Civil Service Employees Council

Civil Service Employees Council
June 7, 2012, 1:15pm
Capitol Room, University Union
I. Roll Call – Present: Pam Bowman, Andy Brines, Hilary Churchill, Kathleen
Clauson, Carla Farniok, Holly Fecht, Tammy Freutag, Charlene Hammond, Tammy
Kleindinst, Wendi Mattson, Cindy Roon, Bill Rupert, Kim Sedgwick, Tammy
Sinnett, Alison Shook, Karen Trusley, Linda Wade
Excused: Jim Buffalo, Stacy Dorethy, Peter Skrypkun
Guests: Dr. Biller, Dr. Borst, and Ed Lavin
II. Dr. Biller and Dr. Borst presented information to the council regarding the
“Building Connections” program that will begin this fall at WIU. They are asking
for volunteers to become mentors to in-coming freshmen. They are hoping to get
enough mentors that it would be a ratio of one mentor for ten students. They
know that students make the decision in the first 6 weeks of school if they will be
staying. They want to improve that time period for these students. If you are
interested you can contact either one of them or if you just have questions.
III. Election of Officers:
President – Bill Rupert – Motion by Carla, Seconded by Hillary – motion carried.
Vice President – Jim Buffalo – Motion by Carla, Seconded by Wendi – motion
Treasurer – Carla Farniok –Motion by Bill, Seconded by Karen – motion carried.
Social Chair – Hilary Churchill – Motion by Bill, Seconded by Kathleen – motion
Co/Social Chair – Wendi Mattson – Motion by Bill, Seconded by Hilary – motion
Secretary – Kathleen Clauson – Motion by Bill, Seconded by Carla – motion carried.
Web Master – Holly Fecht – Motion by Bill, Seconded by Carla – motion carried.
Open Meetings Acts Designee – Linda Wade – Motion by Bill, Seconded Tammy
Sinnett – motion carried.
IV. Minutes (Wendi Mattson) – Minutes from May read – motion made by Bill to
approve May Minutes, Seconded by Charlene. Motion Carried.
V. Treasurer’s Report (Carla Farniok) – Carla read the treasurers reports for May
2012. Motion made by Cindy and seconded by Tammy Freutag to approve May’s
minutes. Motion carried.
VI. President’s Report (Bill Rupert) – Bill reported that we need to be vigilant on what
is taking place in Springfield. If you go to CSEC.WIU.EDU there is a link to provide
Civil Service Employees Council
June 7, 2012, 1:15pm
Capitol Room, University Union
VII. Civil Service Employee of the Month (Wendi Mattson)- Wendi reported that the
June Employee of the Month is Diane Bagle from the CITR.
VIII. Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Julie DeWeese) –No report.
IX. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman) - No Report as Pam had to leave prior
to this portion of the meeting.
X. Employee Advisory Committee Rep (Peter Skrypkun) – No report
XI. WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Allison Shook) – Allison reported that everyone that
came from the Quad Cities really enjoyed the luncheon. Ground breaking for Phase II is
tentatively set for September 5, 2012.
XII. Representative Reports to Council
a. Affirmative Action Internship/University Diversity - (Kathleen
Clauson) – There are two interns, Christie Carmack who will be
working on a strategic plan for international studies and Anna James,
who will be working with agreements with other colleges.
b. Web Page and IT Issues - (Jim Buffalo) –
c. Training and Development - (Carla Farniok) – No report.
XIII. Committee Reports
a. Policy and Appeals (Bill Rupert) - No report.
b. Award Selection (Cindy Roon) – No report.
c. Constitution/Election (Jim Buffalo) – No report.
d. Education (Hilary Churchill) – No report.
e. Mentoring (Kim Sedgwick) – new employees:
Bethany English, Records Rrepresentative, Registrar
Deborah Edwards, Chief Clerk, Ctr of Int. Studies
Charity Weiss, Libraries,
Jay Pittman, Assistant Ag Research Technician – WIU Farm
Mark Twitchell, Television Program/Operations
Rex Featherlin, Pharmacy Tech II
Tiffany Taylor, Chief Clerk, Mathematics
Jeremy Nickel, Assistant Golf Course Superintendent
Jessica Ruppert, Office Support Specialist, IIRA
Emilee Bowling, Clerk, Veteran’s Res. Center
Civil Service Employees Council
June 7, 2012, 1:15pm
Capitol Room, University Union
f. Social Events & Development (Hilary Churchill)- The luncheon was a
success. Bill reported he had no complaints and everyone seemed to
really enjoy themselves.
g. Open Meetings Act Designee: (Linda Wade) – Linda reported that we
need to be putting our meeting dates, times and places on our web.
Agendas need to be posted 48 hours prior to a meeting.
XIV. Ed Lavin – Ed reported that he is working on getting retirees to help with special
events on campus. He wanted to know if he should send to only retired civil
service or to all retirees. It was the consensus of the council that everyone should
be invited as they can always choose not to be a part of the group. He asked that
postage cost be provided by the council so letters could be sent as no everyone
uses their wiu email after retirement. Bill made the motion that CSEC pay for the
postage, seconded by Adam, motion carried.
XV. Old Business –
XVI. New Business – It was discussed that there would be several members on vacation
for the July meeting as it would fall during the holiday week. It was decided that
there would be no July meeting and we would travel to the Quad Cities River Front
Campus for the August meeting. Wendi will send out an email to see who will be
going so van(s) can be reserved.
Also discussed was the fact that the May Employee of the Month, Bill Brewer who
works at the Quad Cities campus wanted to donate those funds to a book award to
someone at that campus. The two people who would be eligible for this award
would be Chris Brown and Michelle Pedia. The motion was made to split the $100
between them. Motion made by Kathleen, seconded by Bill, motion carried.
Bill also discussed if in the future that there should be one book award designated
to the Quad Cities campus, providing there is someone eligible from there. Motion
by Karen, Seconded by Cindy. Motion carried.
XVII. Group concerns –none.
XVIII. Announcements – none
XIX. Motion by Karen, seconded by Kathleen to adjourn meeting. Meeting adjourned.
Civil Service Employees Council
June 7, 2012, 1:15pm
Capitol Room, University Union
XX. Next meeting August 2, 2012 at 1:15 pm at the Quad Cities River Front Campus.