Capitol Building 6, Room 353
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, West Virginia
October 14, 2015
Call to Order
Following the welcome, Pledge of Allegiance and introductions, President Michael I.
Green called the meeting of the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) to order at 10:03
a.m. on October 14, 2015, in Capitol Building 6, Room 353, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East,
Charleston, West Virginia.
The following members were present: President Green, Vice President Lloyd G. Jackson
II, Secretary Tina H. Combs (via telephone), Beverly E. Kingery, L. Wade Linger Jr., Gayle C.
Manchin, William M. White and James S. Wilson, and ex officio Michael J. Martirano, State
Superintendent of Schools. Members absent were Thomas W. Campbell and ex officios Paul L.
Hill, Chancellor, West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, and Sarah Armstrong
Tucker, Interim Chancellor, West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College
President Green called upon Mr. Mike Pickens, Executive Director, WVDE Office of
School Transportation, to introduce three bus operators honored at the 2015 National School
Transportation Association's School Bus Driver International Safety Competition: 1) Small Bus:
First Place - Ms. Mary Slate, Kanawha County Schools; 2) Conventional Bus: First Place - Mr.
Billy Wiseman, Kanawha County Schools; and, 3) Transit Bus: Honorable Mention - Mr. Joey
Goodpaster, Cabell County Schools.
Introductions (Continued)
President Green called upon Dr. Martin Keller, Superintendent of the West Virginia
Schools for the Deaf and the Blind, to provide an update regarding activities at the schools.
Informational Presentations
The Board received information from: 1) Commissioner Randall Reid-Smith, West
Virginia Division of Culture and History, regarding education programs offered by the Division
of Culture and History; 2) Mr. Scott Finn, West Virginia Public Broadcasting, regarding the
Educational Broadcasting Authority offerings and the West Virginia Channel; 3) Ms. Amanda
Davis (distributed information), Mission West Virginia, regarding The Bridge initiative; and,
4) Mr. W. Brent Sturm, Jobs for West Virginia's Graduates, Inc., regarding Jobs for West
Virginia Graduates. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment P.)
Approval of Agenda
President Green called for a motion to approve the agenda. Mr. Jackson moved that the
agenda be approved. Mrs. Manchin seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the
motion was carried unanimously. To facilitate the travel schedule of a presenter, President
Green requested that New Business item A. Proposed West Virginia Teaching, Empowering,
Leading and Learning (TELL) Survey be taken up prior to delegations. President Green stated
that the report was for information only and was not to be construed as an endorsement of TELL
or its services.
Proposed West Virginia Teaching, Empowering,
Leading and Learning (TELL) Survey
Ms. Dawn Shephard, Associate Director, New Teacher Center, presented information
regarding the Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning (TELL) Survey. The TELL Survey
is an online, anonymous survey administered to all licensed, school-based educators in a district
or state. Using an externally validated set of questions, which research has shown to be
connected to student achievement and teacher retention, the TELL Survey is provided on a
dedicated website where educators may complete the survey 24/7 during the survey window of
four weeks. TELL Survey results provide information to schools, districts, and the state about
whether educators have supportive school settings necessary to do their jobs well and be
successful with students. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment J.) Following the
presentation, President Green again stated that the report was for informational purposes only
and was not to be construed as an endorsement of TELL or its services.
Ms. Kristin Anderson, Executive Director, WVDE Office of Communications and
Partnerships, announced that delegations would be provided two minutes. Ms. Tracy
DeGaetano, Ms. Crystal Farley, Mr. Brad Limer, Mr. Jason Young, Ms. Jennifer Thomas, Ms.
Olivia B. Tygrett, Ms. Kristine Gilkey, Ms. Eden Gilkey, Ms. Jessica Parker, Ms. Erica Stewart,
Mr. Jason Crouch, Ms. Bonnie Hicks, Ms. Amanda Skaggs, Ms. Tonya Hall, Mr. Braxton Hall,
Ms. Margaret Watkins, Ms. Autumn Crouch, Ms. Shaunna Cole, Ms. Danielle Crouch, Ms.
Breya Blake, Ms. Esther Morey, Ms. Karen Ellis, Mr. Geoff Heeter, Mr. Leon Ivey, Ms. Carolyn
Arritt (distributed information), and Ms. Angela Gilkerson addressed the Board regarding
Fayette County. Mr. Richard Kirby addressed the Board regarding Calhoun County and the
monitoring of counties. Mrs. Combs and Mr. Linger departed the meeting. (Copies appended to
Official Minutes, Attachment Q.)
President Green recessed the meeting for lunch at 12:45 p.m.
President Green called the meeting back to order at 1:27 p.m. Mr. Linger returned to the
Consent Agenda
President Green requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Dr. Wilson moved
that the Consent Agenda be approved. Mr. Jackson seconded the motion and upon the call for
the question the motion was carried unanimously. Mrs. Combs returned to the meeting. (Copies
appended to Official Minutes, Attachments A through H.)
Approved minutes of September 8, 2015 (Attachment A)
Received WVDE personnel matters (Attachment B)
Approved Employment of Substitute Teachers in Areas of Critical Need
policies for Fayette, Kanawha, Mineral, Morgan, Nicholas and Wirt County
Schools (Attachment C)
Received, per W. Va. Code §18A-4-7a(m)(3), Transfer of a Person Employed in
a Professional Position after the Twentieth Day Prior to the Beginning of the
Instructional Term, notifications from Grant, Logan, Mason, Monroe,
McDowell and Summers County Schools (Attachment D)
Approved the Jackson County Board of Education's request to amend to its
2010-2020 CEFP moving the construction site of a new Ravenswood Middle
School to the campus of Ravenswood High School (Attachment E)
Approved the Mercer County Board of Education's request to amend its
2010-2020 CEFP to include the consolidation of Brushfork Elementary School
and Bluewell Elementary School and the construction of a replacement
elementary school in a location between the two school sites (Attachment F)
Approved the Raleigh County Board of Education's request to amend its
2010-2020 CEFP to include renovations and additions to Shady Spring High
School and the construction of a new elementary school to replace/consolidate
three existing elementary schools; Crab Orchard Elementary School, Lester
Elementary School and a portion of Sophia-Soak Creek Elementary School
(Attachment G)
Approved the West Virginia Educator Preparation Program Review Board's
(EPPRB) recommendation for the addition of Randolph County Schools to
Fairmont State University's existing Teacher-in-Residence (TIR) Program
(Attachment H).
Superintendent Reports
Superintendent Martirano (distributed information) provided an update regarding:
1) Fayette County (Mr. Terry George, Superintendent of Fayette County Schools, addressed
questions posed by the Board regarding the amendment of the Fayette County Comprehensive
-4Educational Facilities Plan approved by the Board at the September meeting); Dr. White
requested that the record reflect (provided information for attachment to the minutes) that he was
not in agreement with the letter President Green sent to Governor Tomblin regarding the actions
of the School Building Authority; 2) Strategic Plan: Metrics that Matter; 3) budget cuts; and, 4)
Academic Spotlight (assisted by Ms. Sarah Stewart, WVDE Director of Education Policy and
Government Relations, who distributed information). (Copies appended to Official Minutes
Attachment R.)
Capacity Building for Priority Schools and Intervention Counties
President Green deferred this report to the November meeting and, with the consensus of
the Board, reordered the agenda to immediately take up New Business item H. Update of the
WVBE Handbook. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment I.)
Update of WVBE Handbook
President Green (handbook distributed) called for a motion to approve the WVBE
Mrs. Manchin moved that WVBE Handbook be approved. Ms. Kingery seconded the
motion. Dr. White (provided an item for attachment to the minutes) stated that he had not had
enough time to review the document, that the Board had not discussed the document, and did not
feel it appropriate for the Board to take action regarding the handbook. President Green called
upon Ms. Mary Catherine Tuckwiller, General Counsel to the Board, to provide an overview of
the document. Following additional discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that future
amendment of the handbook would be upon submission of the requested amendment to the
WVBE Director of Operations and the Board's General Counsel for review and, as warranted,
placed on an agenda for consideration. Following further discussion, Mrs. Manchin called for
the vote. President Green called for the question and the motion was carried with seven
members voting yes and one member voting no. (Copies appended to Official Minutes,
Attachment S.)
To facilitate travel for representatives from Raleigh County Schools who were in
attendance for a presentation, President Green requested that New Business item B. Raleigh
County Request for Instructional Time Waiver at the Adolescent Level be taken up.
Raleigh County Request for Instructional Time Waiver
at the Adolescent Level
Ms. Betty Jo Jordan, Executive Assistant to the State Superintendent, introduced Mr.
David Price, Superintendent, Raleigh County Schools, who introduced Mr. Johnathan Henry,
Principal, Independence High School, and Mr. Gary Nichols, Director, Secondary Education,
Raleigh County Schools. Messers. Price, Henry, and Nichols presented Raleigh County Schools'
request for an instructional time waiver at the adolescent level (countywide for all high schools)
for the Board's consideration. The county requested a waiver of WVBE Policy 2510, Assuring
the Quality of Education, Regulations for Education Programs, related to instructional time
-5(specifically at section 5.4.e.2 addressing 8100 minutes at the high school level). The specific
waiver request was hyperlinked within the agenda item.
Ms. Kingery moved that Raleigh County Schools' request for an instructional time waiver
at the adolescent level (countywide for all high schools) be approved. Dr. White seconded the
motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously.
Office of Education Performance Audits (OEPA)
Director's Information
Ms. Susan O'Brien, Director, Office of Education Performance Audits, reported that
RESA 4 visits have been completed with reports to be presented to the Board in November and
RESA 1 visits begin next week.
Wayne County School District Status Report
Ms. O'Brien provided brief background remarks regarding the Wayne County status
report and introduced Ms. Sandra Pertee (distributed information), Superintendent, Wayne
County Schools, who introduced individuals in attendance from Wayne County and presented
the Wayne County School District Status Report for the Board's consideration. (Copy appended
to Official Minutes, Attachment T.)
Following the status report, President Green called upon Ms. O'Brien who stated that an
executive session was in order. Prior to requesting a motion for the executive session President
Green requested that WVBE Personnel Matters be taken up.
WVBE Personnel Matters
President Green (distributed an addendum to the personnel attachment) called for a
motion to approve the Board's personnel items found in the attachment inclusive of the
addendum. Mr. Linger moved that personnel items, inclusive of the addendum, be approved.
Mrs. Manchin seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried
unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment O and addendum.)
President Green advised the assembly that no additional business would be taken up
following action, if any, resulting from the executive session, and further that the Board would
reconvene tomorrow, October 15 at 9:00 a.m. in the same location to complete the agenda.
Wayne County School District Status Report (Continued)
Executive Session
President Green, as provided in W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A) [personnel exception],
requested a motion to move into executive session. Mr. Jackson moved, in accordance with
W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A) [personnel exception], that the Board enter into executive
session. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was
carried unanimously. The Board entered into executive session at 3:35 p.m.
Return from Executive Session
President Green announced that the Board had returned from executive session at 4:27
p.m. with no action taken and that no motions were required as a result of the executive session.
President Green recessed the meeting at 4:29 p.m. and announced that the meeting would
reconvene in Capitol Building 6, Room 353, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West
Virginia on October 15 at 9:00 a.m.
President Green reconvened the meeting of October 14, 2015, at 9:10 a.m. on October 15,
2015, in Capitol Building 6, Room 353, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West
The following members were present: President Green, Vice President Lloyd G. Jackson
II, Secretary Tina H. Combs (via telephone), Beverly E. Kingery, William M. White, and James
S. Wilson, and ex officios Michael J. Martirano, State Superintendent of Schools, and Sarah
Armstrong Tucker, Interim Chancellor, West Virginia Council for Community and Technical
College Education. Members absent were Thomas W. Campbell, L. Wade Linger Jr., and Gayle
C. Manchin, and ex officio Paul L. Hill, Chancellor, West Virginia Higher Education Policy
Policy 2520.16, Next Generation Alternate Academic Achievement
Standards for Science in West Virginia Schools
Ms. Robin Sizemore, Coordinator, WVDE Office of Secondary Learning, presented
Policy 2520.16 for the Board's consideration. Policy 2520.16 was recommended for repeal and
replacement with the Next Generation Alternate Academic Achievement Standards for Science
in West Virginia Schools. This action will ensure alignment of the State's alternate academic
achievement standards with the Next Generation Content Standards and Objectives and the
alternate assessment in the area of science consistent with ESEA requirements and the ESEA
Flexibility Request. This policy defines the alternate academic achievement standards in science
for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities for elementary, middle and high
Ms. Kingery moved that Policy 2520.16 be approved. Dr. White seconded the motion
and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to
Official Minutes, Attachment L.)
Policy 2525, West Virginia’s Universal Access to Early Education System
Ms. Janet Bock-Hager, Coordinator, WVDE Office of Early Learning, presented Policy
2525 for the Board's consideration. Several changes in requirements related to West Virginia
-7Universal Pre-K necessitate updates to Policy 2525 to ensure continued alignment to related
WVBE policies, Head Start federal requirements, and evolving continuous quality improvement
strategies in WV Universal Pre-K Programs. Policy 2525 changes include provisions to ensure
collaboration with existing programs as required by W. Va. Code §18-5-44. Updates reflect
health enrollment requirements from Policy 2423, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention,
specifically related to dental examinations. Policy changes reflect the title change of the
Universal Pre-K Formative Assessment System to align with other grades. Policy revisions
reflect changes to W. Va. Code §18-5-18 addressing changes to Early Childhood Classroom
Assistant Teachers eligible for retirement by 2020. Changes to Policy 2525 also include updates
to WV Universal Pre-K Program Assessment and Continuous Quality Improvements to address
current needs and collaborative requirements in health and safety assurance. Adjusted
definitions reflect policy changes. Revisions to Policy 2525 meet W. Va. Code changes, align
with federal collaborative requirements, and continue focus on healthy and safe high-quality
educational programs to all eligible pre-k students.
Mr. Jackson moved that Policy 2525 be approved. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion and
upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official
Minutes, Attachment M.)
Policy 3233, Establishment and Operation of
Regional Education Service Agencies
Ms. Mary Catherine Tuckwiller, General Counsel to the WVBE, presented Policy 3233
for the Board's consideration. Changes to Policy 3233 were rare recommended to align code
revisions from the 2015 legislative session to update technology terminology and confirm the
responsibilities of each regional council. Ms. Tuckwiller reported that no comments were
received during the comment period.
Dr. White moved that Policy 3233 be approved. Ms. Kingery seconded the motion and
upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official
Minutes, Attachment Mc.)
WVBE Goal and Strategic Priorities
Ms. Donna Hoylman Peduto, WVBE Director of Operations, distributed a copy of
Attachment N, and presented the WVBE's proposed goal and strategic priorities for
consideration. Dr. White departed the meeting leaving a quorum of five members present to
conduct business.
Dr. Wilson moved that the proposed WVBE goal and strategic priorities be approved.
Ms. Kingery seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried
unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment N.)
Update - WVBE Actions for Improved Outcomes
Ms. Peduto (distributed information) and Board members provided an update regarding
actions taken by the Board to improve educational outcomes and support to county boards of
education. WVBE Finance Committee - Mr. Joe Panetta, Chief Officer, Division of Finance and
Administration, reported that no new counties have been added to the budget deficit watch list
and addressed questions regarding budget cuts. Dr. White returned to the meeting. (Copies
appended to Official Minutes, Attachment U.)
Policy 5310, Performance Evaluation of School Personnel
Ms. Michele Blatt, Chief Officer, Division of School Effectiveness, presented Policy
5310 for the Board's consideration and requested that the amendment of Policy 5310 be
withdrawn from comment and that the following waivers of Policy 5310 (currently in effect August 11, 2014) be approved: 1) to delay the use of summative assessment result of English
language arts and mathematics for the 15% component of an educator's evaluation for the
2015-16 school year; and 2) that all references to roster verification to be waived for the 2015-16
school year. Ms. Blatt stated that the WVDE would continue to use the summative assessment
results for the 5% school-wide growth component of the valuation system for the 2015-16 school
year and that, due to budget cuts imposed by the Governor, funding is not available to continue
the roster verification process state-wide. Chancellor Tucker departed the meeting.
Mr. Jackson moved that Policy 5310 be withdrawn from comment and that the waivers,
as stated by Ms. Blatt, be approved. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion and upon the call for the
question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copies appended to Official Minutes,
Attachments K-1 and K-2.)
Chancellor Report
Chancellors Hill and Tucker were not present to provide a report.
Office of Institutional Education Programs Report/
WVBE Coordinator of Board Agencies Report
Mr. Jacob Green, Special Assistant to Chief Officer, WVDE Office of Institutional
Education Programs, provided an update regarding the Board of Child Care at Falling Waters
and Pressley Ridge at Laurel Park. Mr. Jason L. Butcher, WVBE Coordinator of Board
Agencies, provided an update regarding the status of the RESA Communications Reporting
Structure document, AEPA protocols, and OEPA RESA audit tool.
WVBE RESA Liaison Report
Dr. Robin Lewis, Executive Director, RESA 1, provided a report on behalf of the RESAs
and highlighted improving student achieve through community schools. Superintendent
-9Martirano requested a report from next month's RESA liaison regarding RESAs' outreach efforts
to parents.
Items for Future Consideration
President Green requested that items for consideration for placement on a future agenda
be provided to Ms. Peduto as soon as possible. Ms. Peduto stated that the Board would
participate in professional development/informational activities on day 1 of meetings, beginning
at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 12 with the business meeting to begin at 1:00 p.m.
Superintendent Martirano indicated that there will be significant information to be presented at
the November meeting. Dr. Wilson requested that Mr. Greg Prudich, President, West Virginia
School Board Association (WVSBA), be invited to provide a report regarding a recent WVSBA
survey and further would like the Board to invite the WVSBA to meetings on a quarterly basis.
Ms. Kingery who, along with Mrs. Manchin and Mrs. Combs, serves as a member of the
WVSBA Training Standards Review Committee, provided information regarding Board member
interaction/involvement with the WVSBA. Dr. White stated that it would be helpful if members
reported out regarding work with other Board's on which they serve and stated that he will be
attending the National Association of State Boards of Education Annual Conference next week
and an Educational Broadcasting Authority meeting in late October-early November regarding
effectiveness of state Public Broadcasting Service boards.
Future Meetings
The next regular meeting of the WVBE will be held November 12, 2015, in Charleston,
West Virginia. The meeting will continue on November 13, 2015, if the agenda is not completed
on November 12, 2015.
President Green called for a motion to adjourn. Ms. Kingery moved that the meeting be
adjourned. Dr. White seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was
carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 10:48 a.m.
Minutes approved by the Board on November 12, 2015.
Michael I. Green, President
Tina H. Combs, Secretary
Minutes were recorded by
Virginia M. Harris
Secretary to the Board