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WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Fujitsu Software; Process Control and Automated Customization by Michael Cusumano WP 2044-88 Aug, 1988 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Fujitsu Software: Process Control and Automated Customization by Michael Cusumano WP 2044-88 Aug, 1988 N FUJITSU SOFTAVARE: PRO CESS CONTROL AN D AUTO MATED CU STO MIZAT IO Contents: Introduction The Corporate Setting Systems Software Development Applications Software Development Conclusions INTRODUCTION followed Fujitsu NEC, Hitachi, and Toshiba adopting in factory-type approaches and organizations for software development, beginning with extensive controls over project during early the management and product inspection and mid-1970s. systems software development and then establishing at Fujitsu's culminated Numazu Works issued a set in of Shizuoka prefecture in methods standardized of Software Factory Department a centralization the in programming Fujitsu also began centralizing applications during 1982-1983. 1970, This for systems software and Kamata, Tokyo, before tools 1979, in performed detailed design, coding, and testing for specifications done in in which system engineering departments outside the factory. The company, its switching and strategy section first in of this case discusses the background of Fujitsu as entrance into the computer business from electro-mechanical place by the 1970s. equipment, and a basis elements of in the a telephone software This included product-market objectives such as IBM-compatibility, and technical goals such as improving software development and control technology, cultivating specialized skills and subsidiaries, building tools with mechanization and automation capabilities. sections focus performance in on the development experiences, systems and applications 1 tools, methods, and The next two products, software divisions. and Systems Fujitsu software development resembled Hitachi and NEC, and was characterized by a gradual refinement and integration of manual systems and automated support tools for process product control, assurance and testing. In the applications area, Japanese competitors, responding extensive investment in packaged subsystems, and inspection, registration to large demand program-automation to facilitate tools Fujitsu and quality again resembled its programs with for customized and software reuse, especially the efficient production of semi-customized and new programs. THE CORPORATE SETTING Company Outline and Organization Fujitsu was established in when 1935 F' ji Electric, separate company. spun Ltd., The new off its telephone equipment division as a Japan's first digital calculator 1935 and expanded into switching systems and in firm developed other electric and electro-mechanical equipment, before introducing non-programmable computer in development and marketing for a 1954. Fujitsu gradually a primitive expanded product range of telecommunications equipment, office equipment, computers and computer peripherals, and data processing services. In the year ending March 1987, Fujitsu had over 50,000 employees parent corporation, with approximately 11,000 personnel involved operations. billion, total Consolidated sales (including some 70 subsidiaries) totalled over $12 revenues), communications systems (12°6), and Software accounted for 14% by the software and were divided among computers and data processing systems components to in in 1990."^ car audio at least Fujitsu and (15°o), other (67''o of semiconductors and electronics electronics equipment (S'o). 10% of these revenues, and was expected to rise managed these 2 areas through 13 operating or Fujitsu marketing and service software development: Two contained factory-type groups. facilities one for systems software (operating systems, for control programs, network software, data base systems, language processors, Japanese language and graphics or voice processing software, and automatic translation and another for customized applications software (Table 7.1). programs); Table 7.1: FUJITSU ORGANIZATION AN D SOFTWA RE FACTORIES Operating Groups Software Factories Numazu Works, Software Computers (mainframes, minicomputers) Printed-Circuit Board Products Information Equipment (peripherals) Division Transmission Systems Switching Systems Telecommunications Systems Semiconductors Electronic Devices NT&T Division Marketing and Service Groups Hardware Systems Sales Office Automation Sales Hardware Maintenance Systems Group Software Factory Department Systems software was developed which separated Fujitsu from in the computer groups's software division, other divisions for hardware design and manufacturing, integrated systems development, medical systems, and factory Both systems software and hardware manufacturing operations were automation. located in Numazu Works, the prefecture that mainframes Fujitsu division in in located 1974 in designed was iioused hardware building) constructed Fujitsu factory established and minicomputers, The software a a to to near Mt. produce Fuji tiie compete with separate building in Shizuoka FACOM-M series IBM's 370 models. (connected to the 1981. management did not publicize Numazu 3 as a software factory.-^ Fujitsu ° Nonetheless, centralization of most systems software development at this facility by 1984 made clearly it possible to institute a resembled factory-like organizations software division and control that level of standardization 1987 consisted of two software engineering departments, in eight development departments, an inspection department, and Of the approximately 3000 software personnel, about Center. graduates and the rest high-school graduates. programming, applications For Department 1977 in the at Kamata, Tokyo, continuing and a opened Fujitsu laboratory in and companies. house the Systems to Software a Factory Laboratory in decade-long effort to centralize system engineering distribution 1970 Support were college GO*?, Systems Processing Information Field a Q programming for software required by banks, manufacturing The other Japanese firms. in consisted of separate departments securities Fujitsu Group, had which, and established the in system engineering, for firms, the mid-19B0s, software package planning, and applications development. The implementation approximately sections programmers 1500 the in in subsidiaries and subcontractors working Software including 1987, full Factory time in Department some employees Nearly the factory. had of all were college graduates and performed detailed design, coding, and testing, based on specifications received from approximately 3000 system engineers and other staff in software the Systems Group. employed subsidiaries In addition nearly to these in-house employees, 11,000 programmers, software houses added several thousand more, bringing the Systems Group adding personnel Systems Group, to at about 20,000 (Table 7.2).^^ total staff and affiliated resources for As of 1986, Fujitsu was also the rate of about 1000 college graduates per year while its subsidiaries 53 were adding 1500 to in the 2000 people per year. 12 Fujitsu FUJITSU SOFTWARE SUBSIDIARIES AND EMPLOYE E S (1985-1986) 13 Table 7.2: Com panie s Employ ees Maj or 34 7,000 Fujitsu Basic Software 9 1,800 BIG Communications 7 1,300 Fujitsu Dai-lchi Microprocessors and 3 700 53 10,800 Software Area System Engineering Comp a nies AIB Fujitsu Micon Personal Computers TOTAL Employee figures for 38 subsidiaries are based on Fujitsu data; other figures are author estimates, based on average company size in each category. Note: Entry into Computers Fujitsu entered the machine, FACOM the hardwired, This was 100. electro-magnetic using switchboards. computer business not in dedicated accounting a programmable computer but was a relay 1954 with adapted switches from telephone Fujitsu introduced several other relay computers before adopting parametron circuits in 1958, NEC. following the lead of Hitachi and Fujitsu's parametron computers also were primarily dedicated calculating machines. Again following computer 1961, and Hitachi the new industry by establishing firms (RCA, its first Management for business applications. While Hitachi, began Fujitsu and introduced 1958, in NEC, a working on and also signaled computer division General transistor-based programmable commercial models Electric, a firm commitment to relied heavily on U.S. respectively) for hardware and much software technology, Fujitsu management tried with IBM. When this initiative pursue independent development. already behind Hitachi, failed, management had little computer to link up choice but to Prospects for Fujitsu seemed dim, since NEC, and Toshiba due 5 to a in 1963. in NEC, and Toshiba during the 1960s Honeywell, a late switch to it was transistors Fujitsu and the assistance U.S. firms were providing Japanese competitors of new models from the U.S. largely stopped during the RCA prepared to introduced 1965 in mainframes, using transistors 230 its series of due universities, government to Due for the first time, A critical was the factor skill of in to the popularity of the 230 models, Fujitsu became SO^o of NEC. sales and became Fujitsu in a graduate of the After 1946. Tokyo Institute of designing telephone R&D and computer development, quickly gaining recognition as perhaps Japan's most talented computer engineer. 1969 Ikeda also met left IBM in Gene Amdahl, who had designed IBM's 360 1970 to found the Amdahl Corporation, mainframes. This meeting began a managers for pursuing were concerned Fujitsu 1972 to adopt IBM compatibility for made produce IBM-compatible Amdahl was that Ikeda and other Fujitsu could because they were not compatible with IBM. Fujitsu family and then computer development during the 1970s. in ties with that to In relationship with the Amdahl Corporation that greatly strengthened Fujitsu's efforts One reason In independently Fujitsu's ability to develop computers he moved into of non- 1 "^ Ikeda Toshio (1923-1974), switching equipment, The Japanese 1968, surpassing Hitachi and in business. s who had entered Technology the banking industry and in computer revenues exceeded the largest part of Fujitsu its and large by placing restrictions on purchases Japan's largest computer manufacturer 1970, medium, small, and powerful processors. low prices also aided these sales Japanese computers. GE and and integrated circuits (ICs) from 1968. initially These attracted many Japanese customers, especially at as This created market opportunities. product development efforts. Fujitsu later IQGOs, and as Honeywell reduced the computer business, exit But the flow all not export the 230 machines This issue prompted Fujitsu in mainframes developed during the 1970s. this decision in conjunction with Hitachi, 6 and both firms agreed to Fujitsu standardize their mainframe architectures, although without jointly developing The IBM-compatible strategy hardware or software. began with thus Hitachi announced M-series, the both for 1974 in and Fujitsu and designed to compete with IBM's 370 family. To support operating system. Amdahl executives IBM declined, After become the majority to Assisted by Amdahl assistance. again Fujitsu The premature death 1972. in move, this in Fujitsu made its investor in Amdahl to given price ranges. investment mainframes in managed and design seek (LSI), to in by the Fujitsu performance Software Strategy: The forced decision Fujitsu at increase exports after the midin the Great Britain, based on their specifications, and selling Fujitsu Siemens for marketing to in persuaded Fujitsu 1970s by manufacturing mainframe central processing units for Amdahl U.S. and ICL its developing IBM-compatible logic circuits, deliver hardware comparable to IBM Fujitsu also license to first of Ikeda in 1974 then using large-scale semiconductor integration technology mid-1970s was able IBM approached to in in Europe under the Siemens label. Products and Production the 1960s not to import American computer technology develop independently not only hardware designs but also systems and applications software. This provided important challenges and learning experiences for company engineers, particularly since Amdahl, with the exception of its version of UNIX, did not provide softwai-e to Fujitsu. ° systems software and packages developed listed in between 1962 and 1984, Fujitsu Table 7.3, indicate that the company was able of software, at least after MONITOR Fujitsu's at first Major to produce a wide range 1970. V, completed in 1968-1971 for the larger 230 series models, was modern operating system. 7 Problems in finishing this led to a Fujitsu revamping structure to manage systems software development, although of the not until the M-series operating system data systematic the type of in the mid-197ns did Fujitsu undertake and integrated collection and methodology tool development that has characterized Hitachi, Toshiba, and NEC. improve control over released products, Fujitsu inspection and quality assurance procedures NT&T's software procedures procurement in did introduce However, to series of a the early 1970s, initially to meet requirements, and then transferred these other divisions. to Table 7.3: FUJITSU SYSTEMS SOFTWARE AND PACKAGES. 1962-1984^ ^ 1960 ALGOL 1961 ASSEMBLER FORTRAN compiler 1963 Data communications software 1965 FORTRAN IV MCP (control program for the FACOM 230-20/30 mainframes MONITOR (proto-operating system for the FACOM 230-50) compiler II 1966 KEMPF 1968 MONITOR V (large-scale mainframe STAT (statistical package) 1969 BOS (medium-size mainframe batch operating system) ROS (medium-size mainframe real-time processing operating system) PL/I (econometrics modeling and analysis system) operating system) (programming language version) EPOCS (medium-size mainframe data control program) ADSL (continuous simulation system) 1970 RAPID 1971 MONITOR V TSS (data base system) (time-sharing function added to MONITOR V) BOS II (successor to BOS and ROS operating systems) OS II (operating system for FACOM 230-45/S and /.^f) mainframes ASTRA 1972 UMOS TIMS 1973 (structural analysis program) (mini-computer operating system) (time series analysis program) MDS (management decision-making support MPS (mathematical planning tool) 8 tool) Fujitsu BOS/VS and OS 1974 ll/VS (medium-size operating systems with function) control memory MONITOR VI/VII (large-scale mainframe operating system) 1975 OS IV/F4 (operating system for largest M-series mainframp) FEM (finite element analysis program) 1977 AIM (on-line data base system) FNA (Fujitsu Network Architecture system) OS IV/X8 (medium-size operating system for FACOM M series) OS IV/F2 (small-size operating system for FACOM M series) PDL/PDA (performance measurement and analysis tool) 1978 OS/UAS (mini-computer operating system) virtnai FAIRS-I (document search system) KING (Japanese-language line printer support program) EPG (executive planning guide) C-NAP (customer needs analysis program) 1979 JEF (Japanese language text and information processing system) INTERACT (end-user support system) FAIRS-II (management information search system) FDMS (document control system) GEM (library control program) SSOPTRAN (FORTRAN source program optimizer) 1980 FORTRAN77 (scientific- and technical-use AOF (computer center operations support language) tool) ARIS (Japanese language information system) HOPE SDSS 1981 (hospital administration system) (software development support tool) (small-scale operating system for FACOM M-series) (computer design support system) ICAD (computer design support system) HYPER COBOL (high-productivity version of COBOL) DOCK/FORTRAN77 (FORTRAN debugger for system displays) ANALYST (statistical data processing package) PLANNER (planning and control information system) ESTIMA (business forecasting system) AXEL (conversational language data analysis system) OS IV/F2 ESP CADAM 1982 OS IV/F4 MSP (large-scale operating system for FACOM M-series) AIM/RDB (relational data base system) DRESSY/P (simplified graphics system) ADAMS (application software development system) LIMS (books control system) 1983 FOS (Fujitsu Office System Concept) OS IV/X8 FSP (medium-size operating system UNICUS (minicomputer operating system) JEF II for FACOM M-series) (Fujitsu Japanese language processing system) (information analysis and search system) MACCS/REACCS 9 Fujitsu ODM (documents processing system) file system) ELF (electronic OS IV/ESP III (small-scale operating system IMPRESS (image information system) 1984 for FACOM M-series) IPS (small-scale printing control system) UPLINK Ill/PS (personal computer network system) FCAD-11 (personal computer CAD system) ATLAS (automatic translation system) A element shaping the software strategies of Fujitsu and Hitachi critical was this commitment which intended to IBM compatibility. This was especially true for Fujitsu, IBM standards for to follow whereas Hitachi allowed the architecture for IBM compatibility. slightly from assumption that, IBM's since domestic and export mainframes, its its domestic computers to depart Japanese companies proceeded on the Both- system 360 operating had been in the public domain, they could duplicate the 370 software freely, without provoking legal action from IBM. This strategy worked challenges from IBM in in the 1970s, but brought on several the 1980s. 20 After charges from IBM that Japanese firms were stealing IBM code, and the arrest of several became imperative for Fujitsu IBM code. them to engineers s mainframe, prompted Siemens it operating system. the to stop marketed M-780, IBM competing with Europe. In 1984 original the 1982, it copying division designs. s focus to These efforts challenged again This delayed Fujitsu purchasing Fujitsu in in s IBM's s the delivery of 3090 machine, a and operating system for the Fujitsu response to these management reorganized and expanded software operations shifted in to maintain compatibility without rlirectly IBM-compatible software, originality of Fujitsu mainframes Electric While Japanese companies reached agreements with IBM that allowed market large-scale and Mitsubishi Hitachi events, at FnjitsLi Numazu, and producing new operating systems with more as of 10 1988 have avoided expensive patont- Fujitsu within the capability Fujitsu applications the Japanese competitors. area, In Fujitsu the mid-1960s, resembled began it led emphasis on greater to programs rather automated tools. than customization, full Fujitsu major its large-scale "semi -customization (Japanese This quickly became the market leader 1979. in of Rapid growth and the introduction JEF of ' developing was distinctive for achieving package sales with the introduction Feature) and reusability 1 that customized programs for industrial and government customers. demand 7 prove necessary. this history s have created to independently and design operating systems to move away from IBM compatibility, should In and appear IBM, infringement suits and licensing fees with of ' numerous of major success a in Extended Processing Japanese-language in word processing packages, and was followed by an equally popular program which JEFII, 1983, capabilities added integrated image, and voice maximizing concerns of Fujitsu managers resembled side, the stated product to improve control over development costs functionality, performance, reliability, these goals with demand for software rising faster than Fujitsu programmers, " Furthermore, of management encouraged efforts both individual and organizational, to encourage users programming, Fujitsu to to in s "accumulate ability to train and improve three main areas (Table 7.4) . design their own software and spread the sold a large number of support tools and buyers provided instruction in software engineering methodologies hardware to subsidiaries and affiliated software houses. as well as and To accomplish maintainability, and delivering products on time to customers. burden processing 7T those of counterparts elsewhere: technology, in . On the production while text, in 11 to of Fujitsu Fujitsu Table 7.4: FUJITSU PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT STRATFGIES Development Technology Specialization Joint Development Organization Mechanization/ Automation Software Tools and other Computer- Aided Systems for Planning, Development, Testing, Maintenance Modularization High-Level Languages Subsidiaries Reuse Review Procedures Structured Design Structured Programming Packages Support and Control Technology Project Management Standardization Development Planning and Phase Completion Reporting System Quality Control Activities (High- Reliability Program) Management Objectives Training To improve productivity, technology . the as well these development as what Fujitsu called joint components once and them reused Joint development development." philosophy was to make sure managers interdependent components. in different areas developed across different standardizing system description languages and then requiring be modularized, designed to be reused, and catalogued. product complexity, Fujitsu to reuse of designs and be written, to referred to software where there were multiple, Fujitsu's was focus of This included more emphasis on higher-level languages and, reduce the volume of new code that had code, area first stressed modularization, In systems, tfiat by the software addition, to reduce structured methods for design and programming, as well as the use of standardized in-house design and coding languages. Careful and quantified review, quality control, and inspection procedures also served manpower maximize to improve product efforts by reducing reliability time spent and marketability, and on fixing or altering "^"^ programs 25 . A second area was specialization . 12 This included the ostablishment of Fujitsu development organizations dedicated functions, particular the Numazu Works Software in Software Factory, smaller development as well 53 as facilities subsidiaries specializing system-engineering of software and and the Kamata Division linked by on-line networks, areas or providing regional var-ious in throughout services types different to Japan Table (see These 7.2). subsidiaries, supplemented by long-term arrangements with independent software houses, provided Fujitsu to add only not regional specific temporary and expensive less service and capacity Another strategy building on the concept operations. have development facilities but allowed skills, for programming was of specialization to gradually place greater emphasis on writing software packages, especially for personal and office computers, and integrating these packages with new software A third area the use of emphasis was mechanization and automation, particularly computer-aided of maintenance. produce semi-customized systems. to tools to support design, coding, testing, and These included automated program generators and reuse-support which management emphasized to improve productivity and quality systems, simultaneously. Supporting and mechanization to all control three emphases was the application of automation technology, in form of tools the for planning, project management, testing, and quality evaluation, integrated with standards, manual procedures, and practices such as quality circles. Also of long-term relevance Fujitsu's to subsidiaries and software houses was the Japan's Ministry of International involved 128 companies in 1986, SIGMA Trade and plans project, Industry to continue initiated (MITI1. in using 1985 by The project including Fujitsu, Hitachi, Toshiba, NEC, and Mitsubishi, as well as 8 foreign firms, and was attempting to increase the level of tool modified and library version of support for the small software producers by developing UNIX operating system and an on-line data base 13 a of Fujitsu tools subroutines and Fujitsu stations. interested both in from specially developed engineering work accessible and major other improving tool Japanese software were producers standardization and general r-puse capabilities at the smaller software houses, as well as in selling software tools, software engineering work stations. particularly •JO SYSTEMS SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Early Experiences relay and parametron computers either did not employ software Fujitsu's or required only minimal programming. software development did not really As begin until FONTAC, as the Association of Japan, delivered still in the early with 19605, the Yet even these machines, as introduction of several transistorized computers. well Fujitsu's experience with result, a 1964 to the Electronics Industry Promotion did not have 'modern " operating systems but only performed simple batch-processing operations. The FONTAC project nonetheless to develop a (introduced large-scale computer in 1960), initiated a new e.r^, roughly equivalent to and exposing company engineers programs and computer languages. by requiring Fujitsu IBM's 7090 machine to various MITI subsidized the project in types of an effort to get Japanese manufacturers to develop domestic computers comparable to IBM's. Fujitsu designed the main processor and the card punch equipment, while NEC and Oki Electric made the sub-processors and input/output devices. took charge of programming, several Japanese professors, with NEC and assistance from Fujitsu also Oki engineers, and several U.S. consultants. The FONTAC software consisted of a programs introduced by IBM and available 14 "monitor, in Japan. " based on earlier control The FONTAC also used Fujitsu ALGOL, COBOL, other software which the monitor program controlled directly: FORTRAN, and ASSEMBLER compilers; executable coded tape editor; utility programs. 1965 as the MONITOR FONTAC an monitor and introduced this with the 230-50 mainframe, II sort generator; a programs; and several object (applications) later modified the Fujitsu library editor; a in Fujitsu's commercial version of FONTAC. 29 Operating Systems Development The to first serious challenge Fujitsu engineers faced systems software was develop an operating system comparable to the IBM 360. for the because the large-scale 230-60 model, units. Fujitsu needed this upgraded 230-series models, wWch incorporated integrated had, for the time, extensive processing capabilities. for in started Fujitsu planning the for 230-60 and This was particularly true utilized it circuits in two central processing and 1966 established a software development department to oversee the 100 employees who worked on MONITOR V, hardware and the operating system, Fujitsu completed both the the software. in 1968.30 The manager who headed the new software department was president in Yamamoto Takuma, 1988, a 1949 graduate of Fujitsu s Tokyo University s department. Like Ikeda Toshio, Yamamoto electrical engineering telephone switching equipment design, and in first worked in 1952-1953 briefly worked on relay computers. From the mid-1950s through 1966, Yamamoto concentrated mainly on switching and communications data-processing equipment, MONITOR V promotion in The success effort. 1968 as director of of Yamamoto's software group contributed development n applications, and According to a to subsequent several as Fujitsu company president. engineers, 15 before heading the for to systems his and 1 MONITOR V was extremely Fujitsu develop due to the dual-processor architecture, then available only difficult to in U.S. military computers not yet designed to sophisticated operating system even for one processor, Yamamoto, alone two. U.S. a Furthermore, as Yamamoto recalled, Fujitsu had ."^"^ and other engineers made several trips Ikeda, to let the seek assistance from U.S. software houses and computer manufacturers. This was typical of Fujitsu, where management encouraged engineers to travel abroad frequently, especially U.S., to the to visit consultants, suppliers, and competitors."^"^ Fujitsu ended up using IBM's SGO-series operating system as a basic model, with modifications to accommodate two processors, and delivered of the to system January 1969 in well as incomplete, late as University personnel worked with Fujitsu engineers and finish the programming. time producing a version Kyoto University Computer Center. to the numerous bugs, the system was a first Based on to although Kyoto correct existing problems this experience, successor operating system, Due MONITOR Fujitsu had an easier VII, completed in 1974 and also patterned on the IBM 360 software."^ The major task of the 1970s was to develop an operating system for the M-series, which incorporated large-scale integrated circuits (LSI) and competed IBM's 370 series. directly with comparable series. to The new system thus had offer features IBM and remain compatible with IBM and Fujitsu s 230 earlier To minimize development, Fujitsu produced three operating systems cover the small, medium, and large M-series mainframes, separate operating systems IBM offered for version of the operating system for delivered 1977. to in 1975, But its its in contrast to the five 370 series models. largest mainframes, The OS IV/F4, first Fujitsu and versions for mid-size and small mainframes followed problems completing hardware and convinced management the of the 16 software delayed to deliveries of in the need for another reorganization and Fujitsu a more serious commitment to developing procedures and tools production, testing, and quality control. One of the key managers ' responsible for M-series systems software, as for the systematization of process well Miyoshi Mamoru, Group. in 1988 Miyoshi began and quality control in general, as was Fujitsu executive director and head of the Systems a his career in systems software management taking charge of inspection for operating systems. a software for 1973, in Prior to this, he had learned great deal about programming and quality control by inspecting software for DIPS (Distributed Information Processing System), telephone switching systems produced for NT&T. Not only was technology into Japan cooperation with make sure keep up and with leader in introducing software NEC required Fujitsu, as well adopt rigorous standards and controls. Fujitsu's practices, although to to a the early 1970s, but developing the DIPS software Hitachi Japanese contractors, later in NTC-T as the in other Miyoshi would systems and applications divisions adopted similar when he first demand was moved to commercial software, preventing Fujitsu from simply trying instituting tighter standards for process and product, standardization, control, and documentation: The DIPS At the time, NT&T was very advanced in its thinking. software was really a large system. Since three companies, including My us, had to develop the software, standardization was essential. impression was that NT&T was able to devote more effort to software phase divisions and carrying out work standardization than we were able to do in the private sector. Of course, we influenced that thinking, too, since there was an interchange among us, an exchange of information ... This was a period of rapid growth, and demand for software was increasing rapidly too. We had to write programs quickly to meet this demand, and worried about preparing documentation later. In other words, we gave top priority to writing programs. This tended to defeat documentation and program conformance. In the long run this is self-defeating, and, like NT&T, it is better to review and inspect every phase, and get rid of as many bugs as possible in each phase. But, in the private sector, since software development must have more constraints on time and costs, even though we were aware of this problem, there was not much we could do. 17 Fujitsu Systematizing Process and Quality Contro Direction efforts Fujitsu's of process and quality control in department programming came from the inspection software division, in switching inspection in An University, systems he joined Fujitsu before inspection and worked 1965 in moving to had systems set up system to test its first inspection and introduced for software softwar-e quality at their and control; and quality control, and when allowed own discretion; 1970-1978, when Fujitsu and programming established inspection and quality control of inspection to 1970, systems for product and process standardization, as well as structured standardization, broadening in 1969.^^ no programmers engineer electrical Yoshida divided this history into three main phases: prior Fujitsu in prepared for internal use an historical outline describing the evolution of these efforts (Table 7.5). telephone manager divisioti 1988 the deputy general manager of the division's quality assurance department, educated at Yamagata systems in Numazu Works's the in which Miyoshi headed before becoming Yoshida Tadashi, 1974. l inspection to in the the period techniques, procedures from 1979, which that when assisted formed the in Fujitsu design basis for the 1980s. Distinguishing the last phase was include not simply testing and a documentation conformance, or product evaluation, but analysis of the development process. 18 Fujitsu Table 7.5: SYSTEMS SOFTWARE PRODUCT-PROCESS C O NTROL ^" 1968 Software Engineering Department established, Testing Section, which assisted in debugging. 1970 "Strengthen Inspection" effort begun (1970-1973). Concept of testing extended from merely debugging to inspecting software from the user s perspective, comparing performance to specifications stated in manuals. including a Program Software Administration Department established. 1971 Product Registration System established, requiring new software to undergo inspection and receive product numbers before being released. Product Handling Regulations formalized procedures for software products, manuals, and documentation. Required all these product components to be brought in simultaneously, not one-by-one, to the inspection department for testing and evaluation. 1972 Planning Department established. 1973 Preliminary version of Development Planning Report System launched. Software "Application of QC Techniques" effort begun (1973-1978). First serious attempt to forecast bugs, reduce them through consistent procedures, and thereby produce "bug-free" software. 1974 "Product and Process Standardization" effort for begun. Involved estimating what the phases would be for the life cycle of individual software products, and then determining what to design in a given period of time, as well as what programming techniques to use. Bar charts instituted for project control, replacing PERT charts. Development started Support System) of BSMS (Basic Software Project Management . Inspection procedures and forms standardized (Main Factor Analysis). 1975 MTS (Multi-Terminal Simulator) and tools developed for testing. SWN (Software Normen) Standards HTS (Hardware Trouble Simulator) effort launched. Process (phase) divisions formalized. Procedures for bug analysis and data gathering formalized. OC Data Accumulation" effort formally begun. BSMS data base started. Estimates Handbook drawn up, with actual data on past projects to aid in estimating project requirements, from BSMS database. managers 1976 Development Planning Report System (Version No. I) instituted, software products delivery procedures formalized, and BSMS required for in-house use. 19 Fujitsu 1977 "Inspection of Quality and Evaluation Indicators" (1977-1978) program. 1978 Structured programming techniques introduced for similar types of software. 1979 "Consolidation of Inspection Ideology" -- Concept of software inspection formally promoted as extending beyond testing, to evaluation of final products and the development process. utility programs and "Quality Assurance through Organization" effort launched. Formalization QA as an organizational function not restricted to inspection but extending to design and planning. of Phase Completion Reporting System instituted. 1980 Development Planning Report System (Version No. 2) instituted, adding productivity data and review data reporting. Campaign started to increase quality three-fold and productivity 30"6 by 1982. Software Division establishes High- Reliability Program. QC circles, as part of the company-wide Software Division Quality Objectives established -- formalization procedures for establishing project estimates and standard times. of of Inspection Ideology through Horizontal Development" begun to spread knowledge and "good practices" horizontally, i.e. beyond one's own department. "Diffusion effort 1981 1982 "Advancement of Quality Concepts" movement begun, including ease of use evaluations (ESP) and QAL (Quality Assurance Liaison) initiated to facilitate inter-departmental sharing of data on bugs. "Performance checking" begun under direction of the inspection department. Quality Objectives control Subcommittee established. system instituted and Software Six program development departments established at Nuinazu located in new software building. 1983 1984 New Software Engineering Division established, centralizing software development in the Numazu Works. Quality Works and all systems Software Division extends quality assurance and quality circle activities software subcontractors, as part of the second company-wide HighReliability Program. to 20 Fujitsu . According MONITOR V section, to chronology and Yoshida's explanations, this experience, Fujitsu decided 1068 to establish in Assisting designers following the lead of IBM. developing software, and was experiencing Fujitsu to management program testing debugging was the At this time Fujitsu had approximately 800 people group's primary function. 1971, in a based on the burden on programmers by trying also increased the make them more sensitive customer responses. to During 1969- growing shortage. a This involved expanding the mission of testing to evaluate software for conformance to documentation the customer manuals, to make sure programs performed as in manuals said they would The next step was opposed to simple software to go create specific product-inspection procedures, as debugging. The most important measures required completed through To manage customer. to a inspection formal established Fujitsu this, process before release software a to the administration department and instituted specific procedures for product handling, evaluation, and registration. The product handling procedures covered the software as well as manuals and other documentation, requiring and brought to the inspection department together. sometimes completed and all to be in Previously, released without proper documentation. however, no product received a itself, conformance software was From 1971, registration number, which was necessary for release to customers, without meeting these requirements and gaining the formal approval of the inspection department. During 1973-1978, Fujitsu made its first software through three interrelated efforts: standardizing software collecting quality product and development practices, and A planning department organized 1972 oversaw these initiatives for the first few years. 21 in applying quality control techniques, controls and performance data. serious attempts to control bugs in This contained sections Fujitsu programs, and DIPS, and thus for operating systems, linear of controls already required for In 1975 Fujitsu started formal work-estimation a NT&T procedures for project managers , product objects to use in estimating and schedules. Table 7.6 , the development planning system documentation and groups responsible for This system was characterized not by divisions of authority or tasks, checking. but commercial software. development planning report system, which set up man-power needs, quality objectives lists to facilitated a transfer by sharing responsibility of and quality for planning control in all development and testing phases. In addition, to automate part of this system, especially data collection on quality and budget control, Management Support System) in BSMS introduced Fujitsu 1975, (Basic Software Project after two years of research and trials. The new procedures, supported by BSMS, introduced not only standards but a development phases and managing for estimating schedules for different tool also the development process, as well as testing and inspection. BSMS, which continued management system managers had this to to be the centerpiece of for basic software in the 1980s, submit a worked product number application was approved, they submitted The budget. a Fujitsu's to production- as follows. begin a First, project. If control system then centered on the development plan documents and monthly reports of actual work hours, computer time, and phase completions, which BSMS tracked and compared initial estimates. ^^ Fujitsu had used but they did not work well. PERT The development planning system use of bar charts for project control, on-line BSMS system. engineering department to MONITOR VII called for the which Fujitsu later combined with the The introduction "^ charts for developing to the of BSMS also allowed the software begin compiling an 'Estimation handbook" containing actual data on past projects to aid managers 22 in their estimates. Fujitsu Table 7.6: C T Key: X DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ITEMS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 43 Control, P = Planning, Integration Testing, = Major Responsibility = = I = E = Engineering, D = Development, Inspection, o = Included in Activities, Grou PS Responsible for Checking C Check Points Item s P E D T I QUALITY OBJECTIVES: Development Objectives X Program positioning. development results, marketability Desired Functions User needs and program functionality Performance Objectives, measures, comparative analyses, appropriateness of the X X X X X measurements Compatibility Reliability X Objectives, appropriateness and completeness of the objectives Appropriateness objectives, X X of the likelihood of implementation PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION Appropriateness of size given functions, modularization/ reuse X Development Appropriateness X Process delivery time to user, Development Language Size, of X X X X X X o o feasibility Man-Power Machine Time Review & Test Plans Work Objectives Match of productivity and budget, man-power allocations, subcontracting percentage, progress X Amount of reviews & test, appropriateness of bug detection (compared to phase standards) Sufficiency of measures X o for improving quality and efficiency Development Organization, work Structure distribution divided Fujitsu development the process seven into phases, following basic design; structural and functional design; conventional life-cycle models: detailed design and coding; unit and combined test; component and system test; Personnel product inspection; delivery and maintenance. responsible for standardized documentation and reports. the development and planning documents included basic design document, which listed as well as estimates of objectives, functional, a each phase were in At the initial phases, market survey report and and performance, manpower and machine a reliability time. Completion of functional and structural design required documents detailing the function of each system between each module, plus testing plan. a module component, required interfaces of each module, and input At the completion of unit and combined test, programming a and Detailed design required flow-chart and tabular documentation on the internal structure and output structure. structure, report, which included the detailed Fujitsu design review reports, test specifications and results, as well as the documentation, source modules. After system test, the testing report documentation included the inspection specifications, test specifications and results, and the test set, while final inspection generated another set of results. The most important quality measures component conformance reliability in detected, and mean time between failures. introduced in sort through test, to Fujitsu "^ initially documentation, focused on were number Main-factor analysis 1974 and influenced by practices at Hitachi, of bugs techniques, required testers to intermediate test data to identify sources of bugs, before final testing. Standardizing testing and review procedures was particularly important, because Fujitsu had no consistent approach for predicting and eliminating bugs. Individual programmers decided which tests to run, without formal planning or supervision. Better control in this area then allowed Fujitsu in the later 1970s 24 Fujitsu to track other measures, such as software functionality and portabihty. The period from 1979 Yoshida characterized by three themes: assurance through organization, diffusion and advancement development, of inspection ideas throiigii horizontal quality of quahty The central notion concepts. in assuring quality through organization was to make quality assurance activities part of the formal organizational and job structure, planning, rather than especially design and in function restricted to the inspection department. Fujitsu a implemented this new emphasis by instituting 1979-1980 in a "phase completion reporting system," resembling the design- review systems used at other firms, and then new version a of reporting system required, introduce previous in data Toshiba instituting these was several Fujitsu standard became software, of a times major as years of incorporating behind pr-oject Other measures included institution of practices to fixing bugs in in the quality assurance check for bugs introduced another part; in and programming and control tool raising productivity 30% by reducing meet this objective, this were the effort one part of program a and participation of the division company-wide "High- Reliability Program." Fujitsu managers not quality NEC, Hitachi, structured as well feature and based on actual standard times annually. of revising did to Like other Japanese companies, Fujitsu also adopted the practice development. when types different for Although techniques, programmers and managers 1980 standard times for worker performance, objectives. in for the flnst time, Standardized productivity data then allowed Fujitsu collect productivity data. to development planning report system. The new its also set a in the goal of bugs one-third; even though the division established the policy of connecting productivity to quality control, and setting specific goals to motivate employees. To support this initiative, in 1982-1984, Fujitsu 25 introduced new testing tools and Fujitsu and purchased additional equipment techniques to help select test items, insure that testing could proceed 24 hours day, a efforts control beyond one's assurance spread good to (QAL) departments and projects data. As part activities of this which structure, regarding up set a quality formal "quality meetings different for share information on bugs and other quality- related to Fujitsu also established other quality control initiative, division also participated which promoted the teaching subcontractors. and practices thinking and meetings, including quality The software ideas" referred to This involved institution of small group. liaison" necessary. of inspection What Yoshida called "horizontal diffusion deliberate if to circles, in the second High- Reliability Program, of quality control "Advancement techniques concepts" quality of initiated for software in 1980. to subsidiaries centered on and expanding interpretations of product quality beyond "zero bugs" to other characteristics, such as product design, function, performance, ease of use, and maintainability, as encouraged by U.S. experts Also in like Barry Boehm. the early 1980s, Fujitsu began applying to software the term or "Total Quality Control," a term coined in the 1950s in "TQC ' the U.S. and applied widely by Japanese firms since the 1960s, including Fujitsu, to comprehensive quality assurance efforts covering product planning, design, manufacturing, and service, TQC rather than simply inspection after production. Software goals in Fujitsu focused on improving control over bugs, delivery dates, and costs, which management hoped to lower-level activities achieve through in planning, standardization, field quality training, supported the efforts committees coordinating areas affecting software products, all through maintenance (Figure 7.1). process division-level of line and A series of evaluations, high - reliability from planning committees for product and quality circles, promotion set technology, policies and and staff departments for planning, development, 26 Fujitsu software engineering, and maintenance completed the TQC system. The High- Reliability Program presents an example division in participated Fujitsu, like Japanese other conventional with factor-ies improve quality and productivity. in a in firms service. company Fujitsu started this as a month to discuss work as well 1980, NEC). division the and group program in factories, efforts to 1966, initially in an attempt to institute did software of which met first used also the circles to new company employees. not actively its of quality circles, Managers conditions. when Numazu organized By 1985, software range of issues related to productivity and a supplement formal training required The software how the software system covering research, design, manufacturing, and The program gradually expanded the use once or more quality, TQC of with hardware development and manufacturing divisions, comprehensive Procedures for work and product standards, product evaluation, project and budget control, registration, and field-support. inspection, control, participate in the program software quality circles (a had approximately 300, division until year before averaging 7 members and meeting once per month. The quality assurance group within the inspection department oversaw circle activities, while section chiefs organized and managed them. The most frequently discussed themes maintenance problems and techniques (301s) in and testing 1985 were software (IS*?,), followed by programming, bug analysis and correction, design, reviews, manuals, planning, and inspection. Management submit suggestions, which in also encouraged the circles and individuals 1985 dealt mainly with maintenance, programming, control (quality, process, cost), testing, computer usage, and correction. Under the influence software division to establish in similar to of the bug analysis and second High-Reliability Program, the 1984 also began working with subsidiaries and contractors TQC systems, including quality circles. 27 Fujitsu •s. -3 < -J- Quantifying Control Measures Similar to other Japanese factories, Numazu Works attempted Fujitsu's quantify and analyze basic measures of performance and then institute standardized procedures and individual variability and thus much as tools. in a standardized manner, One reason was dependency on high-levels of "build in " reduce to experience and conventional factory organizations have attempted. objective was to to skill, Another, related quality at each phase of development, rather than trying to "inspect in" quality at the end of the process. Yoshida reflected this thinking in a recent describing the article program for software division's quality assurance: The prevailing opinions that high-quality software products can produced readily by using certain methods, that quality can ensured by sufficient testing, and that quality control can achieved through the diligent work of a single control section be be be are mistaken. Better development methods, appropriate standards, and various control activities must be applied throughout the entire software life cycle, and quality can be assured only if all the above are carried out under an integrated management system throughout the life cycle. " To institute this type of management system, and quality assurance worked on four approaches. activities to quantify Fujitsu staff were First, inspection in a series and analyze information on project progress and quality. Second, was the introduction of methods for predicting error occurrence programming phase, and aimed Third, in the U.S. a to determine test items, and generally applied only to was the use to as the of "Taguchi Fourth, was an attempt to evaluate quantitatively the concept of "user friendliness a the product development and processing of conventional hard products such as automobiles. through in "management by objectives" system of "Design of Experiment" techniques, often referred statistical method" institution error correction. at of " of software variety of tests. ^^ 29 Fujitsu Measuring common way number to evaluate was progress design problematic mainly because the most schedules was to compare actual progress, such as the of completed modules, or completed Fujitsu's case, in and "work items," with estimates made prior measure thus depended on the accuracy to starting work. Accuracy of the of the prediction, which managers could To maximize the accuracy not fully determine until completion of a project. " "design sheets of estimates, Hitachi kept extensive data on previous projects and the performance and experiences detailed data, but personnel. individual of used two indices similar measured quality, based on points received how predicted well amounts of work managers define tasks in small, The system worked actual segments, followed: as such One evaluations. project for keep to reviews, and another quantity, by in fit realistic chose not Fujitsu data helped to minimize estimation errors. the In This results. planning managers stage, determined work items and entered these on work item sheets, which then were entered into the activities BSMS Work items were segments data base. that could be done about two weeks. in of design or other Projects were organized groups, and each group leader was responsible for one work item at a Each member then had to as out a "review trust sheet, fill reviews from several other people, including check-list to evaluate work, and a ' chief reviewer. members had to as well time. receive Reviewers used make changes until in a the chief reviewer was satisfied. At weekly progress meetings, managers and group leaders checked the progress number of quality quality points, reviews of points each work received assigned through received 50 points; a item. The quality index compared the reviews with in simple scheme: completion of all the number of predicted Completion of materials for reviews and changes required brought 100 points. Actual quality points were assigned by giving 50 points for completion of materials for reviews, and 50 or more points depending on the 30 Fujitsu review evaluations. Using these formulae, Fujitsu arrived for each member and quality. In addition, project, " part of as well as at "comprehensive quantity figures made an as initial tracking of proriuct quantitative measurement efforts, its Fujitsu regularly used statistical regressions and factor analysis to identify probable causes of errors, requirements, and as as well to test the depended on the accuracy from actual values. estimate to numbers of accuracy of estimates. of the predicted values, bugs and man-power Progress evaluations still which sometimes were far Overall, however, Fujitsu managers claimed to have solved the major problems with the system and, reported significant improvements in progress control as well as quality. Testing Techniques Fujitsu's objectives program by the end of the and 99% by the end of meeting these goals, testing were to detect 65% of the bugs in coding phase review, the inspection process. however, was that, as 95''6 "^ in by the end system of conditions to the significant improvement as their Furthermore, completely. test in design of result of these observations, Fujitsu a company managers decided to employ in in of factors data in showed software As leveling off after about six years. selecting test cases that less experienced could understand, 1987 article by an engineer test, any complex the ability of personnel to detect errors experience increased, with new A problem encountered product or process, large programs contained too many combinations and a in a a method for as discussed in a the quality assurance department: In tests involving many inspectors, a means is essential to standardize the quality of testing conducted by each inspector, but there is a limit as to the extent to which one can share the knowledge and skill through training ... The omission of test cases during test factor 31 Fujitsu associated with problems relating to the scope of is often The omission of test knowledge and insight of the testing personnel. cases during test case generation is often caused by omissions or [T]he number of test factors [selected] increases in careless errors. proportion to employed years up to 6 years and stays constant after Therefore, to improve the quality of test factor analysis as a that. whole, it is a significant importance [sic] to transfer knowledge to less experienced testing personnel. analysis . . . Two approaches appeared most useful much a The conventional way program. cause-effect graphs, effectively. transferring develop tools that automated to but these methods and conditions, of were the source generating required A second approach was initial great a to create a data complete with an deal of most errors test cases of was knowledge of in to use to use base on test-factor analysis editing support function personnel utilize the data base to create test cases for new programs. technique Fujitsu introduced, beginning of this latter initial program's external specifications or input characteristics. Such tools often could identify critical factors that a and capturing process as possible, particularly the generation of of the testing tests based on in One was knowledge regarding software testing. as . in to help As part the early 1980s, Design Experiments methodology. The Design of Experiments techniques relied on educated guesses problems were likely then specific tests to exist r-elying arrays" (statistically independent groups of factors). control the number of combinations minimize measurement errors where (which could be listed for easy reference), and and evaluated selected of on tables "orthogonal of These made it possible to that existed between any two factors and and other conditions, and identify correctable defects more quickly than conventional techniques such as cause-effect graphs. In fact, Fujitsu data indicated that the 10 times or more the number with fewer test cases. DE methods could of errors usually actually detect 5 to found with conventional methods, '^'^ 32 Fujitsu To quantify "ease and inspections, use validation maintainability), a , grouped features relating (such major as and minor (such as syntax friendliness, as productivity, targets ease speed flexibility, its products as opposed to minor items, covered evaluations (performance, all the led to basic learning, of of to efficiency, operation). quantified , scores. characteristics operability, reliability, coordination, ease of maintenance, quality of information well as through users product on various items, using simple "yes" or "no" responses and claimed software surveying by that users (such intermediate more points for major Fujitsu accuracy of three categories: into understandability ) Scoring measures, Fujitsu employed manual reviews and The surveys indicated questionnaires. ease of of use" of compatibility, price and delivery design quality and consistency (defined as the "degree to and specifications meet user needs," and the "degree a ) , as which software which the to finished software meets the design targets and specifications'), and sufficiency and attractiveness ("the extent to which products are acceptable users'). to r tr Fujitsu also claimed to use 113 items merely to evaluate ease of use. Tool Support Similar to Hitachi, Toshiba, and NEC, in the mid-197ns Fujitsu began developing numerous support and management tools; major ones (for systems software primarily) are listed in Table 7.7. Numazu was the center development, with Kamata importing tools such as the 1980s, Laboratories, however, Kamata and the have become more involved central in tool of tool ADAMS and GEM. During research Fujitsu facility, development, such as those directed at automating system design and construction."^" 33 Fujitsu MAJOR SYSTEMS SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TOOLS Tablfi 7.7: f1983) ^^ DESIGN YAC Detailed design (new version 1987) (Yet Another Control Chart). II language, combining aspects of conventional flow charts and pseudo code. PROGRAM EDITING/CODE GENERATION (1979) (Generalized Program Editing and Management Facilities). Linked to PRISM. Automatically maintains a development history of a program. GEM PRISM (1982) (Problem and Repair Interrelated System Management Extended). Maintains a data base of the program source and automatically tracks Linked to GEM. maintenance changes. COMPACT (1982) (Compact Print-out and assembled code. Utility) . Compacts and prints out compiled TOOL 2 (1983) Allows on-line search, from time-sharing terminals, of program source code and lists. YPS (YACII (1987) Programming System). Allowed the user to edit YACII in several languages. diagrams and then automatically generated code TESTING SAT/ART Testing). (1980) (Systematic and Automatic Testing/Automatic Regression Automated regression testing tool for operating system development. TDQS (1977) (Test Tool for DQS). display operations. INDS (1983) of NCP . (Interactive Automated regression testing NCP Debugging System) . tool for on-line Allows checking and analysis test results from time-sharing terminals. MTS (1971, 1977) host load testing. (Multi-Terminal Simulator). Simulates remote terminals for TIOS (1977). (Time-Sharing System Input/Output Simulator). terminals for host load testing. Simulates remote HTS (1977) (Hardware Trouble Simulator). Simulators functional test evaluations of software responses. hardware bugs for DOCK/FORT77 using display. (1981). Debugging system for FORTRAN, a "slow video " PIC (1984) Program Information Control System. Allows inspection and analysis memory-dump lists from time-sharing terminals. Linked to the KamataNumazu Dump Transfer system. of ATOS (1982) AIM Test Oriented System. Automatically data base results from testing and inspection. 34 records on computer Fujitsu . DOCUMENTATION ODM (1983) (Office Japanese language. Document Document Manager) MANUAL COMPILATION AUTOMATION SYSTEM electronic documentation EGRET-4 (1983) ATLAS (1982). English to (1979). for <;ystem lianrJIing Automated editing of files. (Easy Graphic Report Generator). Automatic translation of Japanese documents Japanese system added in 1986. English. into MAINTENANCE TDP II (1980) (Total System for Difficulties Information Processing). Data base for software report information. (Incident ITS (1981) customers Tracking System). KAMATA-NUMAZU DUMP TRANSFER reports on bugs. Linked PDE (1983) (PTF Document Editor). corrections, based on TDP II data. system for questions On-line (1982). PIC testing to Control transfer from data of and tool. Automatically edits documents on program CONTROL BSMS (1976) and control NOA (Basic Software Project Management Support System). for software project management. Data base tool (1978) (Numazu Office Automation). Employment data control system. IN-HOUSE TRAINING DATABASE SYSTEM (1982). Relational database system for in-house training administration. Fujitsu's tools closely resembled those in use elsewhere in Japan, though they operated separately and were less integrated than the work-bench systems at Hitachi and Toshiba. ITS, and the and There were, however-, data-base among TDPil, Dump Transfer system (maintenance), BSMS and TDP GEM and PRISM (program Particularly important GEM links (Generalized construction).^" among these Program (control), II Editing tools and 35 were BSMS, described Management Facilities), earlier, a and libraryFujitsu management and data-collection that tool automatically reports, for groups and individuals, on productivity progress status (by month and week) , f generated lines of graphic code developed), and quality (bug levels per module) . The library functions included version control of modules and completed programs. Tin as well as compressed data Another important reduce the volume of stor-ed to tool set was YAC-II (Yet Another Control Chart), which Fujitsu used for functional design, and the 1970s, VPS (YACII Programming System), which The VAC automatically generated code. diagr-ams, first introduced by Fujitsu resembled other flow-chart or problem-analysis diagrams used Japanese firms since the early 1970s, after system and requiring in 1987 files. "^ along its enhanced productivity The YPS system contained an and documentor, and received inputs on work stations. readable YACII in developing an internal One was two ways. in Another was eliminate the need for detailed documentation. and debugging time. in The current version, introduced use by subcontractors. YPS, with NT&T began in to to reduce coding editor, compiler, debugger, structured but conversational Japanese A host computer then translated the inputs charts and then executable, "bug-free" code Cobol, or SPL (System Programming Language, a in into machine- C, Fortran, PL/I derivative developed at Fujitsu). ^0 Performance Improvement Fujitsu data indicated steady improvements quality (reliability), productivity control (lateness). Available the decade after in (development costs), data summarized software, where the average program ca. in in and project schedule Table 7.8 cover systems 1986-1987 was about 170,000 lines of code with comments (125,000 lines without comments), with 800,000 lines. These programs were primarily written 36 1975 in a maximum of about SPL or C." Fujitsu For code all in the field (new code plus maintained software), between 1977 and 1979, bugs reported by users dropped by one-third, and then another one-third between 1979 and 1982. fallen to practically zero (0.01 for which 1985, showed bug similar gains. new code reported by users (generally about four-fold between 1980 and 1981 alone. as bugs dropped Table 7.8: Note: to levels for outstanding rode liad For newly written code (annual data and below). confidential), Fujitsu is By Bugs per 1000 10 times the level for Improvement since all lines of code) fell 1981 has leveled off, approximately 0.1 and below. SYSTEMS SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE MEASURE S^^ All data are estimates based on graphs, and therefore are approximate figures only. 1983-1985 is based on internal Fujitsu data. Bugs/1000 LOG refers to all bugs reported by users per 1000 lines of code over 6month periods (averaged in the table below) in the field, i.e. newly delivered code plus supported outstanding code. Bugs/ 1000 LOC Bug Detection Method Test Source Code Review (Estimates) Design Sheet Review Development Costs per 1000 LOC (Index) 100 87 1975 61 5 54 1978, has gradually become the major method for detecting bugs, this from 5% to approximately 40% Fujitsu 1982. in measured productivity by lines of code (steps) produced per man- month, number of documents per man-month, and 1000 Two other lines. related indices Numazu Works three-fold productivity improvement between 1975 1985, and then the centralization 1976, in Numazu Works increase The data on code."^ lines of The most dramatic improvements came with the opening expenses. 1975 and development costs per not adjusting for inflation or use of outside contractors to reduce and 1983, the a total were machine time divided by man- months, and pages of documentation per 1000 development costs indicated r-ising after 1981. including system development in Lines-of-code data also suggested that, between reused code, output per worker. in of the of experienced roughly Fujitsu 5-fold a In-house studies indicated that factors most strongly affecting productivity on the positive side were programmer ability, On the negative followed by product complexity and software tools. reliability requirements. Improvements progress 40°6 of in in and quality scheduling accuracy. projects were typically In productivity this to frequently came too often taking about in 15%, a corresponded to significant the late 1970s, according to Yoshida, about with late, inspection department after the scheduled time. reduced side were level "late" defined as reaching the By the early 1980s, Fujitsu had comparable to Hitachi. Delays most the transition from functional design to coding, with coding more time than estimated.^ 38 Fujitsu APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Factory Origins and Organization Fujitsu decision s establish to programming stemmed from the need programs for different customers. much of their its system orders, however, led Fujitsu expanded integrated a factory applications for variety of nominally different the early and mid-1960s, users performed own applications programming, with assistance from department Fujitsu set up with (later produce to In software a computer division to organize hardware and software systems department a systems, such as in (beginning sales of Fujitsu in Laboratory was divided into computer-aided design all its 1965) and Fujitsu to centralize engineering, , in management to establish The Kamata, Tokyo." systems development area and an education area. a staff of 700 allowed variety of industrial, the 1980s, in computers brought continued demand 1970 the Information Processing System Laboratory initial for 1967). ^7 in for customized applications software, prompting Fujitsu An of 1965), and data processing software for Fujitsu mainframes in Rapid increases in 1964 in 1964 and the delivered to government customers (such as the Ministry of Labor NT&T large programs on-line securities firms and banks (first deli vnr ed to Nikko Securities Norin Chuo Bank Several 1963. These orders consisted mainly Systems Group). into the in service a program development and scientific applications, as well for a as pattern recognition, and computer-aided instruction Fujitsu was using the Kamata facility to . for By produce software for nearly mainframes, minicomputers, and super-computers, as well as for office computers, terminals (banking, postal), and personal computers. Although the U.S. packages and away from software market fully shifted gradually toward software customized systems, Japanese customers continued to prefer tailored software systems. In 39 response, according to Fujitsu director Fujitsu Fujitsu created a Systems Group, Yoshiro Nakamura, facility, that departments, not only but also offered engineering specialized facilitated centered on the Kamata development the and and programming reuse The mission packages, which could be integrated with new code as necessary. of the Software Factory and subsidiaries or software houses connected Systems Group was primarily to use these packages, as well methodology and set, tool software of to as a to the factory-type produce semi-customized systems rather than standardized products (packages) or fully customized products. As of 1986, the Systems Group consisted of three major areas, separate Development Planning Office directing (Figure 7.2). Engineering) The development" "joint Center, Technical which housed a and methodology research tool area with included the SE the Software (System Factory and departments such as for standardized technology promotion, office system and other system engineering done in the center, Package Planning and Control Division; and area was the industry-specific design engineering for companies and distribution, as government departments, NT&T, scientific for which performed system and technical applications, and The third area consisted as A second research facility. departments, the finance, insurance, securities, and manufacturing well as for users. such in a and the SIGMA project; management of information functionally systems, specialized "value-added networks" for offering different on-line services, personal computer systems, and new telecommunication firms (NCCs). 40 Fujitsu Figure 7.2: SYSTEMS GROUP AND SUBSIDIAR IES QRGA NI ZATION 1986 SYSTEMS GROUP 9000 Employees (ca. in '^ 2 1988) Development Planning Office JOINT DEVELOPMENT AREA SE Technical Center -- Software Factory Department -- Information Center Dept. -- Standardized Technology Promotion Dept. -- System Engineering Dept. -- Office Computer System Engineering Dept. -- • SIGMA Project Office Package Planning and Control Division -- Package Planning Dept. -- Software Distribution Dept. Fujitsu Systems Research INDUSTRY-RELATED DEPARTMENTS --- Finance Insurance/Securities Manufacturing/Distribution Scientific/Technical --- — NT&T Government/Mass -Communication FUNCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS Management Information Systems — — VAN (Value-Added Network) Systems Information and Communications Personal Computer Systems NCC (New Common Carriers) Systems SYSTEM ENGINEERING SUBSIDIARIES (ca. 53 firms and 11,000 Employees) Industry and Functional Regional While Fujitsu 1960s made and early 1970s, efforts only in to centralize applications the later 1970s did it development adopt a in the factory-type organization separating system design from program construction (Table 7.9). 41 Fujitsu According Factory and Department, programs 1988 in a a manager preliminary Factory Conversion of the developers of the Murakami Noritoshi, one to written was Department. Next, in 1979, the Development Software 1977 Fujitsu and Hitachi for Fujitsu machines. step the in Kamata Software establishment used this IBM computers applications terminals expanded the department Fujitsu Software a revise to and of Planning to run on into a small software factory, with about 300 programmers charged with turning requirements specifications received from system engineering into code. The major reason for upgrading the conversion Murakami, was to centralize people objective accumulating of handle about 25% of all to and standardize process technology, with the knowledge regarding commercial applications standardization, tools, The factory was programming environments, and development techniques. to according facility, programming in able Fujitsu. Most other programming work Fujitsu channeled to subsidiaries and affiliated software houses. '^ Prior to establishing the factory, a group headed by Yoshiro Nakamura began compiling the SDEM (Software Development Engineering Methodology) standards in 1976, and introduced version a for in-house use in 1977. As occurred with operating-system development, the larger programs needed for the M series computers required Fujitsu to and standardize engineering tools, methods, and management procedures. tool set, Fortran. SDSS 74 SDSS (Software Development Support System), As more business programs were written with new tools, later integrated Development Architecture and Support software Fujitsu also issued for COBOL, under the Facilities). 42 in integrate name programming a in Fujitsu replaced SDAS (Systems '^ Fujitsu APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE FACTORY ESTABLISHMENT Table 7.9: 1964 Establishment of Systems Department, later expanded 1970 Centralization of applications Processing Systems Laboratory to systems development Kamata Systems Group Information at in Establishment of Software Conversion Factory within the Laboratory convert IBM and Hitachi programs to Fujitsu machines 1977 to Introduction of SDEM standards 1978 Introduction of SDSS 1979 Establishment of the Software Factory Department to perform detailed design, coding, and integrated test of customized applications programs specifications received from system engineering departments tool set Since specialized knowledge seemed essential for accurate system design, Fujitsu software maintained specialized government systems, engineering manufacturing, covering factory, system and and scientific departments handed designs distribution, engineering to subsidiaries and sections specialized certain applications or industry areas. in The factory the software (and subsidiaries s ) factory, test. programmers together System at the off site. mainly), a also (if necessary), and continued in the same groups as design documents. doing coding for 4 or 5 system engineers. in or Prior to the factory organization, The factory departments were organized specifications The SE where programmers system designers either did their own coding or worked programmers, rather than handing programs. systems, was then done by the designers and test customer financial the workers took system documentation and produced detailed designs (flow charts) and code through integration outside affiliated software houses, programming in departments in teams of 7 or 8 programmers The system engineers wrote design standardized format using conversational language (Japanese but providing input/output diagrams and mathematical equations as 43 Fujitsu necessary, to minimize the amount of skill Programmers who did not understand part finished part of a engineer system responsible a who would check it and discuss required of the factory personnel. document would of a design system, they would send back it system engineers, to the Most problems with the customer. When programmers problem. the specifications were in thus ironed out during the design and coding process.' Fujitsu also minimized the type of "matrix management" problems that had plagued the Factory by designating then the giving system a chief system engineer and a chief engineers main the the call responsibility SDC Software programmer, and for dealing with customers and producing systems that correctly met customer specifications '° . System engineering departments -m4ght send designs or subsidiaries for implementation, either- to the hence there was not factory strong distinction a between the type of programming these different organizations could handle. general, however, the factory provided capacity for systems that subsidiaries might have a difficult time with, such as on-line banking software, which could reach millions of lines of code. For these types of large programs, the factory employed an "on-line" SDEM system that allowed up work on a a period of one or two years. packages designed in The factory also did the system engineering area, if the SE departments' new-code development groups. avoided thousand people to Toshiba.) The largest projects done at the factory might use 4 to 6 mainframes, and involve a a (The Kamata factory maintained about one terminal for single mainframe. over in to single project simultaneously, with 200 to 300 terminals connected to every two employees, twice the number in In jobs that programmers, such required a great deal as artificial intelligence of a thousand personnel some programming for there was In a work overflow addition, the factory expertise on the programs, which Fujitsu did part in of R&D departments 7Q^ ' . 44 Fujitsu Software houses from long-term a when projects were running particularly valuable personnel worked on that primarily these firms, help to generators were gradually eliminating coding). basis program (although coding As were Fujitsu Fujitsu would often add late. in with other Japanese software at factories, Fujitsu appeared able to add people without delaying projects further because of the standardized subcontractors' personnel. methods and Another advantage and tools, of using subsidiaries houses was that Fujitsu could meet demand peaks beyond even training, its of and software own capacity and without adding too many full-time (and higher paid) employees ranks of to the permanent employees. Training and Career Paths While most employees Kamata the in Software graduates, and usually had good backgrounds in were college Factory Q employees generally had no computer engineering or software training." required Fujitsu to invest heavily in new science or mathematics, training, but allowed the company 1 This to teach workers, and managers, the factory methods and no others. For example, after deciding on the instituted a three-day training seminar, project managers, and a SDEM standards, in 1977 followed with periodic workshops, for PI New year and attended full- lengthier education program for new employees. employees were considered trainees for the entire time classes for three months, Fujitsu first learning Assembler, COBOL, machine I/O, and other areas of basic programming and computer architectures. After the classes, training continued on-the-job, and through coding simple programs for commercial customized systems, instruction every month or two.^ through another Until two or days of additional they became managers, employees continued to receive about eight days of training 45 three a year in workshops, in Fujitsu addition to self-study materials and quality-circle activities. Career paths Fujitsu at though they were not as resembled formally those defined as other at software Hitachi at '^ Factories, and Toshiba. employees usually did coding for several years, and then moved on design, and structural design. might become Programmers system engineer (designer). a module After 5 to 10 years, depending on an individual's determined by managers, rather than formal testing), ability (as to New in programmer a the factory, like system engineers, specialized by application or industry area for at least their on: but then might move to other areas. first 3 years, There are some reports that engineers, again in contrast to lack of a formal training Hitachi and Toshiba, program made possible it Fujitsu's competitors to provide better system-engineering services. these claims, 1986 Fujitsu established in house department for training personnel customers Fujitsu in department with 30 experienced for To counter Systems Research as an in- system consultation and assisting system planning and problem solving. in for system administrators and Fujitsu 70 staffed the experienced new system engineers °" . SDEM The Factory Methodology: Fujitsu introduced SDEM (Software Development Engineer's Methodology) and SDSS (Software Development Support System) during 1977-1978 to serve as standardized development and control procedures and automated support tools aimed at improving customer-requirements definition and techniques for design, programming, project control, and system maintenance. Managers were particularly concerned with the constraints on productivity created by design changes and documentation rewriting (usually 20 to 40°n by the final version) and test-case generation. 46 Fujitsu Fujitsu had standards prior to 1977, and weakly enforced. Development was very much programs more the property Documentation but they were only vaguely defined of individuals than the in "craft" a SDEM and SDSS, program written by someone it with product of an organization. and standardization were so lacking that, engineers who developed mode, was as difficult recalled to by the understand a else: We had software development standards before SDEM and SDSS were developed but the standards had no clear definition of the This lack of definition resulted in so much development phases. freedom that software systems often became the products of individuals. It was not easy for a person who had not designed a program to understand how it worked. To improve on this situation, we concluded that clear, reasonable definitions of the developing phases and activities were required. The kinds of tasks performed during each activity also needed standardization. According Nakamura, to standardization of they considered two options: procedures, techniques, and the improvement and overall development environment; and automatic program generation, relying on standardized formats for specifying user requirements and "state-of-the-art" emerging state of program generation, they focused and later on program generation. proceeding with automation, they It tools. initially Due to the still- on standardization, was also their philosophy that, before had to establish a methodology and a production system, and solve problems "rationally and systematically," relying on feedback from developers: There are two approaches to software engineering. One approach is to upgrade current development methods by standardizing development procedures and by improving both programming techniques and the development environment. In the other approach, programs are directly generated using formal specifications of user requirements, and this approach involves the application program generator or automatic programming. The latter approach is one way of accomplishing our ultimate goal of software engineering, and if we narrow the applied field this approach is feasible. However, it is very difficult to realize these latter technologies at the present state of the art, if we apply them generally. .Therefore, we addressed the . 47 . Fujitsu following items based on the evolutionary approach: 1) clarification of software development methods and standardization for development activities, activities 2) utilization tools of computerize to development . For the second, we We developed SDEM around the first item. phases after system support the as a set of to SDSS tools developed development is that it is basic software Our attitude toward design... more desirable to first clarify software development methods and a software development system, then to approach these problems and solutions rationally and systematicallv, depending heavily on feedback from the actual system developers."^ The SDEM methodology was Manua l set down outlined the basic standards Standards Reference Card listed four manuals. in and development approach. specific procedures l and work items for each presented more details of each work item and related documents, with The SDEM Introduction and Application Manual explained examples. management techniques and guidelines system. The SDEM The Detailed SDEM Standards development phase and project-team member. Manua The SDEM Concept The development process for introducing as defined in these basic and using the SDEM manuals divided the life cycle into 6 stages and 12 specific phases, from survey and planning through maintenance and evaluation. specific work steps, major phases is as shown shown in These included in Figure 7.3. a series of work categories and The documentation flow for the The Software Factory Department and Figure 7.4. programming subsidiaries covered the bottom half of this process, and system engineering departments the upper portion. 48 Fujitsu it u Q b O w z M H o l-J FIGURE SDEM DOCUMENTATION AND PROCESS FLOW ^urv . A major objective program design, SDEM was of facilitate to and separate system design from to clarify division labor of as exterior and specifications designs logical that improve as did not rely on specific machines (computers) or languages, whereas program design consisted physical program, which was machine and language dependent. system designs separately created effort testing might have in all phases, be redone, requirements from misunderstandings and errors. system engineers and programmers of and not meet SDEM and factory-support through coding and There was Developing the finished program did a if of the the entire implementation On the other hand, use customer requirements. tools to that risk a the System design consisted "flexibility" (portability or reusability) of the designs. of well test, minimized between also extensive interaction determining the accuracy and meaning of in design documents. Two tools that grew out of the SDEM Analysis).^' simplify EPG (Executive Planning Guide) and the specification and design process were C-NAP (Customer-Needs effort to standardize and EPGII formalized a set of planning procedures and work sheets for designing corporate information-management systems, systems mapping out already a existing customer's in the needs company. specifications necessary to write software, against infoi-mation-management To define more formally C-NAPII the set forth another series of procedures and work sheets. SDEM procedures for quality control but called for negotiations with customers allowable levels number of errors were similar in to those used determining targets per 1000 statements." If -- at Numazu "maximum early tests indicated were above target, procedures called for validating the target levels bug and then instituting countermeasures such as more intensive debugging or program J 93 redesign 51 Fujitsu The Factory which SDSS, From SPSS Tools: automated editing and management, source programs, to aspects SPAS documentation of compilation consisted of three elements: designs, data, test documentation; such as language and analyzer containing information and file a project library for a module description the name and module function, interfaces with other modules, and syntax; and test-support tools for module Although and test-case selection. module path tracing, analysis, results test, SDSS was gradually supplanted, used this Fujitsu system set to objectives for tool development. One of the first tasks, taken on extend the system essential as handle to by Murakami and other engineers, was FORTRAN; languages other than more and more applications programs came Another was improve to the module description language so became this to be written in that to COBOL. could it describe more complicated data structures and be used from the beginning of the program design phase, rather than from the module definition stage. objectives were to develop some automatic or mechanized as well as reuse capabilities, capabilities, Other program-generation and generate maintenance documents from source code, using the module description analyzer. Numazu provided solutions important were the adoption of code generation. imported GEM For from to YAC some these of production-control data base, to Particularly flow-charts and then YPS, for editing and program development and Numazu, problems. serve as and ADAMS, to a management, program serve as library a Kamata also system and project-development data base, with an interface to other tools, the project library, and management data bases. ^"^ Because its basic mission was to produce customized programs, 52 the most Fujitsu significant tool-development efforts research labs, coding, and supporting the reuse of designs and code new Fujitsu called the selling to its computer users and Support Facilities). SDAS continued to rely in 1987, on the developed after 1980. example, Fujitsu's the form of libr-ary in and registered packages, which served as program parts for semi- customized systems. tools assistance fiom with focused on automating aspects of program design and central routines Kamata, at In which set of tools, it began also SDAS (Systems Development Architecture SDEM methodology but incorporated all new-program development under SDAS, and C-NAPII system engineers used EPGII to the for define the customer requirements, and then determined where they could reuse applications packages from the program libraries, they were or with changes. either as Process planning then centered on how much new code had to be developed, how much existing software had to be modified, and SIA (Systems programming in different SDAS (Figure 7.5). Integration Architecture) COBOL, FORTRAN, tools on Fujitsu C, how much could be reused created LISP, and a standard PROLOG, and as interface is. for for using the mainframes, office computers, and work stations The SDAS methodology and tool set, architecture, also facilitated division of labor by making along it with the SIA easier to break up large programs into distinct units that could be done on different work stations and then combined later. 53 Fujitsu SDAS; Systems Development Architecture and Support Facilities Systems Planning Techniqua Corporal* Systems Planning Technique Systems Requirement Analysis Technique (EPG (C-NAP II) OperaUonal Application Tool II) The emphasis on productivity, packages attempt improve to and cost control simultaneously by reusing design and quality, know-how incorporated coding Fujitsu's reflected and thereby previously written programs, in reducing the amount of new designs and code needed to satisfy new customers. A major issue, tailored to fit over time. in however, was how produce packages that could be easily to individual user needs, and easily modified as user needs Fujitsu s changed package design, and some coding, solution was to keep the specialized system engineering departments, to take advantage of specific application-related or systems reviewed functional registered Engineers expertise. program in libraries the in departments when and, seemed it appropriate, modified some of these for genera! sale as packages or for use semi-customized systems built by Fujitsu or registration systems helped in effort. this no its subsidiaries. The in Two package largest catalogued original 1986 and increasing 40% to 50% per Fujitsu packages, totalling about 1000 year. Another library registered software developed by users or computer dealers, and in in 1986 totalled about 300.^9 Figure 7.6 summarizes Fujitsu data on how well these packages covered Manufacturing systems extended over the broadest range, with user needs. larger ones requiring total customization and some systems containing more than 40% existing code from packages. entirely by packages, companies ^^^ . Fujitsu such Small systems could often be covered almost as estimated the in that case of hospitals and newspaper SDAS-based applications packages, covering financial, manufacturing, distribution, government, newspaper, and medical applications, would account for 40% of applications systems delivered 1988. to Packages could not accommodate require unique features, all although demand, since many users continued Fujitsu estimated that the systematic combination of packages and new code doubled overall productivity.'^ 55 in ' Fujitsu FIGURE: PACKAGE COVERAGE RATIO 100 HosaitalS Distributiort-^ Newspaper Finance \ '1 r^^~>v. \ 80 60- Coverage Ratio (%) 40 i- Insurance 20 0,1 l.U 10 System Size (million lines of code) Automated Customization Developers of the automated programming tools Fujitsu sold as part of the SDAS On the one hand, the and non-experts. from engineers the tedious expert programmers, were serving two groups: set maintained that they were supposed tools cumbersome and computer programs and turn their talent job to "free software writing of run-of-the-mill more creative work. to occur because programmers no longer had to compose in This would " computer languages but could focus on business problems and write programs "more finely attuned to the requirements On the other hand, SDAS the end-user." of tools were designed to "enable computer users to develop their own application software Hitachi and without the help of expert programmers."'^'^ capabilities to their customers with NEC provided EAGLE and SEA- 1, although similar Fujitsu offered an even broader range of tools. The motivation demand for selling this technology was simple: the high for customized programs continuing to outstrip the ability of Japanese firms to hire and train enough programmers. In fact, customers a in 1986 indicated Fujitsu survey of a back-log approximately 2.7 years per company -- for systems its large-systems development which would have been far longer without reuse of designs and code, and program-automation tools. In its internal Fujitsu literature, presented an programming that placed the company's efforts within research and practice (Figure 7.7). programming" consisted readable object languages. Fujitsu, Toshiba, NT&T -- as well '^"^ overview of automatic a broader spectrum of interpretation, "classical automatic turned computer code into machine- The "modern" technology according to Murakami, and In this of compilers that as -- represented by YPS similar systems in to machine-readable code. 57 in NEC, Hitachi, focused on automating the transformation program design specification of step from These "program design Fujitsu specification Hitachi, SPD compilers" thus NEC, and HCP at structured read (PAD designs or diagrams NT&T), and generated code more or at at less automatically (module interfaces might have to be written manually), usually COBOL, FORTRAN, further back Two PL/I, or C. the development in life system planning and design phases. additional steps were to cycle, to move autotnation automate part or Tools such as Fujitsu's all in Fujitsu "partially automatic transformation tool." a (and in many other firms) were tools At the that tried to of Software attempted this through transformation rules defined by the user, and the category of in fell R&D the CAD into level automate the transformation process through Al techniques.'^ PARADIGM, issued around 1980 for in-house use and sold since 1981, was used for business applications software and supported module design, coding, and testing, as well as software reuse and the same patterns. concept as NEC's STEPS program maintenance. library routines and This relied on Hitachi's EAGLE Users created program parts or patterns, consisting either of fully coded modules or design specifications (program outlines, module functions, detailed flow charts), in COBOL, using methodology, and then registered them grew with each newly designed piece then accessible through The library systems, also a in a standardized PARADIGM'S of software. structured design library data base, which The parts and patterns were search program that used conversational language. ^ contained utility programs for use on multiple operating referred to as "black box" components. 58 Fujitsu Fujitsu claimed that quality several ways. in PARADIGM First, simultaneously imptoved productivity and reduced man-hours required it development through reuse of designs and code. due minimal to PARADIGM and required testing of also boosted productivity It components. reused the new program in Furthermore, programmers similar tools "enabled even inexperienced to write high-quality programs," and "eliminated misunderstandings due to individual differences," by making design documents and code easier to read and maintain due to high levels of standardization. ACS/APG Generator) was (Application Control programs from menus that the portions of moderate data-flow banking system, software a traffic. software, to rewrite To that allowed users to write new ACS was COBOL. actually a data-base and data-communications although only it handled low to deal with high-traffic programs, such as on-line developed Fujitsu Program System/Application tool translated into package that eliminated the need (DB/DC) Support PARADIGM refinement of a ^ another version ACS, of called AIM (Advanced Integrated Manager).'^" Programming sections in the Software Factory used a similar tool, (Banking Application Generator Library for Extensive Support), more complex software needed to control automated teller after several 1985, generated that tool it COBOL in 1980 and introduced years of experimentation. it the tool first Fujitsu began in Fujitsu in version automatically but the design process was so similar to actual programming had to be done by skilled software personnel. simplified use for general The produce the machines or to move funds among different bank locations through on-line transfers. developing this to BAGLES In 1986, however, Fujitsu and added computer-aided design capabilities.'^ These allowed even non-software specialists to design new programs through menus that contained nearly all the operations banks performed. 60 Similar to Hitachi's Fujitsu EAGLE, NEC's SEA-I, and Toshiba's BAGLES application generators, the menus into machine- readable design documents, and then into The COBOL code. required factory-type hardware support, however, by occupying two tool million translated code and using 10 to 15 giga-bytes of mass storage lines of generate to software that covered 500 to 1400 terminals and 50,000 to 150,000 transactions per hour. another related Still tool, CASET (Computer-Aided Software Engineering Tool), supported development of relatively simple business applications programs written COBOL, in information lists, consisting largely of relational data-base subsystems and such as for inventory or sales control. specifications by menu automatically coded the designs, document generator Tools in Japanese, the while produced tool After the user defined a program design and debugging support subsystem and a and maintenance. facilitated testing PARADIGM, ACS/APG, CASET, and BAGLES were like useful for well-defined applications that could be served by menu-driven design sheets and libraries of patterns or subroutines. new applications required tools that To automate development were not limited to pre-existing designs, library routines, menus, or development methods. advanced tool of this engineers Fujitsu drawing, . CAD and Software segments use to of CAD was the most as "a general activities tool for the software of .independent of any particular methods or development phases. is a general tool that developers can customize to and introduced the tool into areas, such as Kamata development 61 fit . . particular Fujitsu completed development during business applications programs. other CAD transformation methods for their own circumstances." 1986-1987, Software Fujitsu's Software Factory.''"^ in described verification, development. Software type used of software for in 1987, initially for writing Fujitsu was gradually extending of operating systems, its switching Fujitsu systems, communication (micro-code embedded and "firmware" software, in semiconductor chips). The 1987 version of CAD Software generalize-purpose used notations combining text, tables, and diagrams, as well as an editor and compilers that transformed standardized notations into modifiable design documents and then The different types of code. describing program structures: notation system used types of objects for six forms (graphic models of the program), tables, nodes (graphic symbols specifying particular attributes of the program), edges (symbols representing between connections nodes), (symbols inclusions representing relationships between nodes and edges), and text fields (inputs of data into any of the objects). specifications written The NS (Notation by program developers CAD editor Software for modification, CAD Document and in the finished format, specified These became inputs produced machine-readable notations. Compiler took Specification) the Software to were deposited portions and in the Database. The Software CAD Editor allowed the user to access the Document Database and modify any of the objects, relying on menus or templates, as well as a "mouse" interface and a "multi-window environment." Transformer used transformation rules specified by the the documents stored in not simple, CAD few days for still a although The notation system, according to Fujitsu, was a few hours for an experienced programmer new employee. Describing the transformation rules was relatively easy to learn, a user to transform the database into either executable code or textual documentation (Figure 7.8). and tool The Software CAD requiring Fujitsu claimed that programs developed with came out faster than comparable systems done manually. 62 Software in Fujitsu FIGURE : OUTLINE OF SOFTWARE CAD rs Developer Text source codes, etc. Softuare CAO Editor Machine Readab Is Form Transformer Software CAD Document Database Transformation Rule Notation Specification Tool Developer R&D Ongoing in Fujitsu attempted CAD and apply Al techniques with Software was approach to use Al techniques to integrate to other support tools. in process "knowledge data base" for specific applications, and a made "knowledge transformation" algorithm. in processing the documentation, subsequent phase -- into source code. Fujitsu's documents design using a model of the desired design, a For example, based on inferences would produce documents for tool planning inputs would produce which would be processed into (compiled) a intelligence artificial a detailed system design, a program design, which would be transformed a were especially interested Fujitsu engineers in applications to requirement specification and lexical (design-language) editors, since Al appeared useful to help designers understand constraints in hardware, the operating system, the computer language, or specific applications, and to verify designs. Inference-search methods were being applied to identifying software components for reuse. Other expected Al applications were in testing support and maintenance, such as problem diagnosis. Factory systems. In applications 1982, both of Al consisted mainly automatic of Kamata and Numazu introduced ATLAS translation to translate manuals and other technical documents from Japanese to English and vice-versa (English to Japanese became available Al system developed software development. it in Fujitsu This was a in 1986) '^ . Laboratories In addition, supported switching "knowledge-based system" withdrew information from flow charts and deposited an experimental in the sense that this in a data base, the form of general and detailed state-transition diagram elements. then systems The in tool used inference rules to produce I/O transformations automatically and generate computer code. Other tools in trial expert system for system-engineering consultation. 64 use in Fujitsu included an 1 1 fi Fujitsu : Performance Improvement Although productivity and quality were difficult to and summaries on unpublished in-house studies, resulted the According significant improvements. in SDEM standards alone brought roughly a 20*?, measure, Fujitsu data, indicated that these efforts 1981 to a gain in productivity (lines of code per month) over projects not using the new methodology. came mainly from the "absence scheduling, early discovery rework," of problems, of achieved adoption of article, These gains through better work standardization of work and documentation, and use of formal planning and reviews to reduce differences between user requirements and finished programs.''' With SDEM place and tool in and methodology development continuing, productivity, according to Murakami, doubled between 1980 and 1984, and after 1984 has continued to rise about ^b'h due annually, to increased use of automated program generation and design, as well as automated testing tools. ACS alone doubled productivity again. was reusability, productivity, while ACS/APG and PARADIGM doubled Directly connected with nominal measures of productivity which these tools supported. According programming efforts using PARADIGM and related reuse rate of about 40%, Specific cases reported in compared internal rates between 63% and 86% for to about 10% Fujitsu in tools Murakami, generally achieved projects that did literature on program parts such to ACS/APG not. cited a ° reuse as graphics control software and Japanese language processing access routines. Manual ACS-APG/PARADIGM ACS Productivity Index Estimated Reuse%: 3-4 40% 10% 65 Fujitsu On to a 2000 factory basis, productivity by the mid-1980s was approximately 1500 lines COBOL of code per month, comments including (about 10%). These numbers, however, excluded system engineering, and included extensive overtime. According to a former programmer, male employees often worked 70 or 80 hours per week, although women worked less because of legal restrictions. addition, In managers did emphasize not writing the of programs, but stressed schedule deadlines and correctness. "elegant" short, As a result of these practices, programs tended to be long and lines-of-code productivity high. On the other hand, Fujitsu hardware was so powerful that customers rarely noticed if programs ran somewhat slow. ^^ Fujitsu packages provided had on replaced an old one specific productivity. For example of a the effect SDAS banking customer, particular software system that consisted of 3.6 million and tools lines Fujitsu of code. Existing packages had covered 30% of the old system, and man-months required for the complete system was 8000. 450 lines of code per man-month, new code, including time Thus, there was able to reuse 79% to integrate the existing through gross productivity rate of including an aver-age of 315 per month for system was more than twice as large was a programs. -- 8.3 million SDAS packages The replacement lines of code. But Fujitsu securities processing, for customer control, cost accounting, international transactions, foreign exchange dealings, regional information control, and a general data base, as well as for the outside network, store operations, accounting, and general operations. For the other 21% that had to be newly developed, programmers used the BAGLES tools, which automatically generated code. productivity was 902 lines of code per man-month, YPS and The resulting gross although only 190 if one only looks at the amount of new code developed (Table 7.10 and Figure 7.9). 66 Fujitsu It is possible that reusing so many packages resulted in total a system longer than would have occurred had the software been written from scratch. Accordingly, a with project productivity than high reuse might produce higher lines-of-code program. This appeared to account for fully customized a some of the high productivity figures reported tools appeared to reduce length. Japanese firms, although some in Fujitsu claimed, for example, that software produced through BAGLES was actually much shorter than similar programs written without the because, in tool developing -- on average, BAGLES, merely engineers 1/14th identified the a This was size. large number of repetitious functions that could be handled through subroutines, which could be cited repeatedly in the Table 7.10: program without being rewritten. BANKING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTIVITY 122 New System Old System 8,300,000 LOC 6,550,000 LOC 1,750,000 LOC System Length 3,600,000 LOC Reused Code 1,080,000 LOC New Code 2,520,000 LOC Total Productivity 450 LOC/Man-Month 902 LOC/Man-Month New-Code Productivity 315 LOC/Man-Month 190 67 (301,) (79%) LOC/Man-Month Fujitsu 1I O O M (U o o o o o o CO h- a; < a o o PL, >-l H > M H Q O di PM S W H en >-i 0:1 O z h-l z <c w Pi 1=1 o I— -n Fujitsu also discovered, as did Toshiba and Hitachi, that there were Mmits to the benefits of reusing designs and code, component or subsystem had indicated there was of a particular In a a to be modified. clear improvement depending on In much liow of the systems software, Fujitsu data productivity as long as 70% to 80% in module or program part was reused without significant changes. sample of 47 projects, median productivity, including man-power devoted to maintenance, was approximately 60% higher with 20% new code and an 80% reuse rate. In without projects where there were attempts to reuse code but reuse productivity tended programming confirmed 60% for a proved changes significant to be this to 1 negative. be less 9T Studies tendency, showing given piece of software; if than a in impact the 70%, applications on system "break-even" point of about more than 60% had be newly written, to then the impact on overall productivity of attempting to reuse code was slightly negative. ^^ Software recycling CAD appeared code or existing to improve designs, but productivity through transformation of design specifications into code. easily used for specific tasks, were impressive. job-control total For example. Software CAD The present the tool also transformed (ADD in a tool in the was most limited trials cut the time needed to convert a diagram to job-control language from 6 months to necessarily automating partially but results reported by Fujitsu manpower from 9.3 man-months language without 0.5 man-months. to 1 month, and Programmers using database logic structure diagram into programming one-sixth the time (8.4 man-months to 0.5 man-months). Other efforts showed similar improvements, usually cutting development time one-fourth or one-third, with even larger gross productivity gains, compared to conventional design and programming (Table 7.11).^^ 69 Fujitsu Table 7.11: K-LOC Key: = USE OF SOFTWARE CAD FOR TOO L DEVELOPMENT ^ 26 1000 lines of cod MM Man-Months MH = Man-Hours mo.= month = Software C AD Development Time Improvement MM/6 mo. 0.5 MM/1 mo. 6-fold 8.4 MM/6 mo. 0.5 MM/1 mo. 6-fold 2.3 MM 0.6 MM 4-fold 8.0 MM 2.0 MM 4-fold 6.0 MH 2.0 MH 3-fold Task Conventional Job-Flow Diagram to Job-Control Language (7.5 K-LOC in C) 9.3 Database Structure Diagram to ADL (6.7 K-LOC in C) Screen Format to Definition Language (100 screens) Screen Transformation to Programming Language (10/screen) Database Structure Diagram to ADL SUMMARY While Fujitsu did not emphasize software process analysis, standardization, or factory-type organization as early as Hitachi, NEC, or Toshiba, by the early 1980s had it clearly adopted factory-type practices applications software development. Huge demand led Fujitsu to create Japan's largest network to in both systems and for customized programs also of software subsidiaries, as well as develop an impressive collection of reusable code and automated tools that facilitated customization. common to Table 7.12 summarizes of Fujitsu's activities in areas other software-factory efforts. 70 Fujitsu Table 7.12: FUJITSU SUMMARY FACTORY CONCEPT IMPLEMENTATION Strategic Integration Direction in inspection systems software department and from the software engineering departments, and in applications software from the Development Planning Office Product-Process Focus and Tool methodology development standardization centered on systems and applications Scale and Scope and two categories, Systems software centralized Works, applications software in in Numazu Kamata Software Factory and subsidiaries Improvement, Not Innovation Process Analysis/Control Focus on producing systems efficiently, development of common through tool worker support, and reuse of IBM-type operating and simplifying the applications programs specialization, tool packages Systematic data collection, standardization efforts, development planning report system, and BSMS data base from mid-1970s Quality Analysis/Control Systematic data collection from the late quality circle activities; Design of Experiment techniques 1970s; Central Tool Support System software tool development centered Numazu Works and applications tools Kamata, with assistance from central labs Training Laboratory for training established training program from 1978 in in in 1970; SDEM Reusability Extensive investment in package libraries and accessing reusable designs and code, such as PARADIGM, ACS/APG, CASET, and tools BAGLES Automated Customization Reuse-support tools, as well as new systems such as Software CAD 71 Fujitsu REFERENCES Limited, Annual Report 1. Fujitsu 2. Nikkei Computer 3. Fujitsu, 4. Nikkei Computer "Numazu kojo" 13 . March 1987. October 1986, 13 , . p. 75. (Numazu Works), undated brochure. October 1986, pp. 70, 79. Shimoda Hirotsugu, Sofutouea kojo (Software factories), Tokyo, Toyo Keizai Shimposha, 1986, p. 82; interview with Yamaji Katsuro, Deputy General Manager, Software Division, Fujitsu Ltd., 7/31/86. 5. 6. Shimoda, pp. 81-82. Fujitsu, "Kaihatsu taisei: Densanki Jigyo Honbu, Sofutouea Jigyobu" (Organizational structure. Computer Group, Software Division), unpublished 7. company document, 1986. Interviews with Yoshida Tadashi, Deputy General Manager, Quality Assurance Department, Software Division (Numazu Works), Fujitsu, 7/31/86 and 9/7/87. 8. 9. Interviews with Murakami Noritoshi, Manager, Software Development Planning Fujitsu Limited, 9/1/87 and 3/22/88. Office, 10. Nikkei Computer 11. Murakami interviews. 12. Nikkei Computer , , 13 13 October 1986, pp. October 1986, p. 70, 79, and Sliimoda, p. 82. 80. 13. Fujitsu Ltd., Nyusha no shiori (Guidebook for company entrance). Education and Training Department, February 1986, pp. 30-32; and Kiriu Hiroshi, Sofutouea sanqyo no jitsuzo (The state of the software industry), Tokyo, Nikkan Shobo, 1986, pp. 78-81. Major sources for the corporate history are Usui Kenji, "FACOM kaihatsu (History of FACOM development), Computopia April and May 1975; Iwabuchi Akio; Fujitsu Kabushiki Kaisha, Fujitsu Kabushiki Kaisha shashi II (History of Fujitsu, Ltd.), 1976, reprinted in Nihon Shashi Zenshu Kankokai, Nihon shashi zenshu: Fujitsu shashi, Tokyo, 1977; "FACOM no ayumi" (FACOM history), FACOM ianaru. Vol. 11, No. 1 (1985), pp. 20-47. 14. shi" , 15. Minamisawa Noburo, Nihon konpyuta hattatsu-shi (History of the development of Japanese computers) ,Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Shimbuns ha, 1978, p. 145. 16. Iwabuchi Akio, Fujitsu no chosen (Fujitsu's challenge), Tokyo, Yamate Shobo, 1984, pp. 34-42, 128-129, 198-202; Ogino Yuji etal., "Fujitsu-Hitachi no shin-konpyuta M shirizu' no senryaku o tettei kyumei" (A close look at the strategy of the new Fujitsu-Hitachi M-series' computers), Comput opia, February 1975, p. 17-18. 72 Fujitsu 17. Nikkei Computer Iwabuchi, p. 93; Usui, Computopia 1985, p. 10. 18. , May . 13 October 1986, p. 01. 1975, pp. 17-18; J apan Economic Jo urnal, 29 January no ayumi" (FACOM development), FACOM ianaru Vol. 11, No. 1 20-47; and Fujitsu Kabushiki Kaisha, "FACOM seino ichiran" (Overview of FACOM performance) in Ikeda kinen robun shu (Anthology of articles in memory of Ikeda), Tokyo, 1978, pp. 254-267. 19. "FACOM (1985), 20. . pp. Ogino, pp. 30-31. 21. Datamation 1 June 1985, p. 60; The Wall Street Journa l, 12 7 June 1986, p. 15. p. 18; Japan Economic Journal , November 1985, , Interview with Fujitsu Managing Director Miyoshi Mamoru in bijinesu no mirai" (The future of the software business) Computopia pp. 85-87. "Sofutouea 22. , 23. Fujitsu Limited, Annual Report 1983 and Annual Report 1984 , April 1986, . Fujitsu, Information Processing Group, No. 1 Software Division, "Sofutouea kaihatsu: hinshitsu-seisansei kojo ni tsuite" (Software development: quality and productivity improvement) unpublished company document, received 9/24/85, p. 24. , 3. 25. "Sofutouea kaihatsu," pp. 40-41. 26. Nihon Keizai Shimbun 5 , August 1987, p. 9. David Lammers, "Sigma: Japan's Effort to Close the Software Productivity Gap," Electronic Engineering Times 21 July 1986, p. 9. 27. , 28. Murakami interviews. Kawaguchi Izawa, "Shoki no shisutemu sofutouea: FONTAC 8040 MONITOR no kaihatsu made o chushin to shite" (Early systems software: focus on period through the FONTAC 8040 MONITOR development), Jolio shori Vol. 24, No. 3, March 1983, pp. 225-237; Usui (May 1975), pp. 20-21. 29. . Okamoto Akira, "MONITOR-V shisutemu no omoide" (Recollections of the system), in Kyoto Daigaku Ogata Kensanki Sen t a 10-nen-shi pp. 224-229; Fujitsu shashi II p. 104; Usui (May 1975), p. 25. 30. MONITOR-V , , 31. Iwabuchi, pp. 44, 221-222. 32. Okamoto, pp. 224-229. 33. Yamamoto Takuma, "Opereteingu shisutemu kaihatsu no omoide" (Recollections on operating system development), in Kyoto Daigaku Ogata Keisanki Senta, ed., Kyoto Da ig aku Ogata Kensanki Senta 10-nen-shi (A 10-year history of the Kyoto University Ogata Computer Center), Kyoto, Kyoto University, 1980, pp. 217-219. 73 Fujitsu , 34. Uemura Mitsuo, "Sofutouea kaihatsu no omoide" (Recollections development), in Kyoto Daiqaku Ogata Kensanki Senta 10-nen-shi , of software pp. 230-236. 35. Ogino, pp. 30-31. 36. Tabata Akira, "Kihon sofutouea no kaihatsu" (Basic software development), FACOM ianaru . Vol. 11, 37. Shimoda, p. 73. 38. Shimoda, pp. 73-76. No. 1 (1985), p. 54. 39. This discussion is based on Yoshida interview, 9/24/85, and "Kensa-bu no rekishi" (History of the inspection department), internal Fujitsu memo, prepared by Yoshida. 40. Fujitsu Ltd., "Kensa-bu no rekishi" (History of the inspection department), internal Fujitsu memo. 41. "Sofutouea kaihatsu"; and Yoshida interviews. 42. Yoshida interviews. Morita Shoken and Kanda Shigeru (Fujitsu, Ltd., No. 1 Software Division, Inspection Department), "Sofutouea hinshitsu no toraekata" (Ways of looking at software quality), Hinshitsu Vol. 14, No. 2 (April 1984), p. 91. 43. . Tadashi Yoshida, "Attaining Higher Quality in Software Evaluation in Practice," Fujitsu Scientific and Technical Journal (July 1985), p. 306. Development-- 44. 45. "Sofutouea kaihatsu," especially pp. 7-10. 46. Yoshida interviews. , Vol. 21, No. 3 Fujitsu, Computer Group, Software Division, "Sofutouea no hinshitsu kanri" (Software quality control) unpublished company document, 11 September 1985, p. 6; and "Sofutouea kaihatsu," p. 6. 47. , This discussion is based on Nihon Noritsu Kyokai (Japan Management Association), Fujitsu no ko-shinraisei undo (Fujitsu's High-Reliability Movement) Tokyo, Nihon Noritsu Kyokai, 1985, especially pp. 144-176. 48. 49. Yoshida, "Attaining Higher Quality Practice," p. 305. in Software Development -- Evaluation in 50. Yoshida, "Attaining Higher Quality Practice," p. 305. in Software Development -- Evaluation in Yoshida, "Attaining Higher Quality Practice," pp. 308-309. in Software Development - Evaluation in 51. 52. "Sofutouea kaihatsu," p. 15. 74 Fujitsu Keizo Tatsumi (Quality Assurance Department, Computer Software Development Group, Fujitsu Limited), "Test Case Design Support System," International Conference on Quality Control, Tokyo, October 1987, pp. 1-2. 53. Also, citing Taguchi's 1976 book in Japanese, is a more detailed article on See Sato Shinobu and Shimokawa Haruki, these methods used in Fujitsu. "Jikken keikau-ho o mochiita sofutouea no tesuto komoku settei-ho" (Software test-case selection method based on experimental design methodology), Sofutouea Seisan ni okeru Hinshitsu Kanri Shinpojium (Symposium on quality control in 1983. software). No. 4, ca 54. . Yoshida, "Attaining Higher Quality Practice," pp. 314-315. 55. 56. Murakami interviews. 57. "Sofutouea kaihatsu," pp. 37, 44. 58. Yoshida interviews. 59. Fujitsu in "FACOM Kabushiki Kaisha, Software Development -- Evaluation in M-shirizu OSIV/X8 FSP," pp. 171-173. "SDAS: Application Software Development Made Easy," Electronics News from Fujitsu, July 1987, p. 2; Yoshida interviews; and "Sofutouea no hinshitsu kanri," p. 16; and Yoshida's 2/8/87 written response to 1/20/87 Cusumano questionnaire on "Large-Scale Systems Software." Yoshida believed that a major reason U.S. firms have not refined flow chart systems to this extent was because, for native speakers of English or similar languages, writing in a highlevel computer language is close to their native language. But, for Japanese this was not the case, and YACII, PAD, or SPD diagrams could be written in Japanese, making them easier for Japanese programmers to use. 60. 61. Yoshida response to questionnaire. 62. Yoshida Tadashi, "Sofutouea no keiryo-ka" (Software quantification), Joho Vol 26, No. (Januar-y 1985) p. 49; and Yoshida shori (Information Processing) interviews. , 63. "Sofutouea kaihatsu," p. 29. 64. Yoshida interviews. 65. "Sofutouea kaihatsu," p. 30. 66. Yoshida interviews. 67. "Fujitsu," Computopia 68. Usui, Computopia 69. Fujitsu Kabushiki Kaisha shashi 70. Nikkei Computer . , , May 13 1 . June 1975, 1975, p. , 92. pp. 25-26. II . October 1986, 75 pp. p. 102-103. 82. Fujitsu . 71. Nikkei Computer 13 , October 1986, pp. 81-82. for chart, Nikkei Computer 13 October 1986, p. 79; for 1988 Sources: employee totals, author estimates based on 1986 data and 1988 Murakami interview. 72. , 73. Murakami interviews. 74. Shimoda, p. 74. 75. Murakami interviews. 76. Murakami interviews. Interview with Sakurai Hiromi, former programmer (1981-1983), Distribution Systems Group, Software Factory Department, Fujitsu Limited, 5/4/88. 77. 78. Murakami and Sakurai interviews. 79. Murakami and Sakurai interviews. 80. Sakurai interview. 81. Sakurai and Murakami interviews. Noritoshi Murakami, Isao Miyanari, and Kazuo Yabuta, "SDEM and SDSS: Overall Approach to Improvement of the Software Development Process," in H Hunke, ed.. Software Engineering Environments, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 82. 1981, p. 288. 83. Sakurai interview. 84. Murakami interviews. 85. Murakami and Sakurai interviews. 86. Nikkei Computer . 13 October 1986, pp. 80-81. Yoshiro Nakamura, Ryuzo Miyahara, and Hideshi Takeuchi, "Complementary to the Effective Software Development," Proceedings of Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC78) New York, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), November 1978, p. 236. 87. Approach , 88. Nakamura et a!., p. 89. Nakamura et al., pp. 235-236. 90. Murakami et al., pp. 284-286. 91. Murakami interviews. 236. Nagata Yuzuru, Mori Kuniaki, and Takahashi Tomio, "Shisutemu keikaku giho EPGII to C-NAPII" (System Planning Methodologies EPGII and NAPII), Fujitsu. Vol. 39, No. 1 (January 1988), pp. 13-20. 92. 76 Fujitsu Murakami etal., pp. 286-287; Watanuki Hisaslii, Hatta Makoto, andOkudaira Hajime, "Apurikeshon puroguramu kaihatsu toki no hinshitsu kanri" (Quality Control for Application Program Development, Fujitsu, Vol. 34, No. 6 (1983), pp. 857-865. 93. 94. Murakami pp. 289-293. et al., Noritoshi Murakami and Tomio Takahashi, responses to Cusumano surveys on "Large-Scale Applications Software" (1/19/87) and "Software Facilities" (9/87). 95. Akiyama Masayuki and Nishimura Shuji, "SDAS ni okeru pakkeji kaihatsu to sono tekiyo gijutsu" (SDAS Improving Package Development and Its Application Methods), Fujitsu, Vol. 39, No. 1 (January 1988), pp. 36-41. 96. 97. Akiyama and Nishimura. 98. Murakami interviews. 99. Nikkei Computer , 13 October 1986, pp. 81-82. 100. Akiyama and Nishimura. 101. "SDAS; Application Software Development Made Easy," Electronics News from Fujitsu 102. , July 1987, p. 3. "SDAS: Application Software Development Made Easy," pp. 1-2. Fukuta Zenichi, Yoshihara Tadao, and Maruyama Takeshi, "SDAS sogo shisutemu no teisho" (SDAS Systems Development Architecture and Support Facilities), Fujitsu, Vol. 39, No. (January 1988), p. 3. 103. kaihatsu 1 104. Murakami and Takahashi survey responses; "SDAS: Application Software Development Made Easy," p. 2; Murakami interviews. 105. Murakami interviews. 106. Fujitsu Kabushiki Kaisha, 107. "Sofutouea kaihatsu," p. 42. 108. "FACOM 109. Murakami interviews. "FACOM M-shirizu 0SIV/X8 FSP," pp. 193-194. M-shirizu 0SIV/X8 FSP," pp. 193-194. 110. Fujitsu Limited, "BAGLES kaihatsu no keiro" (The process of development), unpublished Fujitsu document, 20 March 1986. BAGLES Ueki Sadahiro, Miyauchi Kazuto, and Nakada Haruyoshi, "Koseisansei tsuru tool CASET), Fujitsu, Vol. 39, No. 1 (January 1988), pp. 21-28. 111. CASET" (High-productivity "Fujitsu Software: Banking February 1985, pp. 63-64. 112. to Realtime," Electronic 77 Engineering Times, 11 Fujitsu : Kazuo Yabuta, Akihiro Yoshioka, and Noritoshi Murakami "Software CAD' Environment for Graphical Software Development Techniques," Generalized A COMPSAC87 pp. 1-8. 113. , . 114. Murakami interviews. 115. Fujitsu, "System for Supporting Software Development (for Switching Systems Software)," internal document, 1977; Murakami interviews. 116. Murakami interviews. 117. Murakami 118. Murakami interviews. 119. "Sofutouea kaihatsu," p. 43. 120. Sakurai interview. 121. "Fujitsu Software: et al., pp. 287-288. Banking to Realtime," pp. G3-64. Fukuta Zenichi, Yoshihara Tadao, and Maruyama Takeshi, "SDAS sogo shisutemu no teisho" (SDAS Systems Development Architecture and Support Facilities), Fujitsu, Vol. 39, No. 1 (January 1988), p. 11. 122. kaihatsu 123. Yoshida, "Sofutouea no keiryo-ka," pp. 48-51. 124. Akiyama and Nishimura, 125. Yabuta, Yoshioka, and Murakami, pp. 126. Yabuta, Yoshioka, and Murakami, p. C I I 7 U 7 8 p. 38. ^s 1-7. 7. ''"''*^" Date Due f£B2o m] Lib-26-67 Wn 3 LIBHAHIt ^DflQ DDS 351 D33