AS4: Eating and Exercise Name: Learning Targets: I can explain which variables affect BMI and which do not (weight, height, body fat, age, gender) I can explain what BMI tells about a person including its limitations. I can describe what a person can do to increase their heart’s strength and what affects strain on the heart. I can create a diet that allows a person to adjust their weight by 10 lbs. Open the PHeT animation by clicking on the link on the assignment page or on this link. Click on the green “Run Now!” button to load the simulation. Directions: 1. Adjust the variables under the figure one at a time to determine if they affect BMI (Body Mass Index). Variable Affect BMI? Age Height Weight Body Fat Gender 2. Adjust the settings on the sim to reflect a realistic person (you can use your own settings if you like) and list your settings here. Gender: Height: Weight: percent body fat: Lifestyle: Exercise: Calories: 3. How many calories you need to feed your sim person to maintain their weight? 4. What happens if you adjust their diet to have the same calories but they eat more protein and fewer carbohydrates? Modified from Mr. Vendome at East Brunswick High School and Wendy Adams and University of Northern Colorado AS4: Eating and Exercise Name: 5. Using the sim person settings that you created in #2. a. What is the heart strength: b. What is the heart strain: 6. Drag a typical day’s food to the plate. Try to be as complete as possible and check the amounts. If you can’t find a particular food, choose the closest one possible. When you are done, look at the Calories/day bars next to the plate. a. How many total Calories/day are eaten for this person: b. How many total Calories/day are used (right bar graph): c. Based on these numbers, what would you expect to happen over time if this is how the person lived every day? Why? 7. Read the bar graphs and copy the Cals/day of each source. Based on the day’s diet, determine the % of Calories from proteins, carbs, and fats. a. Fat Cals: % Calories from fat: b. Protein Cals: % Cals from protein: c. Carbohydrate Cals: % Cals from Carbs: 8. Scan through the exercises on the right side and check types and durations. Drag and drop the typical activities for a day. Don’t forget about little things like taking the dog for a walk. a. If this person continued on this diet/exercise routine, what would you expect to happen over time? 9. Play the demo and see what happens over the course of time. You can manually click the forward button to advance time faster. Were you correct? Describe what happens after: a. 6 months: b. 1 year: c. 5 years: 10. Describe what causes each of the following in the demo: a. Starvation: b. Increased Risk of Heart attack: c. High heart strength:. Modified from Mr. Vendome at East Brunswick High School and Wendy Adams and University of Northern Colorado