UNDERGRADUATE BUSINESS MINOR AT OHIO STATE REGIONAL CAMPUSES FROM BUSINESS AS USUAL TO BUSINESS UNUSUAL Increase your marketability with a minor in business The Business Minor offered through nationally-ranked Fisher College of Business offers Ohio State students the opportunity to enhance their selected field of study while making themselves more desirable job candidates. Designed for students in non-business majors who want to learn business basics and add value to their college degrees, the business minor provides a broad understanding of management functions that apply to a wide variety of careers. The business minor is available at all four of Ohio State’s regional campuses: Lima, Mansfield, Marion and Newark. The Undergraduate Business Minor provides non-business majors with preparation in the following areas of study: Accounting Finance Management & Human Resources Benefits of a business minor: • Develop business acumen through broad-based exposure to the functional areas of business • Develop problem-solving and analytical thinking skills • Strengthen your critical thinking and leadership abilities • Stand out from your peers by differentiating your educational experiences Marketing The Curriculum “Having a business minor makes students more marketable, because it shows that they get the business basics of how their work and solutions will fit into the broader organization. ” Before enrolling in business minor courses, students are required to take: college algebra (Math 1130 or 1148 or equivalent or higher), microeconomics (Econ 2001.01 or equivalent), basic computing (CS&E 1110 or higher) and introductory statistics (Stat 1430 or 1450). The business minor curriculum consists of the following required courses: ACCTMIS 2000 (Foundations of Accounting and MIS) BUSFIN 3220 (Finance) BUSMGT 3230 (Operations) BUSML 3250 (Marketing) BUSMHR 3200 (Organizational Behavior) The business minor is not open to students majoring in business or intending to major in business. Operations Management Janelle Jordan Logistics Business Manager General Mills