HD28 .M414 IP ''''^4s; ^^tiil=^' ~--^Ji» ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT PARTICIPATION AND MANAGERIAL PERFORMANCE Morris Mclnnes* and Ram T. S. Ramakrlshnan** January 1987 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 PARnCEPATION AND MANAGERIAL PERFORMANCE Morris Mclnnes* and Ram T. S. RBfflakrlshnan** January 1987 ^College of Management UMass-Boston Boston, MA 02125 (617) 929-7830 ** Graduate School of Business Columbia University New York, NY 10027 (212) 280-3489 DEC 2 1 1989 ABSTRACT The results are reported of a study testing participation's relationship to performance among 415 senior operating managers In 13 large managerial companies. A theoretical model Is first proposed. In which participation affects performance by Increasing role, task, and goal clarity, and the of operating monitoring, and then by Increasing managerial usefIllness confidence and motivation; the enhancement of these Information and attitude proposed In turn to Increase performance. The empirical variables Is relationship between participation and performance Is found to be positive, and explained by the Intervening variables Included In the model; the Information and attitude effects each provide approximately equal amounts of explanation. association with budget slack examined. Participation's Is Greater participation Increases both the expectation and the frequency of attaining budget; however, this does not appear to entail greater budget slack, since participation Is not significantly associated with the effort required to be sure of making budget or with the level of effort expended on the managerial Finally, four moderating conditions are h3rpotheslzed and tested. While task. participation's relationship to performance Is consistently positive. It Is more pronounced for managers of lower ability, when greater Information as3nBmetry exists between managers and their superiors, and for managers whose responsibility centers face greater environmental uncertainty; it is less pronounced when formal rewards are strongly contingent on attaining budget. PARTICIPATION AND MANAGERIAL PERFORMANCE proposed management management the in participation's on directly and behavior organizational Several frameworks have accounting. literature, some of which focus accounting with performance [Becker and Green, relationship Brownell, 1982a; Brownell and Mclnnes, 1986], while others consider it as 1962; within aspect an task performance have and a lot of research attention over the years, in the literatures of both received been making decision on effects Participation's Livingstone, 1975; various with favorably, practices Chenhall do business in 1966; Dunbar, al., 1981, pp. 195-213]. et exploratory of authors the [Hanson, 1971; and Ronen All suggest, albeit that participation is likely to affect performance reserve f ions, as ' framework the organizations [Argyris, surveys of budgetary control Sord and Welsch, 1958; 1952; Miller, 1966]. and empirical behavior literature Experimental organizational performance the Schweiger, and [Locke entirely been evidence predicted in an are in tends the evidence is inconclusive the case task, toward participation supervisors. first-line In Neither has the matter although the the weight of positive relationship While Milani [1975] and Kenis [1979] report only between associations tasks, managerial this mixed. goal setting, dealing in the main with of routine the the literature. positive subjects for are and Locke et al., 1981]. 1979; resolved empirical weak relatively of however, results, and performance, their Searfoss and Monczka [1973] demonstrate increasing importance of budgetary control, and stronger positive effects of participation, Merchant related [1981] among importance is as the shows management that level increases. participation and Consistent with this. performance are significantly the managers in his sample who are from large companies in which placed on budgetary control; and Brownell [1982b] shows that heavy reliance level of participation in setting budgets, is associated with high performance. on budgets in performance evaluation, accompanied by a high there Is no theoretical reason to contend [1986] participation to have a direct effect on performance. expect relationship the Mclrmes and Brownell is mediated motivation as an intervening variable. by of little for by motivation, and principally because the motivation, even though positive, is As a possible explanation of this, they hypothesize that budget insignificant. intrinsic motivation advocate further attributed to working toward and attaining budgets. examination, effects participation's participation in setting budgets, thus impairing the with increase may budgeting participation between correlation slack accounted is it and managerial performance, in participation between relationship But While they find a strong positive empirical restilts do not support this. their They propose that on both to motivation, obtain and a better They understanding of identify the impact of other to variables which may mediate the participation-performance relationship. paper This (hereafter proposes reinforce the then, performance clarity, and participation is model from developed first and the being the relationship the literature. between The model is Infornatlve, Increasing role, effect enhancing of instrumentality of operating better informed are postulated to positive attitudes, namely managers' confidence in their abilities to demands information these structural fuller participation's goal monitoring; meet and that and task A BM). participation builds on and extends the work of Brownell and Mclnnes [1986] of the task, and their motivation to perform well. and attitude effects In turn, are postULlated to enhance managerial performance. in BM's work, an expectancy model is used to measure motivation. Ab allows its in an examination effects the motivation on model. This of participation's relationship with motivation through the elements, the various expectancies and valences, contained Thus, the BM results pertaining to participation's effects on are able to be further tested in the present research; moreover, the budget-slack hypothesis inferred from their results is directly examined. -2- variables four Finally, effects, performance relationship. proposed affecting thereby Intervening are being likely to moderate the as of the partldpation- strength the These are managerial ability, Information asymmetry, the strength of the budget-reward contingency, and environmental uncertainty. are results The Participation propositions. and, Insignificant portion participation with relationship the greater of model, structural the slack budget but an by the Intervening explained Is all Is not supported; in this study to be associated with enhanced intrinsic to have a positive correlation with effort, which, even though and insignificant, greater found is empirical study testing these various found to be positively related to managerial Is hypothesis The variables. of an of consistent performance, motivation, reported not is budget And slack. which sign the would strength the be expected in the presence of of the participation-performance is found to vary with the four moderating conditions; however, the relationship of the moderation, and the underlying mechanisms, are not in all four direction cases as predicted. next The derlvPtlon by of deals section with the development of the hypotheses tested in the empirical study. the sections describing, in turn, the research and the results. discusses study's the limitations, model and the This is followed A final section its implications for theory and practice, and aveTiues for further research enquiry. MODEL DEVELOPMENT First, performance Finally, structural the is proposed. moderating model Then conditions, mediating question the and their participation's effect on of budget slack is addressed. effects on the strength of the participation-performance relationship, are considered. The Intervening-Variables Model Becker and participation's Green effect [1962] were among the first explicitly to relate on performance to intervening variables. They suggested -3- two of mechanism, one resulting from the communication which accompanies t3rpes and participation, to second the In nature, affecting attitudes. examined here, referring to the first as the "Information effect" and are Both psychological other, the Within the latter, two variables, effect". "attitude the as Independent of one another, are considered: these are (1) being visualized as managerial confidence, and (2) motivation to work hard and Imaginatively at the managerial task. understanding finds [1979] budgeting. greater goal clarity is Rlzzo et al. [1970, p. 151] contend an employee does not know what he has authority to decide, what he Is "If expected accomplish, to decisions will and expectations greater emerges from participative, compared with Kenls and participative with associated that setting; goal Imposed, requirements task of and Saarl's [1979a] work suggests that a clearer Latham Effect; Information win Increase Tosl [1970] superior." goal and task role, he will be Judged, he will hesitate to miUce to rely on a trial and error approach In meeting the have his of how and They are clarity, and clarity about evaluative criteria, managerial effectiveness. and Kenls suggesting. In other words, that report [1979] Mtdier and Plersoll [1970], Carrol and empirical results consistent with this contention. Participation, by clarifying goal-paths, may also enhance the effectiveness of signalling sustaining Importance feedback monitoring operating sltiiatlons their to track performance, requiring their attention, and directing, focussing, and effort perform to well. Ijlrl [1965] highlights the to managers of Identifying goal Indicators to provide. In advance of from the management accounting system, timely and reliable evidence about progress toward using students as clear goals In producing high performance. by managers helping In subsequent the subjects, empirical Erez [1977], from an experimental study budget. concludes that goal-directed feedback reinforces studies Nemeroff and Cosentlno [1979]). His conclusions have been confirmed (Latham et al. [1978]; Komakl et al. [1978]; . -4- In participation leads to greater role, that goal clarity, and to an enhancement of the usefulness to managers of and task, hypothesized Is It sum, monitoring operating these effects are In turn hypothesized and (H^tal-td]); to Increase managerial performance (H2[a]-[d}). Mento et al. [1980] demonstrate the Importance of confidence, the Confidence on the part of workers that their abilities are sufficient for the task, belief performance. enhanced to Inherent [1979b]) more be what confident, bolster confidence. Further, the A better-Informed manager Is likely doubts about the degree of delegated authority, since how It can be achieved, which can undermine purposeful and expected, Is may effect may enhance confidence. Information to participation In the supportlveness (Latham and Saarl Conceivably, managerial action, will be better resolved (Rlzzo et al. [1970]). It Hence, participation by and that h3rpotheslzed Is being better confidence Is Increased by managerleLl Informed (H3[a],[b]), and that greater confidence enhances managerial performance (H4). Motivation; Several participation emd studies motivation demonstrate (Hofstede positive a relationship between Searfoss and Monczka [1973]; [1967]; Searfoss [1976]; Kenls [1979]; Merchant [1981]; Tiller [1983]). BM also find a positive, but In their case Insignificant, relationship « between participation and particular research measurement of motivation. by House Livingstone conceptual scores, [1975]. flaws and motivation. observed two and [1971], hence context, the the have to are applied the only expectancy ones, theory In this to the They used a form of expectancy model first proposed Introduced In They the to the discussion expectancy overall model accounting literature by Ronen and of their irtilch correlation findings they note some could affect the motivation between participation and However, the' form of the model would not affect the relationships between apparently In motivation. participation and the elements comprising the model. offsetting effects: first, -5- BM find the expectancies In the model are especially valences, thus participation, by enhanced increasing but secondly, the valences, are diminished, thus decreasing intrinsic the motivation; motivation. this In Livingstone correcting study, expectancy (H/RL) the conceptual flaws in the House/Ronen and formulation, the following model is used to measure motivation: "^ n f(PHPHAl + (l-PH)PHFi)Ui(W) + (PrPhAI " Pm^MAI^UiCB) Where: is M the motivation managerial task. Pg, to work hard ] , imaginatively and P^ are the probabilities respectively with high and with minimal effort. of 1-1... at the attaining budget probabilities respectively of *^® '^® PmaI PrFI* obtaining an incremental amount of reward 1 under the following conditions: high effort/budget attained; high effort/budget failed; and minimal effort/budget attained. PflAl' are the utilities of an incremental amount of when obtained respectively from having worked hard and imaginatively at the managerial task, and from having attained budget. n^CW), Uj^CB) 1 rewsird action The or simply the and the level necessary to meet the organization's minimum outcome is restricted to two states, attaining or failing Motivation is then measured by the Incremental expected utility over utility, level at Task requirements. budget. is restricted to two choices, to work hard and imaginatively space work to is a special case of subjective expected utility (EU) theory. model This valued as zero in the model, expected from working at the minimal failing between intrinfllc rewards, rewards budget. rewards, which are No distinction is made in the form of the model rewards which mediated, by are some self-mediated, external party and extrinsic such as the manager's boss, peers, or others with whom the manager works. The extrinsic from ED model rewards working hard reduces to the H/RL model in the following circumstances; can be obtained only from attaining budget, «md not directly and imaginatively at the managerial task; intrinsic rewards -6- from extrinsic rewards, are obtained vlth certainty, and distinguished be can motivation as single average values rather than addltlvely; and there Is affect no likelihood of attaining budget with the minimal level of effort. and rewards model the attaining to with correlated Green In expectancies The budget trtilch should, refer to obtaining organizational as . found by BM, be positively With regard to the first of these, Becker and participation. postxilate that the downward communication which is facilitated by [1962] and reinforce formal -reward contingencies. participation will model, participation, through the information effect, should enhance the then, between differences for example And with of second, enhance attainment of reciprocal the expectancy, the Pp'^ ^^^ communication accompanying Pg, that high effort will lead result from clarification of 1971], or from less demanding budgets because [House, organization's the ' could This (H5[c]). relationships moderation a Pa'° where, these moderate formal organizational rewards, the to should participation path-goal between ^^^ In the increments of pay and bonus, and increased prospects of promotion. regard budget ^'^ ^^^ Ph'° particularly (H5[a],[b]), to clarify beliefs about the feasible rate of performance improvement over time [Hanson, 1966]. Participation's motivation are less expected utilities, valences of related managers Argyrls positive likely, important time behavioral, as dearcut. These in the model. to these cognitive, effects on will be reflected in the valences, or If the budget-slack hypothesis holds, the the intrinsic rewards are likely, as found by BM, to be negatively participation. to opposed on If, the other hand, participation is felt by to enrich their task, as suggested by many behavioral theorists (e.g., Becker and Green [1962], Ronen and Livingstone [1975]), then a [1952], relationship observed as issue being, participation which between for participation instance requires and the intrinsic by Merchant [1981], to result. further valences is This Is an testing for Its resolution. For the no prediction is made of the direction of the relationship between emd the valences in the -7- expectancy model. Hence, because of In positive relationship between participation and the expectancies predicted the model, the overall relationship between participation and motivation is the hjrpotheslzed to be positive (Hg). motivation study, BM's performance. and In irhlch he concludes that demonstrate a positive effect, and on the strong positive finding studies In motivation between relationship most Mitchell's [1979] comprehensive review of the literature on the on Based hypothesized Is to positively be related to managerial performance (H7). of Completeness structural seems model, on effect and beyond variable, other performance.. the ones likely already to play considered and Included In the a mediating role In participation's Hence, the relationship observed between participation performance managerial From a careful examination of the literature, nc Model: the Is h3rpothe8lzed to be fully accounted for by the Intervening variables In the model (Hg). Budget Slack BM budget-slack hypothesis on a pattern in their data. their base They participation in budget-setting is associated with a greater expectancy of find receiving they [1970], their formal argue immediate participation attaining budget could this attaining is found found to consistent Moreover, associated be following Schlff and Lewin budget; lead managers to believe easier budgets serve self-interest. budget. is from rewards with an with Increased easier budgets, expectancy of Finally, diminished intrinsic motivation deriving from the be associated with greater participation, suggesting less to challenging, and perhaps easier, budgets. Other slack of [Lowe and Shaw, BM's budget researchers have also 1968; Onsl, presented findings consistent with budget 1973; Collins 1978]. However, as in the case study, none has measured budget slack directly, and so the presence of slack, and the conditions giving rise to an increase in it, are only Inferences. -8- level of perfomance and budget difficulty may vary from organization The participation yet, and situation. For Instance, and therefore higher levels of operating perfomance, than would be and contingency, of Moreover, an enhancement of the budget-reward probability the of attaining could biidget, both be Predictability can economically-efficient control strategies. with consistent Importance for some organizations, Justifying the sacrifice of overriding potential performance operating coordination, at Individual the hence and level performance, with at a the view to increasing total-system level And managers, If risk-averse, would presumably [1960], Dunbar [1971]). (Stedry to sltxiatlon budget-setting could result In budgets which are both easier, In without participation. case have from because of the accompan3rlng communication, contain superior operating ' strategies, the even and organization, to to trade a lower mean level of compensation for a higher expectancy be willing of attaining, and therefore a lower risk of falling, budget (Demskl and Feltham [1976]). slack budget Is defined here simply to be one which demands less effort A than would In the necessary solely above this proxy for aspects of study present Since the normal level of effort may be ^normal'. effort has to be related to prevailing normt. peculiar, sltxiatlonally done considered be measuring by Incremental effort to the amount to meet the organization's minimum requirements. level, mlnlmtoi budget required This Is The effort, to be sure of making budget Is used as a Budget alack Is then examined In relation to several slack. participation, to level the of effort expended, to expected and actual performance versus budget, and to managerial performance. Moderating Variables Brownell evidence moderating variables. proposing [1982a], about effects participation's from Earlier, for various reasons which might explain the conflicting relationship Individual, Instance, he -9- to performance, Interpersonal, (Brownell [1981]) and suggested contextual demonstrates the this Internals, a dominant part in human affairs. plays High believe that luck compared with high extemalti, exhibit greater job satisfaction and "externals" where decentralization of conditions Similarly, that participation has a stronger effect on performance shows [1981] vice-versa. and conditions, participative under performance in "Internals" on believe they exercise a high degree of influence on events, whereas trait Merchant of the personality trait "locus- of -control". effect moderating an administrative, rather than an Interpersonal, control style is used. variable; the strength variable; and environmental postulated of moderate to information variable; individual an ability, four moderating conditions are tested: managerial study present the In the asymmetry, contingency, bxidget-reward uncertainty, strength the contextual a au of inter-personal a control system variable. Each is participation-performance the relationship by its effect on the intervening variables, as is now discussed. Ability; Managerial setting less education. developmental from thereby tool, superior predicted [1975] find that participative goal Analogously, participation could be used in organizations as a having to subordinate stronger a effect for managers who are Participation could result in a transferrence about their abilities. subordinate's Yukl and a more favorable effect on performance for workers with relatively has uncertain Latham of knowledge and skills, thus enhancing the ability; however, in the present context its principal effect is to be one of bolstering confidence and motivation, and through these managerial performance (H9[a]). Information managers Asymmetry: Communication has greater potential value to budgeted the greater the information as3nmnetry between them and their superiors (Christensen Penno [1982]; performance, because facilitates, is of the hypothesized Hence, [1984]). greater to participation's effect on incentive value of the communication it be more positive under conditions of greater information asymmetry (H9[b]). -10- Budget-reward discernible a have Contingency; moreover, [1981]); relationship noted that particularly participation enhances by an evaluative style which stresses the budget rewaris formal Making attaining course, of was contingent on attaining highly way to underscore the Importance of both budgetary control and, one is budget It [1982b]). (Brownell participation to effect on performance, budgets oust be important (Merchant accompanied when performance noted earlier that for was It the budget. hypothesized is to Hence, be the participation-performance more positive under conditions of higher budget-reward contingency (H9[c]). The Importance of downward communication, which is Uncertainty! Environmental to facilitate the Information effect, is likely to increase as the hsrpotheslzed operating environment (Galbraith [1974]). hypothesized to be more changes Hence, more the rapidly and with less participation-performance positive the predlctablllt> relationship is greater the environmental uncertainty faced by a manager's responsibility center (H9[d]). THE RESEARCH this In were .collected, measured, and section the research is described, beginning with how the data proceeding to how each of the variables was ope rationalized and finally addressing briefly the methods of analysis used to test the hypotheses. Data Collection A clarity of questionnaire was used to gather the data. It was pre-tested for of expression and for the time needed for its completion using a sample 20 managers of the same level of seniority and from similar companies as the intended research sample. The average time taken in pre-testlng to complete the questionnaire was 30 minutes. Most both ends of of the questions asked for a response on a seven-point scale, with the scale anchored by verbal descriptions. -11- In the case of some answer by Indicating a number selected to anchored at end the points and at salient In a few cases, respondents were asked to give a "yes-no" points. Intervening asked descriptively scale a from were respondents questions, answer^ or a brief verbal response. with was subsequently was research Initial contact either the chairman or the president, and the executive, chief the Included In the study. wern companies large Thirteen administered with the aid of a senior member of corporate management. Companies below Just asked select a representative sample of about 50 of to operating managers, carrying functional responsibility at a level senior their were general management. questionnaire The was distributed to the accompanied by a cover letter signed by the corporate executive who was sample, coordinating for Included research the returning In each A company. pre-addressed envelope was questionnaires directly to the researchers. completed response was guaranteed, with a view to reducing bias which might Anonlalty of arise If respondents were corporate management. Thus, returns could be Identified by company, but not by believe to their answers could be Inspected by Individual respondent. Measurement of Variables measurement The of variables Is described, following the order of their Introduction in the theoretical development. Participation; to guage score, Llkert-type The and [Brownell, [1978, participation measure developed by Milanl [1973] was used the degree of involvement and influence in budget-setting. six-item, seven. The scale has scale, p. 211]) previously to assess performance of their been iton for calling for a response from one to cm additive construction of the overall demonstrated to comprise a single factor The Spearman-Brown (SB) reliability measure (see Nunnally computed asked also designed is 1982b]. each This is a for its use in this study was 0.69. the extent responsibility of their centers, Respondents were participation in evaluating the and the degree to which they felt Inluence could they performance of goals for set their and the tradeoff between goal-difficulty and the level centers, responsibility level the of incentives tied to goal attainment. collection, easuring managerial with preferable quality the of least to their own performance, other rating even It would be and validity of self-ratings of the reliability in university such researchers correlational the common teaching Nevertheless, with regard with practitioners in other [Blackburn and Clark, 1975; as judged by the correlations between self-ratings and sources, [1974]). in 1978; ETS, 1981]), appear to be quite reliable in rating Chrichton, bias, produces objective performance. managers, (e.g., and Heneman effects behavior to be able to compare them with objective latter, the Doyle some the managerial fields professional that attitudinal and or with ratings from some other source. performance, at cognitive environment, assessing in a self-ratitg approach to effects mediate macagerlal behavior which, in conjuction These operating the on solely As argued by Thornton [1980], a self-rating performance* exploring are organization. rely to most relevant measure of performance in studies, such as this the which one, necessary was it actually Is Because of the anonimity of response used in the data Performance: Managerial claim as superiors, peers or subordinates. It is true suffer from a leniency bias (e.g., self-ratings Be that as it may, research, such as the present study, using methods of analysis will not be adversely affected, provided if it does exist, is not systematic with any of the other variables In the study. The minor modification, scale, method developed by Mahoney et al. [1963, 1965], with a self-rating was used in the study. Ratings, assessed on a nine-point were asked for each of nine sub-dimensions of managerial performance, as follows: planning, investigating, staffing, responding to coordinating, evaluating, supervising, unexpected events, negotiating, and representing. -13- In . rating overall addition, an different positions mixes of managerial Input, this latter different require Since should not be expected to be a simple average of the ratings on the nine rating overall rating, Pindyck and nine Of the being remainder the 55 percent of the explained by Job-specific factors. The (see BM [p. 592] for a description of this procedure). sub-dimensions pairwise 36 that regression Independent. A sub-dimensions was run; of the nine elsewhere in the questionnaire, recently been superior rating. assess to measure of significantly These tests, confidence Pindyck-Rublnfeld are performance indeed fairly rating on the nine in respondents Finally, how well were asked, their performance has The overall self-rating of managerial rated by their superiors. correlates the of the variance in the overall rating is sub-dimensions. by violate sub-dimensions overall the percent 69 two nine the explained performance only comparl«»ons, demonstrating a l(-.ast Rubinfeld [1976] procedure was applied to test the independence of criterion, provide and explain at Independent, be should sub-dimensions the Mahoney et al. [1963, pp. 106-107] propose that the sub-dimensions. performance the managerial performance was asked for. of (r"0.331, p<0.01) with the assessment of in the absence of an independent check, validity the and reliability of the self-ratings A to measure of budget performance was also elicited, by asking respondents assess their recent experience with regard to variances against budget for their responsibility centers. The Information one end by "precise" and at the other end by "very vague", were used to measure respondents' clarity, the Effect; tmderstandlng Seven questions, each assessed on a scale anchored at of aspects of their Jobs. Two related to role one referring to delegated powers and the other to the relationship of manager's decision-making authority -14- to the task of the responsibility responses The center. related task to coordination reciprocal organizational an average Is understanding used measure The as a referred r23"0.593; for asked and SB of task clarity. circumstances to organizational of and performance, goals. ri3-0.422, attained, simultaneously of the responsibility center with other work the (ri2"0'600, These clarity. of The responses to these three questions are significantly units. Intercorrelated overall company mission, and tvo referring to the the to Three referring to the alsslon of the responsibility one clarity, relation In center are significantly correlated questions and an average Is used as a aeasure of role clarity. p<0.01), (r~0.423, two these to In an measure - 0.78), and And two related to goal which all goals could not be assessment of the degree of priorities, first among dimensions of current between current performance and longer-term development then responses to these two questdons are significantly correlated (r'0.699, p<0.01), and an average Is used as a measure of goal clarity. were Respondents Informal monitoring questions these participation and p<0.01), effort the Into formal to assess the value to them of formal and The responses to not correlated; further analysis shows that the amount of are allowed a manager In the design of formal monitoring systems Is with the value attributed to formal monitoring (r"0.466, negatively This (r~-0.075). asked carrying out their managerial tasks. In correlated positively also with suggests developing the value attributed to Informal monitoring that managers Invest a relatively fixed amount of monitoring, and If they are not permitted to Influence system to meet their needs they will develop informal, or personal, systems. Thus, informal and formal monitoring are alternatives, and the value attributed to monitoring is additive of the two. Therefore, the sum of the two responses is used in the analysis. AttittKJe to Variables; To measure managerial confidence, reference was first made Job-related knowledge and skills, and respondents were asked to assess their degree of^ -confidence in these for meeting the demands posed by their managerial tasks. -15- was questionnaire all relative reward, each end, their preference hard Seventeen rewarding rewards they experience from their managerial work. to express their preference for an increment of asked of all the other rewards, using a scale increments to a The first time they were asked to express " if the Increment of reward were to be obtained as a result of and as obtained calculated. A principal Issue In pre-testlng the were used. "extremely xindesirable. other working was respondent one end by "extremely desirable," through "indifferent" to, at the at anchored were assessed, and a ensure that the sample of managers perceived the list to to twice were model expectancy EU the 2, relevant the Respondents Table In shown outcomes, In each for score motivation contain variables the All imaginatively result [Uj^CW) attaining of and the second time if it were to be ] , budget [Uj^(B)]. They were also asked to the probability of receiving an increment- of each reward in each of four assess as clrcuDstances, budget attained budget having attained budget having failed budget [Pmai worked worked having [^Hpili of having [PhaI^* failed probability having worked hard and imaginatively, and having follows: ^^^ ]» tPi>{pi]. budget attaining hard and with minimal having worked Finally, with imaginatively, measures high [PhK but having effort, but nevertheless with minimal effort and were ^^^ elicited with of minimal the [Pm^* effort. Two to direct of motivation were also asked for, one relating the strength of desire to "meet or beat budget" (budget motivation), and the other to to strength the performance" was assessments performance desire "ensure to (performance motivation). provide correlate of your unit's highest possible The purpose of these direct assessments a check on the scores prodxiced by the EU model. positively motivation with budget (r"0.328, motivation p<0.10); (r-0.198, The EU scores p<0.01), and these results provide a measure of confidence in the validity and reliability of the EU measure of motivation. -16- with necessary sure "be to Then assume a high level of effort, thus holding effort to to assess the conditions under which they coxild expect to attain and constant, the probability of budget-attainment. constant asked were respondents budget"; the Idea here was to elicit an attaining of holding measure, effort vere asked to provide an assessment of the effort Respondents Slack! Budget their budgets. "only when scale The for last question was anchored at one end by this conditions are extremely favorable" and at the other end operating by "even when operating conditions are extremely unfavorable." simply meet to measured was Effort by first referring to a minimal level, sufficient Respondents were least expectations of the organization. the asked to rate their effort Incremental to this minimal level, first in terms of hours spent and in intensity during working hours. of terms The two significantly correlated (r*0.A54, p<0.01), and a single measure are responses then was constructed by multiplying the two, hours times intensity, together. referring one ability, Two Variables; Moderating were Respondents knowledge correlated designed to assess managerial to Job knowledge and the other to Job-related skills. to assess necessary skills and significantly asked were questions extent the their for (r"0.660, p<0.01), to which they possess all the The Jobs. and two responses are average is used as a their measure of managerial ability. Information asking as3rmmetry respondents potential how performance accurately in difference between advance the assessed was accurately of their using advance in responsibility two direct questions, one they are able to estimate the centers, and the other how their superiors are able to make the same estimate. The two responses is used as a measure of information asyimetry. The the data strength of the budget-reward contingency was assessed using some of which probabilities of were gathered receiving to estimate Increased the EU motivation model. The pay, bonus, and an enhanced prospect of -17- level minimal three the as used is the a and having worked at the budget; nonetheless former the and budget~reward attained budget. probabilities contingency. The are taken as The responses of formal reward are significantly Intercorrelated BM r23"0.537; ri3"0.648, (ri2"0«707, of elements three the across strength the of measures latter the make to having but effort, of between differences failed having but Imaginatively, each of two circumstances: having worked hard and In assessed were promotion measure measure of 0.84), budget-reward the and an average of contingency in the anfilysis. uncertainty was assessed using six questions selected from Environmental the use of financial controls. volatility and predictability costs and assessments of of input costs and output prices. And two "technical as and legislative factors, policy from elsewhere in the organization, and competitor actions." responses six such prices, emanating changes The Four asked for about the dynamism and predictability of factors in the environment other asked than [1972] used to study the effect of the operating on environment the Khandwalla questionnaire the are significantly intercorrelated, and an average value is used in the analysis as a single measure of environmental uncertainty.^ Analysis analysis The respondents. is Later, between participation company as well as conducted the using single a pooled sample of all 415 main result of the study, the positive relationship and managerial performance, is shown to hold within each across the 13 companies. This provides justification for treating the respondents as a single sample. Most of However, the examined using provided by presented The model structure and completeness of the intervening-variables model are path BM here. is individual hypotheses are tested using simple correlation. the A fairly full explanation of path analysis is analysis. [pp. 593-594] , and therefore only a brief description is The reader is referred to the model as presented in Table 4. non-recursive, and so the -18- path coefficient pjj is the direct • of variable effect Is regressed also can In on J, for 3 on variable 1. It Is simply the standardized slope when 1 with all other variables In the model controlled for. It obtained using the correlation coefficients, r^j, vhlch are shown be Table J the variables Included In the model. The following set of simultaneous eqtiatlons has to be solved: Plj "•'XPlk^J ^Ij llltistrate, To participation an explanation managerial and of observed the performance (r52» equal relationship between to 0.233) was derived from the following calculation; P51 + (P52P21 + P53P31 +P54P4l) ^51 + (P5AP43P31 + P5AP42P21 + P53P32P2l) + (P54P43P32P2l) direct The found Is P51, path Insignificant model k. are portion obtained. participation's In this to by the Is left be 0.060. model Thus, 75 percent of the correlation, (I.e., unexplained. tl-CO.060/0.233) ]*100), and an By dividing through by T^i, the the overall relationship accounted for by the various paths In the of portions from explained Is r5i. coefficient Unking participation and managerial performance, The total explanatory power of a particular variable, say relationship to managerial performance Is obtained by summing the terms In the preceding equation which contain p^^. The effects of the moderating variables are estimated from the following regression equation: Y ai + a2X + a3Z + 84X2 Where: 7 Is managerial performance X Is participation In the managerial process Z Is a binary variable, assigned a value 1(0) for a hlgh(low) value of the moderating variable XZ Is the Interaction between participation and the moderating variable. -19- The Is measured by the coefficient a^, and a t-test is used effect moderating to assess its significance. RESULTS rate of and companies, had Respondents perecent. 69 received were questionnaires Completed an from 415 managers, a response average of 16 years with their total of ten years in their present jobs and jobs similar in a content and responsibility to their present jobs. The Intervening Variables information effect, performance are between coefficients four of and attitude H5); and and the two performance, information seven all effect are 1 and attitude the effect, and managerial All eight coefficients between the two . of the information effect are elements four elements with of similarly, H2^[a]-[d]); all four information effect 'and managerial the with H2[a]-[d]). (consistent significant All the two participation measures and the two elements coefficients are and significant (consistent with H3[a] positive are between the and motivation, and between the four elements of the two elements of the attitude effect are positive, (consistent significant confidence and significant (consistent with H4 and positive coefficients eight and of (consistent the effect the Finally, H7). Table between coefficients the in positive are managerial and shown significant and performance elements the measures participation positive coefficients between participation, the elements of the correlation The with H3[b], and with the proposition that cognitive mechanisms enhance motivation). Participation's Effects on Motivation relationships between participation and the elements of the EU model The of motivation expectancies working hard participation. are of shown in Table 2. Consistent with H5[a] and [b], the receiving incremental amounts of formal rewards as a result of and attaining Indeed, all budget are significantly associated with 17 of the correlations between participation and positive, and 14 are significant; 13 of the correlations between are Py's the participation of none These results suggest that are negative is significant. enhances reward expectancies In a general way, and cot simply for which expectancies reported positive, nine of these are significant, and are Ps's which those participation the the and Table in participation and moderate formal organizational rewards. consistent 2), with association the H5[c], Moreover (not between expectancy of attaining budget with high effort (Pg) is the positive and significant (r-0.247, p<0.01). work-related The utilities Although participation. significantly higher, shown not Table their 2, unaffected mean levels by are and their standard deviations considerably smaller, than (U(B)'s), suggesting that work provides greater, the budget-related utilities and more satisfaction uniform, in essentially are (U(W)'s) than the budgets which are part of the management control system. budget-related utilities are In general positively associated with The participation. significant. Of The only the 15 with contrast results two which are positive, finding BM's which correlations of a are negative are nine are significant. negative relationship not These between participation and the Intrinsic valences. The Structural Model analysis The Interpreting number the structured model linking performance Is set out In Tables 3 and 4. managerial the of the. output of path analysis Is that It rapidly becomes unwieldy as of variables Included In the model Increases. should model balanced against the Interpretive difficulty. 1 the are reduced four and A difficulty In using and variables Is participation be by reduced Hence, the number of to the point vb&re the Insight obtained from the The variables In Table aggregating first the two participation variables, and then Information-effect variables. -21- This Is done simply by averaging reduced set of variables, and their The then. shown In Table 3.. The model, The flgirres on the way power correlation coefficients, are the results of the path analysis, are given In Table 4. and the &rcs of the model are the path coefficients, calculated in explained The earlier. tabular data present the total explanatory each variable in the model, broken down into (1) the direct effect of of (2) its effect jointly with each of the other variables, and (3) the variable, its effect jointly in conjunction with both other variables. are attributed in which effects, results This variables. Instance first the in double, to and each of triple, the The joint effects three intervening counting of the compound to be backed but in the calculation of the total amount of has explanation provided by the model. path coefficient of the arc linking participation and performance is The 0.060, which effect is for positive of coefficient relationship of 42 percent. Independent same The information one on portion respectively), with performance; jointly through its on the attitude variables it accounts for another 15 percent, effects total a is consistent with Hg. the single largest explanator, accounting directly for 27 percent of participation's positive This insignificant. is The two attitudes, confidence and motivation, are another, as demonstrated the arc in the model linking them. of and by the insignificant path Each accounts for about the the participation-performance relationship (25 and 23 percent together they account for approximately 48 percent of the relationship, similar to the amount explained by the information effect. Budget Slack It has expectancies prefer easier consistent already been found that more participation enhances the reward attributed to attaining budget, providing a motive for managers to budgets, and boosts the likelihood of budgets' being attained, with easier budgets. budget-derived valences, which On the other hand, participation Increases the is not consistent with greater budget slack. The matter is now examined more closely, using the data in Table 5. slack Is aeasured by the aaount of effort necessary to be sure of Budget attaining budget. correlated positively In are performance. managerial with expected the Is negatively correlated with effort, which Is In turn It provide a degree of confidence In the they directions, Since these correlations validity and reliability of the measures being used In the analysis. aspects Two difficulty in the exercise they over and budget, trade-off the over the level of goal between accepting more return for a higher level of reward if budget is attained. related greater to between rewards, associated with budget slack On the other hand, the positive correlation slack. can be induced, by the promise of higher managers suggests accept to Hence, it does not appear that participation to effort. influence on the budget-difflculty/contlngent-reward trade-off greater budget significantly difficulty; nor are either of these participation measures goal of significantly leads not Is in budget-setting, or with the degree of influence exercised over participation level slack Budget budget-setting. and are especially germane to the are, as would be expected, significantly correlated with participation in These the feel managers in goals difficxilt which are extracted from the overall process, namely the slack, influence of degree budget of question budget-setting, of budgets which are expected to require greater than normal effort. Participation budget of difficulty, likely sure to performance; and greater Influence on the level of are both positively correlated with the degree of adversity which can be encountered during the operating period while still conditions being budget-setting, in of attaining attained, be that budget. which is Thus, participative budgets should be more borne there is to say, level of participation out by the relationship with budget less Incidence of variances against is budget as motive underlying this appears quite clearly to be one of risk reduction rather the than avoidance of hard work. -23- in budget-setting Increases. ^ The Moderating Variables investigation The effects the of of moderating the variables is presented in Tables 6 and 7.3 Table In participation interaction are shown. all four which (&2^ regressions of the managerial of moderating variables of performance (33), and the on the moderating variables and participation (34) the of significance the with managerial performance is managerial relationship moderating four with stronger is between managers and with (consistent significantly conditions participation-performance the uncertainty The only moderating condition column); as would be expected, lower ability accompanies lower All of asynnetry the conditions (first column). direct any relationship is each moderating performance.- it each > between '(second strength of testing Participation is positively related to managerial performance under has ability each from coefficients t-statistics the 6 lower (third the column): the managerial- ability, higher Information and Hgfb], higher and superiors, their Hgta], relationship Influence Hgtd] environmental respectively); and weaker with a greater degree of budget-reward contingency (contradicting Hgtc]). These Table 7. variables effects Here, explored are The same method as before is applied, using performance as three intervening variables variables. means of the results shown in by moderating variables' Interactions with the Intervening the analyzed. are further the but- instead of Independent variable in the regression, each of the is used in turn with each of the four moderating Hence, twelve regressions were run; however, only the t-statlstlcs for the Interaction terms are reported. In case the of managerial confidence effect performance. on hypothesis. In the lower and motivation, This case managerial of is ability, resulting consistent in with participation increases participation's greater the reasoning behind the Information asymmetry, a positive relationship -24- with observed is underlying mechanism hypothesis was motivation. and confidence negative, even though Thus, while High budget-reward contingency has a negative, albeit relationship with all three intervening variables; these combine moderating negative the relationship. sight first At results which on on effect this puzzling, somewhat at odds with the is was hypothesis the participation-performance the based. Nevertheless, a high contingency is not precisely the same as either budgetary control budget-reward or an evaltiative style which focusses on the budget. important, being and seems not to be through the incentive effect on which the based. insignificant, previous effect a83nBmetry's moderating effect is in the direction hypothesized, the information give with relationships insignificant, to information the Indeed, it goes a major step further, placing the operating managers at risk in respect to attaining the to communication, and also dominated by the budget, diminishing open not thxis challenges on effect all contribute managerial the of Finally, sense. In these circumstances, managers may feel defensive, and budget. in intervening three a broader, and more motivating, of environmental uncertainty, participation's case the in task variables is positive; hence, all three uncertainty's moderating effect on the participation-performance to relationship, not simply, as was hypothesized, the information effect. Testing for a Company Effect important question concerns the generalizability of the results, that An Is to say, across the applying between it whether they main a managerial performance from their effectively companies, mean normalizes removing ' any each of the thirteen companies as well as in mean-adjusted procedure was used to test this, result of the study, namely the positive relationship managerial and participation them A companies. to hold performance. The participation and scores for the respondents were adjusted by subtracting values the for their respective companies. origin of the companjr-spedfic -25- sets effect of This procedure observations across the which might exist in the correlation coefficients between participation and performance are The data. Indistinguishable statistically and the unadjusted (r"0.233). (r"0.252), holds well as within, general! za bi 11 ty as across, sets two the for of data, the adjusted Thus, one of the study's main results giving some confidence in the companies, the findings, and also providing justification for using a of single pooled sample in the analysis. SUMMARY AND CONCLUDING DISCUSSION study's The should limitations be borne in mind when evaluating its There may, for Instance, be bias aris'^ng in the selection of samples findings. of managers in each company, and from the self-selection exercised by managers In choosing whether respond to And, despite careful and the use of a large number of consistency checks across the data, pretesting respondents may not have intended. Nor may the interpreted findings questions in precisely the manner the generallzable beyond the sample of the be Since the sample is taken from 13 major companies, and one of the main study. result corporate to hold within suppose that the. findings organizations. or small, But they as corporate orgtmizations. as are across companies, it may be representative of large U.S. certainly cannot be assumed to extend to organizations, non- corporate, to well to shown is reasonable large the questionnaire. to or to other managerial levels in Finally, causality, direction of influence, and relationships among variables are all inferred in the study from sequencing of underlying theory. Since the data are cross-sectional, they cannot confirm the causalities proposed in the model. Despite management previous these control findings performance following relationship qualifications, systems and in the study contributes to knowledge about several ways. propositions about It synthesizes and extends many participation's relationship in a managerial context, consolidating them in one study. the is start made derived by BM, an intervening-variables model to Further, of the and tested, and, following Brownell [1982al, the idea -26- of Is deDonstrated and theoretically Integrated vlth the variables Boderatlng aodel. Intervening-variables of the prevlotis empirical work In this area Much has suffered because It has not been carefully related to underlying theory. study's llndlngs support the positive nature of participation In the The However, the need to view participation aore broadly than anagerlal process. simply budget-setting and In Participation In budgeting clear from the data. Is in performance evaluation reinforce one another, but the stronger effect on performance managerial appears from the Increased them and how these organization, of their organization's goals stems performance to managers participation In performance An Important part of participation's positive effect on managerial evaluation. assigned from arise to and being and motivation. In turn Biotlvatlon are Independent of one motivation's role among from confidence participation-performance to overall the accomplishing In value greater participation, Importance, relate priorities and derive to roles understanding by managers of the tasks these operating the and of the tasks, monitoring. Informed, enhancing of dimensions; It also enables goal better mission enhance performance. Of equal managerial Confidence and another, each contributing equally to the relationship. Much attention has been given to mediating participation's effect on performance, whereas In confidence has previously received Uttle attention. Participation variances that ability not of appear which, really careers from are less frequent, thus Increasing the predict high events the surprising The mechanisms underlying this do greater budget slack, but rather the setting of budgets entail to assuming In budget performance In the organization. uncontrollable managers reinforces the salience In the organization of budgets, so are effort, affecting sample since do with major companies. likely performance not they more are appear all are to be taken attained Into when account. the The to be averse to effort, which Is not senior managers pursuing successful Thus, the assumption of high effort when budgets -27- being are of efficiency contribute to the This Is not to say of high effort Is taken entirely on faith. directly tied are rewards formal which will and one, control system by allowing the focus during the management the assumption the that reasonable a goal levels to be on managers' risk preferences. of choice probably Is set effort to Is The extent to evidence that the management control system monitors effort as well as results against budget. Within model expectancy the which work and attaining budget. hard work will lead to attaining budget. an which of previous research. enhancement enhances the of These results are consistent with the In this study, a strong effect of participation utilities, attaining or valences, attributed to the rewards budget. This suggests that participation Increasing managers' awareness of the Importance of congruence. goal budget the on contingent are motivation, It also appears to enhance the expectancy that bard is measure to appears to enhance the expectancies of rewards contingent on both participation findings used Is the organization, hence causing them to attribute greater value to to rewards which stem from budget attainment. The In managers and . considered budgetary to come from more be control participation. In At are designers mantigement present study positive, Influenced the by qtilte which In budgetary control Is Both of these would Influence the role of manager J etl process, and the reaction of managers to the participation of companies larger Important. any The study mqy be more senior than those In the BM study, present the may they Is In conflict with the findings of the BM study. result last It Is clear sensitive to contextual rate, control systems the responses elicited by that must a matter which variables, bear In mind. While In the participation's effect on managerial performance Is consistently strength personal of the and relationship Inter-personal Is shown attributes, to by variables, and by characteristics of the operating environment. -28- be significantly control-system A from number these considerable extent One concerns the causalities which have been assumed here. the study. explore to Interesting avenues for further research suggest themselves of empirically control which the would require a over the conditions being examined. findings can be field longitudinal generalized, sttidy, To with Another concerns the for example to other managerial levels and to other, such as non-corporate, types of organization. -29-' Footnotes 1. The intercorrelatlons are as follows: (2) (1) (3) (4) (5) (1) Cost volatility (2) Cost predictability 0.7663 (3) Price volatility 0.3663 0.3563 (4) Price predictability 0.2943 0.3483 0.7523 (5) Non-price dynamism 0.2003 0.2033 0.073 0.065 (6) Non-price predictability 0.1793 0.2123 o.069 0.1202 2: p<0.05; 3: 0.4453 p<0.01; SB measure - 0.72. 2. is not the case, however, that enhanced budgetary performance arises solely It from setting budgets which are more likely to be attained regardless of the environmental stringency encountered during the operating period. After controlling foT this, participation and budgetary performjuice are still positively correlated (r Other variables, such as the 0.232, p<0.01). strength of motivation to attain the budget, are enhanced by participation, and these in turn enhance budgetary performance. 3. Two other moderatiag conditions were tested, but because of the lack of any strong findings the results are not reported in the body of the paper. These are (1) ftmctional area of the managerial task, and (2) the mean prevailing level of participation itself. The findings are briefly described here. Hayes proposed that a management control system should reflect [1977] different characteristics of the managerial fimctions. Following this suggestion, the strength of the relationship between participation and performance was compared across manufacturing, marketing, research and development, and administrative support functions. Only one finding, of quite weak significance, emerged, namely that participation's effect is less pronounced, relative to the other functions, -1.53, in manufacturing (t p<0.10). Conceivably participation has diminishing returns to performance. To test this, two sub-samples were created by splitting the whole sample at the median value of participation. The slopes of the regressions relating participation •to performance in the lower and higher-participation sub-samples are, respectively, 0.213 (p<0.01) and 0.il3 (p<0.10). These are consistent with the proposition of participation's diminishing benefit, but the difference between the two slopes is not particularly significant. -30- Table 1 Correlations Between Participation, the Elements of the Information and Attitude Effects, and Managerial Performance (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Participation In; (1) Budget-setting (2) Performance evaluation .319^ Information Effect; (3) Role clarity .2573 .3563 (4) Task clarity .093^ .3083 .5043 (5) Goal clarity .1853 .33o3 .4343 .4353 .3143 .i683 .1763 .1953 .2453 Attitude Effect; (7) Confidence .1763 .2283 .3533 .36o3 .1793 .083 (8) Motivation .2523 .2443 .2243 .2283 .1553 .i8o3 .1743 Performance; (9) Managerial performance .1272 .2463 .29l3 .2203 .2843 .105I .3063 (6) Utility of monitoring I: p<0.10; 2: p<0.05; 3; p<0.01 -31- .2723 ; Table 2 Correlations Between Participation and the Elements of the EU Model of Motivation Utilities Elements of reward: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 13) 16) 17) Higher pay and benefits in current position Less acressful and tiring pace of work Greater feelings of accomplishment Higher level of respect from boss Increased prospect of promotion More frequent special award or recognition Greater opportunity to set self high standards Higher Bonus Greater respect from others with whom you work Greater opportunity for personal development Stronger feelings of job security Greater opportunity for independent action Increased frequency of receiving compliments Greater opportunity to set example for others Able to make more friends at work Greater opportunity to help others develop Time at work seeming to pass more rapidly Averages Table 3 Correlations Between the Reduced Variables Included in the Structural Model (1) (2) (3) (A) (1) Participation (2) Information effect .4453 (3) Managerial confidence .250^ .28l3 (4) Motivation .31l3 .2783 .1743 (5) Managerial performance .2333 .2793 .3063 3: p<0.01 -33- .2723 Table 4 A Structural Model Linking Participation and Managerial Performance Through the Information Effect, Managerial Confidence and Motivation PARTICIPATION MANAGERIAL PERFORMANCE lo.oeot- 0.4A5 1.141 INFORMATION EFFECT MANAGERIAL CONFIDENCE 10.074 0.222 MOTIVATION Analysis of the Effects in the Model Amount Information effect: directly jointly with confidence jointly with motivation with confidence/motivation Managerial confidence: directly jointly with Information jointly with motivation with information/motivation Motivation: directly jointly with information jointly with confidence with information/confidence Elimination of multiple counting Amount of relationship explained by the model Unexplained Table 5 Correlations Between the Variables Used to Analyze Budget Slack (1) (2) (4) (3) (5) (6) (7) (1) Participation in budget-setting (2) Influence on budget difficulty .3773 (3) Influence on budget difficulty/reward trade-off (4) Budget slack .1873 .1342 .070 .077 .2123 .2623 .015 .3533 .051 .059 .051 -.21l3 .2853 .1673 .072 -.004 .2773 .005 .1272 .1172 .054 -.058 .040 .2523 -.1683 (5) Stringecy, (still sure of making budget) (6) Effort -.065 (7) Performance versus budget (8) Managerial performance 2: p<0.05; 3: p<0.01. -35- .i623 Table 6 The Effects of the Four Moderating Variables on the Participation-performance Relationship T-statistlcs of the coefficients for: Participation Moderating Variable: REFERENCES Argyris, C, The Impact of Budgets on People (The School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell University, 1952). v :r Becker S. 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