Finally, to ensure that our results are not due to 'spillover' of abnormal volume from the announcement date, we included only events in which the announcement dale was at least four days prior to the ex-drvidend day. The sample contains 138,142 ex-day observations (about 89% of the onginal The cumulative abnormal volume for this sample is 94.7% (t = 23.46) compared with a CAV of 100.6% for the entire sample and the ex-dividend day abnormal volume is 14.00% (t = 16.71) compared with an AV of 14.7% for the entire sample. We repealed several of the experiments described below with this subsample. None of our conclusions changed. sample). 22 IV. 4.1. EMPIRICAL RESULTS Summary Table I (CAV), statistics contains in the and variable summary definitions. on the abnormal volume (AV), the cumulative abnormal volume statistics eleven days centered around the ex-dividend day, and the cumulative abnormal volume weighted by the market capitalization of the firms going we first event i calculated the is mean volume defined as the mean daily turnover for days -45 to -6 JQ and T is number of days with the in the valid event period AV. = " daily N is the Alternatively, capitalization to -1-45: - 1 t , e = one may argue that Hence we also -5,..., is in day volume as +5. calculated as AV, i-i 1:1 , N t e -5 valid observations in +5 day t more weight should be given much i in the estimation period. calculated the abnormal TO 'L ATO E number of events with turnover in those stocks implies smaller stocks. volume observations we for J abnormal turnover for the entire sample AV where -1-6 The mean volume the daily turnover (shares traded relative to shares outstanding) for security is Then, for each day The mean and these variables, Ce|-45.-61U|^6.>45| ^ i t period for each event. in the estimation A where TO;, (WCAV). To compute ex, to larger stocks since a higher higher abnormal dollar volume than the same turnover for computed the average daily turnover, weighted by the stock's market 23 N WAV '\ = '_ e t , -5,..., +5 EC, i-l where C, is the stock's market capitalization calculated as Z.^ It It te(-«.-«)U|*«,-45] T and P|, and S|, are the stock price and The cumulative abnormal volume the event that is number of shares outstanding the sum of the daily for event i in day respectively. t, abnormal volume for the eleven days around is -5 CAV = I V ^ ^ AV . It t.-5 The average cumulative abnormal volume (CAV), and volume (WCAV), are defined for the in the same way as AV the weighted average cumulative abnormal and WAV for abnormal volume. volume behavior around the ex-dividend day are calculated using the T-statistics cross-sectional estimates of the variance of abnormal volume." For the entire sample, the ex-dividend day volume day period, the cumulative abnormal volume both are significant with a the sample is 1.001%. t-statistics is is 14.7% higher than average, and more than 100% higher than of 24.62 and 33.07 respectively. Also reported in the table are the volume in the eleven regular trading volume, The average dividend statistics when yield in the sample is partitioned by dividend yield. Observations are sorted into three groups according to their yield, and means are calculated within each yield groups are 1.70%, yield group. 0.89% and 0.41% Vorajcayk, Lucas and McDonald (1991) use (see also Collins and Dent (1984).) this The dividend yields for the high, medium, and low respectively. Both the ex-day abnormal volume and the procedure to examine price behavior around seasoned equity issue announcements 24 cumulative abnormal volume increase monotonically with yield. A significant difference observed only between the medium and high yield groups: 6.17% fact, for the high yield group, the medium yield group. CAV. For unweighted CAV The is almost 200%, and size -weighted cumulative is between size and transaction finding of positive association 33.14% abnormal volume. In abnormal trading volume example, for the high yield group, is about three times higher than for the WCAV is discussed later, the higher size-weighted volume As (196.3%). association The CAV vs. however higher than the is 449%, more than double the may be related to the negative costs. between dividend yield and abnormal volume is consistent with the model's implication (implication 2), as well as with several prior findings. Using a sample of 1200 Grundy (1985) ex-dividend days, greater than 1.2%, test is reported). is finds that the trading volume for the group with dividend yield higher than for the group with dividend yield less than 1.2% (no significance Similarly, Lakonishok and Vermaelen (1986) report a higher increase in abnormal trading in the three days preceding the ex-day of high yield stocks. From Table I we can see that trading due to the upcoming dividend does not occur only day and on the ex-day, but we starts several on the cum- days before the ex-day. Therefore in subsequent analyses, report the results using the cumulative abnormal trading volume in the eleven days around the ex-day. The second sample. part of Table The I contains information about the bid-ask spreads of the stocks in our bid-ask spread transactions costs. (1983) and is used as one of our proxies for cross sectional differences in There are several reasons why of the traders that are involved bid-ask spread is in it is considered as a good proxy. First, for many ex-day trading, such as corporations and institutional investors, the the major component of their transactions costs. Amihud and Mendelson Second, as Stoll and Whaley (1986) show, the correlation between total transactions costs and 25 the bid-ask spread show (1990) very high. is that the ex-day excess return is NASDAQ sample of Finally, using a firms, Karpoff and Wallding positively correlated with the bid-ask spread, consistent with the effect of transactions costs on ex-day returns in the presence of 'arbitrageurs'. The ISSM data includes intra-day bid-ask spreads, which were used to estimate the average bid-ask spread for each event in our 1988-1990 sample. For each day in the estimation period, opening, mid-day, and closing bid-ask spread to calculate a daily spread. i is Ask 3 AC _ ^ V^ ^ V^ for event 1, ,..,5 3 ,., - Bid 'ji where j = open, mid-day, or close transaction, number of days Table I contains in the estimation some statistics the period 1988 to 1990. is likely to are 1.53% and 1.32% respectively, and the be lower than what is described in Table many of It should be noted however that the actual bid-ask I. First, since the ex-dividend is a non the trades are not motivated by private information but rather by private valuation, the adverse selection component of the bid-ask spread Indeed Koski (1991) show that the average 62% is on the bid-ask spread, using a sample of 15,900 ex-dividend day events 0.%%. estimates that over ' period with valid observations. The mean and median spread around 0.65%, compared with . iji the day relative to the ex-dividend day and T, is information event and days. is iji mean spread standard deviation of the spread t 'ji l.^j^ ^gjj * '\ in The mean spread use the defined as the average daily spread over the estimation period: TJ the we a regular relative bid ask spread day bid-ask spread of 1.53% of the transactions on the NYSE in is lower than in 'regular' on the cum and ex-day our sample.^ is Lee (1993) are executed between the bid and ask quotes, and therefore argues that the quoted bid-ask spread overstates the actual spread. In addition. Supporting evidence to Madhavan and Smidt (1991) this claim can also be found in Madhavan and Smidt (1991) and Castanias, Chung and Johnson (1988). Chung and Johnson find that the informativeness of the trade significantly affect specialist behavior. Caslanias, (1988) report that the bid-ask spread for informationless trades in options are much smaller than for normal trades. 26 Koski (1991) brings direct evidence from the ex-day activity, that some large traders are able to However, substantially reduce the actual bid-ask spread through bilateral bargaining. cross-sectional differences in the observed bid-ask spreads reflects the actual as long as the cross-sectional differences in transactions costs, our conclusions are not altered. 4.2. Risk, As Transactions Costs and Trading Volume Around The Ex-Dividend Day has been theoretically established in the previous section, the volume of trade depends, other things on the risk and the amount of transactions costs involved these two variables on the trading volume, however, are ex-dividend days associated with more however,depending on whether the is The the trading. interrelated. First, the effect of model predicts that experience lower trading volume. This relation varies, risk will risk in among and idiosyncratic or systematic (Implications 3 4). These predictions are tested empirically in section 4.2.1. Second, a change in transactions costs has a direct effect on the volume of trade when investors have differential valuations of cash flows. Implication 6 states that as the level of transactions costs increases, the abnormal trading volume The direct relation between transactions and trading volume and transactions costs and their effect have no effect on trading volume in the examined presence of transactions if costs. on trading volume. The model implies there are On in section 4.2.2. no risk that systematic risk will transactions costs, but will have a negative impact have a negative effect on trading volume with or without transactions and transactions costs between those their effect on trading volume: the higher the risk factors The the other hand, the model implies that the idiosyncratic risk interaction results in will costs. In addition, the an opposite prediction about level of transactions costs, the of the idiosyncratic risk on trading volume and the higher The is and perhaps the most interesting conclusion of the model concerns the interplay between third, will costs will decrease. lower will be the impact be the impact of the systematic intuition behind the result that idiosyncratic risk has a lesser role when risk. transactions costs are 27 high is that agents will tend to These implications are tested The 4.2.1 3, positive effect less, and consequently assume in section 4.2.3. 4 and on the 4' state that level of both the idiosyncratic of the idiosyncratic risk is stronger. eleven days around the ex-day. idiosyncratic risk, normalized by the latter risk have a non abnormal trading volume. In the presence of transactions regression analysis, reported in Table The and the systematic risk Implication 4 states that both risk factors have a negative effect in the significantly smaller positions. of risk on trading volume. direct effect Implications hedge We II. examine the The dependent The independent market risk at on trading volume and effect of these variable is that the effect two types of risk using a the cumulative abnormal volume variables are the stock's dividend yield, the the same time period, and the systematic two variables are calculated during the estimation period from As predicted by the model, both the costs, idiosyncratic risk coefficient risk, beta. daily return observations. and the beta coefficient are negative with values of -0.49 and -0.33 respectively. Both coefficients are significantly different from zero with a t-statistics of 18.65 and 7.82 respectively. The absolute value) than the beta risk coefficient. idiosyncratic risk coefficient The difference Finally, consistent with prior analysis, the yield coefficient t-statistics 4.2.2. As The who about 50% higher (in significant with a t-statistics of 3.17. positive and highly significant with a of 8.51. role of transactions costs. the cost of trading increases, fewer investors will find those is is is find it it profitable to trade around the ex -day, and profitable to trade will trade for lesser amounts, (Implication 6). implication of this proposition is The cross-sectional that stocks with lower transactions costs will exhibit higher abnormal 28 trading volume around the ex-dividend day." To we end, this first divide the sample into three subgroups according to the cost of trading, estimated by the security's bid-ask spread, [see equation Indeed as reported (12)]. in the last row of Table Panel A, as transactions costs increase, the III, abnormal volume decreases. For the low transactions costs group, the cumulative trading volume 519.68% higher than the average trading volume, and highest transactions costs. For However, as has all is groups, however, the is only 108.2% higher for the group with the CAV is significantly greater been established before (implication 2 and Table than zero. 1) the incentive to trade increases with dividend yield as well. In order to distinguish between the yield effect and the cost of trading effect, we average bid-ask spread. The 2.08% Each event divided the sample into 9 categories. for the high- mean its dividend yield and dividend yield for the three categories are 0.387%, 0.805% and medium- and low-dividend contains 5300 observations. categorized by is yield groups respectively. We sub-divided each of the Each dividend yield group three subsamples by the cost of transacting, estimated by the bid-ask spread around the ex-day, and measure the abnormal volume for each of those 9 groups.^ Our model predicts that the group as transactions costs decrease. Moreover, volume of trade should increase within each if there the high yield stocks, then the increase in the abnormal is more 'arbitrage' yield and dividend capture volume should be more pronounced in in those stocks than in the lower yield stocks. The results indicate that the group with the highest yield and the lowest cost of transactions experience the highest volume of trade around the ex-day: more than 15.5 times the normal trading volume. For the high yield group (third column), an increase 21 Lakonishok and Vennaelen (1986) show in transactions cost that reduction in transaction costs increases the overall trading day. ^Because of data limitation on bib-ask spread, our sample contains events from 1988-1990 only. has the biggest volume on the ex-dividend 29 (negative) effect group is on abnormal volume. The trading volume only 2.3 times the regular trading volume. Consistent with the concentration of short term we traders and corporations in the high yield stocks, medium for the high yield/high transactions cost yield stock are not affected by increases see that while the trading volume in transactions costs to the in the same extent low and as the high yield stocks. In order to use a longer period in our analysis, costs, we construct an additional measure of transactions namely the market capitalization of the firms that are going ex. The use of market capitalization as a proxy for the cost of transacting correlation largely motivated by the empirical findings of negative between the bid-ask spread and market through 1990 B shows is we capitalization. find that the correlation coefficient a similar pattern to what has been described increases as the cost of transacting group than for the low is is -.298."" in As with Indeed the in the results in period 1988 Table III, Panel Panel A: The abnormal volume of trade reduced, and this increase yield group. For the events is more pronounced for the high yield the case of the bid-ask spread, the group that is associated with the lowest transactions costs and highest dividend yield exhibit the largest abnormal trading volume: almost 5 times more trading than in regular days. Also, for the largest firms lowest cost of trading), abnormal volume increases monotonically with yield. For the size group, however, there is no much difference between the trading volume (i.e., medium and low for the medium and low yield stocks. Our long sample period enables us to observe a profound structural change to test its effect on the incentives to trade around the ex-day. The May in transactions costs 1975 change in and commission schedules, from fixed to negotiated, substantially reduced the cost of transacting, esp)ecially for large ^Ve are not the first to use market capitalization as and Karpoff and Walkling(1988) use a similar measure. a proxy for transactions costs in this context. Lakonishok and Vermaelen (1986) 30 traders. Therefore, one would expect an increase Indeed, as reported in Table FV there is a the abnormal volume of trade after 1975. in marked increase in the ex-dividend day in the period 1976-1991, compared to the with the cross sectional analysis reported in Table yield stocks than for the Of more risk interest is medium or low is for the three dividend yield samples. is The we examine A is where the dependent Table V. Because of the inclusion restricted to the 1988-1990 time period. The t-statistics of -5.72 and -8.76 respectively. medium and low The spread yield groups. The coefficient is idiosyncratic risk negative and significant for the entire sample and for each subgroup, and the beta coefficient has the right sign, is for the high these relationship for the entire sample and results are reported in negative but statistically insignificant for the size more pronounced negative and highly significant for the entire sample as well as for the high dividend yield group, with a is is a multivariate regression analysis, of the bid-ask spread variable, the sample in Panel coefficient the increase 11, period of 1%2-1975. Consistent the combined effect of transactions costs, the idiosyncratic risk and the systematic the cumulative abnormal volume, spread coefficient first dividend yield stocks.^ on the ex-day trading volume. Using variable the abnormal trading volume around and significant for the entire sample. used as the transactions costs proxy (Panel B): it is A similar positive and pattern emerges when significant for the entire sample and for the high yield group, negative and insignificant for the medium yield group, and negative (and significant) for the high yield group. Note that using size as a proxy for the cross-sectional variation in transactions costs enables us to utilize the entire 1963-1991 period. Overall, the results are consistent with the model's predictions: securities with higher transactions costs experience lower ^Tiese abnormal trading volume, even results are consistent with after controlling for the level of risk associated what has been reported by Lakonishok and Vermaelen (1986). 31 with the trade. It is also found that for high dividend yield stocks, where the incentives to trade are on trading volume higher, the effect of transactions costs 4.2.3 The Thus far model will interaction between risk we have examined and the direct effect of risk and transactions costs market risk volume is on trading First, on trading volume. As the and beta on the ex-day volume of trade implies, however, the effect of the idiosyncratic risk volume (Implications 4 and more pronounced. transactions costs. vary def)ending on the cost of transacting. comparing the effect of the volume increases. The effect of the idiosyncratic risk become higher, investors choose to Even without costs increase, investors test hedge hedge 7). less, The intuition behind these results less, trade less and hence the idiosyncratic risk these predictions using a regression analysis. dividend yield, the idiosyncratic be zero if trading risk, The dependent distribution. variable The independent variable. 1" is transactions 1976 and December 31" 1991. Both risk According to the model, the idiosyncratic component are risk trading the cumulative variables are the we define Q, the ex-day occurred multiplied by these component's coefficient should be lower prior to 1976 since the transactions costs level were higher during were fewer hedging instruments around (such As less important. the security's beta, and a size variable. In addition if that the risk affects their becomes the ex-dividend day occurred before January 1976, and one between January dummy and consequently, the systematic As is trading costs, however, investors bear the idiosyncratic risk. abnormal volume (CAV) around the dividend to on predicted to be the opposite: as transactions cost increase the effect of the idiosyncratic trading decision. We risk component on systematic risk can be hedged away at no cost in the absence of transactions costs, costs market reveals that as transactions costs increase the effect (negative) of the 4'), on trading volume decreases, (Implication risk is this time period and there as futures or options contracts). The beta coefficient 32 is predicted to be higher before 1976. all is The results are ex-dividend day observations are included, the presented in Table VI. In the dummy row, where first slope coefficient for the idiosyncratic risk negative and significant indicating that the idiosyncratic risk had bigger (in absolute value) effect on trading volume coefficient has a much yield more hedging In the second on trading volume. group (top to negotiated commission schedule. vehicles row of the -r became table the entire sample. on both the beta and the The beta 1976, consistent with the assertion that as we available, the beta risk had a smaller present the results for the high dividend of both 1/3 yield). Consistent with prior analysis, the effect negative on this yield group than bigger effect fix larger coefficient prior to transactions costs got lower, and effect from after the transition The change risk component in transactions costs idiosyncratic risk coefficients. The beta affect the trading volume transactions costs had for the no row show that while the risk bottom 2/3 of the sample significant effect on these (in coefficient As the model cash flows, an increase predicts, when is term of their yield), volume is the change in than the effect of the systematic between transactions and supported by the data: The effect of the systematic risk when when trading costs are low. risk. trade around the ex-day, do so in stocks is risk on risk, The effect Also, the data confirms The model's and their effects on trading on volume is trading costs are high, and the idiosyncratic risk has a larger effect The evidence and or nonsystematic), reduces trading volume. costs times more coefficients. the assertion that trading volume and transactions costs are negatively correlated. predictions about the interaction is less trade occurs because of the differential valuations of risk (either systematic of the nonsystematic risk component is components negatively Overall, the results of this section demonstrate the importance of transactions costs trading volume. more ha also a negative after the reduction in transactions costs, and the idiosyncratic risk coefficient negative. Finally the results reported in the last is more pronounced at on abnormal volume also consistent with the assertion that most investors who with large dividend yield. These stocks therefore will be 33 affected the most by change in transactions costs or by the availability of hedging instruments; both through the direct effect of transactions costs, and the indirect effect through the idiosyncratic and the systematic risk of the stock. 4.3 The role of derivative The evidence presented assets. in the last section investors' trading decisions when shows that risk and transactions costs their private valuation differs significantly affect from the market's valuation. It is likely therefore, that the introduction of instruments that enables investors to reduce the ex-day trading risk, will result in a higher trading volume. can be used to reduce the is already in place. In both cases, the predicted effect expect more trading since the risk exposure is such as options, is is clear: We would lower, and the effective cost of the entire transactions lower. A potential way to investigate is specifically, derivative securities, exposure of the underlying transaction, or alternatively, reduce the cost risk of an hedging strategy that More to examine the effect of the introduction of a stock index future contract, such as the Market Index (MMI) events the effect of the availability of hedging instruments on trading volume However, such 1984. in July may have occurred around the same time a test period, for may be problematic example the 1984 Major since several other TRA which increased the required holding period for corporations from 16 to 46 days. This type of problem is much less severe around the introduction of stock options. First, stock options were introduced gradually and do not concentrate in a particular time f>eriod. Second, since a stock option in the To is most likely to same time period are this end, we be used as a less likely to hedge against trades in the underlying stock, other stocks be affected, and therefore can be used as a control sample. collected a comprehensive sample of all stocks with a traded option. Our initial 34 sample consists of all options listed on the CBOE, NYSE, AMEX, Pacific Stock Philadelphia Stock Exchange from 1973 through 1987, with an underlying asset that NYSE or AMEX. A firm is included in the sample around the option inception and option listing and if Exchange and is traded on the return data was available for ten years centered has at least four ex-dividend dates in the three years prior to the it at least four ex-dividend dates in the three years after the option listing. The final sample contains 448 stocks. Table VII presents some summary yield for the pre- and statistics for this sample. First For each firm post-listing periods. calculated the dividend yield as the average yield over The sample average yield was then calculated all we calculated the average dividend in the pre-listing (post-listing) sample we the ex-dividend days in the five year period. as the average firm's dividend yield." The same procedure was followed for the calculation of both the average dollar amount of dividend paid and the average price. The sample's average standard deviation of returns was calculated using daily returns in the year before (after) the option listings. $0,298 and $0,312 before and after the option listing, The average amount of and the average dividend yield changed from an average of 0.834% to an average of 0.9%. Both differences are average post-listing price is $36.7, which standard deviation of daily returns before, but the difference is is is 3.72 dollar lower than somewhat lower distribution of the inception of options in our We compare the trading volume manner. activity statistically insignificant. the average prelisting price. after the listing: 2.153 Lastly, as alluded to before. insignificant. dividend paid was The The compared with 2.257 Panel B presents the sample by year. before and after the option listing day in the following We calculate the cumulative abnormal volume for each event using the procedure described 25 This procedure sample average. is followed so that firms with larger number of ex-day events will not receive a greater weight in calculating the 35 in Section 4.1. Then, order to give each stock in number of ex-dividend days in the it had, we compute in in Table VIII, is the cross-sectional cross-sectional variation of the cumulative CAV for the entire sample report the listing. abnormal volume. The for the pre-listing period and the 1% The same level (t=5.88). listing abnormal trading volume compared with the It is is The third column of the first we calculated using the CAV of the volume of trade significantly is 32.8% compared with 118.6% emerges from the sample of the higher The level of is significant at the yield stocks or only abnormal volume is significantly than before. Consistent with our prior findings, the absolute level of higher both before and after the option listing for the high yield groups, entire sample. possible that the upward trend in the ex-day abnormal trading volume through time contributed to our findings of higher abnormal volume in the three years after the option in the three years prior to the option listings. To an alternative procedure. For each firm with a option, and sample first we compare their screen the is in the CRSP 20% may have listing control for this potential confounding effect listed option we find a matched firm without than we use a listed abnormal volume of trade around the ex-day. In order to find the matched tapes for stocks without options traded in the three years after the option yield that we report the results for only post-listing period, respectively. This difference results table column contain the results indicate that the stocks with dividend yield greater than 12.5 cents: higher after the option In the The cumulative abnormal volume listing: stock in our sample both t-statistic is of 448 firms, and in the second top third stocks in term of their yield. regardless of the The mean cumulative abnormal volume, mean of CAVj. The those stocks that had a dividend greater than 12.5 cents. increase after the option same weight, CAV for each the average period before and the period after the option reported the sample the listings). (in the We then choose a subsample of stocks that have a dividend range of the yield of the stock with option. stocks with market value of equity in the same time period 50% From this group we select range of the stock with option, and then we all select the 36 stock that Using closest in price. is this criteria The sample we This procedure is repeated for every stock with an underlying option. are able to find 368 matched pairs of stocks with and without options. characteristics are described in Table IX. The dividend yield, market value of equity and the daily standard deviation in returns are insignificantly different from each other between the two samples. The average price of the stocks with options is about $2.5 higher than the stocks without options. When comparing the cumulative abnormal return of the two samples find that the difference in the volume of trade for the stocks without options, comparing the mean CAV is CAV is listings Vni), the differences are much lower (though cross sectional basis instead of with and without options on a time when keeping part of the increase in the trading respectively. we eliminate we worth noting however, that when listing we (32.8% compared with 118.6%, still significant), series basis: We when find only a find that the mean as reported in Table the comparison 30% is done on a difference between stocks the time variable constant. This seems to imply that at least volume after the option listing the market and not directly related to the option listing per of Table X, It is period before and after the option about four times higher after the column of Table X), we significantly higher for the stocks with options than 130.4% and 99.4% in the (first find significant difference in trading 5^. is related to As reported in some other the last trends in two columns volume around the ex-dividend day even after stocks with dividends smaller than 12.5 cents, (second column), or included only the high yield securities in the sample (third column). 4.5. Portfolio effects Without transactions costs the systematic volume of trade is the idiosyncratic risk. risk can be easily hedged, and the only constraint to the Since the idiosyncratic risks are independent across stocks, 37 the mcxlel implies that the When stocks going ex. amount invested in each stock going ex is independent of the number of investors incur transactions costs, however, not be hedged, and therefore the trading volume on each individual stock of the number of stocks going ex, (Implication will 5'), though the be higher the higher the number of stocks going effect of the number of stocks that go ex in a given day Table XI contains some summary statistics standard deviation of 20.56." the will be a decreasing function volume on the ex-day test this implication number of stock that go ex in the As can be seen from of the systematic risk can on the trading volume regarding the The mean (median) number of dividend day. We ex. total all last in by examining the each stock. stocks that have the same day is is no clustering of ex-days by yield. It is one day The is minimum 153 and the effect of the number of is evident, however, that the stocks that have the independent variables are the dividend in the same day (ND). second and third rows the yield groups combined. significant for the entire ^t is number of ex-dividend days same ex-dividend day first yield, the two is an ex -dividend day days examined In Table XII. and the number of stocks that go risk variables row we report the results for the entire sample, results are reported for the high yield First, consistent is with implication sample and for each sub-sample. 5', It and in the group and for the low and medium the ND coefficient is negative and seems, however, that the number of is not even. There are twice the number of ex- any other day of the week. We have also calculated summary statistics regarding the number of stocks that have the same month. An average of 431.8 stocks have an ex -dividend day in a given month, with a maximum and a in in maximum ex-dividend the cumulative abnormal volume and the worth noting that the distribution of ex -dividend days across the day of the week day on Monday than minimum In the at a given day. zero. Using regression analysis where the dependent variable ex ex- three columns of the table, the high-, are not uniformly distributed across days. For the entire ex-day sample, the in same 20.63 (13) with a medium-, and low-yield groups have the same average number of stocks that go ex There portfolio of 805 and 16. 38 stocks that go ex, has a ND coefficient The is greater impact on the high yield group than much on the about 10 times larger for that group of stocks. Tax heterogeneity and trading volume 4.6. One of the major implication of the model is that the higher the dispersion in investors' private volume of valuation, the stronger the incentives to trade, and consequently, the larger the to the ex-dividend day trading, are rest of the sample. more it implies that as the tax heterogeneity gains from trade, (Implication 1). Given the changes the among US identified, tax code, is no reliable data risk aversion), across holders It is feasible, if on the it is and the changes However, be precisely to the best of cross sectional variation in tax rates (and in absolute of different stocks. however, to estimate the time series variations Using the IRS in tax heterogeneity. Individuals Statistics of Income, Corporations Statistics of Income, and the Federal Reserve Funds publications for the years as explained below. The IRS 1%3 through 1989, we calculate the yearly mean and publications provide information regarding the income received by individuals corporations. in clear that the tax clientele groups could a firm sp)ecific tax heterogeneity variable." one could construct our knowledge, there In principle, As investors increases there the relative importance of the various trading groups in the economy, heterogeneity variable varies through time. trade. in each tax bracket The Federal Reserve as well as the received by pension funds and insurance companies (institutional investors). we variance of a" amount of dividend amount of dividend received by publications contain information about the marginal tax bracket of each group, Flow of are able to construct the yearly amount of dividends From this data, mean and and the variance of the Several studies, such as Auerbach(1985) and Maclcie-Mason (1988) have attempted to use firm specific tax clientele variable to analyze corporate financial policy. This variable can be viewed as the distribution. Even though the former policy using this variable. is mean of the tax distribution, while our interest easier to measure, these studies do not seem is in the variance of this to have great success in explaining corporate dividend 39 relative tax preference variable a". The weights on each o" are set to the relative amount of dividend received by this group of investors.^ Another factor is that may affect the level of abnormal trading volume through the tax heterogeneity, the incentives of the various groups to trade. In particular, corporate investors' incentives to trade, and their effects the return The first manifest on the ex-day trading are measured using three additional on the overall market in the current year and the return variables: the level of o, on the market in the prior year. variable capture the increase weight of the corporate traders in the market place as itself it through o. The second and third variables capture the corporate traders' incentives to trade through a proxy of their capital gains. Since the capital losses from dividend capture activity can be deducted only against capital gains, prior used as proxies for corporate capital gains. to trade around the ex-day increases and current year changes As in the level of the market are their level of capital gains increases, the incentives as well. In other words, the higher the level of corporate profits from capital gains, the higher the incentives to trade around the ex-day. Given the nature of out test, we constructed a monthly abnormal volume variable. cumulative abnormal volume for each month volume for all securities with of the firm's equity. We is The mean calculated as the average of the cumulative abnormal an ex-dividend day in that month, weighted by the market capitalization then estimate the effect of differential valuation on the monthly abnormal volume: CAV ^t = a„ + a, ( _), + a^RM^ + ajRM^., * a,a, + a^yar^ioT^) + should be noted that our construction of the distribution of o° is a^VaT^(a°) * a,<^^, + a^LogCt) + €,. only a proxy. First, the weights are proportional to the dividend received and not to the absolute risk tolerance. This can be justined by noting that the share of dividend received for risk bearing capacity. Second, our measure discrete, year-end, changes measure of tax heterogeneity in tax heterogeneity. mean of a by available on a yearly basis only, is a reasonnable proxy which implies that we actually Since most lax changes occurs at year-end (though not changes of the various trading groups), this empirical approximation a very similar estimate of the is may be appropriate. using a slightly different data source. It is in the weights comforting to note that Poterba (1987) arrives al 40 The (13) 1963-1985 reported in years are data for the monthly using results of estimating equation (13) Table XIII.^ In addition to the explanatory variables described above, the estimating equation includes a monthly dividend yield variable, calculated as the average dividend yield of an ex-dividend day on that month, weighted by their all stocks with market capitalization; the monthly market variance o^„ calculated as the daily return variance of the equally weighted index in the 60 days prior to month t; and a log time variable (in years) that captures the overall volume through the years, Log(t). Finally, it is possible, and quite upward trend in trading likely, that individual investors will not engage in the ex-day trading to a large extent because of transactions costs. In that case, the variability in the tax rates volume, and We in fact (and weights) of this investor group may not affect the ex-dividend day may not even be the appropriate measure of the cross sectional variance of o". therefore calculate an alternative measure of the variance of a" [labeled as Var2(«")], which include the weights and relative tax rates of corporations and institutions alone. serial correlation present in the data using a maximum We account for the likelihood procedure as in Beach and Mackinnan (1978). In the first and second rows of Table XIII the regressions are estimated for events in the sample period. In the second regression, however, we all ex-dividend days use the cross-sectional variance of a" that accounts for the variation in the relative tax rates and weights of only corporate and institutional investors (Var2(«")). the yield coefficient is positive day abnormal trading volume month. Also, 29 For most and is is significant, indicating that the positively related to the as the risk level in the A potential complication parts, the results using either variables are quite similar: time series variation in ex-dividend amount of dividend paid market increases (measure by the market's variance), the trading (he activities of the Japanese insurance companies in the mid- and late 80s. Their dividend related trades are regulatory rather than tax motivated. While this type of incentive can be easily incorporated into the model, tax heterogeneity variable. in a particular As shown it is not capture Koski(1992), these trades had a substantial effect on the volume of trade, especially therefore limit out time series to the period 1%3 through 1985. in in the in 1988. We 41 volume decreases. abnormal volume It is seems that the effect of dividend yield in the same direction they affected the and risk on time cross-sectional behavior of ex-day abnormal volume. The measures of the corporate traders to engage in the ex-day trading are the right direction, but significant only for the second regression. That indicate greater presence of corpwrate traders, the abnormal significant when series behavior of is, as a increases, volume increases as well, all in which and is the heterogeneity variable accounts for the activity of institutional and corporate market traders. Likewise, the level of the is positive, and significant at the 10% level, indicating that higher level of capital gains increases the incentive to trade and consequently increases volume. Perhaps most importantly, as the degree of tax heterogeneity between traders increases, the In the third volume of trade increases row of the table we in a significant institutional and corporate way. analyze the effect of these variables on a subsample where the corporate and institutional trading is the most pronounced, namely on the high dividend yield stocks. Indeed, the current level of the market as well as o and the tax heterogeneity variable are positive and highly significant, and the market risk proxy is negative and significant. Comparing the level of the coefficients between regressions (2) and (3) indicate that role in determining the volume of trade all these variable plays a for the high yield stocks than for the entire sample. picture emerges from the last regression in the table (fourth row). of the sample (in term of yield) results are not surprising if is more important included, non of the variables When is A similar only the bottom two third statistically significant. These individual investors faces higher transactions costs than large institutional and corporate trades, which prevents them from actively participate in the ex-dividend Overall, the results indicate that heterogeneity has a significant effect 30 It is still possible that delay and acceleration of trades by individual document evidence around the 1986 TRA which is consistent with this investors on trading volume, may occur (see Grundy assertion. day tradings.^ especially 1985). Michaely and Vila (1993) 42 in stocks where corporate and institutional traders are more dominant. It is also shown that the higher the incentives to engage in these trades (proxied by level of capital gains and dividend yield), the volume of trade is significantly higher. hand, reduces the trading volume. The amount of risk involved in those trades, on the other 43 V. CONCLUSION In this paper We volume. we consider the impact of investors' heterogeneity, risk and transactions costs on trading on focus our empirical analysis volume around ex-dividend trading days. These events represent an almost ideal environment for our experiment since the dominant motive of trade around these events is the differential valuation of cash flows (dividends relative to capital gains) across investors. In a relatively simple volume. This result trading volume is not surprising and that are based that higher risk will framework, the model indicates that transactions costs reduce trading on is risk. on heterogeneous valuation, As the present model reveals, risk risk investors' trading motives are based and the idiosyncratic risk have different effects on the always affected by the idiosyncratic risk involved effect of the idiosyncratic risk is bigger the lower the transactions costs are. be fully level of systematic risk. hedged in empirical evidence that we the absence of transactions costs. becomes more costly, investors At the same time they results in a lesser role for the idiosyncratic risk in The when non-Pareto is transactions costs increases and hedging some as the cost associated with volume contrast, the systematic risk can to Models of reduces the incentives to trade, an consequently the trading volume. trading volume. Unlike prices, the trading The trading volume. portfolio rebalancing towards optimal holdings, however, predict Perhaps more interestingly, the systematic the trade. many models of to be associated with higher trading volume holdings increases with in common find is As By the level of choose to expose themselves also reduce their level of trade, which also determining trading volume. consistent with the model's implications: (1) Stocks with higher bid-ask spreads experience lower abnormal trading volume; (2) Stocks with higher idiosyncratic risk experience lower trading volume; (3) Stocks reduction in transactions costs in The non-systematic May with lower beta exhibit higher volume; (4) The 1975 resulted in an overall higher ex-day trading volume; (5) variance coefficient is found to be lower before 1976, and the beta coefficient 44 to be higher. Also, stocks with underlying options, trading volume than otherwise It is also day is shown cheaper, experience higher ex-day abnormal trading volume around the ex-dividend positively related to the degree of tax heterogeneity in is identical securities. that the time series variations in the groups to engage and where hedging those trades. Specifically, their incentive to trade increase the we and the incentives of the various trading find that as the influence of the corporate traders volume of trade increases significantly, especially in the high yield stocks. While our analysis focuses be extended beyond to better on the ex-dividend this specific for we believe that the implications of this work can event and that the methodology developed here can be generalized our understanding of trading volume framework allowing day, in other contexts as well. For instance a more general heterogenous information, as opposed to heterogenous valuation, could be used to analyze the abnormal trading volume around information shocks such as dividends or earnings announcements or takeover rumors. Modelling the interaction between trading volume, private information, risk and transactions costs will not be an easy task. However, developed herein Finally, will be useful and that our main of trade and the price movement on amount of tax revenues that are lost due of tax-related trading substantial. There are three seller government to the deadweight loss is its loss to those trades. Our of research. Using the volume may come with an empirical results show estimate of the that the amount parties involved in those trades: the buyer, the seller expect a gain while the government (the of tax revenues. In addition to a transfer of wealth from the traders, tax related trading due this line the ex-dividend day one and the government. Both the buyer and the third party) looses through think that the insights results will hold true. an important policy implication may be drawn from is we around the ex-day creates deadweight to the cost of trading the tax shields (commission, time spent etc.) loss. and the This risk 45 involved in the transactions (deviation from pareto optimal risk sharing). it follows that an estimate of the tax revenue losses distributional be of and efficiency impacts of interest to fXDlicy makers. due tax 'arbitrage'. Indeed even if From our above to ex day trading will shed As some discussion light on the a result such an estimate will undoubtedly the wealth transfer due to tax 'arbitrage' is desirable the fact that risk and transactions costs create a deadweight loss suggest that there should be a more 46 Appendix To solve for the equilibrium trading strategies, p' = p^ + ad - _(1+Kt)x A we show that at the zero transactions costs prices for dividend paying stocks and 6 - p' = p - o^ _ (1+Kt)x for non dividend paying stocks 6 supply equals demand. We then calculate trading volume at these prices. Consider an investor n with «">«. Let y" = x^- j? From equation (6) (-ad and (7), the investor's objective -o)x)'(x"+y) + + o"d'y - (c")' |y o with respect to ? = y. is to maximize - | — [3c"' oj x" +23? w y +y' o 26" (al) y ] Since l"x 6 investor n's objective is reduced to maximizing (o"-S)d'y - (c")'|y J-y'wy - (a2) . I Given the symmetry, the investor's a of the dividend paying assets to sell problem can be described as follows: Choose how many shares buy and how many shares b of the non dividend paying for hedging motives. Indeed, since transactions costs are proportional diversification Hence, the investor prefers to buy all is From dividend paying assets than just a subset.^' assets to not costly. (a2), a and b are chosen so as to maximize (a"-5)Sda - c[Sa+(K-S)b] -^J a^(S'T +S) +b'( (K-S)'t +K-S ) -2abS(K-S)T (a3) with respect to a^O and b^O. The solution to (a3) is described below In the presence of fixed transactions costs, the investor will trade only a subset of the dividend paying assets. ] 47 b=0 a=0, 3=6° ifo"ia 1 2^ + d b=0 , ifo + o^(1+St) _<a°$a 1+kt o^ _[2+ d [(tt°-5)d-2c](lf(K-S)T)-c _ e° + d ^ 6° ^^ ] (a4) [(a°-5)d-2c]ST-c ^ ' — St niG if a° > 5 + £[2 d^ + J_] St^ Therefore, t = £andh=f[2 d^ d Since the distribution of o" o''-o = o-a". From is and a assumption that K is we b, A convenient way to write Then St^ it o">o can be seen that y°+y°'=0 and hence supply equals demand. calculate the trading volume on any dividend paying stock under the g° («''-«)d-c the volume on the and ^ ^ cum day c v = d • the volume can be written V ed =^[E V cr From equation ^ (a6), there exists a a'°<o such that 6"=0" and large: V=^[ ^ — ii" = o"-o ^ J-]. symmetrical, for every equation (a4), Having derived + 6"max{ JLlI, ^"-2y;0} 1+St we can see that ] is 5"((«"-5)d-2c)]. to define (a5) 48 Combining (a7)-(a9) av next show costs. In the V follows that av r ^< We it c a(|) that the effect of the idiosyncratic risk o^ no transactions costs case volume is is smaller in the presence of transactions given by = c so that (a8) 49 Appendix B A simple model with non unit betas In order to solve for trading volume with Two i) The risky assets are traded. other one is non first pS+e a stock which pays unit beta, Trading in the stock trading in the index is is stock and index that pays 8 The random mean zero and at the ex. variables 6 variance subject to proportional transactions costs The stock pays a dividend iii) The distribution of the parameter o" in the simplifying assumptions: The and € are o^ and o^ subject to proportional transactions costs Cs while is iii) Following the analysis is at the ex. independently normally distributed with ii) one we make c,. d. appendix A, it is symmetrical. easy to show that the zero transactions costs prices are is equilibrium prices. We next calculate the investor's trading strategy. If o°>o, the investor buys hedges by shorting b shares of the index. His objective (a"-o)da-c,a-ch- _^L11 ^ is to a shares of the stock and maximize (bl) . 26" ' with respect to a^O and b^O. It is useful to rewrite the objective (bl) with respect to a and the unhedged market risk z o?, z^ (a"-a)da-(c +pc,)a+c,z- _^! with respect to x^O and z^px. The solution to (b2) is described below + o^ a^ = pa-b: /. OS (^2) 50 C- a=0, z=0 a = e° ifa":sa this ^'^J^^'^'J' formulation (i) When J d , z = [(a"-o)d-c -pc,] ' '\ ' a=e"i^^ With + it is Pa if S-1^ < c, ^ if z=e"' a" ^ _ a" o^ > a*^[c3.(^*P)c,]. Cs=c,=0, then implications 1-4 hold. In addition When Cs>0 1 or/and C|>0, then implications 6, 4' is and 7 we obtain independent of still p. hold. In addition Implication bl': In the presence of transactions costs, the trading volume is be shorted. Second high beta stocks are costlier to we obtain decreasing in p. This result follows from two concurring effects: First high beta stocks are risky for traders afford to hedge. (b3) easy to see that: Implication bl: If transactions costs are zero, trading volume (ii) 5*^[c, + (J^*P)c,] who cannot hedge since more shares of the index must 51 References Bias, B. and P. Bossaert, 1993, "Asset Prices and Trading Volume in a Beauty Contest", Caltech mimeo. Blume. L., D. Easley and M. O'Hara, 1993, "Market Volume", Journal of Finance (forthcoming). Campbell, Returns," Statistics and Technical Analysis: The Role of J., S. Grossman and J. Wang, 1991, "Trading Volume and Working Paper, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Serial Correlation in Stock Demsetz, H., 1968, "The Costs of Transacting," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 82, 33-53. Dumas, Two-Person Dynamic Equilibrium B., 1989, in the Capital Market," Review of Financial Studies, 2, 157-188. M. 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The bidask spread for each stock is calculated as: BAS, = -^ Tj I t=-45 ^ i 3 j=i |(Ask,j. - Bidy,)/ Askyi + Bid.j, [ where j = open, mid-day, and close transaction, t is the day relative to the ex-dividend day, and Tj is the number of days in the estimation period with valid bid-ask observations (usually 40 days). 54 Table The Effect of Risk on II Trading Volume The effect of dividend yield, idiosyncratic lisk and beta on abnormal volume in the 1 1 days around the ex-day is analyzed using a regression analysis. Abnormal volume is defined as the daily turnover relative to average turnover and the cumulative abnormal volume (CAV) is the sum of abnormal volume in the 1 1 days around the ex-day. Dividend yield is calculated as the dividend paid over the cum-day price. The idiosyncratic variance, scaled by the market variance in the same time period, and beta are estimated from the OLS market model in the estimation period (using daily returns). 155,302 ex-dividend events on NYSE/AMEX dividend-paying stocks in the period 1963-1991 are included in the sample. Standard errors are adjusted for heteroscedasticity using White's (1980) procedure. T-statistics are reported in parentheses. CAVi = Po + Pi -r^^ + p. — + P3 Beta, D, Dependent Variable (Mean) CAV(-5->+5) (100.6) Intercept 1.96 a^i "^ ^^ (16.43) + 0, Betai t-i 63.08 (8.51) ^m -0.49 (-18.65) -0.33 (-7.82) 55 Table III Transaction Costs and Ex-Day Trading Volume: Cross-Section Analysis Ex-dividend events are divided into nine categories by dividend yield and bid-ask spread (Panel A) and by dividend yield and market value of equity (Panel B). The sample is first sorted by yield into three groups and then by bid-ask spread, resulting in nine subgroups. The bid-ask spread is calculated as the average bid-ask spread in the 40 days prior to the exday (see equation 9 in the text). Dividend yield is calculated as dividend amount over the cum-dividend day price, and the market value of equity is calculated as its average value in the estimation period. The average cumulative abnormal volume (in percentage) is then calculated for each category. T-statistics appears in parentheses and number of observations appears in brackets. In Panel A, the ex-dividend day events are constraint to the years 19881990, and in Panel B the sample contains the entire sample period of 1963-1991. Panel A: Sorting by Dividend Yield and Bid-Ask Spread (BAS) BAS Category 56 Panel B: Sorting by Dividend Yield and Market Capitalization (Size) SIZE Category (in dividend yield category millions of $) 57 Table IV Transaction Costs and Ex-Day Trading Volume: Time Series Analysis Mean cumulative abnormal volume. CAY, for the first subperiod, 1963-1975, and for the second subperiod of 1976-1991. CAV is calculated in the 1 1 days around the ex-dividend day. In the first subperiod the mean dividend yield is 0.93% and the mean daily turnover is 0.12%. There are 21,287 observations in each subgroup with a dividend yield of 1.52%, 0.87%, and 0.41% for the high, medium, and low yield groups respectively. In the second subperiod (1976-1991), the mean dividend yield is 1.05% and the mean daily turnover is 0.19%. Each subgroup contains 30,398 observations with a dividend yield of 1.82%, 0.91%, and 0.41% for the high, medium, and low yield groups respectively. T-statistics appears in parentheses. Dividend Yield Group Dependent Variable: (1) (2) CAV Entire Sample High Medium Low 1963-1975 (63862 obs.) 29.42% 26.22% 29.46% 32.57% (10.14) (4.18) (5.75) (7.70) 1976-1991 (91193 obs.) 150.10% 311.92% 73.49% 62.67% (31.36) (25.22) (15.57) (13.42) 58 Table The The Effect of Transaction Costs V and Risk on Ex-Day Trading on ex-day trading is analyzed using a regression abnormal volume in the 1 1 days around the ex-dividend day for the entire sample (first row), for the high yield group (second row), for the medium yield group (third row), and for the low yield group sample (fourth row). The independent variables are the stock's dividend yield, calculated as the dividend paid over the cum-day price, the idiosyncratic variance, scaled by the market variance in the same time period, and the systematic risk, estimated by beta. The latter two variables are estimated using the OLS market model during the estimation period. In Panel A we use the average bid-ask spread (BAS) calculated as the average BAS in the 40 days prior to the event (see equation 9) as a proxy for the cross-sectional variation in transaction costs, and in the Panel B market value of equity is used as the transaction costs proxy. Standard errors are adjusted for effect of transaction costs analysis. The dependent and variable risk is the cumulative heteroscedasticity using White's (1980) procedure. T-statistics are reported in parentheses. CAV, = tto -t- tt] — -1-02 P; Panel A: 1988-1990 —^ + a^ Beta, -i- a^ BASj 59 Table VI The Effect of the Systematic and Idiosyncratic Risk Components in the Two Different Transaction Costs Regions that the systematic risk will have a greater effect on trading volume when transaction costs are high, and the idiosyncratic risk will have lower impact on trading volume when transaction costs are high. The dependent variable is the cumulative abnormal volume (CAV) in the 1 1 days around the ex-day for the entire ex-day sample (first row), for the high yield group only (second row), and for the low and medium yield groups combined The model implies The independent variables are the stock's dividend yield, calculated as the dividend paid over the cum-day price; the idiosyncratic variance, scaled by the market (third row). variance; the systematic risk, estimated by beta; and the average market value of equity. The risk components are estimated using the OLS market model during the estimation period. Qi is a dummy variable that takes the value of one if the ex-day occurred after 12/31/75 and zero otherwise. Using these variables we create two slopes dummies, one for each risk component. Standard errors are adjusted for heteroscedasticity using White's (1980) procedure. T-statistics are reponed in parentheses. Cav, = tto + ttil — + I a2— + a3— Qi + a4betai + ajbetaiQi + agsize 60 Table VII AMEX stocks from table provides descriptive statistics for options listed on NYSE and April 1973 through December 1987. A firm is included in the sample if it has at least four ex-dates in the three years prior to the option listing and at least four ex-dates in the three years after the option was listed. The dividend yield and dollar dividend is calculated as the mean over the pre- and post-listing periods. Average prices are calculated using the cum day prices, and the daily standard deviation is calculated using daily prices for the year before and after the option listing. Average values are reported in the body of the table, and standard deviation are in parentheses. 448 companies are included in the sample. The 61 Table VIII Trading Volume Before and After Option Listing table reports the cumulative abnormal volume (CAV) in the 1 1 days centered around the ex-dividend day for a sample of stocks with traded options, in the three years before and the three years after the option start to trade. A firm is included in the sample if it has at least four ex-dates in the three years prior to the option listing and at least four ex-dates in the three years after the option is listed. CAVj is first calculated for each firm (either before or after the option listing), and then the average CAV for each respective sample is calculated. The sample contains 448 firms. In the second column we exclude all stocks that pay dividends less than 12.5 cents and in the last column only the top third of the stocks in terms of yield are included. T-statistics are in parentheses. The 62 Table IX The table compares the average price, size, dividend yield and standard deviation of return between a group of stoclcs with option traded and a matched group of stocks without traded option. For each stock in the former group we select a matching stock using the following criteria: we first screen the CRSP tapes for stocks without options traded in the same time ±20% of the yield of the stock with option. stock with market value of equity in the range of ±50% of the period, with a dividend yield in the range of From this group we select all equity value of the stock with option and then Standard deviations are in parentheses. Panel A: (368 pairs) we choose the stock that is closest in price. 63 Table The table reports the cumulative X abnormal volume (CAV) in the eleven days centered around the ex-dividend day for a sample of stocks with traded options and a matched sample of stocks without options. For each stock with option we match a dividend paying stock without option that traded in the five year period after the option listing. Matching is based on dividend yield, market capitalization, and size. T-statistics are reported in parentheses. CAV (%) Entire Sample (N = 368) Stocks with option Stocks without option 130.4 (10.83) 99.4 (5.84) Mean-difference (without-with) -30.95 (2.25) CAV (%) Only Stocks With Yield Greater Than 12.5 cents (N = 288) 156.4 High Yield Stocks Only 322.6 (4.29) 117.6 (3.45) -38.78 (2.44) 208.7 (2.80) -113.9 (2.29) 64 Table XI Descriptive statistic about the number of stocks that had an ex-dividend day in the same day (ND). Statistics are calculated for the entire sample of NYSE/AMEX stocks with at least one ex-dividend day in the period 1963-1991, as well as for the three yield subgroups. 65 Table XII The We Portfolio Effect on Ex-Day Trading examine the effect of the number of stocks that go ex in the same day (ND), on the volume activity of each stock. Standard errors are adjusted for heteroscedasticity trading using White's (1980) procedure. Dependent Variable: Cumulative Abnormal Volume Sample All Ex-Day Intercept (D/P)i oe/c ^^^^' ^^^^' ^^ 66 Table XIII The Effect of We construct a series of volume of NYSE/AMEX Tax Heterogeneity on Trading Volume monthly mean abnormal volume, using the cumulative abnormal trading stocks with an ex-dividend day in that month. We test the effect of tax heterogeneity and risk on abnormal volume using regression analysis. The dependent variable is a monthly time series cumulative abnormal volume, (CAV) calculated as the average of the cumulative abnormal volume for all securities with an ex-day on that month, weighted by the market capitalization of the firm's equity. The independent variables are the monthly dividend yield, D/P, the market return in prior year RMi.i, and current year, RMt, the weight all average of preference of dividends relative to capital gains, a a tax heterogeneity variable, market return in the prior three months, 0^, and an indicator variable for time, log(t). For each month, the weighted mean CAV of all securities paying dividends are calculated, weighted by firm's market capitalization. The weighted average dividend yield is calculated in a similar way. The market return on the NYSE/AMEX value weighted portfolio in the current and prior year are used as a proxy for corporate capital gains, which affect their incentive to engage in dividend capture, a is calculated using data on the marginal rate of substitutions between dividends and capital gains for each trading group, as well as actual statistics (for the SOI bulletin) on the relative weights of each group. The tax heterogeneity variable measures the within year variability in those preferences. Lastly, the market variance tries to capture the perceived risk involved in those transactions. We account for the serial correlation present in the data using a maximum likelihood procedure as in Beach and Mackinnan (1978). The regression is estimated in the period 1963-1985. We truncated the data at the end of 1985 to avoid a time period in which heavy trading that is not related to taxes by Japanese insurance companies affected the volume statistics in a significant way, see Koski (1992). In the first row of the table the results are presented for the entire sample of securities; in the second row we analyze the top 1/3 stocks, in term of their yield, alone and in the last row the analysis is applied to the bottom 2/3 of securities, sorted by yield. T-statistics are in parenthesis. , var(ai), the variance of Dep Variable: Monthly CAV (1) Constant D/P RMt RMt-i a Vari(ai) Var2(ai) log(l) r2 DWa 5236 nu Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 01917 7580