- SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN FOR MANGAS AGENCIES HONORS THESIS (ID 499) MANAGEMENT SCIENCE BY w. KEVIN FENTON THESIS ADVISOR BALL STATE UNIVERSITY MAY 1985 - -- - . . If! - ' ~. O!, " ~ '.-.... . TABLE OF CONTENTS Intr-oduction • 1 Introduction to Mangas Agencies 3 Operations Manual Appendix 1 (IBM Keyboard) Appendix 2 (File Str-uctur-es) 5 Main Progr-am Logic • 12 VTOC Pr-ogr-am Flowchar-t Progr-am - Add Logic Add Systems Flow F'r-ogr-ams Look-up Logi c: Look-up Systems Flow F'r-ogr-ams and Screen Designs 16 • 21 · 39 • 4u Delete Logic • Delete Systems Flow Programs Edit Logic. Edit Systems Flow Programs Conclusion . 0::: .- INTRODUCTION The purpose of this honors thesis is two-fold in nature; to involve and familiarize the author in the use and to uation. - of microcomputers, produce a product that can be used in a "real world" sitMicrocomputers are fast becoming a the business world of this fact through his This author can personally verify today. personal interviewing "Have you the use of personal computers'?". process dating from In each interview, the question the Fall of 1984 to the present. that came up most often was, permanent fixture in done any WOI~ k i n'. .'ol vi nq The answer was always the same, "No, Ball state does not of+er any classes dealing with microcomputers". As the ho~ors thesis is supposed to carry one above and beyond the scope of ordinary classwork, it became apparent that a project involving microcomputers would be most beneficial. project was also designed so that the author would be a true business situation. This exposed to This particular project format will enable one to use skills learned in the classroom to gain valu- able experience in the area of I.ommunication and analysis. - of this and a software applications project will include a written report package 1 for commercial LIse. The 2 written report will contain background on the chosen business, a manual for operations for use by the business, ticn, and concluding remarks . - . .- system documenta- - INTRODUCTION TO MANGAS AGENCIES is owned and operated by Lyle D. Gilbert, a Mangas Agencies The graduate of Ball State University. real estate, insurance and - I clcated office is is 1"langas' Lynn, in into divided involved in is with insurance as the main concern. Union City. Indiana and a branch located in The main office is agency The insurance business at Indiana. casualty life and insurance. with casualty insurance accounting for approximately ninety percent of The casualty insurance is further broken down into the business. homeowner's, farmowner's presently has no on-site accounting applications Mr. Gilbert's side of and automobile insurance. computer, done by business currently a very his but benefit. tions at not quite Since file management Mangas' , application first it in sure is one of his The casualty large amount of files Mr. Gilbert has been interested is all serves approximately and paperwork. businesE'. have a service bureau. which constitutes 2000 customer"s, does but t·1r. Gi 1 bert if of the in computerizing it would be of any biggest applica- would be appropriate to computerize this order to give Mr. Gilbert a chance to evaluate the benefits that a computer would give his office. 3 The 4 The system designed will procedures on any the of database. in contained able to the user delete a will be able to specific database. records will have also be There will each database. due to records Lastly, four different for Secondly, he each file. be Thirdly, he will allow First of all, the user will be able to each file. build a database for edit basically from a specific look-up capabilities for other procedures available. the software package that has been chosen. but since they were not specifically designed by this author they will only be mentioned briefly. Mr. Gilbert has has expressed that if most likely be system will be software chosen sufficient on the interest to purchase In order an IBM because of to its PC, users. This and it would the database Dbase I I I The Dbase I I I applications and applications. system to This fit Mr. Gilbert's facilities will tailor the system system, cost of computerizing Mangas using Company. to a high degree of user friendliness, a first-time computers, please the user, this programming personalize the The programming in a computer to Ashton-Tate adaptation will enable ane to exact needs. IBM. by much he were designed package package was its an shown must when dealing with if implemented, will keep the Agencies at a minumum. The basic components that Mr. Gilbert will need to purchase will include an IBM PC and monitJr, a Disk Operating System (DOS), Dbase Ashton-Tate, and a small printer, which would be optional. III by OPERATIONS MANUAL To begin operation one must turn on the monitor and computer. In order to familarize the user with the IBM PC, please note the following: Drive A--Ieft drive--DOS and Dbase III Systems Disks Drive B--right drive--file disk The user should follow the steps as listed below, and he will be able to use the system effectively in a short period of time. 1. Place the DOS disk in drive A and press the control (Ctrl), alternate(Alt)~ and delete(Del) keys at the same time. (Please refer to Appendix 1 for a complete keyboard description.) The red light below drive A will light up and you will hear a beep and some whirring noi~es. Be careful to not do anythinq when either of the red lights below the drives are on. The DOS will show its current date, indicating that it is ready for action. It will then ask you for the current date, as follows: Current date is Tue 1-01-1980 Enter new date: The user will either enter the current date (using the month-dayyear format), and press <RETURN>,. or just press <RETURN> if the date is not important. DOS will next show you its current time. and will ask you for the current time, as follows: Current time is 0:00:10.49 Enter new time: The user will either enter the current time (using military format), and press <RETURN>, or just press <RETURN> if the time is not important. The DOS will now respond with A>, which is the DOS system prompt; this means that DOS is ready to go. 2. Remove the DOS disk from drive A and replace it with the Dbase III Systems Disk. Please press the Caps Lock key in order to avoid any needless complications. Type DBASE and press <RETURN>. A. will appear. This is the Dbase systems prompt. It Signals that Dbase III is ready to go. Place the Files disk in drive B. The user should enter the following commands to prepare for work: .SET DEFAULT TO B: <RETURN> .DO RUNIT <RETURN> The menu screen will appear and the system is ready for work! The user should refer to steps 4-8 for actual transaction operations. 3. To end execution enter Q <RETURN> at ".he menu prompt. The. will appear. and the user should type QUIT <RETURN>. Dbase III will respond with thank-you messages, and the A) will appear. At this point the user should take out both disks, place them in the appropriate sleeves. and turn off the computer and the monitor. 5 6 4. TO ADD A RECORD TO A DATABASE To opt for this procedure do the following: 1) Enter either A to add a record to the homeowner's file, B to add a record to the automobile owner's file, or C to add a record to the farm owner's file, at the main menu prompt and press <RETURN). An add screen will appear and the user should enter the appropriate information. Remember that one cannot go past the field length (color break). If the information does not fill the field, press <RETURN) to move to the next field. The cursor will automatically move to the next field if the information fills the field entirely. Please refer to the file structures in Appendix 2 to insure that one is entering the correct information in the appropriate fields. If no information is to be entered into a specific field, the user should just press <RETURN> to move to the next field. 2) If only one new record is to be entered, the user should press <RETURN) when a new add screen appears. To end execution, the user should answer the prompts appropriately. 5. LOOK-UP A RECORD IN A DATABASE To opt for this procedure do the following: 1) Enter D to look-up a record in the homeowner's file, E to look-up a record in the farm owner's file, or F to look-up a record in the automobile owner's file. Press <RETURN). 2) The following message will appear: PLEASE ENTER LAST NAME: The user should enter the client's last name in single quotes as follows: 'JONES' Press <RETURN) to start the search. If the name is not found, NAME NOT FOUND will appear. The user should answer the prompts appropriately and check the spelling of the last name if he wants to continue the search. If the last name is found, it will appear en the screen, along with a brief record description so that the user may verify that it is the correct record. The user should answer the prompts appropriately. 3) to end execution of this procedure the user should answer the prompts appropriately and control will be returned to the main menu. 6. DELETE A RECORD FROM A DATABASE To opt for this procedure do the following: 1) Enter G to delete a record from the homeowner's file, H to delete a record from the automobile owner's file, or I to delete a record from the farm owner's file. Press <RETURN). 2) The following screen message will appear: PLEASE ENTER LAST NAME OF CLIENT TO DELETE: The user should enter the client's last name enclosed in single quotes as follows: 'JONES' Press <RETURN> to start the search. If the name is not -- -- ,- 7 found. NAME NOT FOUND will appear. The user should answer the prompts appropriately and check the spelling of the last name if he wants to continue the search. If the last name is found, it will appear on the screen, along with a brief record description so that the user may verify that it is the correct record. The user should answer the prompts appropriately. 3) To end execution of this procedure, the user should answer the prompts appropriately and control will be returned to the main menu. 7. EDIT A RECORD IN A DATABASE To opt for this procedure do the following: 1) Enter J to edit a record in the homeowner's file, K to edit a record in the automobile owner's file, or L to edit a record in the farm owner's file. Press <RETURN>. 2) The following screen message will appear: PLEASE ENTER LAST NAME OF CLIENT TO CHANGE: The user should enter the client's last name enclosed in single quotes as follows: 'JONES' Press <RETURN> to start the search. If the last name is not found, NAME NOT FOUND will appear. The user should answer the prompts appropriately and check the spelling of the last name if he wants to continue the search. If the last name is found, it will appear on the screen, along with a brief record description so that the user may verify that it is the correct record. The user should answer the prompts appropriately. 3) The record will appear along with brief titles to the left of each field. (Please refer to Appendix 2 for record descriptions of each file to insure that you are entering the correct information.) The user should advance to the fields that he wants to change by pressing the <RETURN> continuously. The cursor may be moved throughout the record by using the four arrow keys located on the numeric keypad. To erase the contents of a specific field, position the cursor to the rightmost position in the field and press the (- key located directly to the right of the += key. To enter new text, type the new information as you did in the add procedure. 4) To end this procedure, press the Ctrl key and the End key simultaneously, and answer the prompts appropriately. Control will be returned to the main menu. , ) I -I I. APPENDIX 1 IBM KEYBOARD 1 - j '• • "i ~ ~ Function keys .... ________________________~J' Typewriter keyboard V ~ Numeric keypad 00 -APPENDIX 2 FILE STRUCTURES FARM OWNER'S FILE 4 5 EIELD NAI"'IE POLC . _NUt1 U~ST __.NAt-1E F I RST_. NAt-'IE PREMIUM TOT COV CONTgl'HS b.-ENGTJ:t Policy Number 15 Last Name 20 First Name 15 Premium Amount 10 Total Coverage .___~ __ TOTAL RECORD LENGTH 69 HOMEOWNER'S FILE .- EJ. ELD 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 -- 24 25 26 .~"" .,,;;.,1 28 29 30 31 E'IELD NAME LAST _1\J(~I'1E FIRST -- NAI'1E STREET_ADD CITY STATE ZIP PHONE COI"'IPANY POLC.__ FRat1 POLe __ TO POLC_NUM BAS_.PRElvl (JTHER._PREI'1 ~3CHED .YREM TOTAL._PREM DWELLING OTHER __.STRU PERS . . _PROP LOSS ..- USE SCHED._PROP PERS_ I N.._LB l'1ED .._TD_OTH I=-RfJP DAM L CONS_.TYPE ·y'EAR .. _BU I L T F:;;OOF PROT ..-CLASS TERF~ I TORY F'RE!"I GROUP FT ...TD ... HYD MILES FIRE g;JNTENTS Last Name First Name Street Address City State Zip Phone Insurance Company Policy From Policy To Policy Number Basi c PrelT,i um Other Premium Scheduled Premium Total Premium Dwell i ng Other Structure Personal Property Loss of Use Scheduled Property Personal Injury Liability Medical Payments to Others Property Damage Liability Construction Type Year Built Roof Protection Class Territory Premium Group Feet to Hydrant Miles to Fire Department 9 12 8 15 10 2 12 3 8 8 15 7 7 7 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 4 12 2 '":!' '-' 2 - 10 FIELD E_I ELD Nt)ME j:ONTEI':!.IJa !:.~N.pTH 32 NO_OF_FAM Number of Families 1 33 IN_CTY_LIM In the City Limits 1 Endorsement one 35 34 ENOl *FIELDS 35-41 ARE THE SAME EXCEPT FOR ENDORSEMENT NUMBE!3E........_ ... _.. TOTAL RECORD LENGTH 511 AUTO OWNER'S FILE - - h;ONTENT§ I,..EN~.It:! Last ~~ame 17 First Name 2 10 Street Address 17 City 4 12 5 State 2 6 Zip 5 7 Phone Number 12 8 Company 10 9 Policy From 8 10 Policy To 8 11 Policy Number 15 12 State of Car 2 13 Territory of Car 2 14 Year o·f Car 2 TR('~DE_NAME 15 Trade Name of Car 10 16 BODY ... STYL.E Body Style of Car 10 ID_NUMBER 17 10 Number of Car 15 18 NUM_DRIVER Number of Drivers 1 19 LIEN Lien on Car 1 20 LIENHOLD Name of Lienholder -, 1 ..:.. ... SYMCOST Sym/cost New 7 ··7 22 USE._CODE Use Code .. DRIVER1 ... DT Driver #1 Driver's Training 1 24 DR I VER 1._BD Driver #1 Birthday 8 25 DRIVER1_MD Driver #1 Married 1 DRIVER1_SX Driver #1 SeN 1 ·II-FIELDS 27-38 ARE THE SAME EXCEPT FOR DRIVER NUMBER 39 800 ... I NJ .... Ptvl Bodily Injury Premium 6 40 B I_L I 1'1._PER Bodily Injury Lim/person 8 41 BI_LIM_.ACC Bodily Injury Lim/accident 8 ·42 F'F~._DAr-1 . _PRE Property Damage Premium 6 <" 4 ._' PD... LIM_ACC Property Damage Lim/acc 8 44 UM ..... PREI'1 Uninsured Motorist Premium 6 45 Uni. Mot. Bod. lnj. Lim/per 8 Ui"1B I L I '··I . ..F'R 46 UMB I L I i"1_f4C Uni. Mot. Bod. Inj. Lim/ace 8 47 MEDPAY . . .PRE Med. Pay. to Others Premium 6 48 MEDF'YLIM_F' Med. Pay. to Others Lim/per 8 49 AC VCOl'" PRE Actual Cash Value Premium 6 EJ§:LD NA..tJE L.AST _.1\1 At-1E FIRST _.NAME STREET ADD CITY STATE ZIP PHONE COMPANY POLC ... FROM POLC._TO POLC._NUM STATE._CAR TERR_CAR CAR_YEAR 11 FIELD 50 51 52 53 54 55 - - E.IELD NAI'1E AVC - DEDUCT COLL .- PREM COLL -_. OED TottJ -" F'REI'1 TPL I 1'1 ,,- F'ERS TOTAL - PREM CONTENTS LEI~GTH Actual Cash Value Dedl_lct. 8 Collision Premium 6 Collision DedLlcti b 1 e 8 Towing Premium 6 Towing Limit/disablement 8 ._ _6 _ Total F'remi LlIn TOTAL RECORD LENGTH 358 12 MAIN PROGRAM LOGIC 1. CLEAR THE SCREEN 2. CHANGE THE COLOR OF THE SCREEN MAIN LOOP 3.CLEAR THE SCREEN 4.ACCEPT THE CHOICE OF EXECUTION 5.SELECT THE APPROPRIATE SUBPROGRAM END MAIN LOOP 6.END MAIN PROGRAM AND RETURN TO DBASE III PROMPT ). ) ) VTOC FOR INSURANCE SYST1!M RUN IT , r " " ADDHOME ADDAUTO ,, ADDFARM ,, LOOKHOME ,, LOOKFARM ,, LOOKAUTO I I ----- " ! ---- DELHOME " DELAUTO " DELFAH"I " CHGHOME ,, CHGAUTO " CHGFABM ..... Vol PBOGRAM FLOWCHARr: RUNIT 14 STARr CALL LOOKAUTO CALL DELHOME CALL ADDHOME CALL DELAUTO ,- , CALL ADDAUTO CALL DELFARM CALL ADDFAHM CALL CHGHOME CALL LOOKHOME CALL CHGAUTO - CALL LOOKFARM CALL CHGFAW. **************,~*************************************** * - * * * * * * THIS IS THE MAIN PROGRAM. ALL SUB-PROGRAMS ARE * CALLED FROM THIS PROGRAM. AFTER EXECUTION OF THE * SUB-PROGRAM IS COMPLETE, CONTROL IS PASSED BACK TO * THIS PROGRAM. CONTROL IS PASSED BACK TO THE SYSTEM* BY ENTERING A Q WHEN PROMPTED. * * * ****************************************************** CLEAR SET COLOR TO 6/1,7/4,1 SET TAU::: OFF DO WHILE .T. CLEAR ? *******************MANGAS AGENCIES********************' ? ? ? ? I ~~> ADD TO HOMEOWNER FILE c> ADD TO FARM FILE B> ADD TO AUTO FILE' 0"·..•. LOOK UP HOMEOWNERS' '? ..;E" ? ? .., LOOK UP FARM POLICY F'".... LOOK UP AUTO POLICY' G> DELETE HOMEOWNERS H> DELETE AUTO POLICY' I> DELETE FARM POLICY J> CHANGE HOMEOWNERS' K> CHANGE AUTO POLICY L> CHANGE FARM POLICY' ? ? I ? PICK A-L TO EXECUTE, ? ? '7 Q TO QUIT' **,~***************************************************' ACCEPT 'PLEASE ENTER YOUR CHOICE, AND PRESS <RETURN>:' TO CHOICE - DO CASE CASE CHOICE ='A' DO ADDHOME CASE CHOICE ='B' DO ADDAUTO CASE CHOICE ='C' DO ADDFARM CASE CHOICE ='D' DO LoOKHOt1E CASE CHOICE ='E' DO LOOKFARM CASE CHOICE ='F' DO LOOK AUTO CASE CHOICE ='G' DO DELHot1E CASE CHOICE ='H' DO DELAUTO CASE CHOICE ='1' DO DELFARM CASE CHOICE ='J' DO CHGHOME. CASE CHOICE :::::'K' DO CHGAUTD CASE CHOICE :;:'L' DO CHGF ARfvl CASE UPPER(CHOICE)='Q' RETURN ENDCASE CHOICE 15 16 ADD LOGIC CLEt=iR THE SCREEN 1- !VIA IN LOOP ..::... OPEN FILE "< ,_I OPEN INDEX FILE ',", " 4. CLEAR THE SCREEN 5. ADD A RECORD TO THE FILE 6. CLEAt=< THE SCREEN 7. SCREEN MESSAGE: ASK IF USER WANTS TO CONTINUE PROCEDURE - END OF MAIN LOOP 8. REINDEX INDEX FILE 9. END THE ADD PROCEDURE 10. RETURN TO THE MAIN MENU - 11 ADD SYSTno1S FLOW START HOMIDWN AUTO POL FABMPOL ADDHOME ADDAUTO ADDFAR-! AUTOPOL FARMPOL - 18 ****~***********************~******************************* ii, * THIS COMMAND FILE ADDS NEW RECORDS TO THE HOMEOWNER FILE ~. * * ************************************************************ ~:::, E:. T T j:1 L, i< U F F~ '_~L,!:::.,::;h: ')('iF': :::; 'C' DO WHILE UPPER(VAR)= i..JFiL i-iDI'iE:I]~'"IN SLY INDEX fa NAMES 'e j::' (iC".:.~::: P!Ff-"E,I'!L' C:LF(:!!,: 'ENfER C TO CONTINUE THIS PROCEDURE' U .i. '::' ; J ::::: :3,~!y' "F.::;"'~Tt'::F'::=:; i:,L.:CE;::'T "f::I."F~(iSE i-:i)[i DiJ ')(11';,: F~iCk ;:"F i'i..JF::i-j E~ i) I:) A() L)i- ·1 Li ,'"1 E ,- TO !3TUF:' (iND E:r-)TEf-;:/OUF: CI"jD J CE 'J FiETUF~;i',1 F'HE;3~3 TO 1'!(1 T j\i !"iE:I'\jU' <. HE TU;':,:N ;:':' T LJ '..,"in ~******~************************************************ * * THIS COMMAND ~ILE ADDS RECORDS TO THE AUf OWNERS FILE * .~. ******************************************************** L.L..C(ih DU WHILE UPPER{VAR) 1..J~~.:lE:: nUTUI:':'UL. SEl INDEX TU LNAME 'C' i:. i_!:::(;I::;~ ,:.\ I::' F' E~ i) D 1:':;L.EPlR o 14,13 8~Y 'ENTER C TO CUNrrNUE THIS PROCEDURE' ,:~ .L S , 1.:=;::;;'., '( . t~N rEF~' ::3 TIJ STUF i~\ND RETUF~I'·j rOTllE 1'1A I 1'1 i-IEI'-lU' ~\I..:,~.·[:F'i ';:'!_E{:1;3E :.~.NTEF 'y'OUF: CHOIL:E Pli'..!!) F'F;:E~:;::3 <F;:ETUF:!'·-.I > ~. 'ru \!;':Ir:~: Li'.!!) .- - r,;:.iUP,UTi] 20 -. *+******************************************************* ********************************************************* S!::T T(~U:: UFF: C:l... Er,F;~ D0 WHILE UPPER(VAR) UbE F·(~h:!·1\::'Ui.... SET I i·~DE .:<. "TO ='C' LI~1~:iT C· L. L. {~F: 1::i·>FENU 8A~ 'ENTER C TO CONTINUE THIS PROCEDURE' @16.13 SAY 'ENTER S TO STOP AND RETURN TO MAIN MENU' ~14,1~ :::!L.rE~F' r 'PLE{:i::3E ETHEh F' i~i C.~:: FE Ti.Jb:N f:·.i"·JD .·,.U[)F(,P!'1 - - '{OLJF~ fJ·-lO ICE::; Fh:ESb:: hErl...iFd···~:> ~ TO 'j(iR 21 LOOI<-UP LOGIC 1. CLEAR lHE SCREEN L. OPEN THE FILE ~. OPEN THE INDEX FILE 4. RLINDEX THE INDEX MH I. j\~ ~ILE LUUP ~. CLEARrHE SCREEN 6. MANUAL INPUT OF LAST NAME 7. SEARCH FOR THE APPROPRIATE NAME .- 8. IF END OF THE FILE SCREEN MESSAGE: NAME Nor FOUND 9. ACCEPT A RETURN TO CONTINUE INNER LOOP: DO UNTIL THE CORRECT NAME IS FOUND 11. CLEAR THE SCREEN 12. SCREEN MESSAGES: L::. IF· IT NAME AND BRIEF RECORD DESCRIPTION IS j'.j(JT THE RIGHT PEF;:SON r·ICl\i[ F'U H.ffEF: TCl THE ELSE I·-J[~XT RECORD (RIGHT PERSON IS FOUND) SCREEN DISPLAY OF ENTIRE RECORD (\C:CEj.:>r - [4. (~ HETLJI:::hl CLEAR THE SCREEN TO COI-,-IT n-·HJt::: 22 L5. SCREEN MESSAGE: ASK IF USER WANTS TO CONTINUE PROCEDURE 16. END LOOk-UP PROCEDURE - - 23 LOOK-UP SYSTm5 FLOW START - HOMEOWN LOOKHOJvT.E LOOKAUTO LOOKFARM AUTOPOL FAR-'[POL • - MOH 25 .:..:..;-::..... . ·.... :....... :.~ .;..j . . '. C. Lil'~·if"'!(:lr . .l.L: ! j_·t:r :::::. ! . .I. i~.!~ .. '.~. I. . L::. ~ ...~ i':·: .. 1 ",'··\1 . . i·' ... , : ,-; ~ .... j ::::.E:: .,.:... : ... r~ ...::l .::.:..: :r:" .i. .. ::: ,~ .-:: : : .1 I. ''1 II ' ! 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' " ···I.j ... j.: .. ', ,. .1 ,i, ::: " j, ! '-:' " .1 1 .-:} L.; ':: ' f . i::;~ tJ ;:::. i :: r;· FijL'i·::.r':':A::.i·IL:~i\:1 y' ::-. i "i .i. .... :. ',,:,i:::, t.:.f,i,U~~, :.:jt::. t....:·I._I •.. ' :_ r·. :\ -:' t.'::: i-': C..i Li r" j·-.l ,.--: L:. ': I=' . . . - !:=J ,,\ (~; ,.::! '.~ iL'.(I'· - - - ., ( . .. .' .i. 27 ]. 1 I .. .•. 0 .i. 1. 1 ;,:7 E.~, .,~' . .,. . .l J. ~.::i -q " 1 - .. .L r t:. l 1:::: (,., U .:::;. ;::.! . . ll~! .'~ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 ~ o a:: 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ... I .. .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LI I I I • 29 ***************************************************. .~ ~. .;.;. HilS CUr"1i1f~·tI\!D !:: " I LE LOm:S UP * POLICY FILE. {.":i FECUFW I!'~TljE r::~Ur(J ~. * * ¥: ~************.************************************* t;;f.:.l TALf:: i.JFF CLEAR U:;:iE ~iUrC)F'OL SET INDEX TO LNAME fe'ACi< !v!{.":lf~ ::: r..:; , . Du WHILE UPPERtVAR) = 'C' CLE:r;I": INPUl 'PLEASE ENTER LAST NAME: .[ i··m ;::.J- hULl TO FRUG i~: IF- I:::UF() f::;U:::{-~I:;: ~ SA! 'NAME NOT FOUND' PRESS <RETURN> !U CONTINUE' 1'0 WOP 13,13 ACCEPT 'PLE~SE E.L..~~:,E i.:·:iU~ uP :::: . i\j DO WHiLE - i.~: L E 1':1 . (GUFOP) =N' r< @ /,5 SAY 'IS THIS THE @ 12,5 GET LAST NAME @ 12,24 GET FIRST_NAME @ 12,36 GET CAR_YEAR CORREcr RECURD'~' o 12,39 GET TRADE_NAME BODY_STYLE 'IF SO PLEASE ENTER Y, PRESS ~RETURN>' 'IF NOT PLEASE ENTER N, PRESS <RETURN~ ACCEPT 'PLEASE ENTER YOUR CHOICE: TO GOFOR IF 13UFDF: : : = ' N . @ 12.50 GEl @ 14,5 SAY @ 16,S SAY bf:::IF t~U:;E C:: L E (:'\;::;; (?~ {~! 1,26 SAY 'AUTOMUBILE POLICY INFORMATION' ::: , 1. :,2 SAY 'N(jl'vIE' (i:! J~~ it, ;:3 51;Y' (j C~ (,§ SAY 'POLICY FROM POLICY TO' 'POLICY NUMBER' 'COMPANY' 7.16 SAY 'COVERAGES' 7 , 45 SAY 'DRIVER INFORMATION' S,l SAY 'BODILY INJURY' (3, 26 SAy' '!'h:J::.!"'1I Ul"l~:: ' 9,3 SAy 'LIMIT PER PERSUN' 9,42 SAY 'DRIVER DR TR B-DAY MAR SEX' 10,3 SAY 'LIMIT PER ACCIDENT <f:! 1 0 ;+4 Sfl'!' ~~J 11,1 SAY 'PROPERfY DAMAGE' @ @ (? @ @ (£! (~ .- r~"·ml\~E ' 4,21 4,44 SAY 4,59 SAY '1' - @ 11,26 SAY l2 11 j 44 3?-Y"-( @ 12,3 SAY 'PREMIUM $' ':2' 'LIMIT PER ACCIDENT' 12 ~ 44 UAY ':::;" @ 13,1 SAY 'UNINSURED MUTORIST' @ 13,26 SAY 'PREM[UM $' (~ @ 13~!f4 I~ 14, :::; U!0tY' ~:;AY '4' 'BUD IN.] L I i'! I T F'ET< F'ERf.:.;fJt··j· 'CAR INFORMATION' 'BOD I i'~,J L. I t-I I T PER ACC I DEN',!, ' @ 15,41 SAY 'STATE TERRITORY YEAR TRADE NAME' @ 16,1 SAY 'MEDICAL PAYMENTS' @ 16,26 SAY 'PREMIUM $' @ 14,48 SAY C~ 1:'=:; '1:3 ~3A \' @ @ @ @ @ @ o ~ @ 'D @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 17,3 SAY 'LIMIT PER PERSON' 17,41 SAY 'BODY STYLE ID NUMBER' SAY 'ACTUAL CASH VALUE' 'COMPREHENSIVE' 19,26 SAY 'PREMIUM $' l Q ,41 SAY 'LIEN LIENHOLDER' 20,3 SAY 'DEDUCTIBLE' 21,1 SAY 'COLLISION' 21,26 SAY 'PREMIUM $' 21, iLL S(.i{· SHC)W USE conE:: '3"'i"i/CO~:;T NFJAj 22.3 SAY 'DEDUCTIBLE' 23,1 SAY 'TOWING 23,26 SAY 'PREMIUM $' 24,3 SAY 'LIMIT PER DISABLEMENT' 24,46 SAY 'TOTAL PREMIUM DUE: $' 3.1 GET LAST_NAME 3,18 GET FIRST_NAME 3~29 GET STREET ADD 18,1 1 Q ,3 SAY 4/ 13E:T CITY (<:! ::~;, @ ~!~V (1. :::;. GET STATE ,:.':1 ~5, b:::; i.3ET Z I:::' 1. E;E:T F'HDr\lE (r,~ ~.'5) 2::::: GET FOLC.fF<Dlv, @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 5,34 GET POLC_TO 5)44 GET POLC_N~M 5,59 GET COMPANY 8)35 GET BOD_INJ_PM 9,33 GET BI_LIM_PER 10,33 GET BI_LIM_Ace 10,51 GET DRIVER1 DT 10,57 GET DRIVER1_BD 10,62 GET DRIVER1_MD 10)66 GET ORIVER1 SX 1 11 1 35 GET PR_DAM_PRE :ll,':;'[ (3ET OF' I \.'F~R2 ..._L<T (Si 1 1 I '":j-;:- GET DR I ',..JEr;:2 BD @ l1'i6:~': GE~T DR I 'v't::Fc . )·m (5.! :I. 1 ., (){:) GET DPJl./ER2 ... ~1X (~ .l2 ~ ::;:~: GET F'I) 1._ I ,·1 f~1CC @ - - @ 12,5 7 GET l)h J 'v'Et:;:::' I) r GET DRIVER3_8D @ 12.6~ GET DRIVER3 MD ~ 1~.66 GET DRIVER3 SX 31 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 1:,51 GET DRIVER4_DT 13,57 GET DRIVER4_BD @ 16,62 i':.JET T F': f~i 0 E._ i\~ (; r·1 E 1;', ::;;::;; GEl I1EDF'YL.l M ..- F' (~ 1~.62 l~,ob 14,33 15.33 16,35 16,43 16,50 16,59 GET GET GET GET GET GET GET GET DRIVER4_MD DRIVER4 SX UMBILIM_PR UMBILIM_AC MEDPAY_PRE STATE_CAR TERR_CAR CAR_YEAR (,~ 1f3 ~ 41 GET BODy' ST"'{LE I D..... NUi'iBEh: (~C\JCOr·l .... FRE ~2 () , : :" .:: .;:~o ~ 4 :~~ GET L IEI'~ (~ :~~: ( ) I.·r~ .~. c~ (~:! (~ 18, :';::::' UE'"j , l l~. t.:.i (3 [: ~::. ~::) !?:i :~ -r or -- .. r; !~) i._ i__._ i=' F: E:'-j-'I IE! : :':": :;2 , (~ @ ~::; ::~. C3ET COL.L.. __ DE:D 22," -+4 (3EI" UEiE ._. Cm)~::: ::2, ~::;S:' ClET C.li:::~T ;::,I';CEF'-; t;'ll"ICOE3T TUli~ F'1:';':EiV ! Ti='L I i'i._PERS ,"" 'FL..E:'::iSE F'F-\'ESS -:: RETUhN:> TU CU!''-lT 1. NUE' !U cu,' ENUTF L:::i\4IJDi.J l.:JuFDF CL!:~,~jF' >::.NU J F(°1 1 il ,1.':;' ~:;!.:,/ .' EN rEF LiD C;I..JNT Ij'~UE TH I b F'RUCEDI.JRF:: @ 16,13 SA( 'ENrER S TU STOP AND RETURN TO MAIN MENU ~',U.":EF'i . F'U;::(~bE EI·nEP YOUF\: CHCJ I CE r-:W.JD F'FESF3 ::: nFT·1.JFlo,i >: Er-~D OU "'¥!(i F.: h:F:rUPN END - I_UCJI<P,I..JTD Tel \'i·,q,. 0 N Ol - ._31~ -j j -I l ~ - - ~ - -; ~ J .....j I - - - -- 1] ~l~ --1- -I . i 1 ~~ ~-' - - o N 0 M 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ a ~ 0 00 0 Ol 0 0 - - N - M - MOM ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - 00 - Ol - 0 N _ N N N -l I ~ ] ~ J M N ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ N N N N 1 00 N Ol N 0 M _ M - 33 ********~*********~*~*******~~*************************** FILE LOOVS UP A RECORD IN THE F~RMOWNERS *~ -j(. ~~*****************~************************************* ii::ILf: IJFi·: '':'I_L?jP :.j ~3 E !,:;:'j h fTII::' CJ L. ~3t~r '-=E~ H·!DE:X TU iJ!::3T I f'f~C. I:: '.:' ~~ r~' : : : . C.. IN~UT 'PLEASE ENTER LAST NAME;' TO FIND THIS i HI '::l F L !'-!I.! ;::F Li\i.i.J ~l~.lJ ACCEFT SAY 'NAME NOT FOUND' 'PLEASE PFESS <RETURN> TO CONTINUE' TO SERF t3Lir.:: iJh: .:-:' 1"'1 . 00 W~lLE (GOFoR) ='N' @ 12.5 SAY 'IS TH~ INFURMAllON CURRECT?' LASf_NAME ~ 14!1~ GET FIRST_NAME 0 15.10 5A~ IF SO PLEASE ENTER Y! PRESS <RETURN> ~ 16,10 SAY 'IF NOT PLEASE ENTER N, PRESS <REf URN> (i.~:CFYI F'LE!i~~jE f':'f\!TEh: vDUh: CJ·IU I CE:' Te) GOFDR o la.l _ G~r f:L'::3E C!_LAFi b~Y 'FARM POLICY INFORMATION :;;:::.5 ::3 :(Y/' (~(:;fTIE ' o 9.52 S;{ 'POLICY NUMBER' 8 14.21 SAY 'TOTAL COVERAGE' ~ 6.~9 ii::! ':/. I~ J. 4 ,~'::;4 :3{.Yl ' f::'RE!T! I UI'1 ' @ 10,'; GET LAST_NAME @ 10,30 3ET FIRST NAME @ 10,51 GET POLC NUM ~ i5.24 3El ToT_Co~ @ 15.53 GET PREMIUM ACCEPT 'PLEASE PRESS <RETURN> TO CONTINUE' [::I)DIF r::::N.GIJU r'::iOFiJF c:: L t.~ 1-1 r~.: E(JDIF @ 14,13 S~y ENiER C ~ - ::'! '_L. EFT t.~. ~:,: TO CONrINU~ THIS PROCEDURE 'ENTER S TO srop AND RETURN TO MAIN MENU' ' r' '-_ E.(:, ::::E Lid r i::h: YOUR CHOICE AND PRESS :RETURN~: 16,13 SAY !"! UDU '.) (;, !";' E::.·1 i....I F< :\1 ! ; .. -·L, ., !"!I '. 34 -DELETE 1. . oG I C 1. CLEAR THE SCREEN 2. OPEN THE FILE 3. OPEN THE INDEX FILE REINDEX THE INDEX FILE 4. 5. CLEAR THE SCREEN MANUAL INPUr OF LAST NAME b. SEARCH FOR APPROPRIATE NAME i. - 8. IF' END UF F: ILE ACCEPT A RETURN TO CONTINUE E:.LSE INNER LOOP: 10. DO UNTIL CORRECT NAME IS FOUND IF IT IS No·r THE RIGHT PERSON MOVE THE POINTER TO THE NEXT RECORD EL.SE DELETE THE RECORD END OF INNER LOOP 11. - SCREEI~ MESSAGE: ASK IF USER WANTS TO CONTINUE PROCEDURE END OF MAIN LOOP I'·:' .J... :,." END OF DELETE PROGRAM. RL1URN TO MAIN MENU 35 DELETE SYST»1S FLOW START HOMEOWN AUTOPOL FARHPOL DELHOME DELAUTO DELFARM FRO}! FILE - -- 36 ****************************************************** * * * * * THIS COMMAND FILE DELETES A RECORD FROM THE HOMEOWNERS FILE. * * * ****************************************************** SET TAI. . t::: Ur-r-: CU::i-1F; LJ~3E: HUMEOWi'·./ :3ET I j··.JDEX TO NPli'IES \/(;~F; :::: 'C' DO WHILE UPPER(VAP) :::: 'C' CL.E;:ir;: INPUfPLEASE LAST NAME 1'0 DELETE: ~NTER I C) F I i\lDS F I I'll:) ;:~.F II\mS 1 F' i:~UF ( ) @ 15,13 SAY 'NAME NOT FOUND' 'PLEASE PRESS <RE1URN} 1'0 CONTINUE' TO REW ACCEPf E-:,Ur::'UF< =:: DO WHILE C' lGOFOR) - 'C' CLEAF~ _ @ 12.5 SAy 'IS .:.~ 14, 1 GEf LH:3 THIS THE RECORD fHA" YOU WANlfO DELETE?' r . . N~4ME o 14.15 GET FIRST_NAME SfREET ADD @ 15.10 SAY 'IF SO PLEASE ENTER S. PRESS {RETURN}' @ 16.10 SAY 'IF NOT PLEASE ENTER C. PRESS ~REIUHN} ACCEPT 'PLEASE ENTER YOUR CHOICE:' TO GOFOR IF' 1.3 UF 01:;: "::: .' C . @ 14.25 GEl' :::W:IF' f:'U3E DELE'IE F'(~CI< El"·./D I r:' t:::ND))U GOFClF CL..EPlF-': FI\ID 1 F-C:;LE{~F: @ 14.13 SAY @ 16~13 SAY ACCEPT 'ENTER C TO CONrINUE THIS PROCEDURE' 'ENfER S TO 5fOP 'AND REfURNfO MAIN MENU 'PLEASE ENTER YOUR CHUICE:' TO VAR Fi'lDDD l)r;r, F~ETLIF;N EI'.II)Dl] DELI··jUI·"il:":: - 37 iHi.::::. c•. .+ iJi.-'.jj"'~I:~:I:·;.: L:CI,·ij·'i{·:,I·li) F fLE :::; F:' ILl::'. DFI.,E.TTS ":) F:!~C:i:JFU:' F'F"(Ctj'i Ti·iC r::-p,i:d''!-' ~+- * ~ :::; r:. i i'd_ f: i tl FT i.. :", I .. I~; (.1 I':;; i:': (~lrd-iF'UL 1,"·::.F SET INDE! !U L~Sr !·,:·lC:!:: .i. [.IJF'!~) j' ,.,., , ~';, :~;(:;y i.5 ~Lc~pr '1IAr'IE:: 1'10 T fOUr!.!)' PRESS <RETURN} lU PL~AS~ CUNflNUE i-:.U:·_i;;;: :-: i·.i l. i. C: ( C3CIF 'lJ i-;~ ) ... f~~: t~ L_ L. ('I h (~ L2 .. :.~! :~:l f:i 1 .' J ~3 T H I S f HE i,~ 1'1, 1 (;,ET L.I~:::li ... N(1i·IF~ ' ..IUI-I...;S: J: - 'I ~:,':! t.~JI··1 :UW U F: i'J {~T I D !\iTT·j rYTy 0 U (lJ (i i,j T rU ~ 14.1~ GEr ~Ik61_NAME .i. j " .l t.:' ::;i\y IF SC) ::-~L..!:::~):~:E E:hIIE:F:·,. r::'F:;:j::::~:):3 :: HETI.,iP:·j / ,J i. ~::, " 1. (,:;;Yl . i: F 1'~Clr F'L..E::f·i~1E 1~:iIT!::J:;' i'i., F::'FF:::::;b: h:F~ri.,iFd'i:: .' HL:t~EF' I . j-.'L.,E.P\'::;E:: EI'iTFF' YOU!=,: CHU I i::,E: I U !_-)lJliJF: I j: C,U~Uh:-I'! C' ':::;r.J.i-' t. L. :~-:: I::: U[LEIr.: ('Ie:; f:: 1-'" f.~i'iD l::.l·~ j I:~~: i. IF :1..) [I CJ ~:-.; Cj ;::: Ci I::;.: E (':, F;: !':::i'iij l:~ I.:':L.Li-::;I.., I.~ 1 ct· , :L .':, '~::+:I" ' E.rH E~ F;: f:r i:J I..: U i'l T I t·H.J ;::~n-j 1 '3 !.::, I'm CJ:::. D Lil·':;:::.. 10.1~ S~J ~NTER S 10 sru~ @ ,,:j( .U=i"l E:: ,':j f) C);..l \ . ' i'~:, I:" F:i==:TLiFd·,' ;::.i·::)l.)U LiLU: (-11"':1'1 - ~ND .:: LJ::f-i'::ir.:. Er'jTE::R'/C)UR Ci-'II] 1: C:E: HETUHN IU MAIN MENU <: f:;:EI u!:..~rl .• :: (",hID F'i:;:ESb I> FL. :::TT.: . - ****************************************************** ** * * THIS COMMAND FILE DELETES A RECORD FROM THE AUTOOWNER'S FILE. ** * * ****************************************************** SET TAU-=:: OFF CU::-_~iR U~::3E ~;UTOF'OL. SET INDEX TO LNAME FACk (Vl(~r~: 'C:; :::: DO WHIL.E UPPER (VAR) = 'C' CLEI~R INPUT 'PL.EASE EN1ER LAST NAME OF CL.IENT TO DELETE: TO FIN j="lr",jLI M::"IN IF=- EOF \. ) @ 15,13 SAY 'NAME NOT FOUND' PF:ESS <: RETUI:;;N:> TU (~C:CEPT"" PU:~{i~=.iE CO~H I ~~UE' TO BUD E:L"C.3E GUFDF: :::-, " I"~ " DO WHILE GOFOR - 'N' I::;U.::AF~ SAY 'IS THIS THE RECORD THAT YOU WANT TO DEL.ETE?' 14,5 f.sET U:iST_NAi"1E 14,15 GET ~IRST_NAME 14,25 GET :AR_YEAR 14.28 GET TRADE_NAME 14,36 GET BODY_STYLE 15,10 SAY 'IF SO PLEASE ENTER Y, PRESS <RETURN)' 16,10 SAY 'IF NOT PLEASE ENTER N,PRESS <RETURN}' @ 12,5 -- @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ACCEP"r "PLEA::)E ENTER YOUR C1""ICl I CE:' TO GOFOF: IF GOFDF::': ::: 'j\!' SKIF' EL~3E DELETE F'ACf< EI'~D I F" :::::NDDU GOFOF ::L.EAF L::\!D I !"~ 14,13 SAY 'ENTER C TO CONTINUE THIS PROCEDURE' 16,13 ~Hr 'ENTER S ra STOP AND RETURN TO THE MAIN MENU' ACCEPT 'PLEASE ENTER YOUR CHOICE AND PRESS <RETURN}:' TO VAR @ @ F:E~rUHN END - Dt'::L.I~UTI] 39 EDIT LOGIC 1. CLEAR THE SCREEN 2. OPEN THE FILE 3. OPEN THE INDEX FILE 4. REINDEX THE INDEX FILE !"IAIN UJOP 5. CLEAR THE SCREEN 6. MANUAL INPUf OF LAST NAME 7. SEARCH FOR [HE APPROPRIATE NAME 9. IF END OF FILE SCREEN MESSAGE: NAME NOT FOUND ACCEPf A RETURNfO CONllNUE ELSE INNER LOOP: DO UNTIL CORRECT NAME IS FOUND 10. CLEARfHE SCREEN 11. SCREEN MESSAGE: 12. IF IT NAME AND BRIEF RECORD DESCRIPTION IS NOT THE RIGHT PERSON MOVE THE POINTER TO THE NEXT RECORD ELSE E~D If "rI-"IE HEeDFUl CLEAR THE SCREEN END OF INNER LOOP - 13. SCREEN MESSAGE: ASK IF USER WANTS TO CONTINUE PROCEDURE -----------~---- - 40 END OF MAIN LOOP 14. END OF EDiT PROGRAM 1~. ,- RETURN TO THE MAIN MENU 41 EDIT SySTUIS FLmv START HOMIDWN AUTOPOL FAR1POL CHGHOME CHGAUTO CHGFARM: RECORD - 42 - ****************************************************** .;.:. * THIS COMMAND FILE EDITS A RECORD IN THE HOMEOWNER 5* 'liF I '-_E. 'iIi- ~. 11 ***************************+************************** ~,f~T TCLk DFF C-i.._E(4R .JSE HOI-'1E C) 1,"-' hi SET INDEX TO NAMES '·,.',';1:;: :::: 'C' DO WHILE UPPER(VAR) ='r' CLE(~r;' INPUT 'PLEASE ENTER LAST NAME OF CLIENT TO CHANGE: TO EDR F I i\~O ;~<E OF' I f:- E:JJF ( ) C:L.i:;::r::i!::;: '~AME NOT FOUND' ACCEPT 'PLEASE PRESS (RETURN> @ 15,13 bAY i~:i C) F~ 0 h: ::::: DO WHILE - TO CONTINUE' ro poss .C (GOFORl ~ 'C' i::LFi:':',f;: @ 12,5 SAY . [8 THIS THE RECORD THAT YOU WANT 're) 14,1 GEf LAST_NAME @ 14.15 bET FIRST_NAME o 14,25 eET STREET_ADD o 15.10 SAY IF SO PLEASE ENTER 8 1 PRESS <RETURN)' @ 16,10 SAY 'IF NOT PLEASE ENTER C, PRESS <RETURN)' (iCC:E:F'T' F'L._E~P!:3E EI"\jTEr-;: YOUR CHCJ I CE: TD GDFOF' ~ r:- (3 C) F' CJ F: --'3r<IP FL'::iE I . c; . ::DIT END I F: ENDDO C)iJFOR CLEHP EI'~D IF @ 14,13 SAY 'ENTER C TO CONTINUE THIS PROClDURE' @ 16.13 SAY 'ENTER S TO STOP AND RETURN ru fHE MAIN MENU i)ICCEF'T- r:'L.E::{:i~3E E!\~TEF: VDIJ~~ CHiJ I CE AND F'nE::>.3 <F'E:rur;:N:> ~' TjJ E;:~r-~['DU \')(iF::': F\:E'rURN 1:~.r·JDDU - CHI.:3HUI'1E V;::ii:~~ 43 - ****************************************************** * * * THIS COMMAND FILE EDITS A RECORD FROM THE AUTOWNERS* * FILE. * *~**************************************************** :~;c,T TAL!< UF:F C:I._EI;F~ LJf)[: nUTUF'OL SET INDEX TO LNAME F''''ICi<. ')AI::;: 0= 'C' DU WHILE UPPER(VAR) = 'e' CLE{-ih I i)F'Ur .l 'F·.oLEAL;E Ej'-·HLF LAt3T ;~,:E:: j::: ll"ll) !H~I""IL: OF CL I ErH Tij C!'i(~r)Ut:~ ~ TfJ ED D F E.en: ( ) CLEAF (~ i 5, 1.5 51::;\' EL.:3E:: UCJFCW! ::::: DO \\ii i I 'j\jPd"'!E Nell FOUl"!!)" 'PLEASE PRESS <RETURN> TO CONTINUE' TO POLO ACCEPT u.:: "r··.;" (C:;'JFm;.') ::::: .N . CL..F~:Ai:: ,'.- 'IS THIS THE RECORD THAT YOU WANT 14,1 GET LAST_NAME @ 14,19 GET FIRST NAME @ 14,30 GET CAR YEAR @ 12,5 Spy TO ~0IT? ~ @ 14,~3 @ 14,41 li l J ~:;, 1. 0 @ 16,10 i':ICCEF! TRADE_NAME GET BODY_STYLE S(f{ 'I F:' SO ENTEJ~: y 'I !::'F~EEl~::' <: h:E:TI.JI:;.:N >. SAY 'IF NOT ENTER N, PRESS <RETURN>' GET . F'LE{.':iSE IF i3DFm;: -.,. Sr:::I F' ENTEF;: ,(OUR CI-·IO ICE::' TCJ i.3CJFDF "N' a_SE:: EDT'/, EtJDIF ENf.)f)O UC)FOF: Li .. EAF;" []\W I;: @ 14,13 SAY 'ENTER C TO CUNTINUE THIS PROCEDURE' @ 10,13 SAY 'ENTER ~ TO STOP AND RETURN TO MAIN MENU AL:LEFl' 'FLEr::.iSE ENTF.'::F;':·{UUF CHOICE PIi"m Ph:ESS <F:;,>t::TUF.:r,!>:' E:.!'mOU \)AH F~: Ei L! R l\l f~!"jl)DO - CH(~IHUTO fO «(ii·,: 44 _ ';;"~·*·*"*-li·**~·~·~·**'*"iI:·-~·~'iI!·,~-li'-li·-li·*·iE'"J\·-li·-lt·-li·-)i.***.li--)oi ..)\.**-l;i.*."..".*.jri.**,*.*-li..*.*-li.*.lj.** .*" * THIS COMMAND FILE IS USED TO EDIT A RLCORD IN FARM POLICY FILE. * * * THE "* ~~**************************************************** ~;f::' T{'Li<. IJFF i C L L~_ ,::, j=' U~·:iE·. F {.;m'iF'UL SET INDEX TO LAST I::: ('lL:k DO WHILE UPPER (VAR) = 'C' CLE()h: INPUT 'PLEASE ENTER LAST NAME OF CLIENT i:': L r·m U:::L!' { If·· TO CHANGE: TO LDV E:C)F ( ) i.; L_ i:;'~ {.:, H ~ 1~,13 ACCEPT SAY '~AME NOT FOUND' 'PLEASE PRESS <RETURN} TO CONTINUE' 10 JUNY £:-_:"-'::3E bL!F(JF~: ::::' N ' DO WHILE (GOFeR) = 'N' C:'_[i~f~: @ 12?5 SAY 'IS fHIS THE RECORD THAr YOU WAN] TO EDIT? LAST_NAME @ 14,15 GEl FIRST NAME @ 15,10 SAY 'IF SO 'ENTER Y, PRESS <RETURN}' @ 16.10 ~AY 'IF NOT ENTER N, PRESS <RETURN)' ACCEPT 'PLEASE ENTER YOUR CHOICE:' TO GOFOR ~_. ~ 14,1 GE! IF' IjIJFfJh: .;;.: "!'~' E.n I r Ei)DIF t~NUDU ~ ~4,13 o lA.13 (,IJFF'T - i..:,CJF UF: SAY 'ENTER C TO CONTINUE THIS PROCEDURE' SAY 'ENTER S TO STOP AND REf URN TO MAIN MENU' 'PLE~iSE~ :::r'nEF vOUf-;: CHUICE: ANi) F'RE:::::,9 <.h:E:TUFi\!>~ 'TeJ \/i:,F< 45 CONCLUSION I b€·?l i f~ve. t.hat th is Honor's Trlf:;;si s has be:en and rewardinq in many aspects. to become the of computers--the could be computer \l'Jor k to show that they will be well pt··oduct that microcomputer. can be Ser.:ond. 1 to future pleased. i rHJepEmdent now have And 1 nQW belleve sample ~ of mv which 1 am '::;ur·r:' have produced a +ee1 t.h.::•. t used for study project will ·tDI~ me. I prove useful c: omE"~. • - I a emplovers. ot last aspect has been very rewarding thi s 1 have had the opportunity a very efficient microcomputer programmer. as result of my experience. '- i ntETE-?st i nq familiar with and qain much needed knowledge about the qenerati~n that. I First, \iel~V dCJi nq in the years to - '-