Thank you joining us this morning!

Thank you joining us this morning!
My name is Hunter Huffman and I’m a Project
Coordinator with the RttT Program Management Office at
Today we’ll be discussing closeout information for the
RttT grant.
Please feel free to submit questions which will be
answered at the end of the presentation.
This presentation will cover information as it pertains to
the RttT closeout process for the 68 LEAs and/or Charter
Schools across the State that were approved for a NoCost Extension.
(Review slides)
This slide provides an overview of key dates to be aware
of as we approach the summer.
As we go through the slides, each date will be discussed
in greater detail.
(Review slides)
First, we will discuss final DSW amendment submissions.
It is important to note that April 15th is the last day to
submit any final amendments.
This date gives the Department time to follow-up with
LEAs and/or Charter Schools on any issues related to the
DSW or RttT budgets entered into the LBAAS system.
(Review last point on slide)
Now we’ll review the DSW Amendment Approval
(Review slides)
Next, we’ll discuss Program Closeout for Activities.
USED has granted the Department the ability to approve
LEAs and Charter Schools No-Cost Extensions for the RttT
work through June 30, 2015.
The activities granted an extension had to be either: 1)
work already in the DSW that the LEA/Charter needed
more time to complete; or 2) new work aligned to
activities the State was approved to complete during the
No-Cost Extension period.
(Review slides)
Next, we’ll go over the Program Closeout for Monitoring.
Any LEA and/or Charter approved for a No-Cost Extension
will complete a progress report as they have in the past
years of RttT.
(Review slides)
The last important dates we’ll be discussing today involve
the Fiscal Closeout process.
Across the State, there is $3.8 Million remaining of the
original $165 Million in Local RttT Funds still left to spend
(as of January 31).
(Review Slides)
Here are just a couple general closeout reminders to be
mindful of as the grant comes to an end.
(Review slides)
Here is a list of key contact information you may need
throughout the RttT Closeout.
(Review slides)
To review, today we discussed key dates and information
related to the RttT Program and Fiscal Closeout.
Specifically, June 30th being the day all DSW activities
must be completed by, and July 31st being the final day
to pay RttT invoices and submit progress reports.
For future reference, these slides are posted on the
NCDPI RttT website under the webinars link.
With that, we’ll go ahead and take any questions. . .
Thank you for participating in our presentation this
morning! That concludes our webinar for RttT Closeout.