FINANCIAL AID COUNCIL BUSINESS MEETING – MINUTES Enzian Inn, Leavenworth Washington October 22, 2013 Present: Anna Jackson; Ardella Williams-Nelson; Becky Phllips; Mike Fentress; Brian Isbell; Wendy Joseph; Danielle Hodgen; Janet Cantelon; Jille Shankar; Bill Chaney; Jane Mclean; Marjorie Davis; Krista Francis; Scott Copeland; Tammy Graham; Cheryl Fritz; Zoya Zhuk; Tammy Zibell; Stephanie Webster; Anne White; Ben Beus; Tara McDougall; Tracy Dahl; Melanie Ruiz; Brigitte Baker; Kim Matison; Kathy Day; Kim Wasierski; Deann Holliday; Mary Edington; Dani Bundy; Joanne Vaughn; Kendra Graham; David Klaffke;Trish Onion; Erlinda Cruz; Krista Francis called the Fall FAC Business meeting to order at 10:40 am on October 22, 2013 at Enzian Inn, Leavenworth Washington, Fall Meeting Minutes Minutes from the Spring Meeting meeting on May 13, 2013 at Yakima Valley Community College via ITV were presented by Krista Francis. MOTION: A motion by Danielle Hodgen to approve the Fall minutes and seconded by Zoya Zhuk. The minutes from the spring meeting were approved by voice vote. REPORTS Treasurer’s Report The Treasurer’s report was presented by Danielle Hodgen. As of October 21, 2013 we have an account balance of $8,448.80 FAST Update The report from the FAST committee was presented by Jille Shankar. The FAST Team is reviewing the FAM Maintenance List. They have deleted all Safer Items. In addition, they have narrowed down the list to 17 actual items. The next action plan is to work on the portal. All requests/changes can be sent to Jille. OLD BUSINESS A Workshop Presentation Presenter is needed to explain to explain “what we do” at the Student Services Conference in Tacoma on April 30 – May 2, 2014. Trish Onion discussed Competency Based Programs. Need volunteers for the Washington Financial Aid Association for presentations and workshops. Discussed a session “Ready to Roll” to be done at the Student Services Conference regarding how to testify and/or meet with legislature. – Learn how to represent the system not your school. Learn what you can say and do and hear open Hearings. NEW BUSINESS Krista Francis announces our new FAC President-Elect for 2013-14 is Wendy Joseph from Clover Park. Discussions about Direct Loan Webinars regarding the new 150% Rule. Discussed Goal #2, Objective #2 – Decrease FAFSA and FA process barriers. Strategy is to create system-wide efficiencies to simplify the application process; gathering suggestions and agreement from FAC membership for standardization of processes and centralizations of documents. The outcome is having a financial aid application process easier understood and consistent at each college. 1. Suggestions to Centralize New Year Setup and ISIR Loads? 2. SBCTC will be researching other schools using PeopleSoft to find out what they are doing about the Non User Friendly Pell Reporter. Also, discussed creating a tool for Direct Loan Reconciliation. 3. More efficient globalized forms – base information the same. Globalized Student Portal checklist vs. Individual institution – possibly have a Check List that is institutionalized – Have a session at our Winter Meeting to discuss what we want and how to go to Global Forms. Krysta will send out a discussion email. 4. CTC Link discussion Brian has job posting for support team to utilize what we have today – and shift in managing and centralizing Discussed scheduling Spring Meeting around other council meetings so we can attend ARC and other meetings. Winter FAC Meeting at Rainbow Lodge, North Bend. March 12-15. It was suggested that we add the Global Forms and Change of Management to our agenda. Wendy Joseph made a motion to end the Business Meeting at 11:30 and Jille Shankar seconded the motion and the Business Meeting was adjourned.