Pulling The Plug The Legacy of Renewable Support Draft Do Not Cite M. Beck (Balsillie School of International Affairs) Nic Rivers (University of Ottawa) R. Wigle Balsillie School of International Affairs, Wilfrid Laurier University)∗ September 26, 2014 Abstract Although support for renewable electricity is motivated primarily by environmental benefits, there is evidence of some amount of ‘industrial’ benefits from learning by doing which are not appropriable by investors. This market failure is a second source of economic inefficiency. While there has been significant Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modeling of alternative forms of public support for renewable electricity, much less attention has been paid to what happens when such supports are phased out. Our longer-term goal is to consider optimal paths for renewable support. A recursive dynamic regional CGE model of Canada is used to consider the path of adjustment after renewable electricity supports are removed. The model features a learning by doing mechanism related to historical total output of the renewable sector. ∗ The authors acknowledge support from Carbon Management Canada and Sustainable Prosperity. The authors thank, without implicating, comments from participant’s in a brown bag session at Wilfrid Laurier University’s Economics Department. 1 Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Ontario’s Renewable Energy Policy 4 3 Learning Externalities 6 4 Model Overview 11 4.1 Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 5 Policies Considered 6 Central Case Findings 6.1 Temporary Support . . . 6.2 Comparison of Temporary 6.3 Economic Efficiency . . . 6.3.1 Sensitivity . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . . . and Permanent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 14 19 20 22 7 Summary, Conclusions and Extensions 23 A Additional Tables: Temporary Support 27 B Sensitivity 29 2 1 Introduction Support for new forms of renewable electricity generation such as solar and wind have often been motivated by the desire to reduce GHG and local air emissions. At the same time there is widespread belief that this sector is also subject to another externality, namely the fact that efficiency gains from learning by doing in the sector are not appropriable by the firms in the sector (Neuhoff 2005). Rather the cost reductions associated with increasing historical output in the sector reduce cost for any firm, including new entrants. As a result of this externality (cost reductions due to learning) associated with the output side, the output level of renewable generators can be lower than socially optimal. Since learning effects are normally modeled as falling in historical output, this externality is likely to diminish over time, leading to an optimal schedule of support that declines over time as well. Our final objective is to derive an optimal schedule of support for renewable energy supports in Ontario using a recursive dynamic regional CGE model of Canada. The model features a learning by doing mechanism related to historical total output of the renewable sector. This version of the paper represents a first step toward this goal. This paper discusses some results comparing permanent to temporary supports, detailed in Section 5. The policy context we are working in is the scale back of renewable energy supports and dissatisfaction with the ‘high cost’ of renewable energy. Initially our focus is on considering the longer-term impact of renewable electricity promotion, in particular if it that support is only temporary.1 The current paper considers how the evaluation of renewable support policy changes if the support is removed at some point in the future. Building on these results, ongoing research is foreseen addressing the following issues: 1. What is the optimal time profile of support for renewable energy? 2. What values of the key parameters justify renewable energy support and at what level? The findings of this paper include: 1. Though we only compare a simple on/off policy decision (the ending of support after a give period) the case for renewable energy support is significantly strengthened by the possibility that the support will eventually end. 1 The fact that support should be ratcheted down over time is discussed in Melitz (2005) and Neuhoff (2005). 3 2. The key parameters in determining the net welfare effect of renewable supports are the degree of learning (learning rate) and the degree of substitutability of renewable and conventional electricity.2 We provide an initial evaluation of how much learning and substitutability is enough to make supports welfare-neutral. 2 Ontario’s Renewable Energy Policy Ontario’s Green Energy and Green Economy Act (GEGEA) is the Province’s core piece of legislation for the promotion of energy conservation and renewable energy generation. The GEGEA was adopted under a liberal government in May 2009. The legislation introduced a new stand-alone statute, the Green Energy Act (GEA), and also entailed amendments to 15 other statutes. The GEA’s three major components (a) the Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) Program to promote renewable energy, (b) the establishment of the Renewable Energy Facilitation Office (REFO), and (c) the streamlining of the environmental approval processes for renewable energy projects. The Liberal government pursued multiple goals with the GEGEA legislation, including economic growth and employment, environmental protection, and energy security. The provincial government explicitly introduced the Act as a strategy for local economic development and mitigation of unemployment in the manufacturing sector. The feed-in tariff policy, and specifically the included domestic content requirement, aimed at fostering local equipment manufacturing, the creation of ’green jobs’ and a boost in private investment. In short, the goal was to make Ontario a competitive player and a North-American first mover in the global clean energy market. Ontario followed the example of multiple European countries that had already pursued similar renewable energy policies, aimed at both environmental protection and industrial development. In particular, the German Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz, inspired the Ontario model Mabee, Mannion, and Carpenter (2012). At the core of the GEGEA is the feed-in tariff (FIT) program, which was first introduced in 2009. The FIT program seeks to reduce the financial and regulatory risks for private renewable energy investors in order to boost capacity development in the province. Renewable energy generators enter FIT contracts, i.e. long-term power purchase agreements, with the Ontario Power Authority (OPA). The OPA guarantees a fixed price for every kWh 2 We intend to incorporate the role of environmental damages more fully into the next release of the paper. 4 generated from eligible renewable electricity technologies over a time period of 20 years (40 years for hydropower). Tariff rates vary by technology, project size, and ownership. Eligible technologies include bioenergy (including on and off-farm biogas, biomass, and landfill gas), solar photovoltaic (with project capacity below 10MW), waterpower with project capacity below 50MW per project; and wind. A separate program for small-scale project, called microFIT, was also introduced. A review of the FIT program launched in October 2011 resulted in a number of amendments. The legislation was generally deemed successful, nearly 2,000 FIT contracts had been signed in the first two years, associated with over 4,600 MW of new capacity (Ontario 2012). However, a number of shortcomings were identified including the low level of community involvement, the increase in electricity prices, NIMBY-activism in Ontario communities, regulatory uncertainties and process delays. The government introduced multiple reforms to the program in response to the review. The OPA essentially abandoned the FIT model for large wind projects, instead moving to a competitive bidding arrangement for future supply. In 2010, Japan filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the FIT program’s domestic content requirement. In order to be eligible under the FIT program, projects had to use up to 50% inputs from local suppliers and service providers. Japan argued that this rule was a protective measure breaking international free trade law. The WTO ruled that the dometic content requirement violated Canada’s MFN commitment.3 In May 2013 the government first announced plans to change the local content rule. It was was formally abandoned in July 2014. Around the same time, in May 2013, a new round of FIT reforms was announced. Importantly, a new procurement process for large renewable energy projects was introduced. These projects had so far been eligible for the FIT, so that the change essentially limits the scope of the program. Ontario’s renewable energy market players perceive growing uncertainty around future support policies and there are concerns about dwindling demand for new development. Taking wind development as an example, Ontario’s 2021 target to reach renewable capacity of 10,700 MW should include around 6,500 MW of windpower (Government of Ontario 2013). As of March 2014 contracted capacity for wind power was already at 5,742 MW (OPA 2014). With thousands of projects already in the pipeline and in the absence of more ambitious future 3 The MFN principle requires all imports to be treated the same once border measures are applied. 5 targets in sight, the market for new project developers has become fairly competitive (Bailey 2012). As political commitment for renewable power in Ontario is arguably fading at this moment, questions arise regarding the timing and temporal structure of renewable support schemes and their lasting effects once the support has been ceased. 3 Learning Externalities Over the last decade, a large number of studies debated scope and causes of learning externalities in innovative energy industries including offshore wind power (van der Zwaan, Rivera-Tinoco, Lensink, and van der Oosterkamp 2012), photovoltaics (Wand and Leuthold 2011), clean coal (Nakata, Sato, Wang, Kusunoki, and Furubayashi 2011), and CCS (Li, Zhang, Gao, and Jin 2012). These studies commonly explain the occurrence of cost reductions and quality improvements with increasing output by reference to learning or experience curve models, economies of scale, spillover effects from research and development (R&D) or declining input factor prices. Most studies conclude that the benefits come from multiple possible sources. Increasing output in a specific sector may generate benefits in the form of average or marginal cost reductions due to scale effects and learning effects as accumulating experience can cause endogenous improvements in factor productivity and/or quality. Neij, per Dannemand Anderson, Durstewitz, Helby, Hoppe-Kilpper, and Morthorst 2003 distinguish between three different sources of experiencebased learning: Learning through research and development Knowledge from growing experience may feed back into the technology design process. Learning through manufacturing Accumulated experience in equipment manufacturing may lead to process improvements in purchasing, production, distribution etc., which may cause manufacturing costs to drop. Learning from utilization This type of learning occurs, for example, when workers become more skilled in handling specific equipment, which reduces maintenance cost and down times. Scale-based cost reductions can also have different sources as outlined by (Junginger, Faaij, and Turkenburg): 6 Mass production Standardization of the product allows for upscaling of the production facilities, which reduces the cost of each output unit. In the renewable energy sector, one can think of two scale effects at different points in the value chain. For example, the mass production of wind turbines decreases the per unit production costs. Additionally, the cost of wind electricity generation declines as the size of wind farms increases. Product redesign For example, increasing the size of the individual wind turbine also leads to lower specific costs per turbine. Lbd in the context of this study is understood as learning from experience in the generation of electricity from renewable energy sources. The potential for learning is higher at early development stages and decreases as the technology matures. At this point, scale effects due to mass production are more likely to become the key driver of cost reductions. High marginal returns on increases in production in a technology’s early development stages play an important role in achieving competitiveness with incumbent technologies. Policy interventions to internalize the learning externality have potential to be welfare-improving, particularly in early stages, where the learning effects are largest. Endogenous improvements in productivity and factor quality with increasing output are typically formalized through experience curve models. Experience curves are specified as logarithmic relations linking the percentage increase in output and the resultant percentage fall in average or marginal cost. Traditional learning curves are one-factor models. They subsume all factors contributing to cost reductions over time in one parameter, the learning rate as a function of cumulative experience. For learning occurring in electricity generation, experience levels are commonly approximated by cumulative electricity produced and costs are commonly measured in $/ kWh generated. However, given the uncertainties around the sources of industrial benefits, this approach is likely to lead to biased interpretations. Hence, some recent studies develop two- or multi-factor models to provide a more disaggregate and accurate picture of the causes of declining costs. Two-factor models commonly include public R&D investment as additional independent variable (Yeh and Rubin 2012). (Söderholm and Sundqvist) develop a four-factor model to explain investment cost developments in wind sector of four European countries by additionally considering scale effects and feed-in tariff prices. The latter is expected to counter cost reductions as it makes less efficient sites more attractive and generally lowers competition and thus the incentive to innovate. Some studies additionally include 7 a time trend to account for cost reductions due to exogenous technological progress that is independent of cumulative output (Ferioli and van der Zwaan 2009). With every additional independent variable considered, the omitted variable bias becomes less distorting. However, multi-factor models require large amounts of detailed data that may not be available in many cases. This is why (McDonald and Schrattenholzer 2001) questions the added value of separating the two endogenous factors, learning and scaling, in long-term energy models. This discussion already indicates that estimated learning rates tend to vary significantly across studies, depending on the used data set and model specifications (Söderholm and Sundqvist 2007). Table 1 provides an overview of recent studies on cost reductions in the wind energy sector. Estimated learning rates range between 1.77% and 19%. The wide range can be explained by differences in the included time periods and geographies, the degree of disaggregation of cost drivers and the ways in which cost and experience are measured. In economic equilibrium models like the one used for this analysis experience curves are used as a means to incorporate the effects of endogenous technological change in order to better assess the full welfare impacts of renewable energy policies. Modelers need to make several decisions on how to incorporate Lbd into the wider model structure, which will then determine the choice of adequate learning rates. One set of modeling choices relates to the assumed source of learning benefits while the other one relates to their assumed scope. Source of benefits The major decision is whether to disaggregate endogenous cost reductions into those driven by learning effects and those driven by scaling effects. The appropriate learning rate needs to be chosen accordingly, i.e. it needs to reflect the same level of aggregation. Nature of benefits Mechanisms to be considered include those where the benefits take the form of efficiency improvements (more output from a given quantity and quality of inputs) and those that involve improved factor quality. In this analysis learning effects are modelled as factor efficiency improvements. Electricity vs. equipment Lbd can occur at different levels in the renewable energy value chain. The literature distinguishes between Lbd in equipment production, installation, and electricity generation. Modellers need to choose at which stage(s) they want to consider Lbd. Empirical learning rates will differ across stages. 8 Table 1: Reported Learning Rates Study (Ek Söderholm) Scope Wind, Europe, 1986-2002 LR 17% (Qiu and Anadon) Wind, China, 2003-2007 4.14.3% (van der Zwaan, Rivera-Tinoco, Lensink, and van der Oosterkamp) (Söderholm and Sundqvist) Offshore Wind, Europe, 20052011 3% Wind, Europe 1.778.25% (Junginger, Faaij, and Turkenburg) Wind, global, 1990-2001 18-19% (Neij, per Dannemand Anderson, Durstewitz, Helby, Hoppe-Kilpper, and Morthorst) Wind, mark, 2000 17% and Den1981- 9 4 Cost/Experience investment cost/global installed capacity electricity cost/national installed capacity investment cost/European installed capacity investment cost/European installed capacity investment cost/national installed capacity generation cost/national production Factors included public R&D with lbs rate of 20% lbd and lbs of manufacturers and developers; excluding scale effects scale and learning effects scale and R&D and policy effects scale and learning effects scale and learning effects Reference levels It is important to determine the relevant reference point for these curves: Is it the global level of output, is it national levels of output or here in the case of a Canadian regional model, is it, for example the level of output in the province. In this analysis the relevant reference level was chosen to be the cumulated renewable electricity generation in Ontario. The scope learning externalities refers to the extent to which learning benefits assumed to be restricted to the country, sector, and firm where the increase in output occurs. Embodied versus non-embodied Efficiency gains due to learning could be embodied or non-embodied in the specific production factors of the firm where the learning occurs, i.e. in the firm’s equipment and its workers. In modelling terms, embodied learning changes the efficiency of input factors, while disembodied learning causes alterations in the production function itself. In this analysis learning is assumed to be embodied. Factor specificity Productivity gains from accumulated experience could be associated with one factor or another, most importantly capital or labour. This analysis assumes that productivity gains are neutral across all factors. Sector-specificity If output increases cause factors to be more productive, they may be more productive only in the sector where the learning has accrued, or the benefits could spill-over into other industries. In the case of labour, the (embodied) skills learned by specific workers could apply to just the sector where the worker learned them, or they might be more generally applicable, in which case the worker would take them her when moving between sectors. In this analysis, industrywide learning effects are assumed, while potential spill-overs into other sectors are neglected. Geographic specificity Similarly to learning externalities across sectors, the extent of industrial benefits can be local, regional, national or global in scope. In this analysis, only Lbd resulting from output increases within Ontario are considered. For this paper, we adopt the most straightforward interpretation. Learning is assumed to be factor neutral and apply to firms within a given province only. As this section shows, there is considerable scope for alternative implementations. 10 4 Model Overview FiT-rd is a recursive dynamic multi-region CGE model of the Canadian economy.5 It is designed to simulate immediate and transitional economic impacts of different climate policy scenarios including renewable energy quotas and feed-in tariffs. In particular, the recursive dynamic character of FiT-rd means that in each period, the representative household makes an investment decision. One period’s purchases of investment goods cause the sector-specific capital stocks to increase the next period. The model’s agents can be considered myopic, since there is no mechanism whereby anticipation of future events can affect current behaviour. The following paragraphs describe the model and the used data sources. Production Nested constant-elasticity-of-substitution (CES) production functions are used to model firms’ input choices regarding the key production factors capital, labour and a nested aggregate of all other inputs such as energy and material. For renewable energy firms an additional fixed factor (non-fossil sites) is considered, which represents the finite availability of renewable energy sites in each year. Because the supply of sites is fixed, the supply curve for this sector is upward sloping in each period. The factor share is taken from Sue Wing (2008).6 This can be seen as representing exploitation of the best sites first. Factor markets The groups of factors of production are distinguished: capital, labour, and specific resources. Capital is assumed to be both region and sector specific. This allows the capital stock of a specific sector in a specific region to accumulate over time. Labour is considered mobile between sectors within a province, but immobile between provinces. To determine total labour supply, each household is assumed to trade off between leisure and consumption. The model recognizes some equilibrium unemployment. Government and taxation All government revenue (direct and indirect taxes) is received by that province’s representative agent, and government spending is fixed in each region in all periods. Although in this formulation, policy scenarios are likely to affect revenues, and 5 Further detail about the earlier model from which it was developed is available in Beck, Rivers, and Wigle (2013b). 6 An earlier paper by Sue Wing in Energy Policy 2006 gives dramatically higher shares to the resource (20% versus 6%). #34 pp 3847–69 11 thus the government deficit, the implementation of policy scenarios are typically constrained to keep total government revenues (and thus the deficit) to be kept constant. Investment demand In FiT-rd the level of expenditure on investment responds to average rates of return with a constant elasticity formulation. Higher average rates of return lead to higher levels of investment. The default value of the parameter is i is 14 . Total investment in a region from the previous period is allocated among alternative sectors in the region according to a CET transformation function. Sectors earning higher rates of return to capital receive a higher share of new vintage capital. Consumer demand Household consumption is modeled in a rather aggregate fashion as distributional impacts are not the focus of this analysis. One representative agent in each province receives factor income from labour and government transfers. Household income is reduced by federal and provincial taxes to fund public services. Given these budget constraints, the representative agent purchases consumption goods according to a CES aggregate over all consumer goods. International and inter-provincial trade FiT-rd allows for bilateral trade between provinces and across national borders following the (Armington) approach. According to this common approach in applied studies, domestic goods and imports from the rest of the world are nested in a CES function. Goods produced in Canada are a CES aggregate of goods produced in the home province and goods imported from other provinces. Canada is assumed to be a price taker on the global market, whereas relative prices between provinces are determined endogenously. An elasticity of transformation function is used to specify the ease with which Canadian goods can be exported instead of sold domestically when relative prices change. Overall, the models ensures that trade surplus or deficit in each province, and therefore total foreign saving in Canada, remain fixed at a benchmark level. Data The model is calibrated to the economic transactions (quantities and prices) in a benchmark year as compiled in Statistic Canada’s symmetric provincial input-output tables for the year 2005. The benchmark set also includes data on production, intermediate use, final demands, sectoral capital earnings and sectoral expenditures on wages and salaries as well as information on inter-provincial and international 12 trade flows. Elasticities are are assumed exogenously. Since renewable energy technologies are not differentiated from conventional technologies in the benchmark input-output data set, this specification is made using additional data on electricity generation technologies in combination with a forecast of electricity generation from renewable sources to generate a technology profile for the renewable energy sector. Cost and technology information on 18 different electricity generation technologies is provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency. 4.1 Learning Learning by doing is modeled as a learning curve that confers factor neutral cost savings (read efficiency enhancements) to all renewable electricity producers in the region. The amount of learning in a given region depends on the total historical output of the sector in that region. Learning is restricted in these model runs to the renewable generating sector. A key feature of the enhancement is that it is assumed to be external to firms. In other words, firms do not incorporate the learning by doing gains into their output or investment behaviour because they do not capture the bulk of the efficiency gains that result from increasing their own output. Further, the increased productivity is assumed to be disembodied, meaning it does not enhance the productivity of resources used outside of the renewable sector. ct = ct−1 Yt Yt−1 −γ In the central case, γ is chosen such that a doubling of historical output (Yt ) leads to a 5% reduction in ct . 5 Policies Considered We consider the introduction of a feed-in-tariff scheme (like that used in Ontario) to double the share of renewable electricity in Ontario. In one case (Permanent) we consider the policy to be in effect permanently, whereas in the other (Temporary) the supports hit the same target up until 2035, after which they are removed. The Ontario feed-in tariff scheme provides a subsidy to production of renewable electricity financed through a tax on all domestic consumption of electricity within Ontario. The subsidy is endogenously selected to hit the target share of renewable electricity in total electricity generation. 13 Table 2: Central Case Parameters Parameter Renewable–Conventional Electricity Substitution Learning Rate in Renewable Energy Armington Elasticity (Domestic–Foreign) Armington Elasticity (Among Domestic) Elasticity of Substitution in Value Added Output transformation between domestic and export Discount Rate Depreciation rate (all sectors except utilities/electricity) Depreciation Rates (Utilities)a a 6 σCR ρ σf σd σV σT r δ δU includes all electricity generation Central Case Findings We start in Section 6.1 by looking at the characteristics of the temporary policy scenario and then continue to a comparison of the temporary and permanent experiments. 6.1 Temporary Support An overview of the macro-level impacts of temporary support are provided in Figure 1 (dollar-value magnitudes). The key observations are that consumption, welfare and GDP all fall relative to BAU as long as the policy is in effect. Once support is removed, all three rise. The design of the Ontario feed-in tariff policy regime supports purchases of renewable electricity relative to conventional electricity, but is relatively neutral regarding the treatment of electricity as a whole relative to other goods. As a result, impacts on factor markets tend to be somewhat muted. The small rise in the rental rate on capital when the support is introduced results because the renewable electricity sector is slightly more capital intensive than the conventional electricity sector. Real wages fall (less than 1 4 of one percent as long as the support is in place, but recover once the support ends. Although the effect on the economy-wide rental rate (and thus the economywide rate of return) are very modest, the same cannot be said of key sectoral rental rates. This is illustrated in Figure 3 for selected sectors. While sup14 Value 2.0 5% 3.0 6.0 0.7 3.0 5% 7% 5% ports are in effect, rental rates rise markedly in the renewable sector, and decline much more modestly in the conventional electricity sector. When the supports are removed, the impacts on rental rates are reversed. The rental rate declines in the mining sector (which includes coal, oil and gas mining) while the support is in effect, but then rises slightly after support is removed, Table 3: Temporary: Sectoral Rental Rates (%) 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 MIN -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.4 0.1 0.1 0.0 UTL 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 ELE -4.0 -4.1 -5.0 -6.0 -7.2 -8.4 3.9 1.8 0.9 REN 102.3 44.9 36.6 35.4 35.3 35.3 -37.5 -21.8 -11.1 units all items are % change relative to BAU MIN Mining sector includes coal, oil and gas mining UTL Utilities sector (includes telecomms, sewage, water utilities) ELE conventional electricity sector REN renewable electricity sector Impacts on aggregate trade flows (both within Canada and abroad) are very modest as detailed in Figure 9. There is a very modest impact on the overall level of investment when the support is initially provided, but the major impact on investment behaviour is on the allocation of investment along sectors. Figure 3 shows the dynamics in both subsectors of the electricity sector. Figure 3 illustrates the dynamics of the two electricity sub-sectors. When the policy is first introduced, the investment7 in the renewable electricity rises dramatically relative to BAU in the first period and then converge 7 That is installation of capital into a given sector. 15 Figure 1: Temporary Support: Macro Impacts $ M change versus BAU to a 100% increase relative to BAU. The renewable sector’s output level and employment both double while the policy is in effect. When the policy is stopped in 2035, sectoral investment falls sharply at first but remains below BAU values over our modeling horizon. Employment, output and the sectoral capital stock converge back to their initial values. While the output of the renewable sector will never quite reach the baseline value, it would eventually get extremely close to the baseline values. Even though the historical output will always be higher in the case of the temporary policy (versus none), the difference in the learning effects between the two situations will become progressively smaller. Looked at another way, even without support, the learning by doing impacts as we model them will be achieved eventually. The dynamics in the conventional electricity sector mirror, the sign of those in the renewable sector, but the percentage changes are much smaller. This is due to the relative size of the two sectors (see Table 4. Investment in the conventional electricity sector declines as do employment, output and the capital stock. When supports end there is a (smaller) positive spike in investment in the conventional sector. Output, employment and the capital stock will eventually converge to the baseline values. 16 Figure 2: Temporary Support: Factor Prices (%) • % change versus BAU • Pct Rental Percentage change in real capital rental rate • Pct Return Percentage change in rate of return to capital • Pct Wage Percentage change in real wage rate Table 4: Renewable Market Shares Year 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Baseline 3.0 4.8 6.6 8.4 10.2 12.0 12.7 13.3 14.0 Permanent 6.0 9.6 13.2 16.8 20.4 24.0 25.3 26.7 28.0 17 Temporary 6.0 9.6 13.2 16.8 20.4 24.0 17.2 16.2 15.8 Figure 3: Electricity Sector Dynamics • top is renewable generating sector, bottom is conventional generating sector • % change versus BAU • K: Capital Stock, L: Labour employed, NK: Newly installed capital, Q: Output 18 6.2 Comparison of Temporary and Permanent Support Because the model is recursive dynamic, the model time paths are identical up to the point where the policies diverge. This is shown in Figure 4. If the support remains in place (permanent scenario), then after 2035 welfare continues to fall to the end of the modeled period (2050). By contrast, with temporary support, the welfare loss not only gets smaller but becomes positive in the next modeled period. That is to say that the welfare rises relative to BAU after the support is lifted. This finding may seem counter-intuitive, but results primarily from three facts. First, the the stock of renewable electricity capital is both larger and more productive (due to learning) than it was in the BAU. The renewable sector capital is also more productive relative to the conventional capital. Recall that one motivation for the renewable support is the production-side externality related to learning. Figure 4: Welfare Comparison • Units are $M (change relative to BAU) • ofit-on-2-t: temporary ofit policy • ofit-on-2: permanent ofit policy The dynamics of the renewable generating sector are compared between the two scenarios in Figure 5. Up to 2035 the dynamics for capital stock and newly installed capital are the same. When the support is permanent, both the capital stock and newly installed capital stay close to twice as high as the BAU, whereas both new investment and the capital stock decline rather 19 sharply after support is cut. Figure 5: Renewable Sector Dynamics Comparison (%) • pct K refers to percent change of capital stock (% relative to BAU)a • pct NK refers to percent change of newly installation of capital (% relative to BAU)b a b blue (permanent) and red (temporary) lines yellow (permanent) and green (temporary) lines Figure 6 shows the magnitude of changes in the learning effect induced by policy. We assume that learning is also occurring in the baseline following the same relation as in the counterfactuals. The figure shows the percentage change in those learning effects between the baseline and the policy experiment. The difference reaches near 5% by 2050 in the Permanent policy. In the Temporary policy, the difference in learning effects begins to erode after 2035. 6.3 Economic Efficiency The welfare measures depicted in Figure 4 refers to welfare from consumption and leisure in each time period, ignoring both the impacts on the environment, and changes to the capital stock over the time period. A number of approaches can be used to determine which policy scenario is most efficient. We calculate the present value of the welfare stream associated with 20 Figure 6: Learning Effects each policy measure, inclusive also of leisure. Flows are discounted at a rate of 5%. Table 5: Present Value Calculations ($M, 2010) Welfare Welfare+Damages Central Case Temporary Permanent -1072 -10409 3712 -4439 A key issue arises in the calculation of the present value for any recursive dynamic model in terms of the treatment of ‘post-terminal’ periods. Our explicit modeling ends in 2050. A standard way of treating such periods (here periods after 2050) is to estimate a post-terminal time path based on knowledge of the model and observed convergence in the model solution near the terminal point.8 Our ‘Permanent’ experiment solutions are converging in terms of percentage changes over the last three periods. It is not so clear that our temporary solutions are converging. As a result, the findings in Table 5 should be treated with some caution. 8 Rutherford (2008) 21 The value of reduced damages in each period is computed as the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of the conventional electricity sector multiplied by $50/t. Our ‘social cost of carbon’ is higher than the recently re-evaluated US counterpart, but the damages associated with the conventional electricity sector would normally be dominated by those attributable to local air emissions. Our baseline emissions do reflect the dramatic reduction in GHG emissions in Ontario associated with shutting down coal generation.9 Given these two caveats, the results are only illustrative, but nonetheless raise the possibility that key parameters are likely to affect not only the size, but the sign of welfare evaluations of renewable support programs. 6.3.1 Sensitivity Although most of our sensitivity analysis has been left to an appendix, some sensitivity analysis of our overall present value calculations is presented here. This sensitivity analysis is still subject to the same caveats mentioned before, yet it illustrates the notion that the sign, as well as the magnitude of welfare impacts is likely to be subject to parameter sensitivity. Table 6: Present Value Calculations ($M, 2010) Welfare Welfare+Damages Welfare Welfare+Damages Welfare Welfare+Damages Central Case Temporary Permanent -1072 -10409 3712 -4439 LSLL Temporary Permanent -5788 -23387 -1209 -17487 MSML Temporary Permanent 4470 1594 9488 7473 9 Baseline GHG emissions of the Ontario generating sector fall by almost 55% between 2005 and 2015. 22 7 Summary, Conclusions and Extensions As noted in the paper, several aspects of the modeling need refinement, so our simulation results should be considered as illustrative. This section briefly reviews some of our suggestive findings and directions for future research. 1. The key parameters to our findings include some whose processes are not well understood (learning rates), those which are not easily estimated (ease of current and future substitution between renewable and conventional electricity) and others which are subject to not only quantitative debate, but also ethical debates (marginal damage costs). 2. Besides the parameters mentioned above, the optimal path and level of support for renewables is likely to depend on other aspects of the economy in question. This likely includes the emissions of the conventional electricity sector in the baseline. Thus, the environmental benefits in Alberta (coal-fired) are likely greater than in Québec or BC, where the existing conventional sector have very low fossil fuel content. 3. Since the learning externality declines as cumulative output rises over time, the optimal response to a learning by doing externality of the type we consider would be a subsidy that declines over time (Melitz 2005). Given that their are also environmental externalities, it is possible that the optimal path will not go to zero. Searching for the optimal support schedule is an obvious next step. 4. Once we can typify optimal support strategies, we can also inquire into the conditions (in terms of model parameters) under which the optimal support level is positive. 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Energy Economics 34, 762–771. 26 A Additional Tables: Temporary Support Figure 7: Temporary Support: Ontario Electricity Sector % Change in sectoral output relative to BAU 27 Figure 8: Temporary Support: Electricity Trade (%) % change versus BAU Figure 9: Temporary Support: Ontario Trade Impacts (%) % change versus BAU 28 B Sensitivity We consider three key sensitivity cases focusing on two values that are of most importance to our results. Our central case is denoted CC10 LSLL refers to a parameterization that is less conducive to renewable electricity. Likewise, MSML is a parameterization that is more conducive to renewable electricity. Case σCR Learning Rate LSLL 1 2% CC 2 5% MSML 5 10% σCR is the elasticity of substitution between conventional and renewable electricity. It represents how easily conventional and fossil electricity can be substituted for one another. To illustrate how it works in the model, we consider a value of σCR of 2. If the relative price of renewable electricity was 10% lower in the counterfactual than the baseline run, the demand share of renewables relative to conventional electricity would rise by 20%. Interestingly, a number of earlier studies of the electricity sector have assumed that conventional and renewable electricity were perfect substitutes at the margin. Figure 10: Welfare Temporary Units are $M 10 In the pivot tables it is ULD because the depreciation rate is lower in the Utilities, Renewable and Electricity sectors than the rest of the economy. This was previously not a central case, but now is. 29 Figure 11: Welfare Permanent Units are $M Once support is removed, the renewable sector starts to decline in all configurations, but does so noticeably slower as we parameterize the model to be more conducive to renewable electricity. 30 Figure 12: Renewable Production (% vs BAU) Figure 13: GDP Temporary Support ($M vs BAU) 31 Figure 14: Investment Sensitivity: Temporary Support • Units are $M (change relative to BAU) • ofit-on-2-t: temporary ofit policy • ofit-on-2: permanent ofit policy 32