Ruidi Lu ● (330) 812-4117 ● 15 E Norwich Ave, Columbus, OH 43201
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
May 2017 (Expected)
Specializations: Finance and Economics Minor: Mathematics
GPA: 3.86 SAT: 2280 ACT: 34 Bloomberg Aptitude Test: 690 (99th Percentile)
 Fisher Futures: 1 of 12 students selected by faculty to participate in highly competitive program exposing
students to investment banking and financial modeling
 Business Analytics Industry Cluster: 1 of 70 students selected by faculty to participate in program focused
on applying big data analytics with focus companies including J.P. Morgan Chase and Cardinal Health
 Honors Cohort: 1 of 26 business students selected by faculty to further develop leadership, analytical skills,
and communication through projects and interactions with focus corporations
 Wall Street Prep Financial Modeling & Business Valuation Certification: Received training in financial
modeling and valuations including DCF, LBO, M&A, and comparables analysis
 Self-financed 75% of education expenses through scholarships and part-time employment
J.P. Morgan Chase
Columbus, OH
Chase Leadership Development Program Summer Analyst
June 2015-August 2015
 Determined statistical impact of government guarantees and regional origination on losses in $15B
nationwide portfolio for presentation to Chase Business Banking Chief Risk Officer
 Published monthly economic news briefs viewed by 1,000+ Chase Business Banking employees
 Assembled review of 100+ Chase fraud guidelines to align internal procedures with OCC regulation
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Resident Advisor
August 2014-May 2015
 Planned and presented at personal finance workshops and cultural awareness dinners for 20 to 30 students
 Maintained 20 hour work week on 14 person staff to assure safety and development of 500 students
Flashstarts Accelerator
Cleveland, OH
Accounting/Finance Intern
May 2014-August 2014
 Developed operating models and performed sensitivity analyses on revenue and interest payments for due
diligence on $550,000 in real estate investments
 Maintained accounting for $500,000 fund using QuickBooks, payroll software and fund accounting
Alleviating Poverty Through Entrepreneurship
Columbus, OH
Executive Director
June 2015-Present
 Directed 10 person student group that planned social enterprise conference with attendance of 1,400+
 Raised $15,000 from local sponsors for 13 company business competition
Director of Marketing
June 2014-June 2015
 Managed 4 person team responsible for raising attendance of conference from 800 to 1,400+
Buckeye Undergraduate Consulting Club
Columbus, OH
Director of Finance
March 2015-Present
 Created budget and managed accounts receivable for $5,500 networking fair
 Engaged with publicly traded regional bank on project to streamline commercial treasury services
Deloitte Consulting Case Competition
Columbus, OH
February 2015
 Competed in four person case team to present recommendations for telecommunications industry company
 Structured 8% coupon, $3B, 9% yield, 15-year bond based on comparable debt for presentation to judges
Language Skills: Chinese (fluent)
Interests: Long Distance Running (1:32 half-marathon), Violin, Basketball, Non-fiction writing