Assignment: Glacier
Go to the following Glacier Website .
Complete the ‘How do glaciers shape the land?’ labs for continental and valley glaciers.
How is a glacier similar to a river?
How are continental glaciers different from valley glaciers?
What are some differences in how these two types of glaciers affect the land?
What kind of a terrain and landforms would indicate the prior existence of a valley glacier?
What kind of terrain and landforms would indicate the prior existence of a continental glacier?
Go to the following PhET Glaciers
Log into the Glaciers lab and complete the following:
Play with simulation for 5 minutes.
Grab the bear and change viewpoints, try to make the glacier grow/shrink.
Turn the snow on and off.
Mess around with the tools.
If the glacier disappears hit the “Reset All” button.
6. What is the relationship between the following? a. Temperature and glacier size b. Snowfall amount and glacier size
7. Describe the following deposition features of a glacier:
Moraines b.
Outwash Plains c.
8. Equilibrium line: This line indicates the boundary where the freezing meets the melting of the glacier. a.
Change some factors and describe what happens to the equilibrium line and what happens to the glacier. b.
When you set the temperature and snowfall; and hit the STEADY STATE button, what happens to the glacier?
9. What are the tiny black dots that move through the glacier? Where did this material originate?
10. Where are the black dots deposited?
11. Make the glacier retreat up the mountain. What happens to all the material that is moved with the glacier?
12. Why is the stream curvy?
13. Press RESET ALL, and set the glacier back to its starting location. Make the glacier completely melt away. Once this is done, increase the snowfall to maximum and decrease the temperature to its lowest point. a. How many years will it take the glacier to return to its original position? b. Could this occur in real life?
14. Set the Temp to 62 F and the Snow Fall to 4.3 feet. What happens to the glacier?
15. Look at the picture below and identify at least 5 erosion or depositional features on the glacier in