Harold Washington College (CCC) and Bronzeville/Hale Williams (CPS) Dual Credit Course Syllabus Chicago Military Academy COURSE TITLE: College Algebra (Math 140) CLASS MEETING TIME: 8:00- 9:40 AM every other day (Block B) ROOM: 301 CREDITS: 4 Credit Hours INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Antkiewicz OFFICE: Room 301 OFFICE HOURS: block schedule B; time 2:00-3:00 PM OFFICE PHONE: 773-534 9750 Extension 29580 EMAIL: jantkiewicz@cps.edu COURSE WEBSITE: ccc.blackboard.com Course Description for College Algebra: College Algebra emphasizes the notion of a function as a unifying concept. The following families of functions and their characteristics are examined within this course: polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions. Additional topics will include solving inequalities and systems of linear and non-linear equations. Applications involving problem-solving skills will be emphasized throughout the course. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course. Required Texts: . College Algebra, Sullivan 9th edition. Prentice Hall, 2012.ISBN: 978-0-321-71681-1 Course Objectives: College Algebra Investigate main features of various families of functions through the properties of their graph. Use different algebraic methods to investigate the roots of functions, especially polynomial functions. Apply functions to model and solve real life problems. Analyze different methods to solve systems of linear equations. Investigate the solution of different types of inequalities. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to: College Algebra 1. Polynomial Functions. Identify the characteristics of a quadratic function (i.e., vertex, axis of symmetry, and direction of concavity). 2. Compute roots/zeroes of a polynomial function by factoring techniques. 3. Estimate the roots/zeroes of a polynomial function. 4. Solve polynomial inequalities. 5. Solve systems of linear equations using matrices and determinants. 6. Solve systems of linear inequalities. 7. Solve systems of non-linear equations. 8. Rational Functions. Simplify rational expressions using the division algorithm. 9. Identify points of discontinuity of a rational function. 10. Identify vertical/horizontal J. asymptotes and end behavior of rational functions. 11. Solve rational inequalities. 12. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Define exponential and logarithmic functions. 13. Simplify exponential and logarithmic expressions using their properties. 14. Solve exponential and logarithmic equations. 15. Formulate and apply exponential and logarithmic functions to a contextual situation. 1 16. It is expected that the following student learning outcomes (Characteristics of Functions) will be embedded, as appropriate, in the study of the family of functions listed above. Identify the domain and range of a function. 17. Determine intervals on which functions are decreasing/increasing, continuous/non-continuous, or piecewise. 18. Identify functions from multiple sources of information (i.e., verbal descriptions, graphs, equations, and tables of values). 19. Relate the effect of transformations (i.e., translations, rescaling, or reflections) on graphs of functions and their corresponding equations. 20. Perform operations (i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) on functions, including the composition of functions. 21. Decompose a function into a composition of two or more functions. 22. Formulate and apply a function to a contextual situation. 23. Determine the conditions under which a function has an inverse. 24. Identify the inverse of a function from multiple representations. 25. Reformulate a given function into various representations (i.e., verbal, graphical, algebraic, or tabular). Grading: The final grade will be determined based on the following weights: Homework Assignments (5 %), Class participation (5%), Quizzes (25%), Tests (45%), Midterm (10%) and Final Exam (10%) Total Course % 90 – 100% 80 – 90 % 70 – 80% 60 – 70% 0 – 60% Final grade A B C D F Student Policy Manual: It is essential that you follow City Colleges of Chicago current student policy. Please read all relevant topics from the link below: http://www.ccc.edu/departments/Documents/studentpolicymanual.pdf Attendance: Regular and active attendance is very important to succeed in this class. Attendance will be taken each class period. Each student is expected to arrive on time and attend the entire session. “No Show” Policy: If a student registered for the course before the start time of the first class period did not attend the first 2 classes the instructor will inform the Registrar’s Office to remove the student from the course. Administrative Withdrawal “ADW” Policy: A student will be withdrawn at midterm and will be assigned a grade of ADW if he/she did not actively pursue the course up until midterm. Withdrawal “WTH” Policy: Not attending classes does not constitute withdrawal from the course. After midterm, instructors can no longer drop students from the course. If students stop attending classes after the midterm, the instructor can only assign a grade of F. If you no longer attend classes, it is essential that you withdraw from the course. Contact your instructor about the last day for student initiated withdrawal to receive a grade of WTH instead of F. Late Work and Make-up Assignments 2 All course work is expected to be completed on time as scheduled and should be submitted online before 11:59 PM on your class website, or handed to me before the class starts. To ensure that you will complete the class successfully you will be granted 1 pass in the semester to turn in the assignment late without penalty. Commonly a 10 % daily reduction is applied for late submission. Academic Integrity: The City Colleges of Chicago is committed to the ideals of truth and honesty. In view of this, students are expected to adhere to high standards of honesty in their academic endeavor. Plagiarism and cheating of any kind are serious violations of these standards and will result, minimally, in the grade of “F” by the instructor. Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty is a serious offense, which includes but is not limited to the following: cheating, complicity, fabrication and falsification, forgery, and plagiarism. Cheating involves copying another student’s paper, exam, quiz, use of technology devices to exchange information during class time and/or testing. It also involves the unauthorized use of notes, calculators, and other devices or study aids. In addition, it also includes the unauthorized collaboration on academic work of any sort. Complicity, on the other hand, involves the attempt to assist another student to commit an act of academic dishonesty. Fabrication and falsification, respectively, involve the invention or alteration of any information (data, results, sources, identity, and so forth) in academic work. Another example of academic dishonesty is forgery, which involves the duplication of a signature in order to represent it as authentic. Lastly, plagiarism involves the failure to acknowledge sources (of ideas, facts, charges, illustrations and so forth) properly in academic work, thus falsely representing another’s ideas as one’s own. Penalties for Academic Dishonesty: In individual cases of academic dishonesty, sanctions may range from a written warning to a failing grade for the course; the severity of the penalty is left to the discretion of the instructor. Additional sanctions may be imposed up to and including dismissal from the City Colleges when circumstances warrant it. Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities who need accommodations in the course are encouraged to speak to the instructor individually early in the semester. In order to receive accommodations, students need to provide documentation of their disability to the appropriate office. Contact your instructor for more information. Keys to Success in this class: Have a goal for this class. Make this class a priority. You can succeed in this college credit class! Be on time and prepared every day. Don’t miss class; when you must, communicate to your instructor. Review class notes just before and just after class. Study the examples in your textbook. Keep up with the pace of the class. Practice, practice, and then practice some more. Do homework as soon as possible after class. Ask questions and cooperate with your classmates. Be a lifelong learner. Live and learn! Rise to the challenge of college level mathematics! 3