TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY: THE CASE OF THE DIAGNOSTIC ULTRASOUND INDUSTRY by JOHN H. YRIAR, III A.B., Harvard College (1975) M.B.A., Harvard Business School (1979) SUBMITTED TO THE ALFRED P. SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September, 1986 John H. Friar, 1986 The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author redacted Signature Sr UI Alfred P. Sloan School of Management September 29, 1986 Signature redacted Certified by Edward B. Roberts Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Arnold D. Barnett Chairman, Doctoral Program Committee ARCHIVES MASS. INST. eCH OCT 3 1 1986 R IES M n[Libraves Document Services Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. Some pages in the original document contain pictures, graphics, or text that is illegible. -2- TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY: THE CASE OF THE DIAGNOSTIC ULTRASOUND INDUSTRY by JOHN H. FRIAR, III Submitted to the Alfred P. Sloan School of Management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Management ABSTRACT This thesis has focused on the strength of product innovation as a competitive weapon for the innovating firm. Several authors have avered that innovation is the strongest and most direct way to achieve advantage, but studies trying to analyze such a relationship have generated conflicting results. It was argued that the reason for the conflicting results is the lack of inclusion of the marketing perspective --the analysis of the reactions of potential customers to innovation-- in the studies. A framework was presented that included both the customers' ability to perceive technology differentiation and the defensibility of such innovation. It was hypothesized that only in rather specific instances will a technological advance lead to a viable competitive advantage. In the other cases, a viable competitive position can only arise through price competition or differentiation created from capabilities in other functional areas. Although some authors have posited that a firm can have only one functional strength, the relationship of the alternative functional capabilities to each other was further tested. The diagnostic ultrasound industry was selected for study because it epitomizes intense technological competition. Some of its characteristics are: high levels of R&D expenditures, many new product introductions, and shifting market shares. If innovation leads directly to competitive advantage, this relationship should be demonstrable in this quintessential high-tech industry. The data reveal, however, not a direct link but rather a changeful entwinement, a pavane that is intricate, delicate, and complex. Data were collected through two surveys and interviews with fifty-three companies. Detailed information on market conduct variables and market performance variables was collected on a subset of nine of the companies for the five year period ending in 1983. Analyses were performed on two levels: at the industry level and at the specific modality-application level. The lesson gleaned from analyzing the diagnostic ultrasound industry is that a singular focus on developing new technology must be augmented by a richer array of strategic choices such as technology acquisition and strategic linkage options. A stronger -3interplay of the various functional strategies must occur and is determined by the customers' perceptions of technology. Once the marketing perspective is brought into play, the viability of a technology thrust can be determined. Because of the physicians' inability to differentiate products on technology criteria, in this technologically-sensitive industry, technological advance has been necessary but not sufficient for market success. Thesis Supervisor: Committee: Edward B. Roberts David Sarnoff Professor of Management Mel Horwitch, Associate Professor of Strategy and Policy Steven H. Star, Senior Lecturer in Marketing -4- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Two years ago I was poised to start down a path I had not previously ventured and began a journey that thankfully I will not repeat -- the doctoral dissertation. Like a knight errant at the edge of a dark, dark forest to begin a mission, 1 doubted the significance of the quest and feared getting lost in the woods. I stepped from the redoubt and peered out to see none of the trees emblazed nor the landmarks apparent. Luckily, there were generous and talented people who helped me reach the final destination of this completed work. As Wart told King Pellinore, who had become lost in the woods, "I know what fewmets are. They are the droppings of the beast pursued. The harborer keeps them in his horn, to show his master, and can tell by them whether it is a warrantable beast or otherwise, and what state it is in." Unlike Wart, I did not know a fewmet from a garous excretion or a rancid and olidous separation. I needed occasionally to be pointed in the right direction to ensure that I was progressing. The people who most directly influenced the direction of this study were the members of my committee: Professors Ed Roberts, Mel Horwitch, and Steve Star. Their receptiveness to different ideas and their constructive criticisms of my work not only helped me but also demonstrated their considerable talents. For their guidance I am thankful. Faculty members who were not on my committee also provided help and encouragement. They gave freely of their time, even though they were under their own pressures, because they are truly concerned teachers. I am grateful to Professors Lisa Lynch, N. Venkatraman, and Gordon Walker for their additional guidance on matters of methodology and statistics. The hot houses for new research ideas among doctoral students are the overly crowded student offices and the over-priced bars nearby. The discussions in these settings occasionally touched on academic research but more often concerned other inspirations. I acknowledge the contributions that the many inmates of the institution made to my overall sanity at these times, but I would especially like to thank John Chalykoff, Oscar Hauptman, and Nitin Nohria for their research suggestions and help. Although I was provided great inhouse support, the most essential ingredient for this study was the data provided by the participating companies. Without their help, the fascinating story of their industry could never have been told. I am especially thankful to the nine companies (Acuson, ATL, Diasonics, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, Philips, Picker, Siemens, and Toshiba) who trusted me by opening their books and spending many hours discussing their companies and their industry. I only hope that I have captured the flavor of the industry as they taste it. -5My special thanks go to the editors of Diagnostic Imaging and to the radiology staff at the University of Connecticut. D.I. opened its archives for my perusal, which provided information on the early participants in the industry. The University of Connecticut radiologists, especially Dr. Mary Friar, also made available to me their library on ultrasound procedures and equipment. For the production of this paper, I must credit Cheryl Kelliher and Lenner Laval for their hard work in typing and patience in accepting changes. For quiet space in which to write, I thank Jan Austin who found empty faculty offices for me to use. Finally, I would like to thank and for keeping me distracted. This the Greek chorus of family, friends, chanted a strophe of "Is it finished and my thanks to you all. Eva Guinan for making me smile work is dedicated to her. To and others who constantly yet?", I can respond that it is -6- CONTENTS Page Chapter 1: Introduction Prologue................................................. Research Issues.......................................... Plan of This Dissertation................................ 10 12 16 Chapter 2: Literature Review Overview ................................................. Economics ................................................ Management of Innovation................................. Diffusion Theory......................................... Marketing ................................................ Strategy ................................................. Summary of First Five Fields............................. Technology Strategy...................................... 18 22 24 26 27 29 31 32 Chapter 3: Framework and Hypotheses Framework ................................................ Hypotheses ............................................... Choice of Analyses....................................... 42 51 55 Chapter 4: Data Collection Choice of Industry....................................... Participants ............................................. Surveys .................................................. 58 62 65 Chapter 5: Understanding Ultrasound Ultrasound Technology.................................... Applications............................................. Ultrasound Development................................... Government Agencies...................................... Image Quality............................................ Selection Process........................................ Judging Image Quality.................................... The Industry............................................. 71 79 82 90 93 97 99 102 Chapter 6: Analyses Overview ................................................. Licensing and Size....................................... Major Improvement Analysis............................... Technology Cycles........................................ Competitive Orientation.................................. Technology-Market Analyses............................... 119 119 129 134 149 154 Chapter 7: Conclusions Discussion of Findings................................... Further Research......................................... Managerial Implications.................................. 171 177 180 References 182 -7- Page Appendices... ................................................... 193 Appendix 1: Company Profiles ........................... 194 Appendix 2: Companies Participating in Study .......... 205 Appendix 3: Indepth Survey ............................ 209 Appendix 4: General Survey ............................ 217 Appendix 5: Sources Used in Determining Segment and ... 221 Individual Company Sales Appendix 6: Additional Clustering Information ......... 223 Appendix 7: Computation and Reliability of ............ index Scales 225 Tests for Nomality of Variables and ....... 233 Appendix 8: Randomness of Residuals Appendix 9: Squared Semipartial Correlations .......... 236 -8- List of Figures 2.1 Patterns of Industrial Innovation 2.2 Transilience Map 3.1 Possible Orientations of Firms as to Strategic Thrusts 5.1 Basic Elements of an Ultrasound System 5.2 Samples of Ultrasound Images 5.3 Science, Technology, and the Utilization of Their Products, Showing the Normal Progression From One to the Other 5.4 Science, Technology, and the Utilization of Their Products, Showing Communication Paths Among the Three Streams 5.5 Proportion of Companies That License In Technology 5.6 Cumulative Penetration of Ultrasound in U.S. Hospitals 5.7 Sales of Medical Ultrasound Equipment 5.8 Proportion of Freestanding Medical Ultrasound Companies 5.9 Sales Distribution of Firms 6.1 Medical Ultrasound Sales by Modality Type ($ million) 6.2 Medical Ultrasound Sales by Modality Type (units) 6.3 Medical Ultrasound Sales by Application Type 6.4 Market Share Positioning of the Groups of Companies Selling Each Modality Type 6.5 Cumulative Diffusion of Real-Time Abdominal Imaging Capability in 400 to 499 Bed Hospitals -9- List of Exhibits 3.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 Hypothesized Returns for a Technology Advance Analysis of the Pool of Companies to Contact Companies Selected for Detailed Study Response Rate Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound Technology Types Preferred Initial Imaging Examinations Medical Specialties That Use Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment Statist-.on R&D Expenditures for Ultrasound Firms Leading Sellers of Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound in the U.S. Statistics on the Age of Ultrasound Firms in the U.S. Comparison of Large and Small Firms as to Years in Market Foreign Companies That are Presently Competing in U.S. Medical Ultrasound Reasons for Entering the U.S. Ultrasound Market Large Firm Use of External Technology Acquisition Smaller Firms That Have Used External Technology Acquisition Relationship Between Status as a Subsidiary of a Larger Firm and Ultrasound Sales Headquarters Locations for Ultrasound Divisions of Full-Line Medical Equipment Companies Relationship Between Size of Firm and Use of Licensing Relationship Between Status as a Subsidiary of a Large Firm and Licensing In Technology Development Milestones in Diagnostic Ultrasound Benefits From Commercialization of Major Innovations Ability of Firms to Gain a 10 Percent Share in the Major Technology-Application Segments Original Application, Accepted Application, Time to Acceptance, and Time to Peak Sales Cluster Analysis of Relative Emphasis on R&D, Marketing, and Price Self-Evoked Orientation Clusters and Performance Measures Rankings of Image Quality for a Company's Equipment in Different Segments Modality and Application Combinations Used in the Study The Relationship Between Image Quality Rankings and Market Share Rankings Strategic Variables Used in Creating Indices of Competitive Orientation Relationship of Advertising to R&D Over 5 Years Regression of Performance on Indices of Competitive Orientation Paired Comparisons of Strategic Orientation of Overtaking Firm to Unseated Firm -10- CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Prologue Vast. The exhibitionhall was immense and yet every available square inch of floor space had been taken by the 333 exhibitors. The exhibition committee had limited the amount of space an exhibitorcould rent, so the competition for space spilled to the vertical. Clean lines of chrome and neon archedhigher and higher -- the goal now was to have one's company logo towering above the rest. Because of the intense competition, the exhibition committee either had to raise the building'sroof or limit the height of company logotypes. The exhibits themselves were worthy of a place in a world's fair. Two stories high with special meeting and hospitalityrooms hidden behind plants and multimedia displays touting the full rangeof each company's product lines. Forty or more smartly dressedsalespeople, well rehearsedin their promotions, swarmed the deep-pile carpetingof each exhibit in hopes of generatingactivity. McCormick Place in Chicago was again hosting the annual meeting of the RadiologicalSociety of North A merica, a misnomer because radiologistsand techniciansfrom aroundthe world attend the scientificpresentationsand the accompanyingtrade show. Not only do medical diagnosticequipment companies spend tens or hundredsof thousands of dollarson exhibits, but a like amount on receptions, entertainment, and dinners for the doctors. The pressure to announce an advancement, an innovation, something new is tremendous for each company, not only in general but for each product line. If nothing but last year's equipment is shown, a company is considered incapableof generatingany customer activity. The trade show is an orgy of new -11- product announcementsand professions of technologicalfirsts. One can be easily diverted for several days by the clamor of so many companies trying to outdo each other. On the lower level of McCormick Place, away from the din and glamour of the main hall, among the publishersand in front of the technical exhibits, stood a solitary salesman and his one machine. The space was the minimum one could rent, with no carpet over the yellowed tile floor. His exhibit consisted of a card table piled with literature,a folding chair, and his machine. The company logo was the cardboardsign the exhibition committee had provided to mark each space. I had spent the previous six months trying to number all the diagnostic ultrasoundcompanies in the United States. I had identified over 120 companies, but I now had found one more. The company consisted of several engineers working on a shoe string, who had developed an improved diagnostic ultrasoundproduct. I asked about the daunting competition, the lack of a direct sales force, the nonexistent advertising,and the general lack of profitabilityin the industry. He was not worried. "Image quality is all that is important. Doctors need improved images to enhance their ability to make diagnoses. We have improved substantiallythe image quality in our machine over the competition and so our product will sell." The high-tech entrepreneur-- I had found anotherone. Someone who was attemptingthrough technologicalinnovation to create a growing company. I did not ask, but I am sure that he hoped that his company would soon rank with Apple, Hewlett-Packard,Wang and the myriad of other high-tech success stories. -12- Research Issues Whether or not one gives credit, as Quinn (1979) does, to the individual inventor-entrepreneur for generating the majority of innovations in western societies, innovation has become a central theme for management. The U.S. is relying on innovation in high-tech industries to keep American firms competitive in world markets. Innovation, moreover, has risen to the fore in the popular business press as the key to success for the individual firm. As an example, Peters and Austin (1985) aver that one is conveyed down the path to riches by constant innovation. This thesis focuses on the relationship between innovation and competitive strategy. Research studies1 have illustrated the importance of innovation for growth in economies and in industries. On the micro or firm level, innovation by others has been shown to be of potential harm to the non-innovating firm. The relationship, however, between creating a technological advantage and creating a competitive advantage for the innovating firm remains unclear. The difficulties arising from not innovating have been well documented, but the advantages for a firm that has innovated have not been empirically studied. Many analysts, 2 when describing the continuing worsening of the U.S. trade balance, lay the blame for the diminution of American competitiveness on the neglect by U.S. firms of using product and process innovations as competitive weapons. These authors posit that if U.S. firms, among other things, increase their spending on and focus their concentration toward research and development, that American competitiveness will rebound. -13Other authors, 3 when analyzing competition in technology-based industries, have relied on "the obvious" to state that innovation can lead to increased sales and market share for a firm. After analyzing the process of innovation, such studies conclude that improving the innovative process is a surefire way to improve competitive position. U.S. firms have responded to the increasingly competitive environment of global trade by increasing their outlays for R&D. Recent figures from the National Science Foundation and McGraw-Hill 4 have illuminated that real average annual R&D spending growth has surged since 1983 to greater than 8 percent, which is a far cry from the miniscule 0.8 percent average from 1963 to 1978. The link between increasing R&D expenditures and gaining competitive advantage is not straightforward, however. The strategy literature is just beginning to come to grips with innovation and its effect on competitive position. Horwitch (1983) discusses the subsidiary position technology has played in the corporate strategy literature but argues that its role is being elevated. Porter (1983) also argues that the study of competition has been decoupled from the study of technological innovation so that one can merely discuss conceptual links. Corporate strategy, therefore, has mainly focused on technology portfolios and on timing of entry. When the strategy literature has attempted to couple innovation and competitive position, innovation has been so broadly defined as to be meaningless. Porter (1985), in his attempt at tying innovation to competitive advantage, defined technological innovation as being anything new to the firm, whether it was a new secretarial procedure or a new product or a new manufacturing process. Such broadly -14- defined innovation, moreover, is said to improve a firm's value added chain and therefore give it a competitive advantage. We propose to use a less broadly defined concept of innovation because innovation does not come freely to a firm -- a firm must expend resources to create and to implement innovations. The innovations that we are concerned with are those that are derived from some form of R&D expenditure and that are technological advances that lead to new or improved products and processes. The question then again becomes one of coupling R&D expenditures and advances to competitive advantage for the innovating firm. The economics literature claims that firms invest in R&D because they have expectations of achieving a quasi-monopoly with accompanying supranormal profits. 5 There is, however, no absolutely general, unambiguous answer to the shape of the benefits function for R&D expense. In fact, "research expenditures which may generate great benefits to society as a whole may also generate very small benefits - or perhaps no benefits at all - to the private firm making such expenditures." 6 In general, then, the relationship between technological advance and competitive advantage for the innovating firm is not clear, is not straightforward, and has not been analyzed. Innovations lead to both new products and processes, but the vast majority of new developments are for products. Scherer (1970) estimates that 86 percent of R&D developments are for new products. Yet, little research has been directed at how innovation relates to competition in a particular product. 7 Instead, most of the research has dealt with process innovations. 8 The main reason for -15this is the limitations of the various frameworks used to analyze product innovation and its effect on competitive position. Not only are most technological innovations product innovations, they are also incremental 9 and defensive 1 0 in nature. are rare. Industry shattering innovations in the Schumpeterian sense If technological competition is more properly described by continual, minor product advancements, then these are the types of innovations that should be studied. In the quest for competitive advantage through product innovation, the success of a strategy is bound tightly to the reactions of potential customers. The assessment of market response is in the domain of marketing strategy, yet the marketing strategy literature has been developed primarily by nonmarketers.1 1 Because the marketing framework has not yet become fully ingrained in marketing strategy, the area is in need of further development. The assessment of the viability of a strategy to create competitive advantage is in the domain of strategy content, an area that is also in need of development. 12 The research issues that this paper deals with start with the question of when a technological advance becomes a competitive advantage for the innovating firm. Although the connection between innovation and competitive advantage might appear to be straightforward, few studies on the relationship exist and what do provide ambiguous answers. We have also argued that incremental product innovations studied from the marketing and strategy content perspectives should be analyzed. Both marketing strategy and strategy content need to be further developed. -16- Plan of This Dissertation This work is organized in three broad sections. section consists of Chapters 2 and 3. The first These chapters describe the research from several disciplines that are germane to the study of technology strategy or the use of innovation as a competitive weapon. The purpose of the literature review is to show that these studies, although important in their respective fields, provide a fragmented picture when applied to the question of innovation and competition. From this broad literature review, a framework for study and a set of hypotheses are developed. The second section consists of Chapters 4 and 5. These chapters provide information on how the data were collected and give the background needed for understanding competition in the medical diagnostic ultrasound industry. The ultrasound industry is dynamic, changing, and intensely competitive. This competitive environment is documented so that the reader is prepared to understand the final section. The third section consists of Chapters 6 and 7. These chapters describe the analyses that were performed to test the hypotheses from the first section. The results from the analyses and a discussion of what these results tell us about technology strategy are contained therein. The work concludes with a discussion of topics and questions for further research. -17- CHAPTER ENDNOTES 1. See for example: Schumpeter (1934), Fellner (1971), Rosenberg (1972), Lewis (1982), Mansfield (1982), Freeman (1982). 2. See for example: Rosenbloom and Abernathy (1982), Lawrence and Dyer (1983), Hayes and Abernathy (1980), Foster (1982), Lewis (1982). 3. Gobeli and Rudelius (1985), Peters and Waterman (1983), Foster (1986). 4. Business Week, June 16, 1986, p. 24. 5. Scherer (1970), Comanor (1967), Bain (1968). 6. Rosenberg (1972). 7. Abernathy (1978). 8. Mowery and Rosenberg (1979), Nelson and Winter (1977). 9. Marquis (1969). 10. Freeman (1982). 11. Wind and Robertson (1983). 12. Rumelt (1979). -18- CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Overview A review of the literature on whether a technological advantage provides a competitive advantage for the innovating firm actually covers several fields of research. This broad span is due to the lack of a research paradigm in the strategy field and to the recentness of the effort to integrate technology into strategy. Because strategy is multidimensional and emanates from a number of research streams, a researcher in this field has to provide a road map of the type of strategy research that is to be performed. In this section we first set forth a charting of the strategy and technology research streams before actually reviewing the literature on technological advance and competitive advantage. Strategy is considered to be multidimensional and situational so that no consensus exists on even a definition of strategy. 1 Schendel and Hofer (1979) write that strategy is a young field with no strong research tradition, especially one of empirical testing to determine the domain of applicability and validity of the many concepts and hypotheses put forward. Because of this lack of determinacy, they list 18 broad topic areas for strategy research. The topic this study is concerned with is strategy content and evaluation; or for a given type of environmental circumstances, what types of strategies should a firm follow? Not only are there many topics of study within strategy, but also a variety of research streams with varying paradigms and units of analysis for studying each topic. Seven disciplines 2 have -19contributed to strategy research. Those disciplines have been: industrial organization and microeconomics, organization theory, marketing, finance, psychology, sociology, and decision sciences. Recent papers3 have called for strategy research cross-fertilization and research stream integration and have discussed the lack of such research to date. The research streams that deal with strategy content are industrial organization economics and marketing,4 but they approach the problem from different levels. In an earlier work, Hofer and Schendel (1978) laid out four levels of policy analysis and four components of strategy. levels were: The enterprise, corporate, business, and functional. components were: The scope, distinctive competences, competitive advantage, and synergy. This paper deals with competitive advantage at the business level. The original question posed of when does a technological advantage lead to a competitive advantage for the innovating firm is answered at the business level, competitive advantage, strategy content confluence of the various levels, components, and topics of strategy research. The research stream that should be most helpful at this intersection is marketing strategy because industrial organization economics looks at the level of the industry rather than at the level of the product-market.5 The marketing strategy literature, however, has a severe handicap. The marketing field is dominated by marketing management, which is concerned with the marketing mix.6 Marketing research is conducted at the brand level rather than at the product category or business unit levels. The stream of research that should most -20- readily help in illuminating the likely market response to a proposed strategy in fact provides little research help. from theories of diffusion. The main aid comes Marketing research has provided many contributions to the strategy literature, but marketing strategy has 8 been developed by nonmarketers. Because strategy as a whole is so amorphous and because marketing has not directly addressed long-term competitive advantage, a literature review has to include studies from economics, marketing, and diffusion theory. As will be shown, most of these studies have dealt with technological advance and competitive advantage at the wrong levels and without empirical support. The other side of the technology strategy equation is that of technology. Technological innovation is more easily understood as a sequence of activities, but technology has also been studied at several levels and from distinct perspectives. Rosenbloom (1978) lists five levels at which technology has been studied: sector, industry, firm, and innovation. society, As with strategy, researchers from several disciplines have analyzed technology development. A few are: sociologists, historians, anthropologists, economists, and organizational behaviorists. Economists have considered the aspects of the firm's or industry's environment that spur or retard technical advance. The other disciplines, however, have been concerned with improving an organization's ability to perform R&D and with linking innovation to customer needs. Research has mainly looked at the conditions, environments, and determinants of improving the R&D process. Of principal concern have been the personality traits of individuals, the flow of technical -21- communication, the origins and originators of new ideas, and the influence that administrative practices and organization structure have on technology development. The overriding assumption is that innovation is good, so no attempt has been made to delineate when technology advance actually becomes a defensible competitive advantage. At the intersection of strategy research and technology research is technology strategy. Because strategy and technology are ambiguous terms, technology strategy must also be ambiguous. Technology strategy consists of many levels, disciplines, and components. Because technology strategy is just emerging as a significant aspect of strategic management, it has yet to discover an overarching framework or paradigm for research. Its breadth is much wider than innovation and competitive advantage at the firm level. Much of the research in technology strategy has been at the corporate and industry levels so there has been little research at the business unit level. Strategy is multidimensional and situational, technological change is multidimensional and situational, and therefore technology strategy is multidimensional and situational. By mapping the various dimensions of each area, some of the research streams have been pared. What remains for a literature review are studies in economics, marketing, diffusion, management of innovation, strategy, and technology strategy. The studies, however, will have troubles with levels of analysis and lack of empirical findings. In critiquing the following studies, we used as a standard the amount of information these papers elicited on the relationship -22- between technological advance and competitive advantage for the innovating firm. The studies cited are obviously important ones in their respective fields, and they have made contributions to the specific issue of interest. However, because the majority of the studies have not dealt directly with the issue of innovation and competitive advantage, due to the fact that interest in the topic is so recent, the contributions they do make are fragmented. The purpose of the literature review, therefore, is to illustrate the present gaps in the research to date for presenting a comprehensive discussion on the relationship of technology advance to competitive position for the innovating firm. The literature review is separated into two sections: a brief review of each of the tangential fields and a more detailed review of the technology strategy literature. Economics The economics literature makes a strong case for the benefits to society of technological advance. Schumpeter (1934) described the dynamic behind economic development. He felt that it is not possible to explain economic change by previous economic conditions alone. Economic development arises from changes in knowledge, which lead to new or improved products and to new processes. New products and processes are the results of technological advances, which, therefore, drive growth in economies, create new industries, and alter competition within existing industries. Fellner (1971) in his review of the various methods of measuring the benefits of technology advancement concludes that it is -23- "the main source of the significant rise of the standard of living in Western economies." Rosenberg (1972) in his study of nineteenth century innovation in American industry also concludes that technology change leads to growth. Because of the importance of innovation to economic growth, much of the economic literature then becomes preoccupied with the effect public policy might have on innovativeness. Studies analyze innovation with the size of the firm, with the concentration of the industry, and with the usefulness of patents and trademarks. 9 The proper level, of funding for research and the proper agencies --government, industry, and academic-- to perform the research have been analyzed along with the rates of returns to be expected. 1 0 Also, the height of entry barriers and their effect on innovation have been studied. 1 1 Microeconomics has difficulty dealing with innovation because innovation is considered to be exogenous to the firm rather than under its control, and is studied from the perspective of process innovations and their effect on productivity and market concentration. Even then, increasing R&D expenditures gives ambiguous results across industries as to increasing productivity or market concentration. But what of the effects of product technology advancement on the innovating firm? The same authors who posit innovation's benefit to society can only give ambiguous responses to innovation's effect on the firm by drawing on the theory for the need for patent and trademark protection. Companies are felt to innovate to gain competitive advantage, but the size of the advantage depends upon the -24- length of time for competitors to respond. "Most of the innovative profits can be captured before competitors can copy them." 12 But advances may not only be copied, but also leap-frogged by further advances. "It is equally important to remember that progress is strongly promoted by a high degree of competition."13 Competition, and therefore a rapid rate of progress, will shorten advantage times. The slower the spread of knowledge, or the slower the advancement of knowledge, the greater the appropriability of benefit to the innovating firm. Economists, then, believe that innovation advances growth for the economy and should be of competitive advantage to a firm as long as the innovation is not too quickly copied or improved upon. Since a lead time is the only real advantage to an innovator, "research expenditures which may generate great benefits to society as a whole may also generate very small-benefits --or perhaps no benefits at all-- to the private firm making such expenditures." 1 4 Management of Innovation The management of innovation literature deals with two different processes: the process of technical completion and the process of commercialization. 15 A firm is assumed to have to innovate because other firms are innovating. A company's market share or very existence can be threatened by another firm's innovation so that a firm is presumed dead if it cannot generate new products and processes. All firms, therefore, are assumed to need to innovate, but no judgment is made on the need for technological improvement as opposed to duplication. Is -25- technological advantage really leading to success or is it a combination of other factors? The process of technical completion "generates two kinds of outputs: new and improved products, new and improved processes." 17 The success or failure of this process, then, is judged by the successful completion of a new product or process. Studies on improving the innovation process within a firm use the successful completion of specifications18 or the judgment of managers as to how technical groups are performing as the criteria for success. The process is judged, then, without regard to the competitive advantages of an innovation. The other process In the management of innovation literature is that of commercialization. Retrospective studies analyze the success or failure of new products in the market place. SAPPHO study. 2 0 An example is the The study's main conclusion is that success comes from understanding the market. "Successful attempts were distinguished frequently from failure by greater attention to the education of the users, to publicity, to market forecasting and selling and to the understanding of user requirements." 2 1 Understanding users' needs, however, encompasses much more than just the functional performance and the embodied technology in a piece of equipment. Product image, for example, may be more important than product performance in meeting users' needs. Just because a new product or process does well in meeting user requirements, one cannot infer, therefore, that it does so because of a technological advantage. -26- Retrospective studies of successful commercializations compared product successes to product failures in order to analyze significant differences. Quality of technology was not a factor in the analyses of product successes but was a factor in product failures. The SAPPHO study and another analysis of commercial failures showed that some products failed in commercialization because a competitor introduced a product with superior technology. Inferior technology caused failure 11.5 percent22 and 20 percent23 of the time for products that did fail. The management of innovation literature, therefore, suggests that innovation is important for survival and that inferior technology may lead to failure. The literature, however, does not analyze whether a technological advantage leads to commercial success. Neither analyzing the successful completion of specifications nor analyzing the differences between successful and unsuccessful commercialization allows any statements to be made about technological advantage and competitive advantage. Diffusion Theory Diffusion studies have a tendency to look more at the adopters than at the innovation in analyzing the rate of adoption of an innovation. Rogers (1971), however, in his review of studies that do analyze differences in attributes of innovations consistently finds that relative advantage is rated first or second as a determinant of the rate of adoption. Relative advantage is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as better than the practice that it supersedes.24 A -27- point to emphasize is that perceived advantage and not objective advantage is what is positively related to the rate of adoption. Diffusion studies, also, look at innovations more as an idea or practice than as a specific product, e.g., solar heating rather than Company XYZ's solar heating product. Industries or product-market segments, then, rather than individual firms are analyzed. Rates of diffusion of an innovation have been found to vary by the number of firms in an industry25 and by the capacity and profitability of an industry. 2 6 None of the diffusion studies explicitly analyzes technological advantage and competitive advantage (improved diffusion) for the firm. One could easily infer, however, that the importance of relative advantage for an industry holds for technological advantage and the firm. Especially in a high-technology industry, a real technological advantage should lead to a real relative advantage and then to a perceived advantage. A perceived relative advantage is positively related to faster diffusion, which leads to greater market share and short-term profits. 2 7 Marketing Marketing does not really address the concept of a technological advantage because customer value is determined by evoked preferences. To improve the quality of a product, a marketer must improve a product's position on a perceptual map.28 As with diffusion theory, quality or relative advantage is perceptual and not necessarily real. Although marketing theory envelops all products, the empirical work has been done with consumer products. The -28- extension to high-technology products, therefore, can only be surmised. Marketing research also has difficulty with technological advances when customer preferences have not yet been determined or are changing, and when the consumer is required to adopt new behavior patterns. Marketing theory assumes an essentially stable, continuous environment. 29 Quality, in marketing theory, is determined by consumers after they have experienced a product. By ascertaining consumer preferences and by performing factor analyses, the determinants of product quality are established. In a high-technology industry, one could easily assume that improved technology should lead to improvements in one or all of the factors of quality. Improved product positioning is important, as Urban (1984) has shown, because success is determined in a consumer market by either being first into a market or by coming in later with a betterpositioned product. Pioneering brands are felt to gain advantages in reduced customer uncertainty, stable preference patterns, lower production costs, and raised barriers to entry. These advantages are long-term and may accrue without patent protection or long lags in imitation. To overcome the advantages of being first to a market, Urban showed that a later entrant must have a superior product; a parity product will achieve less market share than a pioneering brand. A technological advantage, then, should be important for two reasons. If a firm can-use a technological advantage to create a new market, it will accrue the benefits of a pioneering brand. If a firm -29- can improve product positioning by improving technology, it can garner market share in an established market. Although the marketing literature does not analyze the implications of a technological advantage directly, such an advantage should lead to a marketing competitive advantage. Although marketing research has had difficulties in analyzing the impact of a technological innovation, Corey (1976) still felt confident enough to say, "Technical research has been a competitive weapon surpassing in its power such traditional weapons as price cutting and increased advertising." Strategy The strategy literature agrees with the economics literature in that innovation can create, transform, or destroy industries and therefore alter competitive positions. 3 0 Since technology can have such a substantial impact on a business, a firm should maintain a portfolio of technical capabilities.31 The technology portfolio, however, is still analyzed separately from a business portfolio. Strategists maintain, then, that technology development must be linked to the other organizational areas within a firm, e.g., marketing and manufacturing. 3 2 Once a firm, however, has developed a portfolio of technical capabilities and has linkages throughout the organization, it must revert back to the generic competitive strategies open to it before. Porter (1980) defines three generic strategic approaches a firm can take: 1. overall cost leadership -30- - 2. differentiation 3. focus Since the focus approach entails using either of the first two approaches on a select market segment, there are really only two fundamentally different strategies. Technological innovation can be used, then, to either improve one's cost position or to differentiate. Differentiation would entail using a technology to create new products or to serve new customer groups. 3 3 The final strategic decision left to a firm that is implementing a generic strategy with new technology is whether to be offensive or defensive.3 4 An offensive strategy is to be first while a defensive strategy is to enter later. A later entrant can lag behind, match, or improve on the leader's product. Several studies have looked at the significance of entry timing. Freeman's (1982) review of surveys analyzing industrial R&D in several countries concludes that most R&D is defensive rather than offensive. The SAPPHO study, moreover, pointed out that in medical instruments the later entrants performed better in commercializing their products. The question still remains, however, of whether the later entrants were competing with improved technology or merely copied technology? No studies address this question directly, but one can infer from other studies. The marketing studies, as shown, would suggest that a defensive strategy still requires an Improved product. A corroboration of that idea would be Porter's (1979) study of large and small firms. In medical goods, smaller firms were found to have rates of return much higher than the larger firms. One could -31- hypothesize that since a smaller firm cannot match advertising, promotion, and sales expenditures with a larger firm, nor compete on price because of cost disadvantages due to scale; that the smaller firms must be competing with improved products. In a high-technology industry an improved product is probably due to improved technology, so a technological advantage does provide a competitive advantage. The corporate strategy literature, in summary, has not considered explicitly whether a technical advantage provides a competitive one. The preliminary conceptual work states that a firm must have a range of technical capabilities and organizational linkages. The generic strategies do not change with innovation, but timing of entry may matter. In several empirical studies, later entrants were found to perform better; the reason for the better performance, however, Is still unknown. Although there are no empirical studies to substantiate the reasons for better performance, Porter claims that technology is the driving force. "In industries where technological change is rapid or the level of technological sophistication is high, the technological dimensions of competitive strategy can be the primary source of competitive advantage in the generic strategy being followed by the firm."35 Summary of First Five Fields The five fields of research just reviewed all concur that innovation is important for a firm to consider. Existing firms may be seriously affected by another firm's technological advantage, and firms should benefit from innovation. Although the failure side is -32- well documented, the benefit side is not. Economists and diffusion theorists believe that a technological advantage provides a short-lived competitive advantage while marketers and innovation management theorists believe that it has long-term effects. Strategists believe that a technological advantage can be the most important competitive advantage. The above statements are suppositions, however, with little empirical work to substantiate them. Technology Strategy The development of the literature on technology strategy is a recent phenomenon, even though papers first calling for the inclusion of technology within the framework of strategy are over twelve years old. 3 6 The development of the concept of technology strategy for the firm has occurred from two distinct perspectives and can cause some confusion on what is meant by technology strategy. One perspective is the strategy of innovation management, which is really strategy at the functional level of R&D management. Such studies are concerned with the individual variables that affect innovation and deal with internal technology development and external technology acquisition.37 Studies of this type include technology portfolios, technology planning, S-curve analysis, make versus buy decisions, and the locus of innovation. The other perspective of technology strategy analyzes the use of technology as a competitive weapon or as the main thrust of a business unit plan. These studies are concerned with the relationship of R&D to the other functional areas and attempt to -33- match company performance with the level of R&D intensity. This perspective of technology strategy is more properly considered a business strategy with innovation as the distinctive competence. The former perspective has been discussed in the review on the management of innovation; the latter perspective is the topic here. The cry for the inclusion of innovation within strategy has been followed by several studies that have shown that companies are doing just that. 3 8 Bean et al. (1984), however, have argued that R&D's involvement in strategy formation has largely been a matter of managerial philosophy rather than substantive contribution. The reason for the lack of substantive contribution is that technology strategy is still looking for a framework that will provide fewer conflicting correlations to performance. To date, technology strategy has mainly consisted of taxonomies and frameworks, which have been untested, are descriptive rather than normative, or provide conflicting results. These frameworks can be divided into five broad categories: 1.) entry taxonomies 2.) demand-pull versus technology-push 3.) descriptive models 4.) distinctive competences 5.) technology dimensions versus market dimensions Entry taxonomies are characteristic of studies by: Ansoff and Stewart (1967), Porter (1983), Miles and Snow (1978), Maldique and Patch (1978), and Freeman (1982). Common to the taxonomies are titles such as pioneers, defenders, followers, and niche seekers. -34- Two difficulties with such taxonomies, however, are intent versus reality and correlations to performance. A company may have the intention of being first to market but in reality may end up a follower. What actually happened gets studied as opposed to what the company planned to do. When the taxonomies are used to predict performance, in some industries offensive strategies do well while in others defensive strategies outperform the offensive ones. 3 9 The reasons on when to use any of the taxonomies as a strategy, therefore, have not yet been developed. Many studies have analyzed the dichotomy between using a demand-pull versus a technology-push strategy. Utterback (1974). Although demand-pull is considered to be the more likely to succeed, technology-push pay-off.40 For a good review see is considered to have the higher Mowery and Rosenberg (1979), moreover, in their review of these studies argue that the definition of demand-pull was so broad as to be meaningless. Voss (1984) reinforces this view in his study of customer-active innovation by arguing that this form of innovation is really technology-push and not demand-pull. The main descriptive models of technology strategy are the life cycle models of innovation and the transilience map. Life cycle models describe the changes in innovation that take place over the product life cycle and the production life cycle.41 The most well known of these is probably that of Abernathy and Utterback (1978). This model, which describes the changing character of innovation, provides guidance to a firm as to what stage an industry is in. But because the abcissa of the model is never labelled, the trend is not considered to be unidirectional. A firm, then, is not given any -35guidance on how to change the pattern of competition or in what direction the pattern might actually be heading (Figure 2.1). The transilience map by Abernathy and Clark (1985) plots innovations as to their effects on markets and production systems (Figure 2.2). As with life cycle models, the transilience map describes a competitive environment but provides no guidance as to when an innovation in one of the quadrants will be successful or not. No work or even hypotheses on which quadrant one should strive for have been developed, just guidance for what one should do within a given quadrant. What is worrisome is that Abernathy and Clark hypothesize that firms cannot move from one quadrant to another even though the competitive environment may require different kinds of innovation at the same time. 4 2 The distinctive competences literature is characterized by studies that analyze companies competing In technology-based industries. Firm performance is explained by the differences in internal capabilities. Studies representative of this approach are: Rothwell et al. (1974), Cooper (1984), Phillips et al. (1983), Tassey (1983), Hitt et al. and Wagner (1982), Snow and Hrebiniak (1980), and Mansfield (1975). The difficulty with these studies is twofold: competencies that lead to technical completion may hinder economic return, and competencies are situation specific. Mansfield and Wagner separate out three risks for successful innovation: commercialization, and economic return. technical completion, They demonstrated that some variables had directly opposite results for improving commercialization versus economic return. These variables were: Figure 2.1: Patterns of Industrial Innovation Rate of Major Innovation Process Innovation Product Innovation Source: Abernathy and Utterback (1978) Figure 2.2: Transilience Map disrupt existing/create new linkages Niche Creation 0 0, 'U C 0 0, U Architectural N Ford Model T (1908) 0 U 'U Ford Model A (1927) I Technology/Production di srupt/obsolete ex isting competence conserve/entrench existing competence Ford V-8 Engine (1932) U Electric Starter (1912) closed steel body (1923) U Lacquer Painting System (1923) RegularZ conserve entrench existing linkagesI Transilience map and selected automotive innovations. Source: Abernathy and Clark (1985) Rev olutionary -38- project ideas from marketing, quantitative project selection, and ambitious technical projects. The other studies did not differentiate between commercialization and economic success. If economic success is the criterion for comparing capabilities of firms, the studies differ as to the following dimensions: 1) Marketing research 2) Venturesome projects 3) Ideas from marketing 4) Offensive approach 5) Focus in markets and technologies 6) Demand-pull Mansfield, Rothwell, and Cooper recommend strong marketing research while Snow and Hitt do not. Mansfield and Cooper suggest venturesome technical projects while Rothwell is mixed. Cooper is for the marketing department generating project ideas while Mansfield is not. Cooper recommends offensive strategies, which was discussed before, and no focus on market segments, which will be discussed later. Finally, Rothwell found demand-pull to be significant while Mansfield did not. The last of the five broad categories is the comparison of technology characteristics to market characteristics using the firm as the orienting point. These frameworks have focused on new business development, with the majority concerning diversification strategies. For an extensive review of this literature see the discussion in Meyer (1986). The best known of these writings is probably Abell's technology-application-function cube which helps a firm to define itself and its competition. -39- The studies that have tried to empirically test different newbusiness strategies (Roberts and Berry (1985), Meyer (1986)) have used a framework of the newness of the market and technology to the firm. Firms trying to move away from their core technologies and core markets have had difficulty. These studies suggest that firms moving away from their established technical base and/or trying to enter new markets face lower economic returns. This finding is counter to Cooper's mentioned previously. The difficulty with these studies for linking technological advance and competitive advantage is that the point of reference is newness to the firm and not to the customer. These studies are not ones of competition in a market using one's strength, but of moving away from such competition. Technology strategy, in summary, is not only confusing because it is somewhat amorphous due to the various research streams, points of reference, levels of analysis, and frameworks; but also due to the conflicting results of many of the studies. The reason many of the studies provide conflicting results is that technology strategy is situation specific and these studies have not yet captured the correct situational parameters in the various frameworks. In the next chapter, an attempt is made at defining what are the important situational parameters to consider. From this discussion a framework and a set of hypotheses are developed for further testing. -40- CHAPTER ENDNOTES 1. Hambrick (1983), Chaffee (1985). 2. Thomas and Venkatraman (1985). 3. Jemison (1981), Schendel and Hofer (1979a). 4. Jemison (1981). 5. Wind and Robertson (1983), O'Shaughnessy (1984), Biggadike (1981), Jemison (1981). 6. Wind and Robertson (1983). 7. Rao (1982). 8. Wind and Robertson (1983). 9. Freeman (1982). 10. Lewis (1982). 11. Caves (1972). 12. Caves (1972). 13. Fellner (1971). 14. Rosenberg (1972). 15. Mansfield and Wagner (1975). 16. Freeman (1982). 17. Roberts (1981). 18. Allen (1977). 19. Katz and Tushman (1981). 20. Rothwell (1974). 21. Freeman (1982). 22. Myers and Sweezy (1978). 23. Rothwell (1974). 24. Rogers (1971). 25. Mansfield (1982). -41- 26. Metcalfe (1981). 27. Metcalfe (1981). 28. Urban and Hauser (1980). 29. Wind and Robertson (1983). 30. Cooper and Schendel (1976). 31. Petrov (1982). 32. Ansoff and Stewart (1967). 33. Abell (1980). 34. Freeman (1982). 35. Porter (1983). 36. Prahalad (1974), Rosenbloom (1978), Kantrow (1980). 37. McGinnis and Ackelsberg (1983), Foster (1986), Friar and Horwitch (1985). 38. Liberatore and Titus (1983), Frohman (1982), Friar and Horwitch (1985). 39. Freeman (1982), Porter (1979), Snow and Hrebiniak (1980). 40. Nelson and Winter (1977). 41. Wheelwright (1978), Hayes and Wheelwright (1979), Utterback and Abernathy (1975), Moore and Tushman (1982). 42. Freeman (1982), "Firms that cannot perform radical innovation fail in the long run." -42- CHAPTER 3 FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTHESES Framework The major difficulty with the divergent literature on technological innovation and competitive advantage is the same as the problem with the strategy literature in general -stream integration. lack of research To understand performance in an industry, one must analyze market structure, the conduct of sellers, and the conduct of buyers. The various research streams each separately analyze one or two aspects of performance but not all three together. This separation leads to a priori theories yielding ambiguous predictions and empirical studies providing conflicting results. The industrial organization literature considers the structure - firm conduct - performance paradigm, with emphasis on structure. The organization studies literature analyzes firm conduct and performance, and the marketing literature analyzes buyer behavior. All three research streams are needed together to explain performance. In this section, we draw on resources from all three research streams to develop a line of reasoning as to what technological competition really means and how it affects market performance. Many pundits have proclaimed that all that U.S. firms have to do to gain competitive advantage is invest in R&D. It was demonstrated in the previous section, however, that gaining advantage through innovation is not always appropriable to the innovating firm. The question still remains as to what it means to compete with technology and when is innovation a viable competitive weapon? -43- In many industries it is plain that competition among firms centrally involves their R&D policies, successes, and failures. 1 For a firm to gain competitive advantage through innovation, it must have the capability to innovate. Within every industry, organizations are recognized as having distinctive competences, that is, capabilities that their competitors do not. 2 For an innovating firm, then, to gain competitive advantage, it must be better able to innovate than its competitors. Although studies about the distribution of capabilities within and across organizations are rare, there is a growing body of literature that is beginning to illuminate that firms have different distinctive competences and that they vary by type of strategy employed. This should not be surprising in that it means that a firm's effectiveness at realizing intended strategies depends significantly on the existence of a match between strategy and organization. 3 Some of the early work in this area was performed by Lawrence and Lorsch (1969), who demonstrated that depending on the competitive requirements, there will be greater or lesser differentiation between functional groups and these groups will have different relative importance. In high-performing companies where technology was important, R&D had the greatest influence of the functional departments. Snow and Hrebiniak (1980) analyzed ten functional areas and their relative importance for various strategies. The only distinctive competence that could distinguish which strategy a firm -44- was employing was R&D. Firms that emphasized R&D, moreover, as a distinctive competence had no associated competence in marketing. Hitt, Ireland, and Palia (1982) found that R&D was significantly more important than marketing or production for firms emphasizing internal growth. Firms emphasizing external acquisitive growth had distinctive competences in marketing and finance. Further studies by Gupta and Govindarajan (1984) and Tassey (1983), again demonstrated that firms emphasize different functional skills within the same industries. Tassey was able to further distinguish the innovation orientation of a firm by its greater emphasis on R&D over marketing. There is evidence, therefore, that a firm's varying of emphasis on functional capabilities is closely aligned with its business strategy. The business strategy or thrust should give rise to some critical advantage for some market within the business domain. 4 Rothschild (1979) claims that a thrust of a business can be based on product innovation, marketing, manufacturing, finance, or executive expertise. O'Shaughnessy (1984) claims that a firm can actuate only one thrust at a time. In its purest form, then, a firm competing with technology is a firm whose business thrust is innovation and whose distinctive competence is R&D. Such firms can be determined by their relative emphasis on R&D as compared to the other functional areas, and R&D led firms are distinct from firms with other thrusts. Now, for the other half of the question, we must look at when an R&D thrust is a viable strategy. To gain competitive advantage, according to the industrial organization literature, a firm can -45- either compete on price or differentiate. For a firm competing with innovation, then, it can either use innovation to reduce price or to differentiate product. Abernathy and Wayne (1974) claim that a firm cannot actuate both a cost strategy and a product R&D strategy at the same time because the former precludes the latter. Porter (1980), moreover, claims that a firm in general can only do one or the other whether the company is innovation based or not. A firm using Innovation to create new products, then, is actuating a product differentiation strategy. Differentiation is a catchall term for products that are nonhomogeneous or imperfect substitutes for each other. Differentiation may occur from several sources, however. Caves (1972) considers two broad sources of differentiation between products: differentiation of fundamentally homogeneous products and real product differentiation. Bain (1968) decries the use of differentiation as too broad a category and lists five sources of product differentiation: 1. Product quality 2. Buyer ignorance 3. Sales-promotion 4. Prestige goods 5. Seller location Only within product quality would Bain consider real product differentiation. Product quality, however, may have many different meanings. Although a recent Wall Street Journal 5 poll lists product -46- performance as the number one determinant of product quality to consumers, quality may also be determined by lack of manufacturing defects 6 or better product inputs, customer service, reliability, longevity, and image. Economists7 do not consider there to be any difference between changing quality of a product through innovation, inputs, or advertising. Studies that analyze product quality and its relationsip to market performance also do not make any distinction as to how product quality is achieved.8 We know from the earlier discussion, however, that firms who differentiate their products in one of the many ways listed have different organizational capabilities and different thrusts. A firm with a manufacturing thrust can achieve both improved quality and lower price, 9 a position not previously thought possible because of the dichotomy in the definition of price competition and differentiation (or non price competition). The level of abstraction of the concept of the two generic strategies is so high that actually putting into effect a strategy based on either of them is impossible as is trying to study the success of such a strategy. A firm's strategy must be analyzed from its primary source of differentiation. A firm whose thrust is R&D is most likely involved in product innovation. new products. Scherer (1970) figures that 86 percent of R&D goes to Nelson and Winter (1977) claim that firms rarely do process innovation but rather adopt supplying firms' products. firm, therefore, is more likely to be attempting product differentiation through innovation. Freeman (1982) is more straightforward and states that R&D intensive competition means improving product performance. A -47- The purpose for investing in R&D is the expectation of achieving a monopoly with accompanying supranormal profits. Economists, however, consider there to be a range of monopoly power: from a pure monopoly to oligopoly to monopolistic competition, in decreasing order of market power. Monopolistic competition provides only short run profits to competitors; in the longer run monopolistic competition is the same as pure competition. The goal of R&D, then, is to increase seller concentration maximally. To increase seller concentration, however, an innovation must be both defensible and unsubstitutable. Caves (1972) noted that innovative profits are captured before competitors can copy them. This protection from copying can come from patent protection, trade secrets, or first mover advantages. The second condition is that the innovation must have no ready substitutes, or in other words, it must be truly differentiated from other products. The level of differentation from technological innovation comes from creating a totally new product or from improving performance on existing products. The level of differentiation is determined from the perspective of the buyers, not the sellers, and is the element of analysis that is most often missing from discussions of technology strategy. Differentiation, however, is not a simple continuum in the sense of the more the better. Differentiation advantages arise from the level of consumer ability to analyze products. 10 If buyers can exactly appraise the differences in products and they all agree, then the market result is the same as if the product is undifferentiated. -48- Competition in this case consists of simple price - performance trade-offs. At the other extreme, if buyers cannot tell the difference in products or the differences are small, then again no real differentiation will have occurred. The market will consist of monopolistic competition in which there will be no returns to the innovating firm. When consumers typically lack the skill to evaluate the different brands, they may form their preferences on the basis of superficial appearance, advertising claims, and the like. In fact, in an industry where performance is not readily apparent, the technical dimension of competition may disappear. For true product differentiation to occur, buyers must have different preferences or some appraisal skill but not exact. If buyers' preferences are different, however, innovation provides niche benefits rather than total market power. The expected returns from innovation, then, very much depend on buyers' awareness and competitors' ability to replicate. As is listed in Exhibit 3.1, very few cells have large expected returns to innovators. The conditions for large expected returns require protection gained from patents, trade secrets, or first mover advantages and require that buyers can appraise products but have different tastes. In every other case, insufficient returns to cover R&D expenditures are expected unless a firm can gain advantage through pricing or differentiation from other than product performance. In other words, the technical dimension of competition abates and other functional competencies come into play. Exhibit 3.1 Hypothesized Returns for a Technology Advance Level of Protected Technological Advantage Commonality of Buyers' Appraisals of the Technical Dimensions of Competing Products Results great not applicable quasi-monopoly some some some some perfect agreement some agreement little agreement cannot differentiate price/performance competition oligopoly niche monopolistic competition none not applicable pure competition -50Some of the complexity of garnering profit from product innovation becomes apparent when the responses of buyers are taken into account. Only in rather specific instances will a technological advantage lead to a competitive advantage. In the other cases, competitive advantage must come from thrusts in the other functional areas if any advantage is to be gained. An awareness of customer responses, moreover, can help in explaining some of the conflicting results discussed earlier. To understand when an innovation is likely to generate positive returns, the level of analysis must go to that of product-market segments. Buyers' responses and level of differentiation only become clear at that level, and so one would expect the potential of either positive or negative returns to an innovating firm. The viability of any given thrust can also be explained at this level. If the technical dimension diminishes, then one of the others must take its place. This would help explain why in some studies marketing was important or not, and why R&D ability was important or not. Also, if marketing is the viable thrust in a technologically competitive industry, then market focus and timing of entry would also be important. The significance of venturesome technology projects could also be explained at this level. In industries where technological competition is prevalent, companies can be expected to have differing strategies depending on their distinctive competences. The strategic choice becomes one of varying relative significance in functional abilities. Depending on consumer behavior, an R&D thrust may not be the most viable one. Instead, a different thrust or a different combination of functional capabilities may better fit the environmental conditions. -51Hypotheses As was postulated in the previous section, if a firm is to use product innovation as a competitive weapon, the viability of such a strategy depends on both the level of protection and the ability of customers to recognize technological advantage. If the innovation is of a type where no strong competitive advantage arises, then a firm must either differentiate the product by using a different functional capability or compete on price. In order to test whether such a framework is reasonable, technological competition in the medical diagnostic ultrasound industry was studied. The alternative functional capability to R&D that was analyzed was sales and marketing. This was chosen because Miles and Snow (1978) found it to be the top strategic function other than R&D in the electronics industry and so was assumed to hold for diagnostic ultrasound as well. The researcher's previous experience in the industry also led him to limit the number of potential functional alternatives thusly. The definitions that marketing can take have a broad range -some would claim that all business decisions are really marketing ones. The studies that split R&D capability from marketing, as this one does, define marketing in a more limited way. For this purpose, R&D is concerned with developing or changing the product while marketing is concerned with targeting customers and selling the product. Marketing efforts consist of market research, advertising and promotion, sales force, distribution, and service considerations.11 Even price, a normal consideration of the marketing mix, is always split out from marketing as a strategic -52- option. When the term marketing is used in this paper, therefore, the more limited definition is understood to be in use. This study tests the importance of improvements in technology to success in the market place for diagnostic ultrasound manufacturers. Technological competition appears to predominate in this industry and market shares have been changing dramatically at the same time. The hypothesis to be tested, then, in this industry where, on the surface, technological advance seems to be affecting market shares is whether the following can be rejected: Hl: Technological advance leads to improved market performance. If, in this industry where technological competition seems to predominate, the above is rejected, alternative hypotheses might more fully explain the reality. H2: Some other factor, e.g. sales intensity, might more fully explain the changes in market share. H3: A combination of factors rather than unidimensional competition is needed to explain changes in market share. If the second hypothesis were to hold, it would fly in the face of much that has been written about competition in innovation-based industries. Porter (1983) and Krugman (1983) have both stated that innovation is the main competitive advantage in high-technology industries. A study by Tassey (1983), however, has shown that investment in advertising can be more important than investment in R&D for improved market performance in technology-based industries. A corroboration of this hypothesis would raise doubts as to just how "innovation-based" a so called "innovation-based industry" is. -53- If the third hypothesis were to hold, it would contradict O'Shaughnessy's (1984) assertion that a company can actuate only one strategic thrust at a time; that it is organizationally impossible for a firm to gain advantage from more than one competitive dimension. It would contradict, moreover, Snow and Hrebiniak (1980) who found that companies strong in R&D had no associated competence in marketing. Support for this hypothesis would explain why the strategy literature has had difficulty in analyzing competition in technology-based industries: to succeed in such an industry a firm must be able to compete in a manner thought impossible before -- to be able to actuate combined generic strategies. In graphic form (Figure 3.1), what is being tested is whether a company positioned to compete just through R&D (or marketing or price) can maintain a viable competitive position. Furthermore, we want to discover whether firms emphasize a single competency or combined competencies. Market performance is used as the test of the viability of the various positions a firm can take on the cube, whether these positions are just on the axes or also within the cube. As a further refinement to the hypotheses for this industry, in a previous study (Friar (1984)) the author determined that diagnostic ultrasound customers could not readily differentiate technical performance. If the framework is to hold, therefore, an R&D thrust alone should not be a viable strategy in this industry. Rather, the better performers should be the companies that use a different thrust or that combine competencies. Figure 3.1: Possible orientations of firms as to strategic thrusts MARKETING p PRICE R& D -55- Choice of Analyses To answer the above questions, several analyses were performed. The specific questions answered by each analysis are discussed below. An industry description is furnished to detail the level of technological competition in the diagnostic ultrasound industry. This description provides data on the intensity of R&D efforts and the rapidity of technology advancement. An analysis of the patterns of technology development or acquisition that the firms have used provides data on the use of technology-sharing mechanisms. Such mechanisms may dampen the use of technology as a purely competitive weapon. Market performance of the firms that share technology is compared to those who do not. This analysis is a further test of how important technological competition is. An analysis of the major improvements or milestones in the industry considers the defensibility of innovation. This analysis examines the length of time a firm had a major breakthrough to itself and whether having innovated helped the firm more than the rest of the industry. An investigation into the technology cycles underlying diagnostic ultrasound provides insight into the difficulties of expanding into new areas. The importance, also, of having the right technical capability is documented. The last analyses test directly the relationship to market performance of a firm's positioning on the strategic-orientation cube. Tests are made at the level of the industry and at the level -56- of the specific technology-application segment. Both actual positioning and intended positioning are examined. These analyses taken as a group are used to test the hypotheses put forward in this chapter. After a discussion in the next chapter on the methods of data collection, the later chapters describe the industry, lay out the analyses, and discuss the findings. -57- CHAPTER ENDNOTES 1. Nelson and Winter (1982). 2. Snow and Hrebiniak (1980). 3. Gupta and Govindarajan (1984). 4. O'Shaughnessy (1984). 5. WSJ, January 6, 1986, p. 23. 6. Wheelwright (1978). 7. Caves (1972). 8. Phillips et al. (1983), Gale and Klavans (1985). 9. Phillips et al. (1983). 10. Caves (1972). 11. Cochran and Thompson (1964). -58- CHAPTER 4 DATA COLLECTION Choice of Industry In choosing an industry to analyze within the framework of technological competition, we selected an industry that strongly evinces all the key characteristics of a high-tech industry. Although an exact definition of a high-tech industry is difficult to formulate, there are three features that differentiate competition in the advanced technology area from competition in more traditional industries.1 () High-tech industries are typically based on products or processes which make use of recent fundamental advances in science or technology. ii) The rate of technical progress --including both product and process improvement-- is very high. iii) Firms spend heavily on the acquisition of knowledge. An industry that is considered to be prototypically high-tech is the medical electronic equipment industry. The medical electronic equipment industry is characterized by rapid growth, high fragmentation, and intense technological competition. Competition is waged through technical innovations rather than cost. The market has been highly responsive to new products and product improvements so changing technology has spurred growth through product innovation, which has led to a proliferation of product lines. This continued product innovation, however, has reduced product life spans to less than three years. Introducing new products by advancing technology, moreover, is the entree for new firms, which now number over 400 worldwide. The high research costs, short product lives, and number -59- of firms have driven average profitability in the industry to low and risky levels. The medical electronic equipment industry can be divided into five broad segments: diagnostic, monitoring, therapeutic, prosthetic, and surgical support. The medical electronic equipment market in the U.S. was estimated at $3.7 billion in 1983, with the diagnostic segment accounting for 45 percent of that total. 2 Worldwide sales are estimated to be twice that of U.S. sales, so the worldwide market was about $7.4 billion in 1983. The worldwide market is estimated to be growing at 15-20 percent per annum, although some of the subsegments are growing at twice that rate. Because the markets are large and growing rapidly, many firms have entered these markets. Entry barriers are low. Manufacturing consists of component assembly; the components typically make up 85 percent of the cost of the equipment, so manufacturing value added is very low. 3 Distribution and service can be provided by manufacturers' representatives until a firm reaches a scale to perform direct sales. Capital has been available from venture capitalists although high levels are not needed because the research costs are often bootlegged from large firms, universities, and government research groups. Many new firms are divisions of companies not originally in the medical electronic equipment industry but use expertise from other fields to enter these markets. The product value added that a company can provide is in its proprietary assemblage of common components. Although patent activity in medical technology is twice that of any other -60industry, 4 products are readily duplicated and hard to defend. In some product lines, therefore, over 50 companies compete. No single company markets products in all the major categories of products, although some co;'panies emphasize breadth of product line. No company, therefore, dominates the indust.y. No moreover, dominates any single product line because no company has been able to transfer product line dominance across countries. Only two firms, GE and Siemens, are considered to have market shares greater than 10 percent.5 The industry, then, is highly fragmented. The industry is not nascent in that it was started in 1895 and so is over 90 years old. The worldwide market has always been fragmented and the number of firms is still growing. The industry, then, is not one that is likely to go through an industry cycle of birth, growth, maturation, and decay. Expectations, also, are for continued product technology advancements, both major and incremental. A major shake-out of the industry, then, is highly unlikely. Because the medical electronic equipment industry is so diffuse, a discussion of one of its subsegments would be more manageable. The subsegment to be analyzed is diagnostic ultrasound in the United States. As with the medical electronic industry as a whole, the competition of improving technology has led to the continued fragmentation of the ultrasound market. Over fifty companies now compete in diagnostic ultrasound, with the top five companies holding about 50 percent of the market in 1983. companies have entered in the last two years. More new -61- Advances in the state-of-the-art have come quickly. Obsolescence of equipment by improved technology happens so quickly that the industry has a cycle time for replacement of a generation of scanners of only one or two years. This drive to constantly improve the technology is expected to continue. Technological competition is, in fact, so intense that diagnostic ultrasound has been called one of the most technologically sensitive industries in the world (Frost and Sullivan (1982)). The advantages to studying a subsegment of the medical electronic industry are several. Competition within a given segment is mostly that of incremental innovation, which is what we argued should be studied. The level of detail needed, moreover, to understand competition can only be reached by analyzing indepth the multitude of variations that make up a technology type. Most studies of technological competition only go to the level of the generic technology. For medical diagnostic equipment this would be equivalent to comparing competition among X-ray, CT, NMR, and ultrasound products. As will be demonstrated, ultrasound consists of many varieties and applications that are important to understand and would be missed at a higher level. The medical diagnostic ultrasound industry, which exhibits intense technological competition through incremental improvements to products. has had very volatile market shares. Cook (1983) argues that shares of units sold are the "spoils" of strategic investments. On the surface, therefore, if there exists an industry in which technological competition leads to improved market performance, this should be it. -62- We argue that not only does medical diagnostic ultrasound exhibit the characteristics of an industry we wish to study, and that by studying it indepth we will get to the needed level of detail, but we also argue that individual industry characteristics must be analyzed before aggregation with other industry studies. Several studies 6 have questioned the validity of analyzing performance across industries when there is either inter-industry or intra-industry heterogeneity as to structural characteristics. By studying just diagnostic ultrasound, that problem is avoided. Participants The difficulty with attempting to study the medical diagnostic ultrasound industry is that it is so dynamic and changing, that one literally needs a scorecard to keep track of the players. Because so many of the companies in the industry have sales of less than $5 million, they do not readily appear on any industry listing. These companies are often tiny divisions of large corporations or small, privately-held companies so that little public information exists. The medical specialties that ultrasound overlaps, moreover, each have distinct professional organizations so what supplier information they do keep is fragmented and incomplete. The first task of data collection, therefore, was to create a scorecard of the companies involved in the U.S. medical diagnostic ultrasound industry. The sources that were used to identify the companies were medical journals, trade journals, medical supply catalogs, and trade shows. Journals such as Diagnostic Imaging, Medical Ultrasound, Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, The Medical and Health Care Marketplace Guide, as well as 22 other sources, were scanned for any -63- mention of a company in an article or advertisement from the years 1977 to 1985. Through these sources, 131 companies were identified as having participated in the U.S. ultrasound market in this time frame. Even after a lengthy presurvey search, five more companies were identified during the study for a total pool of 136 companies. The purpose of the study is to analyze market response to a technological advantage, so only companies that sold mainframe equipment to the end user under their own brand names were considered. The purpose of this limitation was to allow testing at a unit of analysis that the customers perceived. If Company A sold Company B's product yet labelled it as Company A's, then it was considered Company A's. Likewise, if Company A sold Company B's as Company B's, Company A was excluded. Under this condition the following types of companies were screened from the pool: 1) Peripheral or non imaging equipment vendors. 2) Regional or Canadian distributors. 3) Component suppliers. 4) Companies with no known address. This screening left a pool of 81 companies that were thought to be locatable manufacturers and distributors, or national distributors of ultrasound mainframe equipment (Exhibit 4.1). were approached in two different ways. These 81 companies The companies that were leaders in one of the major subsegments of diagnostic ultrasound were contacted to participate in a detailed analysis of their experiences in each of the segments. The major segments to be analyzed are listed in Exhibit 6.14, and ten companies were approached. These ten Exhibit 4.1 Analysis of the Pool of Companies to Contact Companies originally identified in literature search 131 New ones discovered Total 5 136 Eliminations 55 Companies to contact 81 *Reasons for elimination: (1) Regional or non imaging equipment vendors (2) Regional or Canadian distributors (3) Component suppliers (4) No known address -65- companies comprise over 95 percent of the market in each of the six segments. Of the ten companies, listed in Exhibit 4.2, only Johnson & Johnson refused to participate. This may have been due to the fact that the medical equipment divisions of Johnson & Johnson (Technicare and J&J Ultrasound) were for sale and have recently been acquired by General Electric. The 71 remaining companies were approached to provide more general information on themselves and the industry. In the course of the survey collection, it was found that 21 companies had either been acquired by another ultrasound company, were OEM suppliers only, or were defunct. The response rate, therefore, was 88 percent for the overall study (Exhibit 4.3). listed in Appendix 2. The companies that participated are It is estimated that these companies comprise over 90 percent of the market. Surveys Although much more detail on the survey questions will be provided in each section of analysis, a few words on the creation of the surveys is in order here. The general survey (Appendix 4) was designed to discover who was participating in the market, in which subsegments, and by what means. The surveys were addressed to the presidents or division general managers of the companies. Follow-up calls were made to clarify any ambiguous or confusing answers. In addition to the general managers, at least one other person from each company was interviewed on the history of the company and the industry. These interviewees were either in marketing or sales. Exhibit 4.2 Companies Selected for Detailed Study Acuson Diasonics General Electric GEC (Picker) Hewlett-Packard Johnson & Johnson (Technicare, Irex, Echo Labs) Philips Siemens Squibb (ATL, ADR) Toshiba Companies in parentheses are names of the ultrasound divisions if different from parent's Exhibit 4.3 Response Rate Surveys and interviews 37 Interviews based on survey 16 7 No response 60 Acquired, overlapping name, foreign supplier or defunct 21 81 Non response: 7/60 = 12% -68- The indepth survey (Appendix 3) asked for detailed company data for the years 1979 through 1983. reasons. The dates were chosen for two Firstly, in 1979 the various subsegments began to overtake the established B-scan market and so most of the ten companies had entered by then. Secondly, 1983 was chosen as the final year because a major change in health care reimbursement took effect in October, 1983. The results, therefore, would not be confounded by this major change. The change that was enacted was the shift by the federal government in reimbursing hospitals for treating Medicare patients to a prospective payment based on diagnostically related groups. Two potential changes to the ultrasound market that could affect competition would be the dampening of the hospital market and the strengthening of the role of hospital administrative personnel in the equipment purchasing process. Although respondents felt that the latter had happened and sales of other imaging devices have dropped, sales of diagnostic ultrasound equipment have continued to grow (Hambrecht and Quist estimates, November, 1985). How strong the potential for confounding the results, therefore, is still uncertain. Informants were chosen by the companies and the researcher after the companies had consented to participate. The respondent was either the general manager, product manager, or director of marketing and planning. Each company was visited by the researcher to review and clarify the survey answers. At least two other people from each company were interviewed; the interviews generally lasted two hours apiece. These interviewees were from marketing and R&D. -69- The indepth survey was used to collect data on two types of variables: the expenditures a manager or a firm can control in exercising market conduct and actual market performance data for each segment. The market conduct variables are similar to the ones used in other studies attempting to explain changes in market share (Zeithmal and Fry (1984); Phillips, Chang, and Buzzell (1983)). For a review of the studies that demonstrate the relationship between a strategic variable and its impact on market share, see the Zeithmal and Fry article. A prestudy survey of radiologists as to what factors they consider when purchasing ultrasound equipment was performed. The strategic variables were tailored in this way to the ultrasound industry. Survey collection was conducted from July, 1986. 1985 until April, Some of the respondents did not fill out the surveys themselves but consented to interviews that asked questions based on the survey. Confidentiality of individual company data was assured so that in many instances company identities are hidden. Only when information was already public will specific companies be mentioned. -70- CHAPTER ENDNOTES 1. Krugman (1982). 2. Figures are from: 3. Abell (1980). 4. Arthur Young & Co., Study for National Center for Health Services Research, 1982. 5. Eberstadt and Co., estimates. 6. Frazier and Howell (1983), Bass et al. Electronics, 57.1, January 12, 1984. (1977, 1978). -71- CHAPTER 5 UNDERSTANDING ULTRASOUND Ultrasound Technology Ultrasound refers to the generation of sound waves whose frequencies are above 20,000 Hertz. In medical diagnostic ultrasound imaging, sound waves are used to produce images of the body. The technique was first used in 1943 in an attempt to map the brain. The technique was borrowed from the military's use of SONAR, developed in World War I, and from industry's use of ultrasound to detect metal flaws, developed in the thirties.1 By the early 1960s the first commercially produced diagnostic ultrasound units were available. 2 Ultrasound images are used by physicians as an aid in establishing diagnoses. Ultrasound can provide clinically useful images of most parts of the body.3 To create an image, ultrasound uses reflected sound waves as the means of visualizing anatomic structure. Soft tissues have varying acoustic characteristics so that by measuring the changes in speed, attenuation, and scatter of the echo, one can form a mapping of the various tissues. Diagnostic ultrasound images are used to provide information on the location and size of organs rather than on the physiologic functioning of those organs. The information provided to a physician is a cross-sectional display of anatomic images. The basic elements of any diagnostic ultrasound system are a transducer, a transmitter, a receiver, a signal amplifier, and a CRT (Hamilton (1982)). More recently, microcomputers have become an increasingly important part of a system; not only to perform simple measurements but also for controlling the firing sequence and focusing of array transducers (Figure 5.1). Figure 5.1: Basic Elements of an Ultrasound System PHASED ARRAY I UNEAR ARRAY MECHANICAL SECTOR DEDICATED SIGNAL SCANNER PROCESSING ELECTRONICS ELECTRONICS DIGITAL SCAN CONVERTER AND MEMORY IMAGE IS FORMED IN A FIXED TRANSDUCER LENS Source: CONVENTIONAL ULTRASOUND SYSTEM RNM Images (January, 1985) DISPLAY -73- The transducer acts as a sender and receiver of sonic waves; it functions as a receiver 99.9 percent of the time. 4 The transducer converts electrical energy into sound waves and vice versa by means of a piezoelectric crystal. Depending on the intended application, the size, shape, and frequency range of a transducer will vary. In medical ultrasound, transducers usually have a frequency range of between 1 and 15 MHz. The lower the frequency, the greater the beam penetration, but also the lower the resolution. There is a direct trade-off, therefore, between depth and resolution. The transmitter regulates the sonic waves through the transducer. A timer in the transmitter controls the frequency and duration of ultrasonic pulses emitted by the transducer. Each echo received by the transducer causes a small voltage to appear across the piezoelectric crystal. If the emitted pulses are intermittent, a single crystal can both send and receive the signal. If the outgoing pulse is continuous, then another adjacent crystal must be used to pick up the reflections. The voltages caused by the returning pulse are amplified, rectified, and smoothed. Rectification is the removal of all the negative components of the signal. These processed signals are then displayed on a CRT or oscilloscope. The image is assembled one bit a time. Each returning echo generates one bit of data, and many bits together form the electronic image. In early equipment, each bit was considered to be either black or white because the early displays could not differentiate shades of brightness. In 1973, the first scan converters were introduced that could display shades of gray. In 1977, digital scan converters were introduced with enhanced gray scale. Some present -74- systems display 64 shades of gray. Gray scale capability resulted in much more distinct images and made it possible to depict organs that had not previously been visualizable. There are three basic types of ultrasound systems (Exhibit 5.1). These are pulse-echo, doppler, and duplex. Pulse-echo scanners send out intermittent sound waves while doppler scanners most often emit continuous bursts. Doppler always is used to detect velocity in moving objects by measuring "Doppler-shift." Duplex combines pulse-echo and doppler techniques into one image. There are three different types of pulse-echo scanners: A-mode, M-mode, and 2-D imaging. A-mode is a one dimensional representation of the amplitude modulation of the reflected pulse. The height of the image on the screen is related to the intensity of the echo. This system can acurately lccae sources of all echoes. M-mode, or motion mode, is a method of display in which tissue depth is displayed along one axis and time is displayed along the second axis. If a structure of interest, e.g., a heart valve, is moving toward or away from a transducer, its movement will be accurately followed. Two-dimensional scanning takes the basic A-mode information and extends the one-dimensional image into two dimensions by sweeping the ultrasound beam across a field of view. This plane is then equivalent to a cross-section of tissue that can be imaged by successively plotting the echo amplitudes along the adjacent range directions and effectively connecting the dots along the second dimension. 2-D systems are classified by the manner in which the beam is swept through the field of view. Exhibit 5.1 Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound Technology Types I. Pulse-Echo a. A-mode b. M-mode c. 2-D 1. B-scan 2. Mechanical sector scan 3. Mechanical linear array 4. Electronic sector scan or phased array 5. Electronic linear array 6. Annular array 7. Trapezoidal array 8. Curvilinear array II. Doppler 1. Continuous wave 2. Pulsed III. Duplex 1. Echo-doppler 2. Color flow mapping -76- The oldest of the two-dimensional systems is the B-scanner. A B-scanner uses an articulated arm to build a static picture in several sweeps. Position and angle sensors in the scanning arm identify the coordinate position of the imaging plane relative to the With each pass, the new data is added to the image display. patient. In opposition to the creation of a static picture with a B-scanner, real-time systems produce image frames fast enough to allow motion to be followed. Real-time systems do not use an articulated arm to keep track of position, but rather scan in whatever direction the transducer is positioned. Real-time systems are divided into mechanical and electronic systems. Mechanical scanners produce an image by mechanically rotating the transducer, transducer reflector, or group of transducers so that its beam scans the field. Electronic systems electronically switch between transducer elements to sweep the field. The geometric shape of the image display is the final classification of the pulse-echo scanners. Pie-shaped images are called sector scans while rectangular images are known as linear arrays. These may be either mechanically or electronically produced. Other electronic images are trapezoidal arrays, annular arrays, and curvilinear arrays (Figure 5.2). Within each type of ultrasound classification, the various manufacturers use a wide variety of methods to create the ultrasound image. An example which illustrates this is the variety of transducer configurations for the mechanical sector scanners available. Products presently have: 1) a single stationary transducer with oscillating mirror; or 2) a single oscillating transducer; Figure 5. 2: Samples of Ultrasound Images a) B-scan b) Sector scan Figure 5.2 (continued) c) Linear array d) Curvilinear array -79- or 3) a single rotating wheel with 2, 3, or 4 transducers; or 4) multiple rotating wheels with 3 transducers. The technical alternatives, therefore, in choosing an ultrasound scanner are broad and diverse. Each modality has certain advantages and disadvantages compared to the others when trying to image a certain part of the body. None of the modalities has yet been retired from clinical practice, although there is tremendous competition to determine which modality is better in any given application. Applications The clinical use of ultrasound is widespread and accepted. It has become a normal part of a standard radiology residency program and is required for board certification. Ultrasound use, however, spreads far beyond radiology and into other medical specialties. Ultrasound must compete with other imaging modalities to become the test of choice. Its main rivals are conventional radiography, CT, radionuclide scanning, and MRI. Ultrasound is considered to be a safe and inexpensive imaging alternative. It is noninvasive, nonradioactive, and requires no contrast media. For the time duration and frequency range in which it is used, ultrasound has not yet been shown to have any significant biological effects in mammalian tissues. It therefore involves no known health hazards. Ultrasound studies are not limited in their plane of view, and they can differentiate soft tissues of different densities, which -80radiographic studies cannot. Ultrasound is not only considered to be safer than other modalities but sometimes more effective. The disadvantages of ultrasound are its limits from obstructions and its difficulty in use. Ultrasound will not pass through bone or gas and therefore cannot image behind these obstructions. Likewise, ultrasound images are relatively difficult to create and to interpret and therefore require greater skills from the user in reading the image. With the wealth of imaging possibilities available, the medical profession has not determined definitive pathways for studying various diseases in patients. Because of this, the various modalities are more often used in conjunction with each other rather than to the exclusion of the other. Since several modalities can image the same parts of the body, the competition between modalities becomes one of being the preferred initial examination. An example of the preferred initial examinations for certain ailments is presented in Exhibit 5.2. Not only does ultrasound compete with other modalities, it competes within itself. The various ultrasound modalities can image the same organs and there is no definitive course for choosing one over the other. A physician, therefore, has flexibility when ordering or performing diagnostic tests in choosing among general imaging modalities and among ultrasound modalities. Of the many parts of the body that ultrasound is of use in imaging, the easiest way to categorize them is by the medical specialty that is concerned with that part of the body. The one exception is radiology, which is interested in imaging all parts of Exhibit 5.2 Preferred Initial Imaging Examinations Disorder Examination Abdominal or pelvic mass of unknown origin Plain roentgenography and ultrasound Abdominal pain of unknown origin Contrast examinations (intravenous (IV) urogram, upper gastrointestinal tract studies, barium enema examination) tailored for suspect organ system (exception: ultrasound for specific question of gallstones) Suspected adrenal problem Ultrasound; computed tomography (CT) if sonography is not satisfactory Acute cholecystitis Nuclear scintigraphy Gallstones Ultrasound Cholestasis Ultrasound and nuclear scintigraphy Hepatic enlargement Ultrasound; CT or angiography if sonography shows focal solid masses Pancreatitis or pseudocysts Ultrasound; CT if sonography is not satisfactory Neonatal renal disorder or mass Ultrasound; nuclear scintigraphy preferred over IV urography for evaluating renal function in first few days of life Renal cystic disease Ultrasound Renal trauma CT is most sensitive, although IV urography is more often performed for expediency Abscess Ultrasound; CT or nuclear scintigraphy if sonography is not satisfactory Source: American Journal of Diseases of Children, Vol. 135, Oct. 1981, p. 961. -82- the body. Because of the historic development of ultrasound, radiologists were at first interested in using ultrasound to scan the upper abdomen. When radiology is listed as a specialty, for ultrasound it is considered to mean scanning of the abdomen. In Exhibit 5.3 are listed the major medical specialties that use ultrasound devices. This list is by no means complete because unlike other major diagnostic equipment, ultrasound equipment is purchased and used by specialists other than radiologists. Although radiologists have been the major user group of ultrasound, the other specialties have developed their own uses for ultrasound. Manufacturers, in turn, have designed specialized equipment for these specialties. Other areas not listed that are beginning to use ultrasound are: dermatology, pathology, surgery, and dentistry. Ultrasound Development The use of ultrasound as a medical imaging device was developed over a twenty year period by medical researchers before any commercial products were introduced. 5 The development took place in several countries and was performed mostly by university-based researchers. In 1943, an unsuccessful but first attempt at using ultrasound occurred when Dr. Dussik tried to map the brain. In the late forties and early fifties, Drs. Howry, Wild, Reid, Bliss, and Holmes, all in the U.S., began to image internal structures in a cross-sectional depiction of different parts of the body. Their equipment was adapted U.S. Navy surplus sonar equipment or self-made instruments. Exhibit 5.3 Medical Specialties That Use Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment Radiology (Abdomen) Cardiology Obstetrics/Gynecology Opthalmology Neurosurgery Neonatology Neurology Cardiovascular Medicine Endoscopy Urology -84- In Sweden, cardiologist Inge Edler began imaging the heart. Also in Sweden, Dr. Leskell, a neurosurgeon began imaging the brain. Ultrasound was also tested for gynecological and obstetric purposes at the University of Glasgow. In Japan, Dr. Santomura first used doppler techniques in medicine. All these researchers published their findings in the 1950s and built their own machines to perform the studies. In the 1960s commercial products were made available, but the companies used designs developed by university or NIH researchers. The first two-dimensional scanner for sale in the U.S. was developed by a research group at the University of Colorado and was marketed by a company named Physionics. The first real time unit was also developed at the University of Colorado and marketed by Magnaflux. Further advancements by medical researchers led to the use of ultrasound in opthalmology, breast imaging, echoencephalography, and vascular imaging. Technical developments included the development of contact scanners, mechanical sectors, rotating wheel transducers, linear arrays, and phased arrays. Many of the ultrasound technologies and applications, therefore, had first been developed by medical practitioners long before the commercial market was ever established. In the early 1970s, the National Science Foundation (NSF), in a program proposal, concluded that U.S. manufacturers were not undertaking enough development work for commercializing medical ultrasound. 6 The NSF had recognized ultrasound's great potential for medicine and was worried that instruments were being vigorously developed abroad. In 1973 ultrasound was growing more visibly -85- outside the U.S., and this growth was spurred by government support. Australia, in fact, had set up a separate research institute for the development of ultrasound instrumentation. The NSF in 1973, therefore, decided to create an incentives program to spur American industry's involvement in ultrasound. The NSF created performance specifications for an instrument that would presumably meet a real medical need and that was technically feasible. Any company creating an instrument to specifications would have clinical testing sites in the VA system made available. program was announced in February, 30, The 1974, and had a deadline of April 1978. Although 12 companies did sign up for the program, no one developed a product to NSF specifications. In a review of the incentives program, Arthur D. Little compared the growth of commercial activity in four sectors of diagnostic medicine. They concluded that the development time for ultrasound was normal, that the NSF's basic hypothesis was incorrect, and that the incentives program really had provided no incentives. Ironically, at the same time as the NSF program, a small company in California, Robe Scientific, developed the first practical stored video gray scale in a B-scan device. Because gray scale in different versions had been tried for several years, several companies had stored gray scale capability within a year. The introduction of gray scale has been credited for the initial growth in commercial ultrasound activity. With the growth of commercial activity, much of the technology development shifted to the industrial sector and to U.S. companies. -86- In the 1970s, peak detection, gray scale, scan conversion, digital processing, automatic scanning, and beam focusing were all developed by companies in the U.S. The development of ultrasound, seemingly first by the scientific community and then by the industrial community, has not followed the straightforward pattern pictured in the simple model of development as described by Allen (1977) and shown in Figure 5.3. The practical need for diagnostic imaging is well understood and human anatomy has been stable for quite some time. That parts of the human body need to be seen before an autopsy is apparent enough. What is not so well known a priori is the relationship between certain diagnostic findings and pathologies. An example is the visualization of a fetus in utero, which really began with ultrasound scanning. As more studies were performed, fetal growth, dating, behavior, and abnormalities could be determined. An illustration of the advancement of findings to pathology is the presence of fetal breathing (a periodic see-saw movement of the fetal chest). Fetal breathing was first correlated to gestational age and then to favorable perinatal outcomes. Later, fetal breathing was shown to be of use in identifying false-positive contraction stress tests. Fetal breathing is now considered a regular part of an antepartum fetal evaluation. As certain pathologies are better understood, the need to better image certain organs grows. Likewise, as imaging techniques improve, applications become apparent. The proper application, therefore, of a new technology in medicine is often not apparent at the start. New devices need testing to develop ways of using them Figure 5.3: Science, Technology, and the Utilization of Their Products, Showing the Normal Progression from One to the Other Science Body of Knowledge Technology State of the Art Practical Need and Use Utilization Time Source: Allen (1977) -88- and to modify them if necessary. The normal procedure for diagnostic ultrasound has been that clinicians test the new technology in various applications until clinical efficacy is demonstrated. Examples of the need to search for the proper application abound. The importance to a company of finding the correct applications is illustrated by two examples. ADR, a small startup company in 1973, developed one of the first linear arrays for the U.S. market. ADR developed the linear array for cardiac applications but found it not useful in clinical trials. By accident ADR found that it was useful for imaging the fetus and created the obstetric ultrasound market. Another example is ATL, another startup that introduced early duplex scanners in the U.S. ATL's original intent was to develop cardiac applications, but they almost went bankrupt doing so. ATL then shifted to radiology applications and became successful. Several years later, cardiologists began accepting the clinical utility of duplex scanners. In medical ultrasound, as in other innovation-based industries, technological improvement and clinical skill advance together. Because clinical practice is so closely aligned with scientific research, the development of ultrasound more closely resembles Allen's complicated development pattern (Figure 5.4). The scientific community, the clinical community, and industry work closely together and push each other ahead. The purpose of this section has not been the testing of theories on technology development, but rather the describing of a rich environment of scientific and technological advance. The Figure 5.4: Science, Technology, and the Utilization of Their Products, Showing Communication Paths Among the Three Streams. (a) The normal process of assimilation of scientific results into technology. (b) Recognized need for a device, technique, or scientific understanding. (c) The normal process of adoption of technology for use. (d) Technological need for understanding of physical phenomena and its response (from Marquis and Allen, 1966). Body of Knowledge Science Sd d Technology State of the Art C Practical b Need and flzto Use Time Source: Allen (1977) -90- challenge to a company has not only been the development of technology but a matching of the technology to an application. Scientists and clinical researchers have also been developing instruments and applications, which has led to the creation of new markets. In a later chapter, data collected during the study are used to illustrate the importance of matching technologies to applications. This section has illuminated the many avenues by which it has been done. Government Agencies Although many government agencies have jurisdiction over medical ultrasound devices, the agencies that support the advancement of ultrasound have been more influential than the agencies that regulate its sale. After considering the regulators, we will discuss the supporters. The Food and Drug Administration has two programs that could affect diagnostic ultrasound: the Bureau of Radiologic Health (BRH) and the Bureau of Medical Devices (BMD). The BRH is responsible for protecting the public from unnecessary exposure to electronic product radiation. The potential radiation hazard from diagnostic ultrasound devices, however, was not deemed serious enough to impose any standards. The FDA did suggest that the industry develop its own voluntary standards, which we will discuss later. The BMD is responsible for assuring the safety and efficacy of all medical devices. Diagnostic ultrasound is considered a Class II product which means that it does not have to pass any premarket approval process. As long as new ultrasound products are not -91- significantly different from existing products, only a 90 day notice of intent to sell is required. The Federal Communications Commission has authority to minimize radio frequency radiation emitted by electronic instrumentation. Although medical ultrasound equipment technically must comply with FCC regulations, very few manufacturers have done so. 7 Certifir :tna (CON) programs require a hospital to demonstrate a need for purchasing certain equipment. Although these programs are usually run at the state level and have varying criteria, the minimum purchase price for consideration generally was over $100,000. This minimum was raised to $400,000 in 1981. Diagnostic ultrasound machines generally cost less than $100,000 and so were not restricted by CON requirements. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has a group, the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), that is responsible for overseeing the Medicare and Medicaid programs. The National Center for Health Care Technology (NCHCT) is responsible for reviewing new technologies for the HCFA and recommending whether Medicare should reimburse for these procedures. The NCHCT was authorized by Congress in 1978 and to date has not reviewed ultrasound procedures that were in practice before 1980. These procedures, therefore, have continued to be reimburseable under government plans. Two trade groups, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) have been working together in a joint task force since 1980 to develop voluntary performance standards for ultrasound -92- equipment. Although interim standards have been developed, they are still voluntary. A policy for obstetrical ultrasound exams, moreover, was not adopted by the AIUM until October, 1985. These standards are in fact really guidelines to which manufacturers have varying levels of compliance. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), and to a lesser degree, the National Science Foundation promote research in the development of medical ultrasound instrumentation and applications. In 1982, these agencies provided $7.3 million of research funding.8 In addition to providing research support, the NIH in conjunction with the FDA sometimes assembles panels of experts to review medical procedures. In February, 1984, such a consensus panel issued a report recommending that the use of ultrasound be limited in obstetrical practice. The panel said that ultrasound imaging appears to be safe and useful in most cases; but that in the absence of conclusive test results, a hypothetical risk must be presumed. The panel listed 27 indications for which ultrasound benefits have been documented and for which ultrasound is recommended. The head of the panel estimated that one-third of all pregnancies evince at least one of the indications. 9 However, because ultrasound is used to examine between 15 and 40 percent of all pregnant women, the panel's warning is not expected to alter usage patterns. Although several agencies have authority over medical ultrasound equipment, none of these agencies has really slowed or hindered the introduction and sale of ultrasound equipment. On the contrary, the NIH has been encouraging the advancement of ultrasound -93- technology by spending millions of dollars annually for research in ultrasound instrumentation. Image Quality Of the several people who can be involved in a capital goods purchasing decision for a hospital or a medical practice, the person who evaluates diagnostic equipment as to its performance capabilities is the physician. A physician is highly educated and sophisticated as to medical practice and diagnostic needs. When purchasing equipment, the physician participates in a decision process that is long and involved. In an attempt to make an informed decision on an expensive and important purchase, the physician performs an information search, asks for recommendations, and compares products. E. Von Hippel (1976) defines innovation improvements to scientific instruments to mean those technology advances that improve the functional utility of the products. For ultrasound equipment, one of the main benefits of technology advance would be increasing the diagnostic information one could receive from an ultrasound scan. To provide more diagnostic information, an ultrasound scan must produce better anatomic images. The importance of image quality in this industry is beyond dispute. Image quality has improved dramatically over the last several years, which has led to improved clinical utility. 10 Because the advances in technology were to improve image quality, technology has been considered the most important factor in industry growth. 1 1 Advancing product technology and improving equipment performance is considered the main form of competition among -94- suppliers.1 2 Image quality, for the buyers moreover, is considered the number one purchasing criterion.13 The present images from ultrasound scans are still difficult to create and to interpret. quality.15 Users continue to seek better image To gain increased diagnostic information from ultrasound scans, however, manufacturers are trying two tacks: improving the images and creating computer analyses of the images. Most of the foreseeable advances in technology that will improve ultrasound's diagnostic accuracy, however, will come in improving image quality.) 6 "The flow of novel developments continues today, making diagnostic ultrasound one of the most technologically-sensitive industries in the world." 1 7 Nine studies 1 8 of the ultrasound industry all concur that the industry is technology driven, that competition rests on improving image quality, and that image quality is the main purchasing criterion. Pratt (1978) considered image quality to be composed of two parts: image fidelity and image intelligibility. Image fidelity is defined as the difference in a processed image from that of some standard image; the closer the processed image is to the standard, the higher the fidelity. Image intelligibility is the ability of a person or a machine to extract relevant information from an image; the more intelligible an image, the easier one can extract information. To improve functional capability in an ultrasound machine, an engineer must improve the image intelligibility of the final output. Because the human visual system is so poorly understood, formulating -95- an intelligibility measure based on a perceptual model is not presently possible. The most common and most reliable judgment of image quality, at this time, is subjective rating by human observers.19 Although human judgment is considered the best rating of image quality, other methods that might correlate well with the subjective testing have been tried but have not yet been successful. Such methods have included fidelity testing, testing on phantoms, clinical trials, and measurement of individual parameters of technical performance. The difficulty in measuring image fidelity is that at present there is no official standard against which to measure performance. 2 0 The relationship of image fidelity, moreover, to diagnostic utility is currently moot. An example in current debate is the ability to image eyelid hairs on a fetus in utero. What relevant information is gained? In an attempt to establish some standards, phantoms (mechanical representations of tissues) have been used to test fidelity. Phantoms, however, are static while tissues move. Phantoms, therefore, do not test realistic images and are only used to assess depth calibration and electromechanical alignment. 2 1 Clinical trials are not definitive and take too much time. clinical trial would test several machines on the same patients. A The same machine, however, can give a good image of an organ on one patient and not on another patient. "The favorite explanation for this, at the moment, is that the image is affected by the organization of fat in the patient." 22 Clinical trials, therefore, -96- need to test many patients. Besides not being able to test all the various types of equipment, a clinical trial to compare products takes a long time. The rapid technological advances in ultrasound technology, however, have caused obsolescence of equipment, thereby rendering clinical trials on that equipment out of date before the reports are published. Several difficulties arise in measuring individual parameters of technical performance. The main difficulties are judging resolution trade-offs and judging unspecified design options. To improve the image of any specific organ, an engineer must increase the ratio of image signal to "noise." Ultrasound image signals, however, carry a relatively high degree of noise. comes from two main sources. Noise Ultrasound does not travel well through gas or bone and is therefore of little use in imaging structures behind them. 2 3 Another problem is that tissue is not static. Tissue motions cause variability in attenuation and absorption, refraction, and back scatter. 2 4 To improve resolution, one must trade off improvements on five types of resolution -contrast.25 lateral, radial, temporal, spatial, and The trade-offs are between aperture size, bandwidths, movement detection, location, and penetration. Improving the resolution in imaging one organ may impair the resolution in trying to image another organ. A designer, therefore, must set a resolution mix as to which organs or types of scans the machine will image better. Some rating scheme would have to be determined which could compare overall machine quality by its ability to improve resolution on a number of specific organs. A rating matrix has not yet been -97- determined that can compare instruments having different resolution mixes. The unspecified design options cannot be judged because they are not explicit and because no one has yet determined which methods are better. Examples are quantization options for analog to digital conversion and interpolation methods because of undersampling of the image. Studies that have measured individual parameters of technical performance, which are open to testing, have shown a very wide variation in the magnitude of some parameters among manufacturers.26 The problem still remains that no one has yet determined which of those parameters that are measurable lead to improved image quality. The use of diagnostic ultrasound is an accepted clinical technique. Diagnostic information comes from ultrasound's creation of anatomic images. To improve clinical utility, one must improve the image quality of ultrasound. The state of the art in judging image quality, however, relies on the subjective evaluation of human judgment. No one has yet determined some other measures to test for ultrasound image quality. Selection Process The selection of ultrasound equipment is a complex process.27 The number of people involved in the selection and the length of time needed to evaluate equipment ensure a serious, thoughtful investigation of equipment performance as well as the many other criteria considered: ease-of-use, cost, reliability, serviceability, -98- and compatibility.28 Because hospital radiology departments have been the main purchasers of ultrasound equipment,29 this section will describe a typical hospital's evaluation process. The performance evaluation of ultrasound imaging equipment is usually contemporaneous with or lags the capital appropriation process. The appropriate personnel in the hospital, therefore, are aware of the intended purchase. Along with the radiology ultrasound specialist, the radiology department head and other specialists will decide on the applications the unit must perform. Once the application mix is determined, the modality type can be selected. A search then ensues for the products that are available in the selected modality, with some preliminary screening as to which products to investigate further. Trade shows, medical journals, and peer recommendations are the main sources of preliminary information. Prospective buyers can try the equipment at the trade shows or at another hospital that has a unit. Once salespeople are alerted that a radiologist is interested in purchasing some unit, the evaluation process will still take another six to nine months. 3 0 ,31 During this time, manufacturers are asked to bring equipment to the hospital for comparison trials. Some hospitals will request that a unit be left on loan for a week to a month for even more clinical evaluation. At this time, the ultrasound technicians will also get involved in the selection process since they will perform the trial scans and will be asked for recommendations. The ordering process, then, is both lengthy and complex. purchaser tries for some breadth and then depth in evaluating The -99- equipment. After an initial search as to what equipment is available, a number of instruments are selected for clinical trials and comparisons. Several people are involved in the decision process, which is actuated over a long time period. The decision, therefore, is an informed one among professional people. Judging Image Quality Although physicians claim in survey after survey that the main purchasing criterion for selecting ultrasound equipment is its performance capability or image quality, and although the selection process to choose the best equipment is lengthy and involved; there is some question as to whether physicians actually can differentiate performance capability. As was previously discussed, there is no objective way to rate image quality. Even those who claim that the information content of an image can be objectively measured still include a subjective portion called "image aesthetics" when describing the perceived quality of an image.32 These authors would urge the user to ignore his preferences in image presentation to "see through" the aesthetic factors. Either way, the user is the one who must "read" the image in order to gain diagnostic information. Because so many physicians, and not just radiologists, use ultrasound scanners, physician training ranges from several years to none. Surveys indicate that as many as 75 percent of the physicians with ultrasound scanners in their offices rely on technologists to conduct exams. 3 3 The head of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, moreover, claims that physicians simply do not have the time to learn ultrasonography well and so must rely on technicians. -100Physicians must rely on technicians to do more than just perform the scan, however. Unlike radiographic studies, the later reading of the hard copy by someone not in attendance at the exam is difficult. The problem with reading the hard copy of the sonogram is that there is no way to localize the scanning plane (for real-time units). In other words, someone looking at the picture would not know where the transducer probe had been placed and in what direction it was facing. Any single real-time image may not be understandable without identifiable landmarks in the image and records of the transducer's position. Unlike other diagnostic techniques, there are no standard positions or techniques by which the sonographer can capture the area of interest. Procedures vary because patients vary as to body fat, gas, and other anatomic obstructions. Each scan has two parts: the survey scan and the specific scan for detailed imaging information. In the survey scan, a sonographer must decide when a particular image is of literest or not. field of view and tech Ultrasound has a relatively narrow cal Lrade-offs between depth and resolution. The operator must continually adjust the transducer direction and the instrument controls. It is up to the sonographer to decide whether the image is in fact the organ of interest or an artifact, or whether an organ is hidden or atrophied. If the technologist misses something important, it will not be recorded. While positioning the transducer for the detailed study, the ultrasonographer observes the echoes on a video display until the transducer is correctly oriented and instrument sensitivity is properly set. Only then are images recorded. But because the -101- scanning plane can be moved in any direction and will be because of patient differences, a common problem for later readers is that the image is not referenced to any particular position on the body. Because every ultrasound examination is almost a unique event, the skills level of the ultrasonographer is considered to be higher than that of other technicians. Barley (1984) in his study of hospital radiology departments found that sonographers were held in higher esteem than their counterparts in the other areas. He also found that sonographers claimed that physicians could not understand what ultrasound could and could not do, and that they had to teach the physician how to read a scan. Furthermore, Barley found that sonographers were interpreting sonograms and making diagnostic decisions, which is solely the duty of the physician. The issue that physicians rely too heavily on technicians to perform and interpret sonograms has been raised in the medical literature but not researched indepth. What has been debated more openly, however, is whether technologists have the requisite skills to conduct an ultrasound exam. Only 22 of an estimated 150 training programs for ultrasound technologists in the U.S. have been accredited by the Joint Commission for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 3 4 Technologists need not graduate from an accredited program to practice ultrasonography, nor are they required to have credentials from organizations that test minimum standards for training and skill. There are real issues, therefore, as to whether sonographers are properly trained and whether physicians have abdicated their roles. -102- Ultrasonography is not another extension of a radiographic technique. It requires new skills in performing and reading a scan. Sonographs are radically different from radiographs and are difficult to interpret. Ultrasonography also demands that the examination be carried out and a diagnosis made concurrently, yet technicians, who may not be properly trained, are performing the exams. There is some doubt, therefore, as to whether ultrasound users can really judge equipment performance, or whether the technology is beyond their present capabilities. In a previous study, Friar (1984) showed that application experts from ultrasound manufacturing concerns consistently rate ultrasound equipment as to its image quality and feel that there is a statistically significant difference in that image quality. Forty-five hospital radiology departments who were actively comparing ultrasound products in a preselection search were also asked to rate image quality on those products. Radiologists are thought to be the best-trained specialists in ultrasound. Friar found that the technicians knew more of the products on the market, but that neither radiologists nor technicians could differentiate product as to image quality. The users, then, with the best training in ultrasound could not differentiate product on a performance measure. The Industry Although the levels of image quality from ultrasound units may be difficult to compare objectively, the importance of image quality is undisputed. Not only does customer survey after customer survey list image quality as the most important purchasing criterion, all -103- the interviewees from the manufacturers list it as the main agent in shifting relative market shares. Only those companies that keep up with the state-of-the-art are thought to maintain a viable competitive position. That R&D is important in this industry can be seen in Exhibit 5.4. The median proportion of R&D to sales is 16 percent, with a range from 2 to 40 percent. To augment internal R&D, 47 percent of the companies license in products from other suppliers (Figure 5.5). That physicians appreciate improved performance is demonstrated in the rapidity with which ultrasound diffused. The introduction of gray scale in 1973 is credited with improving ultrasound images to a clinically acceptable level and allowing more widespread use. The introduction of digital scan converters in 1979 provided a further boost for more general acceptance. The rate of diffusion of ultrasound, once it reached a stage of practical clinical usefulness, was very quick -- from less than a 20 percent penetration of hospitals in 1974 to over a 90 percent penetration in four years (Figure 5.6)35 Sales of medical diagnostic ultrasound equipment in the U.S. grew at an annual rate of 39.7 percent over the decade after the introduction of gray scale.37 As can be seen in Figure 5.7, after a gestation period of twelve years with minimal sales, dollar sales volume increased exponentially. Even after most hospitals had an ultrasound device, sales continued to grow at an annual rate of between 20 and 30 percent36 from 1979 to 1983. market was estimated at just over $300 million. In 1983, the total Exhibit 5.4 Statistics on R&D Expenditures for Ultrasound Firms Proportion of R&D to Sales N = 29 mean 18.86% median = 16.00% minimum 2.00% maximum = 40.00% standard deviation = 10.87% -- Figure 5.5: Proportion of companies that license in technology (N = 30) 0 License in 10 20 30 40 - Do not percentages 50 60 50 60 Figure 5.6: Cumulative penetration of ultrasound in U.S. hospitals (by hospital bedsize segment) 100%- 300 - or more 200 to 299 75%- 100 -- to 50%- 199 25% 50 to 99 0 to 49 T 1973 1975 1977 I I I 1979 Year Source: Diagnostic Imaging (October, 1982) A 1981 Number I of beds FICURE 5. 7. SALES OF MEDICAL ULTRASOUND EQUIPMENT (*MILLION) ------ rr-r.-r-r-i ~-T-i 350r--ip 900 200 150 0I 0 1 9 a 0 1 9 a 1 1 9 a 2 I 9 8 3 1 9 8 4 +---: I 1 1 9 9 8 8 6 5 I 1 9 8 7 -T -- ~T-~+-I4I41 t 1 9 9 9 7 a 8 0 9 8 1 9 7 1 -t 1 9 7 2 II. 1 9 7 3 I I---I.1 1 9 9 7 7 5 4 I 1 9 7 6 I 1 9 7 7 I.. 1 9 7 8 1 9 7 9 ... L.1 1 1 9 9 9 8 8 2 1 0 1 9 PERIODS Source: Electronics Annual Survey . S A L E S D 0 L - 250 1 9 B a 1 9 B 4 -108- Because advances in the state-of-the-art have come in quick succession, market shares have changed dramatically. As can be seen in Exhibit 5.5, many of the companies on top in 1978 were not even in the top ten in 1983. Many of the companies, moreover, with leading market shares now were not even in the industry in 1978. The median age in 1986 of the ultrasound companies or divisions is 7 years, with a range from several new entrants to one company of 23 years (Exhibit 5.6). There is no relationship between age of firm and size of firm (Exhibit 5.7). The older companies, therefore, have not been successful at establishing defensible positions and precluding entry. The attractiveness of rapid growth has brought many entrants into the ultrasound market. Berggren (1985) estimated there to be 37 companies competing worldwide in 1976. Drew (1981) estimated 36 companies in 1980, and Frost and Sullivan (1982) estimated 34 in 1981 (both estimates are for the U.S. market only). McKay (1983) claimed that there was a major egression of companies in 1981. These data, however, show that. the number of companies in the U.S. has continued to grow since 1980. Although there is constant churn in the industry as to acquisition, divestiture, entry, and exit, the net number of companies in 1986 is 54. Forty-nine companies actually sell under their own brand names and another five are foreign suppliers who source more than one company. This adjustment is needed to match Drew's criteria for enumerating. The net number of companies, then, has grown from about 36 in 1980 to 54 in 1986. Exhibit 5.5 Leading Sellers of Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound in the U.S. (Dollars) Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Source: 1978 1983 Picker Unirad Rohe ADR Varian Searle ATL Diasonics Technicare/Irex HP Philips Biosound Picker GE Toshiba 1978 figures - Hamilton (1982) 1983 figures - Friar Exhibit 5.6 Statistics on the Age of Ultrasound Firms in the U.S. (1986) (years) N = 30 mean = 8 median 7 minimum 0 maximum = 23 standard deviation = 5.8 Exhibit 5.7 Comparison of Large and Small Firms as to Years in Market Two Sample t-test, variances unknown Firm Size Mean Small (less than $5million) 7.53 7.05 17 Large (greater than $5million) 8.62 3.80 13 t-test of ml = Standard Deviation m 2 ; t = -0.54; not significant N -112- Although this study only considers competition in the U.S., competition in ultrasound is truly international. All of the companies in the survey sell products outside of the United States. Of the companies selling in the U.S., twenty companies are foreign and represent 11 different countries (Exhibit 5.8). In response to an open-ended question, the survey respondents stated their reasons for entering the U.S. ultrasound market (Exhibit 5.9). These reasons were coded into five categories. prominent reasons were: The two most the development of a new technology and the desire to maintain status as a full-line medical equipment company. The development of new technology occurred from two sources: companies in non medical ultrasound who used their technical bases to enter medical ultrasound; and startups with a better idea. That many companies started expressly to serve the medical diagnostic ultrasound market can be seen in the proportion of freestanding companies (Figure 5.8). Sixty percent of the companies were freestanding medical ultrasound companies. The continued entry of new firms and the international technological competition have led to a growing fragmentation of the industry. The four firm concentration level has decreased to 53 percent from 70 percent 3 7 over the period of 1978 to 1983. Two-thirds of the companies had U.S. sales in 1985 of less than $5 million (Figure 5.9). The allure for a company of entering into a rapidly growing market has also been a bit of a trap. The fragmentation and high levels of R&D expenditures have created an extremely unprofitable industry. The president of one company cited an article that claimed Exhibit 5.8 Foreign Companies That Are Presently Competing in U.S. Medical Ultrasound Country Company Australia Austria Denmark England Ausonics Kretz Bruel & Kjaer Picker (U.S. based) Sonicaid Thomson - CGR Siemens Elscint Aloka Hitachi Matsushita Shimadzu France Germany Israel Japan Toshiba Netherlands Scotland Switzerland Yogokawa Organon Teknika Philips (U.S. based) Pie Medical Diagnostic Sonar GL Kontron Exhibit 5.9 Reasons for Entering the U.S. Ultrasound Market Reason Proportion of Firms Outgrowth of technical capability .33 Foreign firm entering the U.S. .15 Serve present customers with new technology .07 Maintain status as a full-line medical equipment company .33 Niche opportunity .11 N = 27 Figure 5.8: Proportion of freestanding medical ultrasound companies (N = 30) 0 Freestanding 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 ..-IIIII Subsidiary percentages Figure 5.9: Sales distribution of firms (N = 30) Sales in millions Less than $5 :$5 and $10 0 10 I 20 30 40 50 II Greater than $10 percentages 60 70 -116- the industry lost between $50 and $100 million in 1984 on sales of about $300 million. Although I could not find the cited article, few companies admitted to being profitable themselves and fewer still believed that anyone else was making money. The survey information, in summary, corroborates what earlier studies on the ultrasound industry have said. Technological competition is intense and has led to rapid market growth and industry churn. What the survey appears to refute is that more firms have left the industry than entered. This study has found continued growth in the number of firms and a generally unprofitable environment because of it. -117- CHAPTER ENDNOTES 1. Klein (1980). 2. Frost and Sullivan (1982). 3. Hamilton (1982). 4. Discussion of technology relies on: (1980), Berggren (1985). 5. For the early history of development, we have relied on: Hamilton (1982), Klein (1980), Berggren (1985). 6. Discussion of NSF relies on: (1979). 7. Frost and Sullivan (1982). 8. Frost and Sullivan (1982). 9. Diagnostic Imaging, March, 1984, p. 13. Hamilton (1982), Klein Drew (1981), Arthur D. Little, Inc. 10. Technology Marketing Group (1981). 11. Klein (1980). 12. Theta Technology Corporation (1981). 13. Technology Marketing Group (1981). 14. Frost and Sullivan (1982). 15. Technology Marketing Group (1981). 16. J. Lloyd Johnson (1981). 17. Frost and Sullivan (1982). 18. Studies not already cited: Doz (1975). Bernstein (1982), Eberstadt (1983), 19. Pratt (1979). 20. Department of Health (1980). 21. Madsen (1978). 22. Personal correspondence with W. N. McDicken, University of Edinburgh. 23. J. Lloyd Johnson (1981). -118- 24. McDicken (1983). 25. Interviews with engineers at Elscint and Philips. 26. McDicken (1983). 27. Hamilton (1982). 28. Fusfeld (1978). 29. J. Lloyd Johnson (1982). 30. Doz (1975). 31. Frost and Sullivan (1982). 32. Maslak (1985). 33. Freiherr (1985). 34. Freiherr (1985). 35. J. Lloyd Johnson (1982). 36. Low figure my estimate, high figure Electronics. 37. Hamilton (1982) for 1978 figure. -119- CHAPTER 6 ANALYSES Overview In order to answer the questions posed in Chapter 3, this section contains a multi-level and multi-approach attack. were performed at two levels: Analyses at the ultrasound industry level and at the specific technology-application level. Industry competition was analyzed by using frameworks often found in the literature on technology strategy. These frameworks include: mode of technology acquisition, firm size, and major improvement advantages. Two further analyses considered the effects of technology cycles and the effects of differences in competitive orientations of the firms. The competitive orientations of the firms were further analyzed within several ultrasound subsegments. This level of analysis was required to assess the importance of a technological advance when the products are direct substitutes for each other. A discussion of the combined findings from all the analyses is left to the next chapter. Licensing and Size Two dimensions of technology strategy that have been much discussed in the literature are: internal versus external development, and large firm activity versus small firm entrepreneurial activity. A previous work by Friar and Horwitch (1984) has shown that corporations have increasingly been acquiring technology through external mechanisms such as licensing and joint development. This trend has been bemoaned by Hayes and Abernathy (1980) and others who purport that by using external mechanisms the long-term competitive viability of a firm is undermined. On the -120- other side, Roberts (1981) discussed that the benefits from R&D activity can be more fully realized through corporate involvement rather than through licensing or sale of technological knowhow. A firm should, in summary, neither license in or out. Others have argued (Horwitch (1986), Friar and Horwitch (1985)) that for an industry to be innovative there must be a blending of large-firm and small-firm modes of development. Further, as this blending occurs, there will arise a complex array of linkages and relationships among the companies in an industry. Although these linkages must be present in an innovative industry, no tie-in to individual firm management of these linkages and performance is hypothesized. What has been hypothesized by others is whether a small firm or a large firm is better able to appropriate innovation benefit. The debate over firm size and the benefits of R&D has been long standing. Schumpeter (1934) claimed that large firms could more readily benefit from a technological advance because they already have marketing and distribution economies of scale. Many others have argued that firms need to be entrepreneurial and small to both innovate and benefit from it. The blending of large and small firms, as Horwitch described, has occurred in this industry and will be documented. Then, questions of licensing in and firm size will be investigated. As can readily be seen in the company profiles (Appendix 1) and in Exhibit 6.1, almost all the large medical equipment, medical instrument, and pharmaceutical companies that compete in ultrasound have used external methods of technology acquisition . (See Friar Exhibit 6.1 Large Firm Use of External Technology Acquisition Company Colgate-Palmolive GE GEC H-P J&J Philips Roche Rorer Siemens Squibb Toshiba Acquisition for Entry Acquisition for Technology Medasonics Electro Physics Picker (Physionics) J&J Ultrasound Technicare (Unirad) Rohe Grumman Sonometrics Searle ATL Ekoline Irex, Echo Labs ADR Other External Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No -122- and Horwitch (1985) for a discussion of these mechanisms.) of the major firms has not used external mechanisms. Only one Nine of the eleven firms used the acquisition of small startup firms as their means of entering the industry. What may be surprising is that many of the small startup firms have also acquired technology from external sources (Exhibit 6.2). Several firms have licensed technology from universities and research institutes. Examples are: ATL, Hoffrel, Unirad, and Imex. Others have sourced some of their product line from external sources: Corometrics, Storz, Ultrasonix, and National. Firms with as little as $2 million in sales, moreover, have acquired other firms for their technology: High Stoy, Biosound, Fischer, Cooper, Multiscan, Xonics, and Diasonics. The diagnostic ultrasound industry, therefore, is characterized by a rich and varied technology-strategy environment. Many small startup fJms are vying for market share against large corporations. But both the small firms and the lar'e corporations are using a broad range of techniques to develop and to acquire technology, including strategic linkages. Even in an apparently fluid technology-intensive setting, a blending of previously distinctive modes is taking place. To analyze whether firm size is important, we used absolute size and growth as performance indicators. Of the eight firms who have greater than $10 million in sales in 1985, five are parts of large corporations and three are startups. Firms that are divisions of larger companies are as likely as freestanding firms to have less than $5 million in ultrasound sales (Exhibit 6.3). Of the seven large corporations in the detailed sample who acquired startups, four Exhibit 6.2 Smaller Firms That Have Used External Technology Acquisition Company Approach Biosound Cooper Corometrics Diasonics Acquired Honeywell Ultrasound Acquired Xenotec Distribute Pie Data Acquired Varian Ultrasound, Distribute Hitachi Acquired EMI Ultrasound Acquired Fischer Acquired Interspec Licensee of University of Pittsburgh Licensee of University of Colorado Acquired Life and Echomed Distribute Pie Data and Diagnostic Sonar Distribute High Stoy Distribute CGR Acquired Litton Ultrasound and SKI Fischer GL High Stoy Hoffrel Imex Multiscan National Storz Ultrasonix Xonics Exhibit 6.3 Relationship Between Status as a Subsidiary of a Larger Firm and Ultrasound Sales (1985) Status Subsidiary Less than t5million 7 (9.1) Freestanding 10 Total 17 (7.9) Sales Greater than 15million 9 (6.9) Total 16 X2 = 2.33; not significant at p = 0.05 Expected counts in parentheses 4 (6.1) 13 14 30 -125- of the companies have lost market share since their acquisition, one has maintained share, and only one has gained share but not until 5 years after the acquisition. (One acquisition occurred after the data's time frame and was excluded.) Large firms, then, have not helped the small firms they have acquired, have not been able to use corporate size to grow in ultrasound, and have not been able to exclude small startups from growing large in ultrasound. Large corporate size would not appear to be of much importance. A corroboration of the lack of influence of the size of the overall corporation is the fact that in every case the ultrasound groups are separate entities in the large corporations. Even the firms that are full-line medical equipment companies have separate business units for the ultrasound groups, often with the headquarters located in different cities from those of the medical equipment groups (Exhibit 6.4). Not only is management separate, but the sales force, to varying degrees, is dedicated to ultrasound products. The companies themselves, then, have not tried to gain much marketing synergy outside of company name. In analyzing ultrasound companies as separate entities and using the size of the ultrasound group itself as an indicator of performance, we found no relationship between licensing and size and between licensing and status. Small and large firms were equally as likely to license in equipment (Exhibit 6.5). Freestanding firms, moreover, were as likely to license in equipment as were firms that were subsidiaries of larger corporations (Exhibit 6.6). Exhibit 6.4 Headquarters Locations for Ultrasound Divisions of Full-line Medical Equipment Companies Company Ultrasound Headquarters Medical Equipment Headquarters GE HP Philips Picker Siemens Technicare Toshiba Rancho Cordova, CA Andover, MA Santa Ana, CA Northford, CT Iselin, NJ Ramsey, NJ Tustin, CA Milwaukee, WI Same Shelton, CT Cleveland, OH Same Cleveland, OH Same Exhibit 6.5 Relationship Between Size of Firm and Use of Licensing License In Small (Less than $5million) No 10 (9.1) Yes Large (Greater than $5million) 6 7 (6.9) (6.1) 7 Total 17 (7.9) Size Total 16 X2 = 0.48; not significant at p = 0.05 Expected counts in parentheses 14 13 30 Exhibit 6.6 Relationship Between Status as a Subsidiary of a Large Firm and Licensing In License In No 9 (8.5) Yes 7 (7.5) Total 16 Free 7 (7.5) 7 (6.6) 14 Total 16 14 30 Sub Status X2 = 0.12; not significant at p = 0.05 Expected counts in parentheses -129- The data would suggest, in summary, that the ultrasound industry is characterized by a rich array of linkages among firms. In trying to relate corporate size and licensing to performance, we found no relationships. Large firms and small firms were equally likely to succeed and were equally likely to license in. Major Improvement Analysis In a previous section it was argued that most innovations are incremental advances to technology and that this is the type of innovation that should be studied. Nonetheless, innovations that are considered to be milestones exist for diagnostic ultrasound. In order to arrive at a listing of these milestones, the marketing managers and R&D managers of the ten firms studied indepth were asked to list what they considered to be milestones. If an event were mentioned by at least three people, it was included in Exhibit 6.7. Although most of the major milestones occurred before 1979 and therefore antedated the detailed performance data, the time it took for others to respond could be determined. Likewise, the change in overall relative position of the innovating company after the introduction of the innovation could also be determined. The first milestone was the introduction of the first commercial, two-dimensional contact scanner. The first 2-D scanner was a bistable B-scan and was introduced in 1963 by Physionics.1 Physionics did not design the unit but rather marketed a scanner designed at the University of Colorado. Because several other researchers had designed 2-D scanners, Physionics did not create a technical breakthrough. Also, because the image quality was poor, Exhibit 6.7 Technology Development Milestones in Diagnostic Ultrasound Year 1963 1969 1972 1973 1975 1976 1977 1983 Milestone Commercial, 2-D contact scanning Mechanical real time Electronically switched real time Stored gray scale Electronic focus Microprocessor control Digital scan converter Computed sonography -131- Physionics sold few units and eventually gave the marketing rights to Picker in 1968. The second milestone was the introduction of the first mechanical real-time unit. As with the first B-scan, the first real-time unit was designed at the University of Colorado. The unit was introduced commercially in 1969 by Magnaflux Corporation but was unsuccessful in the marketplace. The next milestone was the introduction of the first electronically switched real-time unit. Medical researchers in the Netherlands developed the first linear array, which was marketed by Organon Teknika in 1972. The product was withdrawn a few years later. In 1973, Rohe Scientific introduced stored gray scale imaging into its B-scan unit. Gray scale is credited with improving ultrasound image quality to an acceptable level. As can be seen in Figure 5.7, the diagnostic ultrasound market began to take off in 1973. Within the same year, however, Litton had introduced its own gray scale, and Hughes was supplying all the other manufacturers with gray scale converters. Previous to Rohe, other firms had introduced different solutions to gray scale that were not stored in the converter but emulated in the camera, for instance. imitation, then, was almost immediate because so many companies had been working on developing the capability. Assessment of what competitive advantage Rohe's introduction of gray scale provided is difficult because no extensive industry data were collected at the time. Rohe was the third largest seller of B-scans at that time and remained so for six years, when they -132- introduced a B-scan and sector combination. Rohe then was able to gain relative market share in B-scan sales. The introduction of gray scale, therefore, did not seem to make an impact for Rohe. The first electronically focused scanners were introduced in 1975. Diagnostic Electronics Corporation developed and introduced the first phased array, which was based on a design by medical researchers in the Netherlands. Off the same prototype design, Grumman Corporation also introduced a phased array in 1975. A third company, Varian, introduced a phased array unit in the same year. Imitators of Diagnostic Electronics appeared immediately. The reason, again, was that medical researchers had developed the first phased array in 1968 and so several companies were independently advancing the design. As for market effect, the third company in, Varian, was able to dominate the phased array segment for five years. The other two companies never created a presence in the phased array segment. None of the companies extended electronic focusing into the other modalities. Because phased array was a relatively small segment until 1982, Varian never dominated the total ultrasound market but did reach $12 million in sales in 1981. The ultrasound division of Varian was acquired in that year by Diasonics. Scanners that included microprocessor control were introduced in 1976 by Searle Ultrasound. Microprocessors were introduced to control peripherals, select pre- and post-processing maps, provide measurements and calculations, and place alphanumerics on the CRT. Searle introduced microprocessor control in its B-scan and was quickly followed by others. -133- Searle entered the ultrasound industry in 1976 and rapidly made an impact. To separate out the effect of its microprocessor- controlled units is difficult because in 1977 Searle introduced the first digital scan converter, which is the next milestone. Digital scan converters improved gray scale images because they provided stability and a greater number of shades. They also provided enhanced pre- and post-processing of the image. As with analog gray scale, Hughes was able to supply digital scan converters to all the other manufacturers in the same year. In consecutive years, Searle introduced two major advancements that were quickly copied. Searle was able to garner a 7 percent share of the overall market in 1978 and about 15 percent of the B-scan market. Searle was never able to garner better than a fourth position in B-scans, and in fact achieved its highest share in 1978. After 1978, Searle began losing share and was acquired by Siemens in 1980. Searle's introduction of two major innovations, then, provided it with some immediate impact that was soon dissipated. The final milestone to date is the introduction of computed sonography. The image in such scanners is formed in a computer under software control. made this possible. Enhancements to microprocessor capabilities have Acuson, a startup company, introduced computed sonography in 1983. Because of the expense of such units, no one has yet imitated Acuson. Acuson has been able to go from a startup with its first deliveries in the last quarter of 1983 to one of the leading companies in dollar terms in 1985. In units, Acuson is considered -134- the leading seller of linear arrays to hospitals, but does not lead in selling either phased arrays or linear arrays to the total market. The introduction of a major technological innovation, in summary, has consistently been made by small startup firms. Almost all the innovations were quickly imitated, some so rapidly as to be simultaneous. strong. The market impact for the innovating firm has not been Of the seven firms and eight milestones, five firms received little or no market advantages from innovating. Two firms have received short-term benefit (Acuson is still too new to determine). One firm, Varian, that was an almost simultaneous imitator, had a longer-term market impact from innovating (Exhibit 6.8). Another point of interest is that each of the innovators worked basically in one modality. Except for Acuson, other companies took the initial innovation and applied it to the other ultrasound modalities. An example is that Toshiba and Aloka introduced the first electronically focused linear arrays; none of the three original innovators of electronic focus ever entered the other modalities. Technology Cycles Although the ultrasound industry has experienced smooth, rapid growth since 1973, this sales curve belies the turbulence experienced by each of the underlying technologies and applications. As can be seen in Figure 6.1, the major imaging modalities have gone through rapid cycles of growth, maturity, and decay in dollar volumes. same is true in unit volumes (Figure 6.2). The The applications for these technologies, moreover, have been shifting in importance (Figure 6.3). Units designed for abdominal/radiology applications Exhibit 6.8 Benefits from Commercialization of Major Innovations Amount of Benefit Company Little or None Physionics Magnaflux Organon Teknika Rohe Diagnostic Electronics Short Term Searle Acuson Longer Term Varian Figure 6.1: Medical ultrasound sales by modality type ($million) 150 i I I I I I I 125 L. A /\ /\ V. / 100 1 I I 75 I. 50 2 0 1980 -A 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1966 1987 1988 1989 1970 1971 1972 1979 1974 1975 1978 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 PERIODS BSCANS LINEAR .......... -SECTOR . . . .-- PHASED Source: See Appendix 5 1982 1983 1984 Figure 6.2: Medical ultrasound sales by modality type (units) 9.500 F-"* T T~ 3. 000 2.500 L 2.000 1. Soo / 7' --- --. --- - t - ~ ~/.. - 5CL II / 1. 0C I 7/ 1975 1976 1977 1Q78 1Q80 1979 1981 1982 YEARS BSCANS ...M SS LA PA Source: See Appendix 5 1989 19 84 Figure 6.3: Medical ultrasound sales by application type ($million) 125 V, - ""-- -- --- V -, ! 100 75 50 2 0 1975 1976 .-. 1977 _-- 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Source: See Appendix 5 1989 19 84 YEARS ... . RADIOLOGY CARDIOLOGY OBGYN VASC NOW- -139- once predominated but now have given way to cardiac applications. Cardiac and vascular applications are growing while obstetrical and radiological ones have appeared to level off. As was discussed in a previous section, ultrasound can be used for many applications, and the various modalities compete to become the modality of choice for a given application. A company competing in this industry, therefore, can attempt to grow out of a given segment by trying to serve new customers with the same technology, or by bringing new technology to its present customer base. Abell (1980) discussed at length the strategy options of trying to serve new customers, develop new technologies, or create new functions for the technology. In Exhibit 6.9, a matrix is shown that takes the four main ultrasound modalities and pairs them with the three largest applications for ultrasound. The technologies have been sold for each of the applications so theoretically a firm could sell, for example, phased arrays for radiology, cardiology, and obstetrics applications. Firms that have had a major share in any given technology are listed. a 10 percent share, if a firm had a minimum presence, defined as in any application, it is highlighted. As can be seen in the exhibit, only two firms have been able to sell the same technology in more than one sector, although almost everyone has tried. Likewise, of the firms that have been successful in more than one technology, only two firms have done so through internal development. Exhibit 6.9 Ability of Firms to Gain a 10 Percent Share in the Major Technology-Application Segments (Through 1983) Technologies Applications Radiology B-scans OB/GYN * * * * * GE [Electro Physics] Philips Picker Searle (Siemens) Unirad (J&J) Cardiology * * * * * * * * ATL Diasonics Hoffrel Irex (J&J)[Aloka] v/Philips Picker [Ausonics] SKI * Mechanical Sector Phased Array * * * * * * Acuson GE [Yokogawal HP Irex -Toshiba Varian (Diasonics) Linear Array * * * ADR GE [Aloka, Yokogawa] /Toshiba / ) Supplying companies in [ I Acquiring companies in ( Internal development only -141- Within what is considered to be one technology, ultrasound, there are many modality-application segments. Only two firms have been able to expand into new applications with a given technology, and only two other firms have been able to develop new modalities for their given application base. There is a high level of impedance, therefore, for companies trying to expand into new technologies and markets. It is not surprising, then, that a company's fortune rides with the cycle of one technology if it is not able to move out of it. The overall market shares of the industry have been determined by having the right technology at the right time. Companies were ranked by overall market share for the years 1979 through 1983. The first-place company was given 10 points, the next nine, and so on. technology. The companies were then grouped by their The B-scan companies dominated the market in 1979, the sector companies took over in 1981, and the phased array companies were gaining over the period. As can be seen in Figure 6.4, the group of companies in a technology moved up or down in the same order as the underlying technologies. The rankings of the groups were further tested by using Kendall's W (W = 0.28, not significant at p = 0.05). This shows that the firms could not maintain position over the time period -there was no entrenchment or defense of market share. that Rather, firms moved as their technology cycle did. The importance of having the right technology designed for the right application can be further clarified by analyzing the history of the major technology-application segments. This analysis Figure 6.4: Market share positioning of the groups of companies selling each modality type 4 / 3.5 N. 2.5/ 2 - --- 1. - >7 5 7 7/ 1 ~ 1979 1980 1981 YEARS BSCAN -. - ..... .... LINEAR MSS PHASED 2' K. .4- 198 2 1983 -143- considers three dimensions for each technology: the intended application at first commercialization versus the actual application at acceptance; the time from first commercialization to acceptance; and the length of time from acceptance to peak sales. Acceptance was defined by the technology reaching a 20 percent penetration rate of the specific specialty. The level of penetration was chosen because diffusion of ultrasound equipment has been shown to have followed an S-shape pattern (J. Lloyd Johnson (1982)). Buyers who are considered to be pioneers or experimenters are defined as the first 15 to 20 percent of adopters (Rogers (1971)). Acceptance, therefore, has been defined to mean the point when the general population starts to adopt. Using different percentages and different definitions of the start of the acceptance phase altered the date by at most one year. In 3.5 of 4 instances, the major application for an ultrasound modality was not the one originally envisioned (Exhibit 6.10). The one-half was determined in mechanical sector scans; although cardiology applications began sooner, radiology applications soon dominated. The length of time, moreover, from first commercialization to acceptance has been about ten years, except in one case. On the other hand, the length of time from acceptance to peak sales has only been 3 or 4 years. The development of a technology, therefore, has required a long gestation period in which pioneering users have experimented with various applications and the manufacturers have steadily improved image quality. Once a modality reached an acceptable level of efficacy for a given application, the growth window was relatively Exhibit 6.10 Original Application, Accepted Application, Time to Acceptance, and Time to Peak Sales Technology B-scan Linear Array Mechanical Sector Phased Array Annular Array Introduction Original Application 1963 1973 1969 OB/GYN Cardiology Cardiology 1975 1977 Neurology Radiology First Accepted Application Radiology OB/GYN Radiology and Cardiology Cardiology ? Time to Acceptance (years) Time to Peak (years) 11 4 10 4 3 4 8 >9 ? ? -145- short. The growth phase was so short because market penetration has reached a 90 percent level in about a three to four year time frame (Figure C.5). Along with the short sales windows, the peaks of the different modalities have come at only 2 to 3 year intervals. A company that is facing a maturing segment must respond almost immediately to enter the new growth segment. If a company waits until its market matures and then tries to shift segments, it faces entering either segments that will mature very quickly or that will not take off for a number of years. An example to further illuminate the dilemma is the response of the major B-scan manufacturers to mechanical sector scans. B-scan sales peaked in 1978 and mechanical sector scans for radiologists became accepted in 1979. By the time the B-scan manufacturers realized the situation and could develop a new product, which they all tried to do internally, the earliest they could deliver mechanical sectors was in 1981 or 1982. This, of course, was right before the peak of sector scan sales. What has further exacerbated the delay of companies responding to new technologies is that competition has been framed in technological terms. The debate in the medical literature was whether mechanical sectors would obviate the need for B-scans in radiology and vice versa. Today the debate is whether phased array will supplant mechanical sector, and, likewise, whether annular array will eventually unseat phased array. Because the debate is framed this way, manufacturers have not given up on their technologies and thus acceded to the upstarts. None of the major radiology mechanical Figure 6.5: Cumulative diffusion of real-time abdominal imaging capability in 400 to 499 bed hospitals 100%, Static B 75%- -Any 50%- -Linear array real-time (sector or linear array) 25% -Sector I 1973 I U 1975 I I 1977 I I 1979 I I 1981 Year Source: Diagnostic Imaging (October, 1982) -147- sector companies have introduced phased array devices for radiologists. In hindsight, one can make the argument that each modality has gone through an independent product life cycle. All of the modalities are still in clinical use so one has not obviated the other. Each of the technologies has diffused very quickly once a level of acceptance was reached, and not one has been cut short by a new modality. Because the equipment has a useful life of 7 to 10 years, most of the older placements have not needed replacement yet. Not only do firms have difficulty deciding when to go to a new technology and thus have a slow response, they also have additional pressures from the fluidity of their sales forces. Salespeople have jumped from company to company, depending on which ones have the brightest near-term outlook. Because the buyers of ultrasound equipment are so often first-time buyers, especially for a given modality, the ultrasound salesperson must spend a good amount of time training the physician and spreading clinical information. This task is similar to that of pharmaceutical detail men, which has been well documented. 2 Ultrasound salespeople, therefore, must be well-trained in ultrasound and very often are former ultrasound technicians. Because these people are in short supply, trained salespeople are always in demand. Several aggressive startup firms have had explicit policies of skimming the cream of their competitors' sales forces. One company had an explicit policy of only interviewing candidates who had earned at least $70,000 in commissions the previous year. The -148- raiding became so bad at one point that Philips actually sued Diasonics over the issue. Salespeople will look to another company if their present company does not have a unit available, or shortly available, in the "hot" technology-application segment. B-scan companies lost many of their salespeople to mechanical sector scan companies. The sector scan companies, moreover, have recently been raided by phased array companies. One company that is about to introduce an annular array has admitted that it has already been talking to the better salespeople of the phased array companies. A company faces double pressures. As its core technology matures, it must decide when and how to change to a new segment. In the meantime, however, its sales force may become quickly depleted, which means that sales spiral downward even faster because it cannot sell its present equipment. The leading companies in an old segment, moreover, are hit harder than their competitors, and therefore may lose relative market share in their core segment because of organizational dismemberment. A company needing to introduce new products often faces the double task of both developing a technology and redeveloping its organization. Because of this phenomenon within diagnostic ultrasound, companies will rehire salespeople even after they have quit and gone to a competitor. As an example, GE will rehire a person three times before she has worn out her welcome. The importance of having the right technology, in summary, cannot be overstated. Firms with the growing technology take over total market dominance; firms without it face quickly maturing -149- segments and collapsing sales organizations. The impedance to a firm trying to enter into a new segment has been very high, especially when the shift is attempted through internal methods of development. Competitive Orientation As was discussed in Chapter 2, the two generic strategies available to a firm are to compete on price or differentiate. But from the discussion in Chapter 3, differentiation is too broad a category and belies the organizational differences behind the various types of differentiation. Two organizational competencies that have been shown to be of importance in the medical equipment industry are R&D and marketing. These competencies are assumed to be the thrusts that can lead to differentiation, but are also thought to be exclusive. This latter hypothesis will be tested. Competitive orientation, therefore, can be thought of as a trade-off in competing through innovation, through pricing, or through sales and promotion. The technology-strategy decision for a firm becomes one of positioning the organization as to which approach to emphasize. The question still remains of whether these are really exclusive positions or ones that can be a combination of two or three. In other words, can a firm try to both innovate and compete on price, or have strong R&D and strong marketing? What needs to be tested is whether firms mainly compete in one area or try to balance among more than one. A further question to be asked once the competitive positionings are determined is whether having a competitive stance is important from an industry-wide standpoint. Do all the companies -15C- within a given strategic group outperform the other groups or not? Or is it a matter of actuating well whatever strategy one chooses? To test these questions, respondents were asked to allocate budget expenditures among marketing, R&D, and price promotions, as to their relative importance for improving sales. for proportions that would total 100 percent. The question asked Strategic expenditures have been shown to be relatively constant 3 (and this will be further corroborated in the next section). Asking for the relative importance of strategic expenditures at one point in time should provide the relative standing over the firm's recent history. A further point to consider is whether one respondent can actually know what a firm considers to be relatively important. To counter this possible weakness, in half of the cases more than one respondent was asked his opinion on the strategic expenditures for each firm. This was done with the respondents sitting together and debating the figures. In the other cases, the surveys were completed by the manager who would have the final approval or a strong influence in actual budget decisions. This person would have been privy to any discussions on setting overall strategy. These relative expenditures were tested using cluster analysis to see if the firms group together in any way along the three dimensions. For a discussion on the use of cluster analysis to determine strategic groups, see Harrigan (1985). The clustering method used was the Howard-Harris clustering technique. The significance of the clusters was tested by using the Calinski and Harabasz ratio (Everitt (1980)). to company size and growth. The clusters were then compared as -151- Four significant clusters were found and are broadly defined as those companies who emphasize marketing, or R&D, or both marketing and R&D equally, or who thought that price was important (Exhibit 6.11). No company emphasized price as the predominate approach, but the companies in the last cluster felt that price was relatively more important than the other groups did. A three cluster break out could also have been taken, which would have consisted of groups who emphasize only one dimension -marketing, R&D, or price. Because the test statistic does not really discriminate between three or four groups, however, we elected to use four groups. The fourth group was almost entirely a subset of the marketing group but differed because its emphasis on marketing was matched by an equal emphasis on R&D. Likewise, the one company that was pulled out of the R&D group and put into the fourth group had a similar balance between R&D and marketing. Using the extra group, therefore, seemed to make sense. That the companies' self-expressed positioning as to generic strategy gives rise to distinct clusters is consistent with many other studies as to the presence of distinct generic groups in an industry. That companies also perceive themselves as being different because of their generic positionings gives support for the use of such classifications. What needs to be further determined is whether these classifications help predict performance at the industry level. Two tests of performance were used: whether a company had grown to any significant size in the industry and whether companies were growing faster than the market. As can be seen in Exhibit 6.12, Exhibit 6.11 Cluster Analysis of Relative Emphasis on R&D, Marketing, and Price (N=25) 1 2 3 4 5 *peak values Total Sum of Squares 74.9999 37.9981 24.4849 17.7361 14.2185 C Ratio - Number of Clusters 22.39 22.67* 22.66* 21.41 Exhibit 6.12 Self-Evoked Orientation Clusters and Performance Measures Cluster Orientation Marketing Centroids (normalized) MTKG RD Price 1.05508 -1.13292 -0.193626 -0.754281 1.08386 -0.45056 8 6 Numbers in Clusters Proportion of firms with greater than t5million in sales Performance R&D .375 -,-, + grew faster than market 0 grew with market - grew less than market .50 Price -1.17068 0.54373 1.68714 5 .40 Marketing/R&D 0.323076 -0.026405 -0.697218 6 .67 -154- the number of small and large companies divided randomly among the four groups. Although not statistically significant when tested as a binomial distribution, the marketing and R&D group had the highest proportion of companies who have attained large market size. Growth could only be tested on a subset of the companies because we did not have sales data over time for all of them. It was fortuitous that the companies with known growth figures were evenly divided among the four groups. states: Companies were divided into three those who grew faster than the market, those who grew with the market, and those who grew slower or lost sales. It is interesting to note that the three companies in the marketing and R&D group grew faster while those in the marketing only group did not keep up. There is some evidence, then, that having a balance between R&D capability and marketing is stronger than having an emphasis in only one area. Technology-Market Analyses Overview At the level of the industry, the previous analyses have considered the relationship of strategic options to market performance. The most significant finding has been the need to have the right technology at the right time -- companies selling a specific modality have dominated or fallen together with the underlying technology cycle. The difficulty for a company of moving from one modality or application to another has also been illustrated. The other analyses have not shown much about individual firm performance except that there is some evidence that companies -155- using an equally balanced approach between R&D and marketing have performed better. A shortcoming of the self-evoked positioning analysis is that such positions may not be maintained in each segment. An example is that a firm may want to be a technology leader but cannot possibly do so in all the various segments it chooses to enter. A further illustration of this possibility is the ratings of image quality4 for firms in several segments (Exhibit 6.13). Only one firm has maintained high relative rankings (top 3) by itself in more than one segment. The other companies that have more than one product in the top three have done so through acquisition of another firm or outside sourcing. In analyzing market performance at the technology-application level, this section considers the relative positioning a firm actually achieved in each segment as opposed to its overall plan. The following analyses test whether relative competitive position has changed in response to technological improvements or in response to other market conduct variables. Not only have relative market shares shifted at the industry level, they have shifted within the six major segments. These segments are listed in Exhibit 6.14. At the segment level the technological competition has been one of incremental product improvements. Competition within each segment has been intense because of the presence of so many firms. In the B-scan segment twelve firms competed at one time; in mechanical sector-radiology, fourteen; in linear array, sixteen. Exhibit 6.13 Rankings of Image Quality for a Company's Equipment in Different Segments Company A B C D E Rankings in Each Segment 1, 6, 8 1 2, 3* 3 , 8, 1 2, 7, 5, 1* 5, 4 F G H 4, 9, 2*, 6, 2* I 6, 5, 3, 5 *Products in top 3 that were externally sourced Exhibit 6.14 Modality and Application Combinations Used in the Study Modality Application Mechanical Sector Mechanical Sector Phased Array Phased Array B-Scan Linear Array Radiology Cardiology Radiology Cardiology Radiology Obstetrics -158- With the number of companies selling in each segment, customers have become confused. As was previously discussed, Friar (1984) found that customers actively purchasing equipment knew only a small proportion of the existing companies. Of the companies the customers did recognize, they could not differentiate the equipment as to image quality. Because customers have had difficulty differentiating equipment as to image quality, the relationship between functional performance and market success is not straightforward, if there is one. As a surrogate for the users' ratings, the manufacturers' ratings of image quality were compared to the average market share rankings of the firms in each segment. Although the significance level is not strong, the market leaders tend to have units with higher image quality, as judged by their competitors (Exhibit 6.15). Technology capability, therefore, is still an important variable to consider even if customers have difficulty seeing it. Two different tests of performance were performed at the segment level. One test analyzed performance as defined by the number of units sold over a five year period. The second test compared companies that superseded the segment market leaders. The independent variables in both cases were indicators of strategic posturing as discussed in the framework section -- R&D, marketing, and price. The strategic variables or market conduct alternatives used in this analysis were culled from the literature and tailored by prestudy interviews. (See data collection section.) These variables are listed in Exhibit 6.16 and will be discussed below. Exhibit 6.15 The Relationship Between Image Quality Rankings and Market Share Rankings Friedman Two-Way Analysis of Variance Image Quality Rank 1 2 3 4 5 A 1 2 3 4 5 B 4 2 5 3 1 C 1 3 5 4 2 D 2 1 3 4.5 4.5 E 1 3 2 5 4 F 1 4 2 3 5 Ri 10 15 20 23.5 21.5 Segments: r = 7.96*, 4 degrees of freedom, p = .10 Exhibit 6.16 Strategic Variables Used in Creating Indices of Competitive Orientation Variable Direction of Stronger Orientation R&D Entry into segment Rating of image quality Number of updates Type of development Earlier Higher Greater Internal Marketing Sales force size Sales technique Service force size Service force technique Advertising and promotion Product assortment Larger Dedicated Larger Dedicated Greater Greater Pricing of product Pricing of service Financing Lower Lower Available Price -161- Many authors have argued that the strategic posturing of a firm --that is the relative importance of one functional area to another-remains relatively stable over time. Fry (1984), and Tassey (1983)). (See for example Zeithmal and They argue further that four or five-year averages should be analyzed rather than yearly change variables. There is some limited corroboration of this relative stability for this industry (Exhibit 6.17), and so averages over five years were used in the first analysis. Although a firm's posture may stay stable within itself, its relative market performance has not. Because relative market shares have changed in each segment, looking at average performance over the time period does not capture the dynamics of competition. Instead of using average performance, therefore, the second analysis looked at changes in relative position over time. Indicators and Measures The R&D index consisted of summing three quasi-Likert ordinal scales and one raw score. The companies in each segment were rank ordered as to entry into a segment and as to image quality ratings.4 Entry and quality ratings were both needed to determine not only whether a firm was offensive, but also what type of follower (imitator, defender, etc.). 5 Development was also rated on a scale . depending on level of firm involvement 6 a. Internal duvekopmient b. Technology acquisition with major internal c. Evenly split between external and internal d. Mostly external e. Completely external Exhibit 6.17 Relationship of Advertising to R&D over 5 Years Company Range of Proportions A .10 - .15 B C D E F .09 .10 .20 .27 .26 - .13 - .12 - .26 - .33 - .27 -163- The raw score was for the number of updates introduced for each product. This was included as an indicator of continuing commitment to improving product performance. An interesting side note is that the companies with the highest quality ratings (4 or greater) introduced 90 percent of the updates. This means that companies that already had the first or second-rated equipment continued to improve it. rarely upgraded or improved upon. The lesser-rated equipment was Since companies had such difficulty getting into the top two ratings of more than one segment, the same companies were not upgrading across the board. Rather, the performance leaders in each segment tried to continually improve while the others watched. The aggregate index of R&D orientation was computed by summing the four scores. The reliability of the additive index based on the above four measures was sufficiently high to justify its use as a measure of a single construct (Cronbach's alpha equal to 0.76).7 The marketing index also consisted of the summing of three quasi-Likert ordinal scales. The assumption for industrial sales is that a salesperson needs to spend a large amount of time with relatively fewer accounts. The larger the sales force, then, the stronger the sales orientation. size of the service organization. reflect sharing of services. Likewise, the same is true for the Both of these were adjusted to (See Appendix 7). Dollars spent on advertising and promotion were adjusted by segments and rated on a five point scale. 0.91. Again, the Cronbach alpha was sufficiently high, -164- The assortment of products offered by a firm in a segment was at first thought to be another measure of marketing orientation because of a desire to further segment the market. No real changes in technology were required to put forth a variety of products. This measure, however, reduced the reliability score and was therefore excluded. The price index was straightforward in that the total price of an average unit was calculated for each year. Total price consisted of the unit price, the service contract, and any financing benefits. The median price in each segment in each year was determined and points were given for each $1,000 below or above the median another product was. The points were totalled and averaged in the following manner for each company in a segment: raw score = where: - median -price(j) n = number of years j = specific company The scores were then rank ordered. The indices were tested for normality using the Ryan and Joiner test.8 All three were found to be normal at the p = 0.05 level (Appendix 8). Average Performance Analysis Performance was measured as the average of the units sold over a five year period. To improve linearity, the natural log of the scores was used and again was tested for normality. A second performance measure, the rank order of the total number of units sold -165- over the period, was also tested for linearity and normality, and was found to be so (Appendix 8). The model to be tested is an attempt at explaining market performance by the relative mix of expenditures and focus that firms actually made over the time period. To test whether the data could be pooled across segments, dummy variables were included for each technology-market segment. 9 The equation then became: Per = po+ P1R + P2M +P3P + P4D1 + PsD 2 + P6 D3 + P7D 4 + P8D 5 where: Per = performance (log e, ranking) R = R&D index M = marketing index P = price ranking D 1 through Ds are dummy variables Linear regressions were run using ordinary least squares techniques and the residuals were tested for randomness. Results The results were consistent using both definitions of performance. The fully described equations had none of the dummy variables significant so the pooled data were rerun without them. The explained variance was very high in every case (Exhibit 6.18 and Appendix 9). The only significant variables in the runs were the R&D and marketing indices; price was not significant in any of the runs. That price was not significant corroborates earlier statements about Exhibit 6.18 Regression of Performance on Indices of Competitive Orientation log e ave. unit sales Constant R&D Marketing Price D3 N R2 F DW 1.999 (1.79) 0.14079 (3.48)** 0.20074 (4.09)** -0.0678 (-0.51) 1.0173 (1.93) -0.4944 (-0.99) 0.1669 (0.31) -0.3667 (-0.64) -0.4795 (-0.91) 1.4559 (2.26)* 0.12603 (2.97)** 0.19254 (3.59)** -0.0970 (-0.67) rank of total sales -0.6322 (-0.90) 0.20071 (4.72)** 0.23422 (4.54)** 0.0019 (0.01) -0.7767 (-1.39) 0.20547 (5.57)** 0.23506 (5.06)** 0.0127 (0.10) 0.1338 (0.24) 0.1281 (0.24) -0.2082 (-0.37) -0.3278 (-0.55) -0.2007 (-0.36) 30 72.4% 30 57.1% 30 79.0% 30 77.8% 7.21* 2.34 11.98* 10.34* 2.20 31.54* 2.12 ratio in parentheses = 0.05 = 0.01 1.80 -167- the industry in that there is little price sensitivity. As further support, in 60 percent of the cases in this data, the market leader or company that became the market leader had the highest priced unit. In two-thirds of the cases after a company became the new market leader, it raised prices to then have the most expensive units. That both marketing and R&D together are significant provides further corroboration that a combined approach is needed -- companies that perform better have stronger investments in both areas. This finding also refutes the idea that this market is strictly technology-driven; both capabilities are significant. This analysis, however, only looked at average performance -on average over a five year period, the better companies have had strong capabilities in R&D and marketing. This analysis did not compare changes in relative performance, which is what will be discussed next. Paired Comparisons There were eight cases across five of the six segments of companies that entered the market and wrested away market leadership from the previous leader. There was also one case of the market leader not becoming unseated, and so the next best company was compared to the leader. This provided nine cases of paired comparisons. The three indices of R&D, marketing, and price were used in comparing relative position. The differences between the winner and loser are listed in Exhibit 6.19. As can be seen in the exhibit, an advantage in marketing was a factor in every case and in pricing in Exhibit 6.19 Paired Comparisons of Strategic Orientation of Overtaking Firm to Unseated Firm (Index (overtaking) - Index (unseated)) Case R&D Marketing A B C D E F G H 1 +2 -9 -11 -4 +1 +3 +4 -5 -2 +4 +8 +4 +10 +2 +7 +4 +5 +5 Mean standard deviation T for m = 0 P value Price 0 +3.5 +3.5 +2 +1 +1 +3 0 +2 -2.33 5.44 5.34 2.46 1.37 -1.31 6.65 3.89 0.001 0.005 N.S. 1.78 -169- most of the cases. In over half the cases, however, the companies that became market leaders had an R&D disadvantage to the companies they displaced. In this analysis, technology was not a significant factor while marketing and pricing advantages were. Summary By looking at performance in two ways --one being average sales over a five year period and the other a paired comparision of a winner and a loser-- some interesting results appear. In the first analysis, stronger investments in both marketing and R&D were required for better performance. In the paired comparisons, marketing and pricing were important. What is significant about the two concomitantly is that marketing was important in both analyses, while R&D was important only in one. A strong investment in R&D alone was never significant, and an R&D disadvantage could be overcome with stronger marketing and pricing. The significance of these findings, and of all the findings in this chapter, will be discussed further in the next chapter. -170- CHAPTER ENDNOTES 1. Klein (1980), Hamilton (1982), Berggren (1985). 2. See for example: Coleman et al. (1966), Frost and Sullivan (1982), McKay (1983). 3. Tassey (1983), Zeithmal and Fry (1984). 4. Ratings of competitors' equipment performed by application specialists from ultrasound companies. See Friar (1984). 5. Freeman (1982). 6. Friar and Horwitch (1985). 7. Cronbach (1951). 8. Ryan and Joiner (1982). 9. Hannan and Young (1977). -171- CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS Discussion of Findings This thesis has focused on the strength of product innovation as a competitive weapon for the innovating firm. Several authors have avered that innovation is the strongest and most direct way to achieve advantage, but studies trying to analyze such a relationship have generated conflicting results. It was argued that the reason for the conflicting results is the lack of inclusion of the marketing perspective --the analysis of the reactions of potential customers to innovation-- in the studies. A framework was presented that included both the customers' ability to perceive technology differentiation and the defensibility of such innovation. It was hypothesized that only in rather specific instances will a technological advance lead to a viable competitive advantage. In the other cases, a viable competitive position can only arise through price competition or differentiation created from capabilities in other functional areas. Although some authors have posited that a firm can have only one functional strength, the relationship of the alternative functional capabilities to each other was further tested. The diagnostic ultrasound industry was selected for study because it epitomizes intense technological competition. characteristics are: Some of its high levels of R&D expenditures, many new product introductions, and shifting market shares. If innovation leads directly to competitive advantage, this relationship should be demonstrable in this quintessential high-tech industry. The data reveal, however, not a direct link but rather a changeful entwinement, a pavane that is intricate, delicate, and complex. -172- The major improvement analysis demonstrated that innovation has not been defensible in the medical diagnostic ultrasound industry (Exhibits 6.7, 6.8). Major technological advances were copied immediately and the pioneers were not able to sustain any long-term advantage. The age of the companies in the industry, moreover, had no relationship to market share (Exhibit 5.7). The older companies, therefore, have not been successful at establishing defensible positions. In an earlier study, the author found that customers could not differentiate ultrasound equipment on a performance criterion. Technological innovation in this industry has been shown to be neither defensible nor perceptible. It was hypothesized that the technical dimension of competition should abate, but to what relative position was further examined. That technology is important was shown in the analysis of the technology cycles. Having the right technology designed for the right application explained much of the shift in industry market shares (Figures 6.1 to 6.4). Developing the correct union of technology and application, moreover, was demonstrated to be difficult and risky: the gestation periods of modality development to an acceptable level were long; the originally intended applications were wrong; and the technology pioneers rarely benefited (Exhibit 6.10). In the test of the relationship of competitors' ratings of image quality to market share, a weak relationship was found (Exhibit 6.15). Better performing companies had better performing equipment. Firms were unable, however, to transfer easily their performance -173- leadership in one segment into the other segments (Exhibit 6.13). The technical dimensions of competition were proven to be important, therefore, but they were also shown to be insufficient in themselves. Technological competition in diagnostic ultrasound took place on two distinct levels: entering the various modality-application segments and competing once there. The use of a strong R&D orientation, in and of itself, was not sufficient for creating differential advantage. Firms had little success in broadening their business scopes through internal R&D development. Once in a segment, moreover, firms with a balanced approach between marketing and R&D outperformed those firms with a more narrow focus on R&D. The technical dimension was not the primary source of competitive advantage on either level. Because of the short sales cycles in the ultrasound segments, companies had to enter new segments to maintain growth. In trying to broaden the scope of their businesses, firms encountered tremendous difficulty. Part of the difficulty in expanding from one technology into others can be explained by firms focusing on technological competition --worrying whether one modality will become the dominant design-- rather than focusing on serving customer groups and their specific applications. Once the firms realized that they needed to broaden their scopes, they then began to use external methods of technology acquisition. In the analysis of licensing and acquisition, a large proportion of the firms were found to be engaged in outside sourcing of technology (Figure 5.5, Exhibits 6.1, 6.2, 6.5, 6.6). The majority of firms that entered new segments and achieved highly rated -174- equipment and/or a significant market presence did so through external technology acquisition. Firms with large market shares were as likely to license in technology as not. What became important for firms trying to enter new segments was not a stronger emphasis on R&D but on marketing. Firms began to acquire external technology; in addition, they needed to manage fluid sales forces. Firms either had to maintain extant sales forces or build new ones quickly. parts of marketing. These additional skills are considered to be Hitt, Ireland, and Palia (1982) claim that the organizational strengths required for acquisitive growth are in distribution and finance. internal growth. They claim that R&D is essential for The shift by companies to outside sourcing, therefore, shifted strategic orientations away from technology thrusts. It was important for a firm to have a presence in the right technology segment, but it was not important how a firm got there. Within the specific modality-application segments, firms that performed better were shown to have strong R&D capabilities, but not necessarily the best (Exhibits 6.18 and 6.19). Firms that won segment leadership were often at a disadvantage to the firms they unseated as to technical capability. In every case, however, the ascending firms had stronger investments in marketing. In three other tests, firms that held marketing and R&D in equipose outperformed the firms with different competitive orientations (Exhibits 6.11, 6.12, 6.18, Appendix 9). That all these test results gave the same indications --that marketing and R&D capabilities combined are characteristic of high performers-- supports the -175- hypothesis that unidimensional competition is not enough. A combined approach is needed. This finding is counter to the statements of O'Shaughnessy (1984), Rothschild (1979), Tassey (1983), Snow and Hrebiniack (1980), and others who have argued that companies with an R&D orientation cannot or do not have an equal strength in marketing. This finding is also counter to Porter's (1983) statement that in industries where technological change is rapid the technological dimension is the primary source of competitive advantage. A technological orientation by itself was never shown to be viable. This finding reinforces the conclusions of the SAPPHO study and Miles and Snow (1978) in that the marketing dimensions of competition were very important for the commercial success of innovation. This should not be surprising, however, given the discussion in the framework section. If an innovation provides a technological advantage that is neither defensible nor perceptible, then any attainable competitive advantage must come from combining strengths on other dimensions. In the case of diagnostic ultrasound, the other dimension was sales and promotion. The intricacy of technological competition in diagnostic ultrasound arises from the need to have a strong R&D capability combined with an equal marketing capability. As with R&D alone, a marketing orientation alone did not prove to be effective. The two are enmeshed. The more one investigates this industry, which is hype:-sensitive to technology, the more one realizes that competition is much more complex than funneling more resources into R&D. The main reasons for this complexity are that customers did not perceive -176- differences in the technical dimensions of the equipment in specific ultrasound segments and innovation has not been defensible. Because technology alone was not enough, equal skills in marketing were essential. As firms, moreover, tried to broaden their scopes, additional skills in marketing became even more important. The findings of this study should be generalizable to industries with similar characteristics of technology development and performance evaluation. The long development times and times to acceptance, the mistaken original applications, and the large number of companies creating new products are consistent with other high-tech industries. See for example the Freiberger and Swaine (1984) history of the personal computer industry or the Rosenbloom and Abernathy (1982) history of the video tape recorder industry. The most essential industry characteristic, however, customer inability to evaluate functional performance, also holds for many industries. That technology cannot be judged through objective assessment of functional performance even though a comprehensive preselection process occurs is true for other industries. In consumer goods many tests have shown that customers cannot tell apart products such as beer, cars, or ice cream when taken from the same price class and with labels removed. But even more exhaustive tests and sophisticated testers sometimes get fooled. Consumer Reports once rated as having different performance levels the same videocassette recorder sold under two different brand names (Nohria, forthcoming). Even in industries that are older and more stable, performance criteria are hard to judge. For judging power and speed in mainframe -177- computers, there is still debate over what to judge. Benchmarks, known by such terms as MIPS, MFLOPS, Whetstones, and Linpacks, can have contradictory and misleading results. There is also debate over whether these conflicting standards or benchmarks actually test anything close to actual usage. The claims of improved performance in mainframe computers, therefore, are really impossible to judge because no measure can predict how fast a computer will do hundreds of different jobs under various conditions. The results of the study are generalizable, therefore, to industries in which technical performance is not easily judged or is judged to be identical across competitors. Further Research Any peroration should not only emphasize the findings of a study but also the weaknesses, which will suggest areas of further research. A strength of this study is the level of detail reached by analyzing indepth a single industry, but this is also a weakness because it is still only one industry. More industries must be studied to determine which organizational thrusts or combinations lead to true differentiation when innovation by itself is not viable. This study only examined one cell of the framework put forth in Chapter 3. Industries with different characteristics of technology advance perceptibility and defensibility must also be studied to test the framework. Pooling of data from studies of industries with similar competitive characteristics of consumers' perceptions may provide fewer ambiguous findings of positive returns for innovating firms. The level of analysis needed to understand competition in diagnostic ultrasound was at the specific modality-application, which -178- is a level of detail not found in cross-sectional studies. Because customer perceptions can only be understood at this level, the viability of a competitive thrust can only be understood at this level. An example of another industry in which innovation has not been defensible is computer memory chips. An industry of intense technological competition, it experiences fantastic price competition. In its first year of introduction, the 256K RAM dropped in price 75 percent (Business Week, May 20, 1985). The need for strong capabilities in manufacturing as well as R&D would be a reasonable hypothesis to test. At the other extreme, industries such as petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals have seemingly enjoyed strong patent protection. As companies in these industries move into biotechnology, in which innovation is harder to defend, a reasonable hypothesis would be that a different mix of functional capabilities will have to be developed. The move by pharmaceutical firms into biotechnology raises another interesting issue -- the ability of firms to enter new technology and new market segments. The finding of the inability of firms in diagnostic ultrasound to move easily into new markets or new technologies reinforces the findings of Roberts and Berry (1985), and Meyer (1986). What is interesting to note is the level at which impedance to shifting technologies arises -modality level. at the ultrasound Uitrasound firms have had difficulty developing different types of ultrasound products. Firms have been incapable of developing highly rated equipment in more than one segment. Likewise, they have had difficulty in garnering large market shares -179- in more than one segment. Because of this, firms have used external methods of technology acquisition and have shared technology. Many of the major pharmaceutical companies have created strategic linkages both with other large firms and with startup firms to develop technology (Friar and Horwitch (1985)). As these linkages for jointly developing and sharing technology continue to develop, further research into the sharing of technology and its effect on competitive position is needed. There are many reasons why firms would share technology, but one hypothesis is that they do so when technology itself is not that important in creating long-term competitive advantage. Bain (1968) analyzed technology sharing in the automotive industry. He found that General Motors licensed technology to many of its competitors. He concluded that GM did so because it gained no real competitive advantage by keeping the technology inhouse. When the technological dimension of competition does not provide a viable thrust, then firms are more likely to share technology. The evidence for the diagnostic ultrasound industry tends to support this hypothesis. Several other research questions could be generated from using the market perspective in analyzing technological competition. A final example is that industry development may be determined by customer perceptions of technology. When the buying public has little familiarity with a technology, many competing alternatives vie in the marketplace, with the technical dimensions waning in importance. As customers become more experienced, tastes may converge so that a dominant design will emerge, and competition will shift to price and manufacturing considerations. If tastes do not -180- converge, or again diverge, a dominant design may not exist. The likelihood of a dominant design arising, therefore, may have the relationship to increasing customer sophistication of an inverted U-shaped curve. The most essential point for further research is that the marketing perspective must be included. Not only must research consider potential customer reactions to a new generic technology, e.g. personal computers, but also consider whether potential customers can differentiate the myriad alternatives within a technology type. Rarely is technological competition monolithic, in that the first firm to design a technology-type wins. Rather, competition in industries where the technology is changing rapidly consists of many firms with diverse technology alternatives. Customer reactions must be considered in the attempt to create product differentiation through innovation. Managerial Implications The recommendation for researchers also applies to managers -to consider the marketing perspective when competing through product innovation. A narrow focus on R&D led competition will only work in certain circumstances. The rest of the time, the managerial challenge is much broader and more difficult. Firms should test potential customers on whether they really can differentiate technology dimensions of performance. Although several surveys of physicians found that they rated performance of diagnostic ultrasound units as the number one purchasing criterion, when they were actually tested on it, they could not tell any difference. The technical dimensions of competition remained -181- important, but not singularly so. The management challenge that occurred in this superfluid technology-intensive industry was that of balancing skills in R&D and marketing, a posture that is not easy to maintain. Another managerial challenge that arose was the difficulty of entering new technology and new product segments. A revealing finding was that firms could not maintain technology leadership in very many segments. The lengthy development times and short sales growth cycles of each segment created a most difficult situation for broadening business scopes, and yet these short sales cycles required firms to shift segments if they did not want to shrink. The result was the need to manage strategic linkages for the development and acquisition of external technology. Diagnostic ultrasound firms used the full range of technology development and acquisition approaches. (See Friar and Horwitch (1985)). The lesson gleaned from analyzing the diagnostic ultrasound industry is that a singular focus on developing new technology must be augmented by a richer array of strategic choices such as technology acquisition and strategic linkage options. A stronger interplay of the various functional strategies must occur and is determined by the customers' perceptions of technology. Once the marketing perspective is brought into play, the viability of a technology thrust can be determined. 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"Contextual and strategic differences among mature businesses in four dynamic performance situations," Academy of Management Journal, 27.4, 1984. -193- APPENDICES -194- APPENDIX 1 COMPANY PROFILES -195- Acuson Acuson is a privately held, dedicated ultrasound company. Acuson first began delivering products at the end of 1983 when it introduced electronically focused linear array and sector scanner systems. Acuson developed computed sonography, which is the formation of an image under software control. Acuson is considered to be one of the fastest growing ultrasound companies and is the market leader in sales of linear arrays to hospitals. Acuson is about a $30 million company. -196- Diasonics Diasonics was founded in 1977 and shipped its first product in 1979. The founder of Diasonics had headed Searle Ultrasound and left to start his own company. Diasonics started as a dedicated ultrasound imaging company but soon expanded into other imaging modalities: digital radiography, NMR, and mobile x-ray. Diasonics quickly became one of the leading companies in the radiology segment of ultrasound. The company developed mechanical sector scanners with a novel transducer and with a computer base. To expand into other ultrasound technologies, Diasonics acquired Varian Ultrasound in 1981. Varian had entered the ultrasound market in 1975 with its introduction of a cardiac phased array. Diasonics also sold Hitachi linear arrays under its own label. Diasonics had acquired Fischer Imaging in 1983, but the acquisition was rescinded in 1984. To expand its marketing presence, Diasonics has acquired several companies including Sonotron and Sonics. Prior to the Sonotron purchase, Siemens distributed Diasonics equipment in Europe. Diasonics went public in 1983 and then followed the offering with five consecutive quarters of losses. In 1984 it was near bankruptcy but has since restructured. Diasonics was a $136 million company in 1984, about half of which was ultrasound. -197- General Electric General Electric is the leading seller of medical diagnostic equipment in the U.S. GE entered the ultrasound segment in 1979 by buying Electro Physics Laboratory, which had developed a B-scan for Litton and later Xonics. GE upgraded the unit and introduced it in 1980. Much of GE's ultrasound development has been through joint Although GE's first linear array ventures and joint developments. was sourced from Aloka, it developed a second linear array with Yokogawa Medical Systems in a joint venture. GE's cardiac phased array, as well as its second generation phased array, was developed with Analogic in a joint development. Second Foundation designed a mechanical sector and GE bought the design. manufactured the transducers for GE's B-scan. K.B. Aerotech, moreover, GE's most recent product, an abdominal phased array, was also developed by Yokogawa in the joint venture. GE has competed in ultrasound, then, by using outside technology to enter the product markets and by using internal development to create some further advances. GE is a leader in the phased array abdominal segment, which it entered in 1983. GE is a $28 billion company. -198- GEC (U.K.) GEC is a British manufacturer of electrical and electronic components. GEC's medical division was primarily concerned with radiographic equipment until it purchased Picker International, a full-line medical imaging company, in 1981. Picker has changed hands several times over its recent history. Picker was founded in 1915 as a medical instrument company. Picker was first acquired in 1930 by C.I.T., which in turn was acquired by RCA in 1980. RCA sold Picker as soon as it could to GEC, in 1981. Prior to the recent. changes in ownership, Picker was the leading ultrasound company in the U.S. Picker was one of the first companies in the ultrasound field, entering in 1964 and later buying Physionics in 1968. Physionics had introduced the first two-dimensional scanner in the early 1960s. Picker developed internally its product line until 1980. Picker has used Hitachi linear arrays and Ausonics sector scanners since then. GEC also acquired Cambridge Instruments, who did manufacture ultrasound equipment, in 1981 but divested them a couple years later. Cambridge Instruments no longer makes ultrasound equipment. GEC is a $7.0 billion company. -199- Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard is the largest producer of electronic instruments in the world. Hewlett-Packard's Medical Products Group is a worldwide distributor and manufacturer of electronic medical instrumentation. H-P is not known for its diagnostic equipment as much as its patient monitoring products. H-P entered the diagnostic ultrasound field in 1980 with its H-P quickly became introduction of a cardiac phased array system. the leader in that segment. In order to acquire mechanical sector technology, H-P purchased the Ekoline product line from Xonics in 1984. Ekoline is an amalgamation of several previously separate lines. Litton Ultrasound in 1977 and then SKI in 1981. Xonics purchased Xonics went bankrupt in 1984 and sold the ultrasound business to H-P. SKI was one of the pioneers in the ultrasound field, starting in 1962. It formed a joint-venture with General Precision group and developed the first commercial echoencephalograph, which it introduced in 1963. By working closely with researchers at the University of Indiana, SKI was able to develop products for and then virtually create the cardiac ultrasound segment. In 1980, SKI purchased Mediscan, a small abdominal annular array company who sold through Xerox. H-P's product line now consists of its original cardiac phased array and the mechanical sector from Ekoline. H-P is a S6.5 bi~lion company. -200- Johnson & Johnson J&J, a major supplier of health-care products, entered the diagnostic ultrasound market when it acquired Technicare in 1979. Technicare, a full-line medical imaging company, had entered the ultrasound field by acquiring Unirad in 1976. Unirad had started in 1971 and was one of the leading B-scan companies. Technicare expanded its technology base by acquiring both Irex and Echo Labs in 1982. Irex had been a startup in 1970 and moved into ultrasound with M-mode equipment in 1975. Irex later introduced phased array equipment in 1979 and was performing joint research with Hoffrel on cardiac equipment. Kontron. Irex had been partially owned by Echo Labs was a major producer of transducers, who supplied (and still does) products to many of Technicare's competitors. In 1984, J&J combined the three companies under the name J&J Ultrasound. More recently, J&J Ultrasound has been sourcing its products from Aloka. J&J is a $6.4 billion company. sold to General Electric. In mid 1986, J&J Ultrasound was -201- Philips Ultrasound N. V. Philips is one of the world's leading electronics firms and is based in the Netherlands. The shareholders of N. V. Philips own in a trust about 60 percent of the stock of North American Philips. Although N. A. Philips technically is independent, it has a very close working relationship with N. V. Philips. We will use the Philips name interchangeably between the two. Philips entered the U.S. ultrasound market by acquiring Rohe Scientific in 1976. Rohe was a dedicated ultrasound company. In 1967, Rohe distributed Kretz products, but in the early 1970s it developed its own B-scan. Rohe introduced the first stored video gray scale in 1973. Philips sourced its mechanical sector transducer from Hoffrel when it developed its own scanner. Philips also sources its phased array unit from Matsushita, its doppler from Medasonics, and its linear array from Hitachi. Philips Medical Systems is a full-line imaging company and is considered to be the second largest medical equipment company in the U.S. N. V. Philips is an $18.1 billion company. -202- Siemens Siemens is one of the world's leading electrical and electronic products companies. Siemens medical imaging group is considered to be the second largest in the world, and Siemens patient monitoring group is considered the largest in the U.S. Siemens is headquartered in Germany. Siemens was an early player in the ultrasound industry when it developed piezoelectric crystals for ultrasound use in the 1950s. Siemens also introduced one of the earliest real time scanners, but it never really established itself in the U.S. until it acquired Searle Ultrasound in 1980. Searle Ultrasound had entered the market in 1976 with the first microprocessor-controlled B-scan unit. In 1977 Searle introduced the first digita] scan converter and the next year a linear array. Searle was the sixth largest ultrasound company in the U.S. when it was acquired. Since the Searle acquisition, Siemens has sold Diasonics equipment in Europe, and sourced the rest of its product line from Aloka, Matsushita, and Kretz. Siemens is a $17.8 billion company. -203- Squibb Squibb is a major U.S. corporation in health-care and personal-care products. its pharmaceutical lines. Sixty percent of Squibb's sales come from Squibb entered the ultrasound market by acquiring ATL in 1979 and ADR in 1982. For European sales, Squibb also acquired Kranzbuhler in 1982. ATL was a startup in 1969 and entered the ultrasound market in 1976. By 1980, ATL was the leading company in the U.S. ATL originally licensed its technology from the University of Washington in 1974. ATL also licensed technology from SRl in 1980, but performs most of its own development work. ADR was also a startup that incorporated in 1973. introduced its first product in 1974 -products. It one of the first linear array ADR has been the leader in linear array sales ever since. Although the combined ATL/ADR ultrasound group has been the U.S. market leader for the last several years, for the last two years rumors have abounded that Squibb has been trying to sell it. losing money in 1985. Squibb is a $2 billion company. ATL was -204- Toshiba Toshiba is based in Japan and is one of the world's largest manufacturers of electric and electronic products. Systems is a full-line medical equipment company. making medical ultrasound products in 1968. Toshiba Medical Toshiba started Toshiba at first sold through Litton in the U.S. and then entered the U.S. market directly in 1977. Toshiba has always developed its own products and was one of the first to introduce linear arrays and phased arrays into the U.S. More recently Toshiba has introduced curvilinear arrays and trapezoidal arrays. Toshiba has the broadest product line and was considered at one time to be the world leader in ultrasound equipment. Toshiba Corporation is a $15.3 billion company. -205- APPENDIX 2 COMPANIES PARTICIPATING IN STUDY [ ( Key: ] acquiring companies ) acquired companies or supplier -206- Method of Participation Company Acuson Survey ADR [Squibb] Interview Aloka Supplier American Edwards Survey [American Hospital Supply] American Electromedics Survey ATL [Squibb] Survey Ausonics Survey Bio-Dynamics [Biosound] Subsidiary Bion Defunct Biosound (Bio-Dynamics. Honeywell) Survey Bruel & Kjaer Interview Cambridge [G.E.C.] Survey Carolina Medica] Survey CGR [Thomson] Survey Cone (Kretz) Survey Cooper Interview (Xenotec) Dapco Survey Diagnostic Sonar Survey Diasonics (Varian) Survey Echomed [Multiscan] Survey E for M [Honeywell] Subsidiary Elscint Interview Fischer (EMI) [GL] Interview GE (Electro Physics, J&J) GL (Fischer) Survey Survey -207- Method of Participation Company Hewlett-Packard (Eko]ine) Survey High Stoy (Grumman, Interspec) Defunct Hitachi Supplier Hokanson Survey Honeywell (E for M) [Biosound] Interview Hoffrel Survey Imex Survey International Imaging Survey (Illinois Imaging) Interspec Survey 1pco Defunct Irex [J&JI Interview Ithaco Survey J&J (Technicare, Irex, Echo) Interview KB Aerotech [SmithKline] Survey Kontron (Roche, Grumman) Interview Kretz Supplier Labsonics Survey Life Defunct Matsushita Supplier Medasonics [Kendall Hospital] Survey Narco Defunct National Defunct Organon Teknika Defunct Parks Medical Survey Pfizer (Aloka) Survey -208- Method of Participation Company Philips (Rohe) Survey Picker Survey [G.E.C.] Pie Medical Survey Roche [Kontroni Subsidiary Rohe [Philips] Subsidiary Searle [Siemens] Subsidiary Second Foundation Defunct Shimadzu Interview Siemens (Searle) Survey SKI (Mediscan) [Xonics] Interview Sonicaid Interview Spectrascan Interview Storz Survey Technicare (Unirad, Ohio Nuclear) Subsidiary [J&JJ Toshiba Interview Thomson (CGR) Survey Ultrasonix Survey Unirad [Ohio Nuclear, Technicare] Subsidiary Unigon [Ultrasonix] Subsidiary Varian [Diasonicsj Interview Visidyne Survey Xenotec [Cooper] Subsidiary Xerox Survey Xonics (SKI, Litton) [H-P] Interview -209- APPENDIX 3 INDEPTH SURVEY Questionnaire on the U.S. Ultrasound Industry This study will cover the five years from 1979 through 1983 by quarters. Please indicate in which quarters any changes occurred. I am only interested in the U.S. geographic market for medical diagnostic ultrasound. Complete confidentiality will be maintained. If another format is easier for you, please use it. I have enclosed a return envelope for your convenience. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you for your help. John Friar Sloan School of Management E52-534 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02139 617-253-6651 Company Name Your Name Phone # Position I. Products A. Diagnostic ultrasound products on the market as of 1/1/79 and original dates of introduction, e.g. Model X, sector, cardiology, June, '75. Product Name, Type, Application B. Products introduced between 1979 and 1983 and dates of introduction. Product Name, Type, Application C. Date of Introduction Dates of any major improvements to existing products. Product & Improvement D. Date of Introduction Date Introduced Dates any products may have been dropped from product lines. Product Last Month in Which Sold II. Pricing A. Average realized price for each product. price changes. Product Year 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 B. 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Service contract terms for each year. Indicate time of III. Advertising and Promotion A. Dollars spent on advertising and promotion in each quarter. Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 IV. Personnel A. Numbers of sales people (or equivalents if distributors were used) by quarter. Qi 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Q2 Q3 Q4 B. Numbers of service technicians (or equivalents if outside agencies used) by quarter. Ql Q2 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 V. Sales A. Unit sales by product by quarter. Product Year 1979 1980 1981 1982 Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Qi Q2 Q3 1983 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 VI. VII. Product Development A. Which products were developed internally and which ones sourced from outside? B. Do you license your products to other companies? Which ones? Strategy A. What do you feel is the key to success in this industry? B. What have you emphasized to create a competitive advantage? C. As a percentage of sales, what has been your level of R&D expenditures? 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 VIII. D. Have you either acquired or been acquired by other ultrasound firms? E. Are you part of a larger medical equipment company or freestanding? Of total medical equipment sales, what proportion is in diagnostic ultrasound? F. Are patents important to your company? If so, approximately how many patents in ultrsound equipment does your company hold? G. What proportion of your overall sales is in the U.S.? Personal thoughts A. To understand the ultrasound industry, what does one need to consider? -217- APPENDIX 4 GENERAL SURVEY August 9, 1985 Dear : I am a Ph.D. student at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and am studying the management of innovation and competitive strategy. An important question to be addressed is the actual relationship between a technological advantage and success in the market place. Having for several years both worked in and studied the medical diagnostic ultrasound industry, I know that technological competition is intense and market shares have been volatile. I am undertaking a large industry study to try to explain the relationship between technological competition and changing market shares. I would hope that the results of such a study would be of interest to you so that you and your firm will participate by providing some information about yourselves. I have developed ratings of ultrasound equipment as to its functional capability or ability to produce diagnostic information (study enclosed). I would like to use these ratings with the other information I am requesting for the forthcoming larger study. Naturally the quality of this analysis depends on participation by all the companies in the industry. I also realize that the information I am asking for is sensitive and proprietary. Other than myself, no one will have access to this information. The information will be encoded into a large data base and only the results of the multivariate analyses will be available. This study is strictly for academic purposes only. The presentation format will be similar to that of the enclosed study, from which it is easy to see that all proprietary information is protected. The information I need is listed on the following form, but please use any format that is easier for you. I will also contact you in a couple of weeks to see if I can arrange a follow-up interview with you or someone in your organization. If you have any questions, please contact me at the above address or phone number. A copy of any papers stemming from this research will be sent to you. I thank you in advance for your help and cooperation. Sincerely, John Friar SURVEY OF U.S. MEDICAL ULTRASOUND COMPANIES 1. Do you presently manufacture medical ultrasound equipment in the United No Yes States? 2. Are you the sole distributor of another company's or your foreign parent's medical ultrasound equipment in the United States? Yes No 3. If you answered no to both and you were in the market at one time, when did you leave the market? If you answered no to both questions 1 and 2, please go to the final question. If you answered yes to either of the two questions, please continue with the next question. 4. In what year did you enter the U.S. market? 5. What type of equipment and to which medical specialities do you sell? (e.g., phased array-cardiology; test phantom-radiology) 6. What is the approximate size of your firm? Less than $5,000,000 in sales Less than $10,000,000 in sales More than $10,000,000 in sales 7. Are you either a licensee or a licensor of ultrasound equipment? Yes No Are you a free-standing company or a subsidiary of a larger company? Sub Free 9. Do you sell in markets outside of the U.S.? 10. If you had to allocate a budget among the following areas to improve your company's sales, how would you do it? Marketing % 100 % R&D Price Promotions % % 8. Yes No 11. Why did you enter the U.S. ultrasound market? 12. Company name (optional) Your position Thank you very much for your help and please return the questionnaire in the envelope that was provided. -221- APPENDIX 5 SOURCES USED IN DETERMINING SEGMENT AND INDIVIDUAL COMPANY SALES -222- 1979-1983: Survey and Interview Data Beyond the survey data and as a check to the survey data, published estimates by: Wall Street Analysts Sanford C. Bernstein F. Eberstadt & Co. Hambrecht & Quist Market Research Consultants Frost & Sullivan J. Lloyd Johnson Klein Biomedical Consultants Medical Products Marketing Services Other Diagnostic Imaging, Reader Surveys Hamilton (1982) -223- APPENDIX 6 ADDITIONAL CLUSTERING INFORMATION -224- a) b) Attributes' means and standard deviations Standard Deviation Attribute Mean Marketing 41.52 25.216 R&D 48.92 22.217 Price 10.48 12.1626 Calinski & Harabasz test of the number of clusters C trace (B)jtrace (W) k-1 N-k where: k = number of clusters N = number of observations If C rises to a maximum, clusters are present. If C increases or decreases monotonically, no cluster structure or a hierarchical structure are suggested. -225- APPENDIX 7 COMPUTATION AND RELIABILITY OF INDEX SCALES -226- Computation of R&D Index n- rank + 1* Rating of image quality: n - rank + 1 Number of updates: raw number (0 to 4) Type of development: * Entry into segment: 5 point scale described below: 5. Internal development 4. Technology acquisition with major internal 3. Evenly split between external and internal 2. Mostly external 1. Completely external * n equals at least 5 companies Statistics on R&D index: mean: 9.484 standard deviation: 4.458 -227- Computation of Marketing Index n -rank + 1* Sales force: Rank determined using numbers from the following formula if the number of salesmen was not broken out: (sm X ss +ts X te.) n i=1 where: sm = number of salesmen ss = sales to the segment (units) ts = total sales (units) te = technique weig hts Technique weights: 5. Dedicated to the segment 4. Dedicated to ultrasound 3. Shared with other product lines 2. Manufacturers' reps 1. Mail order * n equals at least 5 companies -228- Service force: n-rank + 1* Rank determined using numbers from the following formula if the number of service personnel was not broken out: (sm Xss +ts Xteg) -~ n=1 where: sm = number of service personnel ss = sales to the segment (units) ts = total sales (units) te = technique weights Technique weights: 5. Dedicated ultrasound 4. Shared with other product lines 3. Inhouse third party 2. Outside service companies 1. Mail *n equals at least 5 companies -229- Advertising and promotion: 5 point scale determined by the first two digits from the following formula: (adv X ss.+ts.) i=1 where: adv = amount spent on advertising and promotion ss = sales to the segment (units) ts = total sales (units) Product assortment: raw number (1 to 5) Statistics on the marketing index: mean: 8.290 standard deviation: 3.653 -230- Reliability of R&D Index Correlation of R&D index measures Inter - Item Correlation (1) (2) ( Measure 3) Entry (1) 1.0000 Rating (2) .3440 1.0000 Numupdat (3) .6255 .5763 1.0C 00 Devel (4) .3557 .2645 .5(23 (4) 1.0000 N=31 Cronbach Alpha Measure Alpha if deleted Entry .6909 Rating .7323 Numupdat .5760 Devel .7376 Alpha =.7453 Standardized Item Alpha =.7621 -231- Reliability of Marketing Index Correlation of marketing index measures Measure (1) (2) ( Inter - Item Correlation 3) Sales (1) 1.0000 Service (2) .8319 1.0000 Adver (3) .7119 .7495 1.0 000 Assort (4) .3778 .1249 .3 127 (4) 1.0000 N=31 Cronbach Alpha Measure Alpha if deleted Sales .6732 Service .7305 Adver .7136 Assort .8883 Alpha = .8159 Rerun Alpha =.8883 Standardized item Alpha =.9068 -232- Correlation Between Indices Pearson product moment correlations Index (1) (2) R&D (1) 1.000 Marketing (2) 0.318 1.000 Price (3) -0.180 0.306 N=31 ( Inter -item Correlation 3) 1.0 00 -233- APPENDIX 8 TESTS FOR NORMALITY OF VARIABLES AND RANDOMNESS OF RESIDUALS -234- Test for Normality Correlation of the data to the normal scores of the data (Ryan and Joiner) Variable Correlation R&D 0.963* Marketing 0.987** Price 0.999** Performance (log e units) 0.979** Performance (ranks) 0.998** *Significant at p = 0.05 **Significant at p = 0.01 Plots of Standardized Residuals Versus Predicted Scores Equation 1 -235- 1 .. a * - , Equation 2 -------- 4------------------------- -236- APPENDIX 9 SQUARED SEMIPARTIAL CORRELATIONS -237- ) Squared Semipartial Correlations (sri 2 (Tabachnick and Fidell) sr2 i 1(1- dfre r2) Variable R&D Marketing loge units .15 .21 sri 2 rank .21 .20