Civil Service Employees Council MINUTES

Civil Service Employees Council
Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 1:15 pm
Capitol Room, University Union
Roll Call—Present: Bill Rupert, Jim Buffalo, Kathleen Clauson, Tammy Freteug,
Stacy Dorothy, Carla Farniok, Holly Fecht, Charlene Hammond, , Wendi Mattson,
Kim Sedgwick, Alison Shook, Karen Trusley, and Linda Wade
Absent—Hilary Churchill, Peter Skrypkun, Pam Bowman, Julie DeWees, Tammy
Andrea Henderson – Rescheduled – Scott Coker - updated the Council on the
Campus Master Plan – Motion made By Bill Rupert to endorse the updated plan,
seconded by Karen Trusley.
Minutes (Kathleen Clauson) –Minutes from November 2012 were reviewed.
Amendment to minutes re: EOY is a $500.00 stipend. What was on the website is in
need of change. Motion made to accept by Bill R. and seconded by Jim B. Motion
Treasurer’s Report (Carla Farniok)—Carla reviewed the October and November
budgets. Motion made to accept both Treasurers reports by Bill R. and seconded by
Holly F. for October and Charlene H. for November. Motions carried.
President’s Report (Bill Rupert)—Bill expressed his dismay with the Open
Meetings Act lack of clarity as to applicability to CSEC as a whole and to certain
discussions within CSEC regarding operations. He also expressed his dismay with the
State Legislature for their lack of priorities. Bill gave two examples of the disruption
in the CSEC operations promoted by the confusion and made two motions to resolve
these issues for all future operations of the Council.
The first motion was to reimburse Jim and Wendy for their costs of attending the
Council on Councils and to authorize reimbursement of the same for future attendees.
Motion was seconded by ?.
The second motion Bill made was to approve $750 for luncheon raffle prizes for
future luncheons assuming funds were available. The motion was seconded by Jim B.
Holly F. suggested formulating a proforma budget for the events.
Hillary C. was not available to answer how many raffle tickets were sold.
Al and Elaine Goldfarb Civil Service Employee of the Month award (Wendi
Mattson)—Tiffany Erikson, Office Support Specialist in the Physics department was
the December 2012 recipient of the award.
Vice President for Administrative Services report (Julie DeWees)—No report
Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman)—No Report
Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Peter Skrypkun)—No report.
WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Alison Shook)—No report
Representative Reports to Council
a. Affirmative Action Internship/University Theme Committee (Kathleen
Clauson) – No Report
b. Website and IT Issues (Jim Buffalo)—No report.
c. Training and Development (Carla Farniok)—No report.
Committee Reports
a. Policy & Appeals (Bill Rupert)—No report.
b. Awards and Selection (Hilary Churchill/Cindy Roon)—No report.
c. Constitution/Election (Jim Buffalo)—No Report
d. Mentoring (Kim Sedgwick)—Kim expressed concerns about mentoring program
being disjointed – some new employees get gift at HR orientation. Bill stated he
had been approached by Sheila Downin to review the process and content given
to new civil service employees at HR orientation. Bill suggested having Sheila
come to the next meeting to discuss, review and possibly revise mentoring
e. Education (Hilary Churchill) No report.
f. Social Events and Development (Wendi Mattson)— The “Holiday Hoedown”
and will have a cowboy theme. Games were described
g. Open Meeting Act (Linda Wade) –Linda reported there are still three people
who have not completed their mandatory online Open Meeting Act online
h. Provost Advisory Council (Karen Trusley) Karen attended the first meeting of
the Provost Advisory Council. Items discussed included goals of academic affairs,
new signature programs, revisions of the FYE program, and improvements in
Currens chemistry labs.
XIII. Old Business
a. Survey—Preliminary discussion of the results occurred. Lots of interesting
comments and findings. Survey showed lack of awareness of CSEC and purpose,
cost of meals are too high for many, many said they would not attend due to
various reasons, a few voiced concerns about the raffle (who won, Council
members winning). Bill will check to see where we are required to have Sodexo
cater events. Results need to be reviewed in greater depth for use later.
b. Open Meetings Act—Linda W. indicated the CSEC by-laws were not in
compliance with the Act. Bill will seek clarification on this issue and application
of Act to CSEC from Ethics Officer.
c. Winter Luncheon & Survey- Group sees survey results as planning tool.
Marketing of CSEC is in need of a revamp/update. Linda W. volunteered to bring
in someone who has expertise in fund raising/marketing but does not want to be
on the Council. Bill R. made motion to pursue, seconded by Jim B. Also prize
winners will be put on the CSEC website when the list becomes available.
XIV. New Business—
a. Death of an Active employee – Issue of memorial contribution for deceased active
civil service employee Mike Ogle was raised. Jim B. explained what had been
approved in the past. Bill R. made a motion to release funds per previous Council
agreement, seconded by Wendi M.. Council voted unanimously to approve.
Group Concerns— Ed Lavin raised issue of Civil Service rtirees not getting emails
about events, fund raising or blood drives. Ed will work on refining list with Bill R.
XVI. Announcements: None
XVII. Meeting Adjournment—Motion by Carla Farniok and seconded by Tammy Freutag.
XVIII. Next meeting will be Thursday, February 7th at 1:15pm in the Capitol Room