Of TfCf^ iHsr. 1D28 'o^r .1:414 NOV 191986 J-/ aJiAW** WORKING PAPER ^k Behavioral Theory of Interest Rate Formation by James H. Hines, WP- 177 1-86 Jr. January 1986 HO 28 ^, NOV 2 1773 1986 U A Behavioral Theory of Interest Rate Formation James H. Hines, Jr. Sloan School of Managment Massachusetts Institute of Technology Introduction, This paper developes and marshals empirical support for a theory of the nominal, short-term, risk-free interest Unlike most approaches to the problem, the rate. formulation presented here does not assume equality of supply and the formulation larger is a mechanism which would help macroeconomic model. Empirical support studies of individual structure human two offered at for securities. Rather, and demand to bring supply is demand into balance in a levels of aggregation: Empirical decision making are used to suggest an appropriate structure; the then estimated using macro-economic data. is In the proposed formulation the risk free interest rate moves in response to liquidity pressures experienced principally by intermediaries. Liquidity pressures cause interest rate relative to the "underlying interest rate", a construct movements which represents the in the interest rate environment to which people have become accustomed. The formulation has grown from work on (for a description of the sector, a financial sector, cycle, the and a government It inflation sector. and is a possesses two production sectors, a household The Model is modes of industriahzed economies including economic long wave, the several System Dynamics National Model modeling project see Forrester 1984 and 1979). The National Model simulation model of an industrial economy. the major behavior the M.I.T. deflation, intended to aid in understanding the business cycle, the Kuznets and economic growth. (For discussion of major economic behavior modes see Schumpeter 1944; Volker 1978; and Forrester 1976, 1982). In some respects the National The nature of this departure gives Model rise to the represents a departure from prior economic modeling. need for a new interest rate formulation. characteristics are particularly important in this regard. First, the National exogenous time-dependent inputs l; consequently, exogenous Three Model does not permit interest rates could not be used as explanatory variables in the interest rate formulation. Using exogneous interest rates begs the question of how interest rates are formed. Second, the National Model unfolds and, therefore, the use of simultaneous equations 1. is less precisely, the only continuous time, appropriate than in most other economic exogenous inputs are noise and idealized disturb the system and elicit its dynamic response. More in test inputs designed to models. Finally, model construction has emphasized the portrayal of decision making heuristics the derivation or application of optimizing decision rules. more than The emphasis on the nominal, short-term, risk-free interest rate is one of convention. The important simplifying strategy in a macro-model examining major movements in the economy (as movements opposed to fine the rigor imposed by from this in interest rates) is to interest rate with strict regard to the requirements of behavioral modeling. Other rates can then be derived one as needed. Any adjustments up or form one basic rate can be regarded as basic; other rates down depending upon whether those rates are may more or then be calculated by less risky than the basic rate^. As in is the basic rate, I have chosen the nominal, short-term, risk-free broad keeping with economic tradition, although many theorists interest rate. would focus on short-term, risk-free interest rate. In the United States, however, there are the real rate, and consequendy representing demand and supply pressures might become problematic were the real rate used. on the other hand, corresponds closely to the interest rate is virtually risk-free in terms of default risk to pay its interest rate first section following considers the the new model risk-free, short-term interest rate, on a federal government more traditional equilibrium upon a modification note. The note approach to to Walras' auctioneer. formulation permits trades out of equilibrium and own account The and summarizes third section of this is willing to paper discusses the behavior of the new The buy and sell formulation statistical tests. 1. Simultaneous Equations and Tatonnement Simultaneous Equations. The theory of interest rate formation developed fundamentally a supply and demand formulation. The formulation, however, from supply-demand formulations 3. in a behavioral formation including Walras' taonnement adjustment process. The next section "auctioneer" of the 2. no instruments carrying because the government has the ability to print money presents an alternative adjustment process based is the real, debt.^ The for his The nominal This choice in is most other econometric work. In such work in this essay distinguishable interest rates are Translations between short and long rates would also involve expectations regarding changes in the short or long rates and, perhaps, risk premia for different maturity habitats (Modigliani and ShiUer 1973, Modigliani and Sutch 1966). There have been instances in which governments have defaulted on debt denominated in local currency, although such instances are not common. The default risk on the debt of the industrialized nations is extremely small. JHH42.2 1/14/86 2 chosen to equate desired supply and desired demand (see for example, Friedman 1980a, 1980b, 1977; Friedman and Roley 1980, Modigliani, Rasche, and Cooper 1970, Hendershott 1977, Bosworth and Duesenberry 1973). More security by lenders specifically, the desired (primary) purchases of a and the desired issues of that security by borrowers are specified as functions of the interest rate on that security. The condition that desired purchases (demand) equal desired issues (supply) interest rate is then imposed. With this condition the desired amount of securities and the can be determined.'* For example, and f(i,z) and "z" if g(i,z) is a function determining desired borrowing exogenous is factors; a DL (or securities purchases) a function determining desired loans DB (or issues), where system of three simultaneous equations "i" is the interest rate may be written: DL = g(i,z) DB = f(i,z) DL = DB. Equations (1) and (2) may be (1) (2) (3) substituted into (3) to yield g(i,z)=f(i,z) which may be solved for a unique rate so discovered may (4) interest rate i under suitable restrictions on g and f The then be substinated into either (1) or (2) to uncover the amount interest demanded and supplied. It might be noted equilibrium desired quantities equal actual quantities.^ be fulfilled only if the quantities they each have in will find itself short of transacting parmers. 4. 5. approach that the simultaneous equations The mind is an equilibrium approach. In desires of sellers and buyers can both are the same, otherwise one of the groups The simultaneous equations approach requires that Modigliani, Rasche and Cooper (1970) equate the public's demand for demand deposits to the supply offered by banks. The IS-LM approach makes use of simultaneous equalities between goods supplied and goods demanded (IS) and between money demanded and money supplied (LM) to obtain equilibrium figures for GNP and interest rates (Dombusch and Fischer 1981, Ch. 4, eq. 6a and 12a). More precisely, desired quantities equal actual quantities in a stress-free equilibrium. Most which aU states (integrations) of a system are constant or are growing at a constant rate. Such a condition can result when desires are not fulfilled but where opposing forces in the system conspire to prevent further movement of actual quantities toward desired. This is termed a "stressed" equilibrium. There is a pervasive beUef among economists (including economists working in the system dynamics tradition) that actors in the economic system can analyze a stressed equilibrium and take action to achieve a more satisfactory equilibrium. generally, an equilibrium might be considered as a condition in JHH42.2 1/14/86 3 ^ sellers' desired quantities always equal buyers' desired quantities (equation Hence, the 3). simultaneous equations approach carries the assumption that financial markets are always in equiUbrium. Real-life interest rates are not literally determined by the solution of simultaneous equations. This conclusion results both from observation (people do not appear to solve simultaneous equations) and from a recognition of the informational and cognitive limitations faced by decision makers: No individual or group of individuals could possibly know all the functions of all the players in the financial markets. And, even if all solution of the set of simultaneous equations resulting therefrom if possible to achieve at would be known, the prohibitively expensive, all. Since the process of solving simultaneous equations does not world process of functions were interest rate formation, use literally describe the real of simultaneous equations in models of interest rate determination must rest upon the assumption that a process exists in the real world which quickly equates the desired demand a modeling context, "quick" model within which means quick relative to the desired means quick supply of securities (Cf. Eberlein 1984, p. 183 ff.), . In in relation to other processes represented in the larger the interest rate formulation is embedded. In an empirical context, "quick" to the frequency of observations. The use of simultaneous equations work of Friedman and in the present context others cited above for two reasons. seems First, the less appropriate than in the previously cited intended for quarterly models, while the formulation presented in these pages continuous-time model. Second, the formulation presented below is is work was intended for a intended to account for the general level of interest rates, not the differences between rates on different securities. Since most of the previously cited work includes,as explanatory variables, rates on other securities; that work may be considered as accounting for interest rate differentials which may move faster than the entire structure of interest rates taken as a whole. The Adjustment Process. The present work does not assume simultaneities, but focusses on the process which moves interest rates toward equilibrium. Walras (1954) appropriately called this process "a groping" or tatonnement process. In Walras' formulation, an "auctioneer""^ calls out an interest rate, participants 6- make offers to lend and borrow at this interest Modigliani, Rasche and Cooper (1970) do not use exogenous interest rates as explanatory variables. 7. The term "auctioneer" is common. "Master of Ceremonies" would function. JHH42.2 1/14/86 4 better describe the intended rate. If He desired loans do not match desired borrowing, the auctioneer calls out a new interest rate. continues in this fashion until offers to borrow equal offers to lend, at which point he permits the participants to transact While Walras' process idealization of the note that it is is considered even by those mechanism by which who use as "a fairly extreme it prices are determined" (Malinvaud 1972, 140), well to actually only a bit less unwieldly than the solution of simultaneous equations. Instead of requiring massive amounts of information and computational power, massive and patient cooperation of institutions and the public more than it is at large. this process requires the The process is really little a hypothetical computational technique for the solution of a set of simultaneous equations (Goodwin 1951). 2. An Alternative Adjustment Process. Realism and Computational Ease. The lack of realism be identified in price is two linked ways. at least in Walras' tatonnement may cannot take place before an equilibrium First, transactions determined, whereas on real-world commodity and stock exchanges "without exception contracts are made at each of the prices called." (Malinvaud although a kind of intermediary, permitted to buy and sell for his is p. 139). Second, the auctioneer, not permitted to take a position in the market, that own account; is, unlike his real-life counterparts. Realism he is not may be improved, therefore, by permitting transactions out of equilibrium and permitting the intermediary to buy and sell for his own account. A straightforward improvment in realism may be achieved by replacing Walras' auctioneer with an aggregated financial intermediary. The simplification involved in taking the reverse of that made by Walras: The this step is quite intermediary, rather than being a party to no transactions, can be assumed to be a party to every transaction. Such an arrangement decreases the computational effort required by the auctioneer and points the way to a realistic and practical way of representing interest- rate determination in a dynamic, continuous-time macro-economic model. If the intermediary stands ready to to set interest rates encapsulated in integrate, and thereby summarize, the or a small inventory of money at a rate greater than investors money its balances are low, that JHH42.2 1/14/86 borrow and will find the information necessary it is have been selling securities illiquid, it from it. should, and it The inventories A large inventory of securities entire history of transactions. have been buying when it inventory of securities or of money. indicates borrowers is lend, securities to the intermediary When will the intermediary's be motivated to, raise the which price at it will buy or sell from its own account^. The converse holds when securities are liquid funds are high. low and Assuming that intermediaries are prepared to buy and sell from price (as long as their supplies last) implies a decoupling of quantities intermediaries are wilUng to absorb differences between supply and inventories last, there is no their own demanded and demand, at least rigid requirement that desired supply equal desired intermediary sectors. Hence, the formulation suggested here is accounts at a supplied. If while their demand in the non- a disequilibrium formulation in the sense that desired supply does not have to equal desired demand.^ It is important to note that while the formulation does not assume equality between supply and demand, it does not preclude equality. Indeed, mechanisms tending demand to bring a larger this formulation would be one of the macro-economic model to an equilibrium in which desired for securities equals desired supplies. It is interesting that the description of interest rate formation in terms of intermediaries valid for the particular market in securities dealers are the which the risk-free rate is set. In that is market government primary intermediary (often dealing with other intermediaries such as banks). In giving a first-hand description of the Federal Reserve's open market transactions on a particular day, Paul Meek (1978) writes: "...A last-minute contact with the traders indicates that banks and others are beginning to sell treasury bills to dealers in greater volume than buyers taking from them. Dealers are raising the rates they are bidding for treasury that dealers at this point in I might add have a low "inventory" of liquid funds. The question remains manner bills...". are as to how to formulate, in a which intermediaries determine a reasonable of Walras (Samuelson's (1947, p. 270), Goodwin way consistent with observation, the interest rate. In the modem interpretation 1951, Negishi 1962) price movement (dp/dt) is proportional to the difference between supply and demand. This formulation possesses the virtue of simplicity and grounded to the may be well suited to the analytical needs of stability theory, but in empirical observation of how people make decisions and is, it is not well therefore, less well suited needs of a behavioral macro-economic model. In addition, the formulation assumes continuity in interest rate movements. Since prices are not physical accumulations, there 8. An 9. A intermediary further way may in also restrict its no lending activities. which the formulation can be a disequilibrium formulation is that there sectors receive what they desire. This is consistent with the observed requirement that occurrence of credit crunches (Sinai 1976). JHH42.2 1/14/86 is 6 is no reason to make this assumption. continuity and which An is It is desirable to create a formulation firmly grounded in observation of appropriate place to begin thinking about the individual decision making. is a way people choose rates common strategy determination (Hogarth 1980 p.47, Tversky and adjustment and anchoring process people come Kahneman to a is the literature on that the process for arriving at judgments like interest rate 1974, Kleinmuntz 1985). In the judgment by adjusting a preexisting quantity of currently available information. The empirically observed adjustment and anchoring strategy undergird the interest rate setting process in the real world. ^^ that in the presence decision making. A large and growing body of such work suggests termed "adjustment and anchoring" (the anchor) to take account human which does not assume More is here hypothesized to particularly, it is hypothesized of supply and demand imbalance, summarized by the inventory positions of intermediaries 1 ^ people choose a current interest rate by adjusting up or termed the "underlying interest rate". The underlying down an anchor here interest rate represents the interest rate environment to which people have become accustomed. A mathematical formulation suitable for use in a simulation model involves clarifying three issues. First, it is necessary to consider the manner in which the current interest rate above or below the anchor; second, the way people form the anchor finally, the manner in which inventories are Multiplicative Adjustment. example a five dollar difference in price dollar difference is must be described. (1982, p. 168) present results perceived as less important as the price increases. For on a $15 item on a $125 item. This suggests between the anchor and the adjusted must be considered; and, translated into an adjustment tenn Kahneman and Tversky suggesting that a given difference in price itself is is subjectively that for a given state more important than a five of liquidity the difference risk-free rate should increase as rates increase in order for the psychological impact of the difference to remain the same. A functional form in which the effect of hquidity enters multiplicatively possesses this characteristic. TO^ 11. This discussion makes an aggregative leap. Hogarth (1980) and Tversky and Kahneman (1974) examined individual decision making. Here I am discussing an aggregation of decisions made by many people. As discussed below, this consideration suggests the need for empirical validation at a macro level. possible to formulate this either on the basis of the inventory positions of intermediaries alone or on the basis of the inventory positions of both intermediaries and non-intermediaries. For realistic adjustment times in the non-intermediary sector, there is Uttle dynamic difference since money-inventory imbalances are corrected quickly. It is JHH42.2 1/14/86 7 RFIRt=UIRt*ELRt (5) ELRt=f(i"tS''"^^i^^s' liquidityt) (6) Where RFIR- Risk Free Interest Rate UIR - Underlying Interest Rate ELR - Effect of Liquidity on the risk free Rate decreasing function A f In equation 5 the effect of supply and demand enters multiplicatively, indicating that the difference between the risk free rate and the underlying rate depends Hence, during periods of high between UIR and RFIR will interest rates, indicated upon the underlying rate. by a high value of UIR (see below), the gap be greater than during periods of low rates for identical values of ELR. The Underlying Interest Rate. inflation rate" or the "underlying at the present time, abstracting The underlying The underlying unemployment rate", from the that rate interest rate is the reference condition to which people feel generally holds on the actual interest rate. which people have become accustomed; become accustomed to the it changed A weighted average with recent experience weighted most heavily would seem to be an appropriate mathematical representation of this concept property and analogous to the "underlying effects of transitory pressures continually adjusts as interest rates change and people environment is rate, is easily representable in a simulation model An exponential average possesses (Forrester 1961, p. 406-4 11). this While a small modification will be considered in the section of this essay dealing with behavior and in appendix 2, for most purposes the underlying rate may be defined as: UIRt= (RFIRt - UIRt)/TAUIR (7) Where UIR -Underiying Interest Rate -Risk Free Interest Rate -Time to Adjust Underlying Interest Rate TAUIR and the dot (•) represents a time derivative. RFIR The speed of adjustment of UIR toward RFIR depends on the parameter diagram below charts the adjustment path of UIR for a step increase TAUIR. JHH42.2 1/14/86 in RFIR TAUIR. The for several values of 1 Exponential Adjustment Paths 2 UIR2 UIR1 1.000 il 0.750 k\ 0.500 il 0.250 0.0 l) - 3 UIR3 be the same in an equilibrium with constant nominal rates and no maturity preferences. rate will Hence, a notion of a future normal long stress-free (hence, equilibrium) short rate is very close to a notion of a Indeed, Modigliani and Sutch (1966) (M-S) suggest that Keynes's normal rate rate. can be approximated by a weighted average of past experience where recent experience most heavily. An is weighted exponential average possesses this property; hence, (7) conforms to the computational form of the normal M-S rate. Modigliani and Sutch also considered an extrapolative component in expectations of future M-S, however, were concerned rates. with interest rate expectations over the entire course of the future, rather than with the very long-run expectation of the future short rate. that the extrapolative medium term. It seems possible component reflects expectations of continuing pressures over the Such extrapolative terms may not be present short and in the expectation of the future short such time when pressures have relaxed. rate at Modigliani and Shiller (1973) reconsidered the problem of interest rate expectations light of inflationary expectations. They concluded that interest rate expectations include a separable effect of inflation. Whether this would hold which people have become accustomed component may be unimportant inflation and in the might be in is true for the underlying rate less clear. In which connotes a rate to any event, the fact that the extrapolative forming the underlying rate suggests that a separate impact of difficult to discern if expectations of inflation are also regressive (cf. Modigliani Shiller, 20-21). Effect of Liquidity. While the terminology of "liquidity" tends to restrict attention to money balances, it is well to note that the effect with which we are concerned can function either of the inventories of securities or the inventory of money. be viewed as a One can work with either inventory because an increase in one implies an equal decrease in the other. Because the concern here is with movements common to rates on all securities, a potentially troublesome aggregation issue can be largely avoided by considering the inventory of money, since instruments used as money explicitly considered The simplest desired money and the be quite similar. Consequendy, money inventories will be "liquidity" terminology is descriptive. variable measuring the state of Uquidity holdings. institutional size, will However, this difference will which one might expect is the difference between actual and be sensitive to the price level and to be unimportant in the determination of interest rates. Inventory discrepancies, therefore, should be measured relative to some base. Either desired inventories or actual inventories are prime candidates. Choosing inventories as the base yields the following expression where intermediaries' JHH42.2 1/14/86 money inventories are termed "reserves": 10 ELR = f(RAR) RAR = (R-DR) R / considering the relative available reserves of the banking system where, as discussed below, desired reserves are taken to be identical to required reserves. 1984 and as high as range of 1 0. Rates remained between 1 1% and 8%. RAR went as low as -.25 during Consequently, a value of a in the or 2 would seem reasonable. 3. Behavior. Equations Behavior and Estimation. 5,7,9, and 10 constitute a theory of interest rate formation. The equations are reproduced below for convenience. RFIRt = UIRt*ELRt (11) UIRt = (RFIRt - UIRt)/TAUIR (12) ELRt = f(RARt) = e-«*RAR^ (13) RARt = (Rf DRt) / Rt (14) Where UIR ELR TAUIR R DR JHH42.2 1/14/86 - - -RFIR - Risk Free Interest Rate Underlying Interest Rate Effect Liquidity on the risk free Rate Time to Adjust Underlying Interest Rate Reserves Desired Reserves 12 The stock and flow diagram'^ of the structure may be drawn as follows: A sense for the dynamics implied by the above structure may be gained by considering a plot, shown below, from both set to 2, a simulation. In this simulation a reasonable value for each as discussed above. Initially reserves are set equal to desired reserves, so structure is TAUIR (measured in years) disturbed from equilibrium by a UIR is and 2% per year, and RAR begins at its equilibrium value of zero. 10% a are step decrease in reserves; after some The years reserves step up to their original (equilibrium) level. Plotted in the diagram below are the risk free interest rate 12. RFIR, the underlying interest rate UIR, and relative available reserves RAR. Stock and flow diagrams are in common use in system dynamics. They provide a close pictorial representation of a system of integral equations. The diagrams appear in several styles, the above diagram was created using STELLA® on a Macintosh computer. In the above diagram, the box represents an integration. The "Pipeline" arrow into the box represents a rate of flow which is controlled by the "valve" symbol termed CUIR (Change in UIR). CUIR, mathematically, is the time derivative of UIR. Circles represent constants or functions. Single-line arrows represent information connections and reveal the arguments of each function. For a good discussion of diagramming conventions in system dynamics see Richardson andPugh (1981, chapters 1-2). JHH42.2 1/14/86 13 Interest 1 RAR 1 i) 2 RFIR Rate Formulation Simulated Behavior 3 UIR The analysis of the above behavior provides the logic for uncovering a flaw in the formulation. Just as the structure causes interest rates to increase exponentially in response to a maintained decrease in reserves, the structure will cause rates to decay exponentially in response to a maintained increase in reserves. Equation 11, however, indicates that once the underlying rate reaches zero, the risk free rate will also equal zero. Equation 12 indicates that identical, no further movement occurs in the structure. small risk that rates will get "stuck" at zero.^^ Consequently The appendix the if two rates are this structure carries the to this essay contains a small modification to the structure developed above which removes the risk entirely. Since evidence of would be the small modification data, I difficult, if not impossible, to pick up in the available time-series proceed directly to a discussion of empirical validity. Estimation. The structure developed above has been based upon empirical observation at the individual level, whereas it is intended to represent macro behavior. present evidence that the formulation is It is now necessary consistent with macro-economic observation. Toward to this end, the structure will be estimated econometrically, significant parameter estimates of reasonable magnitude and predicted sign will constitute evidence economic data on The fu-st interest rates step is convenient way to do solving fcr that the formulation is consistent with macro- and reserves. to convert equations 11-14 into a form which can be estimated. this is to solve the differential equation^'*. Substituting 1 1 into 12 A and UIR yields: ln(UIRt) = ln(UIRto) + (l/TAUIR)J(ELRs - 1) ds (15) to From (1 1) we know that: UIRt = RFIRt / ELRf (16) Substituting 16 into 15 and rearranging yields continuous-time simulation, UIR will never reach zero. However, since actual simulations must proceed by finite steps, UIR can hit zero in an actual simulation. Furthermore, the problem of getting "stuck" does not materialize suddenly; a UIR "very close" to zero will be "very close" to being stuck at that value. 13. In a truly would also be possible to approximate the differential equation with a difference equation. As win be seen, the solution of the differential equation results in a "quasi" linear equation. The difference equation would be non-linear. Further, there is some evidence that the use of 14. It difference equations as an approximation to an underlying continuous-time problems (Richardson, 1981). JHH42.2 1/14/86 15 model can cause InCRFDlt) = ln(UIRto) + ln(ELRt) + (l/TAUIR)J(ELRs - l)ds (17). to Substituting for ELR using 13 and reexpressing the integral produces: t ln(RFIRt) = In(UIRto) - a*RARt + (lArAUIR){je-a*RAR^ds - (18) (t-to)} to or for estimating purposes: ln(RFIRt)= k + Where z= The z*RARt + h*{CELRt (-a), integration in equation in the instantaneous transition entire equation 1 8 CELR is a month by month accumulation. may be approximated with be exact if a month-by-month accumulation RAR were constant during the month, changing only from one month may be (19) (t-to)} h = (1/TAUIR), and CELR. The approximation would The - to the next. estimated by the following method: Start with an estimate of a and form the month-by-month accumulation of the exponential CELR. Next, estimate h and the coefficient z using ordinary least squares. adjusting the old estimate of accumulation The risk-free CELR and (-z) a toward Form a new month- by -month accumulation CELR by (-z). Continue manner until the a used to form the converge. question of what data to use in estimating 19 remains to be discussed. Data on the nominal interest rate interest rate poses no significant problem since time series on treasury bills are readily available (see appendix Data in this 1). Observation of RAR poses a greater problem. relating to depository institutions can be used with the assumption that the reserve positions of depository institutions are highly correlated with the reserve positions of other intermediaries. This assumption is discussed at greater length below. In forming RAR for depository institutions, a problem exists. concerning the reserves of depository institutions reserves is reserves 15 not. Here, I is While information available (see appendix will use required reserves (see appendix 1) as 1), data on desired a proxy for desired 7his seems conscionable since required reserves are likely the major determinant of desired reserves. Other factors, such as changing interest rate spreads (Cf Modigliani, Rasche 15. The difficulty in deriving an estimable expression for free reserves is Rasche, and Cooper (1970). JHH42.2 1/14/86 16 noted by Modigliani, . and Cooper (1970, especially at eq. 3.11), fluctuations in the degree of Federal borrowing from the discount window, the covariance between deposits and withdrawals, and the degree of risk in the lending portfolio, will result in away from desired reserves It is instead of what are likely to possible to consider the distortion introduced by using RAR of all intermediaries. intermediaries. one set It is be minor variations difficult to It seems RAR of depository institutions likely that the relative inventory positions of all may be quickly traded between imagine a pool of excess Uquidity obtaining for a significant period of intermediaries while another class is illiquid. reserves of different intermediaries are correlated. This It must be means true that tiie relative available that^^: RARt = j*RARtb + et where RAR'' and j>0. This means is in the level of required reserves. intermediaries are highly correlated because financial instruments in Reserve displeasure (20) relative available reserves for depository institutions, e is a disturbance term that b ELRt = e-«*RAR^ = e-a*J*RAR^ and the estimate positive j (-z), and a, a positive obtained from 19 estimatj'; (-z) OLS estimation of equation No constitute evidence in favor of 1 from January of 1959 in figure 1 to the. tiieory. i"^ June of 1985^^^ below. 20 because such a constant would imply tiiat balanced depository institutions implies imbalanced liquidity elsewhere in the economy. This seems unreasonable. Bias is among also introduced by the error term in (20). In the absence of an obvious instrument correction has been 18. would actually an estimate of a*j. Since theory calls for intercept constant appears in Uquidity 17. is 19, using data produces the results summarized on line 16. (21) made The time period chosen was determined by of the data used JHH42.2 1/14/86 no for this factor. may be found in appendix the availability of time series data. 1 17 A description Figure 1 : Estimation Results + — .83 a reasonable range. errors from this The autocorrelation function and partial autocorrelation functions for the The proces s regression appear below. is indistinguishable from white nnispl^ 1_U JUl^SSS -_JAi^A:-e«rfck,+«>A.£0ft«Ji4a J wv^ • 5"*«Yj**-**««*j«»*»-.w«*« j-tljaBj^aw- — 4^:: •! In order to test the stability of these results the data has performed on each 1959 half. The third line of figure March of 1972, while to June of 1985. It is 1 been divided of both h (1/TAUIR) and z (-a*j). Taking and regressions contains estimates using data from January of the fourth line contains estimates using data clear that decreasing the in half amount of data increases this increase in from March of 1972 the variance of the estimates variance into account, the estimates appear to be within tolerable ranges of one another indicating that the coefficients are Chow test (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, regressions are identical. The p. to 123-126) gives an explicit F-statistic for this case is 1.0221. test stable. The of the hypothesis that the Under the hypothesis that the regressions are identical, large values of the statistic are increasingly unlikely. Statistics greater than 1.0221 would be expected with a probability greater than one half. Consequently, the hypothesis seems to be quite acceptable. More formally, the hypothesis that the regressions are identical cannot be rejected at the fifty per cent confidence level. 4. Summary and Conclusions In this paper a behavioral theory of interest rate formulation has been developed The theory postulates a disequilibrium adjustment process. intermediary willing to buy and sell for its At the heart of the theory is and tested. an own account at prices which do not immediately equate supply and demand. The important informational inventory of money. input into the price setting formulation The inventory of money is purchases and sales of securities. financial sectors have been 19. As A low money inventory indicates that the non- selling securities at a rate greater than they is have been buying them. An the appropriate response in this situation. Real-life intermediaries, in a check, a regression employing a definitely not white noise. first order correction was performed. were very JHH42.2 1/14/86 the intermediary's an accumulation of the history of the non-financial sectors' realized increase in the interest rate is 19 The error terms fact, are motivated to increase rates under these circumstances. inventories are high and the intermediary The rate". interest rate is adjusted The underlying interest rate is applies when money highly liquid. up or down relative to an the rate to is The converse anchor termed the "underlying interest which people have become accustomed. It is represented mathematically as an weighted average of past values of the actual interest rate with recent experience weighted most heavily. Empirical support for the formulation exists at two levels of aggregation. Research into the nature of human decision making at the individual level indicates that adjustment and anchoring common strategy for making decisions Econometric estimation was used The research reported more macroeconomic level of aggregation. paper can be extended in two directions: one empirical and the other theoretic. Better data can be collected Altematively, on the reserves and desired reserves of intermediaries. sophisticated estimation techniques might be utilized to correct for biases introduced by using surrogate measures. Observation of the determined by those who actually way interest rates are actually determine them would provide an even more valuable opportunity to confirm or disconfirm the formulation suggested in this paper. Observation individual decision a like those involved in interest rate determination. to validate the process at a in this is making level would also provide at the the opportunity to refine the theory presented here. Theory might also be extended through disaggregation. While this paper dealt at a highly aggregated level, the disequiUbrium process described herein could be applied to a more detailed model which included several effort would involve a different securities shift in purpose. and several different intermediaries. Such an The overarching goal of the theory of interest rate formation realistic enough to contribute obfuscate, an understanding of the major to, current research has been a yet simple enough not to macroeconomic behavior modes. The goal of disaggregation would be the increased understanding of behavior Appendix 1: modes in the financial markets. Data Sources This appendix provides information on the data, and their transformation, used to estimate equation 19. three month This rate is The risk-free rate is based on CITIBASE's (Citibank 1985) secondary market rate on treasury bills (data series FYGM3, see calculated on a bank-discownt basis. following calculation were performed. DISC = FYGM3 JHH42.2 1/14/86 / First, the also Federal Reserve Bulletin, table 1.20)). To convert this to a continuous time yield, the percentage discount (DISC) is A 1.1 4. 20 The decimal (DTY) may now be discrete-time yield written as DTY = DISC/(100-DISC). This may be A1.2 converted to a continuous-time yield (CTY) as CTY = In (1 DTY). -t- A1.3 Finally, prior to performing regressions, this RFIR = CTY A1.4 RAR are defined as the difference between reserves and desired The data nonborrowed reserves of depository series change The series are, institutions, and for desired reserves The in reserve requirements, in particular the hold reserves associated with the Monetary Control Act of 1980. between the correlation FZRNBA nor FZRQA are seasonally however, adjusted for changes in institutions required to RAR used in this report and an alternate RAR constructed with non-seasonally adjusted, non-reserve-adjusted time series alternate definition of RAR was FZRNBA, ClTlBASE's FZRQA, used for reserves was ClTlBASE's required reserves of depository institutions. Neither adjusted. to a yearly percentage basis: * (365/90) * 100 Relative available reserves reserves, divided by reserves. was converted (FZRNB and FZRMB) is .976. The tested over the full range of observations (1959/1 to 1985/6). Parameter estimates were insignificantly different from those reported in the text using data adjusted for changes in reserve requirements. Appendix As discussed 2: Modification to Interest Rate Structure in the text, the structure contains a risk that rates will A small modification removes this risk. The change involves introducing a new indicated underlying rate lUR, toward which the underlying rate adjusts. rate is identical to the risk-free rate, except the underlying rate some minimum The "stuck" at zero. variable, the indicated underlying does not go to zero, but rather to value. Behaviorally such a modification implies there greater than zero. Economically this The minimum intermediation. expressed as a become fiiaction rate minimum may rate is may some lowest reference rate which is be be determined by the costs of be interpreted as the average cost of intermediation of the amount intermediated. A restatement of the interrest rate formulation using a possible definition of the indicated underlying rate 20. is^^: A function involving a gradual approach to MUIR, in place of the abrupt change introduced by max function, would also be a possible assumption. The use of such a function, however, introduces additional complications and further dynamics without materially enriching the the current discussion. mH42.2 1/14/86 21 RFIRt = UIRt*ELRt (A2.1) UIRt = (lURt - UIRt)/TAUIR lURj = max(RFIRt, MUIR) (A2.2) (A2.3) (A2.4) Where: RFIR e -Risk Free Interest Rate -Underlying Risk Free Interest Rate -Effect of Liquidity on the risk free Rate - Indicated Underlying Interest Rate - Minimum Underlying Interest Rate, a constant - Time to Adjust the Underlying Interest Rate - Relative Available Reserves - The exponential function a - UIR ELR lUR MUIR TAUIR RAR The new a constant definition of the underlying interest rate appears as A2.3. The modified stock and flow diagram appears below. 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