Changes to the 2016-17 ESEA Consolidated Application One Drive Directions Coordinated Consolidated Info.

Changes to the 2016-17 ESEA
Consolidated Application
One Drive Directions
One Drive Instructions at your fingertips
Coordinated Consolidated Info.
Added in the hyperlink to the Carryover/Waiver Application that is in the back of the application now for an
easy place to access it.
Consolidated Budget Summary
Indirect Cost is last years’ number. Once we have this years’ numbers we will get those added
Title I, Part A
The list schools that you have given me for the school tabs in the back of the application are now hyperlinked
to the school budget tab in the back. This should give you a little more ease in jumping back and forth
between these two pages
Priority and Focus Schools
Support Schools has been taken off of this page
Title III, Part A
To avoid confusion on which narratives are to be completed and by who, we have hidden the boxes for the
federal funding that does not apply to your county. If you are a lead county you will have the narrative boxes
at the bottom to fill out. If you are a member county those boxes will be hidden on your application since you
don’t have to fill them out.
School Tabs
At the bottom of the school tabs will be a check that will help you make sure that what you have put at the
schools on the Title I, Part A tab matches what you are budgeting at that school.
Title I Total, I LEA, II, III and V budget tabs
These tabs will also have that check to make sure that the budget matches the allocation for those Title
Carryover/Waiver Application
This is a whole new tab. It is the same form as before we have just added it in the application for an easy
access to it.
The 2016-17 Application Guidelines have also been updated with some ESSA changes
throughout. A copy of that is in your application folder on the One Drive.