Geometry Chapter 6 Quiz Section: 5 points each

Chapter 6 Quiz
Section: 5 points each
Basic: 1 Correct: 3 points
Proficient: 2 Correct: 4 points
Advanced: 3 Correct: 6 points
Date ______________ Period ___
Section 1: Classifying Quadrilaterals –
B. Graph quadrilateral ABCD. Then determine the most precise name for the quadrilateral.
A(-5, 0), B(-3, 2), C(3, 2), D(5, 0)
P. Classify the following quadrilateral in at least three ways.
A. Find the value of x and y. Then list the lengths of the sides.
x = ___________
y = ___________
sides lengths = _______________
Section 2: Parallelogram Properties –
B. Find the measure of x.
x = ____________
P. Find the measure of <1, <2, and <3.
m<1= __________
m<2= __________
m<3 = __________
A. Find the values of the x and y that make this quadrilateral a parallelogram.
x = ____________
y = ____________
Section 3: Parallelograms–
B. Determine whether the quadrilateral must be a parallelogram. Explain with a theorem.
P. Find the values of x and y for which for this must be a parallelograms.
x = ___________
y = ___________
A. In the figure, FR // AN // KM. Find the perimeter of ANMK.
Perimeter = _____________
Section 4: Special Parallelograms (rhombus and rectangle)B. Find the measure of <1, <2, <3, and <4. (all or nothing!)
m<1 = ___________
m<2 = ____________
m<3 = ____________
m<4 = ___________
P. The diagonals of a rectangle have lengths 7x - 2 and 4x + 3. Find x and the length of each diagonal.
x = _____________
Diagonals = _____________
A. Find the measure of <1, <2, <3, and <4 in the rhombus below. (all or nothing!)
m<1 = ___________
m<2 = ____________
m<3 = ____________
m<4 = ____________