Identifying and Modeling Unwanted Traffic on the Internet by Paul Soto Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the MASSACH'JSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY November)005 0 2005 Paul Soto. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis and to grant others the right to do so. Author Ddkartment'of Ele'ctrica1 Engineering and Computer Science November 4, 2005 Certified by_ a Dr . Rhard Lippmann -Te Supervisor Accepted by___ L' Arthur C. Smith Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses MASACUSETSINS=F OF TECHNOLOGY AUG 142006 LIBRARIES BARKER 2 Identifying and Modeling Unwanted Traffic on the Internet by Paul Soto Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Nov. 4, 2005 In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ABSTRACT Accurate models of Internet traffic are important for successful testing of devices that provide network security. However, with the growth of the Internet, it has become increasingly difficult to develop and maintain accurate traffic models. While much Internet traffic is legitimate, productive communications between users and services, a significant portion of Internet traffic is the result of unwanted messages sent to IP addresses without regard as to whether there is an active host at that address. In an eftort to analyze unwanted traffic, tools were developed that generate statistics and plots on captured unwanted traffic to unused IP addresses. These tools were used on a four-day period of traffic received on an inactive IPv4 class A network address space. Each class B subnet in this address space received an average of 7 million packets corresponding to 21 packets per second. Analyses were performed on a range of class B and C subnets with the intent of discovering the types of variability that are characteristic of unwanted traffic. Traffic volume over time, number of scans, destinations ports, and traffic sources varied substantially across class B and C subnets. The results of the analyses, along with tools to replay traffic, allow security tools to be analyzed on the LARIAT network testbed. LARIAT is a realtime adaptable network testbed developed at Lincoln Laboratory that provides an Internet-like environment in which to test network hardware and software. Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Richard Lippmann Title: Information Systems Technology Senior Staff, MIT Lincoln Laboratory 3 4 Acknowledgements I would like to give my sincere thanks to Richard Lippmann. It was a privilege to have worked under his guidance. I valued his thought-provoking questions, which always had me wanting to go back to the dataset for further analysis. I am deeply grateful to have worked with William Streilein. He has been an immense help on everything throughout the project. Both Rich and Bill have provided me with many suggestions on avenues of approach for analyzing and understanding the dataset They also offered useful comments and numerous corrections on the various drafts of this thesis, helping to make it clearer and more thorough. I would like to thank Lee Rossey and Robert Cashman for their help. Among other things, they have provided me with ideas on the causes behind the traffic, how the traffic can be used in real-world systems, and what consumers would want to gather from analyzed traffic. Many thanks go to Colleen Shannon at CAIDA for her insightful observations and remarks during the frequent reviews of the traffic result. I would like to thank CAIDA for providing the dataset used in this research and Lincoln Laboratory for providing the resources to analyze the dataset Finally, my biggest thanks goes to my family for their never-ending support and encouragement. I cannot stress enough how much I appreciated the help everyone had provided me. Thank you. 5 6 Contents 1 IN TR O D U CT ION ....................................................................................................................................................13 2 N E T WO RK T E R M INO L O GY ............................................................................................................................15 2.1 CLASSES OF 1Pv4 A DDRESS RANGES ...............................................................................................................15 2.2 NETW ORK TELESCOPES .....................................................................................................................................15 2.3 BACKSCATTE .....................................................................................................................................................16 3 UNWANTED TRAFFIC CHARACTERIZATION .......................................................................................17 3.1 PREVIOUS W ORK ................................................................................................................................................17 3.2 TRAFFic D ATA U SED FOR A NALYSIS ..............................................................................................................18 3.3 M ETHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................................19 4 T O O L S D E V E L O PE D ...........................................................................................................................................21 4.1 M EASUREM ENTS ................................................................................................................................................21 4.2 TABLES .................................................................................................................................................................24 4.3 PLO TS ...................................................................................................................................................................25 5 CHARACTERISTICS OF UNWANTED TRAFFIC ....................................................................................29 5.1 GENERAL RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................29 5. 1. 1 The Na ture of Backscatter........................................................................................................................ 30 5.1.2 ,5nortalerts.................................................................................................................................................37 5.2 CLASS B RESULTS ..............................................................................................................................................38 5.2.1 Non-Un form Backscatter........................................................................................................................ 39 5.2.2 Non-U ni rm Primary Traffi c .................................................................................................................41 5.2.3 Banded Traffi c ...........................................................................................................................................42 5.2.4 Afulti-port TCP attacks ............................................................................................................................44 5.2.5 High Volum e ICMP Destination Unreachable.................................................................................... 45 5.2.6 1CA1fP Echo R equest Sw eep.....................................................................................................................46 5.2.7 Class B UD P Sw eep..................................................................................................................................47 5.2.8 Select Tar get High Volum e UD P Traffic ..............................................................................................48 5.3 CLASS C RESULTS ..............................................................................................................................................48 5.3. 1 Packet N oise ..............................................................................................................................................49 5.4 TARGETED IP A DDRESS RESULTS ....................................................................................................................52 5.4. 1 Diurnal Packet Pattern............................................................................................................................52 5.4.2 Sim ilar Temp oral Trqffic Patternacross Class B Subnets ................................................................ 53 5.4.3 Single Target P2P Primary Trqffic ........................................................................................................56 6 C O N CL U SIO N .........................................................................................................................................................59 R E FE R E N C E S .............................................................................................................................................................61 A PPE N D IX A ...............................................................................................................................................................63 A . I - X X. 1.0.0/ 16 .....................................................................................................................................................65 A .2 - XX .49.0.0/16 ...................................................................................................................................................69 A.3 - XX .81.0.0/16 ...................................................................................................................................................73 A.4 - XX . 128.0.0/16 ................................................................................................................................................. 77 A .5 - X X . 168.0.0/16 ................................................................................................................................................. 81 A .6 - XX .204.0.0/16 ................................................................................................................................................. 85 A.7 - XX .229.0.0/16 ................................................................................................................................................. 89 A .8 - XX .243.0.0/16 ................................................................................................................................................. 93 A .9 - XX .244.0.0/16 ................................................................................................................................................. 97 A . 10 - XX .248.0.0/16 ............................................................................................................................................. 101 A. I I - XX .2 51.0.0/16 ............................................................................................................................................. 105 A PPENDIX B ............................................................................................................................................................. 109 B. I - XX . 5 5.14 5.0/24 ............................................................................................................................................. III B.2 - X X. 128.8.0/24 ............................................................................................................................................... 115 B.3 - X X .198.188.0/24 ........................................................................................................................................... 119 BA - XX .209.239.0/24 ........................................................................................................................................... 123 B.5 - X X.218.68.0/24 ............................................................................................................................................. 127 B.6 - X X .220.236.0/24 ........................................................................................................................................... 131 B.7 - X X .226.255.0/24 ........................................................................................................................................... 135 B.8 - XX .239.255.0/24 ........................................................................................................................................... 139 B.9 - X X.248.246.0/24 ........................................................................................................................................... 143 List of Figures Figure 1- The total amount of TCP, UDP, and [CMP packets received by each class B subnet...............30 31 Figure 2 - The three significant TCP packet types received on each class B subnet .................................... 32 Figure 3 - The remaining TCP packet types received on each class B subnet.............................................. 33 Figure 4 - Backscatter received on each class B subnet...................................................................................... 33 Figure 5 - Primary and backscatter traffic amounts destined to the class B subnets...................................... Figure 6 - The amount of RST/ACKs compared to SYN/ACKs that each class B subnet received...............34 Figure 7 - The amount of ACKs compared to SYN/ACKs that each class B subnet received................... 35 Figure 8 - Primary and backscatter amounts for each class B subnet as a function of destination ports ....... 36 Figure 9 - Primary and backscatter amounts for each class B subnet as a function of IP sources............... 36 38 Figure 10 - Snort alerts in 10 1B .................................................................................................................................. 40 Figure 11 - Traffic destined to 204B, where TCP traffic is non-uniform....................................................... 40 Figure 12 - Destination ports for 204B, where high ports receive a distinct pattern of traffic ..................... Figure 13 - A non-uniform distribution of packets received by each class C subnet in 204B....................41 Figure 14 - A non-uniform distribution of packets received by each class C subnet in 192B ..................... 42 43 Figure 15 - Vertical bands of traffic in the 49B destination IP address plot ................................................... Figure 16 - Four ports on 243B received packets at the same time and with the same duration ................ 44 Figure 17 - Snort alerts for I B, where ICMP destination unreachable is the highest volume alert ............ 45 Figure 18 - An ICMP sweep going across 81 B starting at +72 hours and ending at +84 hours ................. 46 Figure 19 - Traffic destined to 168B, where vertical UDP sweeps visually outnumber the TCP sweeps.....47 49 Figure 20 - Total backscatter in the low and mid volume class C subnets..................................................... 50 Figure 21 - Total amount of traffic received by each IP address within 55.145C......................................... 51 Figure 22 - A plot of every packet received by each IP address in 55.145C................................................... Figure 23 - A plot of every packet received by each IP address in 198.188C ................................................ 51 Figure 24 - Diurnal packet per hour versus time plot for 109.116C................................................................. 53 54 Figure 25 - Packet per hour plot for 5.67C in which sent little traffic ................................. Figure 26 - Packet per hour plot for 101.204C in which sent a high volume of traffic ........ 55 55 Figure 27 - Packet count from the top 18 IP sources, sent to 4 IP addresses .................................................. Figure 28 - Total backscatter received on the 23 IP addresses, based on the rightmost octet..................... 56 57 Figure 29 - Packet per hour plot of P2P traffic sent to xx.218.68.212 ........................................................... 9 10 List of Tables Table I - Breakdown of packet types in the dataset ........................................................................................... Table 2 - The traffic breakdown, by port, for the 5 IP addresses that had a diurnal packet pattern ........... II 29 53 12 Chapter 1 Introduction Accurate models of Internet traffic are required to design and test devices that process, analyze, and act upon this traffic. Accurate estimates of traffic rates enable a manufacturer to design and build forwarding devices, such as routers and switches, which will keep up and not collapse under typical activity. Similarly, a commercial website designed in anticipation of a realistic number of requests per day stands a better chance delivering services to customers than one that has not been designed with these factors in mind. In addition to traffic rates, traffic complexity plays an important role in testing security devices. Firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and other security devices must be resilient to harmless traffic patterns that generate false alarms. As the Internet has grown, the quantity and variety of Internet traffic has increased an enormous rate [1]. One might expect that such an increase in traffic is the result of productive communications between a growing number of users and new web pages and service applications now available on the Internet. While this is true to a large degree, it is also true that a significant amount of traffic seen on the Internet is destined to hosts that either did not request or do not expect the traffic. The increasing quantity and variety of this unrequested and unexpected traffic makes it difficult to develop realistic models of Internet traffic [1]. For the discussion and analysis that follows, unrequested and unexpected traffic is referred to as unwanted traffic (UT). UT is generally composed of malicious traffic sent from worms, viruses, probes, and spyware, but can also consist of traffic sent from misconfigured routers or applications, and traffic corrupted by noise or interference on network transmission lines [2,3]. While there has been a large amount of study on the volume and variety of productive traffic on the Internet, little work has been done to understand and classify UT on the Internet. The goal of this project is to gain an understanding of key characteristics of UT through the use of exploratory data analysis. Toward this end, software tools were developed that 13 describe UT through plots, tables, and short summaries. These representations of UT demonstrate that UT is complex and highly variable across subnets and time, and thus hard to model. Instead of modeling UT, I show how it can be replayed on a network testbed, for device testing. In addition, I attempt to classify a wide range of UT seen and catalog the attacks commonly seen in UT. This project is motivated by the need to develop a testing environment that includes realistic UT. The analyses in this project will allow for the development of systems that model the Internet with greater accuracy. One system that models and generates Internet traffic is the Lincoln Adaptable Real-time Information Assurance Testbed (LARIAT) [4]. LARIAT generates Internet traffic that allows hardware and software security tools, such as, intrusion detection systems (IDS's) and firewalls, to be tested under reliable, repeatable realworld conditions without being exposed to real Internet traffic. This is accomplished using a network of computers that replicate Internet sites and model the various behaviors of users, such as browsing web pages, writing documents, and sending and receiving email. While this system does a good job at modeling typical user behavior and interaction with server machines, the generated traffic does not contain UT, as described above. The analyses performed here make it possible to select portions of UT to replay on LARIAT. This traffic replay will contain realistic UT traffic characteristics previously unavailable on LARIAT. Another motivation of this project is to enhance the current understanding of Internet traffic. Organizations such as the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis, CAIDA, strive to "provide enhanced insight into the function of Internet infrastructure worldwide" [5]. Developing tools that enable the identification and analysis of UT, now and in the future, will allow for the observation of trends in this area of traffic. The rest of this thesis is laid out as follows. Chapter 2 explains the terminology used in the paper. Chapter 3 discusses previous work done in related areas and the traffic data used in the analysis. The methodology and analysis procedures are presented here. Chapter 4 presents the details of how the measurements, tables, and plots of the exploratory data analysis tools work and how their output should be interpreted. Chapter 5 discusses the results of the analyses and the various phenomena observed in UT. Chapter 6 presents a summary of the work and considers future directions. 14 Chapter 2 Network Terminology This chapter defines terminology used to discuss and analyze unwanted traffic. 2.1 Classes of IPv4 Address Ranges A class A network is a contiguous range of 224 (16,777,216) IPv4 addresses, where the leading octet of the IP address is any constant between 1 and 126, inclusive. Each of the other three octets can range from 0 to 255, inclusive. The CIDR equivalent subnet mask for a class A network is /8. Class B subnets refer to an IP address range where the first two leading octets of the IP address are constant (ex. There are 216 (65,536) IP addresses within a class B subnet. Similarly, class C subnets refer to an IP address range where the first three leading octets of the IP address are constant (ex. There are 28 (256) IP addresses within a class C subnet. 2.2 Network Telescopes A network telescope [6,7] is a routed but unused IP address space. An unused IP address space is a range of IP addresses that contains no active hosts generating or replying to traffic. Sources that send traffic to a network telescope have no reason to believe that there are active hosts to respond to the traffic, and so there is no legitimate purpose in sending traffic to a network telescope. A network telescope can be of any size, with larger network telescopes being more likely to observe packets sooner from Internet events, such as worms spreading. Network 15 telescopes offer a convenient way of observing Internet-wide events, as there are no outbound packets, which would interfere with the composition of the traffic from these events. 2.3 Backscatter Backscatter is defined as traffic received from victims that are responding to malicious denial-of-service (DOS) attacks. Since backscatter is response traffic, the packet types that backscatter can consist of are limited to TCP SYN/ACKs, TCP RST/ACKs, and certain ICMP types like Echo Reply and Destination Unreachable. Backscatter arrives at the unused address space because the source addresses of the attack traffic are spoofed. If the source address is spoofed randomly from the entire IPv4 address space, the probability of a backscatter packet reaching a network telescope is n/23 , where n is the size of the network teLscope. 16 Chapter 3 Unwanted Traffic Characterization This chapter discusses some of the previous work performed in relation to unwanted traffic. The data used in the analyses and the methodology is also explained. 3.1 Previous Work Only recently have researchers begun to analyze unwanted traffic. UT can be categorized into primary and secondary unwanted traffic. Primary UT is typically an initiating packet, such as a connection request originating from an attacker or misconfigured host. These packets are commonly TCP SYNs, UDP, or ICMP Echo Request packets. Secondary UT is response traffic solicited by primary traffic, where the source IP address is spoofed. These packets are commonly TCP SYN/ACKs, TCP RST/ACKs, or ICMP Destination Unreachable. Moore et al. [8] have looked at secondary unwanted traffic, referred to as backscatter, while Pang et al. [9] have looked at primary unwanted traffic. The work of Moore et al. [8], presents an in-depth analysis of backscatter traffic as received by a network telescope. Through their analysis of three weeks worth of traffic from February 2001, on a class A network telescope, the authors derive an estimate of the composition of backscatter and the duration of denial-of-service attacks seen on the Internet. They observed approximately 71% of the backscatter packets to be ICMP packets (Destination Unreachable and TTL exceeded), 21% to be TCP RST/ACK packets, and 7% to be TCP SYN/ACK and TCP RST packets. They also observed that 90% of the attacks lasted less than an hour. Backscatter traffic represents a significant portion of unwanted traffic and will be a component of the data replayed through the current research. The work of Moore et al. did not look at primary unwanted traffic, which will be the other component of the replayed data. 17 Pang et al [9] present a second research effort related to the analysis of unwanted traffic. In a fashion similar to the work of Moore et al., the researchers capture and analyze traffic received at various unused IP address spaces. Denoting the unwanted traffic received as 'background radiation,' Pang et al. develop response agents that interact with primary traffic sources. By engaging the sources of the primary traffic in communication, the researchers are able to recognize specific attack types and develop detailed descriptions of the composition of this component of unwanted traffic. Before developing the responding agents to any packets, they collected a week of traffic on 10 contiguous class B subnets, from April 28 to May 5, 2004, and a week of traffic on a class A network with 1/10 sampling, from March 11 to March 18, 2004. On the 10 class B subnets, the traffic was composed of 56.5% TCP, 39.6% ICMP, and 3.8% UDP. The top 3 TCP ports targeted, based on packet count, were 135, 445, and 139. These three ports accounted for over 60% of the TCP SYN packets. On the class A network, the traffic was comprised of 88.5% TCP, 0.3% ICMP, and 11.3% UDP packets. In both of these datasets, 99% of the TCP packets were TCP SYNs. Except for the ICMP packets in the 10 class B subnets (99.9% of which were ICMP Echo Request), there were no temporal patterns observed in the packet rate. 3.2 Traffic Data Used for Analysis One of the goals of this project was to analyze unwanted traffic, including both primary and backscatter UT. UT was defined as unrequested and unexpected traffic. Care was taken to ensure that the dataset selected for analysis did not contain Internet traffic that was not UT. For this reason, the dataset chosen was derived from a network telescope. Because these sources sent traffic to a network telescope, which, by definition, have no active hosts, this traffic was unrequested and unexpected, hence, unwanted traffic. The dataset used was provided by CAIDA. It represents traffic destined for a class A network telescope. The dataset was collected over a period of 93 hours starting from 2:30 PM EST on Monday February 28, 2005 and ending at 11:30 AM EST on Friday, March 4, 2005. In total, there were 160GB of trace files. There were certain filtering requirements on the traffic data. Although the address range of the network telescope was unused, it was not completely empty; there existed hosts on this network that were the source of data. While none of the machines in the network telescope communicated to the Internet, certain machines communicated to other machines within the class 18 A network. The class B subnets in the dataset that contained any machine either transmitting or receiving internal traffic within the class A subnet were filtered. This left 123 class B subnets free of any type of data contamination. 3.3 Methodology The first analysis step was to break the data up into manageable segments and select the segments to analyze. The UT to be incorporated into LARIAT will be played back onto class B or C subnets, and so we analyzed the data as such. There were 123 class B and 31,488 class C subnets available for analysis. Unfortunately, performing a thorough analysis on this many subnets would have meant going through hundreds of thousands of plots and charts. As this would have be too time consuming, a quick analysis was performed on a measurement of interest to the users of LARIAT, namely, total traffic destined to a subnet. The class B and C subnets were divided into those at the top, middle, and bottom of a sorted total packet count list. Then 30 subnets were thoroughly analyzed from each group, 180 subnets in total. The second step was to choose what information to extract from the chosen subnets. The set of measurements chosen are representative of some of the basic characteristics of network traffic. These measurements include traffic protocol composition, destinations addresses and ports hit, the number of source addresses sending traffic to the subnet, and the number of alerts and scans seen in the traffic. These measurements were analyzed with respect to all the traffic, the top 90% of traffic, and top 50% of traffic. The notion of 'top X% of traffic' is different with each measurement, and is explained in detail in chapter 4.2. With all these measurements, one large table was created, where each row represented a different subnet and each column represented a measurement. The table was sorted according to different measurements, and groupings of subnets based on similar measurements were extrapolated. The data revealed that class B subnets are hard to cluster based on their measurements. This is attributed to the relative low number of class B subnets available and the different combinations of variability found with 256 class C subnets composing a class B subnet. However, some patterns were identified as targeted specifically to a class B subnet. The data revealed that class C subnets are easier to cluster based on their measurements. For example, many subnets have low traffic volume and share similar attributes in terms of number of sources sending traffic and number of unique ports destined. The ability to cluster 19 these subnets will allow users to test security tools with a fraction of the class C subnets and yet achieve a wide coverage of the behaviors observed. 20 Chapter 4 Tools Developed Software tools were developed that describe UT through measurements, tables, and plots. These tools were developed using the CoralReef [13] software suite, Dislin plotting library [14], and custom Perl scripts. This chapter describes traffic measurements used in the exploratory data analysis and how to interpret these measurements. 4.1 Measurements The following is a description of each measurement taken on the subnets analyzed. In certain measurements, three values represent the measurement with respect to the top 100%, top 90%, and top 50% of traffic. The precise definition for 'top X% of traffic' differs depending on the measurement, and is defined explicitly in each of the applicable measurements. 1. Total packet and byte count The totalpacket and byte count is a measure of the volume of traffic seen on a subnet. This measurement is used as an initial classifier of subnets, where we sorted the subnets by the total packet count, and then analyzed the subnets from the top, middle, and bottom of this list. 2. Average packet and byte rate The averagepacket and byte rate for a subnet is the totalpacket and byte count divided by the duration, in seconds, of the dataset. 3. Peak packet and byte rate 21 The peakpacket and byte rate is the highest count of packets and bytes received by the subnet in any one-second interval. This value represents the amount of traffic a replay system must be able to handle to avoid dropping packets. 4. Traffic composition in terms of percentage of TCP, UDP, and ICMP The traffic composition indicates the percentage of TCP, UDP, and ICMP traffic reaching the subnet. This is calculated by taking separate counts of TCP, UDP, and ICMP packets and dividing by the total packet count for the subnet. Occasionally, these three counts will not add up to 100%, since subnets can receive traffic protocols other than TCP, UDP, and ICMP. However, no other traffic protocol contributed more than 0.1% of the traffic, in any of the subnets analyzed. 5. TCP packet type breakdown TCP packets are further broken down into counts of TCP SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK, RST, RST/ACK, and OTHER types. TCP OTHER packets are any TCP packets where the TCP flags do not fall into any of the previously mentioned TCP types. 6. Number of unique Snort alerts The number of unique Snort alerts indicates how many different types of suspicious activities are hitting a subnet based on the output from Snort [10]. Snort is a widely deployed intrusion detection system (IDS) that uses a rule -based language to detect potentially malicious packets. Snort was chosen as it represents a popular IDS used in industry. 7. Total number of Snort alerts The total number ofSnort alerts is the sum of all the alerts, as seen by Snort, triggered by the packets received on the subnet. 8. Total number of scans and number of packets composing the scans This measurement indicates the total number of scans detected by Snort along with the sum of the packet count of each scan. In the analysis, a scan was defined as containing at least a 1/16 packet count in relation to the number of IP addresses of the subnet. In other words, a scan in a class C subnet, which contains 256 IP addresses, is comprised of at least 16 packets. A scan in a class B subnet, which contains 65,536 IP addresses, is comprised of at least 4,096 packets. Although somewhat arbitrary, 1/16 is the smallest fraction of packets pertaining to a scan that one can easily notice in the corresponding destinationIP address index versus time plot. 9. Total number of unique destination ports 22 The total number of unique destinationports seen in the traffic help distinguish the level of focus of probes and attacks in the traffic. In the case of ICMP traffic, the ICMP type is treated as unique destination ports (ex. ICMP Destination Unreachable and ICMP TTL Exceeded would be two unique destination ports separate from any TCP or UDP port). The top X% in this measurement is calculated by sorting the total number of packets sent to each TCP port, UDP port, and ICMP type. The sum up the number of packets in this list, in descending order, is taken until the packet count is at least X% of the total packet count. A very low number of ports in the top X% mean that most of the traffic was focused on exploiting a small set of vulnerabilities. A high number in the top X% might mean that there was a lot of backscatter traffic destined for random ports. 10. Number of unique source IP hosts This measurement represents the number of unique IP hosts (IP addresses) sending traffic to the subnet. The maximum number of possible hosts in the IP address space is approximately 4 billion. The top X% is taken by sorting a list of source IP addresses, in descending order, by the total number of packets sent to this subnet. The packets sent by each IP address is added until the total contribution of packets sent by these source IP hosts is at least X% of the total number of packets sent. A high number of unique source IP hosts in the top X% means there is a relatively large number of IP addresses sending packets to this subnet. This signifies a distributed attack or random traffic. A low number of unique source IP hosts in the top X% can signify an attack from few sources, or backscatter arriving on the subnet due to a spoofed source IP address in the original attack packet. I1. Average packet and byte count per source The averagepacket and byte count per source is calculated by dividing the total packet and byte count by the number of unique source IP hosts sending traffic to the subnet. The top X% is calculated by dividing the total packet and byte count by the top X% value for the number of unique source IP hosts. 12. Number of unique destination IP hosts This measurement is similar to the number of unique source IP hosts measurement, except that the count is of the number of unique IP addresses inside the subnet that received traffic. The maximum number of possible destination hosts is 65,536 in a class B subnet and 256 in a class C subnet. Given enough time, every host in a class B or C subnet is expected to receive at least one packet. The top X% is calculated by 23 sorting the list of destination IP addresses by total packets received. The packets received by each destination IP address is added, in descending order, until at least X% of the total traffic received on the subnet is accounted for. A high number of destination IP addresses in the top X% signifies that traffic is randomly distributed across the subnet. A low number of destination IP addresses in the top X% signifies that an attack is being directed to a specific machines, or that these machines are receiving backscatter. 13. Average packet and byte count per destination The averagepacket and byte count per destination is calculated by dividing the total packet and byte count by the number of unique destination IP addresses receiving traffic. The top X% is calculated by dividing the total packet and byte count by the top X% value for the number of unique destination IP addresses. 4.2 Tables Several tables were developed as part of the analysis. Although only the top three values for each table per subnet are shown, the software tools developed create complete tables that account for all the traffic. The following is a description of the tables. 1. Protocol type and port destination, across TCP, UDP, and ICMP This table shows the total packet and byte counts and percentages destined to a unique protocol port. ICMP packets are included in this table but the ICMP type is used in place of the destination port. This table is sorted by packet count. Table Al4 in Appendix A is an example of this table. In this example, ICMP does not show up because no ICMP type accounted for more than 12.9% of the packets. 2. Destination IP addresses This table contains the total count and percentage of traffic received by each IP address in the subnet, sorted by descending packet count. The first octet of each IP address in the table has been replaced by 'xx' to mask the class A network from which this dataset was collected. Table A1-5 in Appendix A is an example of this table. 3. Source IP addresses 24 Similar to the destinationIP addressestable, this table shows the count and percentage of traffic each source IP address sent to the subnet. This table is sorted by packet count. Table A 1-6 in Appendix A is an example of this table. 4. Snort alerts This table displays each Snort alert triggered by the traffic along with a count of the number of times the alert was triggered and a percentage of the total alert count. Table A1-7 in Appendix A is an example of this table. 4.3 Plots There are six plots generated for each of the class B and C subnets analyzed. The following is a description of the types of plots generated for each subnet analyzed. Two of the plots have minor differences between the class B and C subnet versions, and are distinguished as different plot types in the list below. 1. Packets per hour versus time In the packets per hour versus time plots the X-axis represents time measured in hours from the start of the dataset The Y-axis denotes the total packets received on the subnet per one-hour time interval. The horizontal line in the plot denotes the average packets per hour received on the subnet, measured over the course of the whole dataset. The Y-axis scale was fixed at 300,000 packets per hour for all class B subnet plots, and 14,000 packets per hour for al but one class C subnet plot. Figure A l-I in Appendix A is an example of this plot. 2. Bytes per hour versus time The bytes per hour versus time plot is similar to the packet per hour versus time plot, except the data here is in terms of bytes. The Y-axis scale was fixed at 15,000,000 bytes per hour for all class B subnet plots, and 700,000 bytes per hour for all but one class C subnet plot. Figure A1-2 in Appendix A is an example of this plot. 3. Destination IP address index versus time for class C subnets In this plot, the X-axis shows time measured in hours. The Y-axis shows the decimal value of the rightmost IP address octet. In other words, all IP addresses in the class C subnet, 256 IP addresses, are represented on the Y-axis. Every point in the plot represents a packet sent at a specific time to a specific IP address. Solid horizontal 25 lines form when one machine constantly received packets for a period of time. Vertical lines represent a range of IP addresses that received packets in a very small time interval. Although one can see horizontal and vertical lines in the plot, in reality the plot is solely composed of points. These points are close enough together that they form solid lines. All of the packets destined to the class C subnet were plotted. Figure B 1-3 in Appendix B is an example of this plot. Although there are vertical bars that have the same thickness, such as the ones at +25 and +31, the amount of traffic within each bar cannot be assumed to be similar, as there can be a quick succession of packets which show up as a single point. 4. Destination IP address index versus time for class B subnets This plot is similar to the destinationIP address index versus time for class C subnets plot, except that the Y-axis shows the decimal value of the two rightmost IP address octets. Every single IP address in the class B subnet, 65,536 IP addresses, is represented on the Y-axis. Since this plot contains a much greater range of IP addresses, there are diagonal lines, in addition to horizontal and vertical lines. The diagonal lines are similar to the vertical lines, denoting a range of IP addresses that received packets over the course of time. Another difference in this plot arises from the increased magnitude of packets destined to class B subnets. Although every packet was represented with a point in the class C plots, attempting to plot all the packets received by a class B subnet would yield an unreadable solid box in the plot window. To develop a readable plot for the class B subnet, every 10 0 th point (the title of the plot contains the phrase 'skip=100' to represent this) is plotted While making the plot readable, plotting every 10 0 th point can lead to loss of significant events in the plot, such as scans. To provide some degree of confidence that there was no major loss of data, the same subnet was plotted various times, shifting the first point used each time. A shift in the first point causes a shift in all the points used that follow. I was able to confirm that the multiple plots of the same subnet were similar by visually observing that the same horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines were visible in each plot. Figure A1-3 in Appendix A is an example of this plot. 5. Destination port versus time In the destinationport versus time plot, the X-axis represents time, in hours. The Yaxis is a log scale of the port numbers a packet can be destined for, between I and 65,535. Each point is plotted as a unique color and symbol depending on the packet type. The packet types shown in this plot are UDP packets and TCP (SYN, 26 SYN/ACK, ACK, RST, RST/ACK, and OTHER) packets. ICMP packets are not shown, as these packets are not destined to ports. The destinationport versus time plot allows one to discern which services are receiving packets and if multiple services are being attacked at the same time with similar duration and intensity. Figure A 1-4 in Appendix A is an example of this plot. The points are plotted in descending order of packet type as based on the list in the legend. This means that packet types at the bottom of the list, such as RST/ACKs, will obscure packet types preceding them, such as UDP. 6. Total packets to each IP address for class C subnets In this plot, the X-axis represents each of the individual 256 IP addresses that compose the class C subnet. The Y-axis shows the total number of packets received over the course of the 93 hours in the dataset. This plot allows one to observe any bias towards a single IP address or a cluster of IP addresses, in terms of packet destination. Figure B 1-5 in Appendix B is an example of this plot. This plot shows a bias towards the lower half of the IP range, and that certain IP addresses such as xx.55.145.202 received eight times as many packets as the average. Figure B2-5 in Appendix B is another example of this plot where xx. 128.8.14 received so many packets that the quantities received by the other IP addresses do not show up because of the magnitude of the Y-axis scale. 7. Total packets in each class C subnet for class B subnets This plot is similar to the totalpackets to each IP addressfbrclass C subnets plot except that the X-axis represents each of the 256 class C subnets that compose the class B subnets. For example, on the xx.1.0.0/16 class B subnet plot, the Y-value corresponding to 98 on the X-axis would represent the total packets received by the class C subnet represented by xx. 1.98.0/24. Figure Al-5 in Appendix A is an example of this plot. 8. Snort alerts versus time In the Snort alerts versus time plot, the X-axis represents time measured in hours. The Y-axis on this plot lists each of the Snort alerts seen over the course of the 93 hours, in ascending order, by alert count, where the alert count is shown in parenthesis. Each point on the plot marks a time when a single alert was triggered. Since some of the high-count alerts would show up as solid bars, the point is colorcoded to signify the number of alerts seen in that one-hour period. Note that the plot will show a unique point for every single alert, so in a one-hour period, all the points 27 will be the same color, and the number of alerts in that whole one-hour period is equivalent to the associated color in the legend. Figure B 1-6 in Appendix B is an example of this plot. 28 Chapter 5 Characteristics of Unwanted Traffic This chapter discusses the characteristics of the unwanted traffic arriving on the class A network. The first section explains the general results observed across the whole class A network. Sections 5.2 and 5.3 delve into the phenomena observed within the class B and C subnets. Section 5.4 describes high volume traffic patterns targeted to specific IP addresses. 5.1 General Results The 123 class B subnets in the dataset received 842 million packets over the course of 93 hours. The composition of the traffic seen in the dataset is shown in Table 1. TCP SYNs, UDP, and ICMP Echo Request packets (comprising 90% of the ICMP packets), are considered types of primary UT and made up 82% of the traffic, while the backscatter Packet Type is composed of the remaining 18% of the traffic. The traffic breakdown differs significantly from both Moore's and Pang's results, and hint at how much the distribution of traffic across protocols can differ. Moore's work, which looked at backscatter traffic in 2001, found a two-to-one ratio of ICMP destination unreachable packets to TCP RST/ACKs and TCP TCP SYN % of Total Packets 59 TCP SYN/ACK 9 TCP RST/ACK 8 I TCP OTHER 20 UDP ICMP 3 Table 1 - Breakdown of packet types in the dataset. SYN/ACKs put together, whereas our dataset had a radically smaller ratio of nearly one-to-fifty. Pang's 2004 study found 11% of the packets in a class A network to be UDP and 88% of the packets to be TCP SYNs. Their class A network received traffic at a rate of 147 packets per destination IP address per day. In our class A network 20% of the packets were UDP and 59% of the packets were TCP SYNs. The traffic rate was 27 packets per destination IP address per day. 29 .................. ..................... ................... On average, each class B subnet received 6.8 million packets, with 5.2 million packets on the low end, 9.8 million packets on the high end, and two outliers with 12.0 million packets. Figure 1 shows the amount of TCP, UDP, and ICMP packets received by each class B subnet. The amount of ICMP and UDP traffic received at each class B subnet was consistent; however, the amount of TCP traffic varied significantly between the lower and upper half of the class A network. The amount of TCP traffic decreased by approximately 20%, or 1.2 million packets, between the lower half of the class A network (from xx.0.0.0/16 to xx.127.0.0/16, there were 55 class B subnets analyzed) and the upper half of the class A network (from xx.128.0.0/16 to xx.255.0.0/16, there were 68 class B subnets analyzed). This decrease was caused by the unexpected distribution of backscatter traffic. Total TCP, UDP, and ICMP packets in each class B subnet 12 - TCP OUDP 10 A lCMP 6 -2 0 0 0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 Class B subnet index Figure 1 - The total amount of TCP, UDP, and TCMP packets received by each class B subnet. 5.1.1 The Nature of Backscatter As explained in section 2.3, backscatter traffic is response traffic received from machines replying to spoofed source addresses. It is typically assumed that the source address for the packet causing backscatter is randomly spoofed, and chosen uniformly from the IPv4 address space. Assuming uniformity in spoofed addresses allows one to calculate the amount of backscatter on the Internet, based on the backscatter seen at a network telescope. Two wellknown exceptions to the randomness and uniformity of spoofed source addresses are reflector attacks and broken pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs). 30 . .... .... ..... -....................... ........ ................ -............... ......... Reflector attacks are distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks in which backscatter arrives from multiple machines to a single fixed spoofed source address [11]. The backscatter from this type of attack is meant to disrupt a single machine. This type of attack is recognizable since only a few hosts in a class A network would receive a large amount of backscatter traffic. PRNGs are used to generate random numbers for IP addresses. A correctly implemented PRNG would generate a uniform distribution of random numbers. Broken PRNGs generate uneven distribution of random numbers. When a broken PRNG generates spoofed source or destination IP addresses, packets will arrive to certain addresses at a higher frequency than other addresses, and some addresses might never be generated. Closer examination of the TCP traffic, as shown in Figure 2, illustrates that the drop in traffic was due to a decrease in TCP SYN/ACK and RST/ACK packets. The decrease in these two backscatter packet types at different regions of the class A network indicates that the spoofed addresses for backscatter was not selected uniformly from the IPv4 address space. The other types of TCP packets, which contributed to backscatter but comprised less than 1% of the TCP packets, are shown in Figure 3. It is interesting to note, in Figure 3, that the amount of TCP ACKs dropped precipitously in the upper half of the class A network. Total TCP type packets in each class B subnet SYN 6- ASYN/ACK 5 RST/ACK 3 -2 1-1 0 0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 Class B subnet index Figure 2 - The three significant TCP packet types received on each class B subnet. 31 . .... ..... .. ......... ..... .................. ...... . ................. Total TCP type packets in each class B subnet 0.16 + ACK 0.14 > 0 0.12 RST A OTHER E 0.10 S0.06 . 00 0.0 0 .02 0.00 0. 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 Class B subnet index Figure 3 - The remaining TCP packet types received on each class B subnet. The differences in backscatter between the two halves of the class A network suggest that the backscatter addresses within the class A network were not chosen uniformly. Figure 4, which shows the total amount of backscatter received on each of the class B subnets, reveals that even within the two halves of the class A network, backscatter was not destined uniformly. There were several 'fixed' quantities of backscatter received at different class B subnets throughout both halves of the class A network Though not literally fixed, the amounts of backscatter received fall into identified clusters with very small standard deviations. From the 123 class B subnets analyzed, there were six clusters of total backscatter, shown in Figure 5 (ignoring 2 outliers at 6 million). Figure 5 was created by plotting the total backscatter on each of the class B subnets, where the subnets are sorted by ascending backscatter quantities. Similarly, the total primary traffic was sorted for all the class B subnets and plotted in Figure 5. Note that the X-axis values do not pertain to any specific class B subnet as the primary and backscatter packet totals were sorted independently and plotted on the same graph for easier comparison. The six clusters of backscatter in Figure 5 form at 620,000, 1.1 million, 1.6 million, 1.9 million, 2.4 million, and 2.9 million packets. These clusters represent a set of impulses in backscatter, concentrated at six values. Primary traffic, on the other hand, has a continuous nearly straight-line curve, which indicates the class B subnets received a uniform distribution of packets between 4.5 and 6 million. 32 Total backscatter in each class B subnet U) C: 0 CL L) CD) 0. 0 96 64 32 160 128 224 192 Class B subnet index Figure 4 - Backscatter received on each class B subnet. Primary and backscatter traffic continuity Uh 0 8- + Primary 7- X Backscatter 6 5 4- CU) 0L 0 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 80 60 100 120 Unordered class B index Figure 5 - Primary and backscatter traffic amounts destined to the class B subnets. Both plots sorted independently to illustrate differences in uniformity. The two main contributors of backscatter were TCP SYN/ACK and TCP RST/ACK packets. SYN/ACK and RST/ACK each accounted for approximately half of the backscatter. SYN/ACKs are sent when a TCP connection attempt is successful. RST/ACKs are sent when the TCP connection is unsuccessful due to an active computer not receiving packets on a specified port. In effect, these two packet types compliment each other, and you would not expect to receive one if you have received the other. However, in the dataset, there was an extremely high 33 correlation, shown in Figure 6, between the number of SYN/ACK packets and the number of RST/ACK packets each class B subnet received. The first three clusters on the left half of Figure 6 correspond to the upper half of the class A subnet and have a ratio of between one and two RST/ACK packets for every one SYN/ACK. The second three clusters, on the right half of Figure 6, correspond to the lower half of the class A subnet and have a ratio of between one and two SYN/ACK packets for every two RST/ACKs. Similarly, there is a very strong correlation between the number of SYN/ACK packets and the number or ACK packets, shown in Figure 7. Total number of SYN/ACK packets versus RST/ACK packets for all 123 class B subnets 1.5 1.25 1 C.) 0 2 0.75 0 0.5 E 0.25 z 0 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 Number of SYN/ACK packets (in millions) Figure 6 - The amount of RST/ACKs compared to SYN/ACKs that each class B subnetreceive d (two high volume outliers not plotted). The number of class B subnet points in each cluster from left to right is 40, 18, 8, 36, 11, and 8. 34 Total number of SYN/ACK packets versus ACK packets for all 123 class B subnets 15000 12500 0 10000 <7500 0 E z -05000 2500 0NE 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 Number of SYN/ACK packets (in millions) Figure 7 - The amount of ACKs compared to SYN/ACKs that each class B subnet receive d (two high volume outliers not plotted). While the non-uniformity of backscatter was unexpected, there were other expected characteristics of backscatter confirmed in the dataset. One characteristic found in backscatter was that the more backscatter a subnet received, the more destination ports there were that received traffic. Since backscatter is a reply to a packet attempting to connect to a service on a fixed port, the destination port is typically a random high number application port. Figure 8 shows how the number of destination ports accounting for the top 90% of traffic increases as a class B subnet receives more backscatter. This behavior would be missed if one plots the backscatter amount against the number of unique destination ports in all the traffic received on a subnet, because each port is eventually expected to receive a random packet. On the same figure, for a consistent amount of backscatter, the number of unique destination ports in the top 90% increased as the total primary traffic decreased. This was caused by the relative increase in backscatter as primary traffic decreased (i.e. the ratio of backscatter to primary traffic increased). 35 ......................... Primary and backscatter traffic versus destination ports + Primary x Backscatter CD C 0 C . 0. 0 5000 15000 10000 20000 NOmber of unique destination ports in the top 90% Figure 8 - Primary and backscatter amounts for each class B subnet as a function of destination ports. Another observed characteristic of backscatter was that as the amount of backscatter decreases, the number of IP sources contributing to the top 50% of traffic increased (Figure 9). Since backscatter is the response traffic from specific sources, more backscatter translates to these specific sources contributing a greater percentage of the traffic. The amount of primary traffic remained independent of the number of unique IP sources. Primary and backscatter traffic versus unique IP sources 8 + Primary 7 U) C x Backscatter 6 5 C CL 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 1000 Number of unique 4000 3000 2000 IP sources in the top 5000 50% Figure 9 - Primary and backscatter amounts for each class B subnet as a function of IP sources. 36 5.1.2 Snort alerts Overall, Snort generated few abrts. This was mainly because most of the packets in the dataset, which included TCP SYNs, SYN/ACKs, and RST/ACKS contained no data. Much of the malicious TCP traffic, which would have otherwise generated Snort alerts, was never sent to the network telescope because machines could not establish a TCP connection to the IP addresses in the class A network. The few alert types that Snort generated in high quantities were MS-SQL worm propagation attempts, ICMP ping nmaps, and ICMP destination unreachable. Figure 10 shows an example of a typical alert plot for the class B subnets; MS-SQL worm and ICMP ping nmap accounted for at least 90% of the alerts visible across all but one of the class B subnet alert plots. The high volume ICMP destination unreachable alert only occurs in one of the analyzed class B subnets, and is discussed in section 5.2.5. The 'MS-SQL worm propagation attempt' alert is generated by Snort when the Slammer worm packet is detected. The Slammer worm, originally released in January 2003, is a single packet UDP (port 1434) worm that attempts to compromise a Microsoft SQL server [12]. Since the Slammer worm, which propagates without verifying that the target IP address is active, is contained within a single UDP packet, it is easily identified by Snort. The MS-SQL worm alerts were diurnal with double peak rates of -2600 alerts/hour at around +4 and +10 hours. The 'ICMP ping nmap' alert is generated when an ICMP ping packet that is likely caused by the nmap tool, is detected. ICMP pings are used to detect whether there is a computer operating at a specified IP address. ICMP pings generated by nmap are used to scan a subnet for active hosts and can be a precursor to future attacks targeted at the active hosts found by the tool. The ICMP ping nmap alerts were diurnal, with a peak rate of -1700 alerts/hour at +18 hours. 37 . . .. ........ -............................. ......................... ......... Snort alerts versus time in xx101.0.0 S I I I I I I alerts/hour 0 >0 * >186 X X X >373 * X X X * >560 X X X X code *>747 X XX X X ever * >934 X XX X X * >1120 X X NK X > * >1307 X X X X X SNUP Age ntX (22 * >1494 X X X XX KSo Bourge queunnh (go * >1681 X >Xx X X8KX XX XX X X >< X >X )X X TCP header len > pkt {RB * >1868 X)w XW( X X< X wXXK X )XXX ICMP DUnreach Net (30 X >2054 XX X X XX Xx AXX )K XXOX IP reserved bit get (49 >2241 |K X< X X Mc X MsWr trap tVp (45 a >2428 X X XXK X )M X X X XK &( XX XXK X ORTWCAN>4004 p kta (S:X X 0 >2616 X XX X X X X X ) TC data offset < 5 (4 >)Mx XX X X XAIK X&( >X XX X >[<X X( 9NMP request La p (1o0:O9 X >0< X W Part 68 to <1 24 (178 > AME >X< X>OK X 1CMP redirect hoat (sm.: X X X X >X X X X W<X XX A)AKM 08( X XXXX TCP port D(Mno: X XX >0 X X X X FCMP large pack ot (no,: X X X X X X s: X XXX(4 X XX X vDr lcn > Icur re4imret net rim (1: (X: X X =tAN TML Undt 4=0 aeda SYN pkt w/ data (5 lnk. datagrm do code ( (B X bare byte uni (9 ICMP Lretri IU DunrechI Get (16 Truna TCP opti ong (1 VMyl IX3P DUnre. 1drB-nQL Wormn 0 12 24 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 72 84 Figure 10 - Snort alerts in 101B. 5.2 Class B Results There is a wide variety of phenomena to be observed within the class B subnets. As stated earlier, the lowest volume on a class B subnet was 5.2 million packets and the highest volume, ignoring the two outliers, was 9.8 million packets. Tables and plots for high volume class B subnets are presented in sections A.1, A.2, A.5, A.6, and A.9 of appendix A. Tables and plots for mid volume class B subnets are presented in sections A.3, A.4, A.7, A.8, and A. 10 of appendix A. Tables and plots for mid volume class B subnets are presented in section A. 11 of appendix A. While 30 class B subnets were chosen from the highest, middle, and lowest total packet count, there was no clear characteristic separating the three categories. Instead, the phenomena observed, including non-uniformity in traffic distribution, banded traffic, multi-port attacks, and sweeps, seemed to have been targeted at random class B subnets. In this section, each class B subnet is referred to by the class B subnet index followed by the letter B (ex. 244B refers to xx.244.0.0/16). The results concerning TCP traffic are discussed in sections 5.2.1 to 38 5.2.4, followed by the ICMP traffic results in sections 5.2.5 and 5.2.6, and the UDP traffic results in sections 5.2.7 and 5.2.8. 5.2.1 Non-Uniform Backscatter The two subnets that received the most amount of traffic, 204B and 244B, exhibited nonuniform backscatter. Each subnet received 12 million packets, 20% more than the third highest volume subnet. The cause of this was a dramatic increase in backscatter. 204B received more than 2 million TCP SYN/ACKs and 244B received more than 3.5 million TCP RST/ACKs, 700 thousand and 2.2 million more packets, respectively, than the third highest SYN/ACK and RST/ACK volume in a single subnet. This backscatter had an unusual distribution; it was specifically targeted at the first 40 class C subnets within either class B subnets. Figure 11 shows a high amount of TCP traffic, which appear as 'bars' at the bottom of the plot, destined for the first 10,000 IP addresses within 204B. These destination IP bars correspond to the packets of SYN/ACKs and RST/ACKS destined for the ports between 8,000 and 40,000 in Figure 12. The connection between these two figures is easier to notice by observing the gap between +84 and +90 hours; there is a single vertical line in the middle of the gap in both figures. Figure 13 shows how the first 40 class C subnets received roughly five times the amount of traffic compared to the other class C subnets. 39 ........ -.....---....... .........-----...... .................. in xx.204.0.0/i6 (skp=100)' Destination IP address index versus tie packet type M$ 57,343-|f: - 0 m * TCP UDP ICMP 040,959 32,767 24,57516,383 8,191 0 64 72 60 46 36 Time (in hours) 24 12 0 Figure 11 - Traffic destined to 204B, where TCP traffic is non-uniform. Destination port versus time (skip=100) packet type-count 0 UDP 1=115 0 SYN * SYN/ACK 2,278,700 + ACK IJ513 10000 4. 4,42E =1 RST 1000 RsT/ACK 5,587,517 TP OTHER 2,247 100 0 000 W0Ol Do O 00 OM 0 o 00 00 oi O WD 0Q00 0 d a o0 o od V 00 WOOD 0 + 00,00 0 aLUm CO W (P 0Q 10 1 0 |4 1 1 0 12 24 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 72 54 Figure 12 - Destination ports for 204B, where high ports receive a distinct pattern of traffic. 40 Total packets in each class C subnet in xx.204.0.0/16 500,000* I I 64 96 128 160 Class C subnet index I I I 437.500375,000.4 312,500- a.) a. 250,000 0 E-1 187,500- 125,00062,500- 0 i 0 32 192 224 Figure 13 - A non-uniform distribution of packets received by each class C subnet in 204B. Both 204B and 244B received at least 20% of their traffic from two sources, and These two IP addresses belong to class B networks owned by a Chinese telecom. Using Google to search for more information on the IP address, cached results revealed forum posts, where people mentioned this IP address, dating back to within two weeks of the traffic dataset. These posts referred to links of peer-to-peer (P2P) torrent files for illegal movie and software downloads found at, a torrent server. It is difficult to explain the pattern of spoofed addresses used in the traffic directed towards the torrent servers, but this serves as an example of unusual UT that would be difficult to emulate. 5.2.2 Non-Uniform Primary Traffic Similar to the non-uniform backscatter traffic, a few subnets received a non-uniform distribution of primary traffic across the class C subnets within. The clearest example of this was observed on 192B, shown in Figure 14. TCP SYNs to port 135 caused the increase in traffic, starting at the 18th class C subnet, and gradually decreasing again. This port received 2.7 million 41 packets of approximately 48 bytes (1.8 million was the second highest amount of TCP port 135 packets destined to one class B subnet). Unlike the non-uniform backscatter traffic, no single source contributed more than 1.2% of the traffic on this subnet, the likely reason being that the source IP addresses were spoofed. Total packets in each class C subnet in xx.192.0.0/16 600,000 - 437.500 - 375,000 - 312,500- ~250,000 0 E-, 157,500- 125,000 - 62,500 - 0 I 0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 Class C subnet index Figure 14 - A non-uniform distribution of packets received by each class C subnet in 192B. 5.2.3 Banded Traffic One peculiar phenomenon that only appeared on one of the analyzed class B subnets, 49B, was horizontal and vertical bands of TCP traffic, shown in Figure 15. The three vertical bands indicate increased packet activity destined to all IP addresses within the class B subnet. Each vertical band lasted approximately 6 hours. The horizontal band lasted throughout the 93hour dataset and affected 12 class C subnets within 49B. 49B received 20% of its traffic from a single source sending TCP SYN packets to port 445. There were 3.7 million TCP SYN port 445 packets sent to this subnet (1.8 million more than any other subnet). The bands are not simple sweeps across an IP range, as these would appear as thin lines. Instead, the bands indicate that 42 ... ..... ...................................... . .......... ............. for all IP addresses in the range, each IP address constantly received a TCP SYN port 445 packet for 6 hours. Destination IP address index versus time in xx.49.0.0/16 (skip=100) packet type m TCP - 0 UDP 0 ICMP 57.343 Id 49,151 40,959 . 32,767 24,575 16,383 8,191 0 0 12 24 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 72 84 Figure 15 - Vertical bands of traffic in the 49B destination IP address plot. 43 ............ ................................................ 5.2.4 Multi-port TCP attacks Many class B subnets received short bursts of TCP packets destined to multiple ports. Figure 16 shows an example of this behavior, seen on 243B. Between +68 and +76 hours, 243B received TCP SYN packets destined to ports 901, 3410, 12345, and 27374. Each port received between 1% and 2% of the total traffic. While it can be assumed that the short multi-port TCP attacks were caused by a single event, the same cannot be said for the multiple TCP ports that received traffic throughout the whole 93 hours. These ports (ex. 80, 135, 139, 445, 1023, 1025, 3127, 5554, and 9898) do not share unusual temporal characteristics like the four TCP ports hit simultaneously for a short duration, and may have been caused by different events. Destination port versus time (skip=100) packet type-coant UDP [0 a 1,5o o SYN A SYN/ACK 4A91= 10000 1,480 4A. 0 NET 1000 S 0 2ST/ACK 0 TCP 4-a 100 a 00 ) oODao [,-Y OED OED (13 OuMMOE) 00 00 oWc Co 01 0 0 CCI cxno 0000 I M M MMO OGMD 0 OOI@o amO cO c 0 0 o oo 00 O TH| C 00 0 0 CP 103 1 0 12 24 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 72 54 Figure 16 - Four ports on 243B received packets at the same time and with the same duration. 44 ...................... "'""""""""""""'.................. - mmumm..... 5.2.5 High Volume 1CMP Destination Unreachable On the 1 B subnet, there was a high volume of ICMP destination unreachable packets. This subnet stood out as having more than twice as many ICMP packets compared with the other class B subnets. The majority of these ICMP packets were destined to a single IP address, xx. 1.128.12. This was the only class B subnet where the MS-SQL worm and the ICMP ping nmap alerts were not the top two alerts. The bottom of Figure 17 shows how the ICMP destination unreachable packet volume peaks at +18, +42, and +90 hours. Snort alerts versus time in xx.L.0 I I I I I I elerts/hour 0 >0 X (13 (13 (5' X (6, (0 (7 (121 SCAN nmap ICMP DUnreaeh Boat (17 SUMP AgentX (17 ICMP Source Quench (12 TCP header ln > pkt (35 MOBxmtream (37 (38' iCMP IMrtriever ICMP DUnreach Not (48f IF re..rvad hit .et (48, SNPM request tep (6f mKA I I I Unk. datagrm dcodes Inv hardware type SYN pkt w/ data Kxper. TVr option. Truno. TK7 option. bare bytA unload X X X X XXX X XX X X XX X * 0 X * * * * * * X X >W Xi3 xxX XX XX X X X X XW X * * XX X XX)C< X2UC X X >X XEMiG XJm X ) X X X X )= X) SNMP traup top (4 X X+Xa" >OXMK XOW pkt. (75 KM ( X>OXOO<XX )"K10<X * X>WK XXKX X XXX)QD0<X XX X )XWXX XXXXX TV? data offet < 5 (84 X * Port 53 to <1014 (100 Tcr part o(14 OOOXM)OXXX<: xx x >O >Mx0x0 <I XX< XxW xXx Hf~mra add. overflow (169 X X host (195 ICU? redireat x ANCIV xM X X x X (31A 1CMW Jar..paket x x >OK M< XXX Xx SAN FIN (400 Xx< K XX X >XKX X x SX XXXX A0( X MX X X X ),W(K >K X X >O X X PrMSCAN>4098 UIDP >223 >447 >671 >895 >1119 >1343 >1567 >1790 >2014 >2238 >2462 >2686 >2910 >3134 len > paTload (443 SNMW public access (15167 NUAP (142M=. WS-SQL Warm (1 as IMP PING ma ICMP DUnuach (266a8 - 0 ( 12 24 Figure 17 - Snort alerts for IB, where 60 36 48 Time (in hours) 72 84 ICMP destination unreachable is the highest volume alert. 45 . ........ .... 5.2.6 ICMP Echo Request Sweep Sweeps of any ICMP type were rarely seen in the analyzed class B subnets. However, on the 81 B subnet, there was a visible ICMP echo request sweep across the whole subnet (Figure 18). The sweep started from +72 hours at the 0 IP address index and continues until +84 hours, where it reaches the 65,535 IP address index (note: the TCP and UDP packets have been filtered from the original plot, since the ICMP sweep cannot be seen when the plot is not in color). Figure A3-3 in appendix A shows the same plot as Figure 18, but without the TCP and UDP packet types filtered out from the plot. There were over 400,000 ICMP echo request packets, approximately 6% of the traffic, directed to this subnet. Because most of the other class B subnets received no more than 200,000 ICMP echo request packets, this sweep is likely composed of the additional 200,000 packets. Neither 79B nor 83B, the two spatially closest class B subnets analyzed, exhibited any ICMP sweep activity. Destination IP address index versus time in xx.81.0.0/16 (skip=100) 57,343 I iI 65,535 I I I __1____1_1_1 I packet type - U ICMP I 1 40,959 - 32,767 - 24,575 - 16,383 - / 1J2 I / 8,191 - 0 12 24 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 72 54 Figure 18 - An ICMP sweep going across 81B starting at +72 hours and ending at +84 hours. 46 ...... ................ .. .......... ........ ...... 5.2.7 Class B UDP Sweep The 168B subnet received the most amount of UDP traffic, 3.6 million packets. 40% of the UDP traffic was 78-byte port 137 packets targeted to all machines. Port 137 UDP traffic is typically associated with NetBIOS name queries. No other class B subnet had nearly as many UDP sweeps visible in the destination IP address index versus time plot type, shown in Figure 19. The source IP addresses of the UDP sweeps were likely spoofed as no source contributed more than 2% of the traffic. Destination IP address index versus time in xx.168.0.0/16 (skip=100) 65,635 57.343 I I I I I I - I I packet type M TCP UDP -4,'hi -lnt1- 49,151 -6 - ~i~I~L i 4.- 40,969 I 1 ~ qa ~4 )I WA .4, q I' P2 24,575 '.4 *- i-i A 1 ,) T) 32,767 Gt ICMP g4 0 Jet! n 16,383 40 io . -1 . .4 F , !* 8,191 0 0 12 24 60 36 48 Time (in hours) 72 54 Figure 19 - Traffic destined to 168B, where vertical UDP sweeps visually outnumber the TCP sweeps. 47 5.2.8 Select Target High Volume UDP Traffic The 128B subnet received the second highest total UDP packets, 2.4 million packets (third highest was 1.7 million UDP packets). All of the UDP traffic was destined to a single IP address xx.128.8.14. xx.128.8.14 received 840,000 160-byte packets to UDP port 1037. The fact that UDP packets are primary traffic, and that no source contributed more than 2.6% of the traffic, indicate that this activity was a DDOS attack. 5.3 Class C Results The class C subnets plots allow us to discern the traffic behavior that composes a class B subnet. The low packet count class C subnets received around 10,000 packets. Tables and plots for these subnets are presented in sections B.6, B.7, and B.8 of appendix B. The mid packet count class C subnets (i.e. ranking 15,000 out of a sorted list of -30,000 class C subnet packet counts) had around 20,000 packets. Tables and plots for mid volume class C subnets are presented in sections B. 1 and B.4 of appendix B. Both the low and mid packet count subnets had a fairly even distribution of traffic, with 90% of the traffic going to an average of 216 IP addresses amongst the 256 IP addresses within each subnet. The high packet count class C subnets received over 500,000 packets and displayed phenomena targeted at specific IP addresses. Each of the 30 high volume class C subnets had at least 90% of the traffic destined to a single IP address within the class C subnet. Tables and plots for high volume class C subnets are presented in sections B.2, B.3, B.5, and B.9 of appendix B. In this section, each class C subnet is referred to by the second and third IP address octet followed by the letter C (ex. 255.145C refers to xx.255.145.0/24). Only low and mid packet count class C subnets are discussed in this section, as they have characteristics pertaining to the subnet as a whole. Section 5.3.1 discusses an observed phenomenon where packet noise was contained in specific IP address ranges. Phenomena found in the high volume class C subnets, which in fact pertain to specific destination IP addresses within the subnet, are discussed in section 5.4. 48 . ... ............................... ...................... 5.3.1 Packet Noise In the low and mid volume class C plots, there is behavior that helps explain the differences in total backscatter between the lower and upper half of the class A network. Figure 20 is a plot of the backscatter in the low and mid volume class C subnets analyzed. The class C index is computed by multiplying the second lIP octet (from the left) by 256 and adding that to the third IP octet (ex. the class C index for X.Y.Z.0/24 is 256*Y+Z). Figure 20 shows that the low and mid volume class C subnets pertaining to the class B network below 128 received on average 5,000 more backscatter packets than those above that range. This is not surprising as the difference of 5,000 for each class C subnet, matches the 1.2 million packet difference (5,000*256 is approximately 1.3 million) between the class B subnets, explained in section 5.1. It turns out that the packets destined to each of the class C subnets below the 128-class B octet is not distributed evenly. The lower half of the IP range within each class C subnet received approximately 20% more traffic than the upper half. Total backscatter in each class C subnet analyzed 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 0 16,384 32,768 49,152 65,536 Class C index (out of 65,536 class C subnets in class A network) Figure 20 - Total backscatter in the low and mid volume class C subnets. Figure 21 is an example of a class C subnet, 55.145C, below the 128-class B octet. The plot shows the total amount of traffic each of the 256 IP addresses, within the 55.145C subnet, received. There was a 20% drop in 'noise' after the xx.55.145.128 IP address index. The destination IP address versus time plot for 55.145C (Figure 22) reveals the cause of the drop in noise. The lower half of the graph has 'specks' of random TCP packets distributed throughout the whole time period. All of the class C subnets below 128 look similar in terms of the specks of 49 TCP packets seen below the 128 IP address, while those above the 128-class B octet, such as 198.188C (shown in Figure 23), were clear of those specks. Total packets to each IP address in xx.55.145,0/24 930813 - 697Ad 651,465- 348232- 1160) 32 64 96 128 160 IF address index 192 224 Figure 21 - Total amount of traffic received by each IP address within 55.145C. 50 ............. ................. ................... Destination IF address index versus time in xx.55.146.0/24 I 255 - 223191 -i [- - I I- I ;_ ,1 S A L - 1 packet type " TCP - m UDP " ICMP - J i:I -~ ---3: --rL-- - 0d 127- -I - A -i4 95- -L2C-K: 63 31 -1- --. I - -A f CD159- 11 - 0 I I 12 24 45 36 Time (in hours) 84 72 60 Figure 22 - A plot of every packet received by each IP address in 55.145C. Destination IP address index versus time in xx.198188.0/24 255 223 I H- F - 191CD 159- -i :1 Wh iJtI --r' 1 I J '. -- L - - II I 1 -~ I 63 - -- 31 r - - I zI l - I 0 I 12 V - I I 24 I 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 72 54 Figure 23 - A plot of every packet received by each IP address in 198.188C. 51 1 JDP N ICMP Ft -II 127- packet type TCP - II - . 1**~ -- 11.2I-i * L'.! 5.4 Targeted IP Address Results The high volume targeted IP address results are all based on the high volume class C results. All 30 of the high volume class C subnets, which received over 500,000 packets, had at least 91% of the packets directed to a single IP address within their class C subnet. It should be noted that the average volume of packets received by each class C subnet across the class A network was 27,000. There were four phenomena observed in the 30 high volume targeted IP addresses. The phenomena include 5 IP addresses with a diurnal packet per hour pattern, 23 IP addresses which all had a similar temporal packet pattern, 1 IP address which received a large amount of P2P traffic targeted at port 4662, and I IP address which received a lot of UDP port 1037 traffic (discussed in section 5.2.8). 5.4.1 Diurnal Packet Pattern A diurnal pattern was observed in the packet versus time plots of five class C subnets. All of these IP addresses received between 480,000 and 700,000 packets. The diurnal pattern targeted at the 5 IP addresses were all similar; an example of the 109.116C pattern is shown in Figure 24. The diurnal pattern appears to be a scan for particular port vulnerabilities, since 6 ports accounted for a large percentage of the traffic. Table 2 shows that six destination ports accounted for over 95% of the packets in these subnets. 52 . ............................................. Packets ner hour versus time 14,000 -- 12,250 - 10,500 - 8,750 I -4 7,000 0 - f / ,109,116.0 vrg 6,250 3,500 1,750 0 0 12 24 60 36 45 Time (in hours) 72 84 Figure 24 - Diurnal packet per hour versus time plot for 109.116C. IP Address TCP x.25.161.40 x.109.116.137 x.217.229.249 x.232.94.123 x.248.246.112 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.3 20.9 21.2 21.4 21.2 21.1 1025 TCP 42 % of TCP 19.4 18.9 19.0 19.2 19.2 Total Traffic per Port 80 TCP 17.0 17.9 18.0 17.8 17.8 10.8 11.5 11.8 11.6 11.5 6.6 6.7 7.0 6.9 7.3 95.7 97.3 98.4 98.0 98.2 139 TCP 445 TCP Total % Table 2 - The traffic breakdown, by port, for the 5 IP addresses that had a diurnal packet pattern. 5.4.2 Similar Temporal Traffic Pattern across Class B Subnets One interesting phenomenon observed was that 23 IP addresses, which spanned distant class B and C subnets, received a similar temporal traffic pattern This traffic pattern is divided into two groups, where the difference between the groups was caused by a single IP source. One 53 group consisted of 10 IP addresses where the IP source,, sent 5,500 packets; the other group consisted of the remaining 13 IP addresses where the same IP source sent 60,000 packets. The packet per hour versus time pattern of the former group is shown in Figure 25; the pattern of the latter group is shown in Figure 26. The difference to observe between these two figures is the increase in traffic between +22 and +38 hours, which accounts for approximately 50,000 packets. Figure 27 shows an example of the total number of packets sent by the top 18 IP sources, to 4 of the 23 IP address destinations. The IP source on the far right of the plot can be seen to have sent a significantly greater amount of traffic to two of the four IP destinations. In fact, all 23 IP addresses shared the same top 18 VP sources, with the same relative amounts except for the traffic received from IP source (the 23 IP addresses share more than 18 IP sources, but there was a 20% drop in total packets after the 18 th IP source). Considering that the same IP sources are involved in the form of backscatter seen on these 23 IP addresses, a single event is likely to have caused this phenomenon, where a distinct set of IP addresses were targeted. Packets per hour versus time I14,567,0 ~verge 12,25010,500-8,750 P 7,000- o 5,250 - - - e4 3,6(0 1,750- 0 12 24 4 36 Time (in hours) 0 72 84 Figure 25 - Packet per hour plot for 5.67C in which sent little traffic. 54 ....... ....................... -................. Packets per hour versus time 14,000 - - -_xx.10120L0 average 12.25010,500 I - o 8,750A 7,000- 1,750 / 4\~ 3,500 - i ir r ai ii o 5,250- ii i .I e I 60 72 84 V - 0 45 36 24 12 0 Time (in hours) Figure 26 - Packet per hour plot for 101.204C in which sent a high volume of traffic. Total packets sent from top 18 IP sources to high backscatter volume IP destinations 140,000 120,000 100,000 a> n M xx.5.67.128 * xx.101.201.168 0 xx.206.222.64 80,000 Cn 660,000 0 -'U CU 0 xx.253.25.8 40,000 20,000 0 N 'T *N 0( LO M ') M0 ( W M CD r -( CD 0) M ) CP "t o 0 0 ) M' oN T- a) I' U') 0 0 - O Figure 27 - Packet count from the top 18 IP sources, sent to 4 IP addresses. The only pattern distinguishing whether sent traffic was that only those destination IP addresses where their rightmost octet was a multiple of 16, did not receive traffic 55 .............. ...................... ........... from this source, shown in Figure 28. The other octets did not seem to bias the distribution of traffic from this IP source. The traffic from this source,, is what separates the 23 IP addresses into those that received 532,000 backscatter packets versus those that received on average 482,000 backscatter packets. This 50,000-packet difference was solely a difference in the volume of TCP RST/ACKs. This distinct separation of backscatter quantity may explain why there were clusters of backscatter found in the section 5.1.1 backscatter analysis. Total backscatter received based on rightmost IP address octet 550,000 C,, - 525,000 0. aL ' 500,000 cc, 475,000 450,000 0 32 64 96 Rightmost 128 160 192 224 IP address octet Figure 28 - Total backscatter received on the 23 IP addresses, based on the rightmost octet These 23 IP addresses all received over 470,000 packets of backscatter. This translates to each IP address representing approximately 10% of the backscatter observed within their class B subnet. 2 of the 23 IP addresses analyzed actually pertained to the same class B subnet. This suggests that the backscatter received on each of the class B subnets might have been the aggregate of the backscatter received by 10 IP addresses within the subnets. 5.4.3 Single Target P2P Primary Traffic One IP address, xx.218.68.212, received 486,000 packets, of which at least 92% were TCP SYN packets to port 4662. EDonkey P2P client commonly uses this port. The attack did not appear to start until +20 hours, shown in Figure 29; it continued throughout the rest of the dataset period, with two large bursts of traffic lasting approximately 24 hours each. No source contributed more than 0.1% of the packets. Unlike the P2P activity, which caused a large amount of backscatter, discussed in section 5.2.1, this P2P activity consists of primary traffic. The likely 56 cause of the activity seen on xx.218.68.212 is that the IP address was incorrectly listed as a P2P server. PAekpts ner hour versus time 14,000 - -- x 216.6 .0 --aerage 12,250 10,500 - 8,750 I 7,000 - Q) Ed. 0)L 5,250 3,500 1,750 0 0 12 24 60 36 48 Time (in hours) 72 Figure 29 - Packet per hour plot of P2P traffic sent to xx.218.68.212. 57 84 58 Chapter 6 Conclusion This thesis presents the results of analyses performed on unwanted traffic received on a class A network telescope. The results show the various types of traffic phenomena that were observed including a variety of sweeps, diurnal and irregular traffic patterns, non-uniform traffic distributions, and high volume attacks. These phenomena were targeted at different class B subnets, class C subnets, and IP addresses across the whole class A network and were difficult to predict. While one subnet would receive a certain pattern of traffic, an adjacent subnet would be devoid of such a pattern. A large portion of the dataset could not be analyzed at the class C or individual IP address level, and so it cannot be assumed that the list of phenomena presented is comprehensive. In addition, many of the phenomena lasted longer than the 93-hour period of the dataset, and so the temporal aspects of these phenomena could not be ascertained. The unusual nature of the traffic, the inability to analyze all of the class C and individual IP address activity, and the short duration of the dataset make it difficult to create artificial models of unwanted traffic. Future work towards improving the understanding of UT includes automating the statistical analysis of traffic measurements using clustering techniques, analyzing longer datasets and classes within those datasets more efficiently, and looking at the root causes behind these phenomena. The results also show that the backscatter in this dataset was not uniform. When the class B subnets were observed at the class A network level, a large disparity was seen between two regions of the network. Assuming uniformity in backscatter, especially since uniformity can be observed in clusters of class B subnets, can lead to gross miscalculations of backscatter characteristics on the Internet. 59 60 I- -,-- - -7 - - - - - - - - - - -- - - References [1] Sally Floyd and Vern Paxson, "Difficulties in Simulating the Internet," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp. 392-403, Aug. 2001. [2] Steven M. Bellovin, "Packets Found on an Internet," ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 23, Issue 3, pp. 26-31, Jul 1993. [3] Stuart Staniford, Vern Paxson, and Nicholas Weaver, "How to Own the Internet in Your Spare Time," In Proceedings of the 1 Ith USENIX Security Symposium, pp. 149-167, Aug. 2002. [4] Lee M. Rossey, Robert K. Cunningham, David J. Fried, Jesse C. Rabek, Richard P. Lippmann, Joshua W. Haines, and Marc A. 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[10] Martin Roesch, Snort network intrusion prevention and detection system, 2005. [11] Rocky K. C. Chang, "Defending against Flooding-Based Distributed Denialof-Service Attacks: A Tutorial," IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 40, Issue 10, pp. 42-51, Oct. 2002. [12] David Moore, Vern Paxson, Stefan Savage, Colleen Shannon, Stuart Staniford, and Nicholas Weaver, "The Spread of the Sapphire/Slammer Worm," Technical Report, Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis - CAIDA, Jan. 2003. [13] CoralReef software suite, 2005. [14] Helmut Michels, Dislin plotting library, 2005. 62 Appendix A: Tables and Plots for Class B Subnets 63 64 A.1 - XX.1.0.0/16 Total Avg Rate Packets 9,804,326 29 Bytes 563,168,457 1,168 Table Al-1 - Packet and byte statistics for lB. Peak Rate 1,140 54,420 %TCP 78.3 64.0 %UDP 16.2 31.4 %ICMP 5.5 4.6 ACK 10,845 RST 76,868 RST/ACK 923,111 OTHER 735 SYN/ACK SYN TCP TYPE PKT COUNT 5,450,198 1,158,305 Table Al-2 - TCP packet types in lB. 100 31 574K Scans Packets (Scans > 4K pkts) 1.1M (75) 400,657 Sources Avg Pkts /Src 25 Avg Bytes /Src 1.4K Destinations Hosts Avg Pkts /Dest 65,536 150 90 X X X 80,178 110 6.4K 52,261 169 9.6K 4 153 32.1K 1.8M 12,140 50 X X X Table Al -3 - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in lB. 404 21.2K % Snort Alerts Total Unique Ports Total Hosts 59,691 13,360 Avg Bytes /Dest 8.6K Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % TCP - 135 1,829,158 18.7 87,414,378 15.5 TCP - 445 1,801,637 18.4 86,758,899 15.4 UDP - 137 1,260,528 12.9 98,328,687 17.5 Table A1-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in lB. IP Destination Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % xx.1.50.192 471,531 4.8 19,437,178 3.5 14,396,629 256,446 2.6 xx.1.128.12 xx.1.199.75 139,617 1.4 6,732,568 Table Al-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in IB. 2.6 1.2 IP Source Packets 263,933 Packet % 2.7 Bytes 11,617,276 Byte % 2.0 255,934 236,036 2.6 2.4 14,332,304 10,243,668 2.5 1.8 Table Al-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 1B. Alert Name ICMP Destination Unreachable Communication Administratively Prohibited MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt ICMP Ping NMAP Table Al -7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in lB. 65 Alert Count 256,348 157,766 142,355 Alert % 44.6 27.5 24.8 ................................... Packets per hour versus time 300,000 - 262,500 - 225,000 - 187,500 - p., 150,000 - S., 0 - A! I- .i.J U 112,500 -A 75,000 - A A *x A h - -_ - 37,500 0 0 12 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 24 84 72 Figure Al-1 - Packets per hour versus time in lB. Bytes per hour versus time 15,000,000 7~Yo.o 13,125,000 11,250,000 Kh 9,375,000 <U, A M. 7,500,000 5,625,000 A A A - 3,750,000 1,875,000 0 0 12 24 50 46 36 Time (in hours) Figure A1-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in lB. 66 72 84 aXaVe r1.0. rae ............... Destination IF address index versus time in xx.LG.0/16 (skip=100) I 65,535 .-- A" 4 .T I W: .I I packet type " " * 21 57,343 TCP UJDP ICMP H57 0 'd 49,151 "bit T91 P P IZ , ?M II I V 7f o40,969 . , - W A5 32,767 ,On" P AS l !: t I - I S24,575 M 16,383 PIC V .4 'WAN 8,191 nj -, r4 J 1,11k 44 I - r,NJI 0 0 24 12 36 54 72 60 4a Time (in hours) Figure Al-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 1B. Destination port versus time (skip=100) p&cket type-count 1459.431 10000 L. 0 0 a A A A SYN/ACK + ACK 10,846 II 0o A A ,a 0 0 Q , RST/ACK 923111 o o Ai,6 : ' 0 ci T''CP OTHER 736 100 In 0 ' A 0~ 0z Go qjo 13u 4Mao'UU&Eoun 0 CD) 0 Aci 0 (:A 0 A 0 103 0 1 SYN 5.450.198 RST 1000 a. A6 6 ID V o | 0 1 12 24 36 48 Time (in hours) Figure At-4 - Destination port versus time in lB. 67 60 72 1 4 . ... . ........... - ........................................... .... packets in each class C subnet in xx.1.0.0/16 Total 500,000 - I I I I - 437,500 375,000 JS312,500 250,DO . - E-, 157,500- 125,000 - 62,500 - 1 . 0- 0 vn I r~2 64 I I I 96 i i 12 I 2I I 2 192 160 Class C subnet index 128 224 Figure Al-5 - Total packets in each class C subnet in lB. Snort alerts versus time in xx.1.0.0 I I X Unk. datagpm doivof (g biv hardware type (3 SYN pkt w/ data (5 Exper. Tr optiin (5 Trun-c. Tr qptiivnm (0 bar&byte unloade (7 SCAN nmap XMAS (12 ICYAP DUnraah Boat (17 SNIM X X xXX X X X XX 63 to <1t4 (10: TCP part 0 (1X4 NTare add, overflow (185 radIrwt host (IS SCAM FIN (400 len > payload (443 (15167 3MPW public acnoso ICMP PING NMAP (14235M MS-SQL WTn (157786 ICMP IDUrench (268864 X X X X X XX Xe XDM > XX X >)OCCOW X X XX 9XK >""CX X><XX XX >A X XXK X XX >08K< 'K X X xXX X X X )MKX X W X X X X 1W8 )MX X X~x2>KXK X X X X X X X X X X Xx X X 1CM Iarp. pakaet (S1A X X X RK X trap tep (44 P0RT5CAN>4095 pkta (75 WA Tr data offaet < 5 (4 X IXiP X X >X I X X X XX AgntIX (17 I I x X XX TCP header in > pkt (S5 OOS matream (0? WM4P Lratrivor (28' ICMP DUnreach NEt (43 K EP reservad bit set (48, BNMP request top (W, X Port I I >X< ICMP Souroe Quenoh (24 SNMI X X I I X X >X X.) XXX X X >X X X X X > >0 Xx XX MOO< X XM X 31 >M X > >X) XK X X X X >0=(SH|XX))OMKOX5,KK )X X X X X 72 84 XXX XX X>OK< UhP 0 I 0 12 I I 24 I I 36 I I Time (in hours) Figure Al -6 - Snort alerts versus time in lB. 68 I I 48 60 1 1 alerts/hour 0 * * m M * * * * * >0 >223 >447 >671 >895 *>U19 >1343 >1567 >1790 >2014 >2235 * * >2686 >2910 >3134 >2462 A.2 - XX.49.0.0/16 Avg Rate Total 27 9,178,836 Packets 1,560 522,324,712 Bytes Table A2-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 49B. Peak Rate 2,440 107,536 %TCP 83.4 69.3 %UDP 14.1 29.1 %ICMP 2.5 1.6 ACK 8,639 RST 17,030 RST/ACK 586,557 OTHER 449 SYN/ACK TCP TYPE SYN 1,028,269 PKT COUNT 5,964,026 Table A2-2 - TCP packet types in 49B. % Destinations Ports Sources Scans Avg Avg Avg Hosts Total Hosts Packets Pkts Pkts Bytes (Scans > /Src /Src /Dest 4K pkts) 65,536 140 24 1.4K 670K (43) 57,837 381,097 298K 154 53,822 109 6.3K 8,733 75,904 X X 262 17,537 86 53.4K 2.9M X 2 X - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 49B. Snort Alerts Unique Total 28 100 90 X 50 X Table A2-3 Avg Bytes /Dest 8.0K 8.7K 13.9K Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % TCP - 445 3,715,752 40.5 178,623,634 34.2 16.6 86,572,392 12.1 1,109,883 UDP- 137 8.2 42,835,582 9.7 894,402 TCP - 135 Table A2-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 49B. IP Destination Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % xx.49.10.69 44,592 0.5 2,154,271 0.4 1,577,568 0.4 32,551 xx.49.251.163 1,414,612 0.3 29,114 xx.49.251.82 Table A2-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 49B. 0.3 0.3 IP Source Packets 2,052,122 Packet % 22.4 Bytes 98,501,856 Byte % 18.9 265,155 235,071 2.9 2.6 11,671,016 10,204,596 2.2 2.0 Table A2-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 49B. Alert Name MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt ICMP Ping NMAP SNMP Public Access UDP Table A2-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 49B. 69 Alert Count 158,173 Alert % 53.0 137,280 46.0 576 0.2 Packets per hour versus time 300,000 ___xx.49.0.0 averageI 262,500 225,000 - 187,500 - 150,000 - 112,500 - 0 -4 U 75,000 37,500 A 6 -V- 0 12 0 24 45 60 36 Time (in hours) 72 84 Figure A2-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 49B. Bytes per hour versus time 15,000,000 -2---- 13.125,000 11,250,000 S9,375,000 ~7,500,000 A A A S5,625,000 J Y Q VV 3,750,000 1,875,000 0 0 12 24 45 36 Time (in hours) Figure A2-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 49B. 70 60 72 84 av1rag ............................ .................... - Destination IP address index versus time in xx.49.0.0/16 (skip=100) 65,535- packet type 0 TCP 57,343- UDP - a ICMP '49,151- o 40,959 - 32,767 1 -24,575 12 16,3838,19100 72 60 48 36 24 12 54 Time (in hours) Figure A2-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 49B. Destination port versus time (skip=100) packet type-count UDP 0 0 SYN ,954,06 A SYN/ACK 1,02BPZ9 + ACK 10000 - 1000 RST 17.030 RST/ACK 0d 0 t1," 0 00 0 A 100 0 0 0 cSgo do d o 0oaoooe am oo 0O CL 00 0 0 0 0 w <, O0A go0 0 10 1 - A0 o Elm CaDOmo0Goo 00 falO)00 "A 0 o 12 24 48 36 Time (in hours) Figure A2-4 - Destination port versus time in 49B. 71 60 72 84 7CP OTHER "9 - .......... ........... . ............ .......................................... Total packets in each class C subnet in xx.49.0.0/16 500,000 I 437.500 - 375,O00 - ' I II' 64 160 128 96 Class C subnet index JS312,500 250,000 E- 157,500- 125,000 - 62,500 - 0 32 i i i i i i i 0- i i 224 192 Figure A2-5 - Total packets in each class C subnet in 49B. Snort alerts versus time in xx.49.0.0 aeader, length field < 8 (1 UDP port 0 (1 Unk. datagrin decode (2 SYN pkt w/ data (3 8NMP Agntl (+: Icr Ufrtriever (4 Trunc. UPF gption. (0 bare byte unloade (7 X ICMP DUnreach Boat (17 ICMP redirect not (0 IMF Source quench (9: IGMP DUnreach Net (34: 7Dr hcader lan > pkt (: PORTSCLN>4006 pkta (43: MP requemt top (5: XX IP remerrod bit set (89 X 7TP data offset < 5 N74 SNMF trap top (75 TC port 0 (103 XK IMW large packet (148 X SCAN FIX (1ia Part 58 to <M324 (205 ICMP redireot hoot (220 X ICMP DUareach (415 VDr an > paylad (421 SNUP publie anon (575 ICiP PING NMLP (1377I MS-NL Worm (168172 alerts/hour X X X >183 X X X X > X X X 0 S>735 X >919 X X X X XXX X X X X XX X0X<X X XX XKX >XX)@KX >=K X X >0K )M )M X X WX X X XKX XXXMK X >MC >X XX X X > )OR X >(X X AK MX >A<X X X WK X X >R WCX M X>X X X >1w X>W, X XX XX W@ X A>W >0W X X )wK X 3KV00XXX X XX X X X >X X< >X X X X 'w >WX w X / M WC X XOM X X X X> W X X X JMM 1K X X X X X X X X X X X X X 72 84 0- 12 24 60 48 36 Time (in hours) Figure A2-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 49B. 72 >367 >551 S>1103 a a >1287 > 1471 >1655 >1839 >2023 >2207 >2391 >2575 A.3 - XX.81.0.0/16 Packets Bytes Total 6,699,348 Avg Rate 20 Peak Rate 2,970 %T CP 73.3 %UDP 20.1 %ICMP 6.6 405,173,024 1,210 131,250 56.7 38.1 5.2 RST 16,993 RST/ACK 574,614 OTHER 230 Table A3-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 81B. SYN SYN/ACK TCP TYPE PKT COUNT 3,217,758 1,041,876 Table A3-2 - TCP packet types in 81B. ACK 8,409 | Avg Bytes /Src 372,169 Sources Avg Pkts /Src 18 1.1K Destinations Hosts Avg Pkts /Dest 102 65,536 106,321 57 3.5K 51,920 116 6.9K 232K 13,910 4 893 3.8K X X X 50 Table A3-3 - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 81B. 241 12.8K 100 24 301K Scans Packets (Scans > 4K pkts) 536K (43) 90 X X X % Snort Alerts Total Unique Ports Total Hosts 58,006 13,695 Avg Bytes /Dest 6.2K Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes TCP - 445 1,550,119 23.1 74,665,687 18.4 UDP- 1,115,871 16.7 87,037,938 21.5 660,758 9.9 31,727,655 7.8 137 TCP - 135 Byte % Table A3-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 81B. Packets Packet % IP Destination 1.2 xx.81.254.184 77,003 43,880 0.7 xx.81.220.175 30,681 0.5 xx.81.220.27 Table A3-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, Bytes Byte % 3,721,069 0.9 2,120,147 1,478,834 in 81B. 0.5 0.4 IP Source Packets 265,547 Packet % 4.0 Bytes 11,687,964 Byte % 2.9 235,940 194,397 3.5 2.9 10,239,928 11,663,820 2.5 2.9 Table A3-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 81B. Alert Name Attempt MS-SQL Worm Propagation ICMP Ping NMAP ICMP Destination Unreachable Communication Adminstratively Prohibited Table A3-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 81B. 73 Alert Count 158,564 Alert % 52.8 139,164 46.3 824 0.3 ......... ................... .................. . ........ Packets per hour versus time 300,000 - _____ xx,81.O.0 &verage ----- xx,8LO.. average _____ 262,500 - 225,000 - o 187,500 - P4 150,000 - - 112,500 - - 75,000 - - A (AA I - - 37,500 - 0 0 72 60 46 36 Time (in hours) 24 12 84 Figure A3-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 81B. Bytes per hour versus time - 13,125,000 .. - 11,250,000 - - - - 15,000,000 0 9,375,000 p4 7,500,000 QJ 5,625,000 pA AA 3,750,000 1,875,000 A A -A -~_ _ _ _ __ _ /\ I A 0 0 12 24 36 48 Time (in hours) Figure A3-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 81B. 74 60 72 84 . Destination IP address index versus time in xx.1.0.0/16 (skip=100) . 65,535 ~ 57,343 - 49,151 - 40,959 - 32,767 - ' . --.... .1" - .. packet type *' * .- * ,4 . * TCP UDP ICMP H 0 -V 172 0 - 1: - -m .AP= ANN 14.6 K. FSO 0 24,575 - 6,m H1-t --.. 172 16,383 ID 8,191 ' - 84 72 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 24 12 0 Figure A3-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 81B. port Destination versus time (skip=100) paket type-count El UDP 0 1._43=27 SYN A SYN/ACK 10000 - + 0 1000 REST A -&A ~ A~ A A A ~ 0 A A ~A - 4~A A A ~o A 100 - c -. - ~A, a0EllIUD0 00 - UM.j---------M w OID CQO 18 I0 o 1ODIDO MO] 7 0l 00O 0 0 A C0 0 EAD . 0 =GO--- 0 ~A 'tI de 't of o0 a 0o 0000aCM _ A 0 10 A A A ' I 0 12 24 60 48 36 Time (in hours) Figure A3-4 - Destination port versus time in 81B. 75 72 84 574,614 T TCP OTHER "0ID - 0 16,993 RST/ACK A A -4 1,041,576 ACK 8,400 230 .............. ................... . ....................... Total packets in each class C subnet in xx.a1.0.0/16 500,000 - 437.500 - 375,000 - I I S312,500 , 250,000- E-, 157,500125,000 - 62,500 - 0- 224 192 160 128 96 64 32 0 Class C subnet index Figure A3-5 - Total packets in each class C subnet in 81B. Snort alerts versus time in xx.81.0.0 Unk. datagrm decode (1, SYN pkt w/ data (03 Trunc. TCP options (7 bare byte unioude (9 X 3NMP AgentX (10 DDO mistream (Mr SCAN FIN (17 IcWa Duarenah Bout (1s ICMP Souree Quench (22 SNMP request top (2: X ?rC? header len > pkt (33 SKMP trap top (39 ICMP DUnreaoh Net (4tq PORTSCAN>40N0 pkta (4 IFrmwered bit set (4s ICMP lara packet (48 TCP data offset < 5 (73 Maserved Ir protacot (140 iCM? redirect heat (3a UP1 len > payload (446 TCF port 0 (470 ICMP DUnrceach (BZ4 ICMP PING NWAP (130166 MS-8ML Worm (168564 0- i X X XX X xX x X >W XX X> X X X XAX X X X X< &<X X X X<XW X XX XX X WX X )M >00 X XO< >X X X WX Ax X X Ix X X >O< XX X X X X XK X X X X W XXX X X0 X XXK >-XXx K X X XX X X X X X X XX XK X .M iM k; I I I 0 12 24 X )(( X X >0( X X X X X X X X X X X XX XX ))MHK X X~ X X XX X X X X X X&X X X W X i I ! I I- 36 60 48 Ti me (in hours) Figure A3-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 81B. 76 I 72 I 54 alerts/hour * >0 * >186 * >372 * >558 * >744 * >930 * >1116 * >1302 * >1488 * >1874 * >1860 a 0 >2046 >2232 >2418 >2604 A.4 - XX.128.0.0/16 Total Avg Rate Peak Rate Packets 7,080,623 21 3,930 Bytes 536,255,022 1,622 278,750 Table A4-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 128B. %TCP 63.2 39.4 %UDP 33.3 58.9 %ICMP 3.5 1.7 TCP TYPE SYN SYN/ACK 3,620,414 289,605 PKT COUNT Table A4-2 - TCP packet types in 128B. RST 31,086 RST/ACK 515,151 OTHER 61 % ACK 3,456 Destinations Ports Sources Scans Hosts Avg Packets Total Hosts Avg Avg (Scans > Pkts Bytes Pkts 4K pkts) /Src /Src /Dest 65,536 108 18 1.4K 308K 441K (35) 54,024 384,173 4.6K 48,421 132 X X 1,615 110,515 58 X X 3 1,179 3.0K 282K 1,377 2.6K - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 128B. Snort Alerts Unique Total 100 30 X 90 50 X Table A4-3 Avg Bytes /Dest 8.2K 10.1K 206K Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % TCP - 445 1,664,061 23.5 80,138,061 14.9 UDP- 137 1,098,741 15.5 85,862,957 16.0 TCP- 135 832,482 11.8 39,879,165 7.4 Table A4-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 128B. IP Destination xx.128.8.14 Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % 830,425 11.7 132,503,739 24.7 xx.128.247.192 469,569 6.6 19,373,962 3.6 7,773,099 60,694 0.9 xx.128.110.120 Table A4-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 128B. 1.5 IP Source Packets 181,920 Packet % 2.6 Bytes 23,308,759 Byte % 4.4 118,420 108,174 1.7 1.5 5,684,160 4,328,724 1.1 0.8 Table A4-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 128B. Alert Name MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt ICMP Ping NMAP SNMP Public Access UDP Table A4-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 128B. 77 Alert Count 158,105 Alert % 51.3 136,317 44.2 7,718 2.5 ......... ...... ................. Packets per hour versus time 300,000 ___xx.i26io.0 vrg 262,500 - 225,000 - t__ - 66 0 P1 157,500 150,000 - 112,500 - / - A A VU 75,000 A A M p 37,500 0 0 12 48 36 24 60 72 84 Time (in hours) Figure A4-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 128B. Bytes per hour versus time 15,000,000 - 13.125,000 - 11,250,000 - 9,375,000 - 0 7,500,000 - ---- - A P4 5,625,000 A/A _ A A A4 A 1 \A I! 3,750,000 1,875,000 0 0 12 24 60 45 36 Time (in hours) Figure A4-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 128B. 78 72 54 xx.128.0.0 average , 'L=- -- - --- - - --- - - .-.................... ..... .......................... ..... - -= - -A Destination IP address index versus time in xx.128.0.0/16 (skip=100) 65,535 57,343 .* .- packet type " TCP * UDP * ICMP - 49,151 W. .~ 40,969 - 4 * -.. - --- - ~,, 32,767 ~~ ,, 0 .k.- - .)by 24 575 M _ ~ 'W& ~'- 16,383 ~ 4 8,191 0 72 60 36 48 Time (in hours) 24 12 0 54 Figure A4-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 128B. Destination port versus time (skip=10O) pwtket typ&--eount 0 UDP 0 SYN A SYN/ACK + &CK 10000 -- A,468 1000 RST/ACK -615.1 7 100 . oWcooouo OCM 0 0mr x - 000 O 0 0 0 0 0MBDaG 95' 0 01(E 10 1 1 0 I I 12 I I 24 I I I I I II 60 48 36 Time (in hours) Figure A4-4 - Destination port versus time in 128B. 79 72 54 TCP at. OTHER ..... ..... .. .......................... Total packets in each class C subnet in xxI28.0.0/18 437.500 - 375,000 - I I I I 500,000 I ' S312,500- 4.250,000E 187,500 - 125,000 - 62,500 - 0- 0 32 II I I 224 192 160 128 96 Class C subnet index 64 - ~ I I I Figure A4-5 - Total packets in each class C subnet in 128B. Snort alerts versus time in xx.128.0.0 SCAN FIN (1C; Reserved IF protocol (2 SCAN STN FIN (2 SYN pkt w/ data (5 bar byte unicode (5 ICP Unareaah Boat (15 SNUP AgentX (Io X X X X ICMP Sourcs Quench (19 Tcr header ien > pkt (a8 X X XX PORTSCAN>4090 pkta (33 X X X sr trap Uop (U4 >W ICP DUnrech Net (4: X IF re.rved bit .et (47 X X >=K SNMP request top (64 HWare add. averflow (54 X X"x X TC? .ata ofshot < 5 (65, Part 58 to d 4 (10Z TCP port a (133: X X ICMP large packet (144 X X X ICMP redireat host (214 lUMP DUnreach (1890 XX .X UDP len > payload (3M7 SWM? public access (7710 ICMP PING NMAP (136512 MS-SQL Warn (15810, X X X X X X W X >0*0 X X >80OU'K XX( X 12 X 48 Time (in hours) 80 X XWXN X >&=8 60 M X >X XM X >w< X X W 72 > AM X X m . Figure A4-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 128B. X XX<*K>x~x X 36 X XX X 24 X N (0X X ]SEEK< m ew 0-i J X X >" >0( X <X X X<>X XKX X X XX X X X X X X X XX X X AX0< X X Xx' 0X XX Mx X >W X>00< X< X X XX X X X3K X X X X|K i i X X w i a I . 84 X lK alerts/hour * >0 * >215 * >431 * >647 * >863 * >1079 * >1294 * >1510 * >1726 * >1942 * >2158 >2373 >2589 * >2805 * >3021 A.5 - XX.168.0.0/16 Total Avg Rate Peak Rate Packets 8,544,791 26 2,650 Bytes 563,926,084 1,684 117,206 Table A5-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 168B. %TCP 55.0 39.4 %UDP 42.4 59.2 %ICMP 2.6 TCP TYPE SYN SYN/ACK PKT COUNT 3,821,079 282,380 Table A5-2 - TCP packet types in 168B. RST 17,452 RST/ACK 519,781 OTHER Avg Bytes /Src 1.5K Destinations Avg Pkts /Dest 130 65,536 6.5K 100 24 304K Scans Packets (Scans > 4K pkts) 521K (46) 90 X X X % Snort Alerts Unique Total ACK 3,057 Ports Total Hosts 52,512 379,794 Sources Avg Pkts /Src 23 58 80,961 95 1.4 341 Hosts Avg Bytes /Dest 8.6K 53,769 143 9.3K 24.3K 1.8M 15,411 50 X X X 2 176 Table A5-3 - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 168B. 277 15.8K Protocol - Port/ICMP Type UDP- 137 Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % 3,437,748 40.2 268,147,878 47.6 14.4 1,688,090 19.8 81,324,677 TCP - 445 TCP- 135 787,759 9.2 38,162,440 6.8 packet count, in 168B. and UDP traffic by TCP, packet types across ICMP, Table A5-4 - Top 3 IP Destination xx.168.88.0 xx.168.171.94 Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % 471,637 5.5 19,445,706 3.5 72,452 0.9 3,498,028 0.6 xx.168.190.53 43,929 0.5 2,123,544 0.4 Table A5-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 168B. IP Source Packets 169,930 Packet % 2.0 Bytes 13,254,540 Byte % 2.4 116,279 110,295 1.4 1.3 9,069,762 8,603,010 1.6 1.5 Table A5-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 168B. Alert Count Alert % MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt 158,928 52.3 ICMP Ping NMAP 142,832 47.0 432 0.1 Alert Name Short UDP Packet, Length Field > Payload Length Table A5-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 168B. 81 .......... .................. Packets per hour versus time 300,000 - X.18 .0 ___ 262,500 - 225,000 - verageI - C., 157,500 0 C1) p., CD 150,000 13 IAA 112,500 A [f~ J\A - - [A 75,000 37,500 0 I I 0 12 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 24 72 84 Figure A5-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 168B. Bytes per hour versus time 15,000,000 xz.168.0.0 - F:---average 13,125,000 - 11,250,000 0 A 9,375,000 7,500,000 - CU .1 5,625,000 - -V\ 3,750,000 1,875,000 0 0 12 24 36 48 Time (in hours) Figure A5-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 168B. 82 60 72 84 .............. Destination IP address index versus time in x168.0.0/16 (skip=100) 1. -- s 65,535 57,343 ....L ...6-.. Am-A--An .......,4- IL nu 49,151 -~ packet type M a M TCP UIJDP ICMP mA.~rME~~ .', a - V II 3 r rm ti 40,969 - .,424,575 -P zA - -4 - ~ 32,767 n.e L~I~ 16,383 i -- 8,191 0 64 72 60 48 36 24 12 0 Time (in hours) Figure A5-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 168B. Destination port versus time (skip=100) packet type-count 0 UD)P 3,e31.gep 0 10000 - a - + SYN/ACK 252,3B0 ACK 3,057 EST o 1000 - T V 100 I) ED a0]] I oJ W A=aw% 0 Ic 0 o ap8 0 0 C D 'a CU 0 MD M3 d.,fl=ff...Im.%o 0DM ^ n. A a o 00 Co% 5 0 900 a pow e 10 |I 0 17,4e3 RST/ACK - 1 SYN 3,81.O7P I I 12 I 24 I 36 I I 48 I Time (in hours) Figure A5-4 - Destination port versus time in 168B. 83 | 60 1 | 72 1 i 84 ' I TCP OTHER 341 ........ .. . ........ - Total packets in each class C subnet in xx.168.0.0/16 i i 500,000 437,500 - 375,000 - .3312,500 ,.2 5 0 00 0 , - -A E 157,500125,000 - 62,500 - 0- 160 128 96 Class C subnet index 64 32 0 224 192 Figure A5-5 - Total packets in each class C subnet in 168B. Snort alerts versus time in xx.168.0.0 I I I 3CAN ICMP I I I I I i I A alerts/hour E >0 >186 * X X >373 * X X X X >559 X * X XK X< * >746 XX X X X * >932 X X XX X > * >1119 X X X * >1305 )>X X X X X0< XK X X X )t§CX * >1492 X X> X X X X AK x> * >1678 X X X XX XX MK X >1865 U wK X X X XX >2051 X WK X >X AK X >2238 M)K< X X XI< XE( * >2424 XXX X > * >2611 X X X)OK X XX X X X XX X X X X datagrm deaode (1) SEMP public access (2) ICMP Dunreach Hast (5) BYN pkt w/ data (8] AP webtrands scanner (10) bare byte unioada (141 X X X at! (181 snWP X SNMP trap top (281 ?CP header lee > pkt (28) ICMP Source quench (3SS X SNU request top (A) ICUP DUnreach Net (40) X( IP reserved b~t set (44) ?ORTSCAK>4086 pkta (AS] 9< XXX TCP data uSed < 5 (75) Part 5$ to <1024 1041] X X TCP part 0 (108) 101r arg packet (147) X UnIL Fw (3o: X X X X X X ))WX8 X redirect heat (Z18) ICMP DUnreach (429 UD? lea > paylad (432) IM? PING NMAP (142am, X X X X XK X X X X X ANM X W X X X8W 0 ) 12 X X X S SCM &E+ ts-SQL Worm (15=8805 X X 24 36 48 Time (in hours) Figure A5-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 168B. 84 60 72 84 A.6 - XX.204.0.0/16 Avg Rate Peak Rate Total 18,220 Packets 11,987,846 36 728,750 1,871 626,254,640 Bytes Table A6-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 204B. %TCP 87.1 74.1 %UDP 11.1 24.7 %ICMP 1.8 1.2 SYN SYN/ACK TCP TYPE 2,378,700 4,428,012 PKT COUNT Table A6-2 - TCP packet types in 204B. RST 15,958 RST/ACK 3,567,517 OTHER 2,247 ACK 1,513 378,074 Sources Avg Pkts /Src 32 Avg Bytes /Src 1.7K Destinations Avg Hosts Pkts /Dest 65,536 183 38,679 279 14.7K 45,198 239 12.2K 8.8M 7,034 31 194K 97 X X X 50 Table A6-3 - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 204B. 852 39.0K 100 26 302K Scans Packets (Scans > 4K pkts) 760K (53) 90 X X X % Snort Alerts Unique Total Ports Total Hosts 53,030 18,470 Avg Bytes /Dest 9.6K Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % TCP - 445 1,643,270 13.7 79,141,390 12.6 55,645,126 8.9 9.7 1,159,156 TCP- 135 14.3 1,147,945 9.6 89,539,710 UDP - 137 Table A6-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 204B. IP Destination Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % xx.204.171.140 64,601 0.5 3,121,276 0.5 2,634,288 0.5 54,053 xx.204.237.82 0.5 2,603,037 53,884 xx.204.47.46 Table A6-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 204B. 0.4 0.4 IP Source Packets 1,676,994 Packet % 14.0 Bytes 73,787,736 Byte % 11.8 1,096,223 520,458 9.1 4.3 43,849,916 24,981,984 7.0 4.0 Table A6-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 204B. Alert Name MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt ICMP Ping NMAP ICMP Destination Unreachable Communication Administratively Prohibited Table A6-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 204B. 85 Alert Count 158,308 Alert % 52.4 141,336 46.8 458 0.2 .. .. .... ....... -.................................... ................... Packets per hour versus time 300,000 - 262,500 - 225,000 - 167,500 - 150,000 - I0 I1) .4.' 112,500 - Ilk --- x.204.0.0 average - At Ak - - 75,000 37,500 0 0 12 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 24 72 Figure A6-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 204B. Bytes per hour versus time 15,000,000 - -- xx.204.0.01 - 0 13.125.000 - 11,250,000 - 9,375,000 A4 7,500,000 M - A I 5,625,000 3,750,000 1,875,000 0 I I 0 12 24 60 45 36 Time (in hours) Figure A6-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 204B. 86 72 84 - average Destination IF address index versus time in xx.204.0.D/16 (skip=100) 65,535 packet type 57,343 TCP UDP ICMP 0 N ' . 'd49,151 p40,969 32,767 24,575 , 12 0 36 24 48 60 64 72 Time (in hours) Figure A6-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 204B. Destination Dort versus time (skip=100) paeket type-ount * SYN * SYN/ACK 10000 -4-, I- 0 1000 0 3,7,7 Aar 'S -4-, ii 100 II.) 10 0 1 ' 0 I I 12 24 I I I 36 48 Time (in hours) Figure A6-4 - Destination port versus time in 204B. 87 1 60 36 2 72 64 TCP OTHER 2,247 .......... ..... .......................... ................. ...... Total packets in each class C subnet in xx.204.0.0/16 500,000 III- I 437.500 - 375,000 - S312,500- o,250,000 - E, 157,500- 125,000- S2500 -7 LAA O -L- 32 C 96 64 160 128 224 192 Class C subnet index Figure A6-5 - Total packets in each class C subnet in 204B. Snort alerts versus time in xx.204.0.0 S ardware type (X X Reserved IP protocol (1: bare byte unicode (10 X X X SYN pkt w/ data (IX: XX X X SNP AgentiX (3: <K X X X > FIN (1: X XX X X XX ICMP DUnreach Heet (26. X XX X X SNMP trap top (28: 'CP header len > pkt (a: X X X XX X WKX X X TOCP port 4 (28:. X X X< X ICMP DUnreaeh Net (A0] X XX X XEXOOOX X EP reserved bit set (4?! >0X XX X( W X PORSCAN>40s pkta (63: W X X< X X >WC Stow request top (": X X IM? Source Quench L4: X X XX XX X XX TCP data aofset < 5 (87, add. overflow (123] Hire ICM? large packet (153) X X Port OZ to <aIR4 (m: X X IMP redir ect host (3WB X X XX X UDP len > paoed (425 ICMP Utrneach (468 IcON PING NUAP (1435W x WS-SQL Worm (15800W* SCA x xx >X alerts/hour K X X XX X xK W >)AK X 00 X X >X 24 36 X X X X X XI X MK XX > X XX( X X 48 88 )X: A W X4=2B W MK8( X 3K X X X Time (in hours) Figure A6-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 204B. X XX >W m 12 W "XX *XX< XOXX KK X >W< )K X X >0< m XX , X /AC< )0OCXXX I i I i I p I I I Inv 60 X X XX m a 72 X0 X>< KX 84 * * * * * * M * a * * * >165 >371 >557 >743 >929 >1115 >1301 >1456 >1672 >18658 >2044 >2230 >2416 >2602 ................... A.7 - XX.229.0.0/16 Total Avg Rate Peak Rate Packets 6,209,234 19 1,540 76,713 Bytes 382,977,523 1,144 Table A7-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 229B. %TCP 75.1 57.7 %UDP 21.2 40.2 %ICMP 3.7 2.1 SYN I SYN/ACK TCP TYPE PKT COUNT 3,785,241 283,895 Table A7-2 - TCP packet types in 229B. RST 17,826 RST/ACK 523,502 OTHER 43 100 23 300K Scans Packets (Scans> 4K pkts) 635K (50) Avg Bytes /Src 373,498 Sources Avg Pkts /Src 17 1.0K Destinations Hosts Avg Pkts /Dest 95 65,536 90 X X X 118,494 47 3.0K 51,528 109 6.6K 1.5K 96.6K 9,107 50 X X X 3 2,113 Table A7-3 - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 229B. 341 17.8K % Snort Alerts Unique Total ACK 3,102 Ports Total Hosts 52,384 2,275 Avg Bytes /Dest 5.8K Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % TCP - 445 1,583,517 25.5 76,278,180 19.9 23.1 88,552,308 18.3 1,135,286 UDP- 137 TCP- 135 969,172 15.6 47,099,093 12.3 ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 229B. Table A7-4 - Top 3 packet types across IP Destination Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % xx.229.251.176 484,057 7.8 19,973,460 5.2 9,331,825 193,626 3.1 xx.229.80.19 xx.229.140.73 102,853 1.7 4,968,571 Table A7-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 229B. 2.4 1.3 IP Source Packets 127,344 Packet % 2.1 Bytes 6,112,512 Byte % 1.6 118,905 118,194 1.9 1.9 6,183,060 4,729,532 1.6 1.2 Table A7-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 229B. Alert Name MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt ICMP Ping NMAP Short UDP Packet, Length Field > Payload Length Table A7-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 229B. 89 Alert Count 158,061 Alert % 52.7 139,182 46.4 445 0.2 .................. .......... ............ Packets per hour versus time 300,000 - 225,000 - 167,500 - 150,000 - 112,500 - IU p., L.... 4. 1. 4. 4 L ~ I ~ T - 262,500 I0 -4. .7 U p., AAI 75,000 average --- xx229.0.0 average - IA- - 37,500 xx.229.0.0 --- I m -r - 0 0 12 24 60 36 45 Time (in hours) 72 84 Figure A7-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 229B. Bytes per hour versus time 15,000,000 - 13,125.000 - 11,250,000 - - 9,375,000 0 7,500,000 - 5,625,000 - 3,750,000 - A I - A! A \q -- 1,875,000 0 0 12 24 60 45 36 Time (in hours) Figure A7-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 229B. 90 72 84 A -----..... ... ................. ................... Destination IP address index versus time in xx.229.0.0/16 (skip=1001 65,535 - . ., T. - 57,343 49,151 - ' packet type N TCP U IDP * ICMP -X- 40,969 32,767 24,575 4) -t : 16 ,383 -iW -6 0 24 12 V-P 72 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 54 Figure A7-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 229B. Destination port versus time (skip=100) packet type-count 10000 S.. 0 1000 j4~ A -~ AA 0 0 %o00 000 0 oc 000 0i 0 0 OQ 10 | l I I i 1 0 12 o SYN 3,7We,241 A SYN/ACK z2s,aw + ACK S;A02 EST 17,8w6 TCP OTHER 43 0 0 UDP 1,317,737 RST/ACK 100 0 0 24 36 48 Time (in hours) Figure A7-4 - Destination port versus time in 229B. 91 60 72 84 00. -- - -- I w 17 .... . ....... ......... ................ ................ - - -..-- . .. Total packets in each class C subnet in xx229.0.0/16 i 500,000 I ' - - I ' 437,500 375,000 .0312,500 - .250,000 0 - 157,500- E 125,000 - 62,500 - 032 160 128 96 Class C subnet index 64 224 192 Figure A7-5 - Total packets in each class C subnet in 229B. Snort alerts versus time in xx.229.0.0 SNMP ICMP x Hart (11) xiaeode (t11 X X X X< X W( X TCP port 0 (1491 Port 5S to <1024 (205) ICILl lara, packst (21a) ICMP radilrat hest (227 Heerved IF protoool (317: INP DUnreadh (39) UDP len > >< X X X X X xK X )X Xx >K X X >x X X )< X S1w X X MX0ox & X > X X X X XX X X X X X XX 3xWXX X)AC X X XMX X X X X X >OX X 3 xx W xx X XX< X X >I< MX X X X X MS-SQL Warm (i5h0) 0) X R x< X XXX x)X X X X X parload (445 NMAP (10132 MIK X X W X<xxx X X XOK data offset < 5 (o) ICMP PING X X pkte (0)0 SNMP request top (e8) X X X X XXX< POMNC5AN>40111 TCP W (2e) SXMP trap top (32) W resrved bit .et (47) TCP header len > pkt (47) ><X X XX X 12 24 60 36 48 Time (in hours) Figure A7-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 229B. 92 X > X X >X X X X SYN pkt w/ data (13) ICUP Sauroa 4;uaneh (27: IW DUnruach Net X X Agentx (6) DUareach bare byte I I I I SCAN PIN (1) X 72 54 alerts/hour 0 >0 M >185 * >370 * >555 * >740 * >925 * >1110 * >1295 * >1480 * >1665 * >1850 >2035 >2220 * >2405 * >2590 A.8 - XX.243.0.0/16 Peak Rate Total Avg Rate 738 19 Packets 6,368,592 40,888 391,935,243 1,171 Bytes Table A8-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 243B. %TCP 76.8 60.0 %UDP 19.7 38.1 %ICMP 3.5 1.9 ACK 1,480 RST 15,470 RST/ACK 181,311 OTHER 21 SYN/ACK SYN TCP TYPE 151,263 4,491,391 PKT COUNT Table A8-2 - TCP packet types in 243B. % Destinations Scans Ports Sources Avg Hosts Avg Packets Total Hosts Avg (Scans > Pkts Bytes Pkts 4K pkts) /Src /Src /Dest 65,536 97 752K (56) 48,984 383,538 17 1.0K 301K 106 48 3.0K 53,977 X 16 120,112 X 195 16,329 1,343 2.4K 153K 3 X X - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 243B. Snort Alerts Total Unique 100 25 90 X 50 X Table A8-3 Avg Bytes /Dest 6.0K 6.5K 11.1K Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % TCP - 445 1,647,118 25.9 79,324,868 20.2 21.5 16.9 84,054,438 1,077,621 UDP- 137 51,427,972 13.1 1,061,316 16.7 TCP- 135 Table A8-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 243B. IP Destination Packets Packet % Bytes xx.243.174.77 93,871 1.5 4,535,629 1,322,235 27,435 0.4 xx.243.172.166 0.4 1,321,513 xx.243.246.65 27,422 Table A8-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 243B. IP Source Byte % 1.2 0.3 0.3 Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % 689,308 119,435 66,429 10.8 1.9 1.0 33,086,784 6,210,620 3,188,592 8.4 1.6 0.8 Table A8-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 243B. Alert Name MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt ICMP Ping NMAP Short UDP Packet, Length Field > Payload Length Table A8-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 243B. 93 Alert Count 158,555 Alert % 52.6 141,024 46.8 462 0.2 -.- ..... .. ............. ........ Packets per hour versus time 300,000 7~3.o.O - 262,500 - 225,000 - ~ag~J 167,500- 0 124 150,000 - 112,500 - 75,000 - 37,500 - V C.) 0- AAl) A~MA q 0 ff --- \j VT4JT- V V 60 45 36 24 12 72 84 Time (in hours) Figure A8-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 243B. Bytes per hour versus time 15,000,000 ~ --- 0 13,125,000 - 11,250,000 - 9,375,000 7,500,000 - 5,625,000 - w 3,750,000 2 A A, A - A /\A jm l - 1,875,000 0 0 12 24 60 45 36 Time (in hours) Figure A8-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 243B. 94 72 84 xx243.0.0 average -- ........................ Destination IF address index versus time in xx.243.0.0/16 (skip=100) - 40,959 - 32,767 - 24,575 - packet type * TCP - N UDP M ICMP V si* b~h - ~.. -_______________ lf~ - 4 a-fl !9 9! ~ $4 . ~ -E aI 5'.*49,151 -4---- g 1- I19 57,343- M jL... J.~ 65,535 ~r~d~U ~ N -- rd 14 - I. : - - - !-4 -. -- - -SA 16,383 - 6 -.4 f4 3J 8,191 0- r 0 - "F 60 45 Time (in hours) 84 72 36 24 12 Figure A8-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 243B. Destination port versus time (skip=00j p&Cket type-CoUnt o UDP 7 ;_ 11,1501,8 10000 jV 'Y- 11L a- 0 SYN 4,491,391 A SYN/ACK + ACK -I-, 1. 0 1000 'S .4~4 15,470 4 0 RST/ACK 0 0 0 0 181.311 0 TCP OTHER 21 - 100 0 II) 000D0 0 001 M 00 0 K EJ 0=ICCOC00=iE 00 00 COW 0M0 0, 1113 CM 01 CCI 0 000 e- 0 JE M W 110 9IX C13 a C MM OOZE>0 001M C (W0 0 oo 00 CP 0 0 0 10- ~1 0 - I I 12 I I 24 I 36 45 I Time (in hours) Figure A8-4 - Destination port versus time in 243B. 95 60 I I 72 I 54 | ' F . ....... --------------------------------. ..... ................... Total packets in each class C subnet in xx.243.0.0/16 - 500,000 - 437.500 - 375,000 - 1 I I I I I I 312,500.250,000 - E, 157,500 - 125,000 - 62,500 - 0- o 32 192 160 128 96 Class C subnet index 64 224 Figure A8-5 - Total packets in each class C subnet in 243B. Snort alerts versus time in xx.243.00 i X datagrm decode (1) Jnv hardware typs (9) MF webtrend. ocanner (3) bare byte unioade (3 X TPrP Get (5) >( X SNMP AgentX () SYN pkt w/ data (9) X X TCP part 0 (12) X ICMP DUnreach Bost (13) X X ICMP Source Quah (22) X < Xx= -CP header l.n > pkt (3) WR X X W, ItP IlUnreach Not (33) W X XX X>)XOC XX X IP reserved bit set (S: XX SNMP request top (4) X X X X )X XX XXx' X XX PORTSCAN>40958 pkts (58) X > OK X X X X X )M SMMP trap top (83) X EWare add. averflow (89) Ao X< X X TC? data offset < 0 (1o1 X X KCM large packet (8s X CMP redirect hoAe (40) ICMP DUnreach (97) XX X X X X UDF len > payliud (453) ICM? PING XMAP (14104 *)M MS-39L Worm (168564] WM+X Unk. X X < )X X W XXX< X NW X X X I 0) elerts/hour M >0 * >187 * >375 X X X X * >562 X ) * >750 Xx * >937 X XX * >1125 * >1312 * >1500 XX X * >1687 X A)XC A#< U >1875 X I'xX X X >2062 X X >< >2250 ) X >2437 X(XX X <X X< X X X >< * * >2625 XK YV< X X X 12 24 X AM I I X M] X 36 48 Time (in hours) 96 X >X I Figure A8-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 243B. ) X I 60 7 72 X MK 84 li .. .......... A.9 - XX.244.0.0/16 Avg Rate Peak Rate Total 12,029,925 36 12,690 Packets 508,750 Bytes 626,345,354 1,871 Table A9-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 244B. TCP TYPE SYN SYN/ACK PKT COUNT 4,590,350 2,039,287 Table A9-2 - TCP packet types in 244B. 100 24 302K Scans Packets (Scans > 4K pkts) 972K (59) 90 X X X % Snort Alerts Unique Total I ACK 1,399 %TCP 87.5 74.7 %UDP 10.6 24.1 %ICMP 1.9 1.2 RST 17,314 RST/ACK 3,824,517 OTHER 2,174 397,024 Sources Avg Pkts /Src 30 Avg Bytes /Src 1.6K Destinations Avg Hosts Pkts /Dest 65,536 184 Avg Bytes /Dest 9.6K 48,597 223 11.7K 43,470 249 12.6K 907 41.6K Ports Total Hosts 53,087 18,326 6,634 X 21 35 172K 7.9M X 50 X Table A9-3 - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 244B. Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % TCP - 445 1,793,459 14.9 86,361,152 13.8 13.6 9.1 85,321,392 UDP- 137 1,093,864 8.4 1,088,412 9.1 52,728,327 TCP - 135 Table A9-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 244B. IP Destination Packets Packet % 0.3 xx.244.103.213 37,237 36,960 0.3 xx.244.214.245 30,026 0.3 xx.244.165.223 Table A9-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, Bytes Byte % 1,808,922 0.3 1,785,738 1,454,028 in 244B. 0.3 0.2 IP Source Packets 1,380,146 Packet % 11.5 Bytes 60,726,424 Byte % 9.7 1,223,757 495,142 10.2 4.1 48,952,460 23,766,816 7.8 3.8 Table A9-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 244B. Alert Name MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt ICMP Ping NMAP ICMP Destination Unreachable Communication Administratively Prohibited Table A9-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 244B. 97 Alert Count 157,742 142,389 511 Alert % 52.2 47.1 0.2 Packets per hour versus time 300,000 - 262,500 - - 225,000 - - .4., 150,000 ---- xx244.0.0 average K>bI - 187,500 0 --- - A t\A - 112,500 h A 75,000 37,500 0 0 12 24 46 36 60 72 84 Time (in hours) Figure A9-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 244B. Bytes per hour versus time 15,000,000 - 13,125,000 - 11,250,000 - --- 9,375,000M. 0) 7,500,000 - el k-- 5,625,000 (V if i I I i i V - 3,750,0001,875,000 i J i i i i iA1il 1 y UJv - 0- , 0 I I 12 24 46 36 Time (in hours) Figure A9-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 244B. 98 60 72 84 x.244.0.0 .. ......................... Destination IP address index versus time in xx.244.0.0/16 (skip=100) 65,535 packet type 57,343 -. - 0 m M TCP UDP ICMP S49,151- w 40,959 S32,76724,575 16,383- - 8,19100 54 72 60 48 36 24 12 Time (in hours) IP address index versus time in 244B. Figure A9-3 - Destination Destination port versus time (skip=10O) p&cket type-count * UDP 0 SYN 4,390,350 A SYN/ACK + ACK 10000 0 1000 2,o3,287 1,399 NOT 17,314 &AA RST/ACK 0 'S 1,Z74.019 3,824,517 AA- TCP OTHER A - 100 4) CMi]n 0 00fJ0ODifl a 0 00W 3 O 0WW0O 0DOO 0 0a]i 0 0m 01 M Co 13 OW MMn~o Lo i 0 oo To 0 li 11 00 ,000 WtunO [1 0 M M 0 00 0 0 (E' 10- 1 I 0 I I I I I 12 24 36 48 Time (in hours) Figure A9-4 - Destination port versus time in 244B. 99 60 72 54 - -............... -,Cm I ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ .... ....... .... Total packets in each class C subnet in xx.244.00/18 500,000 437.500 - 375,000 - 250,000,)~ E- 157,500 125,000 - 62,500 - 0- 224 192 160 128 96 64 32 0 Class C subnet index Figure A9-5 - Total packets in each class C subnet in 244B. Snort alerts versus time in xx.244.0.0 Reserved IP protocol (11 bare byte niode (4 UDP port 0 (7) SUN FIN (a X X X Source Quench (20: len > pkt (21: PORTSCAN>400 pkte (59) <X X))N0( X M? data offset < 5 (KI) ICMP large paokaet (lMD) X ICMP redirect host (348) X UDP len > payload (442) (UN? IUiirenoh ( 6 1CM? PKNG NWAP (142189 4t FAIK:X lAS-SQL Wwmo (1677A 0 X>X X >X > W m X * XM0w X MK I 24 36 x xx X X X X X X X XX E M3 48 Time (in hours) Figure A9-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 244B. 100 X ~ X( X< >0 X X X X X X XX X X XX X 12 X X xXCK X X E XX X X x 0X XX >WX X X< X X X XK XX X4K I X X )W X xx< XOxVcWx I alerts/hour > X X XX X XX X X XX X X X X X X ICMr DUnreach foet (35: SUMP trap top1 (52 0 i i I i X X XX XX X X X X X TCP header SNW request top (41) IP reservud bit met (6a' I X X WMP DUkzeach Not (42) TCP part 0 (45) i X SYN pkt w/ data (0) C SNMP AgentZ (20) SCM I , I i I i 60 M M I I 72 84 >WK M * * * * * * * a n IN >0 >186 >372 >558 *>744 >930 >1116 >1302 >1458 >1674 >1860 >2046 >2232 >2418 >2604 A.10 - XX.248.0.0/16 Total Avg Rate Peak Rate Packets 7,216,170 22 3,300 Bytes 435,681,460 1,301 145,000 Table AIO-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 248B. TCP TYPE SYN I SYN/ACK PKT COUNT 5,279,886 157,363 Table A10-2 - TCP packet types in 248B. I ACK 2,250 %TCP 79.0 63.3 %UDP 17.8 34.8 %ICMP 3.2 1.9 RST 25,100 I RST/ACK OTHER 208 185,049 455,334 Sources Avg Pkts /Src 16 Avg Bytes /Src 957 Destinations Hosts Avg Pkts /Dest 65,536 110 161,093 40 2.5K 51,670 126 7.5K 50 X X X 3 3,845 938 62.8K 7,989 Table AIO-3 - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 248B. 452 23.5K 100 25 295K Scans Packets (Scans > 4K pkts) 637K (51) 90 X X X % Snort Alerts Unique Total Ports Total Hosts 49,015 16 Avg Bytes /Dest 6.6K Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % TCP - 445 1,782,117 24.7 85,820,186 19.7 13.0 16.2 56,572,837 1,168,738 TCP - 135 19.9 15.4 86,747,466 UDP - 137 1,112,147 Table A10-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 248B. IP Destination Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % xx.248.246.112 692,920 9.6 33,349,840 7.7 3.9 13,671,411 283,109 80,480 1.1 3,882,780 across all packet types by packet count, in 248B. 3.1 0.9 xx.248.134.58 xx.248.18.222 Table A 10-5 - Top 3 destination IPs IP Source Packets 471,795 Packet % 6.5 Bytes 24,533,340 Byte % 5.6 114,492 60,719 1.6 0.8 5,953,584 2,914,512 1.4 0.7 Table A1O-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 248B. Alert Name Attempt MS-SQL Worm Propagation ICMP Ping NMAP Short UDP Packet, Length Field > Payload Len gth Table A10-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 248B. 101 Alert Count 157,516 Alert % 53.4 135,307 45.8 446 0.2 ............... Packets per hour versus time 262,500 - - 225,000 - - 0 157,500 - - I- 150,000 - 300,000 / 112,500 A 75,000 At A LI-V I\ xx.248.0.0 --- average ----- - 37,500 0 0 12 24 60 45 36 Time (in hours) 72 84 Figure A10-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 248B. Bvtes ner hour versus time 15,000,000 - 13,125,000 - 11,250,000 - 9,375,000 - 7,500,000 - 5,625,000 - 3,750,000 - 4' /\ A ,- 'I V Q V , At 1,875,000 0- i 0 i 12 24 60 45 36 Time (in hours) Figure A10-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 248B. 102 72 84 - verage- . .. ..... . ..... ... ........ .... . .. ............................................ Destination IP address index versus time in xx.248.0.0/16 (skip=100) 65,535 packet type " * 57,343 TCP D IJDP ICMP 49,151 40,959 Ai 32,767 14- 0 24,575 .-I -T 16,383 - ,- - -- -- 1- ^ - - 8,191 i* 0 24 12 0 60 48 36 72 54 Time (in hours) Figure A10-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 248B. Destination port versus time (skip=100) p&.ket type-count 13 UDP CAA 10000 0 A %_____ lll -. o 1.288,101 SYN A SYN/ACK + ACK 5,279,B86 2,250 EST 28,100 1000 PST/ACK 185.049 -4 TCP OTHER 208 100 0o 4 0 00 C9 0 000 000 0 10 1 I 0 I I 12 24 I I| 48 600 36 Time (in hours) Figure A10-4 - Destination port versus time in 248B. 103 7 72 84 ..... . - ..................... ......... .............. ... . ..... ............. Total packets in each class C subnet in xx.248.0.0/16 . 500,000 - 437,500 - 375,000 - 312,500 - d.260,00 - I - E, 157,500125,000 - 62,500 - 0- I ) I I I I 32 I I ' I 224 192 160 128 96 Class C subnet index 64 Figure A10-5 - Total packets in each class C subnet in 248B. Snort alerts versus time in xx.245.0.0 hardware type (a: SYN pkt w/ data (0: X bare byte unioade (9 ONaP AgeutK (e: X DUOS matream (19: ICMP DUnreach Host (a: SCAN FIN (27: SHMP trap top (2 ICMP Sure Qveneh (31: ICWP sUnramh Not (39: *K SNMP request top (4: TCP part 0 (AS' TCP header lei > pkt (AS' IP resrad bit set (AS: FORTSCAU>AOW pkt. (W1: XM HSare ad& averflow (SO TCP data affet < 5 (a3: XX X XW X XX XX XX X XX X XX X)K X X X XX >8X )MM X X)3 WK< >NM@1C NK X X X x I 12 X X WX X X X XX X > >WE X X XX AK >3 >DEKX >X X X< X ~xXX >x X X X X)imc >X XK X X XX XX XKX XX X W*KWX X ___ - ) X K X w I X X >WgKX )XX X XX X X XX X X X X W Reserved IF protocol (57: X X ICMP rcdireot heat (0oa: ICM? DXnreach (489. X UDF lea > payload (440: ICP PITNG NMAP (15WO8D I ___________________ MS-ML Worm (167516 FM* I X X( K X X X )0K X X >Ox X VWCM largn packet (a#,: X 0- alerts/hour X ITv x.~ I I I I 24 36 48 Time (in hours) Figure A1O-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 248B. 104 60 72 84 * * * * * * * * * * >0 >184 >369 >554 >739 >924 >1108 >1293 >1478 >1663 >1848 U >2032 >2217 >2402 *>2587 A.11 - XX.251.0.0/16 Total Avg Rate Peak Rate Packets 5,548,817 17 1,350 Bytes 352,415,753 1,052 64,653 Table A1-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 251B. %TCP 73.0 55.1 %UDP 23.1 42.8 %ICMP 3.9 2.1 TCP TYPE SYN SYN/ACK PKT COUNT 3,651,252 149,694 Table A11-2 - TCP packet types in 251B. RST 15,063 RST/ACK 180,622 OTHER 67 ACK 1,322 383,100 Sources Avg Pkts /Src 14 Avg Bytes /Src 920 Destinations Avg Pkts /Dest 65,536 85 139,494 36 2.3K 52,630 95 6.0K X 2 3,214 863 61.4K 12,538 50 X X Table Al 1-3 - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 251B. 221 12.4K 100 25 297K Scans Packets (Scans > 4K pkts) 591K (43) 90 X X X % Snort Alerts Unique Total Ports Total Hosts 49,015 12 Hosts Avg Bytes /Dest 5.4K Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % TCP - 445 1,673,220 30.2 80,599,136 22.9 UDP- 1,106,091 19.9 86,275,098 24.5 846,056 15.3 41,066,937 11.7 137 TCP- 135 Table AlI-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 251B. IP Destination xx.251.72.243 xx.251.5.1 xx.251.200.186 Table A1-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all Byte % Packets Packet % Bytes 95,372 1.7 4,608,147 1.3 39,036 0.7 1,886,030 0.5 23,973 0.4 1,155,027 0.3 packet types by packet count, in 25 lB. IP Source Packets 114,762 Packet % 2.1 Bytes 5,508,576 Byte % 1.6 111,785 106,688 2.0 1.9 5,812,820 4,694,272 1.7 1.3 Table All-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 251B. Alert Name MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt ICMP Ping NMAP ICMP Destination Unreachable Communication Administratively Prohibited Table Al1-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 251B. 105 Alert Count 157,331 137,691 397 Alert % 53.0 46.4 0.1 71 ..................... .................. .. ........ .... ..... .................. Packets per hour versus time 300,000 4 L...... + -i----- + -1---- + -i----- + ± - xx251O.0 -- average 262,500 225,000 157,500 - 150,000 - 0 ., A p IV 10 r14 112,500 75,000 - A A 37,500 A - A A! 0 0 45 60 36 Time (in hours) 24 12 72 84 Figure A1-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 251B. Bytes per hour versus time 15,000,000 - 4 4 ~-I------ 4 -I------ + -i------ ~ + -'---- T7::TLo21.]0 13,125,000 -- 11,250,000 - 9,375,000 P4 7,500,000 - M 5,625,000 A 3,750,000 -IJ V A , A nX\ A A. \)/Q - IK A 1,875,000 0 0 12 24 60 36 45 Time (in hours) Figure Al1-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 251B. 106 72 64 V- - - - --- - - - -- 0 - - -- - - - - -- . ................ ...... .......... -............ . . .............................. Destination IP address index versus time in xx.251.0.0/16 (skip=100 65,535 iI I 57,343 2- ----4 -i--- !- A.. I*.,' Avg .~ - *e M 49,151 4 I I -- .7P I .- I t - * 4r hr.- -4 - 32,767 - 24,575 - -MV 40,959 packet type M TCP - * UDP * ICMP P J. -Ia '4, -it -4 16,383 iU - 8,191 -. - 4~,~ 0 I I 12 0 , 4 24 - - - 64 72 48 60 36 Time (in hours) Figure AI1-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 25 1B. Destination port versus time (skip=100) packet type-count 10000 *-W'I~~~~ *1 A.~ .~ 3~ N+ - ~i_4-' ~ - ~ U U~AL '4Z~ - 1000 A 0 A 0 3 1 O 1O O oME COO 00 D , 0 U C 0 00 dD0CQGD 0 000 01 D 01EI3 0 031 Jf AD40 0 00 1 C 0 K(WDO 4co n 000=x0 ODD 00Ce5 DO COO 0/ 000 10 1 0 12 24 60 48 Time (in hours) 36 Figure AtI-4 - Destination port versus time in 251B. 107 A SYN/ACK 14s694 + ACK 1,322 18.W822 - 100 J SYN RST/ACK 0 M E~ L 0 16,083 S -A [ UIYP 1.,27%544 I~AT' 74K 0 0 *D GM 0l 4~~24! ki 72 64 0 'W: TCP 8? OTHER ------- --- .... -- -- ----.............................. xx251.0.0/16 Total packets in each class C subnet in 500,000 ,I 437,500 - 375,000 - 250,000 E157,500 - 125,00 - 62,500 - 0 64 32 0 224 192 160 128 96 Class C subnet index Figure All-5 - Total packets in each class C subnet in 251B. Snort alerts versus time in xx.251.0.0 . 1 e I I i i a alerts/hour 0 >0 X X aw ( XX X M< XX XXXM< X >X>XX X X X X > K >wK X X X X X<X >X x WAx 12 24 X XX X X X X X X XX X > X X >XX XX I) X)>X XX X W >)W X >w W X >W>VK MM X X X W X X IOM)CNQ> IM _____ 48 Figure Al1-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 251 B. 108 60 >549 >732 >915 >1098 >1281 >1464 >1847 >1830 >2013 >2196 >2379 >2562 >UKEK X Time (in hours) * * >183 >366 IKX > X XX 36 U X m -]M 0 X X * * * * * * * * * X X X X X X X XX XX X X X > X X X X bare byte unioade (9 X >0< X SYM pkt w/ data (10 1CMP DUnreaoh Beat (17 ICWP Scarce Queah (29 X AM( SWMP trap top (30 X X X TCP header len > pkt (20 X>O< X X SCAN FIN (33 K & X X>XX X IMIP DUnreach Net (S4 X X X SWPW request top (A2 X X X X PORTCAN>4000 pkta (43 K Reserved IP proto=l (51 X X IP remred bMt met (54 X <X>X X TCP part 0 (U4 X XK Tcr data offset < a (au OX XMK X ICHr large packet (190 X X 'X >X< IC redirect h (348 @ot XX UDP 14M > paylcad (3495 ICIP DUnremch (397 ICMP PING NMAP (157690 M3-iQL Worm (16751 0 . i e X XK BIMP AguntX (6 i I . datagrm decode (1 2ader, length field < 8 (1 UDP port 0 (a Unk. 72 84 Appendix B: Tables and Plots for Class C Subnets 109 110 B.1 - XX.55.145.0/24 Avg Rate Peak Rate Total 254 0.07 23,037 Packets 51,283 4.6 Bytes 1,415,624 Table B1-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 55.145C. SYN SYN/ACK TCP TYPE 3,588 11,869 PKT COUNT Table B1-2 - TCP packet types in 55.145C. % %TCP 76.3 58.2 %UDP 20.8 40.2 %ICMP 2.9 1.6 RST 32 RST/ACK 1,845 OTHER 0 ACK 27 Destinations Sources Ports Scans Hosts Avg Avg Avg Total Hosts Packets Pkts Bytes Pkts (Scans > /Dest /Src /Src 16 pkts) 90 256 757 12 681 1,870 7.5K (30) 963 94 220 41 2.6K 512 147 X X 119 97 308 18.8K 38 X 4 X - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 55.145C. Snort Alerts Unique Total 6 100 X 90 50 X Table BI-3 Avg Bytes /Dest 5.5K 5.8K 7.1K Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % TCP - 135 5,078 22.0 243,752 17.2 22.8 323,388 18.0 4,146 UDP- 137 5.9 83,044 7.5 1,724 TCP - 445 Table B1-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 55.145C. IP Destination Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % xx.55.145.202 871 3.8 43,144 3.1 13,592 0.9 211 xx.55.145.143 10,266 0.9 206 xx.55.145.44 Table BI-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 55.145C. 2.7 2.5 IP Source Packets 970 890 Packet % 4.2 3.9 Bytes 42,696 38,692 Byte % 3.0 2.7 722 3.1 34,656 2.5 Table B1-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 55.145C. Alert Name MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt ICMP Ping NMAP Portscan > 16 Packets Table BI-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 55.145C. 11 Alert Count 602 327 30 Alert % 62.5 34.0 3.1 ...... . ............... .............. ..... ................... Packets per hour versus time 14,D00 xx,55.140.0 -- ..- average 12.25010,500-~ o 8,750P 7,000V 5,2503,5001,750- 12 0 24 36 45 60 72 84 Time (in hours) Figure B1-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 55.145C. Bytes per hour versus time 700,000 - ' -- 612,500525,000- : 437,500 350,000Pq 262,500 175,00087,500 0 12 24 36 46 Time (in hours) Figure B1-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 55.145C. 112 60 72 84 xxL.145J - -average - ................ .............. -............. ...................... Destination IP address index versus time in xx.55.1450/24 II 255 I -- 1- -- 223- rL191 - --- - 1270 -KC 95- type 0 TCP UDP 0 ICMP -L ii:: $-~ 41- -L .1-~ I.- 1.) 63 I -i I rpacket 711 -. -- a -r F I !'j-1 1 z - -1 31 - 0 I I I 45 36 Time (in hours) 24 12 0 60 84 72 Figure BI-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 55.145C. Destination port versus time packet type-eount y:: o UDP 4793 o SYN * SYN/ACK + ACK 27 3,BB AAAA c~ oft 1000- 00 _ 0 o 4=0-0 a - UASO U00coo A A Aorn 1 'N tD0,4" 011 &Q0 wk EST 32 A -~ AA RST/ACK 1.845 C29; 7CP OTHE!R 0 100 00 000 MO 0a 0 aoo / 0) 0 0 0 0 a C0oo 0A 0 0 0 0 ooODO CI0 OL 0 GOu 0 oo 0 00 000 00 0 0 00- 10 1 -t 0 I ' 12 I 24 I I 45 36 Time (in hours) Figure B1-4 - Destination port versus time in 55.145C. 113 60 72 54 0: - ............ ............................. ..... ........ packets to each IP address in xx.55.145.0/24 Total 813- .3 551 - 465 E 345 232- A~AJkAAkAvWvc~L 4~MAJ 'J 116- 1 | I I 0 I I I I I I I I 160 128 96 IF address index 64 32 192 224 Figure B1-5 - Total packets to each IP address in 55.145C. Snort alerts versus time in xx.55.145.0 I I I I I I alerts/hour * >0 Truno. TCP optia 28 (1: ICUP DUnreaah N at (1: 1CM? DUnrmn h (K1 PORTSCAN>I pkta (w * >1 * * * * * * M * >2 >3 >5 >6 >7 >8 >10 >11 * >12 * >16 X X X X K X X X X >M><0< XK XX XX>XX X * ICMP PING NMAP U1m (n M1-0qL Worm 0 12 I I I ( 24 36 48 Time (in hours) Figure B1-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 55.145C. 114 I 60 72 84 >13 >15 >17 B.2 - XX.128.8.0/24 Total Avg Rate Peak Rate Packets 858,412 2.7 1,050 Bytes 136,753,757 426 278,750 Table B2-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 128.8C. TCP TYPE SYN SYN/ACK 8,175 791 PKT COUNT Table B2-2 - TCP packet types in 128.8C. % %TCP 1.2 0.4 %UDP 98.6 99.5 %ICMP 0.2 0.1 RST 272 RST/ACK 967 OTHER 0 ACK 13 Snort Alerts Unique Total 100 7 90 X 50 X Table B2-3 Scans Ports Sources Destinations Packets Total Hosts Avg Avg Hosts Avg (Scans > Pkts Bytes Pkts 16 pkts) /Src /Src /Dest 2,907 4.5K (20) 985 2,437 352 56.1K 256 3.4K X X 1 84 9.2K 1.5M 1 840K X X 1 25 18.6K 3.5M 1 840K - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 128.8C. Avg Bytes /Dest 534K 135M 135M Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % UDP - 1037 839,327 97.8 135,382,959 99.0 UDP- 137 5,599 0.7 436,722 0.3 TCP- 135 3,859 0.5 183,444 0.1 Table B2-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 128.8C. IP Destination Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % xx.128.8.14 840,247 97.9 135,479,180 99.1 xx.128.8.82 848 0.10 41,468 19,942 350 0.04 xx.128.8.33 Table B2-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 128.8C. 0.03 0.01 IP Source Packets 58,592 Packet % 6.8 Bytes 2,368,412 Byte % 1.7 42,695 39,887 5.0 4.7 1,828,498 1,629,782 1.3 1.2 Table B2-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 128.8C. Alert Name Short UDP Packet, Length Field > Payload Length MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt ICMP Ping NMAP Table B2-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 128.8C. 115 Alert Count 1,602 630 584 Alert % 55.1 21.7 20.1 .. .. ... . --.. ... ..... .... ... .. .... ... . Packets per hour versus time 45,000 - 39,375 - 33,750 - 28,125 - 22,500 - - 16,575 - - 11,250 - xx.128.8.0 --- _ average - A A AA A - A 5,625 0 0 12 24 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 72 84 Figure B2-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 128.8C. Bytes per hour versus time 5,300,000 - 4,637,500 3,975,000 3,312,500 - 2,650,000 - P4 0 K A 1,957,500 1,325,000 - - A 662,500 0 0 12 24 60 45 36 Time (in hours) Figure B2-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 128.8C. 116 72 84 average - -.. 0 NO MEMEN 9; - - I - - - ------------------------------ ------------"-LLLLL LL--- -- - ____ Destination IP address index versus time in xx.128.5.0/24 255 I ) 223 - -4 -4- I I rpacket I I I I - 1 .. 191- I *t LZ 169 0i LZ 0) 127- -F - I s A~ - - 41 S- I JiJ ;. If I... 31A.1 ? I -*. :f: '.I.J-4 7*,,--0 I{] I I I I I 12 I 36 24 l :1~ ~ .~ - -~i I~ £~I1~- 1 1d 1 I "A , -1 0 --P -I -j -.'-.. TAU -~. 4 *1. 83 type N TCP UDP M ICMP 48 Time (in hours) 60 I 84 72 Figure B2-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 128.8C. Destination port versus time packet type--count C3 UOP 0 SYN W75 A SYN/ACK + ACK t3 848.157 10000 A z <M0 0 0 0 1000 4o CDD 0 7sn NST A- RST/ACK 967 0 0 TCP OTHER 0 100 cy0 Cow CM 0UKNF 3 0A Do a :3D0 CD 3 0D 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 o 00 0 oXDm anmGL cNm0 CX)UI 00 0 0 El00)0 c 098 0 0 0 0 a:00 0 OD 0 in O aDflACEa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 CODO 0 000 10 1 I 0 I 12 I I I 24 36 . , 48 I Time (in hours) Figure B2-4 - Destination port versus time in 128.8C. 117 i 60 i 72 i 84 - Total packets to each IP address in xx.28.8.0/24 I I I 850,000- 743,750- 637,500 - 531,260 - 6,425,00O - . a.) E, 318,750- 212,500 - 106,250 - 0) 224 192 160 128 96 64 32 IF address index Figure B2-5 - Total packets to each IP address in 128.8C. Snort alerts versus time in xx.128.8.J SNIP Xx trap to PO4TSCAN>11S 20 X pkcto 1CM! DUrenc ICMP PING MS-SQ. I I I II I MAP X >< X XX (07: X<X X XX 1K X X X X X X (614 W>arm X CII? lon> payload 1602] 0- I 0 12 24 I I I 60 45 36 Time (in hours) Figure B2-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 128.8C. 118 I 72 I 84 alerts/hour * >0 * >106 * >213 * >320 * >427 * >534 * >640 * >747 * >854 * >961 * >1068 >1174 >1251 * >1388 * >1496 B.3 - XX.198.188.0/24 Avg Rate Peak Rate Total 353 1.8 584,973 Packets 74 16,896 24,797,791 Bytes Table B3-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 198.188C. SYN/ACK SYN TCP TYPE 138,992 39,605 PKT COUNT Table B3-2 - TCP packet types in 198.188C. 100 9 941 Scans Packets (Scans > 16 pkts) 6.8K (22) 90 X X X % Snort Alerts Unique Total %TCP 98.0 95.9 %UDP 1.1 2.8 %ICMP 0.9 1.3 RST 208 RST/ACK 392,590 OTHER 17 ACK 1,852 8,672 Sources Avg Pkts /Src 67 Avg Bytes /Src 2.9K 59 8.9K 368K Ports Total Hosts 13,323 8,196 Destinations Hosts Avg Pkts /Dest 2.3K 256 1 2.OM 1 6 49.3K X 2,339 X 50 X Table B3-3 - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 198.188C. Avg Bytes /Dest 96.9K 537K 22M 537K 22M Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % TCP - 445 16,871 2.9 812,605 3.3 1.8 450,840 1.0 5,780 UDP- 137 1.2 305,967 0.8 4,500 ICMP - Destination Unreachable Table B3-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 198.188C. IP Destination Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % xx.198.188.220 537,113 91.8 22,108,578 89.2 xx.198.188.96 16,798 2.9 811,838 3.3 xx.198.188.6 14,961 2.6 722,049 2.9 Table B3-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 198.188C. IP Source Packets 106,312 Packet % 18.2 Bytes 4,254,316 Byte % 17.2 61,258 47,611 10.5 8.1 2,450,332 1,938,756 9.9 7.8 Table B3-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 198.188C. Alert Name Attempt Worm Propagation MS-SQL ICMP Ping NMAP TCP Port 0 Traffic Table B3-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 198.188C. 119 Alert Count 624 229 30 Alert % 66.3 24.3 3.2 .... ................... Packets per hour versus time 14,000 12,250 - 10,500 - 0 8,750 - P4 7,000 - 5,250 - xx1-8.188.0 ___average - 3,500 1,750 0 0 12 24 36 60 48 72 84 Time (in hours) Figure B3-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 198.188C. Bytes per hour versus time 700,000-- 612,500 - 525,000 - 437,500 - a 350,000 - tl A 0262,500 - 175,000 - 87,500 - 0- I 1 0 14 7 12 24 60 36 453 Time (in hours) Figure B3-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 198.188C. 120 72 84 -average ...................... .......... ...... ..... Destination IP address index versus time in xx.19818B.0/24 ' 255 . 223 - , q 127 4-) t - 41 liii.' Ii -i 0. 0 I I I 12 IF * Ii 0 TCP m _ UDP ICMP . r II 60 45 36 24 - -- - 31 packet type 'I ~' -- f - j 4~ 63 It *IiiiI ..i~. ~ - M ~F I~I 95 4-.. - - 1!~ I~I~ I.' F I - -4 - . p . - - - I 191 -1- 159 f...1 .1 . R j...- i~ 84 72 Time (in hours) Figure B3-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 198.188C. Destination port versus time pmcket type-eouat . 10000 o UDP 5A34 0 A SYN 39*5 SYN/ACK + ACK - - 1aggz 1,862 1000 EST 0, RST/ACK 392.90 - 7 100 0 00 A 10f o 0 00 0 0 0 :1 1 0 12 24 36 48 Time (in hours) Figure B3-4 - Destination port versus time in 198.188C. 121 60 72 54 TCP 17 OTHER ............. Total packets to each I? address in xx.198.18.0/24 540,000 II I I I I I I . 472,500 405,000 - 337,500 - .5 . 270,000 - E 202,500 - 135,000 - 67,500 - II 224 A IA 96 64 32 a 192 160 128 IP address index I Figure B3-5 - Total packets to each IP address in 198.188C. Snort alerts versus time in xx.198.188.0 I UDP IJn > TCP header I I I I I I I I I I X X len > pkt (X X X IP reserved bit ast (2 POR1Y.UAG X X X XK pkts (21:XXX X >X XX XX XK X X ICP DUnresah (22 : <W X Tc? porI 0 (00 X XX -A-;!1 OMN~3E X X XX X X X XX X X X X >< A XX X X X X XX X >XX XXI X ICMP FING INMAP (Mg V,>0GAGMDK=Ao MS-SQL Worin (6d2 0 o I II 12 24 36 I B3-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 198.188C. 122 I I 45 Time (in hours) Figure I alerts/hour payload (1 M? requet t.op (2 I I 60 I' 72 54 * * >7 >9 * * >10 * * >11 >12 >13 >14 >15 B.4 - XX.209.239.0/24 Total Avg Rate Peak Rate Packets 23,029 0.07 235 Bytes 1,473,260 4.7 11,280 Table B4-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 209.239C. TCP TYPE SYN SYN/ACK 417 13,811 PKTCOUNT Table B4-2 - TCP packet types in 209.239C. 100 4 1,408 Scans Packets (Scans > 16 pkts) 6.4K (28) 90 X X X % Snort Alerts Unique Total Ports Total Hosts 482 10 %TCP 65.3 49.1 %UDP 30.1 48.6 %ICMP 4.6 2.3 RST 38 RST/ACK 527 OTHER 0 I ACK 8 2,397 Sources Avg Pkts /Src 10 Avg Bytes /Src 615 751 28 1.8K Destinations Hosts Avg Pkts /Dest 256 90 223 50 X X X 2 41 285 18.2K 105 Table B4-3 - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic, in 209.239C. Avg Bytes /Dest 5.8K 93 6.0K 110 7.0K Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % TCP - 135 5,959 26.0 291,360 19.8 137 5,898 25.6 460,044 31.2 TCP - 3127 3,200 13.9 153,708 10.4 UDP- Table B4-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 209.239C. IP Destination Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % xx.209.239.167 695 3.0 35,064 2.4 xx.209.239.5 xx.209.239.154 Table B4-5 - Top 3 destination IPs 15,237 369 1.6 249 1.1 12,558 across all packet types by packet count, in 209.239C. 1.0 0.9 IP Source Packets 734 Packet % 3.2 Bytes 35,232 Byte % 2.4 691 611 3.0 2.7 33,168 29,328 2.3 2.0 Table B4-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 209.239C. Alert Name ICMP Ping NMAP MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt Portscan > 16 Packets Table B4-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 209.239C. 123 Alert Count 784 593 28 Alert % 55.8 42.1 2.0 ............. ................ ..... . ...... ...... per Packets 14,000 hour versus time ---- xx209.239.0 -_--- average 12,25010,500- o 8,750P, 7,000w 0 5,2503,5001,750- 0 12 24 36 45 60 72 84 Time (in hours) Figure B4-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 209.239C. Bytes per hour versus time 700,000- - -__ 612,500525,000-- 437,500 r. 350,000262,500 175,00087,500\- 0 12 24 NI'---36 48 Time (in hours) Figure B4-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 209.239C. 124 60 72 84 xx209239.0 average Destination IP address index versus time in xx.209.239.0/24 ~ 255 __ 223191 1-4 no >i I JJ LL1 - I - t ______________ packet type i .- -- 0 TCP U DP - ICMP I - 159- -I 127- ..j. - S. -'j 0 95- M. :41 - 63- JL 31 -- :1 - 0 12 0 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 24 - 84 72 Figure B4-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 209.239C. Destination port versus time I I II I I I I I I I Ia I A a00 o 00IC we o 0 04, 0 paoktet 0 0 0 A type-COIunt 0 UDP 6.9Z7 A e A 0 0 SYN 13,811 A SYN/ACK + ACK aS EST 38 i 417 > 0MAm r. 1000 - 0 ow A 0 0 A AM:0A j& 0 0 0 a 00 000M DcD 0 CAD * CO0 0 0 0 V*Cb AA 0 0000 A 0 RST/ACK 527 0 41 :1 9=PM~wMMwt0 naw 100 M OOM 00 O 0 00 CU 0 E S 00 on0 0 0 MC3 MI 0 a000 o aWQ M Ol C0aflMO 0 CM 0 £1 0 0 0l 0 0c 0 (P 0 0 0wU 110MM C~~in 0 000 = 10- I o I 12 24 36 48 Time (in hours) Figure B4-4 - Destination port versus time in 209.239C. 125 60 1 I 72 1 84 TCP OTHER 0 ......... .. .. ........ .......... ... Total 780 - 665 - 570 - packets to each IP address in xx.209.239.0/24 475 - . 1,380 0 E- 2135 19095- 160 128 96 64 32 ) - . , 0- 192 224 IF address index Figure B4-5 - Total packets to each IP address in 209.239C. Snort alerts versus time in xx.209.2390 I I I alerts/hour UDP len > payload (V PORTSCAN>16 pkta (28' XX X< X X X X X X ><XX X >X X 0 * * * * * * * * * * >0 >1 >2 >3 >4 >6 >7 >8 >9 >10 >12 >13 >14 * * MS-SQL Worm (5231 ICM? PING NMA? (704 0 -r 01 * ' i 2 I I 24 45 36 Time (in hours) Figure B4-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 209.239C. 126 60 I I 72 54 >15 >16 B.5 - XX.218.68.0/24 Peak Rate Avg Rate Total 1.5 280 504,197 Packets 13,428 75 24,810,656 Bytes Table B5-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 218.68C. 100 90 7 X 1,226 X Scans Packets (Scans > 16 pkts) 4.9K (18) X 50 X X X Snort Alerts Total Unique %UDP 1.1 2.5 %ICMP 0.1 0.1 RST 485 RST/ACK 968 OTHER 2 ACK 10 SYN SYN/ACK TCP TYPE 892 495,351 PKT COUNT Table B5-2 - TCP packet types in 218.68C. % %TCP 98.8 97.4 36,964 21,485 Sources Avg Pkts /Src 14 21 Avg Bytes /Src 671 5,051 50 2.5K Ports Total Hosts 870 1 1 1.0K Destinations Hosts Avg Pkts /Dest 256 2.0K 486K 1 1 486K Avg Bytes /Dest 96.9K 24M 24M Table B5-3 - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic, in 218.68C. Protocol - Port/TCMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % TCP - 4662 486,016 96.4 23,589,016 95.1 UDP - 137 4,629 0.9 361,062 1.5 TCP - 445 3,693 0.7 178,218 0.7 Table B5-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 218.68C. IP Destination Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % xx.218.68.212 486,226 96.4 23,599,560 95.1 2,869 0.57 138,901 xx.218.68.7 0.05 9,702 229 xx.218.68.20 Table B5-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 218.68C. 0.56 0.04 IP Source Packets 702 Packet % 0.14 Bytes 33,696 Byte % 0.14 522 488 0.10 0.10 25,056 23,424 0.10 0.09 Table B5-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 218.68C. Alert Name MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt ICMP Ping NMAP Ports can > 16 Packets Table B5-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 218.68C. 127 Alert Count 630 Alert % 51.4 571 46.6 18 1.5 - - -- ---- #bm I -- - - - --- ............ ............................. ...... . . ..... . ......................... Packets per hour versus time 14,000 0 - 12,250 - - 10,500 - - 8,750 - - 7,000 - - --- _ xx28.8.0 average CI .i11 5,250 3,500 1,750 0 0 12 12 45 36 24 84 72 60 Time (in hours) Figure B5-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 218.68C. Bytes per hour versus time ' 700,000 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' - -- 612.500 525,000 :0 437,500 350,000 K P, 262,500 175,000 87,500 0 0 12 24 60 48 36 Time (in hours) Figure B5-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 218.68C. 128 72 84 average -- M .............. .... ...... - Aft Destination IP address index versus time in xx.21B.58.0/24 I 255 223 - 191 - I :*. .Ii' . A iii I *1 I I 159127- I I- 95I - - i, 63- - I Ij 1-4 0 I I - .rn.. ~ --- .1' 1' packet type 0 TCP 1JDP M ICMP Pi I -< - 4 31 0 ---. 0 -n - --l.aA .1 - ai 36 24 12 I 60 45 54 72 Time (in hours) Figure B5-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 218.68C. Destination port versus time I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I p&oket type-eount 0 UDP S44 10000 - 6A- Q & A~ 4J 1000 - 010 A A - A SYN/ACC + ACK a EST - 485 - RST/ACK 988 7 100 000 C 000 0 00 mom~ 0 :D 0 O'fl00 0 00 ca 0 0 M 0 0 Q> 0 000'f 0 0 0Q 0 E : 00 0 (0) 10 - 0 - I 12 I I 24 I I 36 1 1 45 Time (in hours) Figure B5-4 - Destination port versus time in 218.68C. 129 60 72 54 'CF OTHER 2 Total packets to each IP address in xx.21i.68.0/24 490,000 - 428,750 - 367,500 - .W 306,250 - I I 192 224 I E,245,000 0 E 153,750122,500 - 61,250 - 0) 128 96 64 32 160 1 IP address index Figure B5-5 - Total packets to each IP address in 218.68C. Snort alerts versus time in xx.218.68.0 I TTL limit II i I I alerts/hour 0 >0 * >1 * >2 * >3 * >4 * >5 * >6 >7 * * >8 >9 * xceded (1 7IP data offset < 5 (1 X ICMP WnDreah (2 UDP an > payloa PORTS|CAe a >10 a >12 >13 >14 X ( X X pkto (17 X X X X XX< X X< X * ICMP INr NMAr (70 ACWINM'AN 489MMOOa 0 -122KSIOIM MS-SQL Worm (630 0 - 0 1 24 60 48 36 Time (in hours) Figure B5-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 218.68C. 130 72 84 O >11 B.6 - XX.220.236.0/24 Packets Bytes Total 9,223 Avg Rate 0.03 Peak Rate 454 %TCP 57.9 %UDP 36.4 %ICMP 5.7 737,756 2.8 55,350 34.5 63.2 2.3 RST 24 RST/ACK 516 OTHER 0 Table B6-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 220.236C. TCP TYPE SYN SYN/ACK PKT COUNT 4,143 470 Table B6-2 - TCP packet types in 220.236C. % ACK 4 Snort Alerts Unique Total 100 5 90 X X 50 Table B6-3 Scans Ports Sources Destinations Avg Hosts Avg Packets Total Hosts Avg (Scans > Pkts Bytes Pkts 16 pkts) /Src /Src /Dest 36 7 548 256 1.9K (9) 408 1345 928 37 X 36 614 14 1.1K 222 X 13.9K 106 44 2 26 182 X X - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 220.236C. Protocol - Port/ICMP Type UDP- 137 Avg Bytes /Dest 2.9K 3.1K 3.6K Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % 2,700 29.3 210,600 28.6 14.5 2,188 23.7 106,824 TCP - 135 4.5 681 7.4 32,936 TCP - 445 Table B6-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 220.236C. IP Destination Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % xx.220.236.113 112 1.2 6,750 0.9 108 1.2 4,796 xx.220.236.111 4,624 93 1.0 xx.220.236.130 Table B6-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 220.236C. 0.7 0.6 IP Source Packets 444 431 Packet % 4.8 4.7 Bytes 23,088 20,688 Byte % 3.1 2.8 242 2.6 11,616 1.6 Table B6-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 220.236C. Alert Name MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt ICMP Ping NMAP Portscan > 16 Packets Table B6-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 220.236C. 131 Alert Count 627 Alert % 97.6 286 30.9 9 1.0 .. . .. ........................... . ... ......... .. ........... . Packets per hour versus time 14,000 - --- - xL.220.236.0 average 12,25010,500- o 8,750P, 7,000- J 5,2503,5001,750- 0 12 24 36 45 Time (in hours) 60 72 84 Figure B6-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 220.236C. Bytes per hour versus time 700,000- 'xx220236.0 - 612,500-525,000-- p 437,500 - ) 350,000S262,500 175,00087,5001 0- 0 12 24 36 Ca 48 Time (in hours) Figure B6-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 220.236C. 132 60 72 84 _-- average Destination IP address index versus time in xx.220.236 .0/24 I 255 I -!i packet type -~ ~- 223191 - -- - -- - P- N * 1 _* ICMP I-I - -A fo 0 TCP UDP -I 95 - tf-.~I 127- ~ - - - - - - L- ~4I -l- 1 - li-t -31- 0 84 72 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 24 12 Figure B6-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 220.236C. Destination port versus time i 10000 I I I I packet type-count 0 UDP t, I A 74 X A AO0 0 0 04 OD 0 O~ o ~ 0 0 G1 000 0 & M a 4A0 A aA A E 'W1- 00 Ca. 6D0 -~AM OD00 A AA A SYN 4,143 A SYN/ACK 0 + ,h... 1000- I SA D -+ I C ] 4 a ACK 4 IMM, 0 4& EST 0 RST/ACK 516 0IUTW 100~ EP U 0 omoco 000 ao on co oM =0 0 0 0 01 in. 000 inm + 0 0 ok 00 a oM . 0 0 10 1 i 0 I I 12 I I 24 I I I 48 36 Time (in hours) Figure B6-4 - Destination port versus time in 220.236C. 133 TCP 0 Conoaoom ao 0 0 7 o0I Oeninnain me 0I OD cIean I I I 60 72 84 OTHER ..... ... Total packets to each IP address in xx.220.238.0/24 130 I I - I I I I 192 224 I I 11397 - 45 - 32 - Co 0 4 1 44 400 0 0 32 64 96 126 160 IP address index Figure B6-5 - Total packets to each IP address in 220.236C. Snort alerts versus time in xx.220.236.0 PORTSCANI>1 I t I I I alerts/hour * >0 * >1 * >2 * >3 * >4 * >5 * >6 * >7 * >9 * >10 ( UVr 1ie > payla4 ICMP DUnreac I I I I X ( pkt. (2 XX X X >0( 1 X X * * ICWP PING NMAP (210 MS-SQL Worm 0 I 0 I I I I 12 24 36 48 Time (in hours) Figure B6-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 220.236C. 134 60 72 54 >11 >12 >13 >14 >15 B.7 - XX.226.255.0/24 Packets Bytes Total 10,543 Avg Rate 0.04 Peak Rate 224 %TCP 46.7 %UDP 51.1 %ICMP 2.2 825,213 2.8 10,753 29.0 70.0 1.0 RST 43 RST/ACK 50 OTHER 0 Table B7-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 226.255C. SYN SYN/ACK TCP TYPE 69 4,552 PKT COUNT Table B7-2 - TCP packet types in 226.255C. % Snort Alerts Unique Total 100 4 666 90 X X Scans Packets (Scans > 16 pkts) 1.5K (3) X ACK 4 241 1,707 Sources Avg Pkts /Src 6 8 1,009 9 Ports Total Hosts Avg Bytes /Src 483 770 Destinations Hosts Avg Pkts /Dest 41 256 46 3.6K 123 8.0K 205 43 280 19.6K 2 19 X X 50 X Table B7-3 - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 226.255C. Avg Bytes /Dest 3.2K Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % UDP- 137 3,011 28.6 234,858 28.5 14.9 122,600 24.2 2,546 TCP - 445 9.0 16.0 74,272 1,688 UDP - 38293 Table B7-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 226.255C. IP Destination Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % xx.226.255.212 2,174 20.6 105,566 12.8 77,153 16.4 1,729 xx.226.255.255 6,906 1.0 106 xx.226.255.217 Table B7-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 226.255C. 9.4 0.8 IP Source Packets 1,286 Packet % 12.2 Bytes 56,584 Byte % 6.9 740 573 7.0 5.4 35,520 27,504 4.3 3.3 Table B7-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 226.255C. Alert Name MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt Short UDP Packet, Length Field > Payload Length Portscan > 16 Packets Table B7-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 226.255C. 135 Alert Count 658 4 3 Alert % 98.8 0.6 0.5 - -- - ,- - = - - -- .......... ... . ......... ....... Packets per hour versus time --- -_--- xx226.255.0 average 12.250- 10,5000 8,750- P, 7,000- ri 5,2503,500- 1,7500 0 - I01. 12 24 36 48 60 Time (in hours) 72 84 Figure B7-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 226.255C. Bytes per hour versus time 700,000 - xx226.2550 average 612,500525,000- ; 437,500 350,000N a) .0.; COI 262,500 175,00087,500- 0 12 24 48 60 Time (in hours) 36 Figure B7-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 226.255C. 136 72 84 Destination IP address index versus time in xx.226.255.0/24 1.[k... 1. 223- - -J 0 - 4 -I- I 159I 127- 0 -A I I [I.] M TCP - * UDP ICMP *. I .1 I' -i 951 -4 . I j - -I packet type I. Qi P, I * f-K .1 -4- -. - -r. ' I ' I I I I 265 63- - - -I 31II n 24 12 0 60 45 36 84 72 Time (in hours) Figure B7-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 226.255C. Destination port versus time I I I I I,' I 0a 00 0 'k 0 0 Q~ 0' 0 10000 0 ... 1000 00 0 QA aSQ. a ,0AD A 0 I A 0 _Upacket type-count : : 0 CM 0 0 COC 0 CDOCP0 0 AD o oco EJoo 0oo UDP 0 SYN * SYN/ACK OR + ACK 4 0 + £0 0 1 0 0 0 0 QL 1A,IU 11. 00 0 0 C 60 a. 0D ow0 cm0 or ouP ooo EST 48 A B- aijo RST/ACK 50 92 -7 'CP 0 100 l CI]0 -00 0 o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 111 n0 0 0 X 0 o 0 0 M 0 0 0 10 1 O 12 24 48 36 Time (in hours) Figure B7-4 - Destination port versus time in 226.255C. 137 60 72 84 OTHEI|R Total packets to each IP address in xx.226.255.0/24 ' 2,200 -1 ' V i 1.925 -I E1,100 - 5502750 64 I I I 32 0 96 224 192 128 160 IF address index Figure B7-5 - Total packets to each IP address in 226.255C. Snort alerts versus time in xx.226.255.0 i alerts/hour >0 0 ICMP DUnreabCh X ( * * * >1 >2 >3 * >4 * >7 a >15 * PORTSCLA>1S UP len > X X 3: pkti * * * a X payload (4: a & MS-SQL Wqrm (057 * i ! 0 0 12 24 60 46 36 Time (in hours) Figure B7-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 226.255C. 138 1 I 72 I 8I 54 >8 >8 >9 >10 >12 >13 >14 >16 B.8 - XX.239.255.0/24 Peak Rate Avg Rate Total 445 0.03 Packets 8,150 19,608 2.7 731,397 Bytes Table B8-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 239.255C. TCP TYPE SYN SYN/ACK 78 990 PKT COUNT Table B8-2 - TCP packet types in 239.255C. % %TCP 16.5 9.1 %UDP 80.6 89.8 %ICMP 2.9 1.1 RST 31 RST/ACK 50 OTHER ACK 8 Destinations Sources Scans Ports Hosts Avg Hosts Avg Avg Packets Total Pkts Pkts Bytes (Scans > 16 pkts) /Src /Src /Dest 9 842 256 32 622 0 (0) 238 869 35 X 7 357 21 1.9K 211 X 55 19.1K 74 1 16 259 X X - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 239.255C. Snort Alerts Total Unique 100 4 90 X X 50 Table B8-3 1 Avg Bytes /Dest 2.9K 3.2K 4.5K Protocol - Port/ICMP Type Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % UDP- 137 UDP - 38293 4,230 1,692 51.9 20.8 329,940 74,448 45.1 10.2 34.2 619 7.6 250,076 UDP - 1434 Table B8-4 - Top 3 packet types across ICMP, TCP, and UDP traffic by packet count, in 239.255C. Bytes Packets Packet % IP Destination 21.3 77,998 1,737 xx.239.255.255 9,532 1.9 151 xx.239.255.82 5,428 1.0 85 xx.239.255.217 Table B8-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 239.255C. Byte % 10.7 1.3 0.7 IP Source Packets 1,290 229 Packet % 15.8 2.8 Bytes 56,760 17,862 Byte % 7.8 2.4 229 2.8 17,862 2.4 Table B8-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 239.255C. Alert Name MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt Short UDP Packet, Length Field > Payload Length ICMP Destination Unreachable Communication Administratively Prohibited Table B8-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 239.255C. 139 Alert Count 616 4 1 Alert % 99.0 0.6 0.2 Packets per hour versus time 14,00 ' --- xx255.0 average - 12,25010,500- o 8,750P* 7,000- 5,2503,5001,750- 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 Time (in hours) Figure B8-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 239.255C. Bytes per hour versus time 700,000..- _- 612,500525,000437,500 r., a) ~350,000-5 ,O) a) , 262,500 175,00087,500- 0 12 24 60 48 36 Time (in hours) Figure B8-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 239.255C. 140 72 84 xx239.2M.0 average Destination IP address index versus time in xx.239.255.0/24 - '4 I...' - ~T - II -- - . .I - - ]:I I . - . 127 0 -- - ... packet type F.. -fI-.i 'I. I II.. - 0 TCP UDP - - ICMP - I - - I. -- i '~1:1 * -*1 95I -1. - 6331 I. I - I- i -l I .1 -I- - I:. .1 * I. .*~ 159 - I g - -- - . I' **.I - I I I I I: 223 0 191 I I 255 *. I' I. * I. - .1 I' * I 0 60 48 36 Time (in hours) 24 12 72 64 I I Figure B8-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 239.255C. Destination port versus time I I I I I AOAOO % a 50ib Q " 10000 0 000 oOxWoi+0 A 4A & O O OA 0 alO U1MxCbOwM A m Cam u' 0 0 0 aaell] .o o 4 000 CO- a 0 0 A 0 A C M & 0000o 0 eDcHO e] 0 oCE00(mo 100 V 0 3 0 0 0 cm 00 Uo Ie 0 c0 0 ::DCOc ht G 01 0 Q Q 0 0 atJ z A 0 000 0 00 0 l 0 10- 1 0 12 24 _ _ _ _ _ 46 36 Time (in hours) Figure B8-4 - Destination port versus time in 239.255C. 141 60 72 SYN SYN/ACK 75 ACK FST 31 =0 w [C noiinM=ODOnMG3neo0 Oat] [pU(Laoainx 0 + 0 0| Cd _ packet type-count o UDP A 0 0 awofmEMCmm 0A 0 AO (11) 9h 0 0 (M 0 __ 0 CA A cA I 00 'O 0 64 RST/ACK 60 T lCP OTHER Total packets to each IP address in xx.239.255.0/24 I 1,800 I I I I I I I I ' I ' I 1,575 1,350 .3 1,125 m, 900 E- 675 450 225 -I I -~ ' 0 T3 - ' 'I 32 96 64 160 128 192 224 IF address index Figure B8-5 - Total packets to each IP address in 239.255C. Snort alerts versus time in xx.239.255.0 I |I.i I alerts/hour 0 ICMP DUnreach SCAN >1 >2 >3 >4 >5 >6 M >7 >9 * * >10 >11 U >12 X (1 >0 * * * * * * FIN (1) >13 UDP lan M-5,QL Worm * >14 * >15 X > payload (4: (015. 0 1~~ 0 12 24 I I I I I 45 36 Time (in hours) Figure B8-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 239.255C. 142 60 72 54 B.9 - XX.248.246.0/24 Total 707,941 Peak Rate 181 8,688 103 34,403,749 Bytes Table B9-1 - Packet and byte statistics for 248.246C. Packets Avg Rate 2.1 TCP TYPE SYN SYN/ACK 524 PKT COUNT 692,595 Table B9-2 - TCP packet types in 248.246C. 100 10 1,078 Scans Packets (Scans > 16 pkts) 5.7K (41) 90 X X X % Snort Alerts Total Unique ACK 582 Ports Total Hosts 433 51,238 Sources Avg Pkts /Src 14 5 27,819 23 %TCP 99.2 98.2 %UDP 0.7 1.7 %ICMP 0.1 0.1 RST 7,183 RST/ACK 812 OTHER 119 Avg Bytes /Src 671 Destinations Hosts Avg Pkts /Dest 256 2.8K 1.1K 1 1 85 4.1K 3 4,177 X X X 50 Table B9-3 - Statistics for all, the top 90%, and the top 50% of traffic in 248.246C. Avg Bytes /Dest 134K 693K 33M 693K 33M Bytes Byte % Packets Packet % Protocol - Port/ICMP Type 21.1 7,257,139 21.3 150,797 TCP - 1025 20.9 21.1 7,181,840 149,216 TCP - 42 6,548,915 19.0 19.2 135,969 TCP- 80 in 248.246C. traffic by packet count, across ICMP, TCP, and UDP B9-4 Top 3 packet types Table IP Destination Packets Packet % Bytes Byte % xx.248.246.112 692,920 97.9 33,349,840 96.9 9,534 0.03 202 xx.248.246.249 6,952 139 0.02 xx.248.246.94 Table B9-5 - Top 3 destination IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 248.246C. 0.03 0.02 IP Source Packets 2,621 Packet % 0.4 Bytes 125,736 Byte % 0.4 2,413 2,311 0.3 0.3 115,824 110,928 0.3 0.3 Table B9-6 - Top 3 source IPs across all packet types by packet count, in 248.246C. Alert Name MS-SQL Worm Propagation Attempt ICMP Ping NMAP Portscan > 16 Packets Table B9-7 - Top 3 alerts by alert count, in 248.246C. 143 Alert Count 609 391 41 Alert % 56.5 36.3 3.8 Packets ner hour versus time 14,000 - x7248246.0 -- verage -- 12,250 10,500 - 0 8,750 - P., 7,000- 1' I VA____ V __ 6,250r., 3,5001,7500 I 0 i 12 I I 24 j I 36 45 I 60 i 72 I 84 Time (in hours) Figure B9-1 - Packets per hour versus time in 248.246C. Bvtes ner hour versus time 700,000 - 612,500 - 525,000 ; 437,500 / 350,000 - / I 262,500 175,000 87,500 0 0 12 24 36 45 Time (in hours) Figure B9-2 - Bytes per hour versus time in 248.246C. 144 60 72 84 -- xx248246.0 average Destination IP address index versus time in xx.248.246.0/24 255 f-I i ii f:7t7.1 -i iI 223 - U-it 21 S63- ** -I - -r- . U I II ----Ii r-I fl I*'*If 31- 1n1111 .1 *i1 packet type I' IL I I * TCP - UDP * ICMP IITIf iii ill *j~ii 'I I! '1 jt .1! I ii* + 1~.. ~.i *1~ .. I'l IILi A ~1~~~~ 24 12 0 iI,..*~I. I ill - 4-II 0 - -- '--- d - r $ ri- 127- -- .1- -1 1 - -. 191 - -4. = 45 36 64 72 60 Time (in hours) Figure B9-3 - Destination IP address index versus time in 248.246C. Destination port versus time packet type-couLt UDP o SYN A SYN/ACK + ACK 10000 d 4 o p AQ- 0 0 A 0 0&cqa aon 0 4N 00 10 Q0A 1ST 7.183 -,- RST/ACK 812E 01 0 0 TCP OTHER 11 100 0 0) 0 10 1 I 0 12 I I 24 I I 36 I I I 45 60 Time (in hours) Figure B9-4 - Destination port versus time in 248.246C. 145 I I 72 I I 54 Total JS packets to each IP address in xx.24B.246.0/24 I 700,000 - 612.500 - 525,000 - 437,500 - II I I I I I I a,350,000E, 262,500 - 175,000 - 87,500 - - ' 0 0 I I I I 1 1 I 1 224 192 160 128 96 IF address index 64 32 Figure B9-5 - Total packets to each IP address in 248.246C. Snort alerts versus time in xx.248.246.0 Eburve Quguch X i X SYN pkt w/ data (2 TCP pot 0 (3 TCP header Ia (:, PING NMAP X >8 * * >11 >12 >13 >14 X X< X X X XXOX X X< XX XxW X<XX<X)X X XXK X X X (30: US-SQL Worm (0 0 I 0 * * X > pkl (2 POMR1ANA pkto (AO ICMP X X ICMF DUnrewsh (: ICE data abu.t < alerts/hour 0 >0 M >1 M >2 >3 * >4 * * >5 >6 * * >7 X UDP len > payload (I IC7 I I I I II I I 12 24 36 I I I 45 I 60 I I 72 I 1 84 Time (in hours) Figure B9-6 - Snort alerts versus time in 248.246C. 146 q~9 1 >9