FINANCIAL AID COUNCIL BUSINESS MEETING – MINUTES Northern Quest Casino, Airway Heights October 15, 2014 Present: Anna Jackson; Becky Phllips; Mike Fentress; Wendy Joseph; Danielle Hodgen; Lisa Fortson; Marjorie Davis; Krista Francis; Scott Copeland; Noel McBride; Zoya Zhuk; Tammy Zibell; Sybil Smith; Debbie Solomon; Melanie Ruiz; Kathy Day; Stacey Savino; Karen Driscoll; Ben Beus; Debi McKay; David Klaffke; Micah McKee; Susan Neese; Yeumie Truong; Ardella Williams-Nelson; Tracy Smothers; Mary Edington; Tara McDougall; Margie Pederson; Brianne Sanchez; Robert Kraus; Rena Tinnell, Jessica Reeser; Dani Gray; Angelina Rodriquez; Hoa Lu; MiChelle Thorsen; Sherri Ballantyne; Kate Jacky; Karina Sanchez; Mary Witters; Lisa Lowe; Tamera Wicker; Lino Martins; Reneld Michaud; Kelly Forsberg; Antoinette Ingram; Crystal Bagby; Carla Idohl-Corwin Wendy Joseph called the Fall FAC Business meeting to order at 8:30am on October 15, 2014 at Northern Quest Casino, Airway Heights, Washington Winter Meeting Minutes Minutes from the Spring Meeting on May 2, 2014 were presented by Tammy Zibell. MOTION: A motion to approve the minutes was made by Krysta Francis and seconded by Carla Idohl-Corwin. The minutes from the fall meeting were approved by voice vote. REPORTS Treasurer’s Report The Treasurer’s report was presented by Danielle Hodgen. Account balance as of October 13, 2014 is $9266.25. MOTION: A motion by Tammy Zibell and seconded by Sybil Smith to approve the treasure report. FAST Update Per FAST Chair MiChelle Thorsen the following people are the FAST Team Members for 2014-2015: Carl Schroer; Kathy Day; Anna Peros; Stacey Savino and our SBCTC-IT Liaison is Becky Phillips. The revised Maintenance List will be sent out soon. The following items were discussed: Sula Reporting, College Bound, Unit Record error report; finding a way to improve Loan Reconciliation process, WASFAA Reports and CTC Link. A New Request was sent in by Cheryl Fritz and that is an option to post the DRT Tracks to all students tracking screen, not just those selected for verification. OLD BUSINESS Discussed Workgroups and added Kelly Forsberg to the Data Governance Workgroup. Wendy encouraged everyone to join these workgroups. Correction needed to be made to the list of the FAST Team Members. Stacey Savino is at Grays Harbor. NEW BUSINESS Discussed adding to Future issues/Concerns/Focus section – Manual process to award BA Students and Manual Process to award Competency Based Programs. Ben Beus will share his BA Processes. Discussed scheduling meetings around other council meetings. Discussed how to make sure we (FAC) are heard? Let Wendy know if you have ideas. Discussed Winter FAC Meeting at Rainbow Lodge, North Bend. March 11-13, 2015. Possible agenda item is Competency Based Programs. Discussed options for Spring Meeting. Discussed voting and what is a quorum. Proxy voting was mentioned and it is not in our charter. We can only vote if in attendance or by email. Krista Francis will send out actual charter language. Karen Driscoll made a motion to adjourn the Business Meeting at 11:11am. Lisa Fortson seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned.