Registration And DegreeWorks FAQs

Registration FAQ’s
Q: What is the common exam period?
A: The common exam period is a period of time that is reserved for examinations. Common Exam
periods are typically reserved for lower-division (freshmen, sophomores and pre-juniors) courses.
You can review if a class has a Common Exam co-requisite through the Term Master Schedule. If
the class you selected does require a Common Exam as a co-requisite you will need to add the
Common Exam into your registration at the same time you register the course.
Q: What is a co-requisite?
A: When registering, students may find that some courses carry a co-requisite(s).
A co-requisite indicates that registration of an additional course (for instance, a common
exam period) must be completed in order to successfully enroll in the desired course.
For example, a student who wishes to register for Calculus I (MATH 121) must also register
for the common exam period (EXAM 080).
Q: What is a closed-section override?
A: The Closed Section Override policy permits a student to enroll in a course classified as
closed (the course has reached the maximum number of registrants). Courses are limited to
a specific number of students for many reasons, including but not limited to physical
classroom space, learning goals of the course, etc.
Students seeking information regarding Closed Section Override are encouraged to contact
their academic advisors for more information. For more information, please reference
Procedure to Request a Closed Section Override policy.
Q: Why is my course section numbered 900 or above section class?
A: All classes with a section number of 900 or above are online sections of courses offered
at Drexel University.
Q: I received an error message while registering for a class. What does it mean?
A: Classes can sometimes carry certain restrictions designed to ensure appropriate
registration. When you enter in the Course Reference Numbers (CRN) to register for classes
online, if a course carries a restriction you will receive an error message. If you receive this
message, you will not be able to register for this class.
Please review the Drexel Central course registration website for detailed information
regarding specific class restrictions.
Q: What is a pre-requisite?
A: When registering, students may find that some courses carry a pre-requisite(s).
A pre-requisite indicates that a requirement must be met prior to enrolling in a course. A
pre-requisite is applied to a course to ensure that students are prepared for more advanced
subject matter.
For example, a student who wishes to register for Calculus II (MATH 122), must complete
the pre-requisite Calculus I (MATH 121) with a minimum grade of D prior to
enrollment. This pre-requisite is established in the course description available in
the University Catalog.
Students may review pre-requisite requirements by viewing specific course information
contained in the Schedule of Classes.
Q: There is open section of a class on the Term Master Schedule, but when I attempt to
register for the class I receive a message that the course is “reserve closed”. What does
“reserve close” mean?
A: Although the class section may show that seats are available the seats are reserved for
a specific population of students of the College that offers the class. Students seeking
information regarding Closed Section Override are encouraged to contact their academic
advisors for more information. For more information, please reference Procedure to
Request a Closed Section Override policy.
Drexel Central Assistance
Drexel Central has four offices across three campuses along with a fully staffed third-party call
center and fully integrated e-mail communications system. No matter where you are, a Drexel
Central representative will be available to discuss any questions or comments you have.
Please see the Drexel Central website for contact information and website for office hours and
electronic communication options.
When to contact Drexel Central
There is a hold on your account that is preventing registration
Your time ticket is incorrect
Advisor contact info
Email and Advisor when:
All the sections of a course I need to progress in my major are full.
I can't fit all the required courses into my schedule, I need help prioritizing.
I am trying to plan for a minor; I'm not sure how to fit the classes in.
I got a registration error that I can't resolve for a required class.
DegreeWorks FAQ’s
Q: What is DegreeWorks, and why should I use it?
A: DegreeWorks is a snapshot of the graduation requirements for your major along with all
the classes you’ve completed and are registered for. It is a graphic picture of the
progress you are making. Your advisor sees exactly what you see and your advisor uses
DegreeWorks to follow your progress and to make sure you have completed all
requirements for graduation. Use the DegreeWorks plan of study to when planning your
Q: How do I access DegreeWorks? I’ve tried but it doesn’t seem to work.
1. Make sure your pop-up blockers are off.
2. Log into
3. Click on the student tab. On the bottom left there is a link called Graduation
Requirements (DegreeWorks). Click on the link.
4. If pop-up blockers are on, allow access to the site and go back to the Graduation
Requirements link.
Q: What else is in DegreeWorks besides my degree requirements?
A: DegreeWorks has:
A term-by-term plan of study and a link to the classes offered every term (called
the term master schedule) so that you can plan for registration.
The name and email address of your advisor so that you can email your advisor
from within DegreeWorks if you have questions.
The name of your coop coordinator.
Information about you such as your majors, concentrations, minors, academic standing,
credits completed overall GPA, and your current co-op cycle.
Q: Can I register for your classes in DegreeWorks?
A: You cannot register from within DegreeWorks but you can prepare to register by using
the term by-term planner, looking at your list of requirements, and checking out the
courses being offered each term (in the term master schedule). There is a link in
DegreeWorks to the term master schedule. Don’t forget that your advisor can provide
help if needed with registration. Information about how to register for courses as well
as the association do DegreeWorks to registration are available via the documentation
and videos for registration.
Q: Will my AP credits, transfer credits, IB, or CLEP credits show in DegreeWorks?
A: Yes when you college evaluates and enters your AP credits, transfer credits, IB or CLEP
credits in the student system, they will show up in DegreeWorks. Usually AP scores are
delivered to Drexel by the middle of July so you can expect to see them within a month
after that. Transfer credits are usually entered in the summer before the fall term
begins if they are for the fall. They will be entered when they arrive and are evaluated
for other terms. If you have any questions about your AP credits or your transfer
credits, please see your advisor.
Q: What do the symbols in DegreeWorks mean?
A: You can check the legend at the bottom of DegreeWorks for the definitions of symbols.
Some examples include:
@ represents a wildcard in DegreeWorks and it means “any”.
@@ = any course
ENGL @ = Any English (ENGL) course
@ 300 = Any SUBJECT but the number must be 300.
A colon (:) represents a range. For example, instead of writing every course number
between 200 and 499, a colon is used as a type of short-hand symbol.
• MATH 200:499 = Any Mathematics (MATH) course with a number between 200 and
Q: What should I do if a class or grade is missing from DegreeWorks?
A: DegreeWorks is updated nightly but something on your record might change in between
the updates. Click the Process New button. If you can’t see the information, contact your
advisor. Remember that it might take some time for the changes to be processed. Use
the GPA calculators in DegreeWorks.
Q: Can I add or change a major in DegreeWorks?
A: You cannot add or change your major from within DegreeWorks. You can use a What If
option to see how your classes will apply to another major or a minor. Click on the Whatif button. Enter the details and process a new audit. Changing or adding a major can
impact your financial aid and the time it takes for you to graduate so be sure to discuss
your plan with an advisor.
Q: Can I see the description of a course or the pre-requisites in DegreeWorks?
A: Click on any specific class in DegreeWorks and a portion of the catalog will open up with
the course description, credits, pre-requisites and co-requisites, if they are required.
Hovering over the course will display the title and credits of the course. Any class that has
an asterisk has a pre-requisite in the catalog. You can also click on the Catalog link in
Q: How do I know what courses to register for each term?
A: Your college has provided a recommended term-by-term plan of study for you in
DegreeWorks. Click on Planner and the plan of study opens. If you have to change
something on the plan be sure to discuss the change with your advisor. Any change has
the potential to change your time to graduation and might have financial aid and financial
Q: Who is my advisor?
A: Look in DegreeWorks for your advisor’s name. You can email your advisor from within
DegreeWorks. There is also a link in DegreeWorks to a list of advisors in every college.
Q: What can you do in DegreeWorks and what can’t you do In DegreeWorks?
A: In Degree Works you can
See all the requirements for your major, minor and concentration
See your AP, transfer credits, IB and CLEP credits
Learn who your advisor is and email your advisor from within DegreeWorks
See the progress you are making by seeing how courses you’ve completed,
courses you are enrolled in, and courses for which you are registered hit against
your requirements
See how classes you’ve taken might be used in a different major using What-If
Use your plan of study to determine what courses you should register for each
Email DegreeWorks help by using the Contact Us button
Find classes to take by using the built in term master schedule
Find classes descriptions and pre-requisites for classes by clicking on courses in
Find advisors for other majors using the Advisors List button
While in DegreeWorks you cannot
Register for classes (but you can prepare to register for classes by checking your
requirements, your term-by-term plan, and the term master schedule)
Change or add a major, concentration or minor (but you can use the What-If
functionality to see how classes you are taking fit into other majors and prepare
to visit your advisor)