Go to EHS homepage and click on OnSite Chemical tracking. Use your UMKC username and password to access program. Click on the Hazardous Waste icon. This is for disposal of your laboratory hazardous waste. You also can use the Satellite Accumulation icon for disposal of your hazardous waste, which is explained in another step by step instruction. Click on Add Fill out the fields and click the add container button if you want to dispose of another waste container or the save button if you only have one. If you have multiple waste containers, hit the save button after you have completed all the waste containers for pick-up. I hit add container and did a second waste container Then hit the save button and this is the screen you get which tells you that is was successfully entered and that an email was sent to EHS informing us that there is a waste container from your lab ready to be picked up. The email is automatically sent to us.