Financial Sector August 9, 2011 Phillip Needham Antonio Olmos Henry On Rob Phillips Agenda g • Sell MetLife • Buy more Lincoln National, Wells Fargo, and JP Morgan Chase Financial Sector Industry Choices Industry Choices • Already exposed to Asset Management, y p g , Consumer Finance, Brokerage, Investment and Commercial Banking with JPM • Thrifts are too small Thrifts are too small • REITs are not appropriate • We considered Reinsurance We considered Reinsurance • Sticking with Diversified Financial Services (JPM), Diversified Banks (WFC) and Life Insurance (LNC) ( ) ( ) – dropping Casualty Insurance (MET) Financial Sector Lincoln National – Summary Lincoln National Current weight: 1.96% Expected return: 34.76% Expected return: 34.76% Recommended weight: 3.96% R Recommendation: Buy d ti B Financial Sector Lincoln National ‐‐ Background Lincoln National Key Stats Overview • • Holding company located in Radnor, PA Industry: Life Insurance Business Segments Retirement Solutions Annuities Insurance SSolutions l i Life Insurance Defined Contribution Group Protection Financial Sector • • • • Current Price: 23.53 52 Week Range: 20.65 – 32.68 Dividend Yield: .8% Market Cap: 7.4 B 2nd Q 2011 (compared to 2010) • Annuity deposits up 4% • Life Insurance sales up 12% • Defined Contribution operating margins increase to 23% • EPS $1.01/share > $0.94/share estimate Lincoln National – Price Comparison Lincoln National Price Comparison Financial Sector Lincoln National ‐‐ Opportunities Lincoln National • Aging Aging demographics will increase demand demographics will increase demand • Focuses on customer service and product and distribution consistency distribution consistency • Strong balance sheet – Repositioned to safer investment grade assets Financial Sector Lincoln National – Risks Lincoln National • Low interest rates Low interest rates – Limits revenues made from investments • Low Low GDP growth and high unemployment GDP growth and high unemployment lowers demand • New regulations will hinder future revenues Financial Sector Lincoln National – Valuations Lincoln National Financial Sector Life/Health Insurance Industry High Low P/T ili E P/Trailing E 16 4 12 8 12.8 78 7.8 10.9 P/Forward E 14.6 4.4 12.2 7.2 2 0.9 P/B 2.1 0.5 1.4 0.8 06 0.6 23 2.3 13 1.3 P/S 1.5 0.3 1.1 0.7 140.7 7.2 9.8 8.9 P/CF 13.8 4.6 10.5 7.6 High Low Median Current Relative to SP500 Hi h High L Low P/Trailing E 7.8 0.65 0.76 0.73 P/Trailing E 0.87 0.38 0.68 0.61 P/Forward E 1.4 0.6 0.78 0.87 P/Forward E 0.9 0.35 0.69 0.58 P/B 0.9 0.3 0.7 0.5 P/B 0 7 0.7 0 3 0.3 05 0.5 0 4 0.4 P/S 1.9 0.9 1.6 1.1 P/CF 13.4 0.7 0.9 1 P/S P/CF 1 1.1 0.4 0.6 0.7 1 0.6 0.9 Absolute Basis High Low Median Current P/Trailing E 135.2 9.4 13.9 9.4 P/Forward E 20.1 10.6 12.6 P/B 3.2 0.5 P/S 3 P/CF Relative to SP500 Relative to SP500 Financial Sector Absolute Basis Median Current M di Median C Current Lincoln National ‐ Valuations Lincoln National Lincoln Financial Corp. (LNC) Absolute Basis High Low Median Current Relative to Industry High Low P/Trailing E 16.9 2 11.8 6.3 P/Trailing E 1.3 0.42 0.9 0.81 P/Forward E 13.7 1.8 10.9 5.9 P/Forward E 1.1 0.4 0.88 0.81 P/B 2 0.2 1.3 0.5 P/B 1.2 0.4 0.9 0.6 P/S 19 1.9 02 0.2 14 1.4 07 0.7 P/S / 1.7 0.5 1.2 0.9 P/CF 14.2 2 9.9 6.5 P/CF 1.5 0.4 0.9 0.9 Relative to SP500 Relative to SP500 High Low Median Current P/Trailing E 0.86 0.17 0.65 0.49 P/Forward E 0.83 0.14 0.62 0.47 P/B 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.3 P/S 1.3 0.2 1 0.6 P/CF 1.3 0.2 0.9 0.8 Financial Sector Median Current Lincoln Financial Corporation (LNC) Analyst:Henry On Date:7/3/2011 Year Revenue % Growth Operating Income Operating Margin Interest and Other Interest % of Sales Terminal Discount Rate = 13.00% Terminal FCF Growth = 2.75% Current Price $ 23.53 Implied equity value/share $ 32.52 Upside/(Downside) to DCF 38.2% 2011E 2012E 2013E 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 2021E 11,370 12,306 13,397 14,000 14,560 14,997 15,634 16,181 16,667 17,125 17,596 8.2% 8.9% 4.5% 4.0% 3.0% 4.3% 3.5% 3.0% 2.8% 2.75% 1,705 1,784 1,407 1,540 1,456 1,500 1,563 1,618 1,667 1,712 1,760 15.0% 14.5% 10.5% 11.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Taxes Tax Rate 409 428 338 385 364 375 391 405 417 428 24.0% 24.0% 24.0% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 440 25.0% Net Income % Growth 1,296 1,356 1,069 1,155 4.6% ‐21.2% 8.0% Financial Sector 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1,092 1,125 1,173 ‐5.5% 3.0% 4.3% 0.0% 0.0% 1,214 1,250 1,284 3.5% 3.0% 2.8% 1,320 2.8% Lincoln National – Final Valuation Lincoln National Final Valuation Absolute Valuation A. P/Forward E P/S / P/B P/EBITDA P/CF #Your *Your Target Your Target Price High Low Median Current Target E, S, B, Multiple etc/Share (F x G) B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 13.9 1.8 11 7.5 4.06 30.45 5.9 1.9 0.2 1.4 0.7 0.9 35.53 31.98 2 0.2 1.3 0.5 0.7 40.43 28.30 35.51 1.66 7.02 4.99 6 4.97 29.82 14.2 2.4 10 6.5 8.5 4 34 Average Price Targets = Average Price Targets = 30 91 30.91 DCF = 32.52 Target Price (50% DCF and 50% Average Price Targets) = 31.71 Current Current Price = Price Target Price = Upside/Downside = Financial Sector 23 23.53 53 31.71 34.76% Lincoln National – Summary Lincoln National Current weight: 1.96% Expected return: 34.76% Expected return: 34.76% Recommended weight: 3.96% (Up 2.0%) R Recommendation: Buy d ti B Financial Sector Wells Fargo – Summary Wells Fargo Current weight: 3.94% Expected return: 26.77% Expected return: 26.77% Recommended weight: 4.59% R Recommendation: Buy d ti B Financial Sector Wells Fargo ‐‐ Background Wells Fargo • Diversified Diversified financial services financial services • Banking, investments, mortgage banking, investment banking retail banking brokerage investment banking, retail banking, brokerage, and consumer finance. • Three business segments: Th b i • Community Banking l l B ki • Wh Wholesale Banking • Wealth, Brokerage and Retirement Financial Sector Wells Fargo – Price Comparison Wells Fargo Price Comparison Financial Sector Wells Fargo ‐‐ Opportunities • Strong growth across franchise – Average checking and savings deposits up 10 percent from a year ago – Despite slowly recovering economy, loan commitments to small businesses increased 13% from last year small businesses increased 13% from last year • Improved credit quality – Net charge‐offs declining significantly g g g y • Wachovia integration • Cost cutting Financial Sector Wells Fargo – Risks Wells Fargo • If businesses tighten borrowing If businesses tighten borrowing • Interest rate uncertainty Interest rate uncertainty • Ongoing regulation interpretations O i l i i i Financial Sector Analyst: Da te: 7/31/2011 Ye a r 2011E 89,684 Revenue 2012E 93,258 % Grow th 4.0% Ope ra ting Income 27,171 Operating Margin 30.3% 8,966 Ta x es Tax Rate Non Controlling Interests Net Income 28,258 30.3% 9,325 30,976 32.3% 10,222 Projected EV/EBITDA Sha re s Outsta nding 8,482 31,460 30.0% 10,382 106,963 2.0% 34,228 32.0% 11,295 109,102 111,284 2.0% 36,004 2.0% 38,949 33.0% 11,881 35.0% 12,853 113,510 2.0% 39,728 35.0% 13,110 115,780 2.0% 40,523 35.0% 13,373 1 400 1,400 1 400 1,400 1 400 1,400 1 400 1,400 1 400 1,400 1 400 1,400 1 400 1,400 1 400 1,400 1 400 1,400 1 400 1,400 1 400 1,400 18,633 16,322 20,454 9.8% 17,917 9.8% 39% 163,255 100% 7.1 6.5 8.8 8.0 4.9 4.7 4.3 6 0 6.0 5 8 5.8 5 3 5.3 23.0% Debt 156 Cash 173 15,872 -11.4% 18,621 2.8% 16,311 2.8% 22,478 20.7% 19,691 20.7% 24,333 8.3% 21,315 8.3% 25,522 27,496 4.9% 22,357 7.7% 24,086 4.9% 7.7% 28,018 1.9% 24,544 1.9% Fre e Ca sh Yield 9.1 Upside/(Dow nside ) to DCF -11.4% Te rmina l Va lue 7.4 25.21 18,119 28,550 1.9% 25,010 1.9% 61% 63,170 31.02 De bt/MV 25.0% 2.0% 2021E 33.0% $ W orking Ca pita l % of Grow 8,235 25,702 104,865 2020E 33.0% Implie d equity va lue /share $ Ca sh/sha re 25.0% 3.0% 2019E 33.0% 5,263 Total Asse t 24,954 102,809 2018E 33.0% 11.82% Curre nt EV/EBITDA 4.0% 2017E 33.0% 100,085 Projected P/E 99,815 2016E 33.0% 4.1% Curre nt P/E Curre nt Price 2.9% 2015E 33.0% 15,684 Fre e Ca sh Flow Yie ld 95,976 2014E 33.0% % Grow th Projecte d Equity Va lue 2013E 33.0% 4.1% NPV of te rminal va lue 3.0% 33.0% 17,905 NPV of Cash Flow s 14.0% Te rmina l FCF Grow th = 33.0% % Grow th Fre e Ca sh Flow Te rminal Discount Rate = 0.03 1,258 12.4% 20% Financial Sector 234,184 10.68% Te rminal P/E 8.2 Te rminal EV/EBITDA 5.8 Wells Fargo – Final Valuation Wells Fargo Final Valuation Absolute Valuation High Low Median A. P/Forward E P/S P/B P/EBITDA P/CF B. 24 1 24.1 4.4 3.3 10.92 13.1 C. 93 9.3 .9 .8 4.13 5.1 D. 13 2 13.2 3.4 2.7 6.1 10.0 Valuation: 31.87 X 90% = 26.68 DCF 02 X 10% = 3 1 DCF: 31 31.02 3.1 Target Price: 31.79 Financial Sector Current E. 99.7 7 1.7 1.3 5.28 9.3 #Your Target Multiple F. 99.9 9 1.9 1.7 5.9 9.6 *Your Target E, S, B, etc/Share G. 33 3.3 16.8 21.07 5.19 2.95 Your Target Price (F x G) H. 32 67 32.67 31.92 35.819 30.621 28.32 Target Price: 31.79 C i 25 21 Currentt P Price: 25.21 Upside: 26.1% Wells Fargo – Summary Wells Fargo Current weight: 3.94% Expected return: 26.77% Expected return: 26.77% Recommended weight: 4.59% (Up 0.65%) R Recommendation: Buy d ti B Financial Sector JP Morgan Chase– Summary JP Morgan Chase Current weight: 3.99% Expected return: 23.13% Expected return: 23.13% Recommended weight: 4.63% (up 0.64%) R Recommendation: Buy d ti B Financial Sector JP Morgan Chase ‐‐ Background JP Morgan Chase • Top Financial holding companies p g p • Organized into six segments – – – – – – • Investment Bank (IB) Retail Financial Services (RFS) Retail Financial Services (RFS) Card Services (CS) Commercial Banking (CB) Treasury & Security (T&S) Asset Management (AM) Sound Leadership: Jamie Dimon Financial Sector 2010 Revenues 9% IB 7% 25% 7% 6% 16% RFS CS CB 30% T&S AM JP Morgan Chase – Price Comparison JP Morgan Chase Price Comparison Financial Sector JP Morgan Chase ‐‐ Opportunities JP Morgan Chase • • • • Expanding commodities business Expanding commodities business Increasing branch openings from 120 to 200 G Growing Chase Private Services group i Ch i S i Further expansion of of international wholesale business Financial Sector JP Morgan Chase – Risks JP Morgan Chase • Stock market sentiment‐ change activity of companies moving g y p g forward with IPO (40% of JPM earnings from Investment Banking) • Mortgage related litigation and mortgage related issues. M t l t d liti ti d t l t di (2010 annual loss of $4B) • Interest rate risk‐ interest rates may rise and put pressure on y p p spreads on how banks make money • Consumer sentiment‐ saving vs. borrowing (can lead to lower lloan balances) b l ) Financial Sector JP Morgan Chase – DCF JP Morgan Chase Financial Sector JP Morgan Chase – Final Valuation JP Morgan Chase Final Valuation Valuation: 45.21 X 50% = 22.61 DCF 38 X 50% = 23 69 DCF: 47 47.38 23.69 Target Price: 46.30 Financial Sector Target Price: 46.30 C i 37 60 Currentt P Price: 37.60 Upside: 23.13% Overall Summary Overall Summary • • • • MetLife: Dump all MetLife: Dump all Lincoln Financial: Increase 2.0% Wells Fargo: Increase 0.65% ll 06 % JP Morgan Chase: Increase 0.64% Financial Sector What Questions Do You Have? Financial Sector