Investigating Physical Properties of Novel Carbon-Based Materials by Nasser Soliman Demir Submitted to the Department of Physics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Physics at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2004 ®0Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2004. All rights reserved. Author ............................ Department of Physics May 14, 2004 Certified by..............................-- ......---. Mildred S. Dresselhaus Institute Professor, Department of Physics and Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Thesis Supervisor Acceptedby.............................. .............. David E. Pritchard Senior Thesis Coordinator, Department of Physics MASSACHUSETTS INSTUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUL 0 7 2004 i Zf._ I {11 I LIBRARIES I II J ....... . ARCHVES 2 Investigating Physical Properties of Novel Carbon-Based Materials by Nasser Soliman Demir Submitted to the Department of Physics on May 14, 2004, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Physics Abstract In this thesis, we present the results of studies of physical properties in three classes of novel carbon-based materials: carbon aerogels, single-walled carbon nanotubes, and high thermal conductivity graphitic foams. The experimental technique of Raman laser spectroscopy yields structural information about all of these materials that we are investigating, including how the covalent bonds between the carbon atoms in the base of the material change in the presence of metal doping (in the case of carbon aerogels) and. electrochemical doping (in the case of carbon nanotubes). In addition, we present the results of Raman spectroscopy performed on high thermal conductivity graphitic foarns, which consist of a weblike region containing highly-aligned filaments, and an interfoam region consisting of disrupted junctions. The expected Raman spectra for disordered and graphitic regions are then compared with our experimental results. While the main characterization technique used was Raman spectroscopy, we also performed magnetic susceptibility and X-ray diffraction measurements on the doped carbon aerogels to ascertain other physical properties. Thesis Supervisor: Mildred S. Dresselhaus Title: Institute Professor, Department of Physics and Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 3 4 Acknowledgments Words cannot express my most sincere and deepfelt gratitude to Millie Dresselhaus for all her help. Even in the most hectic times of the semester, her patience and dedication towards ensuring that I make progress, and consistent advice on how to pursue the highest quality research has always been there. I will always remember all that she has done for me, and she has my utmost respect which words cannot describe. I also want to thank Joe Satcher and Ted Baumann of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for providing us with much background and guidance about carbon aerogel synthesis, properties and characterization, the samples to conduct our research on, and the Lawrence Livermore subcontract for providing us with the funding needed to pursue our experimental research. I would also like to express how great a pleasure it was to work with Paola Corio and Ado Jorio on their paper, and all their valuable suggestions towards improving the paper, which had taught me an unbelievable amount. I want to give special thanks to Eduardo for all the work he did on the graphitic foams project, and will never forget all the times he said, "Don't worry about that; I'll take care of it," when I felt so overwhelmed. I also want to thank Oak Ridge National Laboratory for providing us with the samples on the carbon foam project, and Jim Klett for all his helpful papers in guiding Eduardo and me on this project. I want to express my utmost gratitude to Laura Doughty for all her work in making the Dresselhaus research group the amazing success it is. She has been the woman behind the scenes making sure not only that all the group members got their feedback on work given to Millie during her hectic schedule, but also personally managed staying on top of things when I asked Millie to write all my letters of recommendation to graduate school, which I happily can say now that I will be pursuing. And of course, there's Grace, Oded, Georgii, Victor, and Ming, who all have made working with the Dresselhaus group feel like working for a family. Whether it was 5 answering questions I had regarding my research, or personally training me in SEM or transport measurements (yes Dr. Rabin you know who I am talking about), or just cheering me up when I was feeling overwhelmed, I will always remember how much of a pleasure it was to work with all of you. A major part of this work could not have succeeded without the contributions Joe Adario made to the carbon aerogel project. His work on the project with X-ray diffraction and elemental: analysis brought together parts of the project that otherwise may have not been brought together. I would like to give a special thanks to my parents and brother, who always comforted me on the telephone whenever I felt overwhelmed by MIT, and for their perrenial faith in my survival and success at this Institute. Last, but certainly not the least, I want to thank God, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, for blessing me not only with the most wonderful family at home, but also the most wonderful community of friends and colleagues at MIT. 6 Contents 1 Introduction 17 2 Structural, Spectroscopic, and Magnetic Properties Characterization of Doped CAs 2.1 2.2 19 Synthesis of Doped CAs ................. . . . . . . . 20 2.1.1 Synthesis of CAs ................ . . . . . . . 20 2.1.2 Ion-Exchange Method ............. . . . . . . . 20 Elemental analysis/X-Ray Diffraction .......... 22 . . . . . . . 2.3 Raman Spectroscopy ................... 30 . . . . . . . 2.3.1 G-band and D-band Analyses .......... 31 . . . . . . . 2.4 Magnetic Susceptibility .................. 37 3 Spectroelectrochemical Study of SWNTs 3.1 Synthesis of SWNTs: The Electric Arc Method 3.2 Previous Study Using H 2SO 4 As an Electrolyte 3.3 Results Using K2SO4 and HNO3 as Electrolytes 4 Structural Investigation of HTCFs 43 ............ ............ ............ 43 46 49 61 4.1 Synthesis of HTCFs ............................ 62 4.2 Rarnan Spectroscopy on HTCFs ..................... 62 5 Conclusions 69 5.1 Carbon Aerogels ............................ 5.2 Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 69 .................... 7 70 5.3 High Thermal Conductivity Graphitic Foams .............. 70 A EDAX Results for Co-doped CA 71 B EDAX Results for Fe-doped CA 75 C EDAX Results for K-doped CA 79 8 List of Figures 2-1 SEM picture of iron-doped CA heat-treated at 800° C. The CA sample was coated with 10 nm of gold prior to being investigated by SEM to prevent charge-up. As can be seen, nanoparticles and pores 10 nm in size were observed ...................................... 21 2-2 Scherrer-Debye experiment performed on CA sample doped with iron ions. Note that only amorphous carbon peaks are observed, indicating diffuse X-ray scattering but no diffraction peaks for an ordered crystal. The values on the abscissa are in units of degrees............ 23 2-3 Scherrer-Debye experiment performed on CA samples containing iron nanoparticles. The sample was heat-treated and carbonized at 1050° C. The values on the abscissa are in units of degrees ............ . 24 2-4 Scherrer-Debye experiment performed on CA samples containing cobalt nanoparticles. The sample was heat-treated and carbonized at 1050° C. The values on the abscissa are in units of degrees ............ . 25 2-5 Scherrer-Debye experiment performed on CA samples containing potassium nanoparticles. The sample was heat-treated and carbonized at 1050° C. The reason only amorphous carbon are observed, indicating diffuse X-ray scattering, is that potassium was too light an element to be resolved using the diffractometer used. The values on the abscissa are in units of degrees........................... 9 26 2-6 Scherrer-Debye experiment performed on CA sample doped with potassium ions. Note that only amorphous carbon peaks are observed, indicating diffuse X-ray scattering but no diffraction. The values on the abscissa are in inits of degrees ..................... ......... . 27 2-7 Scherrer-Debye experiment performed on CA sample doped with cobalt ions. The values on the abscissa are in units of degrees ....... .. . 28 2-8 Schematic depicting the Raman experimental apparatus used to acquire the data for all the Raman results in this thesis. Taken from the Renishaw website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2-9 Raman spectra for 3 CAs lacking in dopants undertaken in a previous study of CAs, with different densities. The D-band and G-band 33 features are labelled. Taken from [1]. ................. 2-10 Sample Raman spectrum taken of a Fe-doped CA, pyrolyzed at 800° C, with all the relevent features labelled ................. 34 2-11 Plots of the tiends in the D- and G- bands as a function of heattreatment temperature, juxtaposed with the corresponding modes for the undoped CAs. Also included is the Raman spectrum of an inhomogeneously doped sample. (Ru was the dopant in that sample). . 36 2-12 Magnetic susceptibility measurements at a steady field of 1000 gauss as temperature was varied from 5 K-300 K, for CA samples doped with 39 cobalt ions and cobalt nanoparticles ................... 2-13 Magnetic susceptibility measurements at a steady field of 1000 gauss as temperature was varied from 5 K-300 K, for CA samples doped with iron ions and iron nanoparticles 40 ..................... 2-14 Magnetic susceptibility measurements at a steady field of 1000 gauss as temperature was varied from 5 K-300 K, for CA samples doped with potassium ions and potassium nanoparticles ............. ...... . 41 3-1 Schematic of an electric arc generator that could be used to synthesize SWNTs. Motivated by an example depicted in [2]............ 10 45 3-2 A schematic depicting the density of states as a function of energy for metallic SWNTs. The spikes in the diagram are van-Hove singularities (vHSs) in the density of states (DOS). A photon with energy corresponding to that of the energy of the radiation being used as the excitation source excites electrons from the valence band (v) to the conduction band (c). An example of the different energy levels for a nanotube is given. For semiconducting SWNTs, the DOS level is zero in the energy range corresponding to the band gap between the first vHS in the conduction and valence bands ...................... . 47 3-3 A sample of a Kataura plot. On the ordinate are the transition energies, and on the ordinate are the nanotube diameters. This plot can be used to determine which nanotubes are accessed through a given laser excitation energy (i.e. whether the nanotubes that are in resonance with a given laser energy are metallic or semiconducting, and which electronic levels as indexed and depicted by Figure 3-2 .) ...... . 48 3-4 Raman spectra obtained from a Raman backscattering experiment performed using a SWNT film cast on a platinum surface in a 0.5 M H2 SO4 aqueous solution obtained at the applied potentials indicated, in the direction indicated by the arrow. The excitation radiation used was Eraser = 1.96 eV. An interesting feature to observe is that the Gband lineshape changes from a metallic lineshape (with a noninfinite, nonzero coupling constant q in the BWF function) at Vap = 0 to a less metallic lineshape with increasing Vap......................... . 50 3-5 Raman spectra obtained from a Raman backscattering experiment using a SWNT film cast on a platinum surface using a 0.5 M K2 SO4 aqueous solution obtained at the applied potentials indicated in the graph above, indicating this was a p-type doping process. The arrow indicates the direction of voltage application as the experiment proceeded, and the excitation radiation 11 was Elaser = 1.96 eV ........ 52 3-6 Raman spectra obtained from a Raman backscattering experiment using a SWNT film cast on a platinum surface using a 0.5 M K2 SO4 aqueous solution obtained at the applied potentials indicated in the graph above, indicating this was an n-type doping process. The arrow indicates the direction of voltage application as the experiment proceeded, and the excitation radiation was Elaser = 1.96 eV...... 53 3-7 Raman spectra obtained from a Raman backscattering experiment using a SWNT flm cast on a platinum surface using a 0.5 M HNO3 aqueous solution obtained at the applied potentials indicated in the graph above. The arrow indicates the direction of voltage application, and the excitation radiation was Elaser = 1.96 eV ............ 55 3-8 Wavenumber of the tangential G-band and for a SWNT film in different electrolyte media as a function of the applied potential for Elaser = 1.96 eV .................................................... 56 3-9 Wavenumber of the second-harmonic G'-band and for a SWNT film in different electrolyte media as a function of the applied potential for 57 Elaser = 1.96 eV .............................. 3-10 Wavenumber of RBMs for a SWNT film in different electrolyte media as a function of the applied potential for Elaser = 1.96 eV ....... . 58 3-11 Intensity (b) o RBMs for a SWNT film in different electrolyte media as a function cf the applied potential for Elaser = 1.96 eV. The RBM frequencies WR,3M occurred at - 185 cm-1 for K2 SO 4, and - 195 cm- 1 195 cm- ' for HNO3 , and H2 SO4 had two RBM frequencies located at and - 217 cm-1- .............................. 59 4-1 SEM picture of an HTCF synthesized using Mitsubishi ARA24 pitch as the base. This sample has a bulk density 0.54 g/cml3 ......... 12 63 4-2 A map indicating the direction we conducted the Raman sweeps. We first began at the left end of the horizontal arrow and swept to the right, then pursued the direction perpendicular to the first direction and swept down the plane ......................... 65 4-3 Raman microprobe picture taken of a suspected graphitic region of the same sample ............................................. 66 4-4 Raman microprobe picture taken of a suspected disordered region of the same sample ........................................... . 67 4-5 Raman spectra taken of two locations in the sample, in suspected graphitic and disordered regions. Note that the D-band intensity (located at 1300 cm -1 ) is much higher in region 11 (in our map corre- sponding to a disordered region) than in region 7 (in our map corresponding to a suspectedly graphitic region.) ............. ...... A-1 EDAX results for CA doped with cobalt ions ................... . 68 . 72 A-2 Continuation of EDAX results for CA doped with cobalt ions... 73 B-1 EDAX results for CA doped with iron ions............... 76 B-2 Continuation of EDAX results for CA doped with iron ions ...... 77 C-1 EDAX results for CA doped with potassium ions........... . 80 C-2 Continuation of EDAX results for CA doped with potassium ions. . . 81 13 .... 14 List of Tables 2.1 Results of nanocrystal width calculations ................ 29 2.2 38 Parameters for Samples With Simple Curie-like Behavior ........ 15 16 Chapter 1 Introduction A variety of novel carbon-based materials have been synthesized and engineered for a variety of applications. Many materials can be manufactured with the use of carbon either as a base or dopant, due to its electronic configuration of 2s22p2. Carbon nanotubes could be used in the design of supercapacitors and batteries, and can be either semiconducting or metallic.[2] Carbon aerogels (CAs), although poorly conducting if not nonconducting, have been proposed as a storing matrix for carbon nanotubes.[3] More importantly, doped CAs could be used to store charge, indicating a potential for use as electrodes in electrical devices such as supercapacitors and batteries.[3] Another novel type of carbon material investigated in this thesis is high thermal conductivity graphitic foam (HTCF). These foams have been synthesized and proposed for use in systems requiring efficient thermal management, such as in power plants and air conditioners.[4] Hence the structural and physical properties of these novel carbon materials are of interest not only for academic scientific questions, but also for practical engineering applications. The main techniques used for investigating the physical properties of the aforementioned novel carbon materials include Raman spectroscopy, transport measurements using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID), and compositional/elemental analysis utilizing x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The metal-loaded CAs were analyzed using Raman spectroscopy, XRD, and SQUID measurements, while the HTCFs and SWNTs were analyzed using 17 Raman spectroscopy. Chapter two gives an overview of and presents the results of the characterization studies on CAs. It begins with a description of the ion-exchange method used to synthesize the CAs and how the doping process was performed. It then presents the results of the characterization of the CAs by Raman experiments and SQUID measurements. Chapter three gives an overview of and presents the results of the spectroelectrochemical studies of SWI[Ts placed on an electrode and using different electrolytes. It presents evidence on shifting of van Hove singularities (vHs) in the electronic density of states and investigates the effect of both n-type and p-type doping on the different Raman spectroscopic features observed by applying an external potential. Chapter four gives an overview of and presents the results of the Raman experiments on HTCFs. The procedure for synthesizing HTCFs is described, and the results of Raman experiments conducted on HTCFs is presented. What is special about HTCFs is that no previous Raman study on HTCFs has yet been conducted. Chapter five restates the conclusions reached in the studies of each of the classes of novel-based carbon materials, and ties the different results together. 18 Chapter 2 Structural, Spectroscopic, and Magnetic Properties Characterization of Doped CAs In this chapter, the results of characterizing the structural, spectroscopic, and magnetic properties of doped CAs are reported. We begin by describing the synthesis of carbon aerogels, along with a description of the ion-exchange process through which the aerogels are doped with the metals in question. We then report on the Raman findings, followed by the magnetic susceptibility measurements made using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). My specific contributions to this project included acquiring and analyzing data regarding the Raman spectroscopy taken of the CAs, some SEM characterization of the CAs, and making magnetic susceptibility measurements of the CAs. I also analyzed the data acquired from all the measurements I took, as well as analyzing the data from the x-ray diffraction DebyeScherrer (20) experiments to determine nanocrystal width of the nanoparticles in the set of CA samples that were carbonized and heat-treated at 1050° C. CAs belong to a special class of low-density microcellular materials, and have a number of very interesting properties. CAs are cluster-assembled porous materials, and their microstructure consists of a conductive network of covalently bonded carbon nanoclusters, which are grains 3-25 nm in size. This network also gives rise to a 19 substructure containing mesopores 2-50 nm in size. (See Figure 2-1.) As a result, very low mass densities (0.1-0.6 g/cm 3 ) and extremely high surface areas (600800 g/cm 3 ) are achieved, but also associated with the materials morphology is a structural disorder, and as a consequence, one finds a high number of dangling bonds and defect states not oly on the surface, but also inside the grains.[1] Due to this unique microstructure, inserting metal species into CAs has been of interest not only to tailor the electrical properties of CAs, but to also possibly use CAs as a host for inserting SWNTs and other nanostructured forms of carbon.[3] We hence report on the effects of doping on the structural and magnetic properties of CAs. 2.1 2.1.1 Synthesis of Doped CAs Synthesis of CAs Traditionally, inorganic aerogels are formed through a process of hydrolysis and condensation of metal alkoxides such as tetra-methoxysilane. The resulting aerogel is then supercritically dried to form a highly porous structure with the properties described above. For aerogels whose base is synthesized via the aqueous polycondensation of resorcinol with formaldehyde (RF aerogels), the gels are supercritically dried at conditions of (To = 31°C, P = 7.4MPa), the critical point of carbon dioxide.[l] 2.1.2 Ion-Exchange Method After the CA is supercritically dried, it can be pyrolyzed at high heat-treatment temperatures and carbonized if nanoparticles of the dopants are to be achieved. The ion-exchange method begins with an ionic compound such as table salt (NaCl). A reaction is applied to the compound that ionizes it into anions and cations, and the desired species is then transferred into the inorganic aerogel after it has condensed and undergone hydrolysis. The CA is then supercritically dried, resulting in a highly porous structure. It is then pyrolyzed and carbonized if nanoparticles of the dopants are to be made. 20 Figure 2-1: SEM picture of iron-doped CA heat-treated at 800° C. The CA sample was coated with 10 nm of gold prior to being investigated by SEM to prevent chargeup. As can be seen, nanoparticles and pores 10 nm in size were observed. 21 2.2 Elemental analysis/X-Ray Diffraction X-ray elemental analysis was achieved using EDAX and the Scherrer-Debye (20) method and the measurements were conducted by Dr. Joe Adario at the X-Ray Diffraction laboratory of the MIT Center for Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE). The results of the Schrerrer-Debye experiments are presented in Figures 2-2 through 2-7, and the results of the EDAX findings are tabulated in the appendices. One set of CA samples were prepared for elemental analysis/X-ray diffraction measurements, and there was another set of CA samples doped with iron, cobalt, and potassium that were prepared for use in the SQUID measurements discussed in section 2.4. There were a total of six samples that were measured. One set was prepared via the ion-exchange method, and another set was also heat treated at 1050° C and carbonized, such that the sample then contained nanoparticles of the dopant. This was confirmed later via X-ray diffraction. For the samples heat-treated and then carbonized, diffraction peaks, corresponding to Miller planes, consistent with the selection rules of te crystal structure of the dopant were observed, indicating that there indeed were nlanoparticles of the dopants in the CA matrix. (See Figures 2-3, 2-4, and 2-5). This conclusion is consistent with there being no diffraction peaks otherwise for the samples containing dopants in the CA material except for the broad (002) feature for the disordered sp2 carbon structure associated with carbon aerogels. However, for the samples containing only ions inserted into the CA matrix via the ionexchange method, only broad peaks due to highly disordered carbon were observed. (See Figures 2-2, 2-6, and 2-7). The reason why sharp diffraction peaks were not observed in the CA sample containing potassium nanoparticles is that potassium is too light an element to be detected for X-ray diffraction peaks by the resolution of the XRD Debye-Scherrer system used in Dr. Joe Adario's lab.[5] The amorphous carbon peaks correspond to the broad (002) peaks associated with sp2 carbons. These results are consistent with the porous structure of CAs, where diffuse X-ray scattering is dominant, and no sharp diffraction peaks should occur. 22 [Z17655.RAW] TBF91 -CO I 250 200 150 I 0 0 oo U) __a100 C5 )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~k)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'F_'",- 50( 0 I 111111. I I I 10 I I 1 I. . I .. I 20 I I I I 1.1. I 30 I . . I . . . 1.1.1 I I 40 I I I I 1.1 . I 50 I . I . 1.51 . . I I I 60 I I I . .11 1 1 1.1.I I I 70 I I I I I 80 1.1.51 I I I I I 90 I I . I I 100 2-Theta( ) Figure 2-2: Scherrer-Debye experiment performed on CA sample doped with iron ions. Note that only amorphous carbon peaks are observed, indicating diffuse X-ray scattering but no diffraction peaks for an ordered crystal. The values on the abscissa are in units f degrees. 23 U: C- C C era )O 2-Theta( ) Figure 2-3: Scherrer-Debye experiment performed on CA samples containing iron nanoparticles. The sample was heat-treated and carbonized at 1050° C. The values on the abscissa are in units of degrees. 24 VI C 4- cr C .4- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2-Theta( ) Figure 2-4: Scherrer-Debye experiment performed on CA samples containing cobalt nanoparticles. The sample was heat-treated and carbonized at 1050° C. The values on the abscissa are in units of degrees. 25 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2-Theta( ) Figure 2-5: Scherrer-Debye experiment performed on CA samples containing potassium nanoparticles. The sample was heat-treated and carbonized at 1050° C. The reason only amorphous carbon are observed, indicating diffuse X-ray scattering, is that potassium was too light an element to be resolved using the diffractometer used. The values on the abscissa are in units of degrees. 26 [Z29009.RAW1 TFB91 -K SLOW SCAN _ IJ II 4C 1' 1l'1 C I) .m1 1. ¢ I C: a - C It!) II II I. "1I 1. I I. II 5S I r I I 'I -11 I . I I I-' 0 I I 10 I I II I I 20 I I 30 I II I I I 40 I II II 50 I II II III I 60 I 70 I II I I II 80 I II I I 90 I I I 100 2-Theta( ) Figure 2-6: Scherrer-Debye experiment performed on CA sample doped with potassium ions. Note that only amorphous carbon peaks are observed, indicating diffuse X-ray scattering but no diffraction. The values on the abscissa are in units of degrees. 27 'Z29010.RAW1 TFB91 -CO 4C I I I. III I 'i ¢4 1. 1L.1Hill I I I I I JJ1 11I I 1I' I 11111 IIIIIII11 III I 111 I1111111 I i-lI 171 Ig I I 5 II il I 11I1111l I I %,} -red ..................................... ......... 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Il I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I l I II 100 2-Theta( ) Figure 2-7: Scherrer-Debye experiment performed on CA sample doped with cobalt ions. The values on the abscissa are in units of degrees 28 Table 2.1: Results of nanocrystal width calculations. Nanoparticle Co Fe Lattice Constants a, c (A) FWHM B () 3.23 A 2.87 A 0.6 ° 20 51.6 ° 0.2° 43.6 ° () Lattice Spacing t (nm) 21.1 nm 54.3 nm The lattice constant of the nanocrystals of the dopant materials can be determined using Bragg's law of diffraction[6], nA = 2 dhkesinO, (2.1) where n is the order of diffraction (1 in our findings), A is the wavelength of the radiation used, and dhke is the interplanar spacing between two adjacent planes with Miller indices (hkf), and 0 is the diffraction angle. Since dhkl is related to the lattice edge in a cubic crystal, a, through a dhkl /h 2 + k 2 + £2 (2.2) For cobalt, which has a hexagonal close packed (hcp) structure, we keep in mind that the spacing between adjacent hexagonal cell layers c is given by c= a, (2.3) where a is the lattice constant.[6] The calculation for the lattice constant of Co was calculated using its atomic volume, obtained from a periodic table. We can also determine the nanocrystal size t through the Scherrer equation[4] 0.89A t t= Bcos(20)' B-'l)'(2.4) (2.4) where A is the X-ray wavelength that was used for the experiment (Ac,(Ko) = 1.5418 A)[5], B is the full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of the diffraction peak, and 20 is the diffraction angle of the peak. The results are summarized in Table 2.1. 29 2.3 Raman Spectroscopy The Raman experiments were performed using the back-scattered configuration depicted in Figure 2-8. A laser beam with a known wavelength serves as the excitation radiation source, and is directed and reflected via several mirrors directly onto the surface where the sample is placed. For optimal results, the surface of the sample to be analyzed should be as smooth as possible. If the sample is bulky (such as a CA or HTCF), the laser beam should be directed perpendicular to the sample surface. Incoming photons from the incident excitation radiation then backscatter off the lattice sites in the sample, and the backscattered laser beam is reflected via a mirror through a notch filter into an air-cooled charged coupled device detector. A photodiode then counts the backscattered photons with energies corresponding to wavenumber shifts in the 0 - 3000 cm - 1 range, and a sample Raman spectrum is depicted in Fig 2-10. The different features associated with the spectrum are explained below. CA samples, doped with iron and ruthenium and pyrolyzed at heat treatment temperatures of 800°C and 1050°C, were placed on a glass slide. The 514.5 nm (2.41 eV) line from an air-cooled Ar+-ion laser was used as the excitation radiation, and a lOX objective was used to focus the laser beam on the sample. The scattered light was measured with an air-cooled charged coupled device (CCD) detector. The observed features included the disorder-induced D-mode (located at and the tangential stretching G-mode (located at - 1580 cm-'). - 1350 cm-1 ), A sample Raman spectrum is shown in Figure 2-10, with the aforementioned features described. A standard Raman spectrum has the intensity of the backscattered light in counts on the ordinate, and the Raman shift is measured in units of cm -1 on the abscissa. As a result of energy and momentum conservation, signals should be observed at locations on the abscissa corresponding to phonon vibrational modes corresponding to the aforementioned wavenumbers. Furthermore, Raman signals occur when the difference between the incident eergy Elaser and the backscattered light energy is in resonance with the energy corresponding to the aforementioned vibrational shifts, and hence Lorentzian lineshapes should be observed. However, there is one exception to this 30 rule, and that is associated with the G-band mode associated with metallic nanotubes. Since the energy bands of metals are partially filled according to band theory, there is an interaction with the energy associated with the filling of the electron states, and hence there is a coupling and resulting asymmetry in the G-band lineshape (see Chapter 3). The resulting lineshape is described by the Breit-Wigner-Fano function, given by I:0 1 + 2(w-wo)]2 q + [2(w-WO)]2' 1 (2.5) (2.5) where Io is the maximum intensity, w0 is the resonant frequency, w is the probe frequency, F is the full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) intensity, and q is a coupling constant.[I] Note that in the limit q - oo, the BWF form reduces to a Lorentzian, as should be the case for semiconducting nanotubes and other non-metallic materials. The Ranman experiments were conducted on a total of 4 samples. Two of them were doped with ruthenium and were subsequently pyrolyzed at heat-treatment temperatures of 800° C and 1050° C after supercritical drying, and the other two were doped with iron and pyrolyzed at the same heat-treatment temperatures after supercritical drying. All the samples were prepared via the ion-exchange method described above. 2.3.1 G-band and D-band Analyses Previous Ramnan studies on CAs have also observed the ubiquitous G-band and Dband modes. (See Figure 2-9). A juxtaposition of the Raman features observed in past studies on pure CAs with the corresponding Raman features observed in this study is presented in Figure 2-11. Appreciable frequency shifts were observed. Notably, the frequencies of both the D-modes and G-modes in CAs doped with donor species are less than those found in pure CAs. While no conclusive information about the bonds can be drawn from the D-band alone, information on the spring constant based on the spring lattice model for a solid can be gained from the G-band information. We note that the frequency of the G-band in doped CAs is less than that in undoped CAs. This illustrates that the charge introduced into the aerogel by the donor metal 31 · I U 7 1 Notc h filter 1I Figure 2-8: Schematic depicting the Raman experimental apparatus used to acquire the data for all the Ramnan results in this thesis. Taken from the Renishaw website. 32 300.0 i-o3 z 200.0 cd C) Z U -- 100.0 n. O O. O 1400.0 1600.0 RAMAN SHIFT (CM-') 1800.0 Figure 2-9: Raman spectra for 3 CAs lacking in dopants undertaken in a previous study of CAs, with different densities. The D-band and G-band features are labelled. Taken from [1]. 33 Raman Spectrum of Fe-doped CA at THT=8 0 0 C I UUUU 9000 8000 7000 Cn C 0 6000 a) 5000 .a) CL 4000 0 O 3000 2000 1000 n -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Raman Shift (cm- 2500 3000 3500 1) Figure 2-10: Sample Raman spectrum taken of a Fe-doped CA, pyrolyzed at 800° C, with all the relevent features labelled. 34 4000 45, decreases the effective spring constant between the nearest neighbor carbon atoms. This means that in the presence of a charged dopant species, the covalent bonds between nearest neighbor carbon atoms in an aerogel will weaken. This behavior is consistent with donor doping of carbon materials where electrons are transferred from the dopant to the carbon host.[7] There is another very noteworthy feature in Figure 2-11. In the Ru-doped CA sample, the G-band feature seems to have separated into two components, which I shall denote as G+ and G-, corresponding to the higher and lower frequencies, respectively. This can be explained by the fact that in an inhomogeneously doped sample, different amounts of charge transfer can occur between regions in the sample that are rich in the dopant and regions in the sample that are poor in the dopant. Hence, we argue that regions that are rich in ruthenium would have frequencies close to WG- since the doping effect is stronger in those regions, while regions that are poor in ruthenium would have frequencies closer to WG+ since the doping effect is not as strong in those regions. The next feature to consider is the effect that the heat-treatment temperature seems to have on the different features. No modes seem to be appreciably affected by a higher heat-treatment temperature, with the exception of a trend observed in the G+ and G- bands for the same dopant. We note that the Raman measurements themselves are made at room temperature and not while the heat-treatment process is being carried out. The higher heat-treatment temperature may result in an increase in the size of the metal nanoparticles. When the nanoparticles increase in size, the electrons that had been released by the ions are returned to the metal nanoparticles which will upshift the carbon G-band as the carbon host material loses electrons. As a result, nearest-neighbor carbon covalent bonds are strengthened by the effect of higher heat-treatment temperature. However, this behavior was observed for the Ru-doped CA but not for the Fe-doped CA. 35 D-band Frequency for Fe-doped CA ' 1360 E >' 1350 I v I I I I D-mode for CA w/out dopant _ - ca) a) I cm1 1340 D-mode1.337 1334 1350 cm -1 O cm IU 1330 "O 0 E I 1320 7!50 I I 800 850 I I 900 THT ( C) 950 I I 1000 1050 G-band Freauencv for Fe-dooed CA I" G-band G-band for CA w/out dopant G-mode E ) o 1600 _ I'1605 cm -1 O 1588 cm - 1 a) 1E586 cm-' I m I i Q) 1100 U 1580 a) "0 0 E I _ E 1560 X7 00 750 850 THc) 800 950c 1000 1050 1100 G+/G- Mode Frenuencies for Ru-doned CA - 1600 1591 cm - E o G+-mod >, 1580 C 0 _ 6- 1 a) -I - 1560 _ U t554 cm-1 U. -u 1554 cm - t rAn/ 70 0 1 I 750 800 850 HT C) 950 1000 1050 Figure 2-11: Plots of the trends in the D- and G- bands as a function of heat-treatment temperature, juxtaposed with the corresponding modes for the undoped CAs. Also included is the Raman spectrum of an inhomogeneously doped sample. (Ru was the dopant in that sample). 36 1100 2.4 Magnetic Susceptibility Magnetic susceptibility measurements using the SQUID are presented in Figures 212 through 2-14. A scan of the effective moment was carried out by measuring the magnetic moment as a function of temperature in the range of 5 K-300 K in 5 K increments, in an environment with a steady field of 1,000 gauss. For all of the CA samples prepared that do not contain nanoparticles of the dopants, Curie-like behavior is observed at low temperatures. However, for the samples containing nanoparticles of the dopants, the x(T) (magnetic susceptibility) results differ substantially from simple Curie-like behavior. The CA sample containing potassium nanoparticles demonstrates Curie-like behavior as well, with the exception that the effective magnetic moment is much weaker than was the case with the CA sample doped with potassium ions. This can be explained best by a sharp drop in the magnetization of the materials as the materials crystallize. However, this was not the case with the other samples. The results for the potassium nanoparticles contain trends that could be a superposition of the trends for the samples doped with the nanoparticles of the other dopants. A possible explanation for this is that not all the ions became nanoparticles as the CA was pyrolyzed and carbonized. A Curie analysis was also applied to the set of data below 50 K, since the X(T) versus T behavior resembled that of a simple Curie-like magnet. Although potassium is diamagnetic, the reason why simple Curie-like behavior was observed at all in the CAs doped with potassium ions and nanoparticles is that the EDAX findings (see the appendix), indicate the presence of both cobalt and iron in the sample. Since the concentrations of these substances are on the order of - f/g/g, the magni- tude of the effective moment is much less than the corresponding moments of the CA samples that demonstrate simple Curie-like behavior containing other dopants. For materials which exhibit Curie-like behavior, the following functional fitting form for magnetic susceptibility X as a function of temperature applies, X(T) Xo + (T 37 C (2.6) Table 2.2: Parameters for Samples With Simple Curie-like Behavior. Dopant Co ions Fe ions K ions K Nanoparticles Xo(emu/g) (-4.78 ± 3.29) x 10 - 3 (3.57 ± 1.09) x 10-3 0.03) x l0 - 4 (-4.58 (3.29 ± 3.39) x 10 - 4 C (emu.K/g) (2.29 ± 0.10) (1.04 ± 0.03) (9.16 ± 0.34) x 0- 4 (9.26 ± 0.82) x 10-2 where Xo is a diamagnetic background susceptibility in enmu/g (which should be negative for sp2 carbon substances. I] 0 is a parameter with units of temperature, a is a fitting parameter, and C is the Curie constant.[1] Furthermore, at low temperatures and low magnetic fields, the expression for C is given by (7~~~(-' Jo = A 92 2 NvY 2J) JoA where g ~ 2 is the Lande g-factor, kB = 1.38 x 10 - 1 6 AB a 00 xl-ae-dx ( kB ) /o (1 + 3e-x) = 9.23 x 10-21 (2-7-- (2.7) 2' erg/gauss is the Bohr magneton, erg/K is the Boltzmann constant, Nv is the carbon atom density per mole, A is the molar weight for carbon, and y is the number of spins per atom. [1] However, for the materials that exhibit Curie-like behavior, the above form for the susceptibility verses absolute temperature reduces to the simple Curie-law in the case 0 = 0 K and = 1. In order to relate form conclusive results about how the free carrier concentration in the doped CAs differs from that of the previous study on pure CAs[1], a better understanding of the material needs to be attained and further work is needed with this analysis. For the CA sample doped with cobalt nanoparticles, the increasing effective moment with increasing temperature can be best explained by ordered magnetization occurring which was facilitated by a larger crystal, as determined from the nanocrystal width calculations of Table 2.1. The behavior associated with the CA sample containing iron nanoparticles can be explained by iron's ferromagnetism. The effective moment seems to approach an asymptotic value, and this is consistent with the quenching effect in ferromag38 CAs Doped with Cobalt Ions 0.03 0.025 E a) 0.02 4, E 0.015 0 2 a) 0.01 Q-) .2 .J 0.005 n1 v 0 50 100 150 Temperature 200 (K) 250 300 35( 250 300 35( CAs Doped with Cobalt Nanoparticles U.Z4 E r 0.22 C a) E 0 0.2 ., , 0. 18 0 0.16 0 50 100 150 200 Temperature (K) Figure 2-12: Magnetic susceptibility measurements at a steady field of 1000 gauss as temperature was varied from 5 K-300 K, for CA samples doped with cobalt ions and cobalt nanoparticles. 39 CAs doped with Iron Ions 0.01 -- a) c-) E O 0) 0.008 0.006 0.004 0 ci) rn 0.002 0 0 53 100 150 200 Temperature (K) 250 300 35( 250 300 35( CAs doped with Iron Nanoparticles 0.0485 0.048 E C a) - c Q) E O Q1) .>_ 0.0475 0.047 0.0465 O QP) ,.,- 0.046 0.0455 0 50 100 150 200 Temperature (K) Figure 2-13: Magnetic susceptibility measurements at a steady field of 1000 gauss as temperature was varied from 5 K-300 K, for CA samples doped with iron ions and iron nanoparticles 40 CAs Doped with Potassium Ions x 10 - -1.6 3 -1.8 E -2 C a) E o -2.2 a) ,-0 -2.4 a,) LU -26R 1-2 R 0 50 100 Temperature 1.4 150 250 200 (K) CAs Doped With Potassium Nanoparticles x 10 - 1.2 a) 1 E 0.8 0 a) a, LU 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 Temperature (K) 250 300 Figure 2-14: Magnetic susceptibility measurements at a steady field of 1000 gauss as temperature was varied from 5 K-300 K, for CA samples doped with potassium ions and potassium nanoparticles 41 350 netic materials. This is because since ferromagnetic materials retain their "history" of magnetization, so they can become saturated with magnetization after a certain temperature. This is consistent with the x-ray diffraction calculations in Table 2.1 indicating that the iron nanoparticles are smaller, so a smaller temperature is needed to saturate the material. 42 Chapter 3 Spectroelectrochemical Study of SWNTs Conducting Raman experiments on SWNTs using electrochemical techniques has a number of purposes. Investigating charge transfer is one such purpose. In this chapter, the effect of charge introduction to SWNTs by use of an externally applied potential is studied on a number of different metal surfaces. Also, evidence is presented for shifting the van Hove singularities in the density of states through use of an applied external potential to change the Fermi level (EF). Similarly,this study contrasts the results conducted using p-type electrochemical doping (removal of electrons), and ntype electrochemical doping (addition of electrons). All experiments were performed by Professor Paola Corio of the Instituto de Quimica at Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil. I was involved in the analysis of the different Raman features of the resulting spectra, with a special emphasis on the behavior of the Raman features with respect to the different electrolytes. 3.1 Synthesis of SWNTs: The Electric Arc Method The SWNTs used in this spectroelectrochemical analysis were prepared via the electric arc discharge method. [2] To grow single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), catalytic particles are needed for the reaction to take place if isolated, but they are not necessary 43 if bundles of SWNTs are grown. Common catalysts include transition metals such as cobalt, nickel, and iron.[2] A schematic for an apparatus used to prepare SWNTs via this method is depicted in Figure 3-1. Typically, a voltage of -20-25 V is applied across the electrodes, with an electric current of -- 50-120 A DC. Also, the arc is typically kept in a chamber under pressure conditions of a diameter of 500 torr He. The carbon rod electrodes initially installed usually have 5-20 mm. As the voltage is applied and the synthesis procedure is initiated, the carbon rod serving as the anode decreases in length, and the carbon material constituting the anode goes towards serving as the base for the growth of SWNTs, which are subsequently deposited on the anode. As the deposit grows, the SWNTs form bundles whose primary axes align more or less along the direction of current flow. The bundles on the anode are surrounded by a shell consisting of amorphous carbon ad carbon nanoparticles. To get the most efficient yield of SWNTs aligned along te current direction, the synthesis chamber needs to be cooled, and a typical flow rate for cooling is -5-15 mL/s. As stated earlier, a catalyst is needed to grow the individual SWNTs in. While the lengths of resulting synthesized SWNTs all are on the order of -- 1 pm, the resulting diameter distribution of the synthesized SWNTs follow, to best approximation, a Gaussian distribution. The reason why it is not a Gaussian distribution as predicted by the central limit theorem is that not all diameters are possible; the diameters are restricted to the metallicity and the values indexing the translation vector in the primitive cell of the graphite honeycomb lattice. There have been several methods used to calculate the diameter distribution of the synthesized SWNTs. The SWNTs in this study, as well as those used in a previous spectroelectrochemical study alluded to in this chapter, were determined to have a diameter distribution o dt = (1.25 ± 0.20) nm using Pimnenta's method.[ 8] 44 To PunT Gas Inlet ]1~ rough Window Figure 3-1: Schematic of an electric arc generator that could be used to synthesize SWNTs. Motivated by an example depicted in [2]. 45 3.2 Previous Study Using H2 SO4 As an Electrolyte This spectroelectrochemical study also relied on data and results acquired from a previous spectroelectro(hemical study on SWNTs described in Paolaet. al..[9]Raman spectra of an SWNT film cast on a platinum surface in H2 SO4 aqueous solution obtained at applied potentials in the range of Vap = 0.0- 1.3 V are presented in Figure 3-4. The spectra were taken with a laser excitation energy of Elaser = 1.96 eV. The Raman experiments for this study were performed using the back-scattered configuration described in Chapter 2. The 632.8 nm (1.96 eV) line from an aircooled Ar+-ion laser was used as the excitation radiation, and a 80X objective was used to focus the laser beam on the sample. This specific laser line was chosen so that the resonance window for the radial breathing modes (RBMs) could be accessed for metallic SWNTs. The transition energies Eii, where i = 1,2,3... between the valence and conduction bands that correspond to energy differences associated with van Hove singularities in the density of states, can be examined using a Kataura plot of Eii vs. nanotube diameter, d, an example of which is given in Figure 3-3. This Kataura plot is based on upon tight-binding calculations applied to transition energies corresponding to energy differences between van Hove singularities, and a predicted theoretical result is that the RBM frequency for an isolated SWNT is related to the nanotube diameter through the relation[2] RBM = - dt where WRBMA (3.1) is the radial breathing mode frequency, a is a constant determined experimentally to be 248 nm-cm -1 for isolated SWNTs sitting on a Si/SiO 2 substrate. The scattered light was measured with an air-cooled charged coupling device (CCD). Raman spectra obtained from a Raman backscattering experiment performed at an excitation energy of Elaser= 1.96 eV using a SWNT film cast on a platinum surface in a 0.5 M H2 SO4 aqueous solution are depicted in Figure 3-4, along with an arrow indicating the direction the applied potential was changed, in increments of 0.1 V. In addition to the disorder-inducedD-band (-- 1300cm-1 ), the tangential stretching G46 Densit Of States Filled States Figure 3-2: A schematic depicting the density of states as a function of energy for metallic SWNTs. The spikes in the diagram are van-Hove singularities (vHSs) in the density of states (DOS). A photon with energy corresponding to that of the energy of the radiation being used as the excitation source excites electrons from the valence band (v) to the conduction band (c). An example of the different energy levels for a nanotube is given. For semiconducting SWNTs, the DOS level is zero in the energy range corresponding to the band gap between the first vHS in the conduction and valence bands. 47 Kataura Plot 5) I dt (nm) Figure 3-3: A sample of a Kataura plot. On the ordinate are the transition energies, and on the ordinate are the nanotube diameters. This plot can be used to determine which nanotubes are accessed through a given laser excitation energy (i.e. whether the nanotubes that are in resonance with a given laser energy are metallic or semiconducting, and which electronic levels as indexed and depicted by Figure 3-2 .) 48 band ( 1580 cm-1), and the G'-band ( of the D-band ( 2630 cm- 1 ), which is the second harmonic 2630 cm- 1 ), which were observed in Raman spectra performed on CAs, we observe radial breathing modes (RBMs) located in the low frequency end of the spectra. It should be noted that since the laser excitation line of 1.96 eV was used for resonance with metallic nanotubes with diameters in the approximate range (1.20 nm < dt < 1.35 nmni),as indicated by the Kataura plot(see Figure 3-3), the application of a positive electrochemical potential decreases the SWNT electron carrier density, since EF is decreased by this process. In the process of increasing Vp in Figure 3-3, note that there is a substantial increase i the G-band frequency as Vp is measured from Vap=0.8 V to 1.2 V, indicating that a van Hove singularity (vHS) in the density of states was hit, thereby depleting electrons from this state. This is because for metallic nanotubes, the DOS has a non-zero value in the band gap, and hence there is an emptying of states as Vap is increased. As soon as a vHS is passed, there is a large increase in the number of states that are emptied. (See Figure 3-2). 3.3 Results Using K2 SO4 and HNO3 as Electrolytes An important experimental detail that distinguishes the present study from the previous study using H2SO4 as the electrolyte is that in this study, when K2 SO4 was used as the electrolyte, both p-type doping (anodic polarization) and rn-type doping (cathodic polarization) phenomena can be studied. This enabled us to detect a shift in the van Hove singularity (vHS) since the response seen in the spectra between empty and filled vHSs revealed an asymmetry leading us to this conclusion. The difference can be seen in Figures 3-5 and 3-6, which correspond to anodic polarization (p-type doping), and cathodic polarization (n-type doping), respectively. This kind of experiment was particularly important to carry out since one vital fact about electrochemistry is that the electrochemical potential is not equal to EF due to the fact that simply placing a sample on a metal surface containing an electrolyte offsets the point in the DOS vs. EF diagram where VQ = 0, which would normally lie midway between the valence and conduction bands in the absence of the electrochenmicalinteraction 49 I ., C 4i C2 5X 1000 1500 2W 2500 Raman Shift (cm') Figure 3-4: Raman spectra obtained from a Raman backscattering experiment performed using a SWNT film cast on a platinum surface in a 0.5 M H2 SO4 aqueous solution obtained at the applied potentials indicated, in the direction indicated by the arrow. The excitation radiation used was Elaser = 1.96 eV. An interesting feature to observe is that the G-band lineshape changes from a metallic lineshape (with a noninfinite, nonzero coupling constant q in the BWF function) at Vap = 0 to a less metallic lineshape with increasing Vap. 50 between the nanotube and a surface or environment that can transfer charge. An additional feature observed in the Raman spectra acquired using HNO3 as the electrolyte is the consistent appearance of a peak at 1043 cm -1 , resulting from the presence of the nitrate ions in the electrolyte. (See Figure 3-7). The nitrate signal could also be used as a "normalization factor" if an intensity analysis is desired. The transition from a more metallic to less metallic lineshape in the tangential G-mode is observed, as was the case with the Raman spectra from the other electrolytes, and this is further discussed when comparing the features from the other electrolytes. The similarity between the spectra in the electrolytes containing sulfate ions is quite clear. Other interesting features include the appearance of 3 RBM frequencies, whose trends in intensity are illustrated in Figures 3-10 and 3-11. In the K2 S0 4 media, the changes in G-band frequency (see Figure 3-8) show a charge transfer of electrons for negative potentials (below - 0.4V) while for positive potentials, hole charge transfer above +0.6V occurs. The energy between - 0.4V and + 0.6V may correspond to the region of constant DOS, while the energy below - 0.4V may correspond to filling states in the conduction band (since negative potentials are n-type doping) and above 0.6V to emptying of states in the valence band (since positive potentials are p-type doping). In the nitrate media, a significant upshift of the G-band frequency occurs for more positive potentials as compared to the sulfate media. A similar behavior is seen when we analyze the dependence of the G-band frequency on Vap, depicted in Figure 3-7. The upshift of the G-band indicates p-type doping. The G' behavior of H2 SO4 and K 2 SO4 is quite similar, but it is different for HNO 3 . While the slopes of WG versus Vap in Figure 3-8 are very similar for H 2 SO4 and K2 SO4 , in the HNO3 media the significant upshift of this band with increasing applied potential only starts for Vp > 0.8 V. For positive applied potentials, holes are introduced in the density of states of nanotubes, and anions intercalate. This would account for the similar behavior observed in H2 SO4 and K2SO 4 , as compared to HNO3 : sulfate anions might intercalate easier than nitrate ions into SWNTs bundles, and a more effective charge transfer takes place in the sulfate media. Intercalation is the process by which ions occupy sites in the media of the electrolyte 51 A IL 3 1% >1 P W E C: P Ramnn 5hift (cmn-1) Figure 3-5: Raman spectra obtained from a Raman backscattering experiment using a SWNT film cast on a platinum surface using a 0.5 M K2 SO4 aqueous solution obtained at the applied potentials indicated in the graph above, indicating this was a p-type doping process. The arrow indicates the direction of voltage application as the experiment proceeded, and the excitation radiation was Elaser= 1.96 eV. 52 'E r- Raman ShiW (m-i) Figure 3-6: Raman spectra obtained from a Raman backscattering experiment using a SWNT film cast on a platinum surface using a 0.5 M K 2 SO 4 aqueous solution obtained at the applied potentials indicated in the graph above, indicating this was an n-type doping process. The arrow indicates the direction of voltage application as the experiment proceeded, and the excitation radiation was Elaser 1.96 eV. 53 in question as Vap is increased. Also, more generally, anions with higher oxidation numbers might intercala;e easier than ions with lower oxidation numbers into SWNT bundles, if charge transfer (related to charge per unit time per mole in an oxidation reaction) is considered in the reaction describing the oxidation of SWNT bundles. 54 I h aD e11) E 13 Raman Shift (cm') Figure 3-7: Raman spectra obtained from a Raman backscattering experiment using a SWNT film cast on a platinum surface using a 0.5 M HNO3 aqueous solution obtained at the applied potentials indicated in the graph above. The arrow indicates the direction of voltage application, and the excitation radiation was Elaser = 1.96 eV. 55 a - r.1-,- II I El,^ .: :-P - 1 .beY I I - AL e' e-1I ::1 I i M 3 1, - - -1D-D II II II II II Ir-r- - - -DI . - - - - - - - - - - DD D2DA .sil - - - - - - - - - DI DZ ID 1 ~na - 1 - - - 1 ) Figure 3-8: Wavenumber of the tangential G-band and for a SWNT film in different electrolyte media as a function of the applied potential for Elaser= 1.96 eV. 56 . -' n im · E E I2~ ci no , -1D . , -i I . I DPi I I -4D27 ' I I I I I I - I D2 DA DS D: DD I I I I I 12 I 1 Ap 0 le d Pde O I (Y) Figure 3-9: Wavenumber of the second-harmonic G'-band and for a SWNT film in different electrolyte media as a function of the applied potential for Elaser = 1.96 eV. 57 - 215 - 4.m -* R I IL -AMd 71D IIM L 2D. .' AlI 1s. "B ,.E V U.- .,- -L. I m Ii --- .... - - - - - - - - - - -- - -' -I -' -I -' -I -' -I -I -I - I - -' -I . I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I Db DZ 1D 12 1 D4 02 D.D DDA -1D .'-DB 1 RnU1 ApNd Figure 3-10: Wavenumber of RBMs for a SWNT film in different electrolyte media as a function of the applied potential for Elaser = 1.96 eV. 58 - 1 - - v says) _*_ Wc ( Man' 2 i 7 OYP) -41.- isSan) a qMd ( '., -43- q 90d ( 20d ( 96 eV 1 De In i D2 DD- . I - I I -1D -DZ-DB I . I I . I I -DD.2 . I I DD - a I D -_ I I D . I I D . I I DZ . I I ID . ff I 1 . I I 1 - I I 1D plled 1rMA M Figure 3-11: Intensity (b) of RBMs for a SWNT film in different electrolyte media as a function of the applied potential for Elaser = 1.96 eV. The RBM frequencies WRBAI occurred at 185 cm-1 for K 2 SO4 , and 195 cm - for HNO3 , and H 2 SO4 had two RBM frequencies located at - 195 cm ' and 217 cm-1 . 59 60 Chapter 4 Structural Investigation of HTCFs The material background for high thermal conductivity graphitic foams (HTCFs) was motivated by pitch-based carbon foams, which in the past have been used as structural skeletons for strong materials such as plexiglass. However, the main application of pitch-based carbon foams in recent years has been as a thermal management material, and this shift towards a thermal management material application for pitch-based carbon foams has gained in importance. The main properties sought in synthesizing materials for thermal management systems are high thermal conductivity, low weight, low coefficient of thermal expansion, and low cost. HTCFs fall into this category for materials, especially with regard to their high thermal conductivity per unit volume. Systems which are the best possible candidates for HTCFs applications include air conditioners and nuclear reactors. [4] The purpose of investigating HTCFs by using Raman spectroscopy was to gain a fundamental understanding about why HTCFs are such good thermal conductors and to verify what TEM and SEM studies had already indicated based on structural studies. HTCFs appear to have two classes of regions. One region is highly graphitic, while the intersections of pores in the HTCF samples are highly disordered(see Fig 4-1). The highly graphitic regions are believed to form a percolation netwok allowing an easy phonon conduction path. Raman spectroscopy performed on the disordered cm- 1 ) intensity (because the D-band is sites should yield a high D-band (1300 disorder-induced) and a lower D-band intensity when graphitic regions are examined. 61 Furthermore, this study enables us to better understand the relation between the D-band and its second-order harmonic, the G'-band ( 2650 cm- 1 ). My specific contribution to this project included assisting graduate student Eduardo Barros in conducting Raman experiments, and discussing the results with him. 4.1 Synthesis of HTCFs The HTCF samples in this study were prepared by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) using two types of mesophase pitches, Mitsubishi ARA24 and Conoco Dry Mesophase. The synthesis procedure begins with carbonizing and pyrolyzing a mesophase pitch at 1000°C, and graphitizing the resulting material at 2800°C. The mesophase pitches could best be described as interconnected networks of graphitic ligaments. The graphitization heating rates for the samples ranged from 0.5°C/min to 15°C/min, and hence the resulting densities of the HTCFs range from 0.2-0.6 g/cm 3 , and the average diameters of the pores in the HTCF samples range from 275-350 Pm for the ARA24-derived foams, and from 60-90 pm for the Conoco-derived foams.[4] According to findings from x-ray analysis performed by Dr. James Klett of ORNL, the HTCFs consist of graphitic webs with an average interplanar spacing of (002) graphitic planes of do00 2 = 3.355A, corresponding to the average interlayer spacing, stack heights of up to - 80 nm, and crystallite sizes up to 20 nm.[4] Furthermore, thermal conductivity measurements indicate that the thermal conductivity of the resulting HTCFs ranges from 40-150 W/m.K. To give a sense of scale, it should be noted that these thermal conductivities were more than six times greater than those of solid copper.[4] 4.2 Raman Spectroscopy on HTCFs Raman spectra taken of two regions of a HTCF are depicted in Figure 4-5. The Raman spectra obtained from a Raman backscattering experiment performed at an excitation energy of Elaser= 1.58 eV. A 50X objective was used to focus the laser 62 1-2 owl 60 ILm Figure 4-1: SEM picture of an HTCF synthesized using Mitsubishi ARA24 pitch as the base. This sample has a bulk density 0.54 g/cm3 . 63 beam on the sample. The scattered light was measured with an air-cooled charged coupled device (CCD). The observed features included the disorder-induced D-mode (located at 1320 cm-'), and the tangential stretching G-mode (located at - 1580 cm-1 ). In addition, the second harmonic of the D-band, the G' band, was observed. The interesting D-band result observed was that there was a sharp increase in the D-band intensity when the incident laser beam was incident upon a suspected disordered region which had previously been observed (see Figure 4-4) in contrast to when a suspected graphitic region was observed (see Figure 4-3). No frequency shifts for any of the features were observed, however. A sweep was performed, whose map- ping is illustrated in Figure 4-2. The position in the sample in the horizontal sweep shown in the picture begins at position and terminates at position 9. The sweep taken perpendicular to the horizontal sweep begins at position 10 and terminates at position 12. While there was a sharp increase in D-band intensity as the two different position scans were measured, there was no increase in G'-band intensity. However, the asymmetrical shape of the G' peak, which was fitted to a superposition of two Lorentzian lineshapes, has previously been observed in other forms of graphite. Also, an asymmetry in the G-band is observed in the same location that an asymmetry in the G'-band is observed. The feature located at - 1611 cm - 1 grows in intensity as the D-band grows in intensity. The asymmetry in the G'-band in graphite has been previously been explained as a result of the intraplanar interaction between two adjacent planes of graphite associated its hcp structure. 10] 64 Figure 4-2: A map indicating the direction we conducted the Raman sweeps. We first began at the left end of the horizontal arrow and swept to the right, then pursued the direction perpendicular to the first direction and swept down the plane. 65 Figure 4-3: Raman microprobe picture taken of a suspected graphitic region of the same sample. 66 Figure 4-4: Raman microprobe picture taken of a suspected disordered region of the same sample. 67 7 7 157 0D1i1 3 - I ntensity Intensity EM(a.u,) (au.) B1319 1611 // N u- - - - . a1 , 11,1)0 - . . . . l.TO 166 . . 176 . Raman Shft (cm-') Raman Shift (cm-') Am ALU 2O Intensity (au.) Intensity (au.) IMD 110 aIZI TO 20 a; Zoo 3M Raman Shft (cm-1) Raman Shift (m-') Figure 4-5: Raman spectra taken of two locations in the sample, in suspected graphitic 1300 cm-1 ) is and disordered regions. Note that the D-band intensity (located at much higher in region il (in our map corresponding to a disordered region) than in region 7 (in our map corresponding to a suspectedly graphitic region.) 68 Chapter 5 Conclusions We have used X-ray scattering, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and SQUID measurements to investigate the physical properties of three classes of novel carbonbased materials; carbon aerogels (CAs), single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), and high thermal conductivity graphitic foams (HTCFs). The conclusions reached in each of the chapters are summarized below. 5.1 Carbon Aerogels We have determined from X-ray diffraction that doped CA samples that are pyrolyzed and carbonized at high heat-treatment temperature containing nanoparticles of the dopants whose crystal sizes are on the order of angstroms (A) and whose widths are on the order of - 10 nm. X-ray diffraction measurements also reveal that the base contains amorphous carbon, as reinforced by our findings of a porous structure in the CA matrix from SEM measurements. Raman experiments indicate that in the presence of doping with a donor species, the nearest neighbor carbon (C-C) covalent bonds are weakened. Ranman measurements also indicate that, in the presence of Ru, C-C bonds n-maybe strengthened if the CAs are pyrolyzed at higher heat-treatment temperature. Magnetic susceptibility analysis indicates that carbon aerogels doped with ions exhibit a decrease in absolute value of diamagnetic background value. 69 5.2 Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes We have determined, using a spectroelectrochemical study of SWNTs, that the the Fermi level (EF) is shifted through the use of an applied external potential. We also determined that different electrolytes affect the charge transfer differently in that anions of electrolytes with higher oxidation numbers intercalate more easily than anions with lower oxida:ion numbers into SWNT bundles. 5.3 High Thermal Conductivity Graphitic Foams We found that Raman spectra, acquired from interfoam regions consisting of disrupted junctions, have a much higher disorder-induced D-band intensity in comparison to the corresponding D-band intensity from weblike regions consisting of highly-aligned filaments, as expected. We also observed asymmetry in the tangential stretching Gband and second order G'-band lineshapes in regions of the sample where the D-band intensity is relatively large. The asymmetry in the G'-band in graphite traditionally has been explained by a doublet structure obtained from a lineshape analysis where the additional spectral feature is identified by an intraplanar interaction between the two adjacent inequ valent AB planes of graphite, associated with its hexagonal close-packed (hcp) structure.[10] 70 Appendix A EDAX Results for Co-doped CA 71 Job Numt SPECTRO X-LAB Preset Sample Data Sample Name: Description: Method: Job Number: Sample State: Sample Type: Sample Status: TBF91-Co Dilution Material: Sample Mass (g): Dilution Mass (g): Dilution Factor: Sample rotation: Date of Receipt: Date of Evaluation: Tqpellet 0 Pressed tablet, 32 mm Pressed tablet AAAXXX None 4.0000 0.0000 1.0000 No 03119204 03119/201 The error ist te statistical1 error with sigma confidence interval The error ist the statistical error with 1 sigma confidence interval Symbol Element 11 Na 12 Mg Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Potassium Calcium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Z 13 Al 14 Si 15 16 P S 17 CI 19 K 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Ca Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn 31 Ga 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 Ge As Se Br Rb Sr Y Zr 41 Nb 42 47 48 49 50 Mo Ag Cd In Sn 51 Sb Norm. No. of Impulses 0.01689 F 0.0 F 0.25469 F 10.505 F 0.30666 F 3.4071 F 0.79395 F 0.0 F 0.11825 F 0.0 F 0.00780 F 0.0 1.1332 0.0 562.16 1.8150 F F F F F 0.24662 F 0.43521 F 0.04674 F 0.0 F F 0.0 0.0 F 0.08865 F 0.0 F 0.18214 F 0.95263 F 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 F F F F 0.01522 F 72 Abs. Error Concentration 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F <0.56 <0.078 <0.022 4.531 0.0484 0.2876 0.130 <0.046 % % % % % % % % 0.0526 <0.0036 <0.0040 <0.0059 0.0483 <0.060 136100 220 % % % % PJg/g pglg pg/g <4.9 pg/g 32.7 pg/g 2.9 pg/g Pg1g <2.4 <1.6 pg/g <1.5 pg/g 2.0 Pg/g <0.8 Pg/g 2.2 Pg/g pg/g Pg/g 9.1 pglg Pg/g Pg/g <14 <9.2 pg/g < 5.9 Pg/g <4.2 Pg/g 3.2 Pg/g <2.7 pg/g <5.0 pg/g <3.0 % % % 0.055 % 0.0044 % 0.0056 % 0.014 % (0.0) % 0.0077 % (0.0) % (0.0023) % (0.0) % 0.0032 % (0.0) % (0.35) (0.0) (0.0) 300 32 pg/c Pg/s (0.0) 2.9 Pg/s 1.5 pg/.c Pg/c (0.0) Pg/c (0.0) pg/c. (0.0) Pg/c. 0.6 (0.0) pg/g pg/s PA1 0.5 0.7 PA1 pg/c PA1 (0.0) pg/c PA1s (0.0) pg/c PA1 pglg (0.0) pg/; IJg/g pg/g (0.0) PA1 PA1 1.5 pglg (0.0) PA/ pg/g PA1 (0.0) PA/ (0.0) Job Numbe SPECTRO X-LAB TBF91-Co Sample Name: Description: Z 52 53 55 56 57 58 74 80 81 82 83 Symbol Element Te I Cs Ba La Ce W Hg TI Pb Bi Tellurium Iodine Cesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Tungsten Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Date of Receipt: Date of Evaluation: Norm. No. of Impulses F 0.0 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.11606 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.05158F F 0.0 Concentration < 9.6 < 10 < 15 < 27 <35 < 43 24.2 < 4.2 < 1.9 3.9 <3.0 Abs. Error pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g 18.74 % Sum of concentration 73 03/19/200~ 03/191200' (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 9.1 (0.0) (0.0) 2.2 (0.0) pg/g pg/g pg/g Pg/g pg/g pg/g g/g pg/g pg/g pg/g Pg/g 74 Appendix B EDAX Results for Fe-doped CA 75 Sample Name: Description: Method: Job Number: Sample State: Sample Type: Sample Status: I I-rts l-e Tqpellet 0 Pressed tablet, 32 mm Pressed tablet AAAXXX Dilution Material: Sample Mass (g): Dilution Mass (g): Dilution Factor: Sample rotation: Date of Receipt: Date of Evaluation: None 4.0000 0.0000 1.0000 No 03/19/2004 03/19/2004 Results The error ist the sl:atistical error with 1 sigma confidence interval Z 11 12 Symbol Element Na Mg Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Potassium Calcium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese 13 Al 14 15 Si P 17 Cl 16S 19K 20 Ca 22 Ti 23 V 24 Cr 25 Mn 26 Fe 27 Co 28 Ni 29 Cu 30 Zn 31 Ga 32 Ge 33 As 34 Se 35 Br 37 Rb 38 Sr 39Y 40 Zr 41 Nb 42 Mo 47 Ag 48 Cd 49 In 50 Sn Norm. No. of Impulses Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Silver Cadmium Indium Tin · ,. 76 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.31487 F 10.962 F 1.1862 F 5.6133 F 0.74374 F 0.23072 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.25580 F 1.1012 F 569.32 F 8.0405 F 1.2518 F 0.44085 F 0.53337 F 0.04535 F 0.0 F 0.21770 F 0.0 F 0.28120 F 0.0 F 0.22496 F 0.88714 F F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 0.01007 F F 0.0 0.0 F Abs. Error Concentration <0.30 <0.049 <0.0094 1.960 0.0811 0.1795 0.0500 0.0720 <0.0077 <0.0033 <0.0066 <0.0035 pg/g % % % % % % % % % % % % % % 0.0165 8.681 838 75.3 pg/g <1.5 pg/g 17.7 pg/g pg/g 1.3 <1.2 pglg pglg 3.9 <0.8 pg/g 2.8 pg/g <0.6 pg/g 1.2 pg/g 3.7 pg/g <3.5 pg/g <2.4 pg/g < 2.6 pg/g <1.3 pg/g 0.9 pg/g <0.7 pg/g <2.0 pg/g pglg pg/g % (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 0.024 0.0032 0.0028 0.0065 0.0081 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 0.0013 0.023 39 4.1 % % % % % % % % % % % pg/g pg/g (0.0) 1.4 pg/g 0.7 pg/g (0.0) pg/g 0.6 pg/g (0.0) pg/g 0.3 pg/g (0.0) pg/g 0.3 pg/g 0.4 pg/g (0.0) pg/g (0.0) pg/g (0.0) Pg/g (0.0) Pg/g 0.4 Pg/g pg/g (0.0) Pg/g (0.0) Pg/g pglg Job Numb SPECTRO X-LAB TFB91-Fe Sample Name: Description: Z Date of Receipt: Date of Evaluation: Symbol Element 52 53 55 56 57 74 80 Te I Cs Ba La W Hg Tellurium Iodine Cesium Barium Lanthanum Tungsten Mercury 0.07718 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.29208 0.0 F F F F F F F 81 TI Thallium 0.0 F Lead Bismuth 0.00181 F 0.0 F 82 Pb 83 Bi Norm. No. of Impulses Sum of concentration Concentration < 0.7 < 4.2 < 6.2 <10 < 12 26.9 < 2.2 Abs. Error pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g (0.0) Pg/g (0.0) pg/g (0.0) pg/g (0.0) pg/g (0.0) pg/g 4.0 pg/g (0.0) pg/g < 1.1 pg/g (0.0) pg/g <2.5 pg/g < 1.6 pg/g (0.0) pg/g (0.0) pg/g 11.14 % 77 03/19120C 03/19/20C 78 Appendix C EDAX Results for K-doped CA 79 b.'LU I KU A-LAJ: Job Number: Preset Sample Data --- TFB91 -K Sample Name: Description: Method: Job Number: Sample State: Sample Type: Sample Status: Tqpellet 0 Pressed tablet, 32 mm Pressed tablet AAAXXX Results -.. Dilution Material: Sample Mass (g): Dilution Mass (g): Dilution Factor: Sample rotation: Date of Receipt: Date of Evaluation: - - - - - None 4.0000 0.0000 1.0000 No 03/19/2004 03/19/2004 - - - - - - The error ist the statistical error with I sigma confidence interval Z 11 12 Symbol Element Na Mg Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Potassium Calcium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper 13 Al 14 15 Si P 16 S 17 19 Cl K 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Ca Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn 31 Ga 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 Ge As Se Br Rb Sr Y Zr 41 Nb 42 Mo 47 Ag 48 Cd 49 In 50 Sn 51 Sb Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Norm. No. of Impulses 0.00262 0.0 Concentration < 0.47 < 0.076 F F <0.023 0.27080 F F 10.222 0.42125 F 3.5571 0.0 24.716 0.0 F F F F 0.0 0.0 F F 0.0 0.61840 1.6207 0.26601 F F F F 1.5426 F 2.982 0.0454 0.2050 <0.019 > 13.46 0.30166 F 0.37022 F F 0.0 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.0 F 0.04799 F 0.20156 F 0.28246 1.4082 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02009 0.0 0.0 0.0 F F F F F F F F F F < 0.035 < 0.0026 < 0.0060 pg/g % % % % % % % % % % <0.0016 % % <0.00096 % 0.0191 47.1 pg/g 135.1 pg/g < 1.9 17.9 IJg/g < 1.4 pg/g <1.3 pg/g < 1.0 pg/g <0.9 pg/g 0.7 pg/g 1.9 pg/g pg/g 2.2 pg/g 8.6 pg/g <5.9 pg/g Pg/g <2.5 pg/g < 3.8 pg/g <2.2 pg/g 2.8 pglg <2.0 pg/g <3.0 pg/g < 2.6 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) % % % 0.037 % 0.0034 % 0.0040 % (0.0) % (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) % % % % % 0.10 0.0015 % (0.0) % 5.3 pg/g 4.9 p9g/g (0.0) pg/g 1.6 pg/g (0.0) pg/g (0.0) pg/g (0.0) pg/g (0.0) pg/g 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g (0.0) pg/g (0.0) pg/g (0.0) pg/g (0.0) pg/g 0.9 pg/g (0.0) pg/g (0.0) pg/g (0.0) pg/g Pae Date: 03/19/2004 Fiollir C-1 Abs. Error FhDA' rpiilt, fnr CA drinpr] wvith nntcqqiliin innq 1 Job Number: SPECTRO X-LAB TFB91 -K Sample Name: Description: Z Symbol 52 Te 53 I 55 Cs 56 Ba 57 La 58 Ce 74 W 80 Hg 81 TI 82 Pb 83 Bi Element Date of Receipt: Date of Evaluation: Norm. No. of Impulses Tellurium Iodine Cesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Tungsten Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.17962 0.0 0.0 0.03839 0.0 Sum of concentration Concentration F F F F F F F F F F F <6.0 < 5.9 <9.5 < 16 < 19 < 21 24.4 < 2.3 < 1.4 1.9 < 2.0 Abs. Error pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g IJpg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g 16.73 % 81 03/19/2004 03/19/2004 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 4.6 (0.0) (0.0) 1.3 (0.0) g/g g/g pgg pg/g pg/g pg/g g/g g/g g/g pg/g Pg/g 82 Bibliography [1] Alex W.P. Fung. Localization Transport in Granular and Nanoporous Carbon Systems. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 11 1994. [2] R. Saito et. al. 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