An Introduction to the Discussion-Based Annual Report Format

An Introduction to the Discussion-Based Annual Report Format
The discussion-based annual report is intended to serve as an interim report method for programs that
are in the process of creating and/or implementing the plan for assessment of student learning in their
The format is called a discussion format because the strength of the approach is based on belief in
the importance of faculty conversation for any program. That is, the value of this approach lies in the
conversations that are created among faculty in the program, not just filling in out the form itself.
Begin by setting aside at least an hour solely for conversation around the form (perhaps with coffee and
cookies or bag lunches to fuel the conversation!). While conversation is going on, someone in the group
should be taking notes to capture the ideas that appear. The initial approach to the conversation will be
best if it is open and brainstorming in nature and ranges from past to future.
Once notes are collected and a draft of the report form has been created, the draft should be shared be
shared with faculty for any additions/changes before the final version of the report is submitted (to the
department head, the Director of Academic Assessment and the College Dean), so that the completed
document reflects consensus among faculty in the program.
The discussion form echoes the sections of the formal annual report template, so that good
conversation among faculty should help position the program for future assessment planning and
Questions about the discussion form can be directed to the Director of Academic Assessment, by emailing or calling the Assessment Office at 319-273-2778.
Name of College
Enter information here
Name of Department/Unit
Enter information here
Enter information here
Department/Unit Mission
Enter information here
Program Learning Goals
Enter information here
Person(s) submitting this report (name and e-mail)
Enter information here
Date submitted
Enter information here
Student Performance in the Program As It Currently Exists
Details of the meeting(s) to discuss student performance in the program
Enter information here—e.g., date, faculty present, length of meeting, etc.
What students in the program are doing well and how we know
Enter information here
What students in the program are doing less well and how do we know
Enter information here
Areas of student performance for which we would like additional information and/or evidence
Enter information here
Potential Action Steps
Potential changes/actions to take with respect to courses, curriculum, or other aspects of the program
during the remainder of the current academic year or beyond
Enter information here
Steps to take with respect to development/revision of student learning outcomes for the program
Enter information here
Steps to take with respect to development of a meaningful and useful plan (or revision of the current
plan) for assessing student learning in the program
Enter information here
Additional Comments
E.g., current challenges, anticipated future changes/challenges, resources to explore, or other
thoughts/ideas to capture for future discussion and use in the program.
Enter information here.