North Carolina, September 2012 Race to the Top Progress Update Monthly Call Directions: In preparation for monthly calls, a State must provide responses to the questions in Part A for their overall plan, and responses to the questions in Part B for two application subcriterion. Part A: In preparation for monthly calls, States must provide information that addresses the three questions below on the implementation of all aspects of its approved scope of work. This may include a written response. If your State already has a state-specific system to report on its progress, please work with your program officer to determine the best method of providing this information for your State. 1. What were the State’s key accomplishments and challenges this past month? Accomplishments • 9/6 Summer Institute and TALAS Updates for State Board • 9/10 NCDPI All-Agency Meeting (800+ staff) to discuss READY vision/plan, accomplishments to date, key activities to come over next two years • 9/11 Presentation to Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee regarding Common Core, Assessments, and Accountability Model • 9/12 GETC Full Commission Meeting • 9/15 Submission of first of 4 semi-annual reports on RttT implementation progress due (per S.L. 2012-77) to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee • 9/20 Meeting in Greensboro with teams (Superintendent, HR, testing coordinators, other central office staff) from every LEA and ~60 charter schools to discuss the new Measures of Student Learning/Common Exams (~600 total attendees) • 9/21 Meeting of Educator Effectiveness Workgroup • First cohort of NC Teacher Corps members working in schools • Establishment of branding (name and logo) for IIS – preparing for launch in fall • Posting of Evaluation Reports on LEA Expenditures and Distinguished Leadership in Practice (DLP) program • Nearing completion of 2011-12 LEA Progress Report submissions Challenges • Finalizing IIS contract award(s) • Finalizing plan/approvals for PowerSchool (SIS) implementation • Posting Cloud RFPs and getting contract amendments approved OMB Control Number: 1894-0011 Expiration Date: October 31, 2011 North Carolina, September 2012 • Managing budget and procurement, given lack of automatic carry forward from 2011-12 • Replacing project management staff • Managing rollout of MSLs – made fall (high school) administration optional due to time needed for logistics planning/policy adoption in western NC districts (earlier calendars) • Securing/maintaining Legislative support for READY agenda • Responding to requirement that RttT-D applicants submit plans for State review and comment 2. Is the State on track to meet the goals and timelines associated with the activities outlined in its approved scope of work? If not, what strategies is the State employing in order to meet its goals? • On-track in majority of initiatives • Challenges to note include: o IT procurement (meeting with ITS, Governor’s office bi-weekly to track progress) o NC Teacher Corps (rethinking timing of on-boarding candidates to increase numbers) o Maintaining needed staffing 3. How can the Department help the State meet its goals? • Authorize automatic carryover of unexpended funds from 2011-12 • Require SBAC to be more clear about their deliverables and how they will meet the needs of all states; USED, as the common funder, is in a unique position to ensure that SBAC RttT deliverables align clearly with the State RttT deliverables • Support possible creative staff retention strategies OMB Control Number: 1894-0011 Expiration Date: October 31, 2011