PROCESSING FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO GROWTH AND DECLINE IN THE STEEL INDUSTRY By Michele Dufalla SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE 2007 © 2007 Michele Dufalla. All rights reserved. The authorhereby grants to MITpermission to reproduce and to distributepublicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature of Author: Departmdt of Materials Science and Engineering 11 May 2007 Certified by: Tho&4s W. Eagar Professor of Materials Engineering and Engineering Systems Thesis Supervisor Accepted by: MASSACHL'SETTS INSTrIUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUL i7 2008 LIBRARIES -Caroline A. Ross Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Chair, Departmental Undergraduate Committee Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Figure 1 4 Figure2 5 Figure3 5 Furnace Analysis 6 Furnace Introduction 6 Furnace Data 7 Figure4 7 Figure5 8 Furnace Statistics 9 Figure6 10 Table 1 12 Table 2 12 Table 3 12 Casting Analysis 13 Casting Introduction 13 Casting Data 13 Figure 7 14 Casting Statistics 14 Table 4 15 Table 5 15 Conclusion 15 Works Cited 16 Acknowledgements 16 Appendices: Data Used 17 ABSTRACT During the second half of the twentieth century, a technological shift occurred in the steel industry. A different mix of refining and melting furnaces were used, with increasing use being made of basic oxygen and electric arc furnaces as compared to the basic open hearth. Additionally, continuous casting began to replace ingot casting. Iron ore price, scrap steel price and electricity price were examined as predictor variables for these technological shifts. For the furnace shift, iron ore price and scrap steel price seemed to play a role, though much smaller than the role of time. For the casting shift, only time seemed to be correlated. INTRODUCTION The steel industry underwent much change and upheaval over the second half of the twentieth century. In the U.S., it has shifted from a dominant to less prominent industrial position. For an industry overview, Figure 1 shows steel production in the U.S., while Figure 2 shows steel consumption in the U.S. Production peaks during the 1970s, only to fall during the recession of the 1980s. By 2000, production had returned to approximately 1950s levels. On the other hand, U.S. consumption follows the shape of the production curve with the major distinction of a steady decline throughout the 1970s and 1980s and a large increase in demand during the 1990s. It is important to consider, however, the fact that as casting technology became more efficient, less raw steel was needed.1 Also to note, until around 1995 U.S. consumption was less than U.S. production. After this point, consumption jumped to above production levels. This incidence underscores the growing role of imports in U.S. steel consumption. Figure 3 shows the U.S. price of steel. It increases sharply throughout the 1970s, but decreases beyond the 1950s baseline before 2000. 160,000,000 C 120,000,000 (0 100,000,000 v L) 2 Q. 80,000,000 4 ~~~ 140,000,000 Aa d~ 4 120,00,000 : 80,00,00 - 4Aj~ * 60,00,000~ *-· ~ **~ k4 4 - 60,000,000 A 40,000,000 *~~}, 1940 1960 1950 0 1940 1950 1960 1970 1970 Year Figure 1: Steel Production in the U.S. 2 1Written communication with Professor Eagar from: Kelly, Thomas D. and Matos, Grecia 2Data 4 R. ,A~A 4 1980 1990 2000 201 1980 1990 2000 2010 i · _ ___ ___ 14U,1U,)UUU Mr I A S100,000,000 try \F~ ~'AM MyFy 4I0 40,000,000 0.000,0o 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 ~ V ~tr- tryi~i~ 1990 2000 2010 Year Figure 2: Steel Consumption in the U.S.3 IlnM M IL8/.1U - ~ * ~ i 1000.00 a a 800.00 600.00 W - trA & ~ A A Vt~~>~t "' I-- A 400.00 200.000.00 1940 ~t f;}P2~pt~2 N~P t*.r 1950 § 7 tftr~~ p F~F~yrNtr~ r~tr~ trt~rrrtr 1960 1970 trM~~V 1980 FF~ 1990 F.r * 2000 2010 Year Figure 3: Steel Prices in the U.S. 4 During this time, the technology of steelmaking experienced a shift. The distribution of refining furnaces changed." Additionally, a shift from ingot to continuous casting also occurred.6 The type of furnace used impacts the ratio of scrap steel to iron ore that can be used.7 Continuous casting creates less waste metal while using fewer 3 Data from: Kelly, Thomas D. and Matos, Grecia R. 4Data from: Kelly, Thomas D. and Matos, Grecia R. 5"50 Years of the ECSC Treaty: Coal and Steel Statistics." 6 "50 Years of the ECSC Treaty: Coal and Steel Statistics." 7"Electric Arc Furnace: Process Description.", "Basic Oxygen Furnace: Process Description." processing steps.8 It is conceivable that changing scrap metal, iron ore and electricity prices would have an effect on the rate that the industry used to shift to different technologies. FURNACE ANALYSIS Introduction to Furnaces Three types of furnaces used for steel production were examined. Electric furnaces have the advantage of being able to accommodate a charge of as much as 100% scrap steel, as well as the disadvantages associated with uncontrolled additive element management from use of scrap. 9 Oxygen furnaces only accommodate charges of up to 30% scrap, but produce a purer, higher quality product. 10 The category of "other furnaces" includes Thomas, Bessemer 1 and Siemens-Martin as well as other earlier methods." The newer oxygen method started to be used commercially in the 1950s. 12 As can be seen in the chart, by the mid-1980s this new method and electric furnaces had completely overtaken the old. The superior efficiency of the new methods explains this changeover. However, this efficiency of the new methods is related to lower energy usage and percentage of scrap metal used. As such, it could be interpreted that the rate of change would be related to changes in energy prices, as well as the changes in the prices of scrap steel and iron ore. FurnaceData 8(("Continuous Casting: Process Description." 9 "Electric Arc Furnace: Process Description." 10 "Basic Oxygen Furnace: Process Description." 1""50 Years of the ECSC Treaty: Coal and Steel Statistics." 12 "50 Years of the ECSC Treaty: Coal and Steel Statistics." To examine this question, historic data from the European Coal and Steel Community was used to determine the relative usage of each of the three furnace types. Data from the United States Geological Survey was used to determine the constant dollar prices of scrap steel and iron ore (Figure 4). Finally, data from the United States Energy Information Administration was used to determine chained dollar' 3 electricity prices (Figure 5). The period from 1952 to 2000 was studied. US Scrap and Iron Ore Prices US Scrap Steel Price US Iron Ore Price Index - 300.0 - 250.00- 1 Ta 200.00- O 50.00- 0.00 I I I I 1952 1957 192 1967 ~ I I 1973 1977 1981 1996 l l 1990 1995 i 199 2000 Year Figure 4: US scrap and iron ore prices in constant 1998 US dollars' 4 '3 Chained dollars are an alternative to constant dollars designed to more accurately reflect the real value of a dollar over time, developed by the EIA; from: "Chained Dollars." 14 Data from: "Iron and Steel Scrap Statistics." And "Iron Ore Statistics." 5 a) U o Cl a., o aV) _ o in 9 4o ..- 1 2 '~7 1982 W7 .79. 1077 "S HI 1I ' 1 1M 2ý :¢ Year Figure 5: US electricity prices in chained 2000 dollars' s Several flaws in these data exist. Firstly, the data from the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was taken every five years. Often between periods, new countries would join the community resulting in an increasing number of members as time progresses. To partially alleviate this complication, each furnace type as a percentage of all steel produced was used, rather than absolute values. Next, scrap steel, iron ore and electricity prices were not available for Europe over the time period needed, so those of the United States were used. The assumption is made that while the data will not be exactly in alignment, the economies of the United States and Europe were sufficiently open in the time period studied that the prices will be indicative of trends experienced by both regions. 15 Data from: "Annual Energy Review." Finally, due to varying compositions of iron ore and differing processing methods, a direct conversion factor between iron ore and scrap steel could not be found. That is, iron ore mined from some regions may have a much higher or lower recoverable iron content than others.'i s Because of this variability, quantitative determination of the actual cost of ore for each ton of steel produced is not possible. However, it is assumed that price trends are more important than actual values, and so the data was left in its original per 1000 ton state. FurnaceStatistics A stepwise linear regression was used for each furnace type against the year, electricity price, scrap steel price and iron ore price. Please see Figure 6 for furnace information. For the electric furnace, the best model included the year and scrap steel price as predictor variables, with an R2 value of 0.992, adjusted to 0.990, and an ANOVA significance of 0.000. Year contributes a standardized beta coefficient of 0.916. US scrap steel price contributes a standardized beta coefficient of -0.125. For the oxygen furnace, the best model included the year and iron ore price as predictor variables, with an R2 value of 0.836, adjusted to 0.789, and an ANOVA significance of 0.002. Year contributes a standardized beta coefficient of 1.145. US iron ore price contributes a standardized beta coefficient of 0.767. For the other furnaces, the best model included the year and iron ore price as predictor variables, with an R value of 0.931, adjusted to 0.911, and an ANOVA significance of 0.000. Year contributes a standardized beta coefficient of -1.196. US iron ore price contributes a standardized beta coefficient of -0.567. 15 Kuck, Peter. 9 Percent of Crude Steel Production by Furnace U Electric Furnace U Oxygen Furnace ] other Furnace OAM_-0.8000 0.6000- o.0oo 00000- i..,,.- ,- -- i r---T- 192 1957 1962 1907 1973 I I 1977 1981 1M8 1900 199M 1998 2000 Year Figure 6: Steel production by furnace type (percentage of ECSC) 16 Each model depended heavily, if not exclusively, on the mere passage of time. To assess the effect of the focus contributors, the analysis was repeated to find the individual R2 values of the predictor variables. For the electric furnace, considering only the year results in an R2 of 0.982, adjusted to 0.980, with ANOVA significance of 0.000. Year alone contributes a standardized beta coefficient of 0.991. Considering only scrap steel price results in an R2 of 0.608, adjusted to 0.568, with ANOVA significance of 0.003 and a standardized beta coefficient of -0.779. For the oxygen furnace, considering only the year results in an R2 of 0.463, adjusted to 0.396, with ANOVA significance of 0.030. 16 Data from: "50 Years of the ECSC Treaty: Coal and Steel Statistics." Year alone contributes a standardized beta coefficient of 0.681. Considering only iron ore price results in an R2 of 0.011, adjusted to -0.088, with ANOVA significance of 0.747 and a standardized beta coefficient of 0.104. For the other furnaces, considering only the year results in an R of 0.727, adjusted to 0.693, with ANOVA significance of 0.002. Year alone contributes a standardized beta coefficient of -0.853. Considering only iron ore price results in an R2 of 0.003, adjusted to -0.097, with ANOVA significance of 0.874 and a standardized beta coefficient of 0.051. Due to the extreme activity of the 1970s, the analysis was repeated, using only the data from 1967 to 1981. For the electric furnace, the best model included the iron ore price as a predictor variable, with an R2 value of 0.931, adjusted to 0.897, and an ANOVA significance of 0.035. US iron ore price contributes a standardized beta coefficient of 0.965. For the oxygen furnace, the best model included only the year as a predictor variable, with an R2 value of 0.934, adjusted to 0.901, and an ANOVA significance of 0.034. Year contributes a standardized beta coefficient of 0.966. For the other furnaces, the best model included only the year as a predictor variable, with an R2 value of 0.966, adjusted to 0.950, and an ANOVA significance of 0.017. Year contributes a standardized beta coefficient of -0.983. All of these complete models have ANOVA significance of less than 0.050, suggesting validity in a difference of means not due to chance. 17 In the individual component models, however, significance increases dramatically. However, the predictive value of scrap metal prices and iron ore prices is debatable. While the two indicators seem to play a part in several of the models, the dependence of the iron ore and 17 "One Way ANOVA." scrap steel markets on the production of crude steel could be in reverse. The close ties and dependence between the iron ore and scrap steel markets and the steel industry presents a problem in determining which variables are independent and which are dependent. Electricity price can safely be assumed to be independent, due to the many other industries that purchase electricity. Additionally, additional independent acting variables may act as controllers but remain unidentified. While coefficients are given, their usefulness is limited due to the relative price and production, rather than absolute price and production, approach. The furnace results are summarized in Tables 1, 2, and 3. Dependent: Electric Furnace Variable RW Year, Scrap Steel (1952- Adjusted R2 Coefficient ANOVA sig. 0.992 0.990 0.916, -0.125 0.000 0.982 0.980 0.608 0.568 0.931 0.897 0.990 -0.779 0.965 0.003 0.003 0.035 Coefficient ANOVA sig. 2000) Year (1952-2000) Scrap Steel (1952-2000) Iron Ore (1967-1981) Table 1: Electric furnace model statistics Dependent: Oxygen Furnace Variable R_ Year, Iron Ore (1952-2000) Year (1952-2000) Iron Ore (1952-2000) Year (1967-1981) Table 2: Oxygen furnace model 0.836 0.789 0.463 0.396 0.011 -0.088 0.934 0.901 statistics 1.145, 0.767 0.681 0.104 0.966 0.002 0.030 0.747 0.034 Dependent: Other Furnaces Variable R Adjusted R Coefficient ANOVA sig. Year, Iron Ore (1952-2000) Year (1952-2000) Iron Ore (1952-2000) Year (1967-1981) 0.931 0.727 0.003 0.966 0.911 0.693 -0.097 0.950 -1.196, -0.567 -0.853 0.051 -0.983 0.000 0.002 0.874 0.017 Table 3: Other furnace model statistics Adjusted RL CASTING ANALYSIS CastingIntroduction In addition to the changes brought about by the shift in furnace type, casting methods were also in flux during the tumultuous 1970s. Whereas ingot casting had been the standard, continuous casting, which required fewer steps and resulted in less waste, quickly became dominant. 1 While this inherent superiority explains the eventual overtaking, the question of any side effects of iron ore, scrap metal and electricity prices remains open. CastingData A similar approach to the furnace quandary is taken to this problem. Data from the European Coal and Steel Community is again used (Figure 7). However, individual countries' data were available for casting results so the original difficulty of a continually changing sample population is no longer an issue. Germany was used as the country for study, as it was the most industrially active of the initial members of the ECSC for this time period. Due to the changing overall production level, however, percentages of toatal production, ratherthan absolute values, are used. The same iron ore, scrap steel and electricity data is used from the first problem. The same assumptions and restrictions apply. Additionally, only the period from 1967 to 1981 was examined. m"Continuous Casting: Process Description." Percent of Steel Production by Processing U Ingots U Continuous Casting 1.000 - F Liquid Steel 0.8000 - 0.6000 - 0.4000 - 0.2000 - 0.0000 - 7 L. L. I I I I 0 1995 198200I 1952 1957 1982 1987 1973 1977 1981 1988 1990 Year Figure 7: Percentage of total steel production by process (Germany) 19 CastingStatistics A stepwise linear regression was used for each casting method against the year, electricity price, scrap steel price and iron ore price. For ingot casting, the best model included only the year as a predictor variable, with an R2 value of 0.978, adjusted to 0.968, and an ANOVA significance of 0.011. Year contributes a standardized beta coefficient of -0.989. For continuous casting, the best model again included only the year as a predictor variable, with an R2 value of 0.979, adjusted to 0.969, and an ANOVA significance of 0.010. Year contributes a standardized beta coefficient of 0.990. These 19 Data from: "50 Years of the ECSC Treaty: Coal and Steel Statistics." statistical results are summarized in Tables 4 and 5. Again, the coefficients are useful only as a relative indicator, as absolute values were not used in the analysis. Dependent: Ingot Casting Variable R2 Year (1952-2000) 0.978 0.968 Adjusted R I Coefficient ANOVA sig. -0.989 0.011 Coefficient 0.990 ANOVA sig. 0.010 Table 4: Ingot casting model statistics Dependent: Continuous Casting Variable Year (1952-2000) R I Adjusted R' 0.979 0.969 Table 5: Continuous casting statistics While these two models are again valid due to the low significance values, energy and material prices do not seem to have promoted or hindered the natural progression of change between the two casting methods. The above restrictions regarding the questionable independence of the predictor variables still applies, but in this case the point appears to be moot. CONCLUSION The shift in furnaces is tied to changes in scrap steel and iron ore price. However, due to the close ties between these industries, causality cannot be determined. This effect is greatly overshadowed, however, by the passage of time, suggesting that other forces were at work. The shift from ingot to continuous casting was not tied to scrap steel, iron ore or electricity prices. The passage of time did greatly influence this shift, which suggests that the inherent improved efficiency of continuous casting may be an explanation. Additionally, another unconsidered factor could be the driving force behind the technological shift. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A large debt is owed to Professor Thomas Eagar, for the premise of this paper, as well as informative discussion and assistance with statistics and editing. WORKS CITED "50 Years of the ECSC Treaty: Coal and Steel Statistics." Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2002. ISBN 92-894-3715-4. European Communities, 2002. (Accessed through,46587259&_dad=portal&_sch ema=PORTAL&p_product_code=KS-43-02-979 (9 May 2007). "Annual Energy Review." EIA. Table 8.10. (9 May 2007). "Basic Oxygen Furnace: Process Description." METALS Advisor. and_steel/processdescriptions/raw_metalspreparation/steelmaking/basicoxygenfurnace/basicoyxgenf urnace_processdescription.htm (9 May 2007). "Chained Dollars." EIA. (9 May 2007). "Continuous Casting: Process Description." METALS Advisor. ng/continuous_casting_process_description.htm (9 May 2007). "Electric Arc Furnace: Process Description." METALS Advisor. metal s_preparation/steelmaking/electric_arc_furnace/electric_arc_furna ceprocess-description.htm (9 May 2007). "Iron and Steel Scrap Statistics." USGS. (9 May 2007). "Iron Ore Statistics." USGS. (9 May 2007). Kelly, Thomas D. and Matos, Grecia R. "Historical Statistics for Mineral and Material Commodities in the United States." UCGS Minerals Information. (9 May 2007). Kuck, Peter. "Iron Ore Statistical Compendum." USGS. Table 12. (9 May 2007). "One Way ANOVA." (9 May 2007). APPENDICES A - Excerpts from: "50 Years of the ECSC Treaty: Coal and Steel Statistics." Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2002. ISBN 92-894-3715-4. European Communities, 2002. (Accessed through = 1073,46587259&_dadportal&_sch ema=PORTAL&p_product_code=KS-43-02-979 (9 May 2007). B - "Iron Ore Statistics." USGS. (9 May 2007). C - "Iron and Steel Scrap Statistics." USGS. (9 May 2007). D - "Annual Energy Review." EIA. Table 8.10. (9 May 2007).