Information Technology Sector Presentation Presented By: Bernard Baah Michael Bowen Phuong Viet Bui Simin Chen Kyle Evans Tyler Gilbert Overview – Key Stats • • • • • • • • Total Market Cap: 3.9 trillion P/E TTM: 26.53% Return on Equity TTM: 26.33% Dividend Yield (Last 4 Qtrs): 1.75% Long Term D/E (Most recent Qtr Ann): 31.01 Price/Tangible Book: 2.93 Dividend Growth Rate: 18.8% EPS Growth: 55.68% Source: Overview – Relative Performance Size of sector as a percent of the S&P 500: 18.1% S&P 500 Weight Cash, 0.00% Dividend Telecommun Receivables, ication 0.00% Utilities, Services, Consumer 3.19% 3.05% Discretionary , 10.45% Materials, 3.70% Consumer Staples, 10.22% Information Technology, 18.10% Energy, 13.27% Utilities, 2.26% Telecommun ication Services, 4.27% SIM Weight Dividend Receivables, 0.04% Consumer Discretionary Cash, 2.68% , 10.20% Materials, 3.08% Information Technology, 22.51% Industrials, 11.26% Health Care, 10.98% Financials, 15.78% Industrials, Health 11.39% Care, 10.22% Consumer Staples, 7.87% Energy, 11.30% Financials, 14.19% Overview – YTD Performance YTD Performance Price Change MKT Val AAPL 8.55% 1,045,522.50 GLW 8.39% 887,090.00 HPQ -4.11% 889,049.00 INTC 10.08% 845,542.00 GOOG -8.40% 645,436.00 MA 23.10% 654,472.00 Info Tech 6.25% S&P 500 8.43% Wt Avg 6.23% Overview: Sector Outlook • Potential for growth in emerging markets • Healthier global economy, and strong demand for tablets and smart phones could boost sector growth • 2011 operating EPS expected to be 17% compared to 15% for the S&P 500 • Projected 5yr EPS growth rate of 1.0X is below broader market’s PEG of 1.3X • We expect sector to go from underperforming to slightly outperforming the S&P 500 by the end of 2011. Industries Within the Sector • Application Software • Communications Equipment • Computer Storage and Peripherals • Computer Hardware • Electronic Component • Electronic Equipment • Electronic MNFRG SVC • Home Entertainment Software • Internet Software and Services • IT Consulting and Services • Office Electronics • Semiconductor Equipment • Semiconductors • Services-Data PROC • Systems Software • Technology Distribution 10 Largest Companies in The Sector Symbol Name LastSale MarketCap IPOyear AAPL 350.13 322.6 1980 IBM Apple Inc. International Business Machines Corporation 170.58 208.0 n/a MSFT Microsoft Corporation 25.92 217.8 1986 ORCL Oracle Corporation 35.96 181.7 1986 GOOG Google Inc. 544.1 136.5 2004 INTC Intel Corporation 23.15 127.0 1971 CSCO 17.52 96.9 1990 57.09 93.8 1991 HPQ Cisco Systems, Inc. QUALCOMM Incorporated Hewlett-Packard Company 40.37 87.4 n/a EMC EMC Corporation 28.34 58.5 n/a QCOM Sector Performance YTD: 6.25% IT S&P | Indices | Equity | Americas clipping taken: 5/1/2011, 11:35 PM Sector Performance YTD: 6.25% Sector Performance QTD: 2.92% Demand Analysis Phase of the life cycle •Internet, Software & services: Growth •PC & Semiconductors: Mature Business Cycle Classification Cyclical – sensitive to the macro-economy. User & geography •Business & consumers ( young generation) •Geography: Asia-Pacific (Japan) Americas Europe Demand Analysis External Factors •Corporate Spending: business significantly increase technology investments that they postponed during the recession; •R&D: Constantly changing and improving with new technology. •Government: Regulation and government spending; •Social Changes: New trends in demand, such as the trends for mobile phone related software and tablets (Ipad); •Globalization: Outsourcing and potential in emerging markets (BRIC). •Other factors: Japan’s earthquake, positive or negative? - Less revenue: Japan consists of 10% Intel revenue - but less competition from Japanese rivals. Supply Analysis •Increasing capacity especially in hardware manufacturing industries to meet the expected higher demand. -- Intel Corp. estimated in Q1 2011 release the expected capital spending in 2011 financial year as $10.2 billion, much higher than 2010 $5.2 billion and 2009 $4.5billion; -- Apple Inc. 2011 Q1 PPE Acquisition $1.8 billion compared with 2010 Q1 $0.65 billion. •Influence from Japan Earthquake: US Info Tech sector are dependent on a complex network of suppliers, subcontractors and integrators around the world. -- Texas Instruments' plant in Miho, northeast of Tokyo, suffered "substantial damage" and won't be until May when partial production resumes. Business Analysis • Competitive Environment – Large number of competitors – Industry concentration • Strong leaders in each industry – Varying start up costs • Buyouts are common - YouTube – Consumer interest is fickle • RIM – Constant threat of substitution & theft • Grows over time due to obsolescence Business Analysis Business Analysis • Profitability – High profit margins – Innovation is key • Research & development – Opportunity for growth • Global internet access • China & India make up – Governmental regulations • Google Fiber 37% of world population Economic Analysis • • • • • • • Retail Sales: E-Shopping & Mail Order – 10 month lead Capital Spending: Software – 1 month lead Capital Spending: Info Processing – 1 month lead Capital Spending: Comm. Equipment – 4 month lead Global Semiconductor Bookings – 3 month lead Consumer Spending – 1 month lead Federal Funds Rate – 1 month lead Regression with lead Regression without lead Economic Summary • No silver bullets to forecast Tech Sector in terms of Economic variables • Pertinent Economic variables have an upward trend Financial Analysis • Sale growth rate of Information Tech Sector 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Mar 23.39 24.22 27.98 31.77 33.46 36.43 39.93 34.51 39.50 46.33 49.64 Jun 24.74 24.30 28.60 32.24 34.47 37.45 41.62 35.16 42.29 46.94 50.92 Sep 24.41 25.09 29.31 33.56 35.34 38.94 40.99 37.02 44.10 48.70 - Dec 26.20 28.58 32.55 36.69 38.00 42.30 38.95 42.23 48.10 53.09 - Yr. 98.74 102.19 118.44 134.26 141.28 155.03 161.50 148.93 173.99 190.82 206.98 3% 16% 13% -8% 17% 10% Yr. to Yr. Source: Thomson Reuters Baseline 5% 10% 4% 8% Financial Analysis • Sale growth rates of major companies 2002 Apple (AAPL) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 7% 8% 33% 68% 39% 27% 53% 14% 52% 58% 20% Microsoft (MSFT) 12% 13% 14% 8% 11% 15% 18% -3% 7% 12% 6% Google (GOOG) N/A N/A N/A 92% 73% 56% 31% 9% 24% -6% 20% IBM (IBM) -2% 10% 8% -5% 0% 8% 5% -8% 4% 6% 4% Cisco (CSCO) -15% 0% 17% 13% 15% 23% 13% -9% 11% 9% 11% HP (HPQ) -11% 1% 9% 8% 6% 14% 13% -3% 10% 3% 4% Oracle (ORCL) -12% -2% 7% 16% 22% 26% 24% 4% 15% 33% 9% 1% 13% 14% 13% -9% 8% -2% -7% 24% 22% 5% -8% 12% 12% 14% 8% 7% 5% -11% 7% Intel (INTC) S&P500 Financial Analysis • EPS of Information Tech Sector Source: Thomson Reuters Baseline Financial Analysis • EPS of major companies 2002 Apple (AAPL) Microsoft (MSFT) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 222% -39% 270% 292% 57% 27% 73% 34% 67% 62% 15% -25% 20% 52% 3% -2% 17% 26% -10% 24% 22% 8% N/A N/A N/A 222% 91% 47% 25% 19% 28% 15% 16% IBM (IBM) -14% 10% 17% 5% 14% 18% 25% 12% 16% 14% 11% Cisco (CSCO) -5% 51% 29% 21% 20% 22% 16% -13% 19% -1% 11% HP (HPQ) -2% 46% 15% 20% 38% 32% 24% 7% 19% 14% 9% Oracle (ORCL) -8% 7% 14% 36% 19% 26% 27% 11% 16% 30% 10% Intel (INTC) -2% 69% 37% 23% -41% 40% -23% 27% 75% 11% 5% 7% 15% 21% 14% 16% -2% -20% -5% 33% 10% 8% Google (GOOG) S&P500 Financial Analysis • Return on Equity 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% IT Sector S&P500 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Financial Analysis EBITDA margins Net profit margins 18.0% 30.0% 16.0% 25.0% 14.0% 12.0% 20.0% IT Sector 15.0% S&P500 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 10.0% 4.0% 5.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2002200320042005200620072008200920102011 EBITDA margins 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Apple (AAPL) 3.7% 3.4% 6.5% 14.3% 15.8% 22.7% 22.7% 29.8% 30.0% 30.1% 44.4% 50.2% 36.3% 43.9% 43.3% 42.1% 42.8% 38.3% 44.6% 43.8% N/A N/A 25.1% 39.7% 43.2% 40.0% 33.7% 41.9% 41.6% 44.9% IBM (IBM) 14.8% 17.6% 17.7% 19.3% 20.3% 20.6% 22.0% 24.6% 25.0% 24.3% Cisco (CSCO) 24.7% 35.0% 38.3% 36.5% 31.9% 32.2% 31.2% 27.2% 30.1% 31.7% 1.9% 7.4% 8.2% 6.8% 10.4% 11.4% 11.7% 13.0% 12.9% 14.6% Oracle (ORCL) 39.2% 39.8% 41.4% 39.1% 40.2% 41.4% 43.3% 44.9% 42.0% 49.8% Intel (INTC) 36.0% 41.7% 44.9% 44.4% 33.9% 36.5% 32.8% 30.6% 47.4% 46.7% S&P500 21.5% 21.4% 21.4% 23.0% 23.9% 25.6% 19.1% 17.2% 18.7% 20.6% Microsoft (MSFT) Google (GOOG) HP (HPQ) Financial Analysis • Cash flow per share Financial Analysis • Cash from Operations (million $) 2001 Apple (AAPL) Microsoft (MSFT) Google (GOOG) IBM (IBM) Cisco (CSCO) HP (HPQ) Oracle (ORCL) 185 24,073 Intel (INTC) 31 2002 2003 2004 90 289 19,037 21,612 155 395 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 934 2,535 2,220 5,470 9,596 10,159 18,595 17,796 14,404 16,605 14,626 15,797 14,509 13,442 977 2,459 3,581 5,775 7,853 9,316 11,081 14,265 13,066 14,407 15,323 14,874 15,006 16,088 18,812 20,773 19,549 6,392 6,587 5,240 7,121 7,568 7,899 10,104 12,089 9,897 10,173 2,561 5,444 6,057 5,088 8,028 11,353 9,615 14,591 13,379 11,922 2,179 3,243 3,023 3,177 3,552 4,541 5,520 7,402 8,255 8,681 8,654 9,129 11,515 13,119 14,823 10,620 12,625 10,926 11,170 16,692 • Free Cash Flow per Share ($/share) Apple (AAPL) Microsoft (MSFT) Google (GOOG) 2001 2002 (0.07) 1.14 N/A 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 (0.12) 0.17 0.97 2.72 1.83 5.14 9.45 9.94 17.99 1.28 1.30 1.09 (1.90) 0.92 1.25 1.58 1.29 2.02 2.33 5.48 5.43 10.77 17.44 26.77 21.98 N/A N/A 2010 IBM (IBM) 4.05 3.90 4.93 5.53 5.71 5.41 6.09 8.47 10.60 9.46 Cisco (CSCO) 0.56 0.54 0.65 0.97 1.09 1.18 1.45 1.84 1.54 1.62 HP (HPQ) 0.21 0.96 1.01 0.68 1.80 2.90 2.22 4.47 3.77 3.18 Oracle (ORCL) 0.33 0.55 0.52 0.58 0.65 0.82 1.02 1.39 1.49 1.48 Intel (INTC) 0.12 0.59 1.13 1.32 1.19 0.44 0.86 0.47 0.64 1.45 Financial Analysis • Cash in Balance Sheets (million $) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Apple (AAPL) 2,310 2,252 3,396 2,969 3,491 6,392 9,352 11,875 5,263 11,261 Microsoft (MSFT) 3,922 3,016 6,438 15,982 4,851 6,714 6,111 10,339 6,076 5,505 427 3,877 3,545 6,082 8,657 10,198 13,630 Google (GOOG) N/A 58 149 IBM (IBM) 6,330 5,382 7,290 10,053 12,568 8,022 14,991 12,741 12,183 10,661 Cisco (CSCO) 4,873 9,484 3,925 3,722 4,742 3,297 3,728 5,191 5,718 4,581 HP (HPQ) 4,197 11,192 14,188 12,663 13,911 16,400 11,293 10,153 13,279 10,929 Oracle (ORCL) 4,449 3,095 4,737 4,138 3,894 6,659 6,218 8,262 8,995 9,914 Intel (INTC) 7,970 7,404 7,971 8,407 7,324 6,598 7,370 3,350 3,987 5,498 • Cash and Short term investments (million $) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 4,336 4,337 4,566 5,464 8,261 10,173 15,386 24,490 23,464 25,620 Microsoft (MSFT) 31,600 38,642 49,048 60,592 37,751 34,161 23,411 23,662 31,447 36,788 Google (GOOG) N/A 147 335 2,132 8,034 11,244 14,219 15,855 24,485 34,975 Apple (AAPL) 2010 IBM (IBM) 6,393 5,975 7,647 10,570 13,686 10,656 16,146 12,907 13,974 11,651 Cisco (CSCO) 6,907 12,656 8,485 8,669 6,969 17,814 22,266 26,235 35,001 39,861 HP (HPQ) 4,336 11,429 14,591 12,974 13,929 16,422 11,445 10,246 13,334 10,934 Oracle (ORCL) 5,887 5,841 6,519 8,587 4,802 7,605 7,020 11,043 12,624 18,469 11,550 12,587 16,164 17,172 12,772 10,002 15,426 11,843 13,920 21,885 Intel (INTC) Valuation – Price Multiples Industry: Electronic Components (ELCOM) Absolute Basis High Low Median Current P/Trailing E 47.70 9.20 36.80 11.50 P/Forward E (2008) 19.30 8.60 11.70 11.70 P/B (2008) 4.60 1.90 2.30 2.00 P/S 5.10 1.70 3.80 4.20 17.00 6.40 9.40 9.20 P/CF (2008) Relative to SP500 High Low Median Current P/Trailing E 2.80 0.67 2.00 0.73 P/Forward E (2008) 1.40 0.67 0.82 0.82 P/B (2008) 1.70 0.70 1.00 0.90 P/S 4.00 1.10 2.60 3.10 P/CF (2008) 1.70 0.70 1.00 0.90 • P/Trailing E and P/B not far off lows. • Relative to SP500, P/Trailing E, P/Forward E, P/B and P/CF priced at a discount. Valuation – Price Multiples Industry: Hardware (CMPTR) Absolute Basis High Low Median Current P/Trailing E 33.20 10.40 20.80 14.50 P/Forward E 34.40 10.80 18.50 11.80 P/B 6.40 3.00 4.30 3.90 P/S 1.90 0.90 1.50 1.70 P/CF 19.20 7.10 12.80 11.00 Relative to SP500 High Low Median Current P/Trailing E 1.40 0.87 1.20 0.92 P/Forward E 1.40 0.81 1.10 0.82 P/B 2.60 1.20 1.50 1.70 P/S 1.50 0.80 1.00 1.20 P/CF 1.50 0.90 1.20 1.10 • All multiples currently below 10 year median. • P/Trailing E and P/Forward E sold at a discount relative the broader index. Valuation – Price Multiples Industry: Software & Services (ITSOF) Absolute Basis High Low Median Current P/Trailing E 173.90 14.10 43.80 19.60 P/Forward E 355.60 13.70 37.10 17.20 P/B 11.30 1.80 6.30 3.20 P/S 24.40 2.80 7.60 4.40 P/CF 92.00 10.80 32.50 15.10 Relative to SP500 High Low Median Current P/Trailing E 9.00 1.20 2.70 1.20 P/Forward E 14.60 1.10 2.40 1.20 P/B 3.60 0.50 2.00 1.40 P/S 15.50 2.80 4.90 3.20 P/CF 8.10 1.30 2.90 1.50 • All multiples well off 10 year median, not too far from 10 year lows. • Relative to the SP500, current multiples are near 10 years lows. Valuation – Price Multiples Industry: Semiconductors (SEMIC) Absolute Basis High Low Median Current P/Trailing E 135.80 11.00 24.00 12.90 P/Forward E 422.10 9.10 22.30 12.40 P/B 5.30 1.80 3.40 3.10 P/S 7.30 1.60 3.70 2.80 P/CF 31.20 6.40 12.60 9.00 Relative to SP500 High Low Median Current P/Trailing E 5.60 0.79 1.40 0.82 P/Forward E 34.70 0.73 1.40 0.87 P/B 1.70 0.90 1.30 1.30 P/S 4.70 1.90 2.60 2.10 P/CF 2.40 0.80 1.20 0.90 • Similar to other industries, current multiples are below 10 year medians, closer to 10 year lows. • Relative to the index, both P/E measures are discounted, while others are at or below median. Valuation – Price Multiples Sector: Information Technology (SPHTI) Absolute Basis High Low Median Current P/Trailing E 64.90 11.10 23.00 15.00 P/Forward E 61.40 11.60 20.80 13.70 4.80 2.30 3.90 3.60 P/S 3.30 1.30 2.50 2.50 P/CF 25.30 8.20 14.70 11.30 P/B Relative to SP500 High Low Median Current P/Trailing E 2.60 0.91 1.40 0.96 P/Forward E 2.50 0.93 1.30 0.96 P/B 1.80 0.90 1.40 1.50 P/S 2.10 1.50 1.80 1.80 P/CF 2.00 1.10 1.40 1.10 • Sector as a hole is cheaper than median value over past 10 years. • Current valuations for P/E are discounted relative to the market. Other measures are at or around median value. Valuation – Trend Price to Forward Earnings – 10 year Valuation – Technical Analysis Relative Strength Index (RSI) = 65 Valuation – Technical Analysis MACD (12 Day EMA – 26 Day EMA): Just crossed 0 line Recommendation • Positive outlook for sector – Recovering economy – Uptick in retail sales – Rising business spending REDUCE WEIGHT BY: 150 Basis Points • Downward pressures – Fuel and commodity prices – Tepid recovery from recession – Economic uncertainty • Currently 4.67% overweight