Competitive Review Questions:

Competitive Review Questions:
1. The name given to the waves traveling through the earth’s interior is___________.
2. The instrument used to detect these waves is called a __________________.
3. P-waves compress and ______________.
4. S-waves move _____________to________________.
5. ______________waves register first on a seismograph?
6. The _____________is the layer of the earth composed of mostly iron and nickel.
7. Which layer of the core remains solid?
8. The ____________________is the thickest layer of the earth.
9. This layer is nearly all iron.
10. Oceanic crust is (more) or (less) dense than continental crust
11. The theory of ___________________ _________ is the belief that the earth is a dynamic planet with
the continents in constant motion.
12. The name given to the supercontinent believed to exist before the continents separated was _________.
13. ______________is molten rock beneath the Earth’s surface.
14. ______________is molten rock above the Earth’s surface.
This is the shape of a __________volcano.
This is the shape of a __________volcano.
17. When two plates move towards each other the boundary is called a _____________boundary.
18. When two plates move away from each other the boundary is called a _____________boundary.
19. A caldera is a very large _________________________.
20. Yellowstone and Hawaii are examples of _________ _________which are volcanoes that are not on
the fault between two plates.
21. Convergent boundaries lead to ______________zones, which are common places to find volcanoes.
22. Divergent boundaries lead to _____ _________ on land and _____ _______ ___________(3 words)
on the ocean floor.
23. The ___ ______ _______ (in California) is a _____________fault and is characterized by its
horizontal movement.