Collaborative Conference 2014 Why? UNIT 1: FOUNDATIONS D a S ta Literacy? I t a h W What Data Literacy is NOT PLC/PLT/BLT? Rigorous DATA Stakeholder BUZZ WORD BINGO EVAAS STEM/STEAM/STEALTH? RTI Future-Ready Data Driven? Data Informed? Data Empowered? Data Literacy A r e er h c ch a e ea T y gT r e in v E ad Re u b a c Vo on C ore Math STEM Science Reading mm Word of the Week Word Walls y r a l Co y r o t His LITERACY W th ritin e Cu g A rri cro cu ss lu m Writing The Assessment Story ! by Jennifer Morrison Reason #1: For better learning Then Now Responsibility Then Later Power Recently Now Source: I just made it up DIMINISHING ⋁ Reason #2: To regain some control Why don’t teachers get excited about data? Data Dump = Data Distraction We are in the human business... Data Is... ! Information! Observations! Measurements! Results! Evidence The Four Types of Data 1. Demographic Data • Student background, past educational experiences • Student home life, culture, values • Likes/dislikes • Learning styles, preference ? ? ? ? Student Learning Cards 1. What Interests You? 2. What Responsibilities do you have at home? 3. Who helps you with homework? 4. How much do you talk about school at home and what do you talk about? 5. Scale of 1-10, how much do you value school? 2. Student Perception Data • How a student sees school, a class, and a teacher • Perception = reality especially for teens • Easy to obtain through surveys and informal assessment End$of$the$Year$Survey$ ! 1.$What$Assignments,$Projects,$Units,$etc.$did$you$enjoy$this$year?$ ___!Grammar! ! ! ! ___Articles!of!the!Week! ___!Intolerance!Videos! ! ! ___!Brain!Pop!videos! ___”Flowers!for!Algernon”!story! ___!Book!Reports/!Reading!Logs! ___Tagxedo! ! ! ! ___!Business!Letter!to!a!former!teacher! ___!Fakebook! ! ! ! ___!Monster/Speak!novel!units! ___!VoiceThread/Animoto!projects! ___Other:!____________________________________________________________________________! 2.$What$Assignments,$Projects,$Units,$etc.$did$you$NOT$enjoy$this$year?$ ___!Grammar! ! ! ! ___Articles!of!the!Week! ___!Intolerance!Videos! ! ! ___!Brain!Pop!videos! ___”Flowers!for!Algernon”!story! ___!Book!Reports/!Reading!Logs! ___Tagxedo! ! ! ! ___!Business!Letter!to!a!former!teacher! ___!Fakebook! ! ! ! ___!Monster/Speak!novel!units! ___!VoiceThread/Animoto!projects! ___Other:!____________________________________________________________________________! 3.$What$kinds$of$assignments,$projects,$units,$etc.$would$you$have$liked$to$have$done$in$my$class$this$ year?$(May$refer$to$previous$classes$or$other$8th$grade$classrooms).$ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________! 4.$Did$you$think$the$grading$in$this$class$was$fair?$Why$or$why$not?$ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________! 5.$Did$you$think$that$the$classroom$environment$was$welcoming$and$made$learning$easy/fun?$Why$or$ why$not?$ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________! 3. Process Data • Measures how well procedures and strategies themselves work • Often wrapped up in student learning, difficult to separate • Action research helps us look at this 4. Student Learning Data • Shows student mastery of curriculum goals • Can be formal or informal, formative or summative • Best when collected before, during, and after instruction 4 Types of Data Activity What could we ask you to get.... Student Learning Process Data Perception Data Demographic Data 4 Types of Data Activity What could we ask you to get.... Student Learning What type of data are you most comfortable collecting, what type is the most important? Process Data What worked really well today and what has not, to you as a learner? Perception Data How important is being data literate to you? Demographic Data What is your professional context? Unit 2:Reliable Assessment Seeing What We Need to See Lots to Consider Formative vs. Summative Lots to Consider Formal vs. Informal Lots to Consider Quantitative vs. Qualitative Lots to Consider Reliable vs. Valid Lots to Consider On-Target vs. On-Topic Be Critical of Your Assessments Link the targets 1. Make it clear what learning target is associated with each item. 2. Consider using each section to measure a different learning target. 3. What percentage of your items are on-topic? On-target? Be Critical of Your Assessments Avoid barriers 1. Give clear directions in every section. 2. Avoid typos. 3. Make certain that your numbering makes sense. 4. Include point values for sections/items. Unit 3: Classroom Research & Building Credibility POSSIBLE PERCEPTIONS… Some classroom research done this year... • What is critical thinking?! • Are you a good reflector?! • Are labs deepening the learning of my students?! • What happens when I stop doing Warmups?! • Are county benchmark assessment grades aligned with classroom performance grades? BUILDING CREDIBILITY Credibility = Empowerment What Evidence do teachers need ! to defend their Credibility? The Course • Unit 1: Foundations of Data Literacy • Unit 2: Thinking Critically about Assessment • Unit 3: Building Teacher Credibility • Unit 4: Using NC Data Systems What’s Next? 1. Be intentional about assessment 2. Be the mirror, microscope, and megaphone 3. Consider taking the full course and getting certified as a Data Literacy Trainer • Online (15 weeks) - Starts March 17 • In-person - NCCAT Ocracoke, April 6-9 • Learn more about the program • Register for the course • Contact the Program Manager for more information, including setting up Blended Learning opportunities