West Virginia
o f Sc ho o l Nurse s
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
8:00 am-12:00pm
The Greenbrier
Fillmore & Van Buren Room
Call to Order by 2013-2015 Chairperson Kristi Scaggs of RESA 2
Introductions and Welcome New Members
 RESA 4 is Jenny Friel of Pocahontas County (Paula McCoy)
 RESA 8 is Rhonda Dante of Hampshire County (Debbie Stein)
 RESA 7 Shelly Kerere has resigned to accept a position outside of
the education system at United Biosource Corp. Please assist with
recruiting new member for this area. Please call Shelly today on
her cell at 304-692-6916 when the meeting permits.
Review of WVCOSN By-Laws and 2014/15 Directory
(Name liaison(s) to WVASN who will attend their meetings to report)
Election of new Secretary (please record today’s minutes)
Approval of minutes from April 24-25, 2014 meeting at Stonewall Resort
Old Business
 Completion of Supplemental Guidelines
 Review of updated CGM procedure
 Sharing of completed draft procedures for discussion at future RESA
meetings or via email.
 Timelines for policy and manual to go to State Board
New Business
 Inclusion of NASSNC/NASN data into 2014-15 School Nurse Needs
 Any changes to 2014-15 School Nurse Needs Assessment
The Greenbrier Resort
300 W. Main Street, White Sulphur Springs, WV 24986 | 855-453-4858
 WVDHHR WV Wellness Network work plan inclusive of 10 out of 12
pages of School Health goals without specific mention of school nurse.
See handout and please work to include a county school nurse into the
LWC. See handout of 2014/15 RESA-Wellness work plan from
WVDE-Office of Child Nutrition.
 WVDE School Health Services
 Thoughts about WVEIS School Health screens (EHCP, School Health
data, Sick Bay and WVEIS iDevice App). Where do we go…rewrite
or contract?
 2014/15 WVCOSN Goals
o School Nurse Needs Assessment inclusive of NASSNC/NASN
national data
o Revision of 2006 School Nurse Mentorship Manual and
WVLearns Introduction to School Nursing staff development
o Identify new WVLearns Seasoned School Nurse Facilitators
for School Nurse graduate credit course called “Fitting a
Square Peg into a Round Hole”. Will be paid $1000 to learn
how to facilitate 7 week course and then $1000 per each course
Updates from WVDE
 See handout
Next meeting location and dates with closing remarks
Meeting Accommodations and Travel Reimbursement Information:
Breakfast (ham and sausage biscuit sandwiches) will be provided in our meeting
room starting at 7:30am. Lunch (Greek salad with Tortilla soup) will be provided
in the meeting room at 11:30am. At his time the drinks are coffee, tea and water.
Please feel free to bring a soda beverage should you choose.
The hotel room on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 will be billed to your individual
credit cards. Please obtain a zero balance receipt to include with your travel so
WVDE will reimburse you. Anyone staying the night will also receive
reimbursement for dinner on November 14, 2014 at the per-diem rate of $23.00 so
no receipts are needed for dinner.
The Greenbrier Resort
300 W. Main Street, White Sulphur Springs, WV 24986 | 855-453-4858