August V62/T07062/EE/20150813 2015 Thermal Engineering - 2 Instructions: Marks-80 Time: 3 Hrs 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. “Long Answer type Question (LAQ)” is a supply type question of 15 marks which required a typical answer of about 60-80 lines in bout 32-40 minutes. 3. “Sort Answer type Question (SAQ)” is a supply type question of 5 marks which required a typical answer of about 15-20 lines in bout 08-10 minutes. 4. Figures to the right indicate marks allotted to the questions. 5. Assume suitable data if necessary 6. Use a nonprogrammable type of scientific calculator is allowed Marks SECTION-A Q.1 Describe the fuels used in IC engine with specific applications and grades? OR 15 Q.1 Describe the turning moment diagram of IC engine with suitable diagram? 15 Q.2 Describe the construction and working of two way catalytic converter with diagram? OR 15 Q.2 Explain procedure of mores test with suitable diagram? 15 Q.3 Write a short note on multi point fuel injection system? 5 Q.4 Differentiate between petrol engine and diesel engine? 5 SECTION-B Q.5 Explain the construction and working of single stage reciprocating compressor? 15 OR Q.5 Explain the construction and working of Double stage reciprocating compressor with suitable diagram? 15 Q.6 Explain the construction and working of the sub cooling and super heating ? OR Q.6 Explain the construction and working of Electrolux absorption system? 15 Q.7 Explain the classification of Air compressor? 5 Q.8 Differentiate between turbo jet and rocket jet? 5 Computer Generated Random Question Paper dated: 06-07-2015 16:46:49 ***BEST OF LUCK*** 15