Four Areas of Focus for Instruction at TMS *Conceptual understanding and

Teacher Responsibilities
Student Skills
Global Awareness
*Conceptual understanding and
application (beyond basic content
competencies) of global &cultural
perspectives related to the
environment, society, culture,
politics, and economics
*Ability to act responsibly with
interests of community in mind
*Recognize history & influence of
diverse cultures & their role in
shaping global issues
*Counteract stereotypes &
incorporate histories and
contributions of all cultures &
different points of view
*Understand grade/subject/
discipline vertical alignment &
NCSCOS and connect learning for
*Provide Opportunities for
students to working appropriately
& productively with others.
leadership; ethics; accountability;
adaptability; personal productivity;
personal responsibility; people
skills; self-direction; social
responsibility; financial, economic,
business, civic, health, &
entrepreneurial literacy
Four Areas of Focus for Instruction at TMS
Content Literacy
21st Century Skills
Critical Thinking
*Ability to use reading, speaking,
*Skills that will be used by students *Clear, rational, informed thinking
listening, & writing for acquisition
in increasingly complex & changing
& articulation of content in a given life, education, & work
*Develop instruction that enhances
literacy skills appropriate to
specialty area
*Use multiple indicators (oral,
written, multimedia
communication) to assess learning
*Develop instruction relevant to
students’ lives
*Ensure that all students are
globally competitive for work, life,
& education in the 21st century
*Empower students to improve
communication & collaboration
skills, define roles, strengthen social
ties, & develop leadership skills
*Provide opportunities for students
to discern the reliability of
information in a media-driven
*Make adjustments to teaching &
learning process
*Maintain high expectations
*Direct students’ natural curiosity
into interest in learning
*Differentiate instruction
*Encourage students to ask questions;
demonstrate sound reasoning;
understand connections; make
complex choices; and frame, analyze,
& solve problems
clear, effective articulation of ideas;
analysis, management, integration,
evaluation, & creation of a variety
of forms and media
innovation; collaboration;
communication; financial,
economic, business, civic, health, &
entrepreneurial literacy; critical
thinking; problem solving;
information use; flexibility;
adaptability; social & cross-cultural
skills; productivity; accountability
questioning; creative thinking;
developing/testing innovative ideas;
synthesizing knowledge; drawing
conclusions; exercising/
communicating new ideas/sound
reasoning; making complex choices
& connections, being open to
new/diverse perspectives; adapting;
tolerating ambiguity/changing
For more information, contact Leslie Newman, Assistant Principal, Topsail Middle School:
Some Ideas...
Four Areas of Focus for Instruction at TMS
*Teacher Read-Aloud
*Digital Fluency: Adapt the
*Use children’s books to teach
following questions to help
students to determine the validity
*KWL Charts in which students
of online/media resources…
write the “L” in 3 sentences as an
What do I want to learn?
exit ticket
Where will I look?
*Create & practice a writing format Where did this line of investigation
that will be used in your
take me?
What did I find?
*Vocabulary Strategies: etymology, What was the quality of this
using meaningful sentences to
define terms, graphic organizers
How do I know?
What resources will I use?
*Class Discussion (seminar) formats How will I cite this information?
How will I use this information?
*Pair students to solve a problem.
Pairs will record their problemsolving process & their solution
rationale. Pairs present process &
rationale, and the class will question
pairs to develop a consensus about
the most efficient & effective method
& solution.
*Given a set of materials (text,
problem-solving techniques,
materials, etc.) student groups
classify/determine which is the best
representation of the subject.
Groups present characteristics upon
which they made decisions, & class
discusses which is most sound.
What does this look like in my classroom?
*Use National Geographic
education resources for activities
like “The Geography of a Pencil”
to explore the materials used in
creating a pencil & global impacts
of our use of various materials.
*Use current affairs to explore
economics, culture, propaganda,
and geography of the election, the
Olympics, etc.
*Guide students in community
participation: environmental, civic,
or philanthropic projects.
*Group students & assign each a
different perspective through
which to examine a subject/issue.
Global Awareness
Content Literacy
21st Century Skills
Critical Thinking
For information, contact Jim Klingensmith, Principal, Topsail Middle School: