^8 U4 Dewey 131 |o ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT MANAGERIAL MONITORING OF A SINGLE DATA STREAM by Michael E. Treacy WP 1210-81 April, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 1981 MANAGERIAL MONITORING OF A SINGLE DATA STREAM by Michael WP 1210-81 E. Treacy April, 1981 M.t.T. Li8P^.RlES MAY 2 6 t981 RECEIVED j . INTRODUCTION management Much of activity surveying situations for which there is purpose The action. potential and thereby required. to indicate a and potential need for corrective is when routinely to assess this intervention managerial payoffs is never an economic benefit to monitoring, for only through scanning is is never a need for corrective action, then there there If monitoring of monitoring: involves actions which obtained are improve the economic circumstances of the firm. Monitoring involves the gathering and assessment of information. what Simon calls the intelligence phase of what Pounds making[1977] decision the process of problem finding. calls [ action. and 1969] Monitoring is activities differentiated from other managerial information processing by its It is to routinely assess the potential need for corrective purpose, Routine implies a repetitive and somewhat structured activity. Corrective action suggests that the situation is guided being toward some target or goal This paper is an inquiry into the support managerial design monitoring functions. effort is provided by information economics has observed, economics models affected systems information to The guiding paradigm in this theory. As Treacy[1981] of information value concentrate upon only the choice phase of decision making. are profoundly of Yet, we know that decisions by information at the *($lfreriligence and design phases of the decision making process, because Without !" £'*' information to ,,<^'^\ \fy t i alternatives, and estimate consequences, structure identify problems, among present effort will alternatives no choice from ever is Therefore, made. this serve to extend information theory into the also first phase of decision making, intelligence. design Our primary concern is with the yet their valuation, ability design without some rudimentary must These values relevant be support system design context in which information the Therefore, contemplated. is information of use not in values. relative assign to model must be founded upon system valuation the managerial in systems, begin to separate good from bad hardly can we information of information any realistic description of a even monitoring, that if description is at odds with prescriptive theory. The next section paper outlines function monitoring the describing this of of whether decision is made The situation. or data monitored probability determined intervening. from subsequent In personal and the costs normative a determined intervention, with in is subjective the judgement, relative sections, intervene to comparing by probability that the situation is in need of from the not for Monitoring management. of characterized as a decision framework general a a threshold of and benefits cost investigation models, which prescribe the determination of the subjective probability and the threshold selecting from behavior. This the probability, are reviewed with an aim toward them that which is descriptive of managerial monitoring Unfortunately, not all of the theory is descriptively valid. researchers readily admit when they bemoan the minimal acceptance of their work by managers. [Kaplan 1975; We shall next move to Pounds work on the process which provides probable need a intervention. mathematical A developed to complete a reconsider a finding, version this of descriptive model of managerial of an information support system is derived. simply problem Based upon this description, a model of the value monitoring behavior. need to of description of how managers subjectively evaluate the for description is Magee 1976] standard the This model indicates a concept of an information system as collection of information signals. The developments in this managerial monitoring paper of one limited are situation. to consideration of shall not consider the We issues of monitoring multiple data streams or of management attention a the distribution of among several situations and how this affects the design of information support systems. For one approach to this latter problem see RockartC 1979]. THE GENERAL FRAMEWORK Monitoring is performed to assess the need for managerial intervention. It may conveniently be modelled as a process in which a data for the situation. purpose of views manager choosing whether or not to intervene into a This is compatible with Simon's characterization of the intelligence phase of decision making as finding an occasion for making a decision before possible considered. [Simon 1977, p. courses 40] It is of action decision making have with been minimal structure. Let us assume that a situation is being monitored using a single stream of reported data, one datum arriving denoted by period one of two states, in control (s control or out of ) (s is associated a payoff u. He can For each state-action pair there or not intervene (a^,)- ) each In ). the manager has two possible actions open to him. time period, each and Also let us assume that the situation always exists in y. intervene (a time each in These payoffs are shown in Figure in control out of control a : don't investigate u(s ,a ) u(s ,a ) a : investigate u(s ,a ) u(s ,a ) Figure 1. 1 By definition, we have that: u(s^,a^) > u(s„,aj (1) 1 u(s and ,a ) < u(s ,a (2) ) That is, in the out of control state it is better to intervene the in control state it is better not to intervene. intervene want to intervention exceeds let p(s ) represent situation is a^, if: out the in the the of situation if the and The manager will expected payoff expected benefits of nonintervention. manager's subjective in probability that of If we the control, then he should intervene, choose action [1 - p(s )].u(s ,a [1 => p(s^) ) +p(s ).u(s ,a > ) - p(s^)].u(sQ,aQ) + p(s^).u(s^,aQ) (3) = p^ > (4) [uCSq.Sq) - u(sQ,a^)] + [u(s^,a^) - uCs^.a^)] T p represents of being out want to act. threshold probability. a subjective If the probability of control exceeds this threshold, then the manager will Data is observed to determine p(s ), the probability of the situation being out of control. Notice that the general framework has made two restrictive assumptions, that the situation can assume only one manager monitors only one stream behavior. states two of data. first assumption is sufficient for an managerial monitoring of and that the We shall argue that this descriptive initial theory The simplification is made to reduce both the complexity and the information requirements of the model as parallel to simplifications processing requirements. subsequent paper. The made by managers limit of two actions is not before the the a just that, notation. in a restriction, but earliest phase of problem has more than minimal structure. The rest of the notation, including the derivation of the rule is a to reduce information The second assumption shall be relaxed by definition of the intelligence activity as decision making, of It intervention provides no restriction upon possible managerial behavior other than consistency. DETERMINATION OF THE THRESHOLD PROBABILITY FOR INTERVENTION How does a T manager determine p the , probability of the One approach is to directly estimate intervention? situation needing threshold the four payoffs, u, and to compute p T This appears from equation (4). to be an unlikely description of managerial behavior. Dyckman[1969], in a paper on the prescriptive theory of cost variance investigation, suggested that the manager should subjectively determine two values: the cost of investigation and L, the present value of C, the gross savings obtained from an investigation when the situation out of control. cost of investigation is independent of the the If is state, then these values correspond to payoffs as follows: C = uCs^.a^) - u(sQ,a^) L - C = u(s ,a ) - u(s ,a (5) (6) ) Equation (5) reflects the benefits of choosing the correct action the situation is in control. out of a when Equation (6) reflects those benefits when The threshold probability of intervening now takes on control. simple form: p'^ = C/L (7) Dyckman concedes that "the precise determination each future period is not an easy matter." of the savings for He observes that "where a corrective action is not forever binding, the calculation of L needs to be adjusted to periods" and reflect that "data the on possibility of future out of control the average number of periods before the process is discovered to be out of 1969, p. 218] These are control may helpful ."[Dyckman be types of tradeoffs that managers must the implicitly make in their decision to intervene. Li [ 1970] has criticized the theoretical validity of Dyckman 's T for setting p for another reported because it does not anticipate the benefits of waiting subjective probability datum of which with being sequential nature of periods increases. attendant on solving large manager's the out of control, p(s He advocates ). which [1969]f explicitly the monitoring process and computes threshold probabilities which converge number of sharpen to using Kaplan's dynamic programming approach models the approach to a constant value Dyckman responded that "the difficulties complex and programming dynamic real problems can limit the succesful application of this technique." supported by Magee[1976], whose comparison of approach for not '3 considering future actions, while valid theoretically, may have on the incremental savings." cost Jacobs[1978] using an experimental significant differences between setting, of little comparison Another failed results the He is the approaches using simulation concluded that "Li's criticism of Dyckman effect the as to by indicate using Dyckman any and 's Kaplan's approach. Our interest is in using parts of these variance investigation dynamic programming decisions approach would description of managerial behavior. although theoretically which prescriptive of models cost have descriptive validity. hardly Dyckman appear 's to be a A valid approach, alternatively, flawed, has a certain face validity which makes We shall incorporate it into it appealing. model our managerial of monitoring behavior. NORMATIVE DETERMINATION OF THE POTENTIAL NEED FOR INTERVENTION We have assumed, to this point, that the manager uses a of data to monitor The data is observed to assess the situation. a p(s probability of need for intervention, these circumstances, there can manager's determination of p(s only be ): stream single ), any in upon the influences three Under period. his initial judgement, the stream of data, and the passage of time. We shall present the normative approach to the determination of as developed the in cost variance investigation literature. between approach, there is little disagreement other theoreticians, although found in Dyckman [ 1969] and Kaplan [ 1975]. descriptive validity of the we and Details may be shall assess the the theoretical treatment and, unfortunately, be forced to reject the approach as a determination of Next On this Kaplan, Dyckman, formulations do differ. p(s,) description of potential need for intervention. the managerial A new approach shall be presented in a subsequent section. Let us define p'(s ) of intervention at passage of more one as the probability that the situation is need in the start of a period, before the new datum or the time period have been considered. p'(s ) information since the last intervention; the manager's judgement of the need for intervention immediately after the summarizes all relevant intervention and prior all observations and time since the last intervention. The new datum, y, is prescribed to be incorporated into the probability estimate using Bayesian revision. f(y|s )p'(s i = P(s !y) ) i (8) f(ylsQ)p'(sQ) + f(y!s^)p'(s^) For this calculation, distributions, manager the f(y|s and ) requires f(yls.). These knowledge are of two conditional the probabilities of the observed datum under each state. Incorporation of the time information requires nature of the process underlying the situation. from state s probability g, to state s assumptions about If the situation moves with probability g^. and from to s^ with s during any period without intervention, then: p(s^) = p(sQ|y)gQ, + p(s^|y)[1 - g^g] = [1 (9) - p(s^|y)]gQ^ + p(s^|y)[1 - g^Q] If it is assumed that the situation never moves from s ^ to (10) Sq without intervention (g,Q =0), then the process is one of geometric decay. longer the the situation is left unattended, the greater the probability that it is in need of intervention. p(s^) = The pCs^ly) + >p(s^|y) [1 In such a case: - p(s^ly)]gQ^ (11) (12) 10 Geometric decay usually is literature, probably quality control much because theory, correcting ability. assumed where p(s ) > effect of time on p(s investigation was borrowed from machine no has self not generally true in a management is situation, where one is monitoring the Here the theory the misad justed a same The of cost the in outcomes of is ambiguous. ) others' actions. In the general case, p(s |y), if and only if: p(s P(s !y) g-, _yi 1 > g^Q 1 - p(s^|y) !y) 1 = (13) pCSply) Since the ratio on the right varies from period to period, of time may one in decrease it. Even this ambiguous upon assumptions situation. be to increase p(s period about the result nature of and in another to |y) fundamentally is process the effect the dependent underlying the Different assumptions lead to different theory. DESCRIPTIVE VALIDITY OF THE NORMATIVE APPROACH Having described normative theory for the determination must assess behavior. its relevance a stream assess these three of aspects data, of p(s ), we description of managerial monitoring The theory considers three judgement, the evidence. to of and the determinants the theory of p(s.): passage of time. against other prior We shall available 11 Normative theory directs determination of p(s ) that prior judgements through Bayesian revision. affect In that fashion: 1 1, = p(sQ!y) (14) f(ylsQ) p'Cs^) In words, managers should form odds of being in s, versus S- the product s„. of ignored. Kahneman and Tversky [1972, the most compelling evidence of prior information. £t a]^[1976], who equal to the likelihood ratio of y and the prior odds on s. and There is significant evidence that in the assessment, are largely the f(y|s.) p'(s,) P(s.|y) 1— should systematic this prior odds 19733 have produced underutilization of Their basic conclusions are supported by Swieringa, conclude that the degree to which the prior odds are ignored are directly related to the strength of association between the data stream and the situation. [p. 182] The evidence suggests that Bayesian revision is a poor how managers utilize prior judgements. description We posit that there is just as little support for Bayesian revision as a description of how are utilized. Our claim rests of upon the conditional probability functions f(y|s„) and observation f(y|s.) are new data that the enormously difficult to generate, especially in a monitoring context. Consider, for conditions. a The weather moment, forecast is forecasts and information; it tomorrow's corresponds weather to Tomorrow's weather condition (rain or sun) is the uncertain state. think of your favorite weather forecaster and estimate the that he will forecast rain given that it y. Now probability will be sunny tomorrow. 12 f(y|s). An important difficulty immediately arises. backwards to states. normal the fashion The probability of sun tomorrow, given p(s|y), is more a and measures it information. This revision as a is about information and forecast a of rain, assessment, because it is chronologically natural ordered (first an information state) thinking of problem The signal, descriptive illustrates the where theory an notion natural the example then inference of about the reliability of inadequacy prior of Bayesian judgements are not revised, but largely ignored. must Although this paper is in the information economics tradition, we reject the Bayesian revision formulation of the manager's intervention decision, for we wish to base our information value theory upon The evidence description of managerial behavior. with Kahneman and his evaluation of Bayesian: man apparently is better suited to a to agree not conservative a We maintain that a non-Bayesian he is not Bayesian as all." formulation is us valid 450] when they conclude that "in Tversky [1972, p. evidence, leads a descriptive theory of probability assessment in the managerial monitoring context. Finally there is assessment of the the matter potential of need the for influence time of intervention. upon The normative theory is fundamentally dependent upon assumptions about the nature the process underlying different theory. consistent result: the situation. Different Any realistic assumptions, though, the of assumptions yield will yield one the influence of the passage of time will be small compared to the influence of the data stream. For a demonstration of 13 this, consider equation geometric decay. g is equation is the process is assumed to be in A reasonable assumption about this quite small; than the rule. where (11), process that is the need for intervention is the exception rather Therefore the second term on negligible its in right the influence upon side p(s.), of the which is approximately equal to p(s.!y), determined from the influence of y. In realistic managerial monitoring situations, time has influence only upon mechanism that the intervention distributes competing situations. paper. a decision, manager's a but attention some through among factor in our Therefore, we shall initial the several will not consider this issue in the present We In the assessment of a particular situation, though, negligible role. minimal descriptive choose model not to include managerial of time plays this monitoring behavior. A DESCRIPTIVE MODEL OF THE DETERMINATION OF p(s^) We require a model of the assessment of p(s ) that utilizes prior judgements in inverse proportion to the association of observed data to the situation f(yiS-). and that does not rely upon knowledge of f(y|s_) or For guidance, we turn to Pounds' seminal work which describes the process of problem finding. of problem finding activity. [ 1969] Monitoring is an important class 14 Pounds defined a problem present condition of as significant a difference between situation and how it ought to be. a the He observed that "the manager defines differences by comparing what he perceives to the output of a model which predicts the same variables. "[p. 5] A model need not be any formal piece of logic. simply what manager a historical results, ought judges from plans, More to from often than not is It may be derived from be. comparison a it similar of situations, or by mandate. The logic of this approach is simple and clear. the condition, present difference, d, and that (state s ) and k, a the model manager decides or not (state s ) Pounds observed norm, or that define n, a a problem on the basis of this difference. Because whether he has 1 the norm may be uncertain, the because the association difference may be uncertain. Also, between the data stream and the situation may not be exact, any particular difference may not indicate with certainty Thus, a manager's uncertainty as to whether there either Sq or s.. a need for intervention is uncertainty as to derives from two sources: how the data stream ought to be and the inadequacy of the stream data as an indicator of the present situation. Differences are defined so that greater indicative of problem situation. a differences observed value is more indicative, then d d = In - kl. a more If a larger observed value is more indicative of an in control situation, then d deviation from always are = = n - k. k - n. If a smaller Finally, if smaller standard in either direction is more indicative, then For the rest of this paper, we shall assume that the 15 manager is dealing with data of the second type and define d = k - n. Parallel results for the other two cases are left to the reader so that we may avoid unnecessary repetition. because we The second case has been chosen wish to compare our results with those of the cost variance investigation literature and cost data is of this type. Let f(d|y) represent assessment of the the distribution of indicated difference represent the manager's assessment of control, for Then: a given difference d. = = jQiy) P(3^ly) We may mathematically the by manager's datum y and let p(s probability the subjective of being |p(s„!d)f(d|y)dd jp(so represent Pounds' 'd) in (15) descriptive theory of the managerial assessment of p(s^) as: p(s^) = p(s^ly) = 1 - p(s_!y) (17) = 1 - rp(sQ|d)f(d!y)dd (18) We have chosen in equations (17) and (18) to residual of p(s_!y). (16) represent p(s.) as the This obviates the need to clarify the nature of s., which may represent an amalgam of out of control possibilities. The difference, d, equals k - n, the subjectively between the present condition and the norm. Only difference The present condition is represented by the data stream, which is subject error. assessed to bias and random know bias will affect a subjective assessment and we will define our data stream as already adjusted for known bias. The effect . 16 of random error reliable. We may represent the assessment upon receipt the data stream is to make it less than perfectly in of y, as shall operationalize distributed with of present the condition random variable with distribution f (k|y). a f (k|y) assuming by that it We normally is mean y (the most likely condition) and variance v„ (a measure of the data unreliability). Similarly, we may represent with distribution fw(nly) = the manager's norm as random We shall operationalize ^mCi) by assuming that it normally distributed with from two Uncertainty uncertainty). sources: an about data stream should behave. the for the incomplete understanding of the relationship between the data stream and the situation and necessary is mean u^ (the most likely norm) and variance v^ (a measure of the manager's unreliable data variable Since the norm is independent of the datum, f^(n). ffjCn)' norm derives a missing or conditional estimation of how the Later in this paper, we shall explore the economic impact of an information system that facilitates a decrease in the first source of uncertainty, and hence a decrease in v , through managerial learning. The difference is the sum of two normally distributed random variables, Thus, it is also normally distributed k and -n. variance v„ + K with mean V-^u a"d v., N f(d|y) - N(y - u^^.v^^ +v^) (19) 17 Notice that all uncertainty as sources: unreliability the of difference the to from two stream and the uncertainty data the derives about the norm. The manager's interpretation of any particular difference, depends upon not only the size of the difference, but also by p(s Id), upon the association of represent the the manager's difference perception absolute value of the correlation situation, represented r of association the between situation. the to the by stream data We may r, the and the is a measure of the proportion of the variability in the situation that is explainable by variation in the data stream. If there is no association whatsoever, then r the prior probability of being = control. in and p(s_|d) there If association between the data stream and the situation (r difference is an indicator exact the need enough intervention for p'(s»), is perfect 1), then the of the state of the situation. some point, d^, the difference is large certain of = = (state that the s.). manager Below d_ difference is too small for intervention and the manager is certain being in control (state Sq) . is the of Then p(sQ|d) is a step function of d. 1 d < d "^ p(s Id) =r (20) ° d > d^ For values of r between zero and one, p(s^!d) has two extremes. At This is diagrammed in Figure 2. values between the 18 Figure 2 difference The difference d^ may now be interpreted as the For P'(s ) = p'(s distribution of p(s not change his prior judgement: would the manager ) d = 1/2, we would expect is symmetric about d , d^ that then d Id = 0. which for ) p'(s = the If is also the expected paper, we shall difference prior to the receipt of y. Later in this develop an explicit formulation for d in terms of other primitives. For intermediate r values, p(s |d) as a function of d is linear, but point [d , it may ). probably not be approximated by a linear function, through the p'(s )], as shown in Figure 3. 19 ?(s.\i'i Figure The slope of the depends upon m' , intermediate 3 section approximation linear the A simple function for this slope, and a scale factor. r of is: A r m' = A > -m (21) d^ 1-r A/d» is simply a scale factor. required property zero for r -m' so = that positive. that it This function for primitives slope monotonically negative in is and negative infinity for r all the in the = 1. has r and We have defined subsequent equations the equals m as will be m 20 The general function for p(s ,'d), with m, d , and P'(s as parameters, ) may now be written as: d < dQ- -.(I-p'(Sq)) (22) m 1 1 pCs^ld) =r p'(sQ)-m.(d-dQ) dQ- -.(I-p'(Sq)) m d > < dQ+ -.P'(Sq) m d < dQ+ --P'CSq) m Applying equations (19) and (22) to (15) we get; M 1 P(sQ!y) P'(Sq) = *(z + \ (1-P'(s q))) -*(^Z - 17 ( -.(i-p'(s^)) ^N^.Z. Lfz .^--.(I-pUSq))"] Z -Jz .p'(s„)]| - {EXpf— [Z where: V +v' N •Ik k'^n'" - $ Z + (23) -.P'(3, = . and * - ---!--.p.(Sq)J EXpf— [Z + is the cumulative standard (l-p'(s ))3) normal dis'n. 'V^N The last two terms are each approximately zero since for large r, m very large the and right hand whereas for small r, m is small approximately zero. equation (17) we multiplicand and the left is is approximately zero, hand multiplicand is Thus, setting these two terms to zero and applying arrive at an explicit formulation for a manager's assessment of the potential need for intervention. — , 21 d„ 1-r J V K +v N Ar y-u.,-d^ ---N,,n— 0— P(s^) iV*^M K N (i-p'(s^)) (24) I . y-^N-^0 ----r-- + -—--- . -P'(Sq), 1-r (1-P'(s,)) Jv,,+v. K N \ 1-r y-"N-^o K p'Cs^) IV^ ^NN ^'' The logic of this formulation is hardly transparent, but without damaging its descriptive validity. equation of *[(y-Uw-dQ)/4 -p'(s ) make approximations that will simplify the expression for p(s.) two further side can we Vjr+vJI,] and monotonically varies (24) and 0, as r varies from zero to one. 1 and If we assume that the proportional to r, then we have two simplifying linearly variation is between term varies monotonically between second the The first term on the right approximations: (25) ----- - + —-— ] ' 1-r . n (1-p'(s,)) 9 = Ar V +v K N — t:__r I^ l^\^\ + (i-r)(l - * --^i=-\) F^ J and (26) 1-r « # '] Ar Jvj^+vj^ r^ f^ ^ P'(s^) t F^u ^^n ^'' When equations (25) and (26) are applied to equation (24), p(s ) = r, .*f-:>-:-2] K r.» + (1-r)(1-p'(sQ)) 1-r it yields: (27) N + (l-r)p'(s^) (28) ] 22 To interpret equation probability p'(s (28), that ) expected difference, d receipt of conditional distribution NO (y-u.,-d^)/i v„+v' is K N that of because there receipt difference which d, prior a of is the After mean of the the y-iJij« variance has datum. Thus, v„+v„. measure of the number of standard deviations of a change in the expected difference. Note that since the expected value is u^+d_, the prior expected change is zero. is a is situation is out of control, there is an prior to the , expected the y, the note *[(y-u„-d_)/J datum Vj.+v' measure of the significance of the change in expected difference. It is an assessment of the potential need for the basis intervention solely on p'(s.) is the manager's prior assessment of of the datum y. the potential need for intervention and p(s average is an ) these of two assessments, weighted by the representativeness of the data stream. From equation (28) and knowledge that we may derive an difference. have we the determination of p(s probL p(s => prob[ y ), ) > for P'(s = formulation explicit Since d for d = p'(s prior the , ) = 1/2, expected chosen to ignore the effects of time upon we should expect a priori that: p'(s ) ] 1/2 = (29) + d fv +v' *"'(p'(s )) + u N U K N > ) ] = 1/2 (30) 1 => 1 F^Ejir^ *'(p'(sj) - I => yM = K N NO + u„ + d.] 1 rv^^*''(P'(s^)) -^ Uj^ * d^ = 1/2 (31) (32) 23 is the cumulative distribution of y and y where F value. Applying our knowledge that d- = is the median datum for p'(s^) = p'(s,) 1/2 to = equation (32) yields an explicit formulation of d^. cIq = -Jv^ *"'(p'(s^)) does Note that this formulation distribution of Applying y. (33) require not equation (33) knowledge any of the (28) yields a final to formulation for p(s.) p(s,) y-"N r.* = ^-. + * (p'(s^))l ] L.v^+v^ This descriptive model of a manager's founded upon finding. led us assessment theory of (l-r).p'(s^) (34) of been p(s.) has process of problem the overcomes the two difficulties of the Bayesian model It to descriptive Pounds' + reject that approach as descriptively invalid. that First, it does not require that the manager have knowledge of f(y|s_) or f(yls.). Second, it incorporates the theory of Kahneman and Tver sky [1972, 1973] and Swieringa, et prior al^ probabilities in proportion managers that [1976], to tend to representativeness the ignore of the data stream. This model approach. has It further a important extensive attention and empirical the Bayesian the same form, 1956] That model has received validation, both in the laboratory and the field. [Slovic and Lichtenstein taken over of the same form as the Brunswik lens model of human is information processing. [Brunswik 1952, model has advantage 1971] It is remarkable that our even though the development has not 24 relied upon Brunswikian concepts of human information processing. THE VALUE OF THE INFORMATION SIGNAL FOR MONITORING From equations (4), (7), and (34), we may derive an rule for when explicit decision manager chooses to intervene into the situation. a rule is, intervene (choose a ) The if: 1 a- +* r.I^ -—^7 +*'(p'(s (p'(s,))J ))j + (l-r).p'(s^) C/L > (35) or. ., y >rv^Ml* I (C/L) - (1-1 l-r)p'(s.)"] --1 ., -*"[p'(s^)] . u^ . d^ (36) (37) The a priori value comparing the of the information signal can be . 1981] It is assumed that p'(s ) < pT, manager was not prepared to intervene. = p(s by expected value of outcomes when the signal is used minus the expected value of outcomes without the signal [Demski V(y) measured and choose a ).u(s ,a ) that without 1972; the Treacy signal the We have: + p(s and choose a ).u(s ,a + p(Sq and choose a ).u(s ,a,) + p(s ) (38) and choose a ).u(s ,a.) - p'(s^).u(3Q,aQ) - p'(s^).u(s^,aQ) = p(s and y < y'^).u(3 ,a + p(Sq and y > y ) + p(s and y < ).u(sQ,a^) + p(s^ and y - p'(sQ).u(sQ,aQ) - p'(s^).u(s^,aQ) y'^).u(s > ,a (39) ) y ).u(s ,a ) ) 25 Let us define F(y|s f(y|s_) and ) f(y|s,) and F(y|s ) cumulative as the respectively. These distributions distributions latter precisely those that we earlier argued were difficult to generate Nevertheless, they are useful and usable primitives for a theory of information signal value. = are and primitives in a descriptive theory of managerial judgement. invalid as V(y) of prescriptive We may now write: F(yTlsQ).p'(sQ).u(SQ.aQ) + FCy^l + [1-F(y^|SQ)].p'(sQ).u(sQ,a^) + .p (s^) .u(s^ .a^) ^ ) [ 1-F(y'^| s^ s • ) ].p ' (40) (s^) .u(s^ ,a ^ - p'(sQ).u(sQ,aQ) - p'(s^).u(s^,aQ) = [1 - - F(y'^ls^)].p'(s^).[u(s^,a^) [1 -uCs^.a^)] - F(y^|sQ)].[1 - p'(s^)].[u(sQ.aQ) Using equations (5) and (6) we may substitute (41) -u(sQ,a^)] for the utilities and arrive at the simple formulation: V(y) = (L - C).[1 - F(y'^!s^)].p'(s^) - C.[1 - F(y'''| s^) ].p (s^) (42) • Unlike the information economics model, this value can be negative. signal can lead a A manager astray. THE VALUE OF AN INFORMATION SYSTEM In economics, as a the common characterization of an information collection of Thus, the value of an expected value information signals. [Marschak 1971; information system is exactly of its information signals, V(y). observed that little of the Demski equal Treacy is 1972] the to In a recent study sixteen executive level information systems [Rockart and it was system of 1981] value of an information system 26 derives from information signals situation. These signals are about interest. model" of organization. the a computer a of a manager through terminal to monitor The information systems were valued, instead, sharpening for their assistance in condition usually available to other channels long before he sits at situations of present the a manager's norms, "mental As Ackoff[1967] earlier noted, managers rarely suffer a lack of relevant information, but an irrelevant information. his Information systems are overabundance of valued not because they provide more signals, but because they allow a manager derive to more value from existing signals, through a sharpening of his norms. Sharper norms can be achieved through two means: variance smaller v N (more certainty) and more accurate mean (more accuracy). u., We shall N examine the effects of decreasing the variance upon V(y), the value of a signal. Consider the first derivative of V(y) with respect to v If . this N derivative is negative, then the uncertainty of the norm is decreased. value of The a signal increases as the value of an information signal that causes this decrease in uncertainty is equal to the gain in value of the information signal. ^V(y) Mathematically, we have: ^V(y) iyT (43) [C.f(yT!sQ).p'(SQ) - (L-C).f(yTl3^).p'(s^)] (C/L) - (l-r).p'(s^) 1 .[ 2lv^ K N $ t [p'(s^)] (44) 27 The second multiplicand of p'(s ) p^. < equation (^V(y)/^ Therefore, (4U) ) always is positive since if the first multiplicand is < negative. C.f(yTlsQ).p'(sQ) - (L-C).f(yT|s^).p'(s^) < (45) (L-C).f(s^lyT) - C.fCs^lyT) > (46) Equation (46) is satisfied as long as the threshold datum T y , of action, model is greater than the Bayesian, normative descriptive the for n threshold datum, y , which is defined such that: (L-C).f(s^!y^) - C.f(sQ!y^) From equations and (36) decreasing Therefore, decreases. beyond the point at which y Vj. y decreases There is B T = as Vj^ uncertainty about the manager's a norm decreases the threshold datum for action. in decreasing T that note we (37), (47) = y • a diseconomy It is an empirical question as to whether information systems are ever capable of reducing v„ enough to produce such diseconomies. CONCLUSIOMS We have developed a descriptive model of decision using a general the intervention managerial framework drawn from information economics. This model provides the basis for an investigation of the value information signal context. and of an information We have explored the value provides not unique of an system in information a of an monitoring system that signals on events, but assistance to a manager in sharpening his "mental model" of the data stream under observation. 28 Results suggest that tehre are at times diseconomies in this role. The models of managerial behavior and of information value are far from complete. No attempt has been made to consider situation with multiple distributing his situations. signals attention or of a manager's different, across monitoring the difficulty alternative approach developments have interrelated, but step. It since an excellent example making. decision the of unnecessary complexity induced by the standard information economics approach. models and an considerably under the massive weight of its slowed provides provides augmentation That approach is in need of overly general conceptualizations of information and in in normative Bayesian approach to standard the to information analysis. results a These matters are still under development. Nevertheless, this work is an important first Hilton[1980] of which theory operationalization defy It and, therefore, exist as untestable truisms. The solution to these difficulties lies in specialization. context. knowledge about the improve and Through particular sharpen our models There are no claims that they apply in this paper apply to monitoring. outside this The specialization context, models. 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