HD28 .M414 • ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT The Investment Performance of U.S. Equity Pension Fund Managers: An Empirical Investigation T. Daniel Coggin * Frank Fabozzi ** Rahman *** J. Shafiqur WP #3360-91 EFA December 1991 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 The Investment Performance of U.S. Equity Pension Fund Managers: An Empirical Investigation T. Daniel Coggin * Frank Fabozzi ** Rahman *** J. Shafiqur WP #3360-91 EFA December 1991 Virginia Retirement System » * * * * Massachusetts Institute of Technology Portland State University of authorship is alphabetical to reflect an equal contribution by each. We thank Jon Christopherson of the Frank Russell Company for providing the pension manager data used in this study. The paper has benefitted from helpful discussions with John E. Hunter. The opinions and conclusions offered in this study do not necessarily represent those of the Virginia Retirement System or the Frank Russell Company. The order The Investment Performance of U.S. Equity Pension Fund Managers: An Empirical Investigation ABSTRACT This paper presents an empirical examination of the selectivity and timing performance of a sample of U.S. equity pension fund managers. Regardless of the choice of benchmark portfolio or estimation model, the average selectivity measure is negative. However, selectivity benchmark when managers are variation around the positive and the average timing measure does appear to be somewhat sensitive to the choice of a classified mean values is by investment for each measure. style. The 80% Meta-analysis revealed some real probability intervals for selectivity revealed that the best managers produced substantial risk-adjusted excess returns. Consistent with previous studies of mutual fund performance, selectivity and timing. we also found a negative correlation between M.I.T. JAN 1 J 1992 The Investment Performance of U.S. Equity Pension Fund Managers: An Each management was invested was invested in than the little leading pension assets of $1,876 total trade trillion. The Investment Company in equities. a 3:1 investment. Not only in a , newspaper for the Approximately $750 Institute estimates that open- and closed-end equity-oriented U.S. mutual funds snapshot indicates managers Investments pension industry, profiles the top 1000 public and private U.S. pension funds. At year-end 1990, these funds had percent) & Pensions year Empirical Investigation is for pension ratio at equity investment versus $250 is The large. total mutual fund equity number of pension fund managers number of mutual fund managers, by a ratio of billion year-end 1990. This the dollar difference large, but also the difference in the each universe billion (40 is number of much larger approximately 10:1. Yet surprisingly research has been done on the investment performance of U.S. equity pension fund managers. This paper begins to fill an important gap in the literature by providing empirical evidence on the investment performance of these managers. The focus of this study is on equity pension fund managers who have been allocated funds by a pension plan sponsor. Brinson, (1987), and Berkowtiz, Finney and sample of large U.S. pension plans. different asset categories with their is the only study we know Hood and Beebower Logue (1988) examined (1986), Ippolito and Turner the investment performance of a Each plan may be composed of many fund managers own specific investment objectives and styles. To in date, ours of which specifically examines the components of the investment performance of a sample of U.S. equity pension fund managers. 1 The two components we examine are security selection skill and market timing skill. Security selection involves the identification of individual securities which are under- or overvalued relative to the market Pricing Model (CAPM), returns which securities lie Within the specification of the Capital Asset in general. the investment manager attempts significantly off the security market line. which offer an abnormally high return on the market portfolio. If the risk to identify securities with expected The manager will then invest in those premium. Market timing refers to forecasts of manager believes he can forecast the market return, he will adjust his portfolio risk level accordingly. According is to the efficient The only futile. market hypothesis, in However, the United States. I activity an investment program which cannot outperform a for) there exists a very large active pension fund Our study will shed some funds are behaving rationally to perpetuate Section management an efficient market, plan sponsors would not rationally invest pay active management fees market index. active investment rational investment choice for a plan sponsor is to invest in a passively managed market index. Hence, in (or all light mangement business on the question of whether or not pension this business. Our paper is organized as follows. presents the models of selectivity and market timing used in this paper. Section describes the data and methodology. Section presents a meta-analysis of our results. Section III V in presents the empirical results. Section II IV discusses the results. Section VI concludes our paper. I. It is Models of Selectivity and Timing important that portfolio managers be evaluated on both selection ability and market timing Accordingly skill. it is necessary to model timing and selectivity simultaneously. Jensen (1968, 1969) formulated a return-generating model to measure performance of the managed The model portfolios. is: Rp, where R^, is the excess (net of risk-free rate) return the market return and of security selection consideration Indeed, is = a, + of risk-free + Up R„, rate) return on the market portfolio, Up, is skill. fip Up, (1) on the pth the excess (net ap is to a measure This specification assumes that the risk level of the portfolio under managers may issue and suggested a somewhat the shift overall composition of their portfolio risk movements. Fama (1972) and Jensen (1972) addressed finer They argued in this breakdown of performance. Treynor and Mazuy (1966) added a quadratic term that if the the return on the market to equation (1) to test for manager can forecast market greater proportion of the market portfolio when is measures the sensitivity of the portfolio a random error which has expected value of zero, anticipation of broad market price proportion R^i stationary through time and ignores the market timing skill of the managers. f)ortfolio timing ability. portfolio. when is the return market returns, he will hold a on the market is high and a smaller low. Thus, the portfolio return will be a non-linear function of the market return as follows: R,, A = positive value of ap -h iSpR„, + y(R^y- + e^, (2) y would imply good market timing. Jensen (1972) developed a similar model to detect selectivity and timing managers. skill of Jensen's measure of market timing performance calls for the fund manager to forecast the deviation of the market portfolio return from its consensus expected return. By assuming and the actual return on the market have a joint normal that the forecasted return distribution, Jensen shows that, under this assumption, a market timer's forecasting ability can be measured by the correlation between the market timer's forecast and the realized return on He concluded the market. selectivity that, under the above structure, the separate contributions of and timing can not be identified unless, for each period, the manager's forecast and consensus expected return on the market portfolio, E(R^, are known. Bhattacharya and Pfleiderer (1983) extended the work of Jensen (1972). an error made obtain measures of timing and selection that the correcting Jensen (1972), they show that one can use a simple regression technique to in unadjusted forecast of the market return assume By manager ability. in the Jensen assumes that the manager uses the Bhattacharya and Pfleiderer timing decision. adjusts forecasts to minimize the variance of the forecast error. Sf)ecify a relationship in terms of observable variables, which is They similar to the Treynor and Mazuy model: = Rp, a, + eE(RJ(\ - ^)R„, + ^e(K.d' + e^6,R„, + Up, (3) where 6 = ^ = the fund manager's response to information, the coefficient of determination between the return €, = on the market, and the error of the This quadratic regression of as revealed by a^. cj, manager's forecast and the excess manager's forecast Rp, on R„, allows us The disturbance term = e^€,R„, + Up, in to detect the existence equation of stock selection ability (3): (4) contains the information needed to quantify the manager's timing ability. We can extract this information by regressing (wj- on (R„,)^: (c.,)' = &r'(af{R„,y + (5) ?., where = ?, The proposed e^^i'^CR^J^LCeJ^ {of] + (Up^ + 2e^R„,6,Up.. regression produces a consistent estimator of we (6) 6^^Ve, where Using the consistent estimator of of the manager's forecast error. equation (3), - (ct,)^ is Q^, which we recover from This, coupled with knowledge about (aj^, the variance of excess obtain {a,f. return on the market, allows us to estimate ^ = (aJ^/[((Tj^ + (a,)^] = p^ where correlation between the manager's forecast and excess return on the market. which calculate p truly of timing It skill. forecasting Pfleiderer model of equation (3) is a is the first Rahman both the Treynor and model that analyzes the error term to identify a manager's (1990). In the empirical tests reported in Section Mazuy and sensitivity and timing the Bhattacharya and Pfleiderer models. III, model are we employed This will allow us of results to alternative model specifications. There are other models selectivity we Such a refinement should make the model more powerful than previous ones. discussed in Lee and examine the Finally, refinement of the Treynor and Further detail and econometric issues relating to the Bhattacharya and Pfleiderer to the focuses on the coefficient of the squared excess market return as an indication It skill. is p measures the quality of the manager's timing information. The Bhattacharya and Mazuy model. the variance skills in the literature that permit identification and separation of of portfoloio managers. These are models by Grinblatt and Titman (1989b), Henriksson and Merton (1981), and an alternative version of the Henriksson and Merton mcxlel by Kon and Jen (1978, 1979). The Grinblatt and Titman model requires the observation of the historical sequence of portfolio weights for the manager. Unfortunately, data on portfolio weights are very costly and time-consuming and often not available. The Henriksson and Merton model provides no significant advantage over the Bhattacharya and Pfleiderer model. One weakness of no of whether the information test Merton model the Henriksson and is is that information is being used correctly. The forcasters in sophisticated than those of the Bhattacharya and Pfleiderer model, much better the superior investment will perform. Henriksson have a coarse information structure measured but there in model are this is less where they do forecast how and Merton assume that managers which dichotomous signals are only predictive of the sign of the excess return of the market relative to the risk-free of receiving an "up" or a "down" signal in rate. In their no way depends upon how model, the probability far the market will be "up" or "down." II. The data for this study consist of monthly returns for the period January 1983 through December 1990 (96 months) are net of expenses and market. Among Data and Methodology The for a sample of 71 U.S. equity pension fund managers. management fees. These managers invest exclusively data were provided by the Frank Russell other services, the Frank Russell Company Company in the Returns U.S. equity of Tacoma, Washington. evaluates the performance of the managers of a number of pension funds throughout the United States. The Frank Russell Company segregates equity managers into four basic investment styles on the basis of managers' portfolio characteristics. These are: (1) Earnings Growth, (2) Market-Oriented, (3) Price-Driven, and (4) Our sample Small Capitalization. Price-Driven, and consists of 18 Earnings Appendix 16 Small Capitalization managers. Monthly observations investment styles. Growth, 19 Market-Oriented, 18 for the Treasury bill rate I. A describes these four was used as a proxy for the risk-free rate. Our study S&P uses several alternative equity benchmark portfolios. 500 Index and like the S&P 500 Index. 500. To be more These The Russell two broad market specific, we 3000 Index is a broad market index (for indices, we it to the S&P also use four style indices as use separate benchmarks for four different investment style indices are the Russell 2000 index Russell 3000 Index. of these are the Apf)endix I.B describes the Russell 3000 Index and compares In addition to these benchmarks. styles. the Russell Two 1000 Index (for Market-Oriented managers), the Small Cap managers), the Russell Price-Driven Index (for Price-Driven managers), and the Russell Earnings Growth Index (for Earnings Growth managers). Appendix I.B describes these indices and compares them to broad market indices. alternative indices performance market, allow to alternative (a,)^, of Lee and will to examine the benchmarks. An was derived from observed Rahman of pension sensitivity several fund manager's estimate of the variance of the excess return on the returns for each benchmark following the procedure (1990). In the empirical test, and Mazuy us The use of it is necessary to correct for heteroscedasticity in both the Treynor model and the Bhattacharya and Pfleiderer model, the error term model. will exhibit conditional heteroscedasticity In the Treynor and Mazuy because of the fund manager's attempt to time the market, even though security returns are assumed to be independent and identically distributed through time. To correct this, following Breen, Jagannathan and Ofer Lehmann and Modest (1986) and prof)osed by White (1980), in Section produce the most and we use heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors Hansen (1982), and Hsieh (1983). The significance tests reported are based on heteroscedasticity-adjusted t-statistics. III In the Bhattacharya (3) (1987), and Pfleiderer model, the procedure discussed in Section efficient estimates of the parameters since the disturbance More (5) are heteroscedastic. efficient estimates can in equations be obtained by taking into account We followed a Generalized the heteroscedasticity of the disturbance terms. term does not I Least Squares (GLS) procedure, which makes a correction for heteroscedasticity, to obtain efficient estmates of parameters. This methodology As noted is more fully described in Coggin and Hunter (1991), one weakness of the Treynor and Mazuy and the in Bhattacharya and Pfliederer models modify these models is that skill. In the Such this is indicative results in both forecast the expected return market return to (2), a when is hypothesize that managers this means high. is the may We exhibit manager holds In the Bhattacharya of a negative correlation between beta and the market on the market it We the market return models could be due be high when model of equation skill. Treynor and Mazuy model, a smaller portion of the market portfolio and Pfleiderer model, they ignore negative or inferior market timing. allow negative timing to negative ex post timing return. Lee and Rahman (1990). portfolio. actually to the inability Hence of managers to correctly these managers low and vice versa. In the would forecast the Treynor and Mazuy negative value of 7 would be indicative of poor market timing. For the Bhattacharya and Pfliederer model, we examine the sign of the coefficient of (Rrnd^ in equation (3). this coefficient will Intuitively, in the spirit of the Treynor and be indicative of the nature of timing 8 skill. Mazuy model, If the the sign of estimated value of this coefficient is negative, we designate timing modification makes these models Pfleiderer model was more realistic. Significant Selectivity and Table follow, I presents "S&P 500" A given by p to be poor or inferior. This similar adjustment of the Bhattacharya and implicitly introduced in Jagannathan and Korajczyk (1986, p. 229). III. A. skill Empirical Results Timing summary results Skill from the two denotes results based on using the models. In this table and those that S&P "Russell 3000" denotes results based on using the Russell 500 as the benchmark 3000 as the benchmark portfolio, portfolio, and "Style Index" denotes results based on using each manager's appropriate style index as the benchmark portfolio. negative timing skill values exceeds the These show some evidence of results significant positive selectivity significant negative selectivity values for both of the benchmark used. For timing number of The number of on the part of managers. number of positive security selection skill and skill, the results are just the opposite. significant negative timing values exceeds the number of models regardless For both models, the significant positive timing values regardless of the benchmark used. — B. Mean Values Table II Insert Table I about here — of Performance Measures presents the means of the subsets of managers classified the selectivity and timing values for by investment style. all managers and for For the entire sample (All Managers), both models show a f)ositi\e values are significant S&P For the mean liming value S&P 500 results using the 3000 Index and is two of However, models show a for only benchmarks. These For timing the three benchmarks. entire sample, both three alternative benchmarks. all 500), the Russell selectivity value for all three alternative at the .05 level for results are just the opposite. value for mean skill, the mean timing negati\'e one of the three benchmarks significant at the .05 level for both models. Hence (the the Index as a benchmark contrast with the results obtained using the the style indices as benchmarks. two indices are much more representative of As shown the managers' in Appendix I.B. the latter investment universe (i.e., true investment opportunities) than the former and, as such, are more appropriate benchmarks than the former. The results in Tables and I pickers than market timers. confirmed Rahman in Table (1990), However, it skill in their Our suggest that pension fund managers are on average better stock The results that were only hinted Table at in I are now results relating to selection skill are consistent with those of who found some They managers. II. II evidence of superior selection skill strongly Lee and on the part of mutual fund also found evidence of superior market timing skill for several managers. should be pointed out that Lee and model, while we allow Rahman (1990) ignored negative market timing negative market timing here. Our market timing consistent with those of previous studies on mutual fund performance (see and Lewellen (1984), Henriksson (1984), Lehmann and Modest (1988), Coggin and Hunter (1991), and Connor and Korajczyk (1991)). Kon results are (1983), Cumby and Chang Glen (1990), These studies found more evidence of negative market timing than positive. These studies also found some evidence of negative selection skill for mutual funds. 10 - There are differences and investment in the portfolio characteristics styles among Earnings Growth, Market-Oriented, Price-Driven, and Small Capitalization managers. examine performance measures therefore useful to II presents mean values of the performance measures However, they do vary somewhat across benchmarks benchmark. The period 1983-1990 was For the eight years, substantially. S&P 500 grew 15.60% at a the "value" investment style analog of this style compares grew at a to the as is all period in grew However, 3000 grew also provides the Price-Driven index for a given model. an annualized rate of 14.17%, and at this period (up until the end of 1988) the market relative to other investment styles. which grew at Our an annualized rate of 15.53%. This rate, a at and the Small Capitalization style (represented by the Russell 2(XX) 7.38% rate. In if we look Table II we see that, using the broad stock market indices selectivity value is consistently is observed for the growth and consistent with the preference of the stock market for the at the Style Index as a benchmark, we other styles) have positive selectivity values. Thus, while selectivity value across All which benchmark portfolio of investment Table which the overall stock market was up For the majority of was favored by small capitalization managers. This well a the Russell rate. benchmarks, a negative mean period. It is "growth" investment style (represented by the Earnings Growth index) which 13.72% index) which for each style of manager. It These ranks do not vary between the models for a given the aggregated rank of each group. the for each investment style separately. the Managers is for each benchmark, it we style. - Insert Table II 11 about here observe a positive mean does appear to make a difference used (and, perhaps, which time period) — see that these managers (as — when we move to the level - Correlation of Performance Measures C. To examine the sensitivity of results to benchmarks and models, we also examine the correlation of the performance measures across models and benchmarks. of association Tables II. III, Table - the Pearson correlation coefficient and the IV, and III V Spearman rank correlation coefficient. I and represents the correlation of a performance measure (selectivity or timing) with There significant at the .0001 level. broad market indices - S&P the is All the correlations reported in the table are a very high correlation between the results based on the 500 Index and the Russell measures based on these benchmarks are somewhat indices. use two measures provide correlational summaries of the results presented in Tables between benchmarks for a given model. itself We These results are consistent for both 3000 Index. The performance less correlated with those based on style models and also for both the timing and selectivity measures. Table IV presents the correlation of a performance measure (selectivity or timing) with between models for a given benchmark. itself significant at the .(XX)! level. The results in Tables III These correlations are very high and and IV indicate high ranking consistency among benchmarks and between models. Finally, we present the correlation between selectivity and timing for a given benchmark. significantly negative. These correlations are presented These results indicate that in Table V. good (poor) to say about this in Section — selectivity All these correlations are Insert Tables III, IV, 12 V about here — poor This implies that fund and timing simultaneously. V.B. - within a model selectivity is associated with (good) timing ability regardless of the benchmark or model used. managers can not accomplish both skill We will have more IV. Meta-analysis is a statistical methodology for the cumulation of results across studies. contribution of meta-analysis mean and standard Meta-Analysis of Results The offer a statistical technique to produce direct estimates of the is to deviation of population values. Thus, meta-analysis allows more statistically powerful inferences from data than are possible using more traditional disaggregated analyses. Following to its early beginings in physics and psychology, meta-analysis has recently been applied cumulate results across studies (1990) and Trotman and Dimson and Marsh Wood in several other disciplines including accounting (Christie (1991)), finance (Coggin and Hunter (1983, 1987, 1991) and (1984)), and marketing (Farley and Lehman (1986)). Recent comprehensive on meta-analysis include Hedges and Olkin (1985) and Hunter and Schmidt (1990). texts There are a number of "study artifacts" which can cause the different or even contradictory to those of another. Among the results of one study more prominent to appear artifacts are sampling error, error of measurement, and restriction of range on the dependent variable. These artifacts are discussed in detail in we Hunter and Schmidt (1990, Chapters 2 and 3). In this paper, focus on sampling error in the regression values for selectivity and market timing across managers. Meta-analysis has been primarily developed for correlational data. However, the time series regressions performed measurement model) across meta-analysis, we in our paper have identical specifications (by performance the sample of pension fund managers. Thus, for the purpose of can consider each of the 71 managers as a "study," cumulate the results and apply meta-analysis. Appendix II to this paper presents a brief discussion of the meta-analysis technique for regression coefficients used in this section. 13 Table VI presents the results of the meta-analysis of the selectivity and timing coefficients based on three benchmark portfolios and using heteroscedasticity corrected t-values. row of b; the second row gives estimates of the standard deviation of the observed values, the standard deviation of the papulation values, Sbi the fourth s^j; the third row gives estimates of the frequency-weighted average squared deviation of the observed values, fifth row gives estimates of total row gives estimates Insert Table VI about here s/ZSb'. — Selectivity For selectivity, the mean monthly values are However, on an annualized basis, these positive in every 3000), and 1.97% (Style Index). selectivity values are to the the Bhattacharya % (S&P 500), .93% (Russell For the Treynor and Mazuy model, the annualized mean .51% (S&P 500), .96% see that for both models, managers compared case but very small. numbers become more meaningful. For and Pfleiderer model, the annualized mean selectivity values are .41 we last observed variance accounted for by sampling error, — the the chi-square value for the of the observed variance to the sampling error variance; and the of the proportion of A. row gives Sb^; row gives the variance of the population values, s/; the sixth estimates of the sampling error variance, s/; the seventh ratio first frequency-weighted mean of the observed values for each parameter, this table gives the row gives estimates of The do broader market indices. (Russell 3000), and better on average This result is 1.99% (Style Index). relative to their instructive, since own 14 style index as much of investment wisdom implies that investment managers "can't beat the market." Hence the common This result suggests that such a used comment begs an important management three remind the reader of investment benchmarks are significant at the .05 level or less for the selectivity values using for both models. This implies that there attributable to sampling error) around the B. that these returns are net fees. The chi-square values all We evaluating a manager. in question regarding which benchmark should be mean is real selectivity value in variation (in excess of that each case. Timing For market timing, the mean values are negative the results of (1988), Kon (1983), in each case. This result Chang and Lewellen (1984), Henriksson (1984), Lehmann and Modest (1988), Cumby Pfleiderer at consistent with Grinblatt and Titman and Glen (1990), Coggin and Hunter (1991), and Connor and Korajczyk (1991) who examined mutual fund values are significant is returns. Furthermore, the chi-square the .10 level or less in each case except for the Bhattacharya model using the S&P 500 benchmark. Thus in almost every case there is and evidence of real variation around the negative mean timing value. C. The 80% If there would be of Probability Intervals for Selectivity and were no real variation around the observed mean value, then the observed mean the true value for each of the 71 managers. real variation in in perspective, almost every we can look set Timing However, in our case, there of selectivity and market timing values. at the last row of Table VI for each To is evidence put these results model and examine the proportion of total observed variance accounted for by sampling error. For the Bhattacharya and 15 Pfleiderer model, the percentage of observed variance in selectivity accounted for by sampling 71% error goes from to 57% to 50% across benchmarks; while the percentage of variance in timing accounted for by sampling error goes from the Treynor and Mazuy model, across benchmarks; benchmarks. 95% to 81 % of variance attributable 68% across benchmarks. go from 71% the percentages for selectivity while the timing percentages go from We should to 18% 17% to to to 57% to 14% For 50% across note that, as discussed in Hunter and Schmidt (1990), these percentages sampling error to may well contain other unaccounted for study artifacts (such as measurement error). Assuming 80% selectivity and market timing to be normally distributed, probability intervals (i.e., the lower and upp)er 90% selectivity (i.e., result is 80% both the observed and the population values for there is real variation in selectivity and timing values 80% probability intervals for selectivity are all in every case except Using the at S&P 500 shifted towards positive values, probability intervals for timing are all shifted towards negative values. confirmed by the significance counts for positive and negative values in Table can look probability intervals in Table timing values from the Bhattacharya and Pfleiderer model using the benchmark). The while the The and market timing. As noted above, one in can also examine the probability values) for the spread of the observed and population values presented in Table VII. VII clearly show the amount of variation we selectivity This and timing I. 80% probability intervals for the population selectivity values in Table VII, the true spread in pension manager excess returns benchmarks. The return for the top 10% of managers 16 is for the we two models across obtained by annualizing the appropriate upp)er bound return in 10% of managers Table VII, and the return for the bottom annualizing the appropriate lower bound return in Table VII. Pfleiderer model using the S&P 500 benchmark, 4.52% using the Russell 3000, the true spread is 5.49% -1.78); and using the style index, the true spread is 5.44% (top 10% = 3.71%, bottom 10% = (top 10% = 4.72%, bottom 10% = -.72%). annualized spread in returns using the bottom 10% = performance = use. -.90%). Hence substantial Rahman models the there is 10% = 3.04%, (top 5.55% is (top 10% = 3.77%, 5.86% (top 10% = evidence in our data that the best pension fund is risk-adjusted excess returns, (1990), and Coggin and Hunter (1991) in their studies no matter which model or at the last line style index who found evidence of superior of mutual funds. The Correlation between Looking 5.01% is This complements the results of Grinblatt and Titman (1989a), Ippolito — D. S&P 500 benchmark -1.78%); and using the style index, the true spread managers can deliver (1989), Lee and For the Tryenor and Mazuy model, the true -1.97%); using the Russell 3000, the true spread 4.96%, bottom 10% benchmark we For the Bhattacharya and is 10% = 2.69%, bottom 10% = -1.83%); = obtained by the true annualized spread in returns (top bottom 10% is Insert Table VII about here Selectivity and of each panel benchmark in Timing Table VI results in the least of the selectivity and timing values. If we — treat (S(,^/Sb^), we see that in each case for both amount of sampling error sampling error as analogous in the variation to measurement error, then (adopting the language of classic psychometric reliability theory) the estimates of selectivity and market timing using the style index benchmark have a higher 17 "reliability" than This the other estimates. more is consistent with our earlier observation that the style indices are representative of the managers' true investment universes. Hunter and Schmidt (1990, pp. 115-116) show that the attenuating effect of sampling error on correlations attenuating effect of measurement corrected for sampling error error, or unreliability, in In the psychometric error. They then show same way in the we observed correlations can thus be as the psychometric correction for reliability T = true model, the reliability of variable x score and x=observed score. variables to be correlated are actually estimates of the If two parameters, the psychometric two-sided correction for attenuation formula The observed now = observed corr./ [v/(reliability of x) V selectivity Mazuy model. This / = -.359 / While we can correct can substitute into (1982)): in (7) Table V. = -.61 for the Kon We can Thus, for the [v/.500 *'\/.318] [v/.500* V.855] Connor and Korajczyk is and market of y)] were given further confirms the results of previous studies (see (1984), Coggin and Hunter (1991), and we for the effect of sampling error. benchmark, we have corrected correlation the Bhattacharya and Pfleiderer model, and -.399 denoted r„ and is (Thomdike * "/(reliability correlations between selectivity and timing correct the observed correlations in Table style index measurement In the present context, the estimate the "reliability" of each parameter as s//Sb^ then corrected corr. analogous to the psychometric terminology. defined as a-^lo^\ where timing. that is = -.90 for Treynor and (1983), Henriksson (1991)). the observed correlations for sampling error, we cannot in any uncomplicated way correct for the possibility of a negative correlation between the two described in Jagannathan and Korajczyk (1986). They show that it is possible to observe a negative correlation between selectivity and timing in a sample of mutual funds if the 18 common stocks held by the funds are more/less option-like than the stocks in the finding of a negative correlation all believe it is is replicated across Sensitivity of Results to Our since our portfolios in Table V, we general finding is Discussion Benchmarks and Models that selectivity models and benchmarks. The all benchmark However, unlikely that our observed correlations are seriously affected by this problem. V. A. market proxy. managers up by investment positive and timing results in Tables III performance measures are not very sensitive However, we did observe some is These negative on average across and IV indicate to alternative that the rankings of both benchmarks and models sensitivity to the choice of a style. is in our data. benchmark when we divided results contrast with those of the Lehmann and Modest (1987) and Grinblatt and Titman (1989a). It analysis. and APT should be pointed out that there They examined models. is a problem in the Lehmann and Modest (1987) selectivity in the context of a Jensen-like Market timing and measure using the CAPM factor timing activities are not included in their analysis. Market timing was also ignored by Grinblatt and Titman (1989a). Grant (1977) explained how market timing actions He showed to that will affect the results of empirical tests that focus only market timing be downwardly biased. ability will The results of on selection skill. cause the observed regression estimate of selectivity Lee and Rahman (1990) are consistent with Grant's (1977) contention. A Henriksson (1984). Moreover, as Jensen (1972), Admati and Ross (1985), Dybvig and Ross similar conclusion was drawn by Chang and Lewellen (1984) and 19 (1985), and Grinblatt and Titman (1989b) have shown, the Jensen-like measure may penalize the performance of market timers. B. Negative Correlation Between Selectivity and Timing As discussed in Sections selectivity III and market timing several other studies. The in and IV, we calculate a strongly negative correlation between our data. literature summary and (1986) for a know of which documents model here of mutual fund managers (see Chua and ability extention of these studies). this finding for f)ension to explain the negative correlation, we to do well consistently. As many Indeed, dimension taken separately. This has resulted clients only one of these skills. There is also that much number of pension plan sponsors do not believe basis, and therefore do not hire managers between selectivity selectivity are not and timing good in at timing, said to include who we we no formal is tasks: picking very difficult only the best managers do well on either opting to market to prospective anecdotal evidence indicating that a growing that market timing attempt and those managers 20 offer two separate it. The is possible on a consistent strongly negative correlation our data suggests that those managers selectivity. the first study shown, each of these jobs many managers in is can offer some observations. studies have we show Ours fund managers. While The job of equity investment management can be stocks and timing the market. with the results of this is consistent on investment management contains a number of studies documenting the negative market timing Woodward Furthermore, who are good at who are good timing are not good at at This intuitively makes sense, because the two investment activities are largely separate and distinct. However, selectivity and timing that the general recall is the nonlinear econometric formulas quickly reveals model are negatively correlated. However, we note two. between selectivity that functional form of our estimating equation for Treynor-Mazuy model. An inspection of the standard sampling errors for the two coefficients that the in this This clearly contributes to the negative correlation between the Connor and Korajczyk (1991) also found a negative correlation and timing using a "new version of the Henriksson-Merton model," which does not appear to suffer from problem. this This suggests that our result may not be entirely arti factual. Finally, one needs to be somewhat concerned about the size of the timing values. At a one can assess the significance of the timing values by looking at the purely statistical level, t-tests. However, in the effect, measured by multiplying a rather small decimal fraction, (R^^)- . reward/penalty to Thus, Treynor-Mazuy model at the level this activity in the impact of timing on portfolio return 7, our data. in by a squared decimal of actual portfolio returns, there is a relatively small Further research in the the area of the measurement and assessment of market timing would help clarify C. fraction, is, this issue. Sur\'ivorship Bias The issue of survivorship bias is well known in studies of investment performance. A recent study by Brown, Goetzmann, Ibbotson and Ross (1991) highlights this issue with regard to performance measurement. The basic issue here is as follows. managers with complete data from 1983 to 1990. 21 Our study includes 71 pension Hence, any manager who may have disappeared through merger or poor performance is To not included in our data. the extent that our sample underrepresents such managers, our results are biased in favor of more successful managers. We do not know and Titman (1989a) suggest the true extent of this bias in our results, but the results in Grinblatt that it is VI. not large. Summary and Conclusion This paper presents an empirical examination of the selectivity and timing performance of a sample of U.S. equity pension fund managers. results on estimation selectivity and timing are only mildly sensitive findings are as follows. to the benchmark The portfolio or Moreover, regardless of the choice of benchmark portfolio or model used. estimation model, the selectivity measure negative on average. Our major However, is selectivity positive on average; and the timing measure is does appear to be somewhat sensitive to the choice of a benchmark (and, possibly, the time period) when managers are classified by investment style. In almost every case, meta-analysis revealed attributable to sampling error) around the the 80% mean values real variation (in excess of that for each measure. An examination of probability intervals for selectivity revealed that the best equity pension fund managers can deliver substantial risk-adjusted excess returns. fund performance, Much work we Consistent with previous studies of mutual also found a negative correlation between selectivity and timing. remains be done to losing ground to passively in this area. managed index funds, largest fraction of the equity some some While active equity managers are currently actively managed component of corporate pension funds. represent the equities still We do not know why still active managers are able to provide substantial risk-adjusted performance, while most 22 cannot. Identifying the characteristics of successful future research. is While there are some money managers should be one interesting hypotheses, we still focus of do not know why there a consistently negative correlation between the selectivity and timing ability of active equity managers. This is another fertile area for study. 23 Appendix This appendix is I based on Haughton and Christopherson (1989). A. Style Descriptions 1. Earnings Growth: Earnings Growth managers focus predominantly on earnings and revenue growth and attempt to identify companies with above-average growth prospects. In general, (a) two basic categories of securities are companies with consistent above-average owned by Earnings Growth managers (historical and prospective) profitability - and growth, and (b) companies expected to generate above-average near-term earnings momentum 2. based upon company, industry, or economic factors. Market-Oriented: Market-Oriented managers are broadly diversified managers The participate in all sectors of the market. portfolios of these who managers may either be well diversified, or take meaningful sector/ factor bets relative to the market toward both growth and value over time. Market-Oriented managers typically are willing to consider companies representative of the broad market when seeking investment opportunities. 3. Price-Driven: Price-Driven managers focus on the price and value characteristics of a security in the selection process. These managers buy stocks from the low price portion of the market, and are sometimes called value or defensive/yield managers. these managers focus on securities with low valuations 24 In general, relative to the broad market. 4. Small Capitalization: Small Capitalization managers focus on small capitalization stocks. These companies may be unseasoned and rapidly growing but sometimes are simply Typical characteristics of small capitalization small businesses with long histories. portfolios are below-market dividend yields, above-market betas, and high residual risk relative to broad B, market indices. Description of Russell Indices Benchmarks for Aggregate Portfolios The Russell 3000 Index: Russell 3000 Index includes the top 3000 U.S. companies ranked by capitalization. Haughton and Christopherson (1989) discussed two reasons for choosing the Russell 3000 Index over the (1) The S&P 500 spans only 75% of S&P 500 Index. the investable U.S. equity market. has a large capitalization bias but, within large cap stocks, companies. It also includes non-U. S. companies, so equity market benchmark. There ownership of shares, resulting it in the covers only 500 companies, it no adjustment in is such, it excludes some large not strictly a U.S. the index for cross- overweighting of certain companies. Since does not reflect many of the long-term bets managers take away from the index. 25 is it it As (2) The Russell 3000 covers 98% of market sectors according all the investable U.S. equity market. investment opportunities, and to their U.S. companies and hence has no foreign exposure. It is is It weights confined to adjusted for cross- ownership, thereby reflecting true investment opportunities; and spans nearly of the stocks in which a manager is Hence, the index likely to invest. all is relatively unbiased. Style Indices Broad market benchmarks who evaluating pension managers pension managers specialize performance benchmarks managers is The Frank needed Russell that Company 500 and the Russell use the whole market as a base. subsets more of the market. As 3000 are Many such, suitable for U.S. equity a finer set of closely match the investment styles of individual maintains four style indices - one for each investment style. characteristics of each style index are similar to the equity profile of a typical manager of that comprise the S&P ensure identification of elements attributable to investment styles. to The key fundamental in like the style. This indicates that the subuniverse of stocks that style indices contains the type would normally choose; i.e., of stocks from which each style of managers they constitute rough "normal" portfolios. These benchmarks are much more representative of the specialized managers' style selection universes than the broad market and hence should provide better tools for performance evaluation. These style indices are: 26 1. Russell The 1000 Index: 1000 Russell Market-Oriented style managers. It is benchmark recommended the is composed of Russell 3000 Index ranked by capitalization. for the top 1000 stocks in the Hence, it focuses on the broad- based large cap segment of the market and encompasses about 90% of all the equity opportunities in the U.S. equity market. 2. The Russell 2000 Index: Russell 2000 is the small cap for evaluating small capitalization managers. It is benchmark and composed of is useful 2000 the smallest Of the 10% of the stocks in the Russell 3000 Index ranked by capitalization. total U.S. equity market comprised of small stocks, the Russell 2000 Index covers about 8%. 3. Earnings Growth Index: Earnings Growth Index style managers, and is composed of those have above-average growth prospects. according to their 4. valuation" is that securities in the Russell 1000 Index that Securities in this style index are weighted Price Driven Index a capitalization-weighted index 1000 Index an index for Earnings Growth total capitalization. Price Driven Index: It is is is an index for Price Driven managers. composed of those have low valuations relative to securities in the Russell the broad market. "Low defined by examining financial ratios such as the P/E ratio, dividend yield, the price/book ratio, and the price/sales 27 ratio. Appendix II The Meta-Analysis of Regression Values Theoretical Meta-Analysis Parameters A. This appendix taken from a is more detailed presentation given in Coggin and Hunter (1991). Meta-analysis was developed as a methodology to cumulate results across studies. In this we appendix, initially will use the assume number of managers that the sampling error due words "study," "manager," and "portfolio" interchangeably. to a finite to is population values as e = b-/3 or and sampling error as b = The average observed value b We identical across managers. /3, /3 + e. also We large enough that we can ignore assume error in that the specification Thus: (A-1) e is: = ^ + E we (A-2) bi = e, will be zero; are comparing the portfolios of pension fund managers, by the subscript /3, we thus b=/3. denote each manager Then: i. + Across portfolios, (A-3) e, /3 and e will be uncorrelated, so that the variance of observed values, o^, will be larger than the variance of population values, a^, by the amount of sampling error, a^ From of each denote observed regression values as b, Across a large number of managers, the average error, Since is number of managers, and concentrate on sampling regression estimates for individual managers. regression equation be analyzed We = a/ + a^^: (A-4) a,' equation (A-4), the variance of the population regression values can be written as: 28 o,' The key known = o,' (A-5) o,' - to meta-analysis is the fact that the sampling error variance, a,^ can be computed using Thus equation (A-5) becomes statistical theory. a formula to compute the population variance, o/. Estimating Meta-Analysis Parameters B. In the previous section, we assume that the number of studies to be cumulated Specifically, this implies that the observed variance of the sampling errors theoretical sampling error variance. If the number of studies is is large. would equal the small, then the observed variance of the sampling errors will differ by chance from the theoretical sampling error variance. Hence we use the notation "s"" for the estimated variances below. If a population value where b, is = E[N, assumed be constant across of that value that the best estimate b is b,]/ E studies. Hunter and Schmidt (1990) show frequency-weighted average: is its (A-6) N, the observed value in study and N, i is the number of observations corresponding observed variance estimate across studies is in study i. The the frequency-weighted average squared deviation: Sb- = i:[N,(b, - hf-V The observed variance in population values (if E N. (A-7) a confounding of two sources of variation: variation any) and variation in observed values due to sampling error. Thus an estimate, Sb^ is estimate of the variation in population values can only be obtained by correcting the observed variance estimate, s^,^, for sampling error. Hunter and Schmidt (1990) show 29 that sampling error across studies behaves like error of measurement, and the resulting formulas are comparable to the standard formulas in classic psychometric From classic psychometric theory (Thomdike (1982)), = Observed value where = Observed variance In meta-analysis, e, true variance + reliability theory. have: measurement (A-8) Hence: error variance (A-9) similarly true that the population regression values, ^, is = s/ The sampling we measurement are uncorrelated. population variance The observed variance = error of = Sb' s,^ it + are uncorrelated across studies. , Observed variance above. true value the true value and error of sampling error, measurement theory or + + Therefore we and the can write: sampling error variance (A- 10) (A-11) s,' estimate, , s^^, is the frequency-weighted average squared deviation defined error variance estimate required by meta-analysis E[N,(standard error hj^]/ is then: L N, The population variance (sometimes (A-12) called the "corrected variance") can thus be estimated as: s/ = (A- 13) s,' - s,' Equation (A- 13) is the fundamental estimating equation for the theoretical values in equation (A-5). The population variance zero, the inference is that sampling error. That across studies positive, is estimate, s^^ can be positive, negative or zero. there is, all it is no variation in still be trivial in size. 30 it is negative or observed values that cannot be attributed to variance in observed values may If is artifactual. If the corrected variance A C. Significance Test for Real Variation Across Studies The hypothesis ratio of the that there is no real variation in observed variance estimate to the observed values has a statistical test. The sampling error variance estimate has a chi-square distribution with k-1 degrees of freedom: x' where = k= number This statistic statistical (A-14) kSfcVs,^ of studies. can be used as a formal power and may test of no variation; although reject the null hypothesis given even a trivial if k is amount of (Hedges and Olkin (1985), Cohen (1988), and Hunter and Schmidt (1990)). square value studies. is not significant, there However, if reduced as discussed D. the strong evidence that there is no it has high real variation Thus if the chi- real variation across k studies are not independent, then the power of the chi-square in the test is next section. Independence Given a set of regression estimates, there the preceding discussion, would is large, itself differ only it was assumed is a corresponding set of sampling errors. that the variance In of sampling errors across the studies by sampling error from the hypothetical error variance across independent replications. This is true for most applications of meta-analysis and follows immediately from the independence of the estimates across studies. However, true. 31 this is not always In this study the impact of the market proxy equity pension fund managers common may overlap. two controlled. Hence However, the securities the the portfolios of to the residuals two two portfolios have will contribute their particular returns to both portfolio return sequences. of those securities will thus contribute the is of the two portfolios. The in residuals This means that portfolios will not have residual time series that are entirely independent. Thus the sampling errors for the two portfolio regressions will also be nonindependent and positively correlated. Consider the r, set of sampling errors for two portfolios. If the correlation between errors is then the variance across portfolios will not be Var(e), but rather the product [(l-r)Var(e)]. The corresponding formulas Var(b) = Var(i3) + Var(/3) = Var(b) - Var(i3) = [Var(b) for meta-analysis are: (A- 15) (I-r)Var(e) (A- 1 6) (l-r)Var(e) - Var(e)] + r (A- 17) Var(e) Thus, traditional meta-analysis formulas will underestimate the variance of variances for timing and selectivity estimated in this paper are too low by /3. In particular, the some amount. The adjusted formula for chi-square would thus be: x' = k Var(b)/[(l-r)Var(e)] (A- 18) X- = [l/(l-r)][k Var(b)/Var(e)] (A- 19) Hence, the traditional test statistic for homogeneity of regression values given earlier in equation (A- 14) would be an underestimate and thus would have somewhat lower than optimal power to detect departures from homogeneity. Therefore the traditional chi-square "conservative" test for heterogeneity. 32 test would be a The size of the correlation overlap between the portfolios. effort to diversify risk. between residuals for two portfolios depends on the extent of Most equity pension managers management Thus, our working hypothesis is small enough to make little style, asset allocation, that the overlap is small in securities in an difference in our analysis. Data on individual securities held in the for this study. 33 and rebalancing of portfolios. magnitude and hence the correlation While we believe be reasonable, we know of no study of portfolio overlap which validity. many Moreover, pension fund managers are independent of each other and typically differ significantly in r is invest in we this hypothesis to could consult to check its managers' portfolios were not available to us REFERENCES Admati, A. and S.A. 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Pfleiderer Russell 3000 Model Pearson .806 Style Index Treynor and Mazuy Model Russell 3000 Style Index .804 Spearman .744 S&P 500 Pearson Spearman .997 .994 .832 .761 Table IV Correlation of a Performance Measure Between Models* Each model was estimated for all managers for the entire period using each of the three benchmark portfolios. This table presents the Pearson and Spearman correlations between selectivity values for each model for each benchmark, and the Pearson and Spearman correlations between timing values for each model for each benchmark. Timing Selectivity Pearson Spearman Pearson Spearman Benchmark Russell 3000 .992 .988 .901 .923 Style Index .991 .990 .835 .930 S«&P500 .990 .985 .866 .894 *A11 correlations are significant at the .0001 level 42 Table V Correlation Between Selectivity and Timing Each mcxlel was estimated benchmark portfolios. This selectivity managers for the entire period using each of the three table presents the Pearson and Spearman correlations between the and timing values for each model for each benchmark. for all Bhattacharya and Pfleiderer Model Treynor and Mazuy Model Benchmark Pearson Spearman Pearson Russell 3000 -.447 -.488 -.485 Style Index -.359" -.315^ -.399" .487 -.504 -.467 S&P500 • significant at the .0002 level '' significant at the .0006 level ' significant at the .0008 level '' significant at the .0021 level ' significant at the .0075 level All other correlations are significant at the .0001 level 43 Spearman -.427' .359^ -.387 Table VI Meta-Analysis Results This table presents the meta-analysis results for the selectivity and timing values based on the three benchmark portfolios and using heteroscedasticity-corrected t-values, for the entire period (N = 71 managers). Panel A: Bhattacharya and Pfleiderer Model Table 80% Probabilrty Intervals for This table presents the 80% Observed and Population probability intervals for the managers for the entire and the population values are bounded by b± market timing using VII all Panel A: period. Selectivity observed and population values of selectivity and The observed values are bounded by b± 1.28(%), 1.28(Sfl). Bhattacharya and Pfleiderer Model Observed Values Selectivity Benchmark S&P500 Russell Lower -.003121 3000 -.002687 Style Index -.001606 Upper .003800 .004255 .004854 Population Values Market Timing Selectivity Lower Upper Lower -.181391 .087434 -.001538 -.155203 .136814 -.001500 .168703 Panel B: .148697 -.000604 Selectivity S&P500 Style Index Upper Lower -.003019 .003864 .004223 .004912 -1.092766 -.001622 Market Timing Lower Upper .002217 .076345 -.017613 .003038 .003852 -.073481 -.099569 .055092 .079563 Population Values Market Timing Lower Russell 3000 -.002632 Upper Treynor and Mazuy Model Observed Values Benchmark and Market Timing Values -.848546 -.830330 Upf>er .532916 .683034 .689144 45 Selectivity Lower Upper Market Timing Lower Upper -.001657 .002502 -1.013962 .454111 -.001499 .003091 -.780893 .615381 -.000750 .004040 -.773271 .632085 55U u68 niilMiiii 3 TOflD 00737360 3 Date Due 992 aix.oa'k' Lib-26-67 Ml' 3 iOflO [IRP^IPIF'; OD7373ao 3