Ridge fluorite Sunset deposit, FraGristobal Rango, Siefta Gourty,NewMexico byBruceR. VanAllenandJeffreyL. Wilson, Tenneco Minerals Company, Lakewood, C0,andJames C.Hunter, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, C0 Introduction The SunsetRidgefluorite depositwas discovered by Tenneco in 1980during mineral reconnaissanceof the Fra Cristobal Range, Sierra and Socorro Counties, New Mex-ico (Fig. 1). The fluorite fissure-veindeposit occurs within the West Vein at the western margin of the Fra Cristobal Range, midway on the boundary between protracted secs. 26 a n d 3 5 ,T . 1 0 S . ,R . 3 W . , N M P M , i n t h e P e d r o Armendaris (Spanish) land grant no. 33, which remains unsuryeyed in the U.S. rectangular system. The occurrenceis at the southem end of a 1,000-ft-(300-m-)long ridge, here named SunsetRidge.The prospectwas evaluatedin 1981by geologicmapping, geochemicalsampling, and drilling of three angle core holes. The geologyof the Fra CristobalRangehas beenmapped and describedin part by Bushnell (1953),Thompson (1961),Cserna (1956), facobs(1955),McCleary (1960),Wanen(1978), Lozinsky(1,982), and Sarkar(in preparation). The first documentation of fluorite in the Fra CristobalRangewas by Walker (1914).Peale (1949)explored the extensivevein systems in the range and identified many fluorite occurrences. Sunset Ridge deposit Sunset Ridge is the topographic expression of the WestVein, a thick, resistant,composite-quartzvein that occupiesthe northtrending West Vein fault (Figs.2 and 3). The vein dips steeplywestward and is partly exposedalong the fault tracefor a strike length in excessof 5 mi (8 km). Fissurezonesin the West Vein fault have been opened repeatedly, mineralized chiefly with quartz, and brecciated.The planar orientation of mineralsand brecciafragmentsin the fissureand subsequentweathering are responsiblefor the well-developedexfoliation joints that give the vein outcrop a platy appearance.The local true thickness of the West Vein is uncertain, but it is estimated to be at least 130 ft (40 m) at SunsetRidge. Hanging-wall rocks remain unknown becausethey are covered by talus and alluvium and w'ere not interceptedby the drill holes.The footwall is composedof fracturedand brecciatedPrecambrian granitic rocks (Figs.4 and 5). Late fissures in the West Vein at Sunset Ridge are filled with tectonically remobilized, coarse-grained, fluorite-breccia fragmentswith a matrix of fluorite, milky quartz, and sparse hematite. The most prominent fluorite-filled fissure, or "main zone," is exposedalong the crestof SunsetRidge and is associatedwith abundantmilky quartz veinlets. The remainder of the West Vein is mostly quartz with disseminatediron oxides. The Pedro main zone is preferentially eroded relative A r m e n d o ri s to the enclosingquartz vein. The zoneranges l o n dq r o n t r J 5 from 5 to 13 ft (1.5to 4.0 m) in true thickness and is approximately 400 ft (120 m) in exposed strike length (Fig. 6). Rock-chipsamples collectedfrom acrossthe main zone range from 37.67oto 62.5%equivalentCaFr,as calculated from specific ion and distillation analysesfor fluorine. Smallerfluorite zones arepartly exposedfor hundreds of feet along the strike of the main zone. All three of the core holes interceptedthe FIGURE l-Index map of the Sunset Ridge area, .main zone up to 300ft (90m) downdip from Fra Cristobal Range, Sierra County, New Mexico. the vein outcrop. The deposit remains open FIGURE2-View to east of Sunset Ridge, Fra Cristobal Range. The north-trending ridge is the resistantWest Vein. Precambriangranitic rocks and the Magdalena Group (Pennsylvanian) are exposed in the background. FIGURE3-View to north of the West Vein at Sunset Ridge, Fra Cristobal Range. 15> Alsoin thisissue Geologyandcoalresources of CerroPrietoandThe Dyke quadrangles p. 6 Ash{lowtuffsof Mogollon-Datil volcanic field o. 10 p. 13 Service/News p. 19 Statfnotes Goming soon Araeoscelid reptilefromCutlerFormation nomenclature of Upper Stratigraphic rocksin SocorroCounty Cretaceous at depth and laterally. The known portion of the main zone averages9 fI (2.7 m) in thicknessand contains approximately MVo equivalent CaFr. Additional fluorite zones were identified in all core holes.Theseminor zones range from 1 to 13 ft (0.3 to 4.0 m) in estimated true thickness and occur within both the West Vein and brecciated granitic footwall rocks. Structural setting Many major fluorite districts of the world arelocatedalong or near continentalrift zones and lineaments(Van Alstine, 1976).The Rio Grande rift is one such zone. Many of the fluorite mines and prospectsof New Mexico, Colorado, and, possibly, Mexico are distributed along this major north-trending system of Miocene to Recent grabens. These strucfural basins formed during regional extension and are bounded by faults that have normal displacementsup to or exceeding 10,000ft (3,000m). The grabens are filled with thick, semi-consolidated, detrital material and exhibit high heat flow (Reiter and others, 1975).Theseconditions promote the convective circulation of geothermal solutions that may be favorable for epithermal mineralization. As a result, quartz, fluorite, barite,and base-metalsulfideshavebeen deposited into open spacesand have replaced favorablehost rocks along major boundary faults of the rift. The north-trending West Vein fault is the most prominent of many subparallel faults that form the boundary between the Fra Cristobal uplift to the east and a graben in New AAexnc@ GEOLOGV o Scioncs andSoruice Volume 6, No. 1, FebruarY 1984 published quarterlY bY New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources a division of NewMexicolnstitute of Mining &Technology FIGURE 4-Simplified Mexico. geologic map, Sunset Ridge area, Fra Cristobal Range, Sierra County, New 4,7OO 4 600 FIGURE S-Geologic cross section, Sunset Ridge fluorite deposit, Fra Cristobal Range, Sierra County, New Mexico. See map legend in Fig. 4 above. February 79M Neu Mexico Geology BOARD OF REGENTS Ex Officio Toney Anaya, Gooanor of Nru Mexico Leonard Delayo, Suryintendentof Publiclnstruction APPointed Judy Floyd, tues , 19n-1987, Its Cruces William G Abbott, Secty/Treas,196"1-1985,Hobbs Donald W Monis, 1983-1989,Ins Alamos Robst [€e Sanchez,7983-1989,Albuquerque Steve Tones, 1967-7985, SNofto New Mexico Instihrte of Mining & Technology Laurence H Lattman Prsidffit New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources Frank E Kottlowski Director George S Austin Deputy Director Subwiptions: lssued quarterly, February, Ma, August, Novemberi subscdption price $6 00/yr Editoriol ruttd: Conttibutions of possible material for consideration in future issues of NMG are welcome Articles submitted for publietion should be in the editor's hands a minimum of five (5) months before date of publication (February, May, Autust, or November). Address inquiries to Deborah A. Shaw, editor of Nru MexicoGeology,New Mexico Bueau of Mines & Mineral Resources,Socono, NM 87801 Publishedqs public doruin, thtefore reproducible without pemission Soure crdit rEuested Circulotion:1,4N P/intaj University of New Mexico Printing Plant position -tassiumfalls within the group of high-poPrecambriangranitic rocksin southcentral New Mexico (Condie and Budding, t979\. Frank E. Kottlowski provided a petrographic description of a sample of Fra Cristobal granite (Cserna,1956): The graniteis lightly gneissicwith a tendenry for alignmentof micaplatesand elongatedquartzcrystals.The rockis mediumhypidiomorphic-granuto coarse-grained, 41%, orthoclase lar.Mineralsareqtartz22Vo, 9Vo,muscovite270, microcline26Vo,-albite minor biotite, hornblendeand magnetite. Thequartzis anhedral,1-4mm in diametet strainedand in part cloudedwith inclulaths,3-8mm aresubhedral sions.Feldspars long,alteredto sericiteandkaolinite.Micas flakes,lessthan 1 mm long; arein scattered nearhornblendecrystals,they areconcentratedin lenses Hornblendeis pleochroic from aqua to greenishyellow-brown,euhedralto subhedral,lessthan 1 mm long, alteredin part to chlorite,iron oxide,and chalcedony Footwall rocks The Fra Cristobal granite is typically alThe footwall of the West Vein fault at Sun- tered. Mafic minerals are converted mostly set Ridge is composedof the Fra Cristobal to chlorite or hematite. If magnetite origipluton, a Precambrian,composite, granitic nally existedat SunsetRidge, it is now oxistock or batholith with inclusions of meta- dized to hematite.A portable magnetometer sedimentaryrocks. The dominant intrusive failed to reveal significant differencesin magrock. here informallv named the Fra Cris- netic susceptibility among the Fra Cristobal tobal granite, is of somewhatuncertain age. granite, the West Vein, and alluvial cover. ln 7982, a K-Ar age of the granite was de- The granite is also variably alteredby potastermined to be 850 + 29 m.v. bv Geochron sium metasomatism,but the Sunset Ridge The area is not particularly affected. Elsewhere Laboratories, Cambridge,Maisachusetts. age date was obtainedfrom a concentrateof in the Fra CristobalRange,small alteredzones partly chloritized biotite in granite core from with brick-red microcline and minor musa drill hole in protractedsec. 11, T. 11 S., R. covite occur within the granite. These me3 W Similarrocksin south-centralNew Mex- tasomites are similar to larger bodies in the ico have Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron and UPrecambrian intrusive rocks of the Caballo Pb zircon age dates that range from 1.2 to Range(Staatzand others, 1965). A The Fra Cristobal pluton contains large inFIGURE6-View to north of main fluorite zone 1.55 b.y. (Condie and Budding, 7979). at SunsetRidge,FraCristobalRange.Thefluorite chemical analysis of granite from the same clusionsof partly assimilatedchlorite schist, core hole is provided in Table 1. The com- chlorite-feldspar gneiss, and amphibolite. zoneis preferentiallyeroded. These deformed inclusions were not obFissuresin the West Vein fault served as TABLE 1-WsoLE-RocK ANALysEs (from Skvline servedat SunsetRidge, but they are particthe most significant structural control on Labs, Inc., Wheat Ridge, CO) ularly abundantin the northern Fra Cristobal fluorite mineralization.Major fluorite fillings Range.Abundant, small,Precambrian(?)dikes Fra Cristobal Main fluorite have been brecciated and tectonically reand irregular granitic intrusives that are comgranite core zone mobilized by repeatedfault motion. The main Sec.11, T. 11 S., SunsetRidge posedof simple granite pegmatite,monzonfluorite zone may be controlled by a strike R. 3 W. surface ite, quartz monzonite, and alaskite cut the (in (in percent) percent) flexure along the West Vein or, as suggested Composition Fra Cristobalgranite.The degreeof gneissic by aerial photographs,by the low-angle in- sio, 36.6 69.0 banding in the late intrusives is the same as, tersectionof two normal faults. At Sunset Al203 0.77 14.30 or lessthan, that found in the older granite. Ridge,the alignmentsof joints and foliations FerO3 2.60 0.73 The late dikes are devoid of mafic silicate in the main fluorite zone fall into two distinct Tio, 0.08 0.33 mineralsand have tracesof specularhema0.010 populationsthat vary in strike.The northern MnO 0.061 tite or limonite pseudomorphsafter pyrite. Mgo 0.05r 0.74 population of attitudeshas an averagestrike 0.06 3.30 Hanging-wall rocks of N. 11'W. and a dip of 74" W., and the Naro 4.60 0.35 southernpopulation has an averagestrike of KrO wall of the West Vein at SunThe hanging 1..4 N. 10' E. and a dip of 74' tN. A differenceof CaO set Ridge is concealedby at least 125 ft (38 Ca 3r.88 2L' in strike supports either of the two pos- F m) of Quaternary talus and alluvium, and it 0.11 30.00 sible structural-genetic models. The enclos- Ba was not intersectedby exploration drill holes. 0.066 0.310 ing composite-quartzvein containsscattered SOn <0.10 0.15 The hanging wall may contain the Fra Crisfoliations that averagedue N. in strike and SrO 0.015 0.012 tobal pluton and portions of the approxidip 74" W Another structural consideration, Rbro 0.007 0.036 mately 5,000 ft (1,500 m) of overlying 0.003 0.007 based on drill hobs, is that the main fluorite LirO Paleozoic,Mesozoic,and Cenozoicsedimen<0.02 0.05 zone may dip more steeply than the enclos- PrOt tary rocks. In probableorder of abundance, <0.1 04 ing quartz vein. Fissurescommonly occur Cot thesestratainclude carbonaterocks, shales, 0.1 0.2 along steepersegmentsof normal faults where Moisture sandstones,evaporites,and conglomerates. L.O.r.(7s0'c) 7.6 0.3 extensionis more nearly perpendicular to the Possible Paleozoic units are the Bliss SandTotal 101.4 98.8 fault plane. the Rio Grande rift to the west. This fault strikesN. 15'W.-N. 15'E., dips 53'-84"W., and may have more than 5,000ft (1,500m) of normal separationat Sunset Ridge. Lee (1907)and Bryan (1938)were first to map the fault. but thev did not name it. The name "West Vein fdult" is adopted here after an report unpublishedminerals-reconnaissance on the Fra Cristobal Range (Peale,1949).Later researchershave called it Hot Springs fault (Bushnell,1953;Jacobs,1956;McCleary, 1960; and Thompson, 1,961),Rio Grande fault (Cserna, 1956),and Walnut Wells fault (Warrcn, L978). Granitic rock fragments are locally abundant in the West Vein, and drill holes intercepted one major horse of silicified granite breccia.Numerous lesser-normalfaults that are subparallel to the master fault occur in the granitic footwall rocks. These faults are filled locally with thin qvattz veins that may contain minor fluorite or base-metal minerals. The faults are associatedspatially with wide zonesof variably silicified tectonicbreccia. Major west-dipping, northwest- and northeast-trending normal faults also are common in the footwall rocks. Fluorite, barite, and manganese-oxidedeposits are localizedalong faults of similar strike elsewhere in the Fra CristobalRange.Thesestructures arecut by the systemof north-trending faults at Sunset Ridge. Minor east-trendingQuaternary(?) normal faults displace the West Vein, granitic rocks, and perhaps some older alluvium. These small-displacement,steeplydipping faults are subparallelto one set of joints in the vein. Nan Mexico Geology February 1984 glone (Cambrian-Ordovician),El PasoGroup (Ordovician), Magdalena Group (Pennsyivanian), Abo Formation (Permian),YesoFormation (Permian), Glorieta Sandstone (Permian),and San Andres Limestone(permian). PossibleMesozoicand Cenozoicrocks in the hanging wall may include clastic sedimentary units of the Mesaverde Formation ( C r e t a c e o u s ) ,M c R a e F o r m a t i o n ( C r e t a ceouFPaleocene), and SantaFe Group (Miocene-Pleistocene).Interpretations of ground and airborne magnetic data indicate [hat local Cenozoicbasalticrocks are not present. Excellent descriptions and measuied sec- represent fragmented jasperoid that replaced Paleozoic limestone. No unreplaced limestone fragments were seen at Sunset Ridge, but Paleozoic carbonate rocks are of the MagdalenaGroup, 2.5 mi (4.0 km) to the north-northeast. The San Andres Limestone is host for brecciated barite-galena mineralizationnear Hackberry Canyon, 4.4 mi (7.1km) south of SunsetRidge,ind also hosts minor replacement fluoriie mineralization in the hanging wall of the West Vein fault, 1..5mi (2.4 km) south of SunsetRidge. Barite-fluorite replacement mineralizatircn West Vein mineralization The West Vein at Sunset Ridge is composed of fine-grained quaftz, coarie-grained fluorite, and granitic rock fragments. Iron TABLE 2-Wesr VUN urNrneLocy er SurusrrRrocE oF APPARENT oxides, barite, and clays occur in minor rN oRDER ABUNDANCE. Elements listed amounts; bracesof pyrite, "psilomelane," cal- with an asterisk (*) are present as constituents of cite, gypsum, galena, and copper minerals granitic-rock fragments. also have been identified. The *eathered and Maior Minor Trace partly covered surface of the West Vein is elements elements mostly quartz with disseminated iron ox- elements ides. The known mineralsare listed in Table Microcline* Pyrite Quartz 2 accordingto their relative abundances.Vein- Fluorite Hematite Psilomelane(?) Goethite Barite Plagioclase' Chlorite+ Muscovite* Clays* quiescence.This late mineralization may have originated from mixed hypogene and supergene(mesogene)solutions. Some of the earlier mineralizationwas altered by oxidation and dissolution,and was localiyredistributed in the mesogeneenvironment. Quartz is the most abundant mineral in the WestVein. It was depositedin 12or more distinct episodesof cross-cuttingvein mineralization.Most quartz was depositedprior to the first fluorite mineralization. The earliest quartz deposit is barren and milky. Subsequentquartz depositscontain disseminated pyrite, commonly oxidized to limonite. The lastquartz veinletsemplacedprior to the first fluorite mineralizationcontain disseminated red hematite. Continued faulting along the WestVein opened narrow fissuresthat were filled with barren, milky-quartz veinlets. Subsequently,wider fissureswere filled with coarse-grainedfluorite. Later faulting brecciated and mechanically remobilized the fluorite. Milky quartz and reddish hematite were deposited interstitially between fluorite fragments. The resulting fluorite breccia contains single-crystalfragments up to 1.5 inches(3.8cm) across(Fig. 8). Thesefluorite fragments exhibit well-developed internal (111)cleavageand are generallytransparent riypogene, eprlherrol I ' Lxlenstve Dre.ctotron Qu o rt z - Mossive lo fine. vuggy, white --- Mossive,groy X Mossive. reddish M o s s i v e .o r o n g e t o p i n k -- , Hypoqene i I Or,dot on ond sJoerqene Colichificolion - _ F i n e t o m e d i u m ,v u g g y , w h i t e lo colorless Cholcedony.white Calcite Gypsum Malachite Chrysocolla(?) Chalcopyrite Galena Chalcocite Cuprite(?) Covellite(?) Azurite(?) and colorless, purple, or green, if fresh. Weatheredfluorite is commonly whitish and opaque. Tracesof coarsely crystalline, beige to white barite in small brecciafragments are associatedwith fluorite and also occur elsewhere in the vein without associatedfluorite. The major period of fluorite mineralization was followed by two late periods ol quartz mineralization. Primary base-metal sulfides were deposited in openings within the younger of these two quartz phases. Chalcopyrite, pytite, and arsenopyrite(?) crystallizedfirst. Galenacommonly was deposited as overgrowths on chalcopyrite crystals. Quartz veins with base-metal sulfides generally occur in the fractured granitic footwall rocks without attending fluorite. Minor late-stageminerals filled local voids in breccias,fractures, joints, and solution cavities. The late-stageminerals are not fractured and therefore appear to have formed afterthe cessationof major displacementalong the West Vein fault. Some fluorite breccia contains solution vugs that are partly filled with later fluorite and associatedminerals. Minor iron and manganeseoxides occur as colloform coatings on fractures and around breccia fragments in the granite and vein quartz. Weathering has altered some pp'ite to limonite, and chalcopyrite is partly converted to chalcociteand subsequentlyto malachiteand chrysocolla(?).Tracecuprite(?)also - F i n e , c r y s t o t t i n e ,c o l o r l e s s coorSe - FI u ori te fine io medium tine lo hedium Borite Pyrite -l Bose- melol m i n e r o l s ( s e e T o b t e2 ) I - Hemotite Hydroted iron oxides Mongonese oxides Colcite it- G y p s um Monfmorillonite(?) - J( Vorobly colored by limonite whcre oxidized Mojor phose of minerolizotion Mrnor Dhose of FIGURE 7-Paragenesis of the West Vein at Sunset Ridge, Fra Cristobal Range, Sierra County, New Mexico February 1984 New Mexbo Geology FIGURE 8-Core and surface samples of fluorite breccia with fluorite, milky quartz, and hematite matrix from Sunset Ridge, Fia Cristobal Range. may have formed from chalcopyrite. Latestagebarite crystallizedas tiny laths in open spaces prior to malachite crystallization, whereas small, modified cubes of purple fluorite crystallized on the malachite coatings and in other voids. Theseunbrecciated fluorite crystals commonly have internal ghosts of limonite and may have formed by dissolution and redeposition of the earlier brecciatedfluorite. Traiesof chalcedonvfinely crystalline quartz, white poker-chip calcit"e crystals, gypsum, and calichewere deposited sequentially after the last fluorite crystals. West Vein geochemistry Core and surface-rocksamplesfrom Sunset Ridgewere submitted to commerciallaboratories and assayed for fluorine by quantitative techniques, and 55 elements above atomic number 21 were analyzed bv semi-quantitativex-rav fluorescence.Conp, 7.8% Fe. 6.07o centraiionsof up to ZO.S% Ba, and}.45%Mn were encountered.All other detectedelementsshowed concentrationsof less than 0.2%. A quantitative whole-rock analysis for the main fluorite zone is provided in Table1 Forty-four stream-sediment samplesfrom the prospectareawere sieved to -80 mesh and assayedquantitatively by commercial laboratories for fluorine, barium, and metals. Geochemical data indicate that fluorite is negatively correlatedwith base-metalminerals, barite, and hematite. The greatest fluorite value, 4,000ppm F, stream-sediment was determinedin a sample collectedabout 640 ft (195 m) downstream from the main fluorite zone. Stream sediments derived chiefly from silicified footwall rocks contain the largestbase-metalvalues: up to 72 ppm C u , 1 1 1p p m P b , 2 2 6 p p m Z n , a n d 3 p p Mo. All sedimentsamplesfrom streamchannels on footwall rocks contain 2,000-15,800 ppm Ba. Similar barium valuesoccur downstreamfrom known barite occurrencesin the West Vein, but they do not correspond directlywith the main fluoritezone.Hematitic quartzis spatiallyassociatedwith major fluorite concentrations;however, the greatestiron, manganese,and titanium values occur in core samples of fractured footwall rocks. Age and origin of fluorite mineralization Fluorite deposits in the western United Statesare considered to be middle to late Tertiary in age (Lamarreand Hodder, 1978). The Sunset Ridge fluorite fills the West Vein fault, one of the major, graben-boundingfaults along the Rio Grande rift. Significant regional, intraplateblock faulting occurredbetween 21 m.y. ago and the present (Elston and Bornhorst, 1979).Therefore, fluorite in the West Vein is believed to be Miocene or Pliocenein age. Lamarreand Hodder (1978)proposedthat fluorite depositsin the westernUnited States are related to Tertiary alkalic-igneousrocks. Hypothetically, fluorine was concentratedin alkalic magmas that were generated along subduction zones. They postulated that the fluorine was carried through the crust as SiFo. However, Tertiary alkalic-igneousrocks are conspicuouslyabsent in the Fra Cristobal Range,and there is no evident relation befween the SunsetRidge depositand Tertiary volcanic rocks. The nearest Tertiary felsic volcaniccenter known is the Nogal Canyon cauldron (Deal and Rhodes, 1976),which is 9 mi (15 km) to the northwest. We propose that the Fra Cristobal pluton may have been the fluorine source for the SunsetRidgedeposit.Fluorine contentof the main zone at Sunset Ridge is less than 300 times greater than the concentration of fluorine in partly alteredgranite (Table1). Original, unalteredgranite probably had accessory fluorite or fluorine-bearingbiotite. The extensive alteration of biotite to chlorite and hematite by hydrothermal solutions associated with the Rio Grande rift would have liberatedboth fluorine and silicon,two maior elementsin the West Vein. Thermal, meteoric waters may have leached silicon, fluorine, iron, and other elementsfrom the Fra Cristobal oluton with the aid of chemical complexes'. SiFu'z is the prevalent siliconfluorine complex in natural waters at standard temperatureand pressure,but it is unstableif the solution is alkaline or if it has even a low concentrationof competitive cations such as iron, aluminum, and calcium (Robersonand Barnes,1978). The WestVein fault servedas a major conduit for the circulation and possiblemixing of meteoricwaters.As indicatedby multiple eoisodesof brecciationand complexmineral the fault was repeatedlyreacparagenesis, tivated and sealedwith vein minerals.Fluorite and all other West Vein rnineralsprobably were depositedunder epithermalconditions (50-200'C). No high-temperature minerals or associatedalterationsare evident. Pervasive, periodic, brittle deformation (brecciation and fissurinq) indicates that mineralizationoccurredat relativelyshallow depths. The parageneticassociationof the main-zone fluorite with hematitic quartz suggeststhat thesemineralswere deposited in a near-surface,oxidizing environment. The most likely mechanismsfor fluorite deposition are: increasingthe pH, cooling, dilution, or mixing of hydrothermal solutions (Richardsonand Holland, 7979).lxll of these factors contribute to the instability of the SiFu' complex. Acidic epithermal solutions may have mixed with cool, near-surfaceground waters. Each successivemotion of the West Vein fault would have downdropped the possiblelimestonein the hanging wall. This would raise the activity coefficientof the calciumcation and increase the pH of the local ground waters. Quartz and, subsequently, fluorite then would be deposited from probable acidic epithermal solutions that circulated or stagnated along the West Vein fault and mixed with ground water or simply cooled.Minor, later fluorite may have been derived from earlier fluorite by local solution and redistribution. Summary The Sunset Ridge fluorite deposit (Miocene or younger), at the easternmargin of the Rio Grande rift in south-central New Mexico, is a classicfissure vein. Mineralization is controlled by open spaceswithin the north-trending, steeply dipping, West Vein fault. The greaterpart of the West Vein is composedof a quartz envelope around a main fluorite zone that averagesalmost 10 ft (3 m) in true thicknessand rangesfrom 30% to more than 60% fluorite. Core drilling intersected the main zone and other fluorite zonesat depths up to 300ft (90m) below the surface.Footwallrocksare composedmostly of fractured PrecambrianFra Cristobal granite. Hanging-wallrocks are concealedby surficial debris, but they may contain granitic or sedimentary rocks. Paleozoiccarbonate rocksmay occur in the hanging wall and are potential hosts for significant replacementtype fluorite deposits.Fluorite may have been depositedfrom fluorine-rich epithermal solutions that resulted from alteration and leaching of the Fra Cristobal pluton by hydrothermalfluids that were generatedand circulatedduring the developmentof the Rio Grande rift. Quartz and fluorite were deposited into open fissuresas the epithermal solutions cooled or mixed with alkaline ground waters that contained calcium derived from local carbonaterocks. AcrcNowr-eocMENrs-Specialthanks are extendedto many current and past employeesof TennecoMineralsCompany,including RalphD. Falconer,RogerD. Gill, FeliciaCottrell and JoleneBiner. Thesepeople assisted in lithologicallogging, geophysicallogging, compilationof geochemicaldata, and manuscript preparation.Wolfgang E. Elston, University of New Medco, edited the preliminary manuscript and provided valuable critical comments. References Bushnell, H. P, 1953,Geology of the McRaeCanyon area, Siena County, New Mexico:M.S. thesis,University of New Mexico, 106pp. Bryan, K., 1938, Geology and ground-water conditions o{ the Rio Grande depression in Colorado and New Mexico;ln RegionalPlanning,Part 6, Upper Rio Grande: Commission,v. Washington,D.C., NationalResources 7, part 2, section 1, pp. 1.95-225. Condie, K. C., and Budding, A. J.,7979, Geology and geochemistryof Precambrianrocks, cenhal and southcentralNew Mexico; New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Memoir 35, 58 pp., 3 pls. and 3 microfiche. Cserna, E. G., 7955,Structural geology and stratigraphy of the Fra Cristobal quadrangle, Sierra County, New Mexico: Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 105 Pp. Deal, E. G., and Rhodes,R. C., 1,976,Volcano-tectonic strucfures in the San Mateo Mountains, Socono County, New Mexico; ln Elston, W. E., and Northrop, S. A. (eds.), CenozoicVolcanismin SouthwesternNew Mexico: New Mexico GeologicalSociety,SpecialPublication no. 5, pp. 51-62. Elston,W. E., and Bomhorst,T.I.,7979, The Rio Grande rift in context of regional post-4Om.y. volcanic and tectonicevents; ln Riecker,R. E. (ed.), Rio Grande Rift, Tectonicsand Magmatism: American Geophysical Union, Washington,D.C., pp. 41.6-438. Jacobs,R. C., 1956, Geology of the central ftont of the Fra Cristobal Mountains, Siena County, New Mexico: M.S. thesis, University of New Mexico, 47 pp. 'l-2 continued on o. Ncw Mexico Geology February 1984 ffi FIGURES 7a, b, c-Lemitar Tuff (samples TS-5, TS-23,DB-108, all from south and southeastMagdalena Mountains) is a strongly and complexly zoned unit. The Lemitar Tuff is a moderately crystal rich rhyolite at the base (7a) that grades normally upward into a quartz-Poor quartz latite (7b), which in turn grades upward into a very phenocryst rich rhyolite (7c). ff FIGURES8a, b-South Canyon Tuff (samplesJASC-l, Joyita Hills; 8-11-8, southeast Magdalena Mountains) is texturally zoned from phenocryst poor below to moderately phenocryst rich above; mineralogies are similar in both zones. Figure 8a illustratesa glassyvitrophyre from the ba'seof the lower zone. Small gray, irregularly curved shapesare undeformedglassshards.Note slight compactionaround phenocrysts.Subequal amounts of sanidine (s) and quartz (q) make uP the phenocrysts. dePosit fluorite Ridge Sunset a few ft into a phenocryst-rich quartz latite (Fig. 7b). continued from Page5 Lamarre, A L , and Hodder, R W., 1978' Distribution and genesisof fluorite depositsin the western United Statei and their significanceto metallogeny:Geology, v. 6, pp.236)38. Lee, C. H., 1907,Water resourcesof the Rio Grande valley in New Mexico and their development: U S. Geological ffi Figure 8b, from the upper interval of this unit, contains more abundant and larger phenocrysts of sanidine (s) and quartz (q) with minor biotite, but little preserved vitroclastic texture. lnfr Figure 7b contains abundant sanidine (s), plagioclise (p), biotite and minor quartz, oPaquesand pyroxene. This middle zone grades upward over several tens of hundreds of ft into a very phenocryst rich rhyolite (Fig. 7c) References Chapin, C. E., and Lowell, G R., 1979, Primary and seiondary flow structures in ash-flow tuffs of the Gribbles Run-paleovallev, central Colorado; in Chapin, C E., and Eliton, w. E. (eds.), Ash-flow tuffs: Geological Mountains, Socono and Catron Counties, New Mexico: M S. thesis, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 137 pp.; New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Open-file Report 136, 146 pp. Lopez, D. 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