Accomplishments and Productivity Priorities for FY’13 Governments in crisis at federal, state, and municipal levels. Expectations for more open, engaging organizations. Enhancing public trust and confidence in notfor-profits. Donors expect excellent customer service. Focused Quad Cities fundraising efforts on the comprehensive campaign: Capital needs Student scholarships Faculty support Information and technologies (Goal 1, Action 2, 4c; Goal 3, 3, a and b) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Capital/Riverfront: $1,888,890 WQPT:$3,600,065 AT&T grant: $379,000 Scholarships: $443,300 Other/Information & Technology: $117,046 Scholarships $458,300 AT&T Grant $379,000 WQPT $3,600,065 Info& Technology Other--$117,046 Capital/Riverfront $1,888,890 8,100,000 8,000,000 7,900,000 7,800,000 7,700,000 7,600,000 7,500,000 7,400,000 7,300,000 7,200,000 7,100,000 Category 1 Level of Giving Number of Gifts 2011 Number of Gifts 2012 Founders $250,000 + 3 3 Benefactors $249,999-$100,000 1 2 Honors $99,999-$50,000 11 11 Partner $49,999-$25,000 4 5 Director $24,999-$10,000 18 21 Total Major Gifts 37 42 Level of Giving Bayliss Society $9,999$5,000 Henninger Society $4,999$2,500 Morgan Society $2,499$1,000 Sherman Society $999-$500 Total Annual Gifts Number of Gifts 2011 1 Number of Gifts 2012 10 18 20 25 28 41 85 43 101 PRIORITY # 1: Social Responsibility SUSTAIN COMPREHENSIVE CAMPAIGN EFFORTS THROUGH: • Identification, cultivation, and solicitation of major gift prospects. • Focus on Development as the top priority. • Recruitment, orientation, training, and engagement of a campaign leadership team equipped to solicit prospective donors Deadline: Ongoing Measures of success: ◦ Total amount raised: $7,458,792 ◦ Percentage of goal achieved Of the total $7,458,792/8,000,000— 93.2% of the goal. Increase in the number of major gifts: from 0 in 2008 to 42 in 2011. ◦ Compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ◦ Compliance with the Association of Fundraising Principles Code of Ethics Continued fundraising efforts with alumni, friends of the university, corporations, and foundations. Incorporate faculty, staff, and students as appropriate in Development efforts. Demonstrate positive outcomes of successful fundraising by building awareness: ◦ Website ◦ Public announcements ◦ Campaign progress reports Completion: Ongoing Measures of success: ◦ Faculty and staff participation in Development activities ◦ Work with Development in initiating Development activities—scholarships, projects ◦ Percentage of participation in annual and comprehensive campaign ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PERSONAL GROWTH