1 Managing the Federal Debt: A Risk Analysis of Alternative Borrowing Strategies Fazley K. Siddiq Professor of Economics School of Public Administration Dalhousie University 6152 Coburg Road Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5 Tel: (902) 494-8802 Fax: (902) 494 -7023 E-Mail: Fazley.Siddiq@dal.ca This paper represents work in progress: Comments are most welcome, but please do not quote May-June 2004 This paper has been prepared for presentation to the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Economics Association (CEA) at Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, June 4 – June 6, 2004. The author gratefully acknowledges the excellent research assistance provided by Mohammad Safa, but is solely responsible for the contents of this paper and for any errors or shortcomings that remain. 2 Abstract This paper analyzes the relative merit of alternative borrowing strategies in managing the federal debt. In particular, the study goes beyond the notion of striking an arbitrary balance between low financing costs and cost stability. It considers the risks associated with reducing the more expensive but relatively more stable fixed-rate share of the debt and increasing the lower cost but more volatile floating- rate share of the debt. The investigation tends to suggest that the government’s debt management strategy of relying very heavily on the fixed-rate share of the debt since 1997/98 has essentially been one of mirroring the minimum risk combination. Despite the stated policy of maintaining a balance between stability in debt service charges (i.e., low risk) and low borrowing costs, the former has clearly dominated. A carefully designed debt management strategy could lead to a significant reduction in debt service charges through a readjustment of the maturity structure and composition of the debt without taking undue risks. 1.0. Introduction The Department of Finance (2003) announced in the February 2003 budget that the target for the fixed-rate share of the debt would be reduced from two-thirds to 60 percent over the next five years. The budget also made it clear that this would allow the size of the Treasury bill program to be increased quite substantially from its current level of less than 20 percent of all interest-bearing debt. Such a strategy is a continuation of the government’s overly cautious approach, but must still be acknowledged as a step in the right direction even though it was long overdue. After registering surpluses in every budget since 1997/98 and with a debt-to-GDP ratio that is rapidly declining, the government is in a relatively more secure position to reduce the share of the fixed-rate two- to thirty-year issues of marketable bonds in favour of the 91-day Treasury bills. 1 Marketable bonds, by virtue of being longer term, are relatively more stable and therefore less risky, but are generally associated with higher rates of return making them relatively more expensive as debt instruments. The shorter duration Treasury bills on the other hand display much more volatility with respect to interest rate fluctuations, but generally offer yields that are significantly lower, making them less expensive as debt instruments than marketable bonds. Excessive reliance on issues of floating rate debt instruments such as Treasury bills would reduce debt service payments in the short-run, but would be more risky, especially in the event that interest rates were suddenly to spike upwards, which happened in 1981/82 and again eight years later.2 Debt issues consisting primarily of fixed rate instruments such as marketable bonds would lower risk by providing greater stability to debt service payments, but would likely be more costly. 3 1 The challenge for the See Siddiq (2003) for details. 2 See Appendix Table 1 for details on a comparison of the yield structure between short-term and longterm securities. 3 For details on servicing the federal debt and the potential for lowering debt service charges, see Siddiq (2000) and Siddiq and Mercer (2000). 2 government therefore is to find the right mix of issues of marketable bonds and Treasury bills that will provide an appropriate balance between cost minimization and stability of debt service payments while still maintaining liquidity in money markets. Hence, the primary focus of this paper is to determine an optimum debt portfolio that will take into account both the overall risk and the cost associated with that portfolio. One way of doing this would be to conduct a sensitivity analysis of different combinations of fixed and floating rate debt instruments that will minimize the cost corresponding to a given level of risk. The alternative approach would be to determine the portfolio that would minimize the risk corresponding to a given level of cost. In any event, it seems to be more rational that the choice of the appropriate mix of debt instruments to issue be determined through an analysis that considers both cost and risk rather than an arbitrary determination of the share of each type of debt instrument. This mix, of course, will change over time depending on the changes in the trends of both cost and risk and the government’s capacity to absorb fluctuations in each of the key variables. Section 2 reviews briefly the twin issues of cost and risk. It focuses on the determination of portfolio cost and portfolio variance, and more specifically on the determination of the mix (weights) that would minimize the risk associated with the choice of two or more debt instruments. Section 3 discusses various fiscal transactions and debt ratios over time. It also considers the distribution of interest-bearing debt and the associated interest rates and debt service charges. Section 4 provides an analysis of the actual cost of borrowing and compares this cost with alternative combinations of fixed- and floatingrate debt instruments and the minimum risk portfolio. Section 5 is a conclusion. 2.0. Portfolio Cost and Risk 2.1. The determination of the overall debt portfolio cost: The determination of the overall cost of the debt portfolio requires the use of the weights and costs of each of the debt instruments. It is calculated as follows:4 4 See Davis and Pointon (1984) for a more detailed discussion of portfolio cost and risk. 3 n Overall cost of Debt Portfolio = ∑W C i =1 i i ……… (i) where W is the weight of a particular debt instrument in the portfolio and C is the cost associated with that particular debt instrument. The weight is normally measured in fractions, with the sum of the weights of all the instruments in the mix totalling one, while the interest cost (or yield) is expressed in percentage terms. 2.2. The determination of the overall debt portfolio risk: The portfolio variance, which is expressed below, is used to represent the overall portfolio risk. It is calculated as follows:5 1 Portfolio variance = ∑ σ n 2 n i=1 where σ 2 2 + n n (n −1 ) ∑ Cov n i=1 ……… (ii) is the variance of the return of each debt instrument while Cov is the covariance between the debt instruments. For a two-debt instrument portfolio, the portfolio variance is given by Portfolio Variance = W σ 2 1 2 1 + W 22 σ 2 2 + 2W1W 2 ρ (12 ) where W1 and W2 are the weights of the two debt instruments, σσ 2 ρ is the correlation 1 coefficient between the return of the two debt instruments and (12 ) … … (iii) ρ σ σ (12 ) 1 2 is the covariance between the instruments. It follows by definition that the higher the portfolio variance, the greater is the risk associated with holding that particular mix of debt instruments in the portfolio. 5 See Davis and Pointon (1984) for the actual derivation and further details. 4 2.3. The determination of t he minimum variance (risk) portfolio: For a two-debt instrument portfolio, the weights corresponding to the minimum (or optimum) variance portfolio are calculated as follows: W1 = ρ σ σ σ + σ − 2ρ σ σ σ 2 2 − 2 2 1 2 (12 ) 1 2 (12 ) 1 ……… (iv) 2 By definition, it also follows that W 2 = 1 − W1 … … … (v) where W1 and W2 as before are the assigned weights of the two instruments. The calculated weights of the two debt instruments in the portfolio from Equations (iv) and (v) above will essentially ensure that the overall portfolio risk is being kept at some minimum level. This will help to provide a useful guideline in determining the mix of the two debt instruments for an overall strategy that is risk averse. Variations of this mix that result in a lower cost as me asured by Equation (i) will correspond to a higher portfolio risk and vice-versa. If one were to focus on the market debt, which is really the relevant base for determining the appropriate mix of fixed versus floating debt instruments in the debt portfolio, the choice then becomes one of determining the respective shares of marketable bonds and Treasury bills to hold. Since these two instruments account for nearly all of the market debt, 6 the choice is essentially one that would have to determine the optimum amounts of each of these debt instruments to hold. 6 Excluded here are public sector pensions and certain other miscellaneous non-market debt accounts, which, by definition, are not part of market debt. 5 3.0. Background It seems to be both necessary and relevant to provide some pertinent background information before formally conducting the risk analysis. This would provide a clearer perspective on why such an analysis is important. Table 1 provides a record of key fiscal transactions between 1985/86 and 2002/03. What is notable in this table is that after recording many years of deficits, 1997/98 proved to be a turning point in that a surplus was recorded. This was the first in a string of surpluses that is yet to be broken. Despite the likelihood of an increase in federal transfers to the provinces to partially offset the rising costs of health care, it is unlikely that this alone will result in a budgetary deficit given that the economy continues to perform well. As Table 2 shows, this favourable budgetary balance together with a growing economy meant that the debt-to-GDP ratio fell from 73.9 percent in 1995/96 to 48 percent in 2002/03. Given the fiscal priorities of the government and recent economic trends, it is very likely that the debt-to-GDP ratio will continue to fall to a level that is below 30 percent over the next ten years, a level not seen since the 1970s. This is consistent with the projection made in the 2004 federal budget. Table 2 also provides data based on various definitions of government indebtedness7 and the ratios of debt service charges to GDP and federal spending, both of which continue to decline. Table 3 provides the relative distribution of interest-bearing debt issues by debt instruments over time. It is clear that marketable bonds dominate as the preferred debt 7 Measures of government indebtedness can be expressed in a variety of forms. For example, the interestbearing debt of the federal government is the sum of the unmatured debt and borrowings from pension plans (including public sector pensions and CPP) and certain other accounts. In FY 2002/03 this amounted to $620.8 billion or approximately 52.7 percent of GDP. A second definition of debt is gross debt, which is the total amount the government owes and which consists of both market debt in the form of outstanding bonds and bills, and internal debt owed mainly to the public sector pension fund. The gross debt (totaling $700.1 billion or 59.5 percent of GDP in FY 2002/03) can also be defined as the sum of the total interestbearing debt and certain current liabilities and allowances, including the outstanding principal and interest on matured debt. A third definition of debt is net debt, which is the accumulated total of all past budgetary deficits and surpluses since Confederation and is equal to gross debt minus the federal government’s financial assets such as loans, investments and foreign exchange accounts. It is net debt that is usually reported in the budget documents, which, as indicated in Table 2, was $564.8 or 48 percent of GDP in FY 2002/03. 6 instrument. These bonds accounted for 68.7 percent of market debt in 2002/03 leaving Treasury bills a distant second at 23.7 percent, despite the 3.04 percent interest rate for Treasury bills which was less than one-half the 6.26 percent average interest rate for marketable bonds. These matters are discussed in more detail later in this paper. Table 4 provides further details of the interest-bearing debt and debt service charges. One interesting feature that emerges out of this table is that public sector pensions, which accounted for 21.7 percent of the outstanding debt in 2002/03 required 31.5 percent of all debt service charges to service. A discussion of this unusual situation is beyond the scope of this paper, but it does beg some sort of response from the government with respect to how public sector pensions are managed. It may therefore be worth considering a gradual reduction of such expensive non-market debt with an increase in the cheaper varieties of market debt notably Treasury bills. The discussion of the summary statistics in Tables 1 through 4 provides essential background information for effective decision- making. It is useful from an intuitive perspective in that it provides a relevant context for the risk analysis that follows. As already mentioned, the primary focus of this study is to determine an optimum debt portfolio that will take into account both the overall risk and the cost associated with that portfolio. Since well over 90 percent of all market debt has traditionally been held in the form of either marketable bonds of varying duration or Treasury bills, the focus of the risk analysis should primarily be on these two types of market debt. The empirical analysis that follows will therefore deal with the special case of the two-debt instrument portfolio. 4.0. Risk Analysis: Table 5 provides the approximate weighted cost of borrowing for marketable bonds and Treasury bills from 1994/95 to the current period. 8 Since most of the debt issues are in 8 It is approximate because the rate used for marketable bonds is the ten-year bond rate. Issues of marketable bonds range from two to thirty years, accompanied by the usual variation in interest rates. As 7 the form of marketable bonds, the actual cost of borrowing resembles a mix that is dominated by marketable bonds. The weighted average cost of borrowing (WACB) column corresponds to Equation (i) above and shows the implied cost of borrowing over nearly a decade dating back to 1994/95. 9 It is clear from the table that despite the rapidly declining yield rate for Treasury bills, the impact on WACB was relatively slight due to the dominance of the relatively more expensive marketable bonds in the mix. Although the rate for Treasury bills has fluctuated quite significantly over the years, it has almost always remained below that of marketable bonds for more than a generation. 10 In recent years, this gap has widened to the point where marketable bonds are characterized by a yield rate that is sometimes twice that of Treasury bills (see Appendix Table 1). Such a gap begs the question as to what might be an optimum mix that would simultaneously consider the dual priorities of risk and cost. A logical next step is one where the mix of the two instruments corresponding to some minimum level of risk is calculated. This is done in Table 6 which gives the weights for marketable bonds and Treasury bills corresponding to the minimum risk portfolio given in Equations (iv) and (v). These weights were calculated using the average monthly rates for each of the two instruments over the preceding ten years. 11 The weights therefore are based on predictions that correspond to minimum portfolio risk. A relatively higher variance in the rates of one instrument by definition would lead to a low or negative weight for that instrument. This is precisely what happens in the case of Treasury bills for the 1990s in view of the high relative volatility in its yield for much of the 1980s. A reduction in this volatility in the 1990s and beyond resulted in predicted weights that are well, the reported yields in the table are for the current year only. The actual debt service cost would depend on the rates prevalent at the time each portion of the debt was issued. 9 For marketable bonds, the rates indicated in Table 5 are for the current year only. Since these bonds typically vary from two to thirty years, the actual cost for each year, which would have to consider the rates in effect when the bonds were issued, will be different from those specified in the table. 10 To facilitate a comparison of the yield structure over time, the rates of return of short -term and long-term securities dating back to 1969/70 is given in Appendix Table 1. 11 The number of observations used in the calculation of each weight was therefore 120. The ten-year bond rate was used as the yield rate for marketable bonds. 8 positive and usually more than 0.3. This suggests that even with the use of the minimum risk criteria, the relative share of Treasury bills should have been considerably more than has been issued in recent years. The predicted cost column in Table 6 gives the cost of borrowing using the predicted weights described above. These weights are based on a forecast of the rates for the preceding ten years and correspond to the minimum risk portfolio given in Equations (iv) and (v). This table provides the weights of 10+ years marketable bonds and 91-day Treasury bills on the basis of the minimum volatility portfolio and the predicted return of the same portfolio. The fact that the predicted cost is only slightly less than the actual cost in most years provides an indication of the relatively conservative stance followed by the government in issuing debt instruments. This is all the more notable in view of the rapidly declining debt-to-GDP ratio and the much- improved overall fiscal position in recent years (see Tables 1 and 2). Appendix Table 2 is similar in structure to Table 6 in that it provides the weights of marketable bonds and Treasury bills on the basis of the minimum volatility portfolio and the predicted return of the same portfolio. The only difference is that it has been calculated by taking the average rate of bonds of four different types: 1-3 years, 3-5 years, 5-10 years and 10+ years. For Treasury bills, the data was obtained as for Table 6 from the monthly returns for 91-day Treasury bills. The weights for the two instruments were calculated as before by using the average monthly rates over the preceding ten years. As expected, using the average rate of bonds of four different types, which resulted in a lower average duration, gives a predicted cost series that is slightly less than that in Table 6. It does not, however, alter the basic conclusion that the government’s debt management strategy has been rather conservative. Table 7 presents a sensitivity analysis of the weighted average cost of borrowing using various combinations of marketable bonds and Treasury bills. Two clear trends emerge. 9 First, a comparison of cost shows that the actual cost of borrowing in recent years (Table 5) is only slightly above the minimum risk or predicted cost (Table 6 and Appendix Table 2). Second, this actual cost series resembles closely a mix of bonds and bills that is very heavily weighted in favour of bonds as shown in Table 7. This table also shows that had the mix contained equal amounts of bonds and Treasury bills the cost would have been significantly lower. Even a 60:40 split between bonds and bills, which is the stated federal policy for the next several years, would have generated significant interest cost savings during the past ten years. Upon closer inspection of the Bank of Canada’s policy with respect to its issues of fixedversus floating- rate debt instruments, it seems to be quite apparent that this policy has not followed a systematic pattern. The period since 1994/95 has been characterized by a rapid decrease in the share of the government's issues of Treasury bills, despite the relatively low rate of interest associated with such bills. This has occurred largely because of the government's preference for fixed-rate bonds to constitute the majority share of its gross debt portfolio (Department of Finance, 1999, p. 8, 12; 2002, p. 17). 12 The strategy of issuing public debt according to a fixed- floating ratio of two-thirds longterm and one-third short-term was somewhat perplexing in an environment where fixedrate long-term bonds carried with them a much higher rate of interest. The change to a fixed share of 60 percent in the federal budget of 2003 to be achieved over a five - year period was a cautious yet long overdue adjustment. Clearly, the government – by virtue of its significantly improved fiscal position – is now able to withstand a slightly higher level of risk such as that, for example, associated with issuing a higher proportion of the lower-rate short-term Treasury bills. Hermanutz and Poitras (2001) show that the fiscal rule with a target fixed:floating ratio of 2:1 or two-thirds in fixed debt holdings and one -third in floating is key in evaluating a 12 By March 2000, 69 percent of the federal market debt and 52.7 percent of the interest-bearing debt (which includes borrowings from public sector pensions) were held in the form of marketable bonds. See Appendix Table A.1 for details. 10 debt management strategy. 13 It is also critical in formulating optimal debt structures.14 As part of this fiscal rule, if the government adopts a plan that requires an annual assesssment of the conversion potential of all its holdings, it could benefit by issuing proportionately more short-term securities than the desired fixed:floating ratio if the yield spread is high and if it can be predicted with a reasonable degree of accuracy that a significant narrowing of this spread is not likely to occur in the forseeable future. 15 This will not necessarily involve a mid -stream policy change in the fixed:floating ratio per se, but simply a temporary deviation from the desired ratio. The issues of Treasury bills would increase and its conversion to long term bonds would be delayed for as long as conditions are favourable. A greater reliance on Treasury bills would also inject more funds into the sagging money market where demand for such bills continues to be strong, despite the low interest rates. This would also help mitigate the impact of shrinking government debt on money market operations and overall market liquidity. It is interesting to note that in 1994/95, the year the federal government registered a deficit of $37.5 billion, Treasury bills accounted for 29.9 percent of all interest-bearing debt and marketable bonds only 42.5 percent for a fixed:floating ratio of 1.4:1. That year and the years immediately preceding it and following it were historically high deficit years. Yet, the relatively higher risk Treasury bills were employed to a far greater extent then than at the present time when the government’s fiscal position is more secure with the annual budgetary balance recording surpluses year after year and with the debt-toGDP ratio declining rapidly. 16 Thus, stability in debt payme nts is being emphasized to a 13 As part of the government’s overall debt management strategy, the Department of Finance determines the fiscal rule. It is administered by the Bank of Canada, serving in its capacity as the government’s agent for the implementation of monetary policy. 14 Optimal debt structures are influenced not simply by the fiscal rule, but also by the objectives of the government such as achieving a balanced budget, reducing the debt-to-GDP ratio to some desired level, maintaining a stable rate of growth over the long-run and providing social services at some minimum level. There is nothing in any of these criteria to contradict a fiscal rule that would rely on a flexible fixed/floating ratio within a defined band as a vehicle for reducing debt service charges. 15 It is worth mentioning that much of FY 2003/04 was characterized by a soft US economy and declining interest rates, which is an ideal environment for holding short-term securities. 11 far greater degree during a period when the government can afford to take the small risks associated with possible fluctuations in interest rates. 17 This emphasis on the stability in debt payments is perhaps most explicitly reflected in the government’s fiscal rule between fixed and floating debt issues. As a result, the average maturity period on debt has gone up dramatically in recent years. More generally, debt management strategy was significantly more risk-prone in the mid-1990s when federal finances were in a precarious situation and the government could hardly afford to take the risks associated with short-term borrowing. Treasury bills, despite the loss of the exclusive position they once held, remain the preferred money market instrument. If its share in the money market is further reduced because of the declining federal debt this preference could indeed shift to other money market instruments. The decline in the share of Treasury bills in the money market ha s already generated significant competition from non-governmental issues such as shortterm, private sector paper, futures contracts on bankers' acceptances, and forward rate agreements (Boisvert and Harvey, 1998). An increasing supply of Treasury bills therefore would address this problem and would also increase turnover in the money market thereby helping to achieve a high volume of trade without affecting the price significantly. 18 16 Mattina and Delorme (1997) show that there is some evidence that a lower level of government indebtedness reduces the risk premia. Goldstein and Woglom (1992) provide similar evidence in an earlier study. 17 This relative security in the government’s fiscal position has also been echoed by John Manley, the federal Minister of Finance until December 2003, when he stated that “… reducing our debt means that Canada is less vulnerable to interest rate shocks sparked by events beyond our borders” (Department of Finance, 2002). In this statement, he seems to be implying a clear awareness that interest rate shocks are triggered by “events beyond our borders.” 18 There has been a fair amount of research on the relationship between the maturity composition of the debt and the corresponding yield structure, but the results are inconclusive. Okun’s (1963) findings reveal that there is little correlation between the maturity structure and interest rates. While Scott (1965) shows that average maturity does indeed influence some of the variations in both the short- and long-term rates, Modigliani and Sutch (1966, 1967) find that re-arranging the distribution of debt issues has only a slight impact on the stucture of yields. More recent work in this area also provides mixed results. Benjamin Friedman (1977, 1980), independently and with others (Agell, Persson and Friedman, 1992), demonstrates that deliberate manipulation of the issues of each debt instrument will influence yields, but Wallace and Warner (1996) show no relationship between the maturity period of the debt and returns. Park’s (1999) findings are somewhat tentative in that bonds with all the same characterisitics except maturity are not perfect substitutes and that maturity composition occasionally, but not necessarily always, helps to predict 12 5.0. Conclusion This study has shown that the weighted average cost of borrowing based on the mix of marketable bonds and Treasury bills issued by the government has generally been quite close to the minimum risk portfolio. There is quite clearly the potential for a substitution of the fixed-rate marketable bonds with floating-rate Treasury bills as demonstrated by the sensitivity analysis in this study. The government seems to have recognized this potential when it announced a reduction in the target share of fixed-rate bonds from twofuture returns. Curiously, Hejazi, Lai and Yang (2000) using monthly data to examine the determinants of term premia implicit in the Canadian Treasury bill term structure of interest rates find that the conditional variances of US macroeconomic variables – not Canadian macroeconomic variables – are important determinants of Canadian term premia. Since interest rates are affected by monetary policy, a debt manager should factor this in with the maturity period, especially if the expectations hypothesis holds. In the case of the United States, at least, past research does not indicate, even in general terms the nature and characterisitics of the relationship between the length of debt maturity and interest rates. For Canada, using an extended version of the stochastic model of the federal budget and building on the model by Boothe and Reid (1998) [see Hermanutz and Matier (2000)], Hermanutz and Poitras (2001) show the amount of fiscal room can be increased – without undue risk to the budgetary surplus – by increasing the amount of short -term debt. Their conclusion is fully consistent the present study. Indeed, at a time when the federal debt is potentially on the threshold of a steady decline, both the relative share of each debt instrument and the absolute demand for it could determine its interest rate and hence the cost of borrowing. If, however, interest rates are not sensitive to the size of the debt, the implication is that interest rates are determined by other considerations, possibly by events in the broader domestic and world markets. This latter scenario seems to be more likely for a number of reasons. First, results based on US data, for example, in studies by Friedman (1977, 1980), Roley (1982) and Park (1999), are not totally relevant within a Canadian context simply because variations in the issues of a particular type of debt could influence North American and even world rates because of the sheer magnitude of the debt. The Canadian economy, by virtue of being less than one-tenth the size of the US economy, is much less likely to have an impact on North American or world markets in comparison to the United States. Thus, despite the still relatively high debt-to-GDP ratio, marginal adjustments in its maturity structure are unlikely to have a perceptible impact on interest rates. Second, it is important to note that the federal government is not the only Canadian institution in the market for loanable funds although it is indeed the single biggest debtor. Provincial governments also routinely engage in new borrowings and t he refinancing of existing debt, as do both public and private corporations. Much of this debt is secured by issuing bonds and securities similar to federal bonds and securities. Third, since Canadian institutions increasingly borrow internationally, uj st as foreign institutions are borrowing in Canada, the market for both short- and long-term securities is sufficiently large that no single borrower influences particular yields significantly through changes in its borrowing strategy. Thus, for a small open economy like Canada, fluctuations in interest rates depend more on the broader international macroeconomic events than on the patterns of domestic public borrowing. See Siddiq (2003) for further details. 13 thirds to 60 percent in the budget delivered in February 2003. This study shows that there is room to move further down this road of reducing the share of fixed-rates bonds. The increase in the associated risk would be minimal, but the reduction in debt service charges would be substantial given the difference in the interest rate spread between bonds and bills. It would also revitalize the money market through increased turnover and visibility of federal debt instruments. 14 Table 1 Fiscal Transactions, FY 1985/86 – 2002/03 (all figures are in billions of dollars) Fiscal Year Budgetary Revenue Federal Spending Program Spending Public Debt Charges Primary Surplus (Deficit) Total Surplus (Deficit) 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 76.9 85.9 97.6 104.1 113.7 119.4 122.0 120.4 123.9 130.8 140.3 149.9 160.9 165.6 176.1 194.1 183.7 190.2 111.5 116.7 125.4 132.8 142.6 151.4 156.4 161.4 162.4 167.4 170.3 158.6 158.7 162.8 162.9 174.0 176.6 183.3 86.1 90.0 96.5 99.7 103.8 108.8 115.2 122.6 122.3 123.2 120.9 111.3 115.6 119.5 119.5 130.1 137.0 146.0 25.4 26.7 29.0 33.2 38.8 42.6 41.2 38.8 40.1 44.2 49.4 47.3 43.1 43.3 43.4 43.9 39.7 37.3 (9.2) (4.0) 1.2 4.4 9.9 10.6 6.8 (2.2) 1.6 7.6 19.4 38.6 45.2 46.2 56.6 64.1 46.7 44.3 (34.6) (30.7) (27.8) (28.8) (28.9) (32.0) (34.4) (41.0) (38.5) (36.6) (30.0) (8.7) 2.1 2.9 13.2 20.2 7.0 7.0 Note: Certain changes in the method of calculation were carried out in 2002/03 due to which the figures in the Public Accounts of Canada for 2002/03 differ from previous years. Statistics based on the new method are provided retroactively back to 1993/94 in the Public Accounts for 2002/03. The remaining figures from 1985/86 to 1992/93 are based on the old calculation method. Source: Receiver General for Canada (1986, 1987 … … 2003). 15 Table 2 Various Debt Ratios (1985/86 – 2002/03) Fiscal Year Gross Federal Debt $ billions Net Federal Debt $ billions Interest Bearing Debt $ billions Gross Domestic Product (GDP) $billions Debt Service Charges (DSC) $billions Federal Spending $billions Net Federal Debt / GDP % DSC/GDP % DSC/Federal Spending % 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 273.3 307.1 338.3 369.7 395.3 431.3 465.1 501.6 610.7 651.6 694. 6 711.9 713.4 717.7 717.3 715 704.3 700.1 242.6 273.3 301.1 329.9 358.8 390.8 425.2 468.2 533.0 571.2 602.7 612.3 610.9 609.5 596.6 576.3 570.9 564.8 253.4 285.0 313.9 345.1 370.1 406.5 440.2 477.0 549.7 585.6 622.3 636.7 631.2 631.9 635.1 628.0 622.9 620.8 493.4 521.2 573.5 623.8 665.3 680.4 689.1 706.4 735.6 781.7 816.1 847.7 891.9 925.0 1,005.4 1,093.3 1,108.5 1,177.5 25.4 26.7 29.0 33.2 38.8 42.6 41.2 38.8 40.1 44.2 49.4 47.3 43.1 43.3 43.4 43.9 39.7 37.3 111.5 116.7 125.4 132.8 142.6 151.4 156.4 161.4 162.4 167.4 170.3 158.6 158.7 162.8 162.9 174.0 176.6 183.3 49.2 52.4 52.5 52.9 53.9 57.4 61.7 66.3 72.5 73.1 73.9 72.2 68.5 65.9 59.3 52.7 51.5 48.0 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.3 5.8 6.3 6.0 5.5 5.5 5.7 6.1 5.6 4.8 4.7 4.3 4.0 3.6 3.2 22.8 22.9 23.1 25.0 27.2 28.1 26.3 24.0 24.7 26.4 29.0 29.8 27.2 26.6 26.6 25.2 22.5 20.3 Note: Certain changes in the method of debt calculation were carried out in 2002/03 due to which the figures in the Public Accounts of Canada for 2002/03 differ from previous years. These changes include two new debt titles that were added to the “Other Accounts” category. These are “Other Employee and Veteran Future Benefits” and “Obligation Related to Capital Lease.” Statistics based on the new method are provided retroactively back to 1993/94 in the Public Accounts of Canada, 2002/03. The remaining figures from 1985/86 to 1992/93 are based on the old calculation method. The GDP entries were collected from CANSIM II Series V498918. For each fiscal year (April 1 to March 31), the GDP was calculated by adding the four relevant quarters that would constitute the fiscal year. This would vary slightly from the calendar year calculations. Sources: Receiver General for Canada (1986, 1987… … 2003). 16 Table 3 The Relative Distribution of Interest-Bearing Debt Issues by Debt Instruments over Time (All figures are in percentages) (Average interest rates for each debt instrument by year are given in brackets) (1994/95 – 2002/03) Debt Instruments 1994/95 1995/96 Marketable Bonds 42.5 (8.58) 44.7 (8.39) 49.1 (8.01) 52.0 (7.75) 53.0 (7.51) 1999/20 00 52.7 (7.21) Treasury Bills 29.9 (7.60) 28.3 (5.89) 22.5 (3.68) 18.9 (4.41) 16.3 (4.94) Canada Savings Bonds 5.5 (5.75) 5.2 (6.58) 5.4 (6.75) 5.0 (3.61) Bonds for CPP 0.6 (10.21) 0.6 (10.21) 0.6 (10.21) Canada Bills 1.7 (6.16) 1.2 (5.20) Canada/Euro Notes 0.0 (N/A) Total (market debt) Public Sector Pensions Other Accounts Grand Total 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 53.6 (6.98) 53.7 (6.61) 52.1 (6.26) 16.7 (5.31) 15.1 (5.31) 16.1 (2.64) 18.0 (3.04) 4.6 (4.28) 4.4 (5.13) 4.4 (5.42) 4.1 (3.23) 3.9 (3.43) 0.6 (10.22) 0.6 (9.39) 0.6 (10.04) 0.6 (10.10) 0.6 (10.16) 0.5 (10.14) 1.4 (5.37) 1.6 (5.49) 1.7 (4.81) 1.0 (5.87) 1.2 (5.10) 0.6 (1.75) 0.5 (1.12) 0.0 (N/A) 0.4 (6.12) 0.5 (5.87) 1.0 (4.70) 0.9 (4.95) 0.9 (4.15) 0.8 (2.46) 0.8 (2.36) 80.2 (7.97) 80.0 (7.34) 79.4 (6.66) 78.5 (6.64) 77.4 (6.70) 76.3 (6.15) 75.8 (6.11) 75.9 (5.56) 75.8 (5.32) 18.9 (10.4) 19.0 (10.4) 19.0 (10.2) 19.7 (9.9) 20.6 (9.6) 21.5 (9.3) 21.9 (9.0) 21.7 (8.7) 21.7 (8.5) 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 100 100 Notes: Canada Notes were introduced in FY 1996/97 and Euro Notes in 1997/98. It seems appropriate that some of the debt figures given in Tables 3 and 4 ought to be clarified. Effective 2002/03, the Public Accounts of Canada introduced a new reporting method that resulted in the interest-bearing debt showing contradictory variations from one year to the next. For example, in the Public Accounts for 2002/03, the total amount of debt for 2001/02 is given as $622.9 billion whereas in the 2001/02 accounts the total debt for the same year (i.e., 2001/02) is given as $583.4 billion. The reason for this anomaly is that in the “Other Accounts” category in 2002/03, two new debt titles were added that were not considered previously. One of these is “Other Employee and Veteran Future Benefits.” The other is referred to as “Obligation Related to Capital Lease.” To maintain consistency in the comparison of debt over time, these two new titles were not included in Tables 3 and 4 of this paper, but are reported in Table 2. Sources: Table 4 and Receiver General for Canada (Volumes I and II, 1995, 1996 … … 2003). 17 Table 4 Interest-Bearing Debt with Associated Interest Rates and Debt Service Charges (1994/95 – 2000/03) Type of Bond/Security Marketable Bonds Treasury Bills Canada Savings Bonds Bonds for CPP Canada Bills Canada/Euro Notes Total (market debt) Public Sector Pensions Other Accounts Grand Total 94/95 95/96 96/97 233,553 (42.5%) 164,450 (29.9%) 30,460 (5.5%) 3,489 (0.6%) 9,046 (1.7%) NA 262,214 (44.7%) 166,100 (28.3%) 30,460 (5.2%) 3,478 (0.6%) 6,986 (1.2%) NA 440,998 (80.2) 104,438 (18.9%) 4,756 (0.9%) 550,192 (100%) 469,547 (20.0%) 111,518 (19.0%) 5,631 (1.0%) 586,387 (100%) 294,958 (49.1%) 135,400 (22.5%) 32,470 (5.4%) 3,468 (0.6%) 8,436 (1.4%) 2,121 (0.4%) 476,852 (79.4%) 114,204 (19.0%) 9,500 (1.6%) 600,557 (100%) Debt Outstanding $,000,000 (% of Total) 97/98 98/99 99/00 309,234 (52.0%) 112,300 (18.9%) 29,769 (5.0%) 3,456 (0.6%) 9,356 (1.6%) 3,176 (0.5%) 467,291 (78.5%) 117,456 (19.7%) 10,160 (1.7%) 594,907 (100%) 315,399 (53.0%) 96,950 (16.3%) 27,662 (4.6%) 4,063 (0.6%) 10,171 (1.7%) 6,181 (1.0%) 460,427 (77.4%) 122,407 (20.6%) 12,151 (2.0%) 594,985 (100%) 315,339 (52.7%) 99,850 (16.7%) 26,489 (4.4%) 3,552 (0.6%) 6,008 (1.0%) 5,168 (0.9%) 456,406 (76.3%) 128,346 (21.5%) 13,181 (2.2%) 597,933 (100%) 00/01 ½ 02/03 94/95 95/96 96/97 97/98 Debt Charges $,000,000 (% of Total) 98/99 315,631 (53.6%) 88,700 (15.1%) 26,099 (4.4%) 3,473 (0.6%) 7,228 (1.2%) 5,275 (0.9%) 446,406 (75.8%) 129,185 (21.9%) 13,644 (2.3%) 589,232 (100%) 313,115 (53.7%) 94,093 (16.1%) 23,966 (4.1%) 3,391 (0.6%) 3,355 (0.6%) 4,405 (0.8%) 442,271 (75.9%) 126,921 (21.7%) 14,240 (2.4%) 583,432 (100%) 302,264 (52.1%) 104,411 (18.0%) 22,584 (3.9%) 3,371 (0.5%) 2,603 (0.5%) 4,519 (0.8%) 439,752 (75.8%) 125,708 (21.7%) 14,189 (2.5%) 579,649 (100%) 19,537 (46.5%) 9,343 (22.2%) 2,070 (4.9%) 359 (0.9%) 342 (0.8%) NA 21,242 (46.5%) 11,118 (22.2%) 2,184 (4.9%) 379 (0.9%) 304 (0.8%) NA 31,651 (75.3) 10,234 (24.3%) 161 (0.4%) 42,046 (100%) 35,227 (75.3) 10,973 (24.3%) 677 (0.4%) 46,877 (100%) 23,037 (51.2%) 7,021 (15.6%) 2,421 (5.4%) 367 (0.8%) 371 (0.8%) 106 (0.2%) 33,323 (74.1%) 11,137 (24.8%) 513 (1.1%) 44,973 (100%) 24,128 (55.3%) 4,314 (9.9%) 2,005 (4.6%) 361 (0.8%) 429 (1.0%) 141 (0.3%) 31,378 (72.0%) 11,705 (26.9%) 509 (1.2%) 43,592 (100%) 24,585 (55.8%) 4,266 (9.7%) 1,309 (3.0%) 391 (0.9%) 499 (1.1%) 191 (0.4%) 31,241 (70.9%) 12,160 (27.6%) 653 (1.5%) 44,054 (100%) 99/00 00/01 01/02 02/03 24,112 (53.2%) 4,376 (9.7%) 1,358 (3.0) 420 (0.9%) 340 (0.8%) 330 (0.7) 30,936 (68.3%) 13,290 (29.3%) 1,084 (2.4%) 45,310 (100%) 23,752 (51.1%) 4,576 (9.9%) 1,766 (3.8%) 365 (0.8%) 345 (0.7%) 273 (0.6%) 31,077 (66.9%) 13,790 (22.7%) 1,581 (3.4%) 46,448 (100%) 21,920 (53.8%) 3,474 (8.5%) 1,304 (3.2%) 348 (0.9%) 192 (0.4%) 163 (0.4%) 27,401 (67.2%) 12,250 (30.1%) 1,102 (2.7%) 40,753 (100%) 21,002 (54.8%) 2,834 (7.4%) 866 (2.3%) 343 (0.9%) 45 (0.1%) 115 (0.3%) 25,205 (65.8%) 12,065 (31.5%) 1,050 (2.7%) 38,320 (100%) Notes: The ratio of debt charges for each category to the corresponding stock of debt (i.e., the effective interest rate) is different from the average interest rate (see Table 1) for each year, which is for the current year only (i.e., FY 1994/95 or 1995/96 … … or 2002/03). The reason for this seeming discrepancy is because the debt service charges on each portion – within each of the categories – of the debt carries with it the rate of interest that existed at the time that portion of the debt was issued. The Debt Outstanding and Gross Debt Charges columns are adjusted for amortization of premiums, discounts and commissions. The latter also includes servicing costs and the costs of issuing new borrowings. It is primarily for these reasons that the official debt charges reported in the detailed public accounts and included in this table are greater than the more commonly reported interest only debt service charges. As well, starting with FY 1997/98, the adoption of new accounting procedures in 1998 have further contributed to this discrepancy. Summary statistics of the Public Accounts are reported each year in Volume I while the details are included in Volume II. Source: Receiver General for Canada (Volumes I and II, 1995, 1996 … … 2003). Table 5 Weighted Average Cost of Borrowing (WACB) (1994/95 to 2002/03) Yield (%) Weight Year 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 Market Bond T-Bill Market Bond T-Bill W*C (Bond) (%) 42.5 44.7 49.1 52 53 52.7 53.6 53.7 52.1 29.9 28.3 22.5 18.9 16.3 16.7 16.1 16.1 18 8.58 8.39 8.01 7.75 7.51 7.21 6.98 6.61 6.26 7.6 5.89 3.68 4.41 4.94 5.31 5.31 2.64 3.04 5.037 5.137 5.493 5.684 5.744 5.475 5.368 5.085 4.653 W*C (T-Bill) (%) WACB (%) 3.139 2.283 1.156 1.176 1.162 1.278 1.227 0.609 0.781 8.175 7.421 6.649 6.860 6.906 6.753 6.594 5.694 5.433 Table 6 Predicted Weights and Cost of Issuing Debt Instruments Corresponding to the Minimum Volatility Portfolio (1994/95 – 2004/05) Predicted Weight Year Marketable Bonds Treasury Bills 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 1.257368 1.31326 1.361761 1.42914 1.489915 1.385066 1.271041 0.524987 0.51829 0.605142 0.706362 -0.25737 -0.31326 -0.36176 -0.42914 -0.48992 -0.38507 -0.27104 0.475013 0.48171 0.394858 0.293638 Predicted (or Minimum Risk) Cost (%) 10.16219 9.889264 9.69752 9.677492 9.38785 8.758816 8.288319 6.397187 5.952257 5.818193 5.806497 Correlation Coefficient 0.7612 0.805331 0.839165 0.875787 0.884948 0.825182 0.809481 0.663388 0.556472 0.541811 0.622975 Note: These weights were calculated using the average monthly rates for each of the two instruments over the preceding ten years. Sources: CANSIM II Series V122487 for 10+ years marketable bonds monthly return. CANSIM II Series V122484 for 91-day Treasury bill monthly return. Table 7 WACB Using Various Combinations of Marketable Bonds and Treasury Bills (1994/95 to 2002/03) Year 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 Sources: 80:20 8.384 7.890 7.144 7.082 6.996 6.830 6.646 5.816 5.616 75:25 8.335 7.765 6.928 6.915 6.868 6.735 6.563 5.618 5.455 70:30 8.286 7.640 6.711 6.748 6.739 6.640 6.479 5.419 5.294 65:35 8.237 7.515 6.495 6.581 6.611 6.545 6.396 5.221 5.133 60:40 8.188 7.390 6.278 6.414 6.482 6.450 6.312 5.022 4.972 Bond : T-Bill 55:45 50:50 45:55 8.139 8.090 8.041 7.265 7.140 7.015 6.062 5.845 5.629 6.247 6.080 5.913 6.354 6.225 6.097 6.355 6.260 6.165 6.229 6.145 6.062 4.824 4.625 4.427 4.811 4.650 4.489 T-Bill: CANSIM II Series V122484 (91-day Treasury bill monthly return). Bond: CANSIM II Series V122487 (10+ years marketable bond monthly return). 40:60 7.992 6.890 5.412 5.746 5.968 6.070 5.978 4.228 4.328 35:65 7.943 6.765 5.196 5.579 5.840 5.975 5.895 4.030 4.167 30:70 Appendix Table 1 The Yield Struc ture of Short -term and Long-term Securities over Time (1969/70 – 2002/03) Fiscal Year T-Bill 1-3 Year Bond 3-5 Year Bond 5-10 Year Bond 10+ Year Bond 1969/70 1970/71 1971/72 1972/73 1973/74 1974/75 1975/76 1976/77 1977/78 1978/79 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 1983/84 1984/ 85 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 7.441 5.249 3.440 3.689 5.943 7.835 7.953 8.644 7.239 9.458 12.321 13.417 17.246 12.514 9.464 11.209 9.533 8.154 8.431 10.199 12.318 12.162 8.095 6.217 4.401 6.401 6.315 3.735 3.587 4.819 4.788 5.438 3.131 2.762 7.671 5.921 4.979 5.648 6.884 7.871 8.073 8.051 7.573 9.311 11.635 12.447 16.438 12.638 10.328 11.723 9.767 8.643 9.463 10.226 10.865 11.148 8.513 6.773 5.503 7.908 6.632 4.999 4.821 5.084 5.621 5.597 3.958 3.551 7.852 6.484 5.679 6.378 7.173 7.978 8.181 8.196 8.089 9.354 11.233 12.465 16.129 12.806 10.792 11.873 10.008 8.834 9.679 10.154 10.311 10.839 8.755 7.192 6.194 8.418 7.124 5.923 5.273 5.132 5.814 5.683 4.798 4.307 8.005 7.027 6.238 6.829 7.332 8.168 8.529 8.519 8.328 9.357 10.929 12.378 15.793 12.972 11.341 12.319 10.347 9.023 9.764 10.025 9.881 10.586 9.084 7.986 6.996 8.753 7.507 6.633 5.652 5.202 5.860 5.709 5.327 4.938 7.817 7.572 6.997 7.298 7.728 9.008 9.286 9.011 8.818 9.463 10.946 12.595 15.735 13.403 11.925 12.603 10.576 9.273 10.155 10.369 9.951 10.718 9.529 8.595 7.621 9.009 7.961 7.311 6.090 5.371 5.909 5.784 5.809 5.575 Note: The interest rates given in this table are the average of the monthly rates for each of the five types of securities for each fiscal year. Sources: CANSIM II SERIES’ V122484, V122558, V122485, V122486 and V122487. Appendix Table 2 Predicted Weights and Cost of Issuing Debt Instruments Corresponding to the Minimum Volatility Portfolio (1994/95 – 2004/05) Year 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 Weight Mkt Bond T-Bill 1.539577 -0.53958 1.58866 -0.58866 1.657834 -0.65783 1.764657 -0.76466 1.873622 -0.87362 1.76011 -0.76011 1.671657 -0.67166 0.74285 0.25715 0.693137 0.306863 0.728293 0.271707 0.738588 0.261412 Predicted Cost Correlation Coefficient 9.802701 9.535884 9.313149 9.237216 8.940613 8.373348 8.05621 6.3886 5.891674 5.631355 5.443769 0.878936 0.895606 0.911092 0.931073 0.945265 0.920226 0.908053 0.799012 0.73548 0.749228 0.791998 Note: These weights were calculated using the average monthly rates for each of the two instruments over the preceding ten years. Sources: CANSIM II Series V122558 for 1-3 years marketable bonds monthly return. 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