Dewey + 14 FEB WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT HAZARDOUS WASTE IS EVERY MANAGER'S PROBLEM Gordon F. WP1740-86 Bloom January, 1986 MASSACHUSETTS 50 MEMORIAL DRIVI CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 5 1987 HAZARDOUS WASTE IS EVERY MANAGER'S PROBLEM Gordon F. Bloom WP1740-86 January, 1986 HAZARDOUS WASTE EVERY MANAGER'S PROBLEM IS Gordon F. Bloom Superfund law but few Most executives have read about the Federal worry about it. There waste hazardous that industries is but has a is general perception in the business community problem major a for and decisions for the balance of this decade and beyond. Whether is "high tech" or financial, conglomerate or the oil hazardous wastes costs onerous with economy American the face of and Nothing could little relevance to most businesses. be further from the truth. The problem of disposal will chemical the local difficult company a cleaning dry store, the impact of the federal Superfund law and its progeny of state imitations cannot be ignored without peril. highlight the far-reaching applicability of A few examples will laws controlling the disposition and removal A major build a center cash day the been has polluting waste grants bank a built pursuant to the land on nearby water flow from the receives owner source. provisions center is from buried which a In General 1984, the Ajax Company. General developer is the state leaky oil law. provide funds is a all of that the tanks are the capital profitable company with Since to the comply on the mortgage, A good loan has suddenly become a bad Company buys to ordered to clean up the with the state order and to pay interest and principal the developer defaults. a state Superfund insufficient to is to built and operates successfully The owner of hazardous wastes: loan notice a on of mortgage a shopping center. The center one until savings a loan. stock of the clean balance -2- sheet and could pose consumnated engaged not is any in few business years in after hazardous which acquisition wastes a problem. — during which Ajax continues to carry on the business of General -- a damages in the suit A brought is millions the by dollars of the state for dumped by a former subsidiary of General against cleanup acquired by Ajax, state finds somewhat similar to the above example, been has it been claiming General allegedly wastes of many years earlier. facts that General has the When Ajax. On sues the Supreme Court of New Jersey recently held that it was proper to hold successor corporation a liable. In Kansas City, the government federal is seeking to clean up a five acre dump that was improperly operated and allowed toxic wastes to leach the into areas groundwater 's and then into Missouri the River. The Government originally sued the company that operated the site but when it became apparent that the operator could pay not cleanup the sued four companies that had allegedly deposited waste costs it dump: Armco, Western Electric Co. and FMC Corp., Inc., IBM. the at Under the terms of the federal Superfund law, any one of these companies could be required to companies and pay used several". the the full dump. costs of the cleanup, though even Liability under the Superfund with Companies "deep continuing target of both federal and pockets" are law likely about 300 is to "joint be a state government cleanup suits, even though their output of hazardous waste is minimal. The greatest companies fall on even these impact of hazardous waste legislation will which companies are have generators not fully of hazardous wastes. recognized how such obviously However, laws will -3- affect such diverse elements compensation new plans, accounting, company policy as internal of development, product This acquisitions. and article explores some of the widespread ramifications which the problem of disposal waste hazardous have, will the in on waste hazardous waste under year the years ahead, generators and so-called "clean" companies. The Extent of the Problem About Federal much million regulation States has relied on percent had an of abundance disposal land to hazardous vacant of Today, is national as hazardous Europe, In each waste and going to have to waste. extent available disposal decide how of waste generated will 50 the unknown but substantial United business has companies in percent of waste is than land become sites disposal increasingly two-fold crisis. First, the country a to safely dispose necessitate of newly generated Efforts to reduce the new capital equipment, changes in product formulations and methods of production. All entails United the United States. in waste so as not to endanger future generations. amount Because American land, about in has been used for as policy seeks to restrict use of American business faces scarce, of greater much a burned compared to only 15 percent for tons generated are regulated industrialized nations. other metric about one ton per capita. Land disposal 80 as 275 to State and — States 255 costs for large segments of of this American industry. The second aspect of the problem, with which this article is primarily concerned, relates to the cost of cleaning up the waste which -4- we have accumulated in the past and which now threatens to contaminate our underground EPA The supply. water improper 30,000-50,000 probably estimated has dumps waste in the there that are many nation, of which may be leaking into wells and aquifers. how serious the problem The problem is that no one knows to rectify how much or it, Estimates cost. will it the of how is, aggregate cleanup cost change from day today. The Office of Technology Assessment has estimated that sites which OTA believes require cleanup on a priority basis disposal to might cost $100 billion to clean up about 10,000 it protect public health. Some dumps are as much as 100 years old. No one knows where the all dumps are, what them, or what reactions in is may have occurred over time among otherwise harmless substances. The primary generators of hazardous waste are producers of primary tanning leather High-tech industry recognized section, as finishing, and — major a generators of once batteries, welcomed polluter. hazardous As as a will waste and clean be may explosives, finishing, inorganic chemicals. — business pointed face and and dyeing textile electro-plating, refining, petroleum pesticides including chemicals organic metals, out enormous liabilities for cleanup costs under state and federal in now is the next contingent legislation, even though they disposed of their waste in accordance with all governmental regulations endemic the in in our business effect at the time of disposal. economy that and waste generation. decisions its of presence companies and that But buried waste possible dangers is so impact have no relationship to -5- The Legislative Background A number the Comprehensive restrictions impose statutes federal of disposal the on the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of hazardous waste: Compensation Response, Environmental (RCRA); Liability and and the Toxic Substance Control Act. Act(CERCLA); the Clean Water Act; The first two statutes are of immediate concern to the subject of this article. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 This Act regulation store, solid dispose or defined provides of hazardous comprehensive program for the management and a waste. of No person covered by waste without a hazardous waste waste solid any as permit. that may .treat, Act the The EPA any of has corrosivity, reactivity, has the following characteristics: ignitability, toxicity, or list 1985, the coverage of the Act was extended to small the dry cleaning establishment must now keep records and obtain local is on EPA's of hazardous wastes. of As E.P. August businesses. 5, Even necessary permits as long as it falls within the threshold coverage of the Act -- generation of month, the equivalent of a minimum of 220 pounds of hazardous waste per about half of 55 a gallon drum. RCRA imposes hefty civil and criminal penalties for violations of the Act. The 1984 amendments Perhaps most enunciating RCRA made to significant was a fundamental a in number of changes in the Act. statement contained change disposal .When RCRA was passed a in 1976, national it was be safe to dispose of hazardous waste on land. the in policy thought in amendments toward waste principle to The amendments indicate -6- that now Congress considers certain that classes disposal land of involve an unaccaptable risk to human health and environment and should be sharply restricted. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) -- The Superfund Act This Act does not establish standards or permits to regulate. Instead, gives EPA broad authority for it established industry and remedial action charge and action parties. EPA also cost necessary the recovery cost a The to authority to has undertake to the bring and ("Superfund") fund government. federal the requisite parties billion $1.6 a achieving cleanup by persons The Act, as originally passed, deemed responsible under the Act. EPA jointly by removal take can Superfund or can it or take against responsible requiring responsible suit issue orders removal financed measures. Congress is debating the extension of the Act and it At writing this likely that the is clean-up fund will be substantially augmented. Four categories of persons may be held liable for costs for removal and response costs under the Act: from which release a a person arranged substances or for the arranged with a treatment of hazardous waste: to the site There release of emanates; b) facility a owners facility when hazardous wastes were disposed of; operators of who threat or owners and operators of a) disposal or treatment of and any c) hazardous transporter for transport or disposal d) a or transporter of hazardous substances at which the release occurred. is considerable respect to the manner in ambiguity in the language of the act which it imposes liability, and it will be with -7- some time before clarify Congressional courts the intent. However, as administered by the EPA the following three principles apply: There 1) there is substances liability. strict is release a liable is owner An threat or though even release of hazardous of nothing had he which from land of do to with disposal of waste on the site. A company which delivered waste to a reputable contractor for transport to a licensed landfill may be liable under CERCLA if the landfill 2) Liability is leaks. This means that joint and several. a company which was responsible for only a small portion of the quantity of waste placed in a landfill may be held liable for the cost of removing all 3) The act is the waste. of without apparently retroactive, limit. If company can be proved to have disposed of hazardous waste the past which creates for its within now removal three provision, years more a problem today, long as discovery of than suit as any which other, in can be held liable it brought is the of a loss. casts against It a is it this contingent liability on the balance sheets of much of American industry. Like RCRA, The government remedial this Act can seek also provides civil reimbursement for and all criminal costs of penalties. removal or action and damages for injury to or loss of natural resources. Willful violation of an administrative order to clean up may result in penalties response of costs $5000 per may be day. Punitive levied where cause to provide removal or remedial a damages person of three fails without action when ordered. times the sufficient -8- State Legislation The slow pace cleanup of EPA by under CERCLA sites and recover damages from parties responsible. similar to CERCLA, are has their own Taws permitting them to clean states to pass but some are led up some Most of these Acts more stringent. Like a result of leakage from federal the laws, most state laws do not provide compensation for personal suffered by individuals as 33 unsafe dump injuries hazardous waste a site. Proposed Federal Legislation with Respect to Toxic Torts Under present federal and state laws who has allegedly sustained personal substances hazardous of damages. It is from it difficult for injuries as a result of landfill a is difficult to determine who to is win court a the defendant; person a a release case for proof of causation is complicated by the fact that cancer and other diseases can be caused by factors long other than exposure to hazardous waste; and the latency period of disease resulting from such exposure may result in claims being filed after the expiration of the applicable statute of limitations. introduced in A number of bills relating to this problem have been the House and Senate, but enactment is most Congressmen recognize that there is for innocent persons who have been waste sites, unlikely a at this time. While need to provide some remedy injured by releases from hazardous they are constrained by the knowledge that an effective remedy might open the gates to a flood of claims which could dwarf the current asbestos litigation and lead to the possible bankruptcy of many major industrial corporations. 9- Strategic Implications of Hazardous Waste Regulations Corporate long plans strategic range possibility that the hazardous waste problem will with Times like towns There passing year. each important Beach, water Missouri, supplies, process the goods, industries, particular of generate hazardous the of will waste have will price of structure of the the available in regulatory acts. costs waste. Landfill disposal; eight will proper times become more disposal remains by contrast to absorb incineration expensive increasingly reduction or expensive least the on three classes the expensive is hazardous of method of estimated to be about average. However, landfill because of the need to transport waste to distant sites. 2) remedial costs of removal huge. The Tyngsborough, billion. cleanup cost Massachusetts, and cleanup. Cleanup costs can be the of is the Companies costs: 1) of regulatory laws may ultimately prove to be environmental all affect products of ghost contamination of stringent companies, major kinds the and inflationary of the most landfills of profits more Canals, imposed by the regulatory The costs Hazardous waste disposal marketplace. which restriction the and consumer increasingly the become more serious love evidence new and measures as public concern grows. more be will consider should notorious estimated at landfill about in $1.6 of -103) transaction costs, including taxes to Superfund and various state funds, costs. Legal have that administrative costs escalated have clerical, under CERCLA responsible primarily held been controls, other and companies as contribution seek litigation costs are from others who have used the site. Total estimated to amount to one-third of direct clean-up costs. aggregate The requirements with only are one costs unknown, but EPA the statute— the with complying of estimated has amendments 1984 federal compliance that RCRA— to state and will cost regulated companies at least $10-20 billion per year. The inflation costs resulting costs not from this and hazardous other waste will laws in raise only for waste generators but also for companies which rely on these companies for constituents for their own products. The burden of regulation will Most disadvantaged will not industries. evenly on all fall companies older be "smoke-stack" the in Many of these mature industries are already facing severe industries. competition from abroad. If U.S. regulations stringent than more are those abroad, the flow of imports will be further accelerated. But even if this does not occur, the large amounts of capital hanging over cleanup arising company is, liabilities. part of the industrial all the industries may have difficulty obtaining such required to change production methods; for generators out of Chemical $13 million threat of unknown the incidents likely more Monsanto is it Co. to cleanup cost be of a ago! past. subject recently has acids more than fifty years distant the in is site liabilities to agreed in which The such to for older a cleanup contribute it Smaller companies deposited in basic -11- may industries burden of find difficult it cleanup costs, the need because surviv.e to purchase to financial the of new equipment, and the 'inability to obtain insurance or to efTectively self-insure. Companies which relied have companies other on for essential components of their products may find that hazardous waste regulations will dry up supplies. relied the in by-products that past of risks the marketing the One company reported to the writer that on company that a output basic its with associated sale its no waste warranted the and its threat litigation may deter the development of certain new products the same way that new product development has been as now determined had longer laws had it chemicals certain supplier the and Hazardous by-product. produced in of much impacted by product liability suits. Accounting Problems The problem of properly allocating resulting current costs from past disposal of hazardous waste promises to become of major concern in corporate internal accounting procedures. Almost every major industrial -- company whether high be it smoke tech, chemical company -- has at some time in incurred a hazardous spill or an substance. inadequate disposal These years— are now surfacing in the its incidents to create a stack, past oil (by today's — dating company or history unavoidably back standards) of as much as a 50 current charge to earnings. Where corporate hierarchy should such costs be charged? Since this is a new and emerging problem, most companies have not given much thought to the proper handling of such costs and those that have exhibit no uniformity in procedure. Some companies have concluded -12that it would be unfair to charge current managers with costs resulting from past account corporate which to divisioTis of They acts. costs such corporation would a therefore share arising from past incidents set This up burden overhead an means that though all some may The rationalization for this division head to assume current a his in the in have nothing to do with hazardous waste. mode of allocation is that requiring costs have allocated. are division's operations would constitute a blow to morale and erode the effectiveness incentive of pay plans. There also is opposing an Some view. executives maintain chief that the charge must be made in toto to the division that produces the product question. in might economist An well agree with this conclusion. Charging the cleanup costs to the division in question will assure that prices for the product will be adjusted to be more in line with the true social costs of production. The latter policy may be feasible where the cleanup costs are not too substantial However, it relative to the revenues and profits of the division. would allocation would impact on pose be morale a difficult turn to the profitable division a incentive and problem where may a of loser. the The a price to hazardous waste legislation too be into effect high pay for concurrence with economic theory! second A relates to the problem cost of created closing plant that has been producing years by a and has contaminated both strict down a plant. What do you do with a toxic substance over a long period of the plant and the land around it? Some plants which have produced various kinds of pesticides, chemicals, and -13the like may have to be decontaminated when they are shut down. of salvage value, there may be huge costs This are the is executive is in the manufacturers situation facing effectively being out put of business this industry stated that in tetraethyl of by shutdown. a EPA lead who regulations. An some cases the contamination so extensive that even the steel girders in the building can not be near future set up a for company one any Boston industry. merit is such a suggestion, it inflate thus to in costs its in However, there is an interesting precedent competitive industry. regulated problem in the reserve for shutdown and fund it through a charge to current operations? Although there difficult kind of companies which may face this Should reused. is associated with Instead Massachusetts Department of Edison has received Public Utilities to permission in from a a the current make a small charge to customers in order to fund the eventual cost of shutting down its Pilgrim Nuclear Facility. and creditors to A third the earnings federal involving accounting and solvency of legislation alleged relates issue to the need to makes public companies. it easier injuries personal to from bring Suppose that state or to hazardous jury the landfill. liability alleging injuries from a contamination chemical around a What are the company's obligations of disclosure of possible in its financial that there is obtained there is is personal cases disposal. waste Suppose further that hundreds of cases are now filed against company investors alert contingent liabilities that may significantly affect no no statements? such proof obligation that any The technical accounting answer because until liability will a judgment result. Yet is our -14- experience device, DES, and many other Shield contraceptive evident that such it liability admit to for condition of the billions, may have Accounting Standards Board as well the Financial to reconsider existing accounting standards a a unproved yet as nevertheless in an era of mushrooming litigation and claims claims; SEC Dalkon should make cases wants company No the from investors the true financial standard may conceal company. claims, asbestos with for in the as public companies. The Insurance Crisis When a manager is faced by the prospect of large and unpredictable first his losses, Unfortunately he is reaction likely to get decidedly a insurance his call to is negative response when he seeks to protect his company from pollution liability. exist, coverage their although Comprehensive General Liability only to sudden and accidental : availability agent. sharply is These contracts Two types of restricted. normally apply (GCL) losses and therefore were not intended to apply to gradual and long duration contamination resulting from seepage from landfills contracts courts limiting have pollution. and held A in the like. Despite contract to liable insurers recent number of pollution percent the study claims by for sudden language incidents nonsudden and of gradual industry insurance the filed explicit against GCL contracts such in pollution, cases of shows that the has grown 600 the past three years. As a result, premiums for GCL coverage are skyrocketing in cost. Environmental Impairment Liability are specifically designed to deal Insurance : These contracts (EIL) with nonsudden, continuous or gradual -15- of the insurmountable problems because of the nature has met with such risks point of view, the underwriting of From the conceptual contami nation. -- Superfund Law federal retroactivity and joint unrestricted not surprising therefore that from 1983. and several liability. to 1985 the number of companies writing EIL insurance has dropped from 12 to one a is the remaining and amounts to It variation of company in effect offers insurance which self-insurance plan. a The fact that the insurance industry is in fact shutting down on the pollution issue is indication ominous an the of magnitude of the problem facing American business. The advantage of insurance is that it provides an orderly method of dealing with unpredictable risks. Without there it, business will and be sudden communities often and without huge adequate liabilities assets to imposed upon with such deal One such hazard exists in e^ery community. The EPA has estimated loss. that 75,000-100,000 gasoline tanks are leaking about 11 million gallons of gasoline annually, some of it into underground water sources. Despite this danger of contamination most independent gasoline stations in the United States cannot get pollution liability insurance. What happens if an over-age underground gasoline tank leaks and contaminates the water supply of a community? Will the town or city have to raise taxes to obtain the necessary funds to deal with such a catastrophe? Acquisitions and Mergers Because state and federal all companies which have at any time wastes not in landfills have a impose retroactive statutes potential appear on their balance sheets. in liability, the past disposed of hazardous contingent liability which does the past, lawyers have usually In -16- inserted language acquisition any in agreement effect the to that management of the selling company certifies that there are no pending suits management and However, language provides such can be brought 5 little business which disposed it will way as avoid to than a of protection hazardous will assume all may be against future of the plus assurance liability, selling precedent a brought. be against suits which part as ' of itself an it arise is an in of if such in future. purchase, ' One rather agreement that the selling company protection the a ongoing its the in asset liabilities, past, present, and future. no business to firm which has been in a waste liability should such acquisition, stock likely be likely to attempt to structure the deal possible approach which suggests already suits or 10 years after the acquisition. operations, tactic any of company is interested in acquiring If a a unaware is acquiring company and the company latter However, this acquiring the to company continues liquidates. There product liability law which holds that the is company a which acquires a manufacturing business and continues the output of its line of products assumes strict tort liability for defects the same product selling company. A previously manufactured and similar waste. Acquiring hazardous some line required cases period, or a doctrine companies indemnity may faced bonds, escrow distributed evolve with with this of units of in respect problem funds by for have a the to in stated reduction in selling price, but no one of these devices is wholly adequate. The problem acquired in a becomes stock even more complex transaction is not when the company to be itself engaged in any business -i/- would which likely seem contamination. create to management Can answer transaction? The the company, or former a is hazardous of company waste therefore no hidden contingent liability in problem The no. is: subsidiary risk acquiring the of proceed with confidence that there any is that selling the liquidated since long likely (and forgotten), may have disposed of hazardous waste 20 years or more ago. pointed was As corporation in with saddled out beginning the at stock a this of article, successor a purchase or merger transaction may find itself liabilities arising out activities of selling the of company many years earlier. risk The laws means series it by purchasing no is sheets of real hazardous estate specialty of corporate hidden retroactive liability under hazardous waste sufficient longer operating and examine to statements What is needed is a genealogy of its past! world a that balance of company. in imposed problems which legislation may waste with lawyers histories may and with harbor rigorous the of target complex as companies attention potential the Buying companies become "search" five-year a for as making a possible to liability under hazardous waste legislation or toxic tort suits. The Cloud Over Real Estate Soil estate, just and water contamination but the beginning implications to be of recognized have an obvious relationship to real stringent by governmental developers, owners, controls and are lending institutions. The EPA has repeatedly stated that in its cleanup efforts it will proceed first against landowners and facility operators. number of states, banks and other mortgage institutions will In a not grant -18a mortgage on examination commercial property without site determine whether the of to careful there professional evidence is of contamination. from stems concern This the federal both of scope statutes which impose an obligation to clean up state and contaminated site on a owners of land, whether or not they contributed to the problem. it might must consider the eventuality that property and then would be faced by all with owner purchasing respect demanded always requiring a "good a time from formerly had persons had been surrounding Incidents such land as and had to this bring been also are soil of underground or occupied by a discount a examination revealed that over some their used motor oil dumping cleaned be the home up at down substantial a recognition a had flowed into Some of this oil sewer drain in the rear of the store. the have Buyers they Now title". threat the An environmental department store. period of individual or problem. Recently the writer signed an agreement to sell which land of business similar a record clear and immune is water contamination. parcel faced with land- the of "clean" title as well. landowner No is Any cleanup. site to today land obligations the A bank foreclose on the have to some that cost. the of worst polluters are not chemical companies but respectable citizens who think nothing of dumping old paint cans, pesticides, empty lots. Environmental A survey Quality undertaken Engineering for the Massachusetts estimates that used and it comes back to reclamation residents centers in Department of state dispose of about 8.7 million quarts of used motor oil Only 43 percent of oil of that each year. and gasoline -19- stations while 57 percent ends up In they cannot sell product without providing this or empty lots. sewers, selling motor oil stores too distant future, not the landfills, in may find that facilities return for and reclamation of this product at considerable extra cost. The Threat of Personal Liability to Officers and Directors There is growing body of a holding that under CERCLA both a law corporation and its officers can be held liable for violations of the Act. one recent case In a developer set up a corporation of which he was the sole stockholder for the purpose of acquiring for development. condominium waste. As liable for costs cleanup and the was land The was pointed out above, a parcel a with polluted person owning such court in this land hazardous facility is a held case of personally liable the president and sole stockholder on the grounds that the term "person", as corporation . used the in Act, another case, In a includes federal an were owners and operators of a as well as a district court held personally liable the president and vice president of they individual a corporation on the grounds facility from which hazardous wastes were being released. In this and in the former case, the corporate officers were substantial stockholders. The cases suggest that where a also corporation is found to be in violation of the Act and its officers and/or directors are substantial is a substantial stockholders and actively involved in management, there risk of personal particular problem to small in which hazardous waste is liability under CERCLA. founder managed corporations generated. Recommendations for Managers This poses a in industries -20- The problems associated with disposal of hazardous wastes may well single the be problem important most thing One decade. certain: is facing managers problem will the next the in increasingly become serious because production of hazardous waste will probably continue at a rate greater than ability our passing year, contamination of possibility. a to safely contain With it. major water supply becomes a every realistic view of these facts, managers need to sensitize their In organizations to the potential liabilities posed by hazardous waste and to make their that sure are acting responsibly dealing in The following checklist should be monitored by every with the problem. manager whether companies the not or company presently produces or disposes of hazardous waste: 1) Know your company's history. era an In which in acquisitions divestitures and have proliferated, few managers are familiar with what their company or its subsidiaries produced 20 years ago. Since the Federal Superfund Act and various state companies should liability impose laws make effort an to without retroactively review their past limit, history to determine whether or not they face the risk of contingent liability for disposal in Most management information systems have been market-oriented. In cleanup or personal injuries from hazardous waste activities discontinued many years ago. 2) Give your information system environmental eyes. view of the magnitude of the hazardous waste problem, that such information systems system also should environmentally be be so constituted it oriented. that the is The important company manager can -21- signals danger recognize may which liability pose zealous shipping department employee found has over- an What the manager doesn't know can hurt him. Hazardous hazardous waste? waste -- cheaper way to dispose of a statutes criminal impose liability upon corporation the and employees if there is evidence that they knew or should have known that applicable the were laws with unfamiliar the being potential violated. hazards affairs officer may play environmental in Since many CEO's are their operations, the increasingly important role an in corporate planning and decision-making. 3) Incorporate environmental concerns in strategic planning Hazardous waste of many companies legislation will whether or not affect the policies they are waste and profits generators. Banks, pension funds, insurance companies and real estate developers will have to exercise acquisition great and caution in utilization. fact that new investment decisions Consumer goods growing companies shortage of involving will land have landfill to sites take account of will have a maijor effect on packaging materials and the manner of sale the the and distribution of many consumer products. The rising cost of certain constituents may require significant changes in product formulations. Managers in production, all types distribution, of and companies need to review investment decisions to take marketing, account of this new environmental concern. 4) Develop contingency plans to deal with environmental disasters. The Bhopal tragedy has taught industry the need to think about the unthinkable. Managers need to prepare for situations which may threaten the profitability and even the continued existence of the business. How -22do you handle cleanup costs if they exceed the assets of a division? Do you have public relations plan to deal with a employees or executives are a situation in which key indicted for violation of hazardous waste laws? How adequate are your existing insurance programs with respect to various aspects directors of covered the by hazardous policies waste problem? provide which officers Are reimbursement of and costs incurred in suits brought against them personally by state or federal authorities alleged for violation statutes of dealing with hazardous waste disposal? Adopt a long run view with respect to waste disposal methods. 5) Strict government sites landfill foreclose and landfill move rapidly to regulation, potential the as a develop threat recycling, in law which plants are a scarcity suits will incineration, of zero dumping. program will require development of with communities of pressures, viable means of disposal. disposal with the ultimate goal a community ultimately Companies and other of need to means of Implementation of such strong public relations program located because most communities do not want incineration even though it may be better than dumping from an environmental point of view. Innovative managers will also recognize that the end of the era of cheap landfills creates a unique opportunity for the development and profitable sale and products which meet this challenge. 3U30 U0 5 of new techniques, processes BASEMENI Datet 6'6<l §&2S 87 3 TDflD DDM QflM Mflb