Student Personal Identification Numbers Contents

Student Personal Identification Numbers
Student Personal Identification Numbers ................................................................................... 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1
Assigning PINs ....................................................................................................................... 2
Batch Process PIN Assignment .............................................................................................. 2
Online PIN Assignment ....................................................................................................... 5
Registration Appointment Mailer ......................................................................................... 7
Advisor Report by Advisor ................................................................................................... 7
PIN Notification Mailer......................................................................................................... 7
Batch Notification Mailer ..................................................................................................... 8
Individual Mailer .................................................................................................................. 8
PIN Mailer Address Heading ............................................................................................... 9
PIN Mailer Text ................................................................................................................... 9
Using the Student PIN Update File ....................................................................................10
Removing PINs .....................................................................................................................10
Batch Process PIN Removal ..............................................................................................10
Online PIN Removal ..........................................................................................................12
Enforce PIN Checking ...........................................................................................................12
Storing PINs ..........................................................................................................................12
Accessing PINs Using DataExpress ......................................................................................12
Student PIN Changes ............................................................................................................13
Student personal identification numbers (PINs) can provide additional security for access to
student web functions. PINs are assigned to selected groups of students and work in
combination with student identification numbers (SIDs). When students access a web
application, they are prompted for their student ID and PIN before they are allowed to continue
in the process. PINs provide the following advantages:
Add a level of security in addition to the student ID number (SID)
Enforce quarterly advising practices by requiring students to receive PINs from their
advisors after being advised
Restrict web registration to select groups of students
Two types of PINs are available to access web applications:
Quarterly PINs
Quarterly PINs are assigned and distributed to students each quarter for access to web
registration. Quarterly PINs change each quarter and are not used with any other web
Global PINs
Global PINs are generally assigned and distributed one time and are not associated with
any specific quarter. Global PINs could be considered the student's permanent PIN,
which allows access to most web applications. For web registration, colleges have the
option to require either a quarterly PIN or global PIN for access.
Students can be assigned both global and quarterly PINs. For example, global PINs are
assigned for permanent access to all of the web applications, except web registration. Quarterly
PINs are assigned each quarter to enforce advising for access to web registration.
Assigning PINs
There are two methods for assigning student PINs:
Batch process
The batch process allows colleges to assign PINs for selected groups of students with
multiple options.
Student PIN Assignment Screen (SM5027)
Both global and quarterly PINs can be assigned, changed, or deleted using the Student
PIN Assignment Screen. Entries are made directly to the student's record.
Once assigned, PINs remain in the student record until removed through a student PIN removal
process or deleted through the Student PIN Assignment Screen.
Batch Process PIN Assignment
Four extracts are available for assigning PINs through the batch process:
Biographic Extract – SG037R-A
Generalized Extract – SG037R-B
Registration Appointment Extract – SG037R-C
Ad-Hoc Reporting Extract – SG037R-D
For each extract, colleges make choices on each of the following options for assigning PINs:
Randomly assign 6-digit PIN, or assign student birthdates as PINs in MMDDYY format. If
a birth date does not exist for a student, a PIN is not assigned. Students without
birthdates will appear on the Student PIN Update Report (SM5215) with the error
message "MISSING BIRTHDATE – NO UPDATE." Birth months with a zero as the first
digit appear as 5 digits. Entry of this type of PIN can be with or without the leading zero.
Assign global PINs or assign quarterly PINs. If assigning PINs for web registration, the
entry for this option (global or quarterly PINs) must match the entry in the NFORCE PIN
field on the Touchtone Registration Configuration Screen (SM4012).
Assign PINs to students who do not already have a PIN or assign PINs to all students in
the extract. If a student was previously assigned a PIN and the option is selected to
assign PINs to all students, any previously assigned PINs will be overwritten with new
Copy existing PINs to quarterly PINs for 1 or 2 quarters; copy quarterly PINs to another
quarter; do not copy PINs.
Student PIN Assignment (Biographic Extract) SG037R-A
The biographic extract selects students according to the following criteria:
Option 1: Students with registration activity for the specified year/quarter.
Option 2: Students with registration activity for the specified year/quarter that are enrolled for at
least one class within a specified item number range. Users specify the desired year/quarter
and item number range when ordering a report with this extract; up to 18 different item number
ranges can be specified with this option.
Option 3: Students with a specified YRQ-PLAN-STRT (Year/quarter student plans to start) in
their biographic record.
Here are some examples of biographic extracts:
Students enrolled in specific item number ranges
Students who plan to begin classes in the upcoming quarter
Students attending in another location off-campus
Student PIN Assignment (Generalized Extract) SG037R-B
The generalized extract selects students according to college-specified data; most data
elements in the student's biographic record and/or quarterly record can be used.
Available data elements can be specified in any combination; the extract can include item
numbers or item number ranges, for which students are enrolled.
When run, the process produces a report showing the selection criteria entered by the user
when the process was scheduled.
Here are some examples of generalized extracts:
Students with specific fee pay status codes
Students who are enrolled in specific programs
Students with specific unusual action codes
Student PIN Assignment (Registration Appointment Extract) SG037R-C
The registration appointment extract selects students assigned a registration appointment date
in a specified batch for a specific year/quarter. If a batch is not specified, the extract selects all
students with a registration appointment date for the specified year/quarter.
Note: Registration appointments must be assigned prior to running this job group.
Student PIN Assignment (Ad-Hoc Report Extract) SG037R-D
The ad-hoc reporting extract job group selects students for PIN assignment after running a
report in DataExpress. The report extract (job SM5208J) reads the file of student IDs created
using DataExpress or some other ad-hoc reporting tool. To build this file, the procedure may be
created with any user-defined criteria, but must be created with the following characteristics:
The file must only contain the element SID.
OUTPUT, enter the item selection for SID only. In addition, sort on and suppress
duplicate SIDs when writing to the file.
The file should be in MPE ASCII format.
For DataExpress: On the OUTPUT FILE FORMAT OPTIONS menu, select MPE ASCII
FILE (selection 23).
The file must have a record size of 10.
For DataExpress: After creating and saving the procedure, select options MAINTAIN AN
change FIELD DISPLAY LENGTH from 9 to 10.
The file is normally created in the RUN group of the college account.
For DataExpress: When running the procedure from the RUN PROCEDURE MENU:
o Enter S for prompt DOWNLOAD/SAVE/APPEND FILE (D/S/A)?
o Enter file name SM5215S in answer to prompt NAME FOR GENERATED FILE.
Enter this file name in job scheduling parameter BIO-XTRCT-FILE.
o Enter N in answer to prompt FILE IN LOCAL FILE GROUP? (Y/N)?
o Enter RUN in answer to prompt GROUP NAME? If the message PURGE
EXISTING FILE? is displayed, a file with this name has previously been created
and you should verify that the name is not being used by other personnel. The
file created is purged when job group SG037R-D runs.
If the file is created in a different group and/or account, the group and account must be specified
in job scheduling parameter BIO-XTRCT-GRP.
Running any student PIN assignment job group produces the Student PIN Update Report
(SM5215) which lists all students selected in the extract that were assigned PINs.
Top of page
Online PIN Assignment
Both global and quarterly PINs can be assigned, changed, or deleted using the Student PIN
Assignment screen (SM5027). Entries are made directly to the student's record.
SID.......... [
Stu PIN....... [
Stu Name..... [
Bad Addr Ind.. [ ]
Stu Street... [
Stu City..... [
Stu Zip.... [
Reg Appt YRQ
Stu St [
] [
9000:Enter the key data; press the
appropriate function key
The Student PIN Assignment Screen (SM5027) displays the student's quarterly or global
personal identification number. Web registration is blocked if a "Y" is entered in the Bad Addr
Ind field on this screen. You can also change a student's address if necessary and an individual
PIN mailer can be printed using this screen.
To view a student's PIN:
1. To view the global PIN, type the SID in the SID field.
To view the quarterly PINs, type the year/quarter in the YRQ field and the SID in the SID
2. Press Enter.
To change a student's PIN:
1. To change the global PIN, enter the SID in the SID field.
To change the quarterly PIN, type the year/quarter in the YRQ field and the SID in the
SID field.
2. Press F2 Change.
3. Type or change the appropriate data.
4. Press Enter.
To print an individual PIN mailer:
1. To print a mailer for the global PIN, type the SID in the SID field.
To print a mailer for the quarterly PIN, type the year/quarter in the YRQ field and the SID
in the SID field.
2. Press Enter.
3. Press F3 Print.
Field Name
Field Description
A 4-digit code identifying the specific year/quarter.
SID (Student Identification Number)
Key field. A 9-character field for the student's identification
STU PIN (Student Personal
Identification Number)
A 6-digit field for the student's personal identification number.
STU NAME (Student Name)
A 22-character field that displays the student's name. Data is
displayed from the student's biographic record; update is not
allowed from this screen.
BAD ADDR IND (Bad Address Indicator) A 1-character code indicating an incorrect address on the
student's record. Valid entries are:
Yes, bad address
N, blank
No, correct address
STU STREET (Mailing address: Street)
A 24-character field for the street or post office information of the
student's mailing address.
STU CITY (Mailing address: City)
A 16-character field for the city of the student's mailing address.
STU ST (Mailing address: State)
A 2-character field for the state abbreviation of the student's
mailing address.
STU ZIP (Mailing address: ZIP Code)
A 9-character field for the student's ZIP code.
REG APPT YRQ (Registration
A 4-digit code for the year/quarter for which the student has a
Appointment Year/Quarter)
registration appointment.
(Registration Appointment Date)
An 8-digit field that displays the date of the student's registration
appointment in MM/DD/YY format.
(Registration Appointment Time)
A 5-digit field that displays the time of the student's registration
appointment in HHMMx format (x is either A for A.M. or P for
Once PINs are assigned, they can be distributed using any one of the following methods:
Registration Appointment Mailer
If you use this option, PINs print in the upper right corner of the registration appointment mailer.
This option is included in Job SM4113J, Registration Appointment Mailers. To print PINs on the
mailer, you must enter one of the following entries in the SM4113-PRT-PIN job scheduling
Enter Q to print quarterly PINs on the mailers.
Enter G to print global PINs on the mailers.
Enter B to print both quarterly and global PINs on the mailers.
Enter N or leave blank, to not print PINs on the mailers.
Advisor Report by Advisor
Colleges can use quarterly PINs to enforce advising before students register for classes. After a
student is advised, he receives his quarterly PIN from his advisor. PINs can be distributed to
advisors using the Advisor Report by Advisor (SD1104) report. The report is included when you
run the Advisor/Student Listings job group (SG011R-A or SG011R-B) or the Advisor Report by
Advisor job (SD1104J). To print the PIN on the report, you must enter one of the following
entries in the SD1104-PRT-PIN job scheduling parameter:
Enter Q to print quarterly PINs on the report.
Enter G to print global PINs on the report.
Enter B to print both quarterly and global PINs on the report.
Enter N or leave blank, to not print PINs on the report.
Note: If PINs are required for web registration, insure the PIN option entered in the ENFORCE
PIN field on the Touchtone Registration Configuration Screen is the same that is included in this
parameter when scheduling the job or job group.
PIN Notification Mailer
PIN notification mailers can be produced in batch for students extracted using a PIN assignment
process or printed individually using the Student PIN Assignment Screen (SM5027). The mailer
includes the following information:
College name and address
Date the mailer was initiated (date the batch process completed or the F3 PRINT
function key was pressed on SM5027)
Student name and address
Up to 5-lines of college-defined text
Student PIN
Multiple number (#) signs to block the ability to view the PIN through an envelope
Student registration appointment date, time and location, if the student has an
appointment for the specific quarter entered in job scheduling parameter SM5215-YRQ
Batch Notification Mailer
Ordering report SM5215B with any PIN assignment batch process produces a PIN notification
mailer for each student in the extract that is assigned a PIN. Colleges can adjust where the
student's name and address print on the mailer in order to fit the mailer in a window envelope.
PIN notification mailers can be produced with any Student PIN Assignment process:
Biographic Extract
Generalized Extract
Registration Appointment Extract
Ad-Hoc Reporting Extract
To print PIN notification mailers, type 01 (zero, one) under the LP field for report SM5215B on
the Job Group Scheduling Screen.
Individual Mailer
You can print PIN notification mailers for individual students by pressing the F3 PRINT function
key on the Student PIN Assignment Screen (SM5027) after displaying the student's record.
Print options can be established to produce the document on a system printer or PC printer
using screen ZX0017.
Print options established using screen ZX0017 can be set globally or set by individual process.
To establish the desired printer option, enter the following on screen ZX0017:
T (print on a terminal (PC) printer
L (line printer, to print on the system printer)
Valid Entry
Print options established on screen ZX0017 are not permanent and must be established each
time you log on.
PIN Mailer Address Heading
You can define the number of blank lines that appear on the PIN mailer prior to printing of the
college name and address. This can be helpful for appropriately placing the student name and
address heading for use with a window envelope. Perform the following steps using the college
parameter table to define the number of blank lines:
1. Type SM1036 in the PARAMETER NUMBER field on the College Parameter Table
2. Enter the number of blank lines to appear from the top of the mailer in the NUMERIC
PARAMETER VALUE field. Use a whole number decimal (1.0, 2.0, and so on).
3. Press Enter.
This parameter establishes the option globally and cannot be customized for individual students.
PIN Mailer Text
Five lines (70 characters per line) of text can be included directly above the student's PIN on the
PIN mailer. Unique text can be defined when printing mailers for global and quarterly PINs. The
text is college-defined and can be established using the college parameter table with the
following steps:
1. Type the appropriate parameter number in the PARAMETER NUMBER field on the
College Parameter Table (SM5025). Type SM1031 to type the first line of text for global
PINs; type SM1051 to type the first line of text for quarterly PINs.
2. Type a maximum of 70 characters of text in the CHARACTER VALUE fields.
Note: The two Character Parameter Value fields total 80 characters.
3. Press Enter.
Repeat these steps using as many parameter numbers as needed to provide the desired PIN
mailer message. You must enter each number individually in the College Parameter Table
(SM5025). The parameter ranges are as follows:
SM1031 through SM1035 are used to define text for global PINs.
SM1051 through SM1055 are used to define text for quarterly PINs.
Each parameter corresponds to one printed line. The PIN mailer text lines are global and cannot
be customized for individual students.
Using the Student PIN Update File
If you prefer to send a college-customized PIN notification letter after a PIN assignment process
is run, file SM5215S1.RUN can be accessed using an ad-hoc reporting tool (such as
DataExpress) and downloaded to a word processing package. The file contains students whose
records were updated from the latest run of SM5215J using any PIN assignment job group.
Student name, address, and appointment date are stored in the file. PINs are not included for
security reasons but can be retrieved using DataExpress.
Removing PINs
You can maintain global PIN assignments for any period of time. If assigning quarterly PINs for
registration, the quarterly PINs should be removed prior to running a PIN assignment process
for the next quarter. You can remove global and quarterly PINs using the batch process or
individually through the Student PIN Assignment Screen (SM5027).
Batch Process PIN Removal
The batch process allows you to remove PINs for selected groups of students. Four extracts are
available for removing PINs:
Biographic Extract – SG038R-A
Generalized Extract – SG038R-B
Registration Appointment Extract – SG038R-C
Ad-Hoc Reporting Extract – SG038R-D
Student PIN Removal (Biographic Extract) SG038R-A
The biographic extract selects students according to the following criteria:
Option 1: Students with registration activity for the specified year/quarter.
Option 2: Students with registration activity for the specified year/quarter that are enrolled for at
least one class within a specified item number range. Users specify the desired year/quarter
and item number range when ordering a report with this extract; up to 18 different item number
ranges can be specified with this option.
Option 3: Students with a specified YRQ-PLAN-STRT (Year/quarter student plans to start) in
their biographic record.
Here are some examples of biographic extracts:
Students enrolled in specific item number ranges
Students enrolled in specific classes
Students attending in another location off-campus
Student PIN Removal (Generalized Extract) SG038R-B
The generalized extract selects students according to college-specified data; most data
elements in the student's biographic record and/or quarterly record can be used.
Available data elements can be specified in any combination; the extract can include item
numbers or item number ranges, for which students are enrolled.
When run, the process produces a report showing the selection criteria entered by the user
when the process was scheduled.
Here are some examples of generalized extracts:
Students with specific fee pay status codes
Students who are enrolled in specific programs
Students with specific unusual action codes
Student PIN Removal (Registration Appointment Extract) SG038R-C
The registration appointment extract selects students assigned a registration appointment date
in a specified batch for a specific year/quarter. If a batch is not specified, the extract selects all
students with a registration appointment date for the specified year/quarter.
Student PIN Removal (Ad-Hoc Report Extract) SG038R-D
The ad-hoc reporting extract job group selects students for PIN removal after running a report in
DataExpress. The report extract (job SM5208J) reads the file of student IDs created using
DataExpress or some other ad-hoc reporting tool. To build this file, the procedure may be
created with any user-defined criteria, but must be created with the following characteristics:
The file must only contain the element SID.
OUTPUT, enter the item selection for SID only. In addition, sort on and suppress
duplicate SIDs when writing to the file.
The file should be in MPE ASCII format.
For DataExpress: On the OUTPUT FILE FORMAT OPTIONS menu, select MPE ASCII
FILE (selection 23).
The file must have a record size of 10.
For DataExpress: After creating and saving the procedure, select options MAINTAIN AN
change FIELD DISPLAY LENGTH from 9 to 10.
The file is normally created in the RUN group of the college account.
For DataExpress: When running the procedure from the RUN PROCEDURE MENU:
o Enter S for prompt DOWNLOAD/SAVE/APPEND FILE (D/S/A)?
o Enter file name SM5216S in answer to prompt NAME FOR GENERATED FILE.
Enter this file name in job scheduling parameter BIO-XTRCT-FILE.
Enter N in answer to prompt FILE IN LOCAL FILE GROUP? (Y/N)?
Enter RUN in answer to prompt GROUP NAME? If the message PURGE
EXISTING FILE? is displayed, a file with this name has previously been created
and you should verify that the name is not being used by other personnel. The
file created is purged when job group SG038R-D runs.
Running any student PIN removal job group produces the Student PIN Update Report
(SM5215) which lists all students selected in the extract whose PINs were removed.
Online PIN Removal
Global and quarterly PINs can be assigned, changed, or deleted using the Student PIN
Assignment Screen (SM5027). Entries are made directly to the student's record.
Enforce PIN Checking
To enforce PIN checking for web registration, enter the appropriate PIN code in the NFORCE
PIN field on the Touchtone Registration Configuration Screen (SM4012).
Storing PINs
Each student record can contain one or more PINs (one global, one or more quarterly) which
are stored in the STU-PIN-D dataset in the SM database. The STU-PIN-D data set contains the
following data elements:
Students who are assigned both a global and quarterly PIN can have two or more records in the
dataset. Quarterly PIN records contain an entry for YRQ, which is blank for global PIN records.
Accessing PINs Using DataExpress
For the purposes of security, the STU-PIN-D is not displayed when the SM database is
accessed through DataExpress using the college's assigned read password. To access student
PIN data using ad-hoc reporting, a different read password must be used. This password, which
should only be distributed to authorized personnel, allows access to the STU-PIN-D dataset as
well as other datasets in SM.
Student PIN Changes
The Student PIN Change process allows students to change their global PIN through the web.
You can implement the web Student PIN Change process by adding a link to the process on
your college's web site.
Instructions for establishing the Student PIN Change process is available on the SBCTC-ITD
web site. See the Web Transaction Server Manual on Application General Resources page.